Management of Cultural Heritage 2016 - Topics and Literature

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Branislav Dimitrijevi, Lectures for Spring 2016

- What is cultural heritage? Where is this heritage? When is this heritage? Why is this
heritage? - An introduction to the critical notion of the term
(lit. Walter Benjamin, Theses on the Philosophy of History, Illuminations, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1968; Stuart Hall, "Whose heritage?: un-settling the heritage', re-imagining the post
nation,Third text, 49, 2000; Pascal Gielen, Museum Chronotopics: On the representations of the
Past in Museum, The Murmuring of the Artistic Multitude, Valiz, 2009.)
- History of Displays and the Exhibitionary Complex:From the curiosity cabinets to
white cubes and back
(lit. Tony Bennett, The Exhibitionary Complex, R. Greenberg, B. Ferguson, S. Nairne, Thinking
about Exhibitions, Routledge, London, 1999, pp. 81-111.), Mieke Bal, The Discourse of the
Museum, in R. Greenberg, B. Ferguson, S. Nairne, Thinking about Exhibitions, Routledge,
London, 1999, pp 201-218)
- It is not future that always comes after: Socialist Heritage and Contemporary Political
(lit. Socialist Realism and Socialist Modernism. World Heritage Proposals from Central and
Eastern Europe, ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 2013,
- Ideology, Heritage, Memory and the Yugoslav Socialist Case: A critical discussion
(lit. Boris Buden, Cultural Heritage: The Context of an Obsession, in Maria Lind and WHW
(eds.), Art and the F Word Reflections on the Browning of Europe, Sternberg Press, 2014; Branislav
Dimitrijevi, It is Not Future That Always Comes After (Some reflections on the project
Political Practices of (Post-) Yugoslav Art), Red Thread, 2, 2010,; Gal Kirn and Robert Burghardt, Yugoslavian Partisan Memorial
Genre, Revolutionary Aesthetics and Ideological Recuperation, Manifesta Journal, 16, )
- Post-apocalyptic heritage: Heritage as an art-medium (A visit to the Kunsthistorisches
Mausoleum, Brae Radovanovia 28, Belgrade)
(lit.Branislav Dimitrijevic, A Magnificent Tomb. The Kunsthistorisches Mausoleum, in Agency,
Ambivalence, Analysis Approaching the Museum with Migration in Mind (Ruth Noack ed.), Melo

Irian Suboti, Lectures for Spring 2016

1. What does make one museum attractive, visited, favored? - ta jedan muzej ini privlanim,
poseenim, omiljenim?
- Anne Hertzog, The challenge of cultural sustainability in city museum, in: Theory and
Practice in Heritage and Sustainability. Between past and future. Edited by Elizabeth
Auclair and Graham Fairclough, Routledge, London& NY, 2015 pp.84-95 (with basic
Literature) / Copy in the Library of the University of Arts, Belgrade;
- International Council of Museums /ICOM.museum_ Code of Ethics for Museums
- Tomislav ola. Essays on museums and their theory : towards the cybernetic museum.
Helsinki. 1997/ Copy in the Library of the University of Arts, Belgrade
2. Museum education: how to create engaged public Muzejska edukacija: kako stvarati vernu
- Early Learning in Museums. Prepared by Mary Ellen Munley. Principal, MEM &
Associates for Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center, April 2012:
3. New forms and concepts of memorials & monuments Novi oblici i koncepti memorijala i
- Milena Dragievi ei, Counter-monument: Artivism against official memory
practices (with basic Literature) / Copy in the Library of the University of Arts, Belgrade
- Milena Dragievi ei, Memory Policies and Monument Building in Southeastern
Europe, in: Memory of the city, ed. Dusica Drai, Slavica Radii & Marijana Simu,
Kulturklamer, Beograd 2012, ISBN 978-86-912137-2-5, pp.70-95/ Copy in the Library of
the University of Arts, Belgrade
5. Examples of civil society activities in heritage protection - Primeri aktivizma civilnog drutva
u oblasti zatite naslea
Lit.:; Culture Counts for Europe (Summary of the Report); What has heritage ever
done for us?: Democratic heritage decision making and heritage for enlivening democracy:
6. Frameworks of citizen's participation in heritage: from consumer to creator / Okviri uea
graana u upravljanju batinom: od konzumenta do stvaraoca
Literature: Nina Simon, The Participatory Museum, 2010,; Bernadette Lynch, Whose cake is it anyway? A
collaborative investigation into engagement and participation in 12 museums and galleries in the
UK, Paul Hamilton Foundation, 2010,

it-anyway-report.pdf ; Emma Waterton and Laurajane Smith, The recognition and misrecognition
of community heritage, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol. 16, Nos. 12, January
March 2010, pp. 415; Blog:
Vinja Kisi, Lectures for Spring 2016
1. Heritage within international cultural policy / Batina u okvirima meunarodne kulturne
Literature: Noel Fojut, The philosophical, political and pragmatic roots of the convention, in
Heritage and Beyond, Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2009, pp.13-23; Laurajane Smith,
Uses of Heritage, Chapter 3 Authorizing Institutions of Heritage, London and New York:
Routledge, 2006, pp.87-114; European Commission, Towards an integrated approach to cultural
heritage for Europe - Communication from the Commission to the European
Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the
Regions, Brussels, 22.7.2014., COM(2014) 477 final.
2. Heritage management: key concepts and development phases / Upravljane batinom: kljuni
koncepti i razvojne faze
Literature: Peter Van Mensch, Museology and Management: Enemies or Friends?, in: E.
Mizushima (ed.), Museum management in the 21st century, Tokyo: Museum Management
Academy, 2004, pp. 3-19; Roslyn Russell and Kylie Winkworth, Significance 2.0.: A guide to
Assessing Significance of Collections, Collections Council of Australia Ltd, 2009, pp.1-32; Birgitta
Ringbeck, Management Plans for World Heritage Sites: A practical guide, Bonn: German
Commission for UNESCO, 2008, pp. 1-50.;
3. Heritage interpretation: dogma, dissonance, multivocality / Interpretacija batine: dogma,
disonantnost, multivokalnost
Literature: G. J. Ashworth, Brian Graham and J. E. Tunbridge, Introduction: Heritage and
Pluralism, in Pluralising Pasts: Heritage, Identity and Place in Multicultural Societies, London:
Pluto Press, 2007, pp. 1-9.; Helaine Silverman, Contested Cultural Heritage: A Selective
Historiography, in Contested Cultural Heritage: Religion, Nationalism, Erasure, and Exclusion in
a Global World, New York: Springer, pp.1-50; Vinja Kisi, Defining dissonance: Dissonant
Heritage or Heritage Dissonance?, in Governing Heritage Dissonance for Peace and
Reconciliation: Promises and Realities of Cultural Policy Tools from the Southeast Europe,
Amsterdam: European Cultural Foundation, 2016 (in print).
Jelena Vesi, Lectures for Spring 2016
- The Heritage of Yugoslav Conceptual Art: The Ideology of Post-Socialist Art Histories
- History and Memory: What is to be done with the Palace of Federation?
(artistic approaches)

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