SOFT ROBOTICS. A 3d-Printed, Functionally Graded Soft Robot Powered by Combustion

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SOFT ROBOTICS. A 3D-printed, functionally

graded soft robot powered by combustion
Article in Science July 2015
Impact Factor: 33.61 DOI: 10.1126/science.aab0129 Source: PubMed




8 authors, including:
Michael Tolley

Johannes T.B. Overvelde

University of California, San Diego

FOM Institute AMOLF





Katia Bertoldi

Robert J. Wood

Harvard University

Harvard University





Available from: Johannes T.B. Overvelde

Retrieved on: 01 July 2016



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We thank T. R. Blane, S. Kupriyanov, and G. S. Martin for

technical assistance. The data presented in this manuscript are
tabulated in the main paper and in the supplementary materials.
This work was supported by the IAVI Neutralizing Antibody
Consortium and Center (W.R.S. and D.R.B.); the Collaboration
for AIDS Vaccine Discovery funding for the IAVI NAC (W.R.S. and
D.R.B.); the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard (D.R.B.
and W.R.S.); the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation (J.G.J.); and
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases grants
R01-AI073148 (D.N.), P01AI081625 (W.R.S.), and CHAVI-ID
1UM1AI100663 (W.R.S. and D.R.B.). IAVI and the Scripps Research
Institute are filing a patent relating to the eOD-GT8 immunogens
in this manuscript, with inventors J.G.J., D.W.K., S.M., and W.R.S.
Materials and information will be provided under a material
transfer agreement.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S18
Tables S1 to S8
References (4253)
16 May 2015; accepted 11 June 2015
Published online 18 June 2015;


A 3D-printed, functionally graded soft

robot powered by combustion
Nicholas W. Bartlett,1,2* Michael T. Tolley,3 Johannes T. B. Overvelde,1
James C. Weaver,2 Bobak Mosadegh,4 Katia Bertoldi,1
George M. Whitesides,2,5 Robert J. Wood1,2
Roboticists have begun to design biologically inspired robots with soft or partially soft
bodies, which have the potential to be more robust and adaptable, and safer for human
interaction, than traditional rigid robots. However, key challenges in the design and
manufacture of soft robots include the complex fabrication processes and the interfacing
of soft and rigid components. We used multimaterial three-dimensional (3D) printing to
manufacture a combustion-powered robot whose body transitions from a rigid core to a
soft exterior. This stiffness gradient, spanning three orders of magnitude in modulus,
enables reliable interfacing between rigid driving components (controller, battery, etc.) and
the primarily soft body, and also enhances performance. Powered by the combustion of
butane and oxygen, this robot is able to perform untethered jumping.

obots are typically composed of rigid components to promote high precision and
controllability. Frequently constructed from
hard metals such as aluminum and steel,
these robots require large machining equipment and an intricate assembly process. In contrast, recent work has explored the possibility
of creating soft-bodied robots (16) inspired by
invertebrates such as cephalopods (79) and
insect larvae (10), as well as vertebrates, including snakes (11) and fish (12). The use of compliant materials facilitates the development of
biologically inspired robotic systems (13) that

are more adaptable (14), safer (15, 16), and more

resilient (17) than their fully rigid counterparts.
The design and fabrication of soft robotic systems, however, present significant engineering
challenges (18, 19). The bodies of soft robots are
typically fabricated in custom-designed molds
and require multiple assembly steps (20) or lostwax techniques (21) to embed actuation. The
molds used to create these soft robots are complex and time-consuming to make, especially
for prototype designs that are fabricated in
small numbers and are constantly evolving.
Additionally, some applications (such as ones
10 JULY 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6244


Downloaded from on July 10, 2015

all of the H- and L-chain mutations required for

bnAb activity against the native CD4bs. Indeed,
no neutralizing activity was detected for any of
the 8 eOD-GT8 60merinduced Abs [all with high
affinity (KD < 1 nM) for eOD-GT8 and low affinity (1 mM < KD < 100 mM) for core-e-2CC HxB2
N276D] that we tested against a panel of four
viruses from clades A and B that included both
WT and N276A mutant viruses with increased
sensitivity to VRC01-class bnAbs (fig. S18). One
design feature of eOD-GT8 is that it lacks the
N276 glycan; removal of this glycan is a requirement for germline reactivity (17, 21). However,
the N276 glycosylation site is conserved in 94.5%
of HIV strains, according to an analysis of 3796
sequences from the Los Alamos HIV database
( Induction of broad neutralization will probably require one or more boosting immunogens bearing a glycan at N276 so as
to select mutations to accommodate that glycan
(17). On the H chain of VRC01-class bnAbs, mutations in the CDR2, CDR1, FW1, and FW3 are
likely required for maximum potency and breadth
(24, 40), and native-like Env immunogens will
probably be needed to select for these. In sum,
boosting with a sequence of increasingly nativelike antigens, and potentially including cocktails
of different antigens within each boost to mimic
the antigenic diversity of the CD4bs, will likely be
needed to select the mutations required for VRC01class bnAb activity. The mouse model presented
here, as well as other newly developed VRC01class knock-in mouse models (41), should aid us
to test this notion and can be used to identify the
antigens and boosting strategies that work best.
Of note, we demonstrated here that a single immunization with the eOD-GT8 60mer induces
VRC01-class antibodies with modest affinity for
the core-e-2CC HxB2 N276D monomer and 60mer,
so these molecules represent promising candidates for the first boost. We are thus mapping the
first steps in a sequential strategy for the rational
induction of bnAbs against HIV.


requiring untethered robots) require rigid components to power and control the soft body
(11, 12, 17) or to perform specific tasks. The
interfaces between these rigid components and
the soft body of the robot are points of recurring
In nature, many animals employ stiffness gradients to join rigid materials and soft structures
while minimizing stress concentrations that could
lead to failures at rigid/soft interfaces (22, 23).
One of the reasons biological systems often outperform engineered systems is that in nature,
which employs self-organization for fabrication,
added structural complexity comes at a minimal
cost. Emerging digital fabrication technologies
(such as 3D printing) are beginning to allow designers to move toward this level of structural
complexity, albeit at a larger scale and with fewer
materials. These technologies can be used to
manufacture geometrically intricate designs as
efficiently as simple designs with an equivalent
amount of material.

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard

University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 2Wyss Institute for
Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 3Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego,
La Jolla, CA 92093, USA. 4Dalio Institute of Cardiovascular
Imaging, Department of Radiology, New YorkPresbyterian
Hospital and Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY
10021, USA. 5Department of Chemistry and Chemical
Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
These authors contributed equally to this work.

We used a multimaterial 3D printer (Connex500,

Stratasys) to directly print the functional body of
a robot that employs soft material components
for actuation, obviating the need for complex
molding techniques or assembly (24). The robot
body is composed primarily of two nested hemispheroids. The flexible bottom hemispheroid features a small depression that provides an initial
volume into which oxygen and butane are injected. Ignition of the gases causes a volumetric
expansion (25, 26), launching the robot into the
air (Fig. 1, A and B). The top hemispheroid has a
modulus of elasticity that ranges over three orders of magnitude (from approximately 1 MPa to
1 GPa) through a stepwise gradient of nine different layers, creating a structure that transitions
from highly flexible (rubber-like) to fully rigid
(thermoplastic-like). In addition to providing a
mechanical interface for the rigid control components, the rigid portion of the top hemispheroid also prevents undesired expansion locally
and focuses the energy of combustion into the
ground, enhancing the jumping efficiency. Pneumatic legs, which use a nested hemi-ellipsoid design similar to that of the main body, surround the
central explosive actuator and are used to tilt the
body before a jump, controlling the direction of
locomotion. This separation of power and control
actuators simplifies actuation and gives greater
control over direction.
In order to simplify prototyping, we chose a
modular design with a rigid core module containing the control components (which are ex-

Fig. 1. Robot design and principle of operation. (A) To initiate a jump, the
robot inflates a subset of its legs to tilt the body in the intended jump direction.
Upon combustion, the bottom hemispheroid balloons out, pushing against the
ground and propelling the robot into the air. (B) The ignition sequence consists
of fuel delivery, mixing, and sparking. Butane and oxygen are alternately delivered to the combustion chamber (to promote mixing). After a short delay to


10 JULY 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6244

pensive and change infrequently during design

iteration of the body), connected through a predefined interface to the body of the robot (Fig. 1C).
This modularity enables efficient iteration of the
robot body design, as well as rapid replacement
in the case of destructive testing. The core module contains a custom circuit board, high-voltage
power source, battery, miniature air compressor,
butane fuel cell, bank of six solenoid valves, oxygen cartridge, pressure regulator, and an internal network of channels to facilitate interfacing
between the components as necessary (fig. S1,
A and B). The core module is mechanically attached to the rigid portion of the body with a
layer of high-strength mushroom-head fasteners.
Otherwise, it interfaces with the body only through
four tubes (three pneumatic tubes for the legs and
one tube for fuel delivery to the combustion chamber) and two wires (which produce the spark in the
combustion chamber).
Characterization of nine 3D-printed materials
with a set of mechanical tests informed the design of the 3D-printed rigid/soft robot. We performed qualitative twisting experiments to gain
an intuitive understanding of the response of the
various materials (Fig. 2A). Mechanical testing
on a universal testing machine (Instron 5544,
Instron) yielded quantitative values of material
properties (supplementary text). This information was used to simulate the operation of the
robot using finite element analysis (FEA) software, which allowed us to compare the relative efficiency of jumping robots with different

promote additional mixing of the fuels, the gaseous mixture is ignited, resulting
in combustion. Leg inflation occurs concurrently with fuel delivery, and leg
deflation begins shortly after landing. (C) Computer-aided design model of
the entire robot, consisting of the main explosive actuator surrounded by
three pneumatic legs. A rigid core module that contains power and control
components sits atop the main body, protected by a semisoft shield. SCIENCE


material distributions. Further simulations allowed us to examine the differences in stress

concentrations as a function of material distribution (fig. S2). The results from these studies
revealed that, when compared to an abrupt material transition, the incorporation of a graded
interface could achieve a 30% reduction in maximum stress upon tensile loading, reaching a
value comparable to the maximum stress observed in a soft, single-material model. Although a perfectly smooth gradient from rigid
to flexible would have been ideal, the capability

of the fabrication technique was limited to a

stepwise gradient of at most nine materials.
The actuation strategy necessitated a flexible
bottom hemispheroid, whereas the off-the-shelf
control components required a rigid housing;
however, the stiffness distribution of the top
hemispheroid was unconstrained. Thus, to determine how the material properties of the top
hemispheroid would affect jumping, we simulated three cases: (i) a flexible top with a small
rigid portion to mount control hardware, (ii) a
top featuring a stiffness gradient from fully

Fig. 2. Material tests and simulation results. (A) Qualitative twisting

analysis comparing 3D-printed beams that are fully flexible, half rigid and half
flexible, or transition gradually from rigid to flexible. These tests were performed to gain an understanding of how these materials respond, as well as
to validate the numerical values of the material properties used in simulation. (Left) Material distribution of the beams. (Middle) Beams under torsion.
(Right) Simulation of beams under torsion. (B) Jumping simulation. (Left)
Ground reaction force as internal gases expand. (Middle) Pressure evolution
inside the robot body as internal gases expand. (Right) Deformation state of


flexible to fully rigid, and (iii) a fully rigid top

(Fig. 2B and movie S1). Simulations showed
that the flexible top was inefficient at directing
the energy of combustion into the ground and
propelling the robot, suggesting weak jump performance. As expected, the simulated rigid top
robot produced the highest ground reaction force,
whereas the gradient top robot exhibited a performance between the two extremes.
We carried out additional simulations to investigate the behavior of the three designs during the impact of landing (Fig. 2C and movie S1).

rigid top, gradient top, and flexible top robot bodies at the initial state and the
point of maximum simulated gas expansion. Line thicknesses indicate material stiffness. (C) Impact simulation. In the simulation, the robot strikes the
ground at 45. This angle was chosen as a particularly extreme loading condition and because it correlated with observations from jumping experiments.
(Left) Reaction forces experienced by the three robots upon striking a solid
plane under simulated conditions representative of actual testing conditions.
(Right) FEA results of rigid top, gradient top, and flexible top robots, compared at 50 N.
10 JULY 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6244



The results indicate that the rigid top robot

experiences a given reaction force (50 N) at a
much smaller deformation than either the gradient or flexible top robots. Immediately upon
impact, the rigid top robot experiences an abrupt
increase in force, whereas the gradient top robot
experiences a more moderate increase. The flexible top robot sees almost no increase, until the
small rigid portion strikes the ground, initiating
a rapid increase akin to that of the rigid top robot. Integrating the force-displacement curves
(up to 50 N), we find that the rigid and flexible
top robots only absorb 13 and 73% (respectively)
of the impact energy that the gradient top robot
absorbs. The increased energy absorbed by the
gradient top robot during impact suggests that
it will be most successful at distributing the
impulse over a longer duration, therefore reducing peak stresses and providing the least violent
By 3D-printing different test cases, we experimentally verified these simulation results. A jumping robot with a completely rigid top was able to
jump 1.12 m untethered using 40 ml of butane
and 120 ml of oxygen. Identical testing conditions on a gradient top robot produced a jump of
0.25 m. A flexible top robot was deemed impractical to print because of the predictions from
FEA. As predicted by the simulations, the gra-

dient top robot was less efficient at jumping.

However, the gradient top robot was better able
to withstand the impact of landing (Fig. 3A and
movie S2). In one test, the body of the rigid top
robot shattered upon landing, surviving a total of
just five jumps; the gradient top robot survived
more than twice that number of jumps and remained operational. Other nearly identical gradient top robots survived over 100 jumps (in 81%
of these tests, we removed the core module from
the body and delivered the combustion products
and ignition sparks through a tether to simplify
testing, reducing the system mass to about 50%
that of the untethered system). To provide a direct comparison in landing behavior, the gradient top robot was additionally dropped from the
maximum height achieved by the rigid top robot
and successfully survived 35 falls (supplementary
text). The stiffness gradient provides the necessary rigidity to transfer the impulse of combustion
to generate effective jumping, and the compliance
of the base absorbs and dissipates the energy of
the landing impact. By trading the jumping efficiency of the rigid robot for an improved ability to
survive landings, the gradient top robot demonstrated a greater overall robustness.
Further testing on the gradient top robot showed
high resilience and good performance (Fig. 3B
and movie S2). This robot autonomously jumped

Fig. 3. Experimental testing results. (A) Frames shortly after the moment
of ground contact from movie S2 (Impact Comparison). Identical testing
conditions were used to analyze the difference in landing between a robot with
a rigid top and one with a gradient top. Because the rigid top robot jumped
higher under combustion-powered testing, the gradient top robot was dropped
from the maximum height achieved by the rigid top robot for a direct comparison. (Left) The rigid top robot fractures upon impact. (Right) The gradient top
robot is able to absorb the impact and survive the fall. (B) Frames from movie S2


10 JULY 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6244

up to 0.76 m (six body heights) high and demonstrated directional jumping of up to 0.15 m (0.5
body lengths, 20% of jump height) laterally per
jump (Fig. 3C and movie S2). Unlike previous
combustion-powered soft jumpers that were either
tethered (25) or achieved only a few untethered
jumps due to inconsistent connection of electrical
and mechanical components at the interface of the
rigid and soft components (26), this design allowed
for many successful jumps with a single soft robot
(21 untethered jumps and 89 tethered jumps).
Another jumper design has also shown the ability
to perform multiple jumps, can operate on uneven
terrain, and can even recover from landing in
any orientation (27), although at the sacrifice of
directional control. In our system, the high energy density of the fuels theoretically allows
onboard storage of sufficient fuel for 32 consecutive jumps (supplementary text). The bodies were
extremely robust, surviving dozens of jumps before
they became unusable. The monolithic design has
no sliding parts or traditional joints that can be
fouled or obstructed by debris or rough terrain,
and the nested design requires minimal deformation for actuation. As with previous jumping
soft robots powered by combustion (2527),
and untethered systems exposed to direct flames
(17), we did not observe significant damage to the
soft (or rigid) body materials due to the brief

(Jump onto Table) at various times.The robot performs a targeted jump off of an
angled surface onto a table. (Left) As the robot prepares for the jump, oxygen and
butane are delivered into the combustion chamber. (Middle) Upon ignition of the
fuel, the robot is propelled into the air. (Right) After jumping across a gap, the
robot lands on a table. (C) Frames from movie S2 (Directional Jump) at various
times during a directional jump. The robot pitches backward during the jump,
providing a soft landing on the inflated legs. Upon impact with the ground, the
robot pitches forward and returns to its pre-jump stance. SCIENCE


exposure to elevated combustion temperatures

and flames.
The fabrication of soft robots using multimaterial 3D printing has numerous advantages
over traditional molding techniques. This strategy promotes high-throughput prototyping by
enabling rapid design iteration with no additional cost for increased morphological complexity. By allowing designers greater freedom, 3D
printing also facilitates the implementation of
good robotic design principles, such as modularity and the separation of power and control actuators. Beyond soft robotics specifically, the ability
to print a single structure composed of multiple
materials enables investigation into mechanically
complex designs, without the drawbacks of complicated assembly or inconsistent manufacturing
repeatability. One such design is a modulus gradient
that eases the transition from soft to rigid components through stress reduction at the interface
of materials mismatched in compliance. Although
the materials available to this fabrication strategy
are currently limited and perhaps best suited
to the fabrication of prototype devices, future
development of materials compatible with 3D
printing will only enhance the relevance of this

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This material is based on work supported by NSF under award

number DMR-1420570; the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired
Research; and an Army Research Office, National Defense Science
and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) fellowship. Any opinions,

findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this

material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
those of the funding organizations.
Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 and S2
Table S1
References (28, 29)
Movies S1 and S2
27 February 2015; accepted 11 June 2015


Mid-infrared plasmonic biosensing

with graphene
Daniel Rodrigo,1 Odeta Limaj,1 Davide Janner,2 Dordaneh Etezadi,1
F. Javier Garca de Abajo,2,3 Valerio Pruneri,2,3 Hatice Altug1*
Infrared spectroscopy is the technique of choice for chemical identification of biomolecules
through their vibrational fingerprints. However, infrared light interacts poorly with nanometricsize molecules. We exploit the unique electro-optical properties of graphene to demonstrate a
high-sensitivity tunable plasmonic biosensor for chemically specific label-free detection of
protein monolayers. The plasmon resonance of nanostructured graphene is dynamically tuned
to selectively probe the protein at different frequencies and extract its complex refractive
index. Additionally, the extreme spatial light confinement in grapheneup to two orders
of magnitude higher than in metalsproduces an unprecedentedly high overlap with
nanometric biomolecules, enabling superior sensitivity in the detection of their refractive
index and vibrational fingerprints. The combination of tunable spectral selectivity and
enhanced sensitivity of graphene opens exciting prospects for biosensing.

raphene has the potential to reshape the

landscape of photonics and optoelectronics
owing to its exceptional optical and electrical properties (13). In particular, its
infrared (IR) response is characterized by
long-lived collective electron oscillations (plasmons) that can be dynamically tuned by electrostatic gating, in contrast to conventional plasmonic
materials such as noble metals (410). Furthermore, the electromagnetic fields of graphene IR
plasmons display unprecedented spatial confinement, making them extremely attractive for enhanced light-matter interactions and integrated
mid-IR photonics (1114). Specifically, biosensing is an area in which graphene tunability and
IR light localization offer great opportunities.
The mid-IR range is particularly well suited
for biosensing, as it encompasses the molecular
vibrations that uniquely identify the biochemical building blocks of life, such as proteins, lipids,
and DNA (15). IR absorption spectroscopy is a
powerful technique that provides exquisite bio1

Institute of BioEngineering, cole Polytechnique Fdrale de

Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. 2Institut de
Cincies Fotniques, Mediterranean Technology Park, 08860
Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain. 3Instituci Catalana de
Recerca i Estudis Avanats, 08010 Barcelona, Spain.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

chemical information in a nondestructive labelfree fashion by accessing these vibrational fingerprints. Nevertheless, vibrational absorption signals
are prohibitively weak because of the large mismatch between mid-IR wavelengths (2 to 6 mm)
and biomolecular dimensions (<10 nm). To overcome this limitation, high sensitivity can be achieved
by exploiting the strong optical near fields in
the vicinity of resonant metallic nanostructures
(1618); however, this comes at the expense of a
reduced spectral bandwidth and is ultimately
limited by the relatively poor field confinement
of metals in the mid-IR (19).
Here, we report a graphene-based tunable
mid-IR biosensor and demonstrate its potential
for quantitative protein detection and chemicalspecific molecular identification. Our device (Fig.
1A) consists of a graphene layer synthesized by
chemical vapor deposition and transferred to a
280-nm-thick native silica oxide of a silicon substrate. Graphene nanoribbon arrays (width W =
20 to 60 nm and period P 2W) are then patterned using electron beam lithography and
oxygen plasma etching (20). A scanning electron microscope image and an atomic force
microscope profile for typical samples are shown
in Fig. 1, B and C. We apply an electrostatic field
across the SiO2 layer through a bias voltage (Vg)
10 JULY 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6244


A 3D-printed, functionally graded soft robot powered by combustion

Nicholas W. Bartlett et al.
Science 349, 161 (2015);
DOI: 10.1126/science.aab0129

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Supplementary Materials for

A 3D-printed, functionally graded soft robot powered by combustion
Nicholas W. Bartlett,* Michael T. Tolley, Johannes T. B. Overvelde, James C. Weaver,
Bobak Mosadegh, Katia Bertoldi, George M. Whitesides, Robert J. Wood
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
Published 10 July 2015, Science 349, 161 (2015)
DOI: 10.1126/science.aab0129
This PDF file includes:
Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 and S2
Table S1
Captions for Movies S1 and S2
Other Supplementary Materials for this manuscript include the following:
(available at
Movies S1 and S2

Materials and Methods

The Stratasys website provided general information regarding the 3D printed material used in
this project (specifically, the PolyJet Materials Data Sheet and the Digital Materials Data
Sheet). Published data sheets indicate that the materials used in the robot ranged in hardness
from Shore A 27 to Shore D 83. We performed additional analysis of the 3D printed material
through different tests on a universal testing machine (Instron 5544, Instron). Cyclic testing
indicated that at high rates of extension, significant hysteresis was present due to the viscoelastic
properties of the 3D printed material. However, at rates below 0.03125 mm/s, all viscous effects
were negligible and the material behaved elastically. Each of the nine different materials used in
the stiffness gradient was tested in a standard tensile test (ASTM D 638, Type IV), performed at
0.03125 mm/s to eliminate any rate dependent behavior. From this test, we obtained values for
the shear and Youngs moduli of each material, which were subsequently used in the
simulations. The material properties can be found in Table S1.
We conducted extension tests on samples that featured either an abrupt transition from the softest
to the most rigid material or a more gradual step-wise transition by incorporating materials of
intermediate moduli. In fatigue tests in which we repeatedly stretched the samples to an
extension of 5 mm (20% of the test section) at 0.03125 mm/s, the discrete samples failed after an
average of 436 cycles, whereas the gradient samples lasted an order of magnitude longer (most
samples were discontinued after 24 hours of testing, over 8640 cycles).
We designed the robots using SolidWorks, a 3D computer aided design (CAD) software, and
printed them with a multimaterial 3D printer (Connex500, Stratasys Ltd.). The body was printed
as a single piece. We cleared residual support material from the 3D printing process through a
small excavation hole using a high pressure washer (Powerblast High Pressure Water Cleaner,
Balco UK). After clearing all of the support material, we sealed the excavation hole by attaching
a custom 3D printed cap to the body with cyanoacrylate adhesive (Loctite 416, Henkel AG &
Company, KGaA).
In addition to the custom fabricated body, the robot consisted of a number of off-the-shelf
components. These include a lithium polymer battery (E-flite 180 mAh 2S 7.4V 20C, Horizon
Hobby Inc.), a mini-diaphragm pump (KPV-14A, Clark Solutions), six miniature pneumatic
solenoid valves (X-Valve, Parker Hannifin Corp.), a butane fuel cell (RC-31, Master Appliance
Corp.), and a pressure regulator (PRD-2N1-0-V, Beswick Engineering Co.). Oxygen was stored
in a repurposed 16g CO2 cartridge, outfitted with a piercing fitting (GCP-1038-3V, Beswick
Engineering Co.) and ball valve (MBV-1010-303-V, Beswick Engineering Co.). The high
voltage source was obtained from components of a continuous ignition gas lighter (57549
Olympian GM-3X Gas Match, Camco Manufacturing Inc.). The circuit board was custom
designed with an Atmel ATmega168 microcontroller, and was programmed using the Arduino
The timing sequence on the solenoid valves determined how much butane and oxygen was
delivered to the combustion chamber. After fixing the settings on both the pressure regulator
(which was in-line with the oxygen cartridge) and the valve of the butane fuel cell, we
determined flow rates of oxygen and butane by opening the respective valves for a
predetermined amount of time and measuring the amount of gas delivered by bubbling into an
inverted graduated cylinder. This procedure was repeated throughout the testing period to ensure

The first step in the testing procedure was refilling the butane fuel cell (if necessary) and refilling
the oxygen cartridge. The oxygen cartridge was filled from a supply tank of oxygen regulated to
90 psi, and then sealed using the ball valve. It was then threaded into the regulator on the robot,
keeping the ball valve closed until the initiation of a new test. Due to the rapid use of oxygen,
five oxygen cartridges were filled and used during each testing cycle.
We explored the space of butane to oxygen ratios extensively during testing, and found a
baseline mixture of 50 mL of oxygen and 24 mL of butane per jump to be the most consistent.
The volume of the oxygen cartridges and the filling pressure limited the number of jumps on a
single cartridge to two (or three if the amount of fuel delivered was reduced appropriately).
The circuit board was designed to run the same program each time the robot was turned on.
Adjustments to the program required plugging the circuit board directly into a computer and
opening the Arduino IDE.
Experiments were recorded using both a DSLR camera (D600, Nikon Inc.) and a high-speed
camera (Phantom v710, Vision Research Inc.). The latter was run at 1000 or 2000 frames per
second and operated using Phantom Camera Control (PCC) software. For Figures 3B and 3C, the
multiple video frames were background subtracted and merged using Adobe Photoshop (Adobe
Non-linear finite element analysis was performed using the commercial package Abaqus/Explicit
(v6.12) (Abaqus Unified FEA, Dassault Systemes). All materials were modeled using a NeoHookean material model (27), each with a specific initial shear modulus. The shear moduli were
determined experimentally by performing uniaxial tension tests and fitting the stress-strain
curves using a least squares approximation.
To qualitatively show the effect of using materials with different moduli within the same
structure, we deformed three beams with a different material distribution by twisting them 180
degrees. These beams were modeled using approximately 10,000 tetrahedral elements (Abaqus
element code C3D4), and quasi-static conditions were assured by using a relatively long
simulation time, as well as a small damping factor (Fig. 2A).
We simulated the behavior upon pressurizing the internal cavity of the robot, neglecting the
dynamic effects that occur in experiments when actuating the robot. Instead, we ensured quasistatic conditions to generate smoother results that enable a better comparison between the
different designs of the top hemispheroid. We modeled the hemispheroid using the same shear
moduli as used for the beams, but to reduce computation time we used approximately 50,000
triangular shell elements (Abaqus element code S3R), instead of using solid tetrahedral elements.
In the simulations, we fully account for contact between all faces of the model. We inflated the
internal cavity by using the surface-based fluid cavity capability in Abaqus, and monitored the
pressure during inflation. To determine the force that was generated during inflation, we fixed
the top center of the top hemispheroid (1 cm diameter) and measured the vertical reaction force
during inflation.
To determine the forces generated during impact, we used the same conditions as those used in
inflation. All dynamic effects were neglected; instead the robot was slowly forced into the
ground by displacing the top center of the top hemispheroid (1 cm diameter) down towards the
ground, while monitoring the reaction force in the upward direction.

Supplementary Text
At a high level, we acknowledge that the design space is large, and that there are many good
designs to meet the requirements of a jumping robot powered by combustion. The robot
presented by Loepfe et al. (26) provides an example of an alternative design to a similar problem.
The roly-poly geometry enabled their robot to recover from landing in any orientation and to be
ready for the next jump. Our system featured a geometry that, while unable to recover from
certain landing orientations, was able to control jump direction. Incidentally, it is interesting to
see that they independently settled on the power actuator design of an inflated membrane;
however, instead of a bistable design, they rely on material strain for membrane deflection.
While membrane deflection decreases the power available for jumping, it further aids the robot
in returning to its initial jump-ready configuration, as there is just one stable state. The large
design space resulted in two designs that differ based on differently prioritized performance
requirements. The robot from Loepfe et al. showed consistent, repeatable operation even on
rough terrain, while our system demonstrated directional control and good robustness.
We tested multiple robot bodies, as the body design evolved iteratively (which was enabled by
the modular design). Early bodies failed upon combustion of the fuel because of stress
concentrations from the use of screws to attach the core to the body. When the screws were
replaced by mushroom-head fasteners, the main section of the body would only fail under
oblique impacts on landing from tests using elevated fuel levels. A common mode of failure was
also the tearing of the soft, bottom hemi-ellipsoidal portion of the legs due to repeated
inflation/deflation cycles and the poor fatigue properties of the flexible 3D printed material.
In the tests in which we compared the impact behavior of the gradient top robot to the rigid top
robot, we dropped the gradient robot, with all of the control components attached, from the
maximum height achieved by the rigid top robot. The robot was dropped from numerous
orientations to mimic the variability in landing. The gradient top robot survived a total of 35
falls. Unlike the rigid top robot, in which structural failure was catastrophic, the failure mode of
the gradient top robot on the 36th fall was a cracking of one of the legs, which is easily repairable
with a urethane adhesive.
In the baseline testing condition, 50 mL of oxygen was used for each jump. The oxygen cartridge
had an internal volume of 20 mL and was pressurized to 90 psi, giving an initial volume of
oxygen (at STP) of 122 mL. Thus, there should have been 22 mL left after the two jumps.
Measurement of the remaining oxygen showed that 14.5 4.2 mL (N=6) was left. The
discrepancy (~7.5 mL) is likely due to inaccuracies in determining the exact valve timing and
imperfections in the press fits of the tubing, valves, and connectors.
The supply pressure effect was certainly a factor, as the pressure of the oxygen cartridge changed
significantly from the first jump to the second. We accounted for this fact by using different
valve timing on the first and second jumps. The correct timing was determined experimentally
by (1) filling an oxygen cartridge to standard experimental conditions, (2) opening the valve and
noting the time required to deliver 50 mL oxygen, then closing the valve, and (3) reopening the
valve a second time to deliver the same amount of oxygen, again noting the (new) time. We
found that after filling to 90 psi, a standard 16g CO2 cartridge would deliver 50 mL of oxygen in
1.95 seconds. The now lower pressure cartridge would deliver the same volume of oxygen (50
mL) in 1.50 seconds upon opening the valve a second time.

Fuel measurements were taken periodically over months of testing, and thus conditions (e.g.
ambient temperature, humidity, etc.) varied. As discussed above, the flow rate of oxygen was
variable, and so fuel delivery was determined by experimenting with valve timing. For an
oxygen cartridge filled to 90 psi, opening the valve for 1.95 seconds delivered 56.3 5.8 mL (N
= 15). The second valve opening of 1.50 seconds delivered 47.5 2.7 mL (N = 6). The flow rate
of butane was notoriously variable, depending on how much liquid butane was in the container,
the orientation of the container, and how forcefully it was press fit into the core module. After a
procedure that produced somewhat reliable results was established, we determined a flow rate of
1.1 0.4 mL/s (N = 21).
In tethered experiments on the gradient top robot (in which the control hardware was off-board
and thus the robot was significantly lighter), the robot achieved its highest jump of 2.35 m using
50 mL of butane and 120 mL of oxygen. With a body mass of 478.6 g, this jump corresponds to
an efficiency of 0.18% (+0.11%, -0.05%). The most efficient jump was a tethered test that
reached 1.60 m using 24 mL of butane and 50 mL of oxygen, corresponding to an efficiency of
0.26% (+0.15%, -0.07%). For the untethered system, a robot with a total mass of 964.6 grams
jumped 0.76 m using 24 mL of butane and 50 mL of oxygen, corresponding to an efficiency of
0.25% (+0.14%, -0.07%). The amounts of oxygen and butane used for the maximum height jump
and most efficient jump did not correspond to calculated stoichiometric ratios. However, given
that fuel delivery was quantified by valve timing, the exact amount of butane or oxygen
delivered was unable to be precisely determined. In addition, we did not actively remove the
preexisting air from the system, meaning that some amount of air was present in the combustion
chamber in addition to the delivered amounts of oxygen and butane. Another source of error was
the possibility that some of the butane was being absorbed into the walls of the combustion
Using smaller volumes of butane and oxygen, we were able to achieve multiple successive jumps
in the tethered gradient top system. We demonstrated multiple jumps of differing heights (1.00 m
jump followed by 0.30 m jump), as well as multiple jumps of roughly the same height (0.15 m
and 0.15 m, also 0.50 m and 0.30 m).
As oxygen was the limiting fuel source, additional jumps could have been achieved by
increasing the pressure of the stored oxygen. The pressure canister we used had an internal
volume of 20 mL and is rated to contain pressures up to 6.2 MPa (900 psi). At this pressure, the
canister could hold 1.62 g of oxygen, which is equivalent to 1.22 L at room temperature (20C)
and atmospheric pressure. This amount of oxygen is enough for 32 consecutive jumps. A full
butane fuel cell holds 3.3 g of butane, or 1.38 L of gaseous butane at room temperature and
atmospheric pressure, or enough for 57 jumps. Thus, oxygen was the limiting fuel. For safety
reasons, we used oxygen pressurized to only 90 psi and replaced the oxygen supply after two

Fig. S1. Driving components and core module. (A) Functional dependencies of the control
hardware. (B) CAD model of the core module with components from (A) labelled.

Fig. S2. Simulations of beams in tension. Simulations of beams in tension that are fully flexible
(top), half rigid and half flexible (middle), and transition gradually from rigid to flexible
(bottom). The maximum stresses in each of these beams are 0.35 MPa, 0.54 MPa, and 0.37 MPa,
respectively. Compared to the half rigid and half flexible beam, the fully flexible and gradient
beams experience maximum stresses of 64.8% and 68.5%, respectively. Simulations were done
with (undeformed) beam dimensions of 25.4 mm x 152.4 mm x 1.0 mm. Enlarged images of the
points of stress concentration are shown to the right of each beam. Additional motivation for the
use of a gradient was derived from considerations of the effect of stress concentrations on
interfacial failure in multi-material systems, a problem that is well established in the mechanics
literature (28).


Youngs Modulus (MPa)










Table S1. Youngs moduli of the materials in the gradient. The materials used were digital
combinations of commercial 3D printing materials offered by Stratasys, specifically
VeroWhitePlus RGD835 (rigid) and TangoPlus FLX930 (flexible). Detailed information on
these materials may be found on the Stratasys website

Movie S1
This movie depicts the animated simulation results, as in Fig. 2. The first sequence shows the
evolution of body shape for the rigid top, gradient top, and flexible top robots as the volume of
the gas inside the body expands. The second sequence compares the impact behavior of the same
three cases.
Movie S2
This movie presents the results of experimental testing, as in Fig. 3. The first sequence compares
the impact behavior of the rigid top and gradient top robots. The second sequence depicts the
robot performing a targeted jump off of an angled surface, and includes high-speed video of the
takeoff. The final sequence shows the robot performing a directional jump on a flat surface.

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