Software Requirement Specification DDCDSS in Oncology

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Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology

Chapter 6
Software Requirement


OncoSys is developed to make the Oncologists work easy by automating the

manual method of capturing patient information during their visit. Also organizing and indexing the scattered knowledge available among a group of Oncologists in a hospital. The software should be designed to capture patient therapy information from Oncologists and demographic information from clerks of
the hospital. It should also include documents uploading, search engine with
crawler which parses and indexes contents of these offline documents or online
web documents. Crawler should be authenticated before indexing the contents
of any website. This software also provides customization of crawler by specifying the number of levels of scanning. Crawler should display necessary user
friendly messages while it is in progress. OncoSys should also provide case
base wherein various statistical data of patients over a period of time should
be available to Oncologists. It enables Oncologists to update their medication

Health Information Management


MCOAHS, Manipal

Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology

and treatment policy. These statistical data should be in printable form. The
software should be able to handle the most complex tasks in friendly manner.


Product Features


General Description

OncoSys is a web application to create and manage cancer patients health

information and knowledge base with the search engine for Oncologists at
cancer hospital. It also includes case base to present various statistical reports
done on patient database.


The purpose for developing this type of product is to facilitate Oncologists at

cancer hospital.


The scope of OncoSys is within a hospital i.e. it should be accessed through

intranet within the hospital. Registered users must be able to login their
accounts, after approved by administrator, accessing the OncoSys application
and signing with their username and password anytime.


OncoSys - System for Oncology


As the OncoSys is able to have a user interface, it should have menus to

navigate across the site. A profile form has to be provided to store each
Health Information Management


MCOAHS, Manipal

Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology

individuals profile and load them when the user signs in to the application.
It should provide the oncologists the upload tool to upload the contents and
allow adding URLs to scan and index for search engine. As an administrator,
it should allow them in monitoring user activities. As a developer, it should
make user interface which is user friendly.


Overall Description

Product Perspective

OncoSys will be integrated with Hospital Information System (Cancer Hospital) thereby making it a Decision Support System for Oncologists of cancer
hospital. OncoSys should be able to provide a basic and easy way to collect
data and search their content. It should be able to capture the patients
visit to
hospital and retrieve their past history if required. It should have a knowledge
base and facility to write articles with formatting tools available to all the

Product Functions

The following are the functions of the OncoSys:

Patient Information OncoSys will provide web based forms to capture

patient health information from the therapies given. These forms will be
processed and served as the history of the patients treatments over a period
of time.

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MCOAHS, Manipal

Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology


HRN, Date of Visit, Medication/Treatment Information


Data is stored in several tables based on kind of information


Show record in non-editable method

Table 6.1: Patient Information

Knowledge Base: The system will provide UI for Oncologists to upload

and unload documents like doc, pdf, ppt etc. Indexing these documents will
be done automatically. It will be provided with features to send and receive
message and write custom articles or notes.

Title, Decription, FilePath


Data is stored in FilesIn table and file is uploaded to local server


Added Successfully
Table 6.2: Knowledge Base

Case Base: The system will provide statistical data from Hospital Information System in the form of report. It will provide options to print and
download them as image. User provides the two dates i.e. from and to period,
to view these statistics.

FromDate, ToDate


Retrieve satistics from HIS


Graphical Charts
Table 6.3: Case Base

Web Crawling: The system will provide a web crawler. It can create an
index of supplied URLs. A base URL is provided as a starting point. After it
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MCOAHS, Manipal

Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology

starts it gets the text from each document it reaches and also the hyperlinks
if it is a webpage. These hyperlinks can be put in a queue after verifying if
they point in the same domain. These links will be provided to the crawler to
visit them. The crawler should not be limited to web documents only i.e. it
should read the text and index pdf, doc, ppt and other popular files.

URL, Depth Level


Start crawler and index the document found at URL


Indexing Completed
Table 6.4: Web Crawling

Word Extracting: The system will provide string splitting and replacing.
After the web crawler index is the pages, the text of each page has to be
extracted from that page. String splitting and replacing method is used to
extract the content words after removing symbols and notations.

Create Index: The system will provide functions to create an index. Using
the extracted words from a string parser, create index for searching. The main
attributes are Word, FileID, Position, Count

Ranking: The system will provide a ranking function for search results and
order them.

Searching and Ordering: The system will provide search functionality for
users. It will also have support for AND search and searching the offline
contents available. The search results from search function are not in order.
Ordering function can reorder the results by ranking or user rating.

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MCOAHS, Manipal

Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology


Keyword, OrderBy, SearchType


Search keyword from index table and send in

order required


Search results in ordered manner

Table 6.5: Searching And Ordering

Sending Message: The system will provide facility to communicate by providing text messaging feature. So the users of system can exchange information
among them.

Sender Username, Message Content


Store in database


Message Sent
Table 6.6: Sending Message

Notes: Each Oncologist can write notes or articles and store them in the
database. These pages will also be indexed. These pages will be dynamically
generated on request to view. It includes various formatting options for article.

Title, Description, Content


Store in database


Notes added
Table 6.7: Notes

Administrator tools: The system will provide a set of tools for administrator to manage users, notes, messages and files indexed. Apart from these
features it should also support registration, login, changing account settings.

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MCOAHS, Manipal

Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology

User Characteristics

The target users are administrators and Oncologists. Each oncologist can
have only his/her username and password after registration which has to be
approved by the administrator. This prevents unauthorized access and hacking the product. The administrator is responsible for monitoring all database
activities and also answers the user queries. Oncologists add and search contents available online and offline. They need not know the working of the
crawler so UI is provided to provide seed for indexing.

General Constraints

The following constraints existed to limit the project development:

Human Resources- As this project is carried out at an individual; it is
difficult to build a search engine which competes with Google, Yahoo, MSN
and other famous search engines.
Hardware - The search time is very short for famous search engines. Most
of them can output search result within 0.5s. They are capable of such great
performance due to their high computing processors.
Time for researching - The success of search engine also results from the
algorithms used, hardwares used etc. This projects development time is about
half a year and therefore the time for discussion and implementation is less.

Assumptions and Dependencies

OncoSys should work even if the local server is not connected to internet and
it is assumed that the search keywords includes only English alphabets.

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MCOAHS, Manipal

Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology


Specific Requirements

External Interface Requirements

User Interface: The external users are the Oncologists and administrator
of the hospital. The Oncologists can access their account to upload or unload
contents, search a query, write articles, send messages to other Oncologists etc.
The administrators have an account to monitor documents or files uploaded,
managing users etc. Web forms are provided as UI to interact with users.

Hardware Interface: The interface for accessing the OncoSys is personal

computers of Oncologists and of the administrator. The PCs may be laptop
or desktop connected to local server. Apart from these no other hardware is

Software Interface: MS SQL 2005, a database server to store the information. Web Server i.e. IIS, to serve the user requests from their browsers like
Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer etc. End users operating system can be any
version of Windows, Linux or any other which supports TCP/IP protocols.

Communication Interface: The communication interfaces is a local area

network connected to local hosting server

Performance Requirements

The PCs used must be at least Pentium 4 machines so that they can give
optimum performance of the product.

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MCOAHS, Manipal

Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology

Design Constraints

The constraints at the designing time are that the Oncologists needs at hospital may change over a time so the design should be modular and hence


The following are the attributes of OncoSys

Files uploaded should be easily downloadable
It should facilitate updating the account of Oncologists

Security Requirements

OncoSys should allow only registered and approved users to use the functionalities of system. User privacy should be maintained. Users should not be
allowed to use their account whenever they are not approved or disabled.

Other Requirements

As the knowledge is increased, search engine should still search and display
results faster removing duplicate links.


Process Model

This application development is a mixture of XP and TDD. Extreme Programming (XP) is a software development methodology which is intended to
improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer requirements, as a type of agile software development. Other elements of extreme
programming include: programming in pairs or doing extensive code review,

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MCOAHS, Manipal

Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology

unit testing of all codes, avoiding programming of features until they are actually needed. This method is used to obtain simplicity and clarity in code,
and when we expect changes in the customers requirements as time passes,
it makes better understanding of the problem, and frequent communication is
kept with the customer. It does not advocate death march work schedules,
but instead working at a sustainable pace.
Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development technique that
relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: first the developer
writes a failing automated test case that defines a desired improvement or new
function, then produces code to pass that test and finally refactors the new
code to acceptable standards.

Design Phase The design is developed based on SRS and general features
of search engine. In this phase, sub processes of a particular process are highlighted. The impact of a change in a processes/subprocesses is explored. None
of the process / subprocess possess the expected functionality at this stage.
A component should be independently deployable and should encapsulate its
constituent features. The components should be maintained with clear specifications of what it provides and the inputs it requires.

Implementation and Testing Pseudo coding phase will be introduced after the design phase. This pseudo code can be sent to the client, reviewed
by him and his comments can be incorporated in the pseudo coding stage itself. All the expected functionality of the process/sub-process is incorporated
into the prototype. As the impact analysis of every process/sub-processe is
done, those features, which are highly interrelated, are implemented at the
outset and later those features whose dependence on other features is less are
developed. Thus the development is modular. Developer level testing has to
Health Information Management


MCOAHS, Manipal

Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology

be done for each process before exposing the feature to the actual prototype.
Since the customer doesnt have any idea about the features or advantage of
search engine, this application has to be built as a standalone application
where most of the search engine features are incorporated by looking into the


Development Approach

Top Down Development approach is followed to build this software. According

to this approach we have to consider OncoSys as a whole which is divided into
three subsystems
Patient Information
Knowledge Base
Case Base
Search Engine
The Search engine involves several sub processes. It can also be used
independently with any other system. It includes following sub process
Robot Checker
Text Extractor
Ranking the keywords
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MCOAHS, Manipal

Software Requirement Specification

DDCDSS in Oncology

Ordering the search results

Once the crawler is started by providing base url; Robot Checking, Text
Extracting, Ranking and Indexing of keywords are done automatically. Once
they are indexed Searching can be done on this indexing and they can be
ordered per requirement.



Duration: 1.5 Years

Health Information Management


MCOAHS, Manipal

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