History: 1 Etymology
History: 1 Etymology
History: 1 Etymology
This article is about the academic discipline. For a King Arthur), are usually classied as cultural heritage
general history of human beings, see History of the or legends, because they do not show the disinterested
world. For other uses, see History (disambiguation).
investigation required of the discipline of history.[10][11]
Herodotus, a 5th-century BC Greek historian is considered within the Western tradition to be the father of
history, and, along with his contemporary Thucydides,
helped form the foundations for the modern study of human history. Their works continue to be read today,
and the gap between the culture-focused Herodotus and
the military-focused Thucydides remains a point of contention or approach in modern historical writing. In Asia,
a state chronicle, the Spring and Autumn Annals was
known to be compiled from as early as 722 BC although
only 2nd century BC texts survived.
Ancient inuences have helped spawn variant interpretations of the nature of history which have evolved over
the centuries and continue to change today. The modern
study of history is wide-ranging, and includes the study of
specic regions and the study of certain topical or thematical elements of historical investigation. Often history is
taught as part of primary and secondary education, and
the academic study of history is a major discipline in university studies.
by Nikolaos Gysis (1892)
1 Etymology
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to
repeat it.[1]
George Santayana
History (from Greek , historia, meaning inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation)[2] is the
study of the past, particularly how it relates to
humans.[3][4] It is an umbrella term that relates to past
events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information
about these events. Scholars who write about history are
called historians. Events occurring before written record History by Frederick Dielman (1896)
are considered prehistory.
History can also refer to the academic discipline which
uses a narrative to examine and analyse a sequence of past
events, and objectively determine the patterns of cause
and eect that determine them.[5][6] Historians sometimes debate the nature of history and its usefulness by
discussing the study of the discipline as an end in itself
and as a way of providing perspective on the problems
of the present.[5][7][8][9]
toria, meaning 'investigation, inquiry, research, account,
description, written account of past events, writing of
history, historical narrative, recorded knowledge of past
events, story, narrative'. History was borrowed from Latin
(possibly via Old Irish or Old Welsh) into Old English as
str ('history, narrative, story'), but this word fell out of
use in the late Old English period.[14]
2 Description
Meanwhile, as Latin became Old French (and AngloNorman), historia developed into forms such as istorie,
estoire, and historie, with new developments in the meaning: 'account of the events of a persons life (beginning
of the 12th cent.), chronicle, account of events as relevant to a group of people or people in general (1155),
dramatic or pictorial representation of historical events
(c1240), body of knowledge relative to human evolution,
science (c1265), narrative of real or imaginary events,
story (c1462)'.[14]
It was from Anglo-Norman that history was borrowed into
Middle English, and this time the loan stuck. It appears
in the thirteenth-century Ancrene Riwle, but seems to
have become a common word in the late fourteenth century, with an early attestation appearing in John Gowers
Confessio Amantis of the 1390s (VI.1383): 'I nde in a
bok compiled | To this matiere an old histoire, | The which
comth nou to mi memoire'. In Middle English, the meaning of history was story in general. The restriction to the
meaning 'the branch of knowledge that deals with past
events; the formal record or study of past events, esp. human aairs arose in the mid-fteenth century.[14]
With the Renaissance, older senses of the word were revived, and it was in the Greek sense that Francis Bacon used the term in the late sixteenth century, when he
wrote about "Natural History". For him, historia was the
knowledge of objects determined by space and time, that
sort of knowledge provided by memory (while science
was provided by reason, and poetry was provided by
history, by using such outside disciplines as economics, exist, or where the writing of a culture is not understood.
anthropology, and geography in the study of global his- By studying painting, drawings, carvings, and other artory.
tifacts, some information can be recovered even in the
Traditionally, historians have recorded events of the past, absence of a written record. Since the 20th century, the
either in writing or by passing on an oral tradition, and study of prehistory is considered essential to avoid hishave attempted to answer historical questions through the torys implicit exclusion of certain civilizations, such as
study of written documents and oral accounts. From the those of Sub-Saharan Africa and pre-Columbian Amerfor focusbeginning, historians have also used such sources as mon- ica. Historians in the West have been criticized
ing disproportionately on the Western world.[23] In 1961,
uments, inscriptions, and pictures. In general, the sources
of historical knowledge can be separated into three cat- British historian E. H. Carr wrote:
egories: what is written, what is said, and what is physically preserved, and historians often consult all three.[21]
But writing is the marker that separates history from what
comes before.
Archaeology is a discipline that is especially helpful in
dealing with buried sites and objects, which, once unearthed, contribute to the study of history. But archaeology rarely stands alone. It uses narrative sources to
complement its discoveries. However, archaeology is
constituted by a range of methodologies and approaches
which are independent from history; that is to say, archaeology does not ll the gaps within textual sources.
Indeed, historical archaeology is a specic branch of
archaeology, often contrasting its conclusions against
those of contemporary textual sources. For example,
Mark Leone, the excavator and interpreter of historical
Annapolis, Maryland, USA; has sought to understand the
contradiction between textual documents and the material record, demonstrating the possession of slaves and the
inequalities of wealth apparent via the study of the total
historical environment, despite the ideology of liberty
inherent in written documents at this time.
The line of demarcation between prehistoric and historical times is crossed when people cease to live only in the present, and
become consciously interested both in their
past and in their future. History begins with
the handing down of tradition; and tradition
means the carrying of the habits and lessons
of the past into the future. Records of the
past begin to be kept for the benet of future
This denition includes within the scope of history the
strong interests of peoples, such as Australian Aboriginals and New Zealand Mori in the past, and the oral
records maintained and transmitted to succeeding generations, even before their contact with European civilization.
4 Historiography
There are varieties of ways in which history can be orga- Main article: Historiography
Historiography has a number of related meanings.
nized, including chronologically, culturally, territorially,
and thematically. These divisions are not mutually exclusive, and signicant overlaps are often present, as in The
International Womens Movement in an Age of Transition, 18301975. It is possible for historians to concern
themselves with both the very specic and the very general, although the modern trend has been toward specialization. The area called Big History resists this specialization, and searches for universal patterns or trends. History
has often been studied with some practical or theoretical
aim, but also may be studied out of simple intellectual
Philosophy of history
Historical methods
In the West, historians developed modern methods of historiography in the 17th and 18th centuries, especially in
The historical method comprises the techniques and
France and Germany. The 19th-century historian with
guidelines by which historians use primary sources and
greatest inuence on methods was Leopold von Ranke in
other evidence to research and then to write history.
Herodotus of Halicarnassus (484 BC ca.425 BC)[27]
In the 20th century, academic historians focused less on
has generally been acclaimed as the father of history.
epic nationalistic narratives, which often tended to gloHowever, his contemporary Thucydides (ca. 460 BC
rify the nation or great men, to more objective and comca. 400 BC) is credited with having rst approached hisplex analyses of social and intellectual forces. A major
tory with a well-developed historical method in his work
trend of historical methodology in the 20th century was
the History of the Peloponnesian War. Thucydides, una tendency to treat history more as a social science rather
like Herodotus, regarded history as being the product
than as an art, which traditionally had been the case.
of the choices and actions of human beings, and looked
Some of the leading advocates of history as a social sciat cause and eect, rather than as the result of divine
ence were a diverse collection of scholars which included
intervention. In his historical method, Thucydides emFernand Braudel, E. H. Carr, Fritz Fischer, Emmanuel Le
phasized chronology, a neutral point of view, and that
Roy Ladurie, Hans-Ulrich Wehler, Bruce Trigger, Marc
the human world was the result of the actions of human
Bloch, Karl Dietrich Bracher, Peter Gay, Robert Fogel,
beings. Greek historians also viewed history as cyclical,
Lucien Febvre and Lawrence Stone. Many of the advocates of history as a social science were or are noted
for their multi-disciplinary approach. Braudel combined
history with geography, Bracher history with political science, Fogel history with economics, Gay history with psychology, Trigger history with archaeology while Wehler,
Bloch, Fischer, Stone, Febvre and Le Roy Ladurie have in
varying and diering ways amalgamated history with sociology, geography, anthropology, and economics. More
recently, the eld of digital history has begun to address
ways of using computer technology to pose new questions
to historical data and generate digital scholarship.
In opposition to the claims of history as a social science,
historians such as Hugh Trevor-Roper, John Lukacs,
Donald Creighton, Gertrude Himmelfarb and Gerhard
Ritter argued that the key to the historians work was the
power of the imagination, and hence contended that history should be understood as an art. French historians associated with the Annales School introduced quantitative
history, using raw data to track the lives of typical individuals, and were prominent in the establishment of cultural
history (cf. histoire des mentalits). Intellectual historians such as Herbert Buttereld, Ernst Nolte and George
Mosse have argued for the signicance of ideas in history.
American historians, motivated by the civil rights era, focused on formerly overlooked ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups. Another genre of social history to
emerge in the post-WWII era was Alltagsgeschichte (History of Everyday Life). Scholars such as Martin Broszat,
Ian Kershaw and Detlev Peukert sought to examine what
everyday life was like for ordinary people in 20th-century
Germany, especially in the Nazi period.
Marxist historians such as Eric Hobsbawm, E. P. Thompson, Rodney Hilton, Georges Lefebvre, Eugene D. Genovese, Isaac Deutscher, C. L. R. James, Timothy Mason, Herbert Aptheker, Arno J. Mayer and Christopher
Hill have sought to validate Karl Marx's theories by
analyzing history from a Marxist perspective. In response to the Marxist interpretation of history, historians
such as Franois Furet, Richard Pipes, J. C. D. Clark,
Roland Mousnier, Henry Ashby Turner and Robert Conquest have oered anti-Marxist interpretations of history.
Feminist historians such as Joan Wallach Scott, Claudia
Koonz, Natalie Zemon Davis, Sheila Rowbotham, Gisela
Bock, Gerda Lerner, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, and Lynn
Hunt have argued for the importance of studying the
experience of women in the past. In recent years,
postmodernists have challenged the validity and need for
the study of history on the basis that all history is based on
the personal interpretation of sources. In his 1997 book
In Defence of History, Richard J. Evans, a professor of
modern history at Cambridge University, defended the
worth of history. Another defence of history from postmodernist criticism was the Australian historian Keith
Windschuttle's 1994 book, The Killing of History.
8 Areas of study
8.1 Periods
Main article: Periodization
Historical study often focuses on events and developments that occur in particular blocks of time. Historians
give these periods of time names in order to allow organising ideas and classicatory generalisations to be used
by historians.[37] The names given to a period can vary
with geographical location, as can the dates of the start
and end of a particular period. Centuries and decades
are commonly used periods and the time they represent
depends on the dating system used. Most periods are
constructed retrospectively and so reect value judgments
made about the past. The way periods are constructed
and the names given to them can aect the way they are
viewed and studied.[38]
Geographical locations
History of religion
History of Australia starts with the documentation Main article: Religious history
of the Makassar trading with Indigenous Australians
on Australias north coast.
The history of religion has been a main theme for both
History of New Zealand dates back at least 700 years secular and religious historians for centuries, and conto when it was discovered and settled by Polynesians, tinues to be taught in seminaries and academe. Leading
who developed a distinct Mori culture centred on journals include Church History, Catholic Historical Review, and History of Religions. Topics range widely from
kinship links and land.
political and cultural and artistic dimensions, to theology
History of the Pacic Islands covers the history of and liturgy.[40] This subject studies religions from all rethe islands in the Pacic Ocean.
gions and areas of the world where humans have lived.[41]
Cultural history
Social history
Environmental history
Gender history is a sub-eld of History and Gender studies, which looks at the past from the perspective of
gender. It is in many ways, an outgrowth of womens
history. Despite its relatively short life, Gender History
(and its forerunner Womens History) has had a rather
signicant eect on the general study of history. Since
the 1960s, when the initially small eld rst achieved a
measure of acceptance, it has gone through a number of
dierent phases, each with its own challenges and outcomes. Although some of the changes to the study of
history have been quite obvious, such as increased numbers of books on famous women or simply the admission
of greater numbers of women into the historical profession, other inuences are more subtle.
Public history describes the broad range of activities undertaken by people with some training in the discipline
of history who are generally working outside of specialized academic settings. Public history practice has quite
deep roots in the areas of historic preservation, archival
science, oral history, museum curatorship, and other related elds. The term itself began to be used in the U.S.
and Canada in the late 1970s, and the eld has become
increasingly professionalized since that time. Some of
the most common settings for public history are museums, historic homes and historic sites, parks, battleelds,
archives, lm and television companies, and all levels of
9 Historians
12 Teaching history
12.1 Scholarship vs teaching
A major intellectual battle took place in Britain in the
early twentieth century regarding the place of history
teaching in the universities. At Oxford and Cambridge,
scholarship was downplayed. Professor Charles Harding Firth, Oxfords Regius Professor of history in 1904
ridiculed the system as best suited to produce supercial journalists. The Oxford tutors, who had more votes
than the professors, fought back in defense of their system saying that it successfully produced Britains outstanding statesmen, administrators, prelates, and diplomats, and that mission was as valuable as training scholars. The tutors dominated the debate until after the Second World War. It forced aspiring young scholars to teach
at outlying schools, such as Manchester University, where
T.F. Tout was professionalising the History undergraduate programme at by introducing the study of original
sources and requiring the writing of a thesis.[62][63]
Benedetto Croce
Since the 20th century, Western historians have disavowed the aspiration to provide the judgement of
history.[60] The goals of historical judgements or interpretations are separate to those of legal judgements, that
need to be formulated quickly after the events and be
nal.[61] A related issue to that of the judgement of history is that of collective memory.
See also: Ash heap of history
12.2 Nationalism
From the origins of national school systems in the 19th
century, the teaching of history to promote national sentiment has been a high priority. In the United States after
World War I, a strong movement emerged at the university level to teach courses in Western Civilization, so as to
give students a common heritage with Europe. In the U.S.
after 1980 attention increasingly moved toward teaching
world history or requiring students to take courses in nonwestern cultures, to prepare students for life in a globalized economy.[65]
At the university level, historians debate the question of
whether history belongs more to social science or to the
humanities. Many view the eld from both perspectives.
The teaching of history in French schools was inuenced by the Nouvelle histoire as disseminated after the
1960s by Cahiers pdagogiques and Enseignement and
other journals for teachers. Also inuential was the Institut national de recherche et de documentation pdagogique, (INRDP). Joseph Leif, the Inspector-general of
teacher training, said pupils children should learn about
historians approaches as well as facts and dates. Louis
Franois, Dean of the History/Geography group in the
Inspectorate of National Education advised that teachers
In most countries history textbook are tools to foster nationalism and patriotism, and give students the ocial
line about national enemies.[67]
In many countries history textbooks are sponsored by
the national government and are written to put the national heritage in the most favorable light. For example, in Japan, mention of the Nanking Massacre
has been removed from textbooks and the entire Second World War is given cursory treatment. Other
countries have complained.[68] It was standard policy
in communist countries to present only a rigid Marxist
Popular history
Primary source documents, correspondence,
Secondary source interpretations, written history
Tertiary source textbooks and encyclopedias
Public history, Including museums and historical
Historiography at Wikiversity, where it is part of the
School of History
Academic historians have often fought against the politi- 13.3 Topics
cization of the textbooks, sometimes with success.[71][72]
Historiography of Argentina
In 21st-century Germany, the history curriculum is controlled by the 16 states, and is characterized not by super Atlantic history
patriotism but rather by an almost pacistic and deliber Historiography of Canada
ately unpatriotic undertone and reects principles formulated by international organizations such as UNESCO
or the Council of Europe, thus oriented towards human
rights, democracy and peace. The result is that German
Greek historiography
textbooks usually downplay national pride and ambitions
Historiography of Alexander the Great
and aim to develop an understanding of citizenship cen Roman historiography
tred on democracy, progress, human rights, peace, tolerance and Europeanness.[73]
Historiography of the fall of the Western
Roman Empire
See also
Historiography of the French Revolution
Annales School, in France
Historiography of Germany
Bielefeld School, in Germany
Historiography of early Islam
Historiography of Japan
Middle Ages
Dark Ages (historiography)
Historiography of the Crusades
Historiography of Switzerland
Historiography in the Soviet Union
Historiography of the United States
Frontier Thesis
Historiography of the United Kingdom
Historiography of Scotland
Historiography of the British Empire
World history
Historiography of the causes of World War I
Historiography of World War II
Cultural history
Diplomatic history
Economic history
Business history
Environmental history
History of ideas
Intellectual history
Marxist historiography
Military history
Political history
History of religions
14 References
[1] George Santayana, The Life of Reason, Volume One, p.
82, BiblioLife, ISBN 978-0-559-47806-2
[2] Joseph, Brian (Ed.); Janda, Richard (Ed.) (2008). The
Handbook of Historical Linguistics. Blackwell Publishing
(published 30 December 2004). p. 163. ISBN 978-14051-2747-9.
[3] History Denition. Retrieved 21 January 2014.
[4] What is History & Why Study It?". Retrieved 21 January
[5] Professor Richard J. Evans (2001). The Two Faces of
E.H. Carr. History in Focus, Issue 2: What is History?.
University of London. Retrieved 10 November 2008.
[6] Professor Alun Munslow (2001). What History Is. History in Focus, Issue 2: What is History?. University of
London. Retrieved 10 November 2008.
[7] Tosh, John (2006). The Pursuit of History (4th ed.). Pearson Education Limited. ISBN 1-4058-2351-8.p 52
[8] Peter N. Stearns; Peters Seixas; Sam Wineburg, eds.
(2000). Introduction. Knowing Teaching and Learning History, National and International Perspectives. New
York & London: New York University Press. p. 6. ISBN
[9] Nash l, Gary B. (2000). The Convergence Paradigm
in Studying Early American History in Schools. In Peter
N. Stearns; Peters Seixas; Sam Wineburg (eds.). Knowing Teaching and Learning History, National and International Perspectives. New York & London: New York
University Press. pp. 102115. ISBN 0-8147-8141-1.
[10] Seixas, Peter (2000). Schweigen! die Kinder!". In Peter
N. Stearns; Peters Seixas; Sam Wineburg (eds.). Knowing Teaching and Learning History, National and International Perspectives. New York & London: New York
University Press. p. 24. ISBN 0-8147-8141-1.
Urban history
Historiography of science
Social history
[20] Ritter, H. (1986). Dictionary of concepts in history. Reference sources for the social sciences and humanities, no.
3. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. Page 416.
[38] Tosh, John (2006). The Pursuit of History. Pearson Education Limited. pp. 168169.
[39] Pavkovic, Michael; Morillo, Stephen (2006). What is Military History?. Oxford: Polity Press (published 31 July
2006). pp. 34. ISBN 978-0-7456-3390-9.
[40] Cochrane, Eric (1975). What Is Catholic Historiography?". Catholic Historical Review 61 (2): 169190.
JSTOR 25019673.
[67] Jason Nicholls, ed. School History Textbooks across Cultures: International Debates and Perspectives (2006)
[68] Claudia Schneider, The Japanese History Textbook Controversy in East Asian Perspective, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, May 2008,
Vol. 617, pp 107-122
[50] Franco Amatori, and Georey Jones, eds. Business History Around the World (2003) online edition
[51] J. D. Hughes, What is Environmental History (2006)
excerpt and text search
[52] Ainslie T. Embree and Carol Gluck, eds., Asia in Western
and World History: A Guide for Teaching (M.E. Sharpe,
[53] Shigeru Akita, World History and the Emergence of
Global History in Japan,Chinese Studies in History,
Spring 2010, Vol. 43 Issue 3, pp 84-96
[54] http://www.historycooperative.org/jwhindex.html
[73] Simone Lssig and Karl Heinrich Pohl, History Textbooks and Historical Scholarship in Germany, History
Workshop Journal Issue 67, Spring 2009 pp 128-9 online
at project MUSE
15 Further reading
[55] http://www.h-net.org/~{}world/
The American Historical Associations Guide to Historical Literature, 3rd ed., eds. Mary Beth Norton
and Pamela Gerardi (2 vol, Oxford U.P. 1995) 2064
pages; annotated guide to 27,000 of the most important English language history books in all elds and
Benjamin, Jules R. A Students Guide to History
Carr, E.H., with a new introduction by Richard J.
Evans. What is History? Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2001, ISBN 0-333-97701-7.
Evans, Richard J. In Defence of History. W. W.
Norton (2000), ISBN 0-393-31959-8.
Furay, Conal, and Michael J. Salevouris. The Methods and Skills of History: A Practical Guide (2010)
Kelleher, William. Writing History: A Guide for Students (2008) excerpt and text search
* Lingelbach, Gabriele. The Institutionalization
and Professionalization of History in Europe and the
United States. in The Oxford History of Historical
Writing: Volume 4: 1800-1945 4 (2011): 78+ online
Presnell, Jenny L. The Information-Literate Historian: A Guide to Research for History Students
(2006) excerpt and text search
Tosh, John; The Pursuit of History (2006), ISBN 14058-2351-8.
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