Lit 2 Reaction Paper

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Gabrielle Catalan

The Freedom from Pain and Suffering

Ravi Zacharias, an author and a Christian apologist, held a talk about

suffering. He explained the story of Job, as well as Gods purpose a creator,
designer, revealer, comforter, mediator, savior, strengthener, and restorer.
He mentioned about the trilemma which consists of three assertions that
God is all-powerful; God is all-loving; and evil is a reality. Also, he explained
why we need to feel pain and how God can save us from this suffering.
There is quote made by Zacharias that says be good and be blessed,
be bad and be cursed. What does this mean? In doing something good, we,
in turn receive a blessing or a prize as a reward. However, if we go against
the good deed, we get punished. This punishment serves as our suffering.
But why do we suffer? If God is all-loving and the loving thing to do is ease
the pain of someone you love, why does he still make us suffer? If God is allpowerful and he could do whatever he pleases, then he could just take away
all the suffering in the world. Yet evil and suffering is a huge part of human
experience. This is the trilemma, as Zacharias said. But as Zacharias also
stated, why couldnt it be a quintilemma, where the other two would say that
God is all-wise and that God lives an eternity. If God is all-wise, then he there
would be a rational explanation on why suffering is not removed. And if we
consider the fact that God lives an eternity, then time would be a factor on
understanding suffering. For instance, if we suffer today, maybe tomorrow
we realize that God allowed this to happen in order for us to be better
If our purpose is to follow Gods ways and we go against our purpose,
then it is a sin. Sin is a violation of purpose. As a punishment for this
violation, we experience suffering. And together with suffering, we feel pain.
The pain we feel is not only physical but emotional, mental, and spiritual as
well. In my own understanding, pain is inflicted upon us so that we learn
that we did something wrong to have experienced this. It is a manifestation
that we have gone against our purpose. Pain and suffering make us realize
what evil does. And by this realization, we learn to avoid committing sins
again, hence leaning to God. Through this, God saves us from suffering. Once
we are saved, our soul and faith are strengthened and restored.
It is better to feel pain than not feel it at all. Some people cannot feel
pain physically, which is dangerous because one could bleed to death
without even knowing it. And some people cannot feel pain emotionally,
which is also dangerous because one could keep on killing people without
feeling bad about it. Pain is important because freedom from pain is one of
an indication of whether or not something is beneficial.

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