Republic of The Philippines AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY Banga, Aklan

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Republic of the Philippines AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY

Banga, Aklan
This study determined the non-teaching and teaching personnels perception on the
usefulness and acceptance level in using biometrics at Aklan State University in
Banga, Aklan for the period 2010-2011. A sample of 19 non-teaching and 58
teaching personnel were taken as respondents of the study. Questionnaires and
interview were used in gathering the responses of the respondents. The descriptive
survey method of research was used in this study. Weighted mean was used to
analyze the gathered data. Results revealed that for the non-teaching personnel,
biometrics is very useful and very acceptable on their part while for the teaching
personnel it is slightly useful and slightly acceptable. Likewise, based on the
interviews conducted, it had a negative effect on the part of the teaching personnel
so there is rejection on the use of it. The non-teaching personnel find biometrics
technology an advantageous and appropriate monitoring scheme inasmuch as their
functions are routinary, thus needing equal time for all. Biometrics technology
counters teacher effectiveness inasmuch as the teaching job cannot be quantified.
The teacher goes beyond his/her classroom activities and time frames should be
flexible rather than restricted.

Andrew S. Patrick
National Research Council of Canada
1200 Montreal Rd., Ottawa, ON Canada K1A 0R6
[email protected]

Despite the long history of using fingerprints, some key concerns still remain about the accuracy of
identification, the usability of fingerprint systems in different situations, and acceptance by the users.
This paper provides a review of those concerns and it provides recommendations for people
considering adopting fingerprint recognition systems. The focus is on fingerprint-based systems, but
other forms of biometrics will be mentioned as appropriate. One of the most important issues facing
technology designers today is security. Recent history has
shown that security problems can arise in many situations, and often the consequences can be
serious. Some of the most fundamental issues in security are authentication and access control.
System designers must make sure that users are who they claim to be, and that the service or
system is only accessed by people with the authority to do so.
The most common method for implementing authentication and access control is a username and
password. New users are provided, or asked to choose, a unique name and secret password that
are associated with their account. When they wish to access the system, they must provide a valid
username and correct password before they are given access. The problems with
username/password systems are well known. For example, users may choose simple, easily
guessed passwords. They may also write their username and password down in a place where it is
easily found (e.g., taped to their computer monitor), or they may share their passwords with friends
and family. Usernames and passwords can also be stolen by a variety of means, including accessing
corporate databases and eavesdropping on network communications. Phishing is a recent
phenomenon where users are tricked into giving their username and password to strangers when
they are lured to counterfeit login pages that appear to be legitimate services (e.g., Internet banking
Because of these inherent problems with password-based systems, designers are starting to look at
alternatives, including biometric security systems. Biometric systems use a characteristic of the user
that is generally universal, stable, and unique. Examples of biometric characteristics are fingerprints,
iris images, and voice characteristics. With a biometric access control system, the user first enrolls in
a system or service and provides a biometric sample, such as a fingerprint. When they want to use
the system later, they must show their biometric characteristic, usually by presenting themselves to
some form of scanner, and the characteristic is compared to the previously-stored biometric
template. If the characteristics match, then the user is granted access to the system.

Biometric security systems that are based on fingerprints are receiving a lot of attention because of
the potential to reliably identify people based on a near-universal physical characteristic. Fingerprintbased security systems are becoming small and inexpensive and, as a result, they are being
deployed in a wide range of situations and applications including cellular phones and laptop
computers, automobile and building doors, and border-crossing and high-security military
applications. Fingerprints have been used for identification dating back to antiquity, but recent
technological developments have led to ubiquitous, automatic fingerprint recognition systems.
Despite the long history of using fingerprints, some key concerns still remain about the accuracy of
identification, the usability of fingerprint systems in different situations, and acceptance by the users.

Awareness and Applicabilty of Biometric System Amongst Post Graduate Teacher Training
Priyanka Singh Faculty of Education, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan, India
Biometrics, an advance computer based technology is designed for automated recognition of
humans using physiological or behavioral characteristics is much used device in classrooms. The
study even focused on knowing the affect of awareness towards biometric technology system on
its application on forty post graduate teacher trainees of Faculty of Education from Banasthali
University. Therefore the study on implementation of biometric system in a technology based
attendance system can support recent movements in enhancing student attendance and improving
performance outcomes. Thereby Biometric Technology is a means for classroom management
for students other than that study on integrating this type of technology significantly can
influence strategy based research on individual and group student attendance in university
Thirdly a technology- based attendance based on biometric system can be a competitive
environment among students different subject classrooms. The technology is a device used to
measure and analyze personal characteristics, both physiological and behavioral. Biometric
systems has its prime focus in distributions of biometric security products e.g.- biometrics finger
print scanner, facial recognition attendance system, proximity and smart card based products,
surveillance products; CCTV camera, IT products, thin clients, network attached storage, firewall
and many more to system integrators.
Biometric system is a leading developer and suppliers of innovative advanced facial& fingerprint
and rapid solutions used in access control and time & attendance applications. We also have a
well training team of professionals which help us in increasing our competency to deal with the
bulk orders. Biometric time attendance system used to track each and every person coming to
your place is actually who he claims to be or not with its time and other details. It uses finger and
face recognition system to verify persons identity and record its time in and time out with all
required details

Fingerprint recognition technology isprobably the most widely used and wellknown biometric. Fingerprintrecognition relies on features found in the
impressions made bydistinct ridges on the fingertips. There are two types
offingerprints: flat or rolled. Flat prints are an impression of onlythe central area
of the finger pad while rolled prints captureridges on the sides of the finger as
well as the central portionbetween the tip and first knuckle.
Fingerprint images are scanned, enhanced,and then converted into templates.
These templates are saved in adatabase for future comparisons using optical,
silicon, orultrasound scanners. Ultrasound appears to be the most accurate,but is
rarely used. Optical scanners are the most commonlyused.
According to a report by the U.S. GeneralAccounting Office, fingerprint readers
for physical access controlcost approximately $1,000 to $3,000. There are also
additionalsoftware licensing expenses of about $4/user. Smaller
fingerprintscanners also have maintenance costs of 15 to 18 percent of
theirpurchase price. The larger live-scan, 10-print readers run about$25,000 and
have upkeep costs of about 14 percent of the reader'scost.3
Onlya small percentage of people cannot be enrolled because theirfinger ridges
have become dry, worn with age, or worn from usingcorrosive chemicals. There
are, in addition, some people who areuncomfortable with this technology
because of its relationship toforensic fingerprinting -- certain cultures, for
example, equate thetaking of a fingerprint with identification as a criminal
andresist its use as a biometric. There is also concern thatfingerprints collected
for one purpose could be used to track anindividual's activities elsewhere. people
occasionally complainabout touching a scanner that many other people have
touched,thinking it unhygienic. In addition, fingerprint biometric systemsdo not
work everywhere; they are inappropriate, for example, ingloved environments like
operating rooms in hospitals.

One area where fingerprint biometrics has been used is for identity and access
management in health care (e.g., VA and teaching hospitals).The biometric
technology is used to solve the challenge of how hospitals can give access to
users and yet maintain security levels that provide confidence and comfort. This
is a critical challenge, since greater security usually decreases access. There
have been very few complaints about the technology in hospitals. People seemed
comfortable with having their fingerprints stored in a database, since it was
stored as a string of numbers rather than the actual digital image.

A Comparative Study of Biometric Technologies with Reference to Human Interface K P

Tripathi Lecturer (MCA Programme) Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Institute of
Management, Kolhapur, India
Biometrics refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his or her physiological or
behavioral characteristics. This identification method is preferred over traditional methods
involving passwords and personal identification numbers (PINs) for several reasons, including
the person to be identified is required to be physically present at the point of identification and/or
identification based on biometric techniques obviates the need to remember a password or carry
a token. With the increased use of computers as vehicles of information technology, restricting
access to sensitive/personal data is necessary. By replacing PINs, biometric techniques can
potentially prevent unauthorized access to or fraudulent use of the following: 1. ATMs 2. Cellular
phones 3. Smart cards 4. Desktop PCs 5. Workstations 6. Computer networks PINs and
passwords may be forgotten and token-based identification methods such as passports and
drivers licenses may be forged, stolen, or lost. Thus, biometric systems of identification are
enjoying a new interest. Various types of biometric systems are being used for real-time
identification. The most popular are based on face recognition and fingerprint matching;
however, other biometric systems use iris and retinal scans, speech, facial feature comparisons
and facial thermograms, and hand geometry Biometric technologies are defined as, automated
methods of verifying or recognizing the identity of a living person based on a physiological or
behavioral characteristic. The term automated methods refers to three basic methods in
concern with biometric devices: 1. A mechanism to scan and capture a digital or analog image of
a living personal characteristic; 2. Compression, processing and comparison of the image to a
database of stored images; and 3. Interface with applications systems.[1] 2.1 Advantages of
Biometrics: 1. Biometric traits cannot be lost or forgotten (while passwords can). 2. Biometric
traits are difficult to copy, share and distribute (passwords can be announced in crackers
websites). 3. They require the person being authenticated to be present at the time and point of
authentication. [1] 2.2 Biometric Features 1. Uniqueness: an identical trait wont appear in two
people. 2. Universality: occur in as many people as possible. 3. Performance: dont change over
time. 4. Measurability: measurable with simple technical instruments. 5. User friendliness: are
easy and comfortable to measure. [1] 2.3 Identification vs. Verification Sometimes verification
and identification are interpreted as similar terms but they have two distinct meanings.
Identification occurs when an individuals characteristic is being selected from a group of stored
images. Identification is the way the human brain performs most day-to-day identifications. For
example, if a person encounters a familiar individual, the brain processes the information by
comparing what the person is seeing to what is stored in memory. International Journal of
Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 14 No.5, January 2011 11 Biometric devices that
implement identification techniques can be quite time consuming. Often anywhere from 5 to 15
seconds or more are required in identifying the appropriate individual. In many cases,
verification is used to authenticate a users identity. A biometric device that uses verification

requires that the individual make a claim of identity by presenting a code. The matching formula
or algorithm then needs only to compare the live and enrolled images of the users characteristic.

Development of Attendance Management System using Biometrics.

O. Shoewu, Ph.Dand O.A. Idowu, B.Sc.
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Lagos State University, Epe
Campus, Nigeria
Department of Electrical and Electronics, University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria.Email: [email protected]

In this paper, the development of an attendance management system using biometrics
is proposed. Managing student attendance during lecture periods has become a difficult
challenge. The ability to compute the attendance percentage becomes a major task as
manual computation produces errors, and also wastes a lot of time .For the stated
reason, an efficient attendance management system using biometrics is designed. This
system takes attendance electronically with the help of a finger print device and the
records of the attendance are stored in a database. Attendance is marked after student
identification .For student identification, a biometric (fingerprint) identification based
system is used. This process however, eliminates the need for stationary materials and
personnel for the keeping of records. Eighty candidates were used to test the system
and success rate of 94% was recorded. The manual attendance system average
execution time for eighty students was 17.83seconds while it was 3.79 seconds for the
automatic attendance management system using biometrics. The results showed
improved performance over manual attendance management system. Attendance
is marked after student identification.
(Keywords: fingerprints, attendance, enrollment, authentication, identification)
In many institutions, and academic organizations, attendance is a very important criteria
which issued for various purposes. These purposes include record keeping,
assessment of students ,and promotion of optimal and consistent attendance in class.
In developing countries, a minimum percentage of class attendance is required in most
institutions and this policy has not been adhered to, because of the various challenges
the present method of taking attendance presents. This traditional method involves the
use of sheets of paper or books in taking student attendance. This method could easily
allow for impersonation and the attendance sheet could be stolen or lost. Taking

of attendance is time consuming and it is difficult to a certain the number of students

that have made the minimum percentage and thus eligible for exam. Thus, there is a
need for a system that would eliminate all of these
trouble spots. An automatic attendance management system using biometrics would
provide the needed solution. An attendance management system is a software
developed for daily student attendance in schools and institutions. It facilitates access to
the attendance of a particular student in a particular class. This system will also help
ingenerating reports and evaluating the attendance eligibility of a student. Rather than
signing an attendance sheet ,individuals will pass their thumb over the fingerprint
scanner, the finger print is compared against a list of pre-registered users, and once a
match is made, the individual will be registered a shaving attended that lecture .The
paper discusses related works in the problem domain; highlights the general overview
of the proposed system; details design considerations of the system, both at the
hardware and software level; discusses the operation and how the system was tested in
conformity to system design and functional objectives; concludes the observations
made; and makes recommendations for future improvement.

Student Attendance System Based On Fingerprint Recognition and One-to-Many Matching A

thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Computer Science and Engineering by Rishabh Mishra (Roll no. 107cs016) and
Prashant Trivedi (Roll no. 107cs015) Under the guidance of : Prof. B. Majhi Department of

Computer Science and Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela Rourkela-769

008, Orissa, India
Biometric Identification Systems are widely used for unique identification of humans mainly for
verification and identification. Biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and
access control. So use of biometrics in student attendance management system is a secure
approach. There are many types of biometric systems like fingerprint recognition, face
recognition, voice recognition, iris recognition, palm recognition etc. In this project, we used
fingerprint recognition system. A fingerprint is the pattern of ridges and valleys on the surface of
a fingertip. The endpoints and crossing points of ridges are called minutiae. It is a widely
accepted assumption that the minutiae pattern of each finger is unique and does not change
during ones life. Ridge endings are the points where the ridge curve terminates, and bifurcations
are where a ridge splits from a single path to two paths at a Y-junction.
Managing attendance records of students of an institute is a tedious task. It consumes time and
paper both. To make all the attendance related work automatic and on-line, we have designed an
attendance management system which could be implemented in NIT Rourkela. It uses a
fingerprint identification system developed in this project. This fingerprint identification system
uses existing as well as new techniques in fingerprint recognition and matching. A new one to
many matching algorithm for large databases has been introduced in this identification system.

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