Levels of Job Satisfaction

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Myda S.

BSA 4-10

Effects of Level of Job Satisfaction to the Values of Employees

Despite of being part of the developing country, seventy percent of the
Filipinos are satisfied with their jobs according to a survey conducted in Southeast
Asia in 2015. Salary, company benefits, and incentives were ranked by Filipino
employees as most important drivers to job satisfaction. Filipinos strong family ties
may be the reason they cited a different factor for their satisfaction (Buyco, 2015).
Even though the salary grade is low in the Philippines, the country has a low cost of
living compared to other countries.
Employees job satisfaction is one of the most important subjects in corporate
life. Therefore, it is important for corporates to determine the factors influential on
employees job satisfaction and make to effort to improve their satisfaction (Bozkurt
and Bozkurt, 2008). But first, what are the reasons that push people to work? For
sure many of people would say for money. However, some people who does not
have any economic problems still wants to work. Some people might think that
people work because they are used to working or because they love their job while
others work due to the deep satisfaction that they have from managing other
people and because what they do brings them a prestige or with the satisfaction of
living as a respected person in the society (GLATAR, 2015).
Job satisfaction that people feel when they are doing their job is highly
important both for themselves and the organizations they work for. In order to
ensure job satisfaction, the first thing is that the job should be in parallel to such
factors as the personal characteristics, interests, skills and values. Individual values
which stands out as an important one among these factors, is highly important in
terms of ensuring job satisfaction (Koca, 2009).
Todays organizations reach their objectives with their values, attitudes,
behaviors and different types of people working for the institutions. There is a
positive relationship between the contributions of the employees to the objectives
of the organization and the job satisfaction they have from the tasks and
responsibilities they undertake. Therefore, it is possible to say that ensuring that the
employees in an organization are satisfied with their job is one of the main
objectives and works of the management of an organization (GLATAR, 2015)
One certain thing about job satisfaction is that it is dynamic. Managers
cannot provide job satisfaction for once and cannot keep it away for a few years
later. Job satisfaction can disappear fast (usually very fast); therefore, job
satisfaction should be monitored carefully annually or even monthly and be
protected (Aksu, 1998:4). Also job satisfaction is one of the most important factors
of modern management understanding and is one of the measures to be considered
in evaluating the success of an organization (GLATAR, 2015).
Such circumstances have inspired the researchers to inquire on how the
levels of job satisfaction affects the values of the employees. Arnold, Cooper and

Robertson have stated two reasons that justify the importance of the job
satisfaction concept. First, the general mental well-being of a person can be
indicated through his/her job satisfaction. Second, happiness at work and being
motivated are generally assumed in job satisfaction (as cited in Berghe, 2011). Also
the researcher hope to find out on how important the levels of satisfaction to the
values of the employees.

Background of the Study

Job satisfaction assessment became common in the 1930s as interest in
employee attitudes increased (Latham & Budworth, 2007). It can be said that job
satisfaction is one of the most researched concept in the field of
industrial/organizational psychology, and surprisingly, it is gaining much attention in
economics. But still it remains a complex social attitude due to the following
reasons: varying definitions (Judge, Heller and Klinger, 2008); various measuring
instruments (Vasiliki and Efthymios, 2013). Hence, there is diversity in the results of
job satisfaction studies.
Job satisfaction is a complex and multifaceted concept, which can mean
different things to different people ( Sampayan, 2009). One of the most-used
definitions of job satisfaction is that of Locke who described it as "a pleasurable or
positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences.
Therefore, job satisfaction is a different combination of psychological, physiological
and environmental situations that cause individuals to say I am happy with my job
according to Hoppock. Vroom (1964) connects to job satisfaction as part of
employees different attitudes towards their perceptions, emotions and behavior.
Therefore, the total of what people feel towards their jobs is called job satisfaction
or moral.
Job satisfaction has three important dimensions: The first one is the
emotional attitude of an individual towards his/her job. Therefore, it cannot be
observed but can be understood from the behaviors in the workplace. And the
second one is determined by results related to work. In other words, what
determines job satisfaction is to what extent the things individuals attach
importance are met, either negatively or positively. If a group in an organization
believe that they work harder than another group of people yet awarded less than
the other group, the people in this group will have negative attitudes towards their
job, bosses and colleagues. Because these people are unsatisfied. If the situation is
vice versa, then they will show positive attitudes towards their job and bosses with
a feeling of satisfaction. Finally, job satisfaction is made up of relevant attitudes
(zkalp & Krel, 2008:76).
Values have always been a focused issue throughout the history of human.
Since the existence of social life, philosophers, man of God and today, researchers
and authors working in different disciplines thought about values, emphasized the
significance of values in the life of the individuals and the society; and worked to
define the virtues that they believed to be right and to make these virtues adopted
by the society (GLATAR, aban 2015).

It is the same as job satisfaction, its dynamic. The values that people adopt
changes in time. And this change shows up with the impact of various factors. While
the developments in the values that effect everyday life impact attitudes and
behaviors of the individual, it also shows that there is a social change. If values did
not change, both the society and the individuals would be static. And if the values
changed very fast and continuously, in this case, there would be imbalance and
instability in both the character of the individuals and the social structure. At this
point, it is possible to say that the values people choose change according to
different factors (Yapc & Zengin, 2003:173).
Values are embedded in the structure and business style of an organization.
An organizations consistent behavior with the values it adopts creates a feeling of
company and increases energy. In the long-term successful organizations are the
ones that are grounded on values. Productivity can be increased by activating the
decision-making process via a shared values platform and encouraging team work
and cooperation (Kl, 2010:86)

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