Curr6575k12overview Afox

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MEDT 7474

K-12 Overview Form

Amanda Fox
Grade Level: Fourth

F - The American Revolution
trace the events that shaped the revolutionary movement in
America (GPS) (4SS_F2008-40)

40b - analyze the causes and effects of the French and Indian
War, British Imperial Policy that led to the 1765 Stamp Act, the
Boston Massacre, the activities of the Sons of Liberty, and the
Boston Tea Party

Evidence of Mastery:
After thoroughly exploring a variety of primary and secondary sources, students will create a presentation describing
the events leading to the Revolutionary War, highlighting the causes and effects of each event. Presentation must
include information on The French and Indian War, at least 3 examples of British Imperial Policies (The Stamp Act, The
Intolerable Acts, The Sugar Act, and The Tea Act etc.), The Boston Massacre, activities of the Sons of Liberty, and the
Boston Tea Party.



List one specific standard/objective for area:

4.MD 2. Use the four operations to solve word

problems involving distances, intervals of
time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and
money, including problems involving simple
fractions or decimals, and problems that
require expressing measurements given in a
larger unit in terms of a smaller unit.
Represent measurement quantities using
Students will solve mathematical word
problems in the context of events and people
leading up to the Revolutionary War.
Example: Along the Boston waterfront, in
their play time, Paul and his friends played a
rock throwing game to perfect their throwing
The object of their game is twofold. For

How all of the areas can support one

By integrating in this way, students
will get a more holistic view of the
events leading to the Revolutionary
War and how they impacted and
resulted in the events that followed.
It will provide students with the
opportunity to make cross-content
connections with Social Studies
materials and allows them to see how
all subjects are interconnected
historically and in our daily lives.
The skills students learn in reading
directly translate to comprehension of
historical and information documents
and texts. Students have to be able to
comprehend and analyze historical
pieces of art and images, as well as

MEDT 7474

K-12 Overview Form

Amanda Fox

accuracy, they must hit designated areas of

the target drawn on an abandoned rowboat
near Clarke's Wharf. They were also
attempting to make number combinations
that totaled 30. The three target areas are
marked 10, 20, and 30 points. Each player
gets three rocks, or three tries to score as
many points as possible.
How many different ways (0 + 0 + 30 is
different from 0 + 30 + 0) could the boys
have scored 30 points?

Language Arts/English/Reading

List one specific standard/objective for area:

AKS 18: Integrate information from two
texts on the same topic in order to write
or speak about the topic knowledgably.
Students will read multiple articles about
the various events and people who played
major roles in causing the American
Revolution. They will have to synthesis
this information when completing their
final task.


List one specific standard/objective for area:

7a - support statements with facts found
in books, articles and databases and
identify the sources used (GPS)
Students will be required to use, and
identify, a variety of resources during
their final project. Students will support
causes and effects with facts from various
sources and cite them.
List one specific standard/objective for area:
11e - list the steps for solving problems
and making decisions -describe ways to
resolve conflicts
without fighting (GPS) (4HE_G2009-11)

Physical Education/Health

the meanings behind certain symbols,

to get a more thorough view of
historical events.
Students have to understand that
problem solving and analysis are
important skills are needed in every
field, not just scientific ones.
Understanding how conflicts occur will
help students understand historical
events better and led to better
decision making skills in their own
lives. Integration is important because
all of these skills help to build on the
focus standard.

MEDT 7474

The Arts

Special Needs/Differentiation

K-12 Overview Form

Amanda Fox
Students can explore potential, nonviolent, options available during the
Boston Massacre.
List one specific standard/objective for area:
select and use subject matter, symbols,
and/or ideas to communicate meaning
(GPS) (KVA_A2011-3)
3a - use pictures to tell a story
3b - recognize that symbols can convey
different kinds of meaning
Students can explore different symbols
used by the Sons of Liberty and evaluate
the meaning behind them and the
messages the Sons of Liberty were trying
to convey and why.

List one specific need to differentiate for:

Gifted: Gifted students may have the
opportunity to delve deeper, by
completing project from the perspective
of both the British and the colonists. They
must answer the question: how do the
causes and effects look different based on
the perspective through which they are
studied? More challenging article will be
needed as well.
Professional Development: Describe the type of professional development opportunities necessary see instructions for details.

MEDT 7474
K-12 Overview Form
Amanda Fox
A professional development with a focus on integration would be useful in helping teachers understand why we cant
teach everything in isolation and how it help students make important connections across content areas.
A visual literacy professional development would also help teachers learn how to teach students the importance of
analyzing and reading images. Students will need to delve deeper when trying to understand the message the
author was trying to convey or what an image symbolizes.
Collaboration: Describe how teachers in all of the areas need to work together see instructions for details.
Collaboration is needed to map out how the standard could be integrated across content. I also think teachers would
need to work together to develop final product instructions, a rubric, and examples of what mastery would look like.
Collaboration would also be needed in the collection appropriate materials required for student research and the
development of a pathfinder that would support the standard.
The media specialist could be included to offer research lessons and compile a mobile research station on that
specific topic.
Grades Prior and After: What do students need to know before and after your grade level see instructions for details.
K-3 Students will need to read on grade level in order to comprehend articles and other resources. If not, leveled
materials will be needed.
K Students will need to understand cardinal directions
K-3 Students will need to identify and use primary and secondary sources
1 Students will need to understand intermediate directions
1-3 Students will need to distinguish fact from fiction
1-3 Students will need to identify issues and/or problems and alternative solutions
1-3 Students will need to identify main idea, detail, sequence of events, and cause and effect in a social studies
1-3 Students will need to interpret timelines
1-3 Students will need to organize items chronologically
2 Students will need to analyze artifacts
2 Students will need to define the concept of government and the need for rules and laws
2-3 Students will need to understand the components of a map and how to analyze on in order to trace events
3 Students will need to analyze graphs and diagrams
3 Students will need to translate dates into centuries, eras, or ages
3 Students will need to explain the importance of the basic principles that provide the foundation of a republican
form of government

MEDT 7474
K-12 Overview Form
Amanda Fox
3 Students will need to explain the political roots of our modern democracy in the United States of America
3 Students will need to understand meaning of democracy
3-4 Students will need to be able to read a timeline effectively.
3-4 Students will need to understand and recognize chronological text structure.
4 Students will need to understand colonial history.
5 US history beginning at 1860
4 Students will need to carry knowledge of causes with them in order to fully understand events of the American
Revolutionary War itself.
4 Student will need to create a timeline using knowledge gained
5 Students will need to compare and contrast the categories of natural, cultural, and political features found on maps
5 Students will need to compare maps of the same place at different points in time and from different perspectives
to determine changes, identify trends, and generalize about activities
5 Students will need to compare maps with data sets (charts, tables, graphs) and/or readings to draw conclusions
and make generalizations
5 Students will need to draw conclusions and make generalizations based on information from maps
5 Students will need to draw conclusions and make generalizations
5 Students will need to formulate appropriate research questions
5-12 Students will use symbol and image analysis skills in order to analyze political cartoons
6-8 Students will need to write arguments, informative/explanatory text that determine adequacy and/or relevancy
of information
6-8 Students will need to write arguments, informative/explanatory text that draw conclusions and make
10-11 US and World history
12 American Government

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