Rosenblatt Nina - Empathy and Anaesthesia: On The Origins of A French Machine Aesthetic
Rosenblatt Nina - Empathy and Anaesthesia: On The Origins of A French Machine Aesthetic
Rosenblatt Nina - Empathy and Anaesthesia: On The Origins of A French Machine Aesthetic
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The lesson of the machine lies in the pure relationship of cause and effect. Purity,
economy, the reach for wisdom. A new desire: an aesthetic of purity, of exactitude ...
The machine is certainly a marvelous field for experiment in the physiology of
the senses.
-Le Corbusier, "The Lesson of the Machine"
The starting point for this essay is a question about the nature of the subject as it
emerged in formulations of the French machine aesthetic in the 1920s. For it seems
clear that, while most accounts of French machine-age modernism focus on the
object and its relationship to an industrial culture, there was, in fact, a fairly consistent concept of modern subjectivity in the work and writings of Le Corbusier,
Am6d6e Ozenfant, Fernand L6ger, and modernist filmmakers and theorists.' What
is more, this notion of subjectivity appears oddly static and outdated for a set of
artistic practices that sought to align themselves with the very dynamic forces of
industrial modernity itself. When one considers the extent to which the very concept
of a "self" was being interrogated and redefined according to various discursive and
institutional agenda in the interwar period, the recourse among certain modernist
thinkers to the scientific principles of the nineteenth century-for instance, Charles
Henry's work on sensations and the physiological effects of form-is, to say the
least, puzzling.
Interestingly, some of these same observations about the desuetude of the subjective models in the French machine aesthetic were noted by Reyner Banham in
his now-classic history of modern architecture, Theory and Design in the Machine
Age. Banham, in tracing the codification of a characteristic "style" in Le Corbusier's
projects from the mid-1920s, cites a relatively obscure article by the architect that
Grey Room 02, Winter2001, pp. 78-97.
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Journalde Psychologienormale
etpathologique23, 1926.Shapes
and lines indicatethe physiologicaleffects of variousforms.
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drawingfor MaisonCook,1926.
about his own ambitions for that practice? Isn't it possible, too, that the very
"oldness" of an academic aesthetics
was the condition for, rather than an
obstacle to, the materialization of a style based on construction and industrial techniques? And while these questions point to a revised understanding of Le
Corbusier's relationship to the texts and ideas upon which he drew, couldn't we
also consider that material as having its own modern valence? In other words, isn't
it possible that this slightly earlier body of knowledge might disclose its own connections to modernity, connections which only become visible when measured by
criteria other than those of the modernist canon? In any event, this is what I want
to propose here. And while I expect that the material I present will raise as many
questions as it answers about the sources of a Corbusian machine aesthetic, my
hope is that it will also shed light on a little-known aspect of French modernism.
Perhaps most importantly, it will reveal some of the complexities of the engagement between aesthetic practice in the 1920s and the heterogeneous, explicitly
non-visual processes of French social modernization.
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remain fundamentally foreign within French aesthetics. As late as 1925, the French
aesthetician and L'Esprit nouveau contributor Charles Lalo, in seeking to describe
the psychic dissolution of boundaries that occurs at the moment of empathy, could
write only that "it is the identification of the thinking subject with the object thought,
the untranslatable Einftihlung."'
The temptation to read Basch through a German concept of aesthetic form is further frustrated by Basch's art-historical writings. His 1919 monograph on the
Renaissance painter Titian bears no traces of his earlier psychological insights. A
fundamental caesura seems to mark the route between theory and practice when
it comes to the interpretation of works of art, all the more significant given the
prominent, if controversial, role that Einflihlung played in the search for a psychology of artistic form within German art history several years earlier.10There are
probably any number of ways to pursue the failure of a theory of empathy to gain
ground in French aesthetics. In the present discussion, however, the significance
is to be drawn from the fact of that failure itself. For I would suggest simply this:
that Basch was clearly less interested in developing connections with a German
notion of form than he was in allowing his work to resonate with a French concept
of sympathy as a social norm, i.e. as a term that both described and proscribed the
relationship between the individual and a social whole. Indeed, it was precisely
in this sense that the term had already been developed in France, in the writings
of Basch's thesis juror, Gabriel S6ailles, for example, and, especially, in the work
of the philosopher Jean-Marie Guyau, whose L'Art au point de vue sociologique
(1889) marked the first effort to address directly the connections between art and
the objectives of modern sociology.11
It comes as some surprise, perhaps, to find Guyau's name invoked by the
philosopher Jos6 Ortega y Gasset in 1925 as the origin behind a yet-to-be-fulfilled
sociology of art.12But Ortega was only one of many late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century thinkers-including Friedrich Nietzche, Max Horkheimer, and Georg
Luk~cs-for whom Guyau indicated a specifically modern intersection between
aesthetic and social form. The "modernity" of his ideas, in particular as they came
together in L'Art sociologique, lies less, as might first appear, in his far-reaching
appropriation of psychological and physiological discoveries than in the way he
directed these borrowings toward determining the scientific basis of an intrinsically mass reception. What distinguishes his text from any number of apparently
similar approaches to art as a social phenomenon is his insistence on an absolute
homology between aesthetic response and the experience of being part of a social
Rosenblatt I Empathyand Anaesthesia
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whole. That is, for Guyau, both experiences are grounded in the "already social"
nature or coanaesthesia of consciousness itself; art implies the intensification and
focusing of a sympathetic reflex that one feels naturally, as a living being in
response to other living beings. Whereas Charles Henry, among others, had demonstrated the repeatability of response to color, line, and rhythm from one individual
to another, Guyau was especially concerned to show that aesthetic phenomena were
irreducibly collective and, hence, essentially social in their effects.13In that sense,
in its attempt to identify an objective basis for unity among members of a given
social milieu, Guyau's aesthetic theory must be seen in relation both to the broadbased French strategy of "solidarism" in the 1880s and 1890s and to its powerful
crystallization as a science of society within the "objective" sociology of Emile
Durkheim and his colleagues, which was institutionalized as an academic discipline in France in the very years that Guyau was writing.14
On one level, Guyau's analysis suggests a profound recognition of the highly
mediated, intrinsically dynamic nature of modern social ties. His description of
the contemporary consumer of art as "a wire that must be magnetized without
direct contact, in which vibrations must be made to run, from afar, in a predetermined direction" is a prophetic gloss on the Baudelairean crowd, whose dense
interminglings here take on the quality of a frictionless energy that interacts "without direct contact."15On another level, though, Guyau's failure to see social cohesion in terms of an enduring struggle between a driving egoism and the necessarily
disciplinary aspects of collective life places him distinctly out of sync with the
dominant narrative of social modernity as a perpetual playing out of what
Durkheim himself termed the "dualism of human nature." Nietzsche, for instance,
criticized Guyau for not acknowledging the will to power as the supreme binding
force in contemporary society.16 And among the scattered aphorisms that make up
Nietzsche's Will to Power itself we find the following appraisal of Guyau's con9
ception of the modern subject: "The insipid and cowardly concept 'man' la
Comte and Stuart Mill ... It is still the cult of Christianity under a new name.""7
I would venture to propose that Le Corbusier and Ozenfant shared something of
this sentiment, a sense of Guyau's retreat from the regulatory effects of the aesthetic
principles he was proposing when they wrote in L'Esprit nouveau that, "there is
nothing here of the views of Guyau, who claimed a thing beautiful when it is useful
... but only this: that the lesson of the machine is a lesson of discipline."'8
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What I have wanted to suggest in this brief outline is that the terms of aesthetic
thought in late-nineteenth-century France were bound up in a largerset of reflections
about the nature of mass society. More precisely, they addressed what had become
the sociopolitical crisis in the French fin-de-sihcle: the progressive weakening,
especially in the modern metropolis, of social bonds grounded in the shared values
and beliefs of a community, a development which, for many, augured the era of the
crowd and of a protean mob rule.19Significantly, the consolidation of intellectual
discourse around this problem coincided with the reorganization of higher education under the Third Republic. The sweeping reforms of the 1870s and 1880s had, as
one consequence, the establishment of scientific method as a common ground for
a range of disciplinary fields, including sociology, psychology, and philosophical
aesthetics.20 Significantly, too, the coordinates of this discourse were markedly different from those that defined the German discussions of aesthetics under capitalism
and which have come to dominate our retrospective understandings of mass culture,
in particular through the speculations of Georg Simmel, Walter Benjamin, Theodor
Adorno, and Siegfried Kracauer.What I do not mean to do here is to trace aesthetic
developments in France according to any definitive "national" model. Instead,
I want to frame the issue of national difference in terms of a more specific problem,
one that gets to the heart of the way in which ideas moved from one sphere to
another, from social analysis to modernist visual practice, in the decades surrounding the turn of the century: that is, how were the hegemonic processes associated
with the rise of mass modernity articulated, assimilated, and brought into the
purview of aesthetic practice within late-nineteenth-century France?
CultureClash in Berlin
The striking persistence of a positivist spirit in French modernism, the emphasis
on the scientific nature of investigation into various phenomena, might be reformulated more meaningfully with this problem in mind. In the absence of a working concept of cultural totality, such as the one that dominated German thinking
at the time, the normative individual served as a unifying conceptual plane, an
effective basis for thinking about an aesthetic sphere responsive to the effects and
exigencies of modern existence.21 The very mutability of subjectivity, as it was
revealed by the contemporary sciences, made it appear highly adaptable to a range
of events and milieus. Guyau's understanding of the individual as "essentially penetrable to the influences of others" is a case in point.22 At the same time, these facts
of bodily existence gave rise to a particularly useful-indeed, an instrumentalRosenblatt
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the InstitutJaques-Dalcroze.
Eurythmicsas collectiveform.
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insight into the connections that were regularly drawn between science, aesthetics,
and social form. That these connections were made outside of the terrain familiar to
art history-art and architectural institutions, criticism, and other more familiar practices-has
something to do with their relative invisibility today. We
might wonder,
example, at the absence in this work of any reference to neowhich
also drew upon scientific psychology. But such an omission,
whatever else it implies, also emphasizes the fact that the object of such reflections
was the aesthetic subject. And to the extent they acknowledged contemporary
artistic trends, the energies of these thinkers were, for the most part, directed more
generally against a diffused fin-de-siecle decadence, for them the most visible cultural manifestation of pathological individualism and threatening anomie.
Nevertheless, there is an incident that helps to bring the French position to bear
on concrete objects, an encounter that reveals the incommensurability of German
paradigms to French thought and brings into some relief the consistency of the latter.
The event in question is the first Congress on Aesthetics and a General Science of
Art in Berlin in 1913, where the architect Peter Behrens (Le Corbusier's one-time
employer) gave a lecture rehearsing the themes of "objectivity," "technics," and the
establishment of standardized "types" that would come to the fore in the famous
Werkbund debates the following year.27Although the conference was attended by
some of the most prominent German sociologists, historians, and art historians of
the time, including Wdrringer, Georg Simmel, Aby Warburg, and a twenty-oneyear-old Erwin Panofsky, it was Basch who offered the most incisive critique of the
ideas presented there. To Behrens's call for a modern style based upon immutable
principles and a radically simplified set of design options, Basch responded,
When we race through the streets of our metropolis at high speed, we can no
longer see the details of buildings. Thus it seems to me that the most modern
architecture should be adapted to the cinematographic character of our age.
Now I ask Professor Behrens how it follows that the most modern architecture
in Germany should scorn this desire? . .. in Cologne I was truly dismayed
when I saw department stores in the somber style of Egyptian mausoleums....
Department stores which should embody the speed of commerce and exchange
... and above all the rapid changes of fashion.
Basch concludes with a direct challenge, offering the extraordinaryand thoroughly
contemporary Art Nouveau department stores of Paris as a counter to Behrens's
sober modernism:
I Empathyand Anaesthesia
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Does not Herr Behrens think that our department stores-the new Printemps,
the Galeries Lafayette ... held together through only a few iron ribs, which
look as if they could be taken down every day like houses of cards and erected
elsewhere-[does he not think] that they better express the spirit of the time?28
Of course, Basch could not have chosen better than Ferdinand Chanut's Galeries
Lafayette, built just a year earlier in 1912, to illustrate his point about the cinematographic possibilities of contemporary architecture. Exploiting the new, soaring
possibilities of reinforced concrete construction, Chanut's department store was a
light-infused, kinetic display, organized around the patterns of movement generated by the Op6ra-like stairway at its center.29
But the fact remains that the confrontation in Berlin represented a culture
clash-or, more precisely, it seems to have revealed Basch's implicit rejection of
the German notion of culture upon which Behrens's formulations drew. For it
seems safe to say that Basch is not advocating the sinuous lines and obsessive
organic patterning of Art Nouveau over the rectilinear geometry of German architecture per se. Nowhere else in his writings does he even address the question of
architectural form, and it seems unlikely that he is making claims about the superiority of a specific style here. Rather, he is challenging the way in which a notion
of culture is being called in to mediate between the dislocating effects of metropolitan life on the one hand and a transcendent concept of style on the other.
If Basch responded to Behrens, most likely in an ad hoc fashion, by reference to
the sensations of speed, flux, and desire mobilized by the city street and the new
spaces of mass commerce, it is because, I would suggest, his own notion of
aesthetic subjectivity left him nowhere else to look for the defining terms of an
architectural style.
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FerdinandChanut.Les Galeries
Lafayettedepartmentstore in
Paris,1912.The departmentstore
as a cinematographicexperience.
-R I
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I had nothing to gain from publishing in a review put out by young men, none
of whom have yet any name or authority ... And it seemed strange, certainly,
to many of my colleagues, that I would consent to contribute to a journal of
aesthetics of which I am not the director, and among young men, most of whom
are-in aesthetics-amateurs!30
We might take this comment with the grain of salt always necessary in assessing editorial disputes. But for Basch, whose thinking about aesthetics had unfolded
according to the comparatively rigid rules and constraints of academic discourse,
the polemical strategies of L'Esprit nouveau, its attempt to produce new aesthetic
concepts through the sheer power of juxtaposition, must surely have appeared, as
he indicated, to lack authority. Furthermore, Basch was certainly well aware that
his ideas were being used to speak to and for a set of practices very different from
those within which they were conceived.
Most importantly, they were being applied to the delineation of a visual styleto objects, not subjects. Here, in the attempt to link the normative principles of
human response to an objective source in the machine, lies a crucial discontinuity
between the modernist axioms of the 1920s and their prefiguration in what might
be called the "first" industrial aesthetic originating in the 1880s and 1890s. In Le
Corbusier and Ozenfant's celebrated formulations, the products of machine manufacture themselves take on the aspects of neutrality and restraint that an earlier
set of arguments had attributed to human beings. The self-sufficiency of these
mass-produced objects is reinforced by the images selected to accompany the
very arguments that assert their quasi-evolutionary adaptation to human usephotographs of glassware, office furniture, and dental equipment in which the
human presence hovers, ghostlike, but is almost never seen.
The evolving taste for simplified forms has its parallel, Le Corbusier wrote,
in the post-war appetite for cocaine; both are born of a desire for narcotic effects,
the hungering after objects and experiences that cool our "feverish pulses" and
"keep us at a distance."31This dream of a salubrious distance lies at the core of the
machine aesthetic and its insistence on smooth, functional surfaces that resist any
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This is, perhaps, the place to revisit Banham's observation about the mirage of production that clouds the machine aesthetic's vision of a real mass market economy.
Let us amend that insight by noting that the normative subject invoked by Le
Corbusier in the 1920s was also, for all intents and purposes, a mirage. One might
argue, in fact, that therein lay its appeal as a rationale for a modern aesthetic: as
a rhetorical readymade, the mass subject of aesthetic speculation was a given, a
commonplace that needed no specific source or systematic explanation. Its very
banality provided suitable ballast for the loftier and more extravagant claims made
by Le Corbusier and others to have discovered a style that could encompass the
totality of modern life. Along with the myth of the machine, the mass individual
allowed Le Corbusier to insist that an essential human condition united the typeobject, the private villa, and the urban plan. In the final analysis, though, any stylistic
connections were made through an abstract and static conception of the aesthetic
subject, not through a sustained analysis of the conditions, subjective or objective,
of modern capitalism.
Consider, too, that in the end, despite all of the talk about the "natural" superiority of industrial design, the painting (and not the factory) became the preeminent
site for the manufacture of Purist objects.32As Banham quite rightly observed, the
laws of mechanical selection that supposedly lead to the type-object, the designated subject matter of the Purist paintings, bear little resemblance to the economic
considerations that govern the design of objects intended for a mass market. But
we should not conclude from this that the paintings represent a misunderstanding
of modern industrial production. The Purist painting was never intended as a diagram for a union between art and industry that was taking place beyond its edges.
On the contrary, it was the only site upon which aesthetic perception, the "modern
optic" as Le Corbusier and Ozenfant had defined it, could be reconciled with the
Rosenblatt I Empathyand Anaesthesia
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. ....Na
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WhitePitcherand Blue Ground,
1924.The socially-sanctioned
"mariagede contours."
S Empathy
and Anaesthesia
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1. Of course,the literatureon Le Corbusierand
the machine-ageobjectis vast and farfrommonolithic in its approach.Themost compellingrecent
accounts of Le Corbusier have significantly
challengedconventionalconceptions of the relationship between his practiceand the culture of
modernity. In particular, Beatriz Colomina's
work on L'Espritnouveau has been importantin
shiftingthe coordinatesforsituatingLeCorbusier's
work from the realm of industry to that of mass
media. See her Privacy and Publicity: Modern
Architectureas Mass Media (Cambridge,Mass.:
MIT Press, 1994). In very different ways, both
MarkWigley and Mary McLeod have revealed
the impactof fashion and its role within cultural
modernity on Le Corbusier'swork and writings.
See Mary McLeod, "Undressing Architecture:
Fashion, Gender, and Modernity,"in Deborah
Fauschet al., Architecture:In Fashion(Princeton:
Fashioningof ModernArchitecture(Cambridge,
Mass.:MITPress, 1995).
2. Le Corbusier, "Architecture d'6poque
machiniste,"Journalde Psychologie normale et
pathologique23 (1926):325-350.
3. ReynerBanham,Theoryand Design in the
FirstMachineAge (Cambridge,Mass.:MITPress,
1980), 259.
4. Reyner Banham, "Machine Aesthetic,"
ArchitecturalReview 117, no. 700 (April 1955):
5. Amed6e Ozenfant and Charles-Edouard
Jeanneret[LeCorbusier],"Formationde l'optique
moderne,"L'Espritnouveau21 (March1924):n.p.
6. VictorBasch, "L'tsthethiquenouvelle et la
science de l'art,"Espritnouveau1 (October1920);
2 (November1920).Baschis perhapsbetterknown
forhis involvementwith the humanistLiguedes
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21. Norbert Elias draws the important distinction between a Germanconcept of Kulturas
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