812 Ancient India
812 Ancient India
812 Ancient India
The pre-historic period in the history of mankind can roughly be dated from
2,00,000 BC to about 3500 2500 BC, when the first civilization began to
take shape.
The first modern human beings or Homo Sapiens set foot on the Indian
Subcontinent somewhere between 2,00,000 BC and 40,000 BC and they soon
spread through a large part of the subcontinent including peninsular India.
They continuously flooded the Indian subcontinent in waves of migration
from what is present day Iran.
The primitive people moved in groups of few families and lived mainly on
hunting and gathering.
The age when the pre-historic man began to use stone for utilitarian purpose
is called as the Stone Age.
Wheat and barley were the first cereals grown by Indians.
The name India was derived from the rivername Sindhu which is also known
as Indus.
India was originally considered as a part of a larger area called Jambu-dvipa
(The continent of Jambu tree)
The stages in mans progress from Nomadic to settled life are
1. Primitive Food collecting stage or early and middle stone ages or
2. Advanced Food collecting stage or late Stone Age or Mesolithic
3. Transition to incipient foodproduction or early Neolithic
Vedic Age is the period of Aryans in India from 1500 - 600 BC.
Vedic Period is mainly classified into two - Early Vedic Period (1500 B.C. 1000 B.C.) and Later Vedic Period (1000 B.C. - 600 B.C.).
The Aryans were semi-nomadic pastoral people who originally inhabited the
area around the Caspian Sea in Central Asia.
The word Aryans comes from ari which in the Vedic times meant
foreigners or strangers.
Vedas are the oldest literary works of mankind. Vedas are four in number,
they are Rig Veda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharva Veda. Rig veda is the
oldest veda.
Vedas are collectively known as Sruti
Vedangas are collectively known as Smriti
Inorder to understand the vedic literature it was necessary to learn
Vedangas or the limbs of Vedas.
The Vedic Liter ature consists of the Samhitas, (the Rig, Yajur, Sama and
Atharva veda). Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads. It includes the Vedangas,
Sutras, and Upavedas.
The word Veda is derived from the word vid which means
There are 1028 hymns in Rigveda. It is divided into ten Mandalas (Chapters).
Rig Vedic Hymns sung by priests were called Hotris.
Rigveda starts with the line Agnimeele Purohitam
Famous Gayatri Mantra is contained in the Rigveda (It is believed to have
composed by Vishwamitra)
Yajurveda deals with sacrifices and rituals.
Yajurvedic hymns are meant to be sung by priests called Adhavaryu.
Yajurveda is derived into two:
SuklaYajurveda (White Yajurveda)
and Krishna Yajur Veda (Black
Sama Veda deals with Music.
Sama Vedic hymns are meant to be
sung by priests called Udgatri.
Atharva veda is a collection of spells
and charms. Ayurveda is a part of
Atharva Veda, which deals with
The saying, War begins in the
minds of men is from Atharva Veda.
The 10th Mandala of Rigveda contain the Purusha Sukta hymn which tells
about the origin of caste system.
Upanishads are 108 in number. Upanishads are philosophical works.
Upanishads are known as the Jnanakantas of Vedas.
The words Sathyameva Jayate have been taken from Mundaka Upanishad
Brahdaranya Upanishad was the first to give the doctrine of Transmigration of
Soul and Karma.
Vedangas are six in number.
They are,
Siksha - Phonetics
Kalpa - Rituals
Vyakarana - Grammar
Nirukta - Etymology
Chhanda - Metrics
Jyotisha - Astronomy
Puranas are the part of Smriti literature. They are 18 in number 6
Vishnupuranas, 6 Sivapuranas and 6 Brahmapuranas.
Bhagavata purana is divided into 18 skandas. The 10th skanda mentions
about the childhood of Sri Krishna.
Skanda purana is considered as the largest purana.
Brahmapurana is also known as Adipurana.
Adhyatma Ramayana is included in the Brahmanta purana.
Cattle was the chief measure of wealth in the vedic period.
Rigvedic tribe was referred to as Jana .
Many clans (vis) formed a tribe.
The basic unit of society was kula or the family and Kulapa was the head of
the family.
Vishah were members of Samitit.
Important tribal assemblies of the Rig Vedic period were Sabha, Samiti,
Vidhata and Gana.
Indra was the greatest God of Aryans and Agni occupied second position.
The Vedic God in charge of truth and moral order was Varuna.
Indra who was known as Purandara was the god of war and rain.
Varuna was God of water and Yama was the Lord of dead.
Savitri was a solar diety to whom the famous Gayatri Mantra is attributed to.
Prithvi was Earth Goddess.
The people called Panis, during the Vedic period were cattle breeders.
The two priests who were prominent during the Rig Vedic period were
Vasishta and Viswamitra.
The battle of ten kings mentioned in the Rig Veda was fought on the division
of water from river Ravi. It was fought on the banks of River Ravi (Parushni).
The term for war in Rigveda 7 is Gavishthi or search for cows.
The term Aghanya or not to be killed has been used for cow, This indicated
cows economic importance.
The Aryans were semi-nomadic Nordic Whites, perhaps located originally on
the steppes of southern Russia and Central Asia, who spoke the parent
language of the various Indo-European languages. Aryans, or more specifically
Indo-Aryans, make their first notable appearance in history around 2000-1500
BC as invaders of Northern India. The Aryans were remarkably expansionist,
and almost everywhere they went they conquered and subjugated the
indigenous peoples, imposing their languages and (to varying degrees) their
religious beliefs on the natives, and receiving in turn contribution s from the
peoples whom they conquered. The word Aryan meant one who live in high
family or who lives on agriculture.
Later Vedic Period
The period assigned to Later Vedic Phase is 1000 BC to 600 BC.
Later Vedic people used particular type of pottery called Painted Grey Ware
The Later Vedic Aryans were familiar with two seas, the Arabian Sea and the
Indian Ocean.
Rice became the staple diet of Indian people during the Later Vedic Period.
In addition to agriculture and cattle rearing, trade and industry also gradually
Growth of big cities like Ayodhya, Indraprastha and Mathura were seen.
Origin of Kingship is found in Aitareya Brahmana.
The term Rashtra which indicates territory first appeared in the later vedic
Women enjoyed freedom and respect but their status deteriorated compared
to the early vedic period.
Mention of the word Sudras - Rigveda (10th Mandala)
Mention of the Gotra is found in the Atharvaveda.
Origin of Kingship is found in Aitareya Brahmana.
Soma was an intoxicating drink mentioned in the 9th Mandala of the Rig
Mention of the word Varna is found in Rigveda.
The fourfold division of the society is found in the 10th Mandala of the
Mention about the Varnashramadharma is found in the Jabla Upanishad.
The Doctrine of Trimurti is found in the Maitrayani Upanishad.
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Mention about the origin of Universe is found in the Rig Veda (10th Mandala).
Purohita, Senani and Vrajapati were the important functionaries who assisted
the king in dayto- day administration.
The officer who enjoyed authority over the pastoral land was called Vrajapati.
The kings power increased during the Later Vedic Period.
Importance of assemblies declined
A regular army was maintained for the protection of the kingdom.
First law giver of ancient India was Manu. He wrote Manusmrithi.
Manusmrithi was translated into English by William Jones.
Shyama Shastri translated Arthasastra into English.
Bali was a tax, which the king used to collect from the people of the Vedic
Aryans used iron for the first time in India.
Horse, Iron, Sugarcane, Pulses etc. reached India by the coming of Aryans.
The God who occupied supreme position in the Later Vedic Period was
Rudra was regarded as preserver and protector of the people.
The most important functionary who assisted the Vedic king was Purohita.
Monarchy was the normal form of Government in the vedic period.
Each Tribal republic was headed by Ganapati or Jyeshta.
The Vedic Education system revealed through Frog Hymn in the Rigveda
and Wedding Hymn describe the oldest marriage rituals.
Max Mullar was the first person to speak of Aryans as a race.
Original Home of Aryans
Central Asia ------------- Max Muller
Tibet --------------------- Dayanand Saraswati
Bactria ------------------- J.C. Rod
Arctic Region ----------- B.G. Tilak
Russian Steppes -------- Prof. Belfy
Central India ------------ Rajbali Pandey
Sapta Sindhu ------------ A.C. Das
German Plain ------------ Prof.Penka
Pamirs -------------------- Mayor
Kashmir ------------------ L.D.Kala
Turkistan ---------------- Hurz Feld
Hinduism has two epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Mahabharata was written by Vyasa.Mahabharata is also known as
Jayasamhita, Satasahasri Samhita and the fifth veda.
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The greatest work of the Tamil literature of the Sangam Age is Tholkappium
written by Tholkappiyar.
Tholkappium is considered as the earliest surviving Tamil literary work. It is a
book on Tamil grammar.
The Capital of the Pandyas was at Madurai.
Korkai was the main seaport of the Pandyas.
Megasthanese described Pandya Kingdom as Pearl as it was ruled by
Nedujezhian is the Pandyan king mentioned in Silappadikaram.
Another king was Madaranjeral Irumporai who sent embassies to Roman
emperor Augustus and performed Vedic sacrifices.
Uraiyur was the capital of Cholas, known for cotton trade.
Karikala most prominent among early Cholas is known as the master of
seven notes of music.
The founder of later Cholas was Rajaraja I The most important ruler of this
dynasty was Rajendra Chola.
Rajendra Chola is also known as Gangaikonda Chola He later named his
capital as Gangaikonda Cholapuram.
RajaRaja I built
temple at
Cholas were well
known for their
supremacy and
efficient village
Vanchi was the
capital of
The greatest of
the Chera rulers
Senguttuvanchera known as Red Chera.He built a temple for Kannagi.
The famous Chera port Muziris was a great centre of Indo-Roman Trade.
Nedumjeraladan is the first known Chera king. He had earned the title of
'Udiyanjiral'. He also bore the title of 'Imayavaramban' .
The Cheras owed its importance to trade with the Romans. They also build a
temple of Augustus there.
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The Thripitakas
The first Buddhist Council at Rajagraha codified the teachings of the Buddha
in Pali language called the Thripitakas i.e.
1. The Vinaya Pitaka the evolution of the Sanga the monastic rules for the
life, of the monks and nuns.
2. The Sutta- Pitaka - the Buddhist ethics, philosophy growth of Buddhism
and contemporary Socio- economic and political condition of North India of
the time.
3. Abhidhama - Pitaka Metaphysical principles underlying the Buddhist
The 2500th Anniversary
A Buddhist Council was held in Rangoon (Yangon) from May 1954 to May 1956
to commemorate the 2500th anniversary of the death of the Buddha.
The Five Buddhas:: Krakucchanda, Kanakamuni, Kasyapa, Sakyamuni,
Kingdoms registered a centralised government with the Kings Sovereignty as
its basis. The ruling family became a dynasty, succession became hereditary.
King assisted by ministers, advisory Councils such as Sabha, Samithi,
Parishad etc.
Clan loyalty weakened in the kingdom; caste loyalties and loyalty to the king
became prominent. Kshatriyas became the ruling family.
Kashi, Kossala and Magadha were rival Kingdoms to get control over the
Gangetic plain.
The battle for political supremacy among Kasi, Kosala and Magadha and the
Gana - Sangha of Vrijji finally made Magadha the Victorious one.
The core of the kingdom was the area of Bihar south of the Ganges.
Its first capital was Rajagriha (modern Rajgir) then Pataliputra (modern
Brahadratha, Jarasandha and Ripunjaya were referred as the earliest rulers of
By about 543 B.C. Bimbisara of the Haryanka Kula founded a dynasty.
He made matrimonial alliance with the Madra, Kossala and Vaisali and
defeated Brahmadatta of Anga.
He devoted the Park Veluvana to the Buddha and Patronised Buddhism.
His son Ajathasathru, after killing him, came to power.
He married the daughter of Presenajith, Vajira.
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The Nandas succeeded Sisunagas. Their greatest king was
Mahapadmananda. He conquered Kalinga and brought an image of Jaina as a
victor trophy. He claimed to be Ekarnath (the sole sovereign)
Dhanananda: known as Agrammes to the Greeks. Alexander invaded western
India during his reign. He had a large army. He was extremely unpopular due
to his greed for wealth. The Nandas built the first empire in India. They were
the first of a number of non- Kshatriya ruling dynasties.
Historical writing
Harshacharita - Written by Banabhatta
Vikramanakadeva charita - written by Bilhana.
The Persians and Greeks
A Little before 530 BC Cyrus, the Achaeminid emperor of Persia received
tributes from the tribes of Kamboja, Gandhara and the trans Indus area.
Till 330 BC the regions west of Indus belonged to the Greeks.
In 518 BC Darius I grandson of Cyrus, captured the Indus Valley and made it
20th Satrapy
Darius III was defeated by Alexander in the battle of Arbela.
The outstanding result of Persian attack was the Kharoshti script.
In 336 BC Alexander occupied the Macedonian Kingdom
By 327 BC he entered into North West India. Condition of North India was as
(1) Most of North India was occupied by the Nandas of Magadha (2) West of
Sutlej ruled by small republics and tribes (3) North West of India was under
Asvayana and Asvakayana tribes (4) between the Indus and Jhelum Kingdom of Taxila or Takshashila ruled by Ambhi (5) between the Jhelum and
the Chenab, the kingdom of Puru or Porus.
Then the Malloi, Siboi and Oxdrakia in Punjab etc.
Natyashastra by Bharatamuni is the earliest known work in Sanskrit.
Malavikagnimithram, Vikramorvashiyam and Abhinjana Sakuntalam are
dramas written by Kalidasa.
Ratnavali, Nagananda and Priyadarshika are dramas written by
Alexanders Invasion
Alexander was born in 356 BC as the son of King Philip II of Mascedonia.
Epirus or Olympias was Alexanders mother.
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Vishnugupta) the
last Nanda
throne in BC
last days at
about 300
India for
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Bhaga (Kings share, 1/6 of the produce) and Bali (an additional Cess) Vishti
( tax paid in labour) and Senabhagam (tax by army) Taradaya (Ferry dues)
were main revenue sources.
Empire was divided into provinces such as Taxila, Tossali, Kaussambi and
The Mauryas introduced stone masonry on large scale.
Fragments of stone pillars and stumps indicating the existence of an 80 pillar
hall have been discovered at Kumrahar on outskirts of Patna.
The causes of decline the Empire were; the policy of Asoka, the scramble
for power the continuous famine, the Bureaucracy and lack of authority.
The cult of Vasudeva or Krishna (Heracles in Greek) and Arjuna were
worshiped. Religious tolerance was present. Asoka summoned the third
Budhist Council at Pataliputra, the Mauryan Age produced the Ramayana and
the Mahabharatha and promoted the six systems of Indian philosophy and
finally the Mauryans helped to develop a systematised Chronology of India.
The Fourteen Major Rock Edicts (MRE) of Asoka
1st MRE - Prohibition of animal slaughter
2nd MRE - Mention of places of Cholas Satyaputras and Keralaputras
3rd MRE - Asokas directions to Pradeshikas, Yuktas and
Rajukas for Propagation of Dharma (Dhamma)
4th MRE - Impact of Dhamma an Society
5th MRE - Appointments of Dhamma mahamathas
6th MRE - Measures for the Welfare of the people.
7th MRE - Propagation of peace, faith and balance of mind.
8th MRE - Asokas visit to Bodhi tree.
9th MRE - Stress on ceremony of Dhamma
10th MRE - Gives a detailed account of Asokas desire to gain popularity for
11th MRE - Appraisal of Dhamma.
12th MRE - Promotion to religion of different faith.
13th MRE - The largest of all Rock Edicts. Victory over Kalinga references about
Greek rulers such as Antiochus, Ptolemy Antigonus, Megas and Alexander ;
mentions of important castles Kambhoja, Nabhkas, Pittinik Andhra and Parindas
14th MRE - Nature of all other Rock Edicts.
Queens Edict - Mentions the Queen Karuvaki and Asokas Son Tivara Karuvaki
Quandhar Edict - The only bilingual edict which tells that the fishermen and
hunters gave up hunting.
Categories of Asoka's Inscription
Bhabru - Conversion to Buddhism.
Barabar Hills - Enjoins toleration.
Tarai Pillars - Respect to Buddhism.
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Most ancient . Influenced by
religious practices.
Adornes Ashokan Edicts
--Rampurva, Sarnatha
Buddhist religious
Carved Railings
Adornes Stupas
Gandhara Art
Orissa School
Development of Shikharas
Vijaya Nagar
Nayak School
Erotic sculpture
Temple complex
School (Vesara)
Mt Abu
Pallava School
Chola School
Indo- Islamic
Monolithic temples
Gopurams or Gates
Mathura School
Hindu Art
Pala School
Hoyasala Art
Vidisa, Deogarh, Tigawa,
Eran, Aihole, Rajgriha
Aihole, Pattdakal
The Administration
Monarchy was the form of Government.
The Guptas believed in the Divine Right theory of Kingship.
The ruled followed the policy of benevolent despotism.
There was a highly organised civil and military service.
The Mantriparishad assisted the King.
The Empire was divided into Bhuktis under Uparikas, Vishayas under
Vishayapathis and Gramas under Gramikas.
There was town administration with Purapala or Mayor as head.
Pushtapala was a notary and keeper of records.
Kumaramatyas were the most important officers.
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Vijayalaya was the founder of the Chola empire. He was a feudatory of the
Pallavas of Kanchi.
Raja Raja I (985 - 1014) adopted the titles of Arumudivarman,
Mammudicholadeva, Jaykonda, Marthanda Chola, Mamudi chola etc.
He built the Brihadeshwara temple at Tanjaore. which is called the
RajaRajeswara temple.
Rajendra I led an expedition to North India, defeated the Pala ruler Mahipala I
and adopted the title, Gangaikondachola and established a new Capital,
Gangai Konda Cholapuram.
Cholas maintained a well established local - self government system. Ur,
Sabha or Mahasabha - and Nagaram were the assemblies for local
The Uttaramerur inscription of Dantivarman Pallava gives details about the
local self government.
Kulottunga I united the Vengi kingdom with Chola empire. He got the land
Kamban adorned his court. He wrote the Tamil Ramayana.
In the second quarter of the 7 Cent. North India, the Deccan and South India
developed into three imperial zones under Harshavardhana, Pulikesi II the
Chalukya, and Pallava Rulers Mahendra Varman I and Narasimhavarman I.
The lands south of the Narmada are known as Deccan or Dakshinapada.
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The Gangas minted gold coins with the impression of Elephants and floral
designs on each side.
Bharavi was the Court poet of Durvinita.
The Kadambas -3rd to 6th C - of Banavasi came to prominence under
Mayura sarma.
Ravi Varma was the last great ruler.
The royal insignia of the Kadambas were the lion crest, the monkey flag and
the musical instrument Permatti
The Chalukyas (6th to 8th C and 10th to 12 C) belonged to various units.
From the chronological point of view the Chalukyas can be divided into four ;
1. The Chalukyas of Vatapi 535- 642 AD
2. The later Chalukyas of Vatapi 655 - 753 AD.
3. Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi 615 - 1076 AD
4. Later Western Chalukyas of Kalyani 973 - 1190 AD
Pulikesin I was the founder of the Early Chalukyas of Vatapi or Badami.
Pulikesin II (610 - 642AD) is regarded as the Lord of the South. He had titles
such as Vallabha, Prithivi Vallabha, Sri Prithivi Vallabha and
Parameswara Paramabha gavata.
He defeated the Pallava ruler Mahendra Varman I but his end was at the
hands of the Pallava King Narasimha Varman.
Hiuen - Tsang visited Deccan during his period.
The Later Chalukyas rose to power under Vikramaditya I
Vinayaditya I (681-696), Vijayaditya (696-733) Vikramaditya II (734 - 745)- he
repulsed the Arabs from coming to Deccan and Kirthivarman II (746 - 757)
were other rulers.
The Rashtrakudas under Krishna I over powered the Later Chalukyas.
The Kalyani Chalukyas came to power under Tailapa II or Taila after defeating
Amogha Varsha IV the Rashtrakuda King.
Somesvara I, 1042 -1068 AD, killed the Chola ruler Rajadhiraja I.
Rajendra Chola killed Somesvara I
Vikramaditya IV Tribuvanamalla (1076 -1126) the greatest of the Western
Chalukyas, started the Chalukya-Vikrama Kala or Era i.e ; 1076 AD.
The Hoysalas under Vira - Ballala I destroyed the Chalu kyas of Kalyani during
the reign of Jagadekamalla.
The Eastern Chalukya (Vengi) was established by Kubja Vishnu Vard hana
(615 - 633) brother of Pulikesin II.
Vijayaditya I (746 - 764) and Vijayaditya III (844 -888) were important rulers.
Rajendra Chola II united Vengi to his kingdom.
Bilhana and Vijnaneswara (author of Mithakshara) ador ned the Court of
Vikramaditya II.
The Aiholi inscription of Pulikesin I was written by Ravikirthi, the Jaina scholar.
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Aiholi temples, particularly the Virupaksha temple at Patta dakal, are the best
examples of Chalukyan style of Archite cture.
The Rashtrakutas of Malkhed (750-982) was founded by Dantidurga by 750
He got Maharashtra from Kirthivarman.
Krishna I built the Kailasanatha temple at Ellora.
Govinda III, 794-814, defeated the confederation of 12 rulers formed by the
Ganga Governor, the Chera Chola Pandya rulers and Danti Varman, the
Pallava king.
Amoghavarsha Is (814 - 878) reign was famous for literary developments. He
wrote Kavirajamarga. Jinasena, under him, wrote Adipurana and Mahavira
charya wrote Ganitha Sara Samgraha.
Sulaiman, the Arab traveller, described Amoghavarsha as one of the four
great rulers of the world.
Krishna III (940-968) was the last great ruler who became the lord of the
Taila II overthrew the Rashtrakuta power.
Rashtrakuta Princess partici pated in administration.
They had two kinds of Admini stration ; i.e., one for the vassal states and the
other for directly ruled areas.
Land tax was called Udranga or Bhogakara, It was of the produce.
They issued five kinds of coinsdramma, Suvarna, Gadhyanaka (gold), Kalanju
(gold) and Kasu (gold)
The Hoysala dynasty (1027 - 1343) was founded by Sala or Nripakama.
The first prominent king Ballala I (1100 - 1106) transferred the capital from
Sosevur to Belur.
Vishnu Vardhana (1106 -1152) conquered Talakad and had the title
Taladugonda. He made Dvarasamudra the main capital.
Ramanuja influenced him to become a Vaishanvite and reject Jainism.
He built a Jaina temple for Vidyadeva, the Jaina logician. Ballala II (1173
-1220) supported the Cholas against the Pandyas.
Vira Ballala IIs (1291-1342) period witnessed Malik Kafurs Plunder of the
kingdom in 1310.
The following minor states rules the Deccan.
Western Deccan-The Abhiras They started an Era in 249 AD.
The Sakas of Mahishakas.
The Soma Vamsis and
The Bhojas and The Silaharas.
The Nalas
Andhra - Ikshvakus
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Karas and
The Matharas
The Vasishthas
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