The Role of Accrual Accounting Basis in The Prediction of Future Cash Flows: The Nigerian Evidence

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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)

Vol.6, No.4, 2015

The Role of Accrual Accounting Basis in the Prediction of Future

Cash Flows: The Nigerian Evidence
Oba Efayena
Department of Accounting and Finance, Delta State University, P.M.B. 1, Abraka, Nigeria
E-mail: [email protected]
The study examines the role of past accrual based earnings derived from accrual accounting basis in comparison
to cash flows in the prediction of future operating cash flows of quoted non-financial companies in Nigeria.
Using a sample of 40 quoted non-financial companies in the Nigeria Stock Exchange, studied over a period of 13
years from 2001 2013, and employing the OLS regression technique, the results suggest that both past accrual
based earnings and cash flows have predictive ability in forecasting future operating cash flows. The results
show that cash flows are a better predictor of future operating cash flows than past earnings. Our findings do not
support the assertion of the FASB (1978) and the IASB (1989) that earnings are a better predictor of future cash
flows. The study recommends that the quality of accounting information produced by the accrual accounting
basis should be improved upon by the urgent enforcement of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) in
Keywords: past accrual based earnings; accrual accounting basis; cash flows; future operating cash flows;
predictive ability; OLS regression
1. Introduction
The two main approaches that have been used in predicting future cash flows are the accrual-basis accounting
and the cash-basis accounting. The FASB (1978) and the IASB (1989) unanimously agree on the superiority of
the accrual-basis accounting over the cash-basis accounting in the prediction of future performance. This led
many researchers to investigate the predictive ability of the accrual accounting basis and the cash accounting
basis in the prediction of future cash flows. The results have been mixed, contradictory, and inconclusive. Some
researchers (Greenberg, Johnson, & Ramesh, 1986; Kim & Gross, 2005; Pae, 2005; Ebaid, 2011) found that
accrual based earnings information have superior predictive ability than cash flow based information in the
prediction of future operating cash flows. Other researchers (Finger, 1994; Farshadfar, Ng, & Brimble, 2008;
Penham & Yehuda, 2009; Waldron & Jordan, 2010) concluded that cash based information were superior to
accrual based earnings information. McBeth (1993) reported that neither cash flows nor accrual-based earnings
were good predictors of future cash flows. The objective of this study is to investigate whether accrual-basis
accounting has superior ability than cash-basis accounting in predicting future operating cash flows of Nigerian
quoted companies, and to find out whether the results are consistent with findings of studies conducted in other
Nigeria provides an interesting setting for this study. Nigeria shares common orientation and accounting
practices with the Anglo-Saxon accounting countries that include the United States, the United Kingdom,
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. This provides a strong ground for expecting that results of this study would
be consistent with results of studies carried out in some of the Anglo-Saxon accounting countries. Although,
many studies conducted in the United States of America have provided empirical evidence that accrual basis
accounting has predictive ability in forecasting future cash flow, it is yet to be confirmed whether this evidence
holds for a developing country like Nigeria. For one, Nigeria stock markets are far less developed than those in
the United States. Also, accounting regulation and enforcement is not as strict in Nigeria as it is in the developed
countries. Even though Nigerian adopts high quality accounting standards (Nigerian local accounting standards
are imitation of accounting standards formulated in developed countries), the level of enforcement of these
standards is still low. The literature calls attention to the fact that high quality accounting standards alone are not
sufficient, but of importance also, are how these standards are enforced. Leuz, Nanda, and Wysocki (2003)
observed that accrual based earnings quality is appreciably lower for countries with poor enforcement
The literature on cash flow prediction in developing countries is scarce, except for few studies such as
Chotkunakitti (2005) and Chong (2012). The literature in this area is also very scarce in Nigeria. This study,
therefore, would be of immense benefit to users of financial statements in Nigeria. Specifically, it would assist
investors, financial analysts, creditors, auditors and management in understanding cash flow predictions and use
it to assess the ability of a company to generate future cash flows. The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 is literature review and hypotheses development. Section 3 provides the theoretical framework and
research methods. Empirical results are presented in section 4. Section 5 discusses the findings. Lastly section 6
summarizes and concludes the paper.

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.6, No.4, 2015

2. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development

2.1 Accrual basis accounting
The literature in differentiating between the accrual-basis accounting and the cash-basis accounting highlighted
the information product of these accounting methods. These are the accrual based earnings information derived
from the income statement prepared on the accrual accounting basis; and the cash flow information derived from
cash flow statement prepared on the basis of cash accounting. The accrual based earning information is
supported for many reasons. First it is considered relevant in measuring a firms performance (Godfrey,
Hodgson, & Holmes, 2003) because it avoids the distortion of uncertain variations in cash flows (Kremer &
Rizzuto, 2000) in the measurement of performance. Second, the concept of matching expenses and revenue in
arriving at accrual based earnings reflects the uses of assets in generating revenue. The usefulness of accrual
based earnings for predicting a firms future cash flows has been widely affirmed by a number of researchers
(Board & Day, 1989; Watts & Zimmerman, 1986). However, Arnedo, Lizarraga, and Sanchez (2012) reiterated
that accruals are also fraught with measurement error due to the assumptions underlying their determination and
the discretion allowed under GAAP. Other critics of the accrual based earnings approach argue that accrual
based earnings suffer from flexible accounting techniques, subjective judgment, and manipulative practices
(Bernard & Stober, 1989; Lee, 1993). It is also argued that under inflationary condition, accrual-basis accounting
show a tendency of overstating profits and understating assets (Board & Day, 1989; Lawson, 1992; Lee, 1993).
Bierman (1988) and Sharma (2001) posit that under these circumstances, accrual based earning is less effective
in predicting future operating cash flows, and users of financial statements turn to cash flow information instead.
Motivated by the assertion of the FASB (1978) that accrual based earnings provide a better indicator of
future cash flows, a number of empirical studies were carried out to determine the predictive ability of accrual
based earnings in predicting future cash flows. Greenberg et al. (1986) using a sample of 157 industrial
companies in the United States on Compustat data for the period 1963 to 1982 sought to test empirically whether
current earnings or current cash flows are better predictors of future cash flows. They reported that current
earnings were a better predictor of future cash flows than current cash flows, and thus provide evidence
supporting FASBs statement regarding the importance of earnings. Arnedo et al. (2012) in their study of 4,397
Spanish companies reported lower out-of-sample prediction error for accrual based earnings model than for the
cash flow model. Consequently they concluded that accrual based earnings model was a better predictor of future
operating cash flows than the cash flow model. We therefore hypothesize that:
H1: Past accrual based
earnings information have significant ability in
future operating cash flows of quoted non-financial companies in Nigeria.
2.2 Cash basis accounting
On the other side of the debate are those in support of the cash basis accounting. Lee (1986) defines the cash
basis accounting (also known as cash flow accounting) as the term used to denote a system of financial
reporting which describes the performance of an entity in cash terms. It is based on matching periodic cash
inflows and cash outflows, free of credit transactions and arbitrary accounting allocations. Cash flows are not
infected by measurement problems and thus accelerate the prediction of future dividends and credit and loan
payments (Hodgson & Stevenson-Clarke, 2000).
Many empirical studies found that cash flow information were a better predictor of future operating
cash flows than accrual earnings. Bowen, Burgstahler, and Daley (1986) using a sample size of 324 firms in the
United States, on the Compustat for the period 1971 to 1981, found that overall earnings did not provide a better
predictor than cash flows. Al-Debie (2011) examining the relative predictive ability of current operating cash
flows and current accrual earnings for the prediction of future operating cash flows for a sample of service and
industrial shareholding companies in Jordan for the period 2000 2009, found that the predictive ability of
operating cash flows is stronger than that of earnings for forecasting future operating cash flows for one- to three
year ahead forecast horizon. Lev and Sougiannis (2010) in their cash flow prediction study in the United States
for the period 1988 2004, found that for one- to- three year forecasting period, the cash flow model had a better
predictive ability than the accrual based earnings model for predicting future operating cash flow. We therefore
hypothesize that:
H2: Past cash flows have significant ability in predicting future operating cash flows of quoted
non-financial companies in Nigeria.
The results of some studies were inconclusive. McBeth (1993) using data from 4,415 firms in the United States
on Compustat Disclosure for the period 1988 1990 and concentrating on the variables: net income and actual
cash flows from operation, found that neither the net income nor cash flow from operation provided a better
predictor of future cash flows. However, on the basis of the FASB (1978) and the IASB (1989) assertion that
accrual based earnings are a better predictor of future operating cash flow than cash flows, we hypothesize that:
H3: Past accrual based earnings information have superior predictive ability than past
cash flows in predicting future operating cash flows of quoted non-financial companies in


Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.6, No.4, 2015

3. Theoretical Framework and Research Methods
3.1 Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework for this study is based on two models: the accrual based earnings model (model 1)
and the cash flow model (model 2). The accrual-based earnings model was built by Dechow, Kothari, and Watts
(1998). They posit that future cash flow is dependent on past aggregate earnings. The accrual based earnings
model is expressed as follows:
CF , = +
EARN , + , 1a
CF ,

= +

Where: CF ,


+ , 1b

= Future cash flows (i = firm; t = year)


= Aggregate past earnings

= Constant and coefficient of earnings

The cash flow model was designed by Quirin, OBryan, Wilcox, and Berry (1999) and Stammerjohan and
Nassiripour (2000/2001) in which they suggested that year lags of cash flow themselves provide a good predictor
of future operating cash flows. The cash flow model is expressed as follows:
cF , = + ,- CF , + u , 2a
CF ,

= +


+ u , 2b

CFi,t+1 = Future cash flows
i = firm
t- = year lags
= intercept and coefficient of independent variable
In both models, future cash flow is the dependent variable, and future cash flow refers to future operating cash
3.2 Research Methods
3.2.1 Research Design
This study used the longitudinal survey research design. The survey research design is justified on the grounds
that it is aligned with the positivism paradigm on which the study is based. The population of interest in this
study is all 120 non-financial companies quoted in the Nigerian stock exchange. The sample size is made up of
54 quoted non-financial companies which was selected using the convenience sampling technique. The sample
size was determined using the Slovins formula (Yamene, 1967): n = N/1+Ne2; where n is the sample size, N is
the population and e is the sampling error margin (10%, 5% level of significance). Applying the 10% error
margin, the study arrived at a calculated sample size, n, of 54 quoted non-financial companies. However, due to
missing data, the sample size of 54 was reduced to 40 non-financial quoted companies in the Nigerian stock
Secondary data sourced from the Nigeria stock exchange fact book and the annual reports and accounts
of the sampled firms were used for this study. The study focused on the profit and loss account, balance sheet
and the cash flow statements of the listed companies. For proper analysis, the dependent variable and the
independent variables were made to fall within certain time frame. Annual data for the dependent variable were
from the end of year 2002 to the end of year 2013. The annual data for the independent variables were lagged, t1, from the end of year 2001 to 2012. This annual data matching in different periods was adapted from
Chotkunakitti (2005) and Chong (2012).
3.2.2 Model Specification
The two models specified for this study, the accruals based earnings model and the cash flow model are specified
as follows.
Accrual based earnings model
CFO = b1 + b EARN + 3a (one year lag)
CFO = b1 + b EARN + b7 EARN 7 + 3b (two year lag)
CFO = b1 + b EARN + b7 EARN 7 + b9 EARN 9 + 3c (three year lag)

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.6, No.4, 2015

CFOt = Net cash flow from operating activities for the year, t, scaled by the average total assets. This is the
dependent variable.
EARNt-1; EARNt-2; EARNt-3 = Profit after tax and before extraordinary items and discontinued operations scaled
by average total assets in year t-1, t-2, and t-3.
b0, b1, b2, b3 = the unknown regression coefficients; = the error term.
Cash Flow Model
CFO = b + b CFO + u 4a (one year lag)
CFO = b + b CFO + b7 CFO 7 + u 4b (two year lag)
CFO = b + b CFO + b7 CFO 7 + b9 CFO 9 + u 4c (three year lag)
CFOt = Net cash flow from operations for year t, scaled by the average total assets.
CFOt-1, CFOt-2, and CFOt-3 are net cash flow from operations for year t-1, t-2, and t-3 lags
respectively; b0, b1, b2, and b3 = unknown regression coefficients; u = the error term.
3.2.3 Data Analysis Method
The ordinary least squares (OLS) technique was used in running the models. Prior to interpretation of the results,
regression diagnostic was carried out to check for the normality, homoskedasticity, and the independent errors
assumption of the residuals, and to check for presence of multicollinearity. The Pearson correlation matrix was
employed to test for the presence of multicollinearity. To test the hypotheses, the study utilized the following
statistics: F-statistic with its associated p-value, the adjusted R2 and the t-statistic with its associated p-values.
3.2.4 Operationalization of Variables
Table 1 presents the measurement of the variables and prior studies supporting their validity.
Table 1. Operationalization of variables
Prior Studies
Net cash flows from operating activities
Chong (2012); Ebaid (2011); and
Average Total Assets
Chokunakitti (2005).



Profit after tax and extraordinary

items, special items and
discontinued operations
Average total assets

Barth, Cram, and Nelson (2001);

Quirin et. al. (1999);
Stammerjohan and Nassiripour



Net cash flows from operating activities

Average Total Assets

Al-Attar and Hussain (2004); and

Chotkunakitti (2005).

total assets


Total assets book value at the

beginning + closing book value
at the end of the period

Chong (2012); Barth et al. (2001)

CFOt: Operating cash flows in year t (Future operating cash flows)

EARNt-i: Past earnings from operations; CFOt-i: Past operating cash flows
Source: Authors computation based on the literature.
4. The Empirical Results
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics for the data set. Earnings (EARN) has a mean of 4.4 percent and a
median of 5.8 percent suggesting that on the average Nigerian firms assets earn positive income. Cash flow
(CFO) has a mean of 12.10 percent and a median of 11.9 percent suggesting that on the average Nigerian quoted
firms have positive net cash flows. A comparison of the EARN and CFO shows that the positive mean percent
and the median percent of CFO are higher than the mean percent and median percent of the EARN variable,
suggesting that EARN is having a positive effect on CFO. It means that as EARN increases so too does CFO.


Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.6, No.4, 2015

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics

Obs Mean
Median Std. Dev Min
EARNt-1 480
EARNt-2 440
EARNt-3 400
Source: Authors computation based on Eviews 8 output






The Jarque-Bera (JB) statistic for all the variables have significant p-values (p = 0.000) suggesting that each
variable series is not a normal distribution. The high kurtosis for the variables suggest the presence of outliers
which again indicates non-normality of the data. However the study ignored the non-normality of the data by
invoking the central limit theorem. According to Brooks (2008), as regards large data, appealing to the central
limit theorem, the test statistic will asymptotically follow the appropriate distribution even in the absence of error
normality. The sample data of 520 observations is relatively large to benefit from the central limit theorem.
4.2 Multicollinearity
The study tested for the presence of multicollinearity which could affect the regression results. Table 3 shows the
correlation between the variables, presented as a matrix. Hair, Anderson, Tatham, and Black (1998) state that a
correlation exceeding 0.90, is an indication of the presence of multicollinearity. An inspection of table 3 shows
that the correlation between the variables ranges from 0.183 to 0.685. The highest correlation is 0.685. This
indicates that multicollinearity is not present in our data.
Table 3: Correlation Matrix
Source: Authors computation from Eviews 8 output
4.3 Heteroskedasticity
Table 4 presents the results of the Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg, and White tests for heteroskedasticity. The
Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg test of heteroskedasticity test the null hypothesis against the alternative
hypothesis as follows:
Ho: variance (u) = 0
Ha: variance (u) 0
The null hypothesis of a constant variance would be rejected where there is a significant p-value. This implies
that there is heteroskedasticity in the sample data.
The White test is a test for homoskedasticity. A significant p-value means that the null hypothesis of
homoskedasticity is rejected otherwise it is not rejected. The White test of homoskedasticity tests the hypothesis
stated as follows:
Ho: homoskedasticity
Ha: unrestricted heteroskedasticity


Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.6, No.4, 2015

Table 4: Results of Heteroskedasticity Test

Model / Lags
Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg
p > 2
Accrual based earnings model
1 Year Lag
2 Year Lag
3 Year Lag
Cash Flow Model
1 Year Lag
2 Year Lag
3 Year Lag
Source: Developed from Stata 13 Output.

White Test
p > 2


The results in table 4 indicate that under the accrual based earnings model, the Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg
tests and White test show very high significant p-values. Therefore the null hypothesis of constant variance and
null hypothesis of homoskedasticity are strongly rejected. White (1980) suggests that to correct for
heteroskedasticity, the regression should be run using heteroskedasticity robust standard errors. The OLS
regression for the accrual based earnings model was carried out using heteroskedasticity robust standard errors.
The p-values reported under the cash flow model (using both tests) show insignificant p-values (p > 0.05) under
all the year lags. Therefore the null hypothesis of constant variance and homoskedasticity are not rejected. This
is an indication that there is no heteroskedasticity in the cash flow model. We can therefore rely on the result of
the OLS regression of the cash model.
4.4 Hypothesis Testing
Under this section the hypotheses earlier postulated would be tested. In testing the hypotheses the following
statistics would be used: t-values, p-values, and the adjusted R2. Table 5 presents the results of the regression
analysis carried out on the accruals based earnings model, while table 6 provides the result of the regression
analysis on the cash flow model.
Table 6: Accrual based earnings model regression (robust standard error)
Dependent Variable: CFOt
One-year lag
Two year lag
Three-year lag
Adj. R2
Durbin Watson
Source: Authors computation from Eviews 8 Output.




Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.6, No.4, 2015

Table 6: Cash flow model regression

Dependent Variable: CFOt
One-year lag
Two year lag
0.304 ***
Adj. R2
Durbin Watson
Source: Authors computation from Eviews 8 output.


Three-year lag

Test of Hypothesis one (H1)

H1: Past accrual based earnings information have significant ability in predicting future
operating cash flows of quoted non-financial companies in Nigeria.
An inspection of table 5 shows that earnings (EARN) at all lags (1 year lag, 2 years lag, and 3 years lag) are
highly significant in explaining future cash flows (CFOt). This is indicated by the highly significant F-statistics
(p = 0.000). With regard to the Adjusted R2, the accrual based earnings model explains about 6.8 percent (Adj.
R2 = 0.068) of future operating cash flows (CFOt). The earnings models of two years lag (EARNt-1, EARNt-2)
and three years lag (EARNt-1, EARNt-2, EARNt-3) explain 6.9 percent (Adj. R2 = 0.069) and 9.7 percent (Adj. R2
= 0.097) respectively. The accrual based earnings model of three years-lag had the highest adjusted R2 of 9.7
percent, an indication that it has the highest predictive ability in predicting future operating cash flows. Overall,
we accept our hypothesis that states that past earnings have significant ability in predicting future operating cash
flows of quoted non-financial companies in Nigeria.
Test of Hypothesis two (H2)
H2: Past cash flows have significant ability in predicting future operating cash flows of quoted
non-financial companies in Nigeria.
An inspection of table 6 shows that the F-statistics are very significant (p = 000). This is an indication that the
variables, CFOt-1, CFOt-2, and CFOt-3 jointly have an impact on future operating cash flows (CFOt). The cash
flow model of one year lag, two year lag, and three year lags explain 13.2 percent, 17.3 percent, and 14.9 percent
respectively of the variations of future operating cash flows. However the two years lag model had the highest
forecasting ability (Adj. R2 = 0.176) of future operating cash flows. The Durbin Watson statistics under the cash
flow model were all very close to 2, an indication that the residuals of the cash flow regression model were
uncorrelated and independent. The estimators of the cash flow model are therefore reliable. Based on the above
analysis, we therefore accept our hypothesis that states that past operating cash flows have significant ability in
predicting future operating cash flows of quoted non-financial companies in Nigeria.
Test of hypothesis three (H3)
H3: Past accrual based earnings information have superior predictive ability than past
operating cash flows in predicting future operating cash flows of quoted non-financial
companies in Nigeria.
To determine the model that has the superior predictive ability, the study compared the statistics in table 5
against the statistics in table 6. Specifically, the t-statistic (and their P-values), the F-statistics (and their pvalues), and the Adjusted R2 in both models were compared. On the basis of t-statistic, the cash flow model did
better because t-values for CFOt-1 were statistically significant (p-values = 0.000) under all the year lags (oneyear lag, two-year lag, and three-year lag) (See table 6). However t-values for EARNt-1 in table 5 were only
significant (p = 0.001; 0.019) under the one-year lag and the three-year lag respectively. The t-values for CFOt-2
were statistically significant (p values = 0.000; 0.001) under the two year lag and three year lags respectively.
However an inspection of the table 5 indicates the t-values for EARNt-1 were insignificant (p-values = 0.335;
0.667). The cash flow model used more past information in forecasting future cash flows, thus improving the
quality of the forecast. This makes the cash flow model superior to the accrual based earnings model. On the


Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.6, No.4, 2015

basis of F-statistics, the two models had F-statistic that were statistically significant (p values = 0.000). However
the cash flow model in table 6 had bigger F-statistics (67.405; 42.562; and 21.90) under all the year lags,
compared to the F-statistics (32.921; 15.768; and 13.791) of the accrual based earnings model in table 5.
The adjusted R2 is the best criteria for determining which model is superior. The adjusted R2 is an
indication of the explanatory power of the models. A comparison of table 5 with table 6 shows that the cash flow
model has higher adjusted R2 than the accrual based earnings model (Cash flow model: 0.132; 0.173; 0.149:
Earnings model: 0.068; 0.069; 0.097). This is an indication that the cash flow model has a stronger explanatory
power than the accrual based earnings model. We therefore reject our hypothesis which states that past accrual
based earnings information have superior predictive ability than past operating cash flows in predicting future
operating cash flows non-financial quoted companies in Nigeria.
5. Discussion of Findings
This section discusses the findings of this study. A priori, the study posited that past earnings and cash flow
information are useful in predicting future operating cash flows of quoted non-financial companies in Nigeria.
The findings of this study confirmed these hypotheses. However, the study finds out that past accrual based
earnings information has less predictive ability than past operating cash flows in predicting future cash flows of
quoted non-financial companies in Nigeria. This finding is inconsistent with the assertion of the FASB (1978)
and IASB (1989) that earnings provide a better indicator of future cash flows. The findings of this study thus
show that in the Nigerian context cash flow information are a better predictor of future cash flows than accrual
based earnings information. This finding is consistent with findings of studies carried out in the developed
countries by Bowen et al. (1986); Finger (1994); Farshadfar et al. (2008); Penham and Yehuda (2009); Lev et al.
(2010); Waldron and Jordan (2010) and Arnedo et al. (2012). The finding that cash flows are a better predictor
than accrual based earnings information is also consistent with the findings of the studies carried out in the
developing countries by Chotkunakitti(2005) and Al-Debie (2011). However this finding is inconsistent with
the findings of a study carried out by Chong (2012) on companies in Malaysia (a developing country). Chong
found that cash flow model had the weakest predictive ability in forecasting future cash flows.
The preponderance of studies seems to be in support of the cash flow model being a better predictor of
future operating cash flows than the accrual based earnings model. This is not surprising because earnings under
accrual accounting basis suffer from flexible accounting techniques, subjective judgment and manipulative
practices which result to estimates (Bernard & Stober, 1989; Lee, 1992). Furthermore, the accrual based earnings
method is less effective in predicting future cash flows under inflationary conditions. Nigeria suffers mostly
from double digit inflation rates. Nigeria inflation rates were 13.9 %, 11.8 %, 10.3 %, 12.0 % and 8.0 % in 2009,
2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 respectively (compared to U.S: 2.7%, 1.5%, 2.96%, 1.74%, 1.5%; Japan: -1.67%, 0.4%, -0.2%, -0.1%, 1.6%; Euro Area: 0.29%, 1.62%, 2.72%, 2.50%, 1.35) (CBN Statistical Bulletin, 2013;
Http://; Http://
6. Conclusion
This study has shown that past accrual based information and past cash flows are useful in predicting future cash
flows of quoted non-financial companies in Nigeria. The findings of this study do not support the assertion of the
FASB (1978) and the IASB (1989) that past earnings (product of accrual-basis accounting) have more superior
predictive ability than past cash flows (product of cash-basis accounting) in the prediction of future cash flows.
The study finds that cash flow information have more predictive ability than earnings information in predicting
future cash flows. The findings of this study are consistent with the preponderance of studies carried out in the
developed countries. The findings of this study suggest that the cash flow statement has more decision usefulness
than the income and balance sheet statements prepared on an accrual basis. The reason why the accrual based
earnings information is less useful than the cash flow information is that earnings under accrual basis suffer from
flexible accounting techniques and manipulative practices intended to show increased performance.
The findings of this study have important implications for investors, financial analyst, the Nigerian
Securities and Exchange Commission, accounting standard setting bodies, auditors, suppliers, lenders,
management, and government. Suppliers can employ the superior prediction model suggested in this study to
assess their customers ability to pay for goods bought. The findings of this study suggest the importance of
qualitative accounting information. The IASB can apply the findings of this study in continually developing
accounting standards that would promote qualitative and reliable financial statements. Auditors would also be
affected by the findings of this study. This study would prompt auditors to thoroughly verify reported earnings
and the claims made by the directors in the annual accounts and report that they had complied with accounting
standard in the preparation and presentation of the financial statements. The Nigerian Securities and Exchange
Commission and other regulatory bodies should properly enforce the use of accounting standards. Any company
falsifying earnings and not complying with accounting standards, though claiming to comply, should be
sanctioned by the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission.


Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.6, No.4, 2015

The prediction of future cash flows depends on the stability of the variables used in the forecasting
process. The awareness that high inflation can affect the variables used in predicting future cash flows can
prompt government to embark on macroeconomic policies that would reduce the high rate of inflation in Nigeria.
The study recommends that Nigeria, should without delay, enforce the implementation of the
international financial reporting standards (IFRS). These standards have the qualitative characteristics that would
ensure the transparency of accounting information and thus improve the predictive ability of accounting
information (earnings and cash flows) for the forecasting of future cash flows.
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