K Opiods For Pain Bup

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Previous work indicated that hypothalamic BDNF participates in

homeostatic processes that preserve
energy levels essential for survival.
Recently, we demonstrated an intimate involvement of BDNF in the
regulation of hedonic feeding via the
positive modulation of the mesolimbic
dopamine pathway (Cordeira et al,
2010). This neural circuit mediates
motivated and reward-seeking behaviors, including consumption of palatable food, and has well-established
roles in drug addiction. Mice with
selective deletion of Bdnf in the
ventral tegmental area (VTA), a principal source of mesolimbic BDNF,
consumed significantly more palatable
high-fat food than control mice, while
exhibiting normal intake of standard
chow. Furthermore, evoked release of
dopamine by mesolimbic fibers in the
nucleus accumbens was diminished in
mice lacking central BDNF, suggesting
decreased VTA dopamine neuron
activity and concomitant reductions
in neurotransmitter release. It was
proposed previously that hypoactivity
of the mesolimbic system might result
in reward deficiency syndrome and,
behaviorally, in compensatory overeating to enhance a deficient dopaminergic system. In support of this
model, hyperphagic leptin-deficient
mice were also reported to have
reduced evoked dopamine release in
the nucleus accumbens (Fulton et al,
2006). Moreover, we found that administration of a dopamine-1 receptor
agonist abrogated overeating in BDNF
mutant mice. The results argue
strongly that BDNF is a natural
modulator of hedonic food intake
and that dysregulation of BDNF
signaling in the reward circuitry increases the drive to eat in the absence
of a homeostatic requirement.
BDNF facilitates synaptic sensitization of VTA dopamine neurons following cocaine withdrawal, which
might represent a mechanism mediating cue-associated drug craving and
relapse (Pu et al, 2006). Many questions remain regarding the effects of
BDNF on excitability within the VTA
during food reward-related processes.

For example, does BDNF facilitate

forms of synaptic plasticity in the
VTA necessary for food reward learning? Does deficient BDNF signal affect
the firing rate of dopamine neurons
and impede transitions to burst firing
and subsequent dopamine release
during food reward-related processes?
A better understanding of the cellular
and molecular mechanisms underlying the anorexigenic effects of this
pleiotropic neurotrophin will facilitate
the development of novel therapies for
appetitive disorders.

This work was supported by the
Klarman Family Foundation and NIDDK
(DK073311) research grants to MR.
Maribel Rios1
Deparment of Neuroscience, Tufts University School
of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

The author declares that during the past 3 years, she
has been compensated for offering scientific opinions
to Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. This does not reflect a
conflict of interest with respect to this article.

Cordeira J, Frank L, Sena-Esteves M, Pothos E, Rios M
(2010). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor regulates
hedonic feeding by acting on the mesolimbic
dopamine system. J Neurosci 30: 25332541.
Fulton S, Pissios P, Manchon RP, Stiles L, Frank L,
Pothos EN et al (2006). Leptin regulation of the
mesoaccumbens dopamine pathway. Neuron 51:
Han JC, Liu QR, Jones M, Levinn RL, Menzie CM,
Jefferson-George KS et al (2008). Brain-derived
neurotrophic factor and obesity in the WAGR
syndrome. N Engl J Med 359: 918927.
Pu L, Liu QS, Poo MM (2006). BDNF-dependent
synaptic sensitization in midbrain dopamine neurons after cocaine withdrawal. Nat Neurosci 9:
Unger TJ, Calderon GA, Bradley LC, Sena-Esteves
M, Rios M (2007). Selective deletion of Bdnf in the
ventromedial and dorsomedial hypothalamus of
adult mice results in hyperphagic behavior and
obesity. J Neurosci 27: 1426514274.
Shimizu E, Hashimoto K, Iyo M (2004). Ethnic
difference of the BDNF 196G/A (val66met) polymorphism frequencies: the possibility to explain
ethnic mental traits. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 126: 122123.
Xu B, Goulding EH, Zang K, Cepoi D, Cone RD,
Jones KR et al (2003). Brain-derived neurotrophic
factor regulates energy balance downstream
of melanocortin-4 receptor. Nat Neurosci 6:
Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews (2011) 36, 368369;

The Therapeutic
Potential of k-Opioids
for Treatment of Pain
and Addiction
When the k-subtype of opioid receptor
was first distinguished, there was tremendous interest in developing analgesics that would provide pain-relief
without activating the reward pathways
stimulated by morphine-like m-opioids.
A nonaddictive opioid has been a holy
grail of medicinal chemistry ever since
Friedrich Serturner isolated morphine
from opium in 1804. Selective k-agonists were developed, but quickly found
to produce different problems including
dysphoria, diuresis, and constipation.
In addition, their maximal analgesic
effects were weaker than m-opioids in
rodents. But interest in k-opioids as
therapeutic tools did not completely
die; Shippenberg and colleagues found
that k-agonists reduced the rewarding
effects of co-administered addictive
drugs; k-opioid analgesia using pentazocine was seen as an alternative for
pain control in people with a risk of
drug abuse; and k-agonists entered
clinical trials for the treatment of pain
and itch (see Millan, 1990).
Although enthusiasm for agonists
waned, interest in k-antagonists as
therapeutic tools got a boost when
Carlezon and colleagues showed their
activity in the forced swim assay,
predictive of antidepressant activity
(Mague et al, 2003). Following on that
study, we reported that k-antagonism
blocked stress-induced potentiation
of cocaine reinforcement (McLaughlin
et al, 2003). Numerous studies have
replicated and extended those findings
showing the utility of k-antagonists
to block stress-induced reinstatement
of extinguished cocaine- and ethanolseeking, block m-opioid and cannabinoid withdrawal signs, and block
the aversive effects of nicotine. All
these effects of k-antagonists can be
attributed to block of the actions
of endogenous dynorphins, which are
k-selective opioid peptides released
during the stress response (Land et al,





Ligand-directed signaling:
Full and partial KOR agonists

Analgesia and other membrane-delimitated effects

High efficacy KOR agonists




p38 MAPK activation  aversion


Long-acting KOR antagonists


cJun N-terminal Kinase activation  KOR inactivation

Figure 1. Three possible forms of ligand-directed signaling are illustrated.

2008). Consistent with the dysphoric

effects of k-agonist drugs and natural
k-opioids isolated from the plant Salvia
divinorum, endogenous dynorphins
encode a component of the anxiogenic
and dysphoric responses to stressful
Thus, k-opioid antagonists show
promise as therapeutic tools to promote stress resilience that may be
effective in treating certain forms of
anxiety, depression, and addiction
disorders, as stress-hypersensitivity
exacerbates each of these syndromes.
However, selective k-opioid antagonists have been known since their
initial development by Portoghese and
Takemori more than 20 years ago to
have remarkably long durations of
action. Although this property might
be considered a therapeutic advantage
(as infrequent dosing may be sufficient and missed doses would be less
concerning), the lack of understanding of its basis has slowed drug
development. We recently reported
(Bruchas et al, 2007; Melief et al,
2010) that the long action was not a
result of k-receptor downregulation or
drug persistence, but rather that these
ligands were not truly competitive
antagonists; instead their effects were
caused by the activation of c-Jun
N-terminal kinase (JNK) following
k-receptor binding (Figure 1). We

think that JNK activation phosphorylates a component of the k-receptor

signaling complex, thus preventing Gprotein activation and causing longlasting receptor inactivation. This
mechanism predicts that low-efficacy
ligands that bind to k-receptors without activating JNK may be shortacting antagonists. Conventional,
competitive k-antagonists may more
easily gain approval.
The therapeutic promise of k-agonists has also been recently revived by
studies showing that their dysphoric
effects require activation of G-protein
receptor kinase, arrestin recruitment
and subsequent p38 MAPK activation,
whereas their analgesic effects do not
(Bruchas and Chavkin, 2010). As evident from ligands initiating m-opioid
signaling, some analgesic opioids
including fentanyl effectively recruit
arrestin, whereas morphine is an excellent analgesic, but does not recruit
arrestin. The realization that different
agonists binding to the same receptor
can produce different actions has
been variously called biased agonism,
functional selectivity, and ligand
directed signaling (see Melief et al,
2010). On the basis of this concept, an
analgesic k-opioid that did not recruit
arrestin might not produce dysphoria
(Figure 1). A formulation of such a
ligand, combined with a peripherally



restricted k-antagonist to block the

constipating and diuretic effects,
might result in the long-sought nonaddictive opioid analgesic. These are
exciting times in the k-world.
Charles Chavkin1
Allan and Phyllis Treuer Professor, Department of
Pharmacology, University of Washington School of
Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

C Chavkin has no conflicts of interest or consulting
relationships to disclose, but has received outside
compensation for seminars on his NIH-funded research
during the past 3 years at: AstraZeneca, NIDA,
UC Irvine, Uniformed Services University, University of
Minnesota, Sepracor, Eli Lilly, Adolor, and Vanderbilt.
In addition, he has received outside compensation for
reviewing grants for CSR-NIH and NIDA.

Bruchas MR, Chavkin C (2010). Kinase cascades and
ligand-directed signaling at the kappa opioid receptor. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 210: 137147.
Bruchas MR, Yang T, Schreiber S, Defino M, Kwan
SC, Li S et al (2007). Long-acting kappa opioid
antagonists disrupt receptor signaling and produce
noncompetitive effects by activating c-Jun Nterminal kinase. J Biol Chem 282: 2980329811.
Land BB, Bruchas MR, Lemos JC, Xu M, Melief EJ,
Chavkin C (2008). The dysphoric component of
stress is encoded by activation of the dynorphin
kappa-opioid system. J Neurosci 28: 407414.
Mague SD, Pliakas AM, Todtenkopf MS, Tomasiewicz
HC, Zhang Y, Stevens Jr WC et al (2003).
Antidepressant-like effects of kappa-opioid receptor antagonists in the forced swim test in rats.
J Pharmacol Exp Ther 305: 323330.
McLaughlin JP, Marton-Popovici M, Chavkin C (2003).
Kappa opioid receptor antagonism and prodynorphin
gene disruption block stress-induced behavioral
responses. J Neurosci 23: 56745683.
Melief EJ, Miyatake M, Bruchas MR, Chavkin C
(2010). Ligand-directed c-Jun N-terminal kinase
activation disrupts opioid receptor signaling. Proc
Natl Acad Sci USA 107: 1160811613.
Millan MJ (1990). Kappa-opioid receptors and analgesia. Trends Pharmacol Sci 11: 7076.
Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews (2011) 36, 369370;

New Treatments in
Amyotrophic Lateral
Identification of New ALS
Relevant Genes and Animal
Model Development
For the past 15 years, the field of
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
pathophysiology and drug development has largely been dominated by

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