CMS Report PDF
CMS Report PDF
CMS Report PDF
Interoffice Letter
C.=. .-ti.:..:y~M....;a;...n...;;;a.:iLge~r
Attention: __~H~e::.!..n!..:.r.J.y~L.L
Emergency Ordinance to approve revisions and amendments to the Oakland Planning Code and Oakland Municipal
Code for the regulation of Fast Food Restaurants and DriveThrough Facilities in Oakland and to rescind the existing
moratorium on Fast Food Facilities
On October 5 and 19, 1988, the City Planning Commission held public hearings on
proposed revisions to the Oakland Planning Code and Oakland Municipal Code to
. strengthen the requirements for the establishment of Fast Food Restaurants and DriveThrough Facilities in Oakland,
The City Pl anning Commission unanimously approved the proposed revisions as outl ined
in the staff report dated September 29, 1988, with no changes (report attached),
An ordinance amending the Oakland Planning Code to add special requirements for the
regulation of Fast Food Kestaurants and Drive-Through Facilities (and to make other
related revisions), and amending the Oakland Municipal Code to be consistent with
revisions to the Planning Code was presented to the City Council at its meeting of
November 1, 1988. Council voted to refer the item to the Council Public Works
Committee for further review and comment before taking action, At the Committee
meeting of November 15, 1988, staff was directed to prepare necessary legislation to
extend the existi ng moratori um on Fast Foods by 60 days, through February 26, 1988,
to allow adequate time for community input/comment.
At its February 21st meeting, the Committee considered a draft of the proposed
revised Guidel ines for Development and Eval uations of Fast Food Restaurants (intended
to supplement the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code). February 21, 1989 is the
1ast date for possibl e consideration by either the Committee or the City Council
itself before the current moratorium expires.
The moratorium on Fast Food Faci 1 ities has been extended three times since it was
first imposed (February 23, 1989). An additional extension would be unneccessary if
the City Council chOOSeS to adopt the proposed ordinance as an emergency measure.
Tha Committee's comm~nts on the p~oposed r~v1s.dguidel1nes a~e e~~ected t6 be
presented to the full Counci 1 in an oral report at the regul ar meeting of February
21, 1989. If appropriate, staff will make whatever changes to the Guidelines deemed
necessary by the Publ ic Works Committee and/or the City Counci 1 and refer them to
the Pl anning Commission for publ ic hearing and adoption, pursuant to Section 4 of the
Oakland Planning ~ode,
Approve the proposed revisions and amendments to the Oakland Planning Code and
Oakland Municipal Code for the regulation of Fast Food Restaurants and DriveThrough Facilities as an emergency ordinance.
Direct the City Planning Commission to proceed with a public hearing on proposed
revisions to the Planning Commission Guidelines for the Development and
Eval uat ion of Fast Food Restau r"t1~rl va-Th rough Foell f tl as), DCI'D 100-18.
D. J
. . . . ., ~ . ~
Interoffice Letter
Attentlon: __----!...H!.SOe~n..!..rJ_'I_L.L..-,;G~a
....rwd.....n."e""-r--- Date:
From: __.,;D~i~r..:::e:::c..:.t~o:....r.....:o~f~C~i_=t.J..Y__.:P~l~a~n~n~i:..!.:n~g
The City Council Publ ic Safety, Publ ic Works, Land Use and Environmental Concerns
Committee is currently considering a proposed ordinance for further controlling the
impacts of newly developed fast food activities and facilities in the City of
Oakl and. There is presently a moratorium in place on the issuance of permits to
establish fast food restaurants. The moratorium is scheduled to expire on February
26, 1989.
The Committee had asked for more time to consider the features of the proposed
ordinance and to provide an additional opportunity for community organizations and
others to comment. Accompanying this memorandum is a copy of the proposed guidelines
referenced by the ordinance that might assist the Council committee in better
understanding how the proposed ordinance 1s expected to operate. The draft
guidelines are submitted fo~ information only. It is expected that the City Planning
Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed guidelines before considering
them for final adoption. Upon adoption the gUidelines would replace the Commission's
existing adopted fast food guidelines. The proposed guidelines have fewer areas of
consideration than the existing adopted guidelines. However, many of the elements of
the existing guidelines are proposed for inclusion as review criteria in the
ordinance in order to strengthen the City's requi rements regarding fast food
facilities. Although the new guidelines would have fewer areas of consideration,
several remaining areas are proposed to have greater standards associated with them
(e.g. landscaping).
In conclusion, it should be reiterated that the fast food moratorium is scheduled to
expire on Sunday, February 26,1989. If the Committee should decide to recommend
City Council approval of the proposed Fast Food Ordinance, the Council would not have
an opportunity to consider it before February 28, 1989 nor to adopt it on final
passage before March 7,1989. Assuming such a schedule a window would be created
between the expiration of the moratorium and final passage of the proposed ordinance
where permits for Fast Food Restaurant projects could be, issued under existing
regul ations and guidelines.
In order to avoid this possibi 1 ity, staff is
recommending that the Committee endorse the proposed Fast Food Ordinance at its'
February 21, 1989 afternoon meeting and request the City Council consideration of it
as an emergency measure on its agenda that same evening. The proposed emergency
1 egisl ation has been submitted for incl usion in the Council agenda packet for its
regular February 21, 1989 meeting.
Endorse the proposed Fast Food Ordinance for consideration by the Cfty Council as
an emergency measure at its regular February 21, 1989 meeting.
Endorse the concept of the proposed Fast Food Guidelines and refer them to the
City Planning Commission for public hearing and adoption for use in reviewing new
fast food restaurant proposals.
. .
At its regular meeting of January 12, 1988, pursuant to a motion initiated by
Councilmember Leo Bazile, the City Council asked the Planning Department to
evaluate a proposal for establishing a moratorium on new Fast Food uses, and to
undertake a review of criteria and procedures used to regulate the establishment
of Fast Food Restaurants in Oakland. At the regular meeting o( Feo'ruary 23,
1988, Council approved a 90-day moratorium prohibiting the establishment of new
Fast Food Restaurants in Oakland (with exceptions) to allow staff adequate time
to prepare specific recommendations for further controlling the location of Fast
Food outlets, and for strengthening existing zoning enforcement provisions or
deve lop i ng new requ i rements, as app rop ri ate. The moratori urn was subsequent 1y
extended on two occasions, fi rst for a sixty-day period (through July 31, 1988)
and then for ani nety-day peri od (th rough October 29, 1988).
At the regular meeting of June 15,1988, the City Planning Commission helda
publ ic hearing on proposed revisions to the Oakland Zoning Regulations intended
to strengthen requirements related to the establishment of Fast Food Restaurants
in Oakland. Testimony from representatives of three community-based organizations was supporti ve of the proposed changes outl ined in the staff's information
report. Only one industry representative addressed the Commission the question
the appl icabi11ty of the proposed definition to restaurants sell ing hamburgers.
This report outl ines the specific changes proposed to better regulate the establishment of Fast Food Restaurants in Oakland. These changes inclUde additions
and modifications to the Oakland Zoning Regulations, and revisions to the
P 1 ann in g Comm iss i on Gu ide J 1nes .f.Q.r. :t.M Dey e 1 ooment ~ .utt .E.22S1 Restay rants.
The guidelines provide guidance in the interpretation and administration of the
Zoning Regulations and supplement the mandatory requirements of the Regulations.
The detailed Planning Codes revisions are appended to this report. The revised
guidel ines wi 11 be presented forPl anning Commission Review fol lowing City
Council consideration of the Planning Commissions' recommendations concerning
the Planning Code revisions.
The existing definition for Fast Food Restaurants has been expanded to inclUde
additiona 1 design and op.erating. characteristics to better distinguish Fast Food
Restau rants from other restaurants with one or more simil ar operating elements~
The modified definition is as follows:
Case No.:
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Although currently only required in some zones, a Major Conditional Use Permit
wi 11 be requi red for the establ ishment of a new FastFood Restaurant in ll.l
commercial and industrial zones in Oakland, except for the C-5 and C-10 neighborhood and 1 oca 1 serv ice commerci a 1 zones. Fast Food Restau rants wou 1 d be
prohibited in the C..5 and C-10 Zones as well as in all residential zones.
It should be noted that the use permit requirement would also apply to the M-30
and M-40 Zones in which Fast Food Restaurants are currently outright permitted.
The primary reason for the Conditional Use Permit requirement for these zones
would be to ensure appropriate design and provide the opportunity to attach
conditions to mitigate environmental or land use impacts associated with specific projects.
Cu rrent 1 y, Fast Food Restau rants are regulated through the Genera 1 Use Permit
Criteria at Section 9204, and the Use Permit Criteria for Convenience Markets,
Fast Food Restaurants and Establishments selling Alcoholic Beverages, and Sidewalk Cafes at Section 70Z3(a-d) of the Zoning Regulations. To more effectively
address the specific issues and impacts associated with Fast Food Restaurants, a
new subsection 7023(e), would be created, entitled Special Regulations Applying
to Fast Food Restaurants. This section would specific mandatory requirements regarding Location, Access, Circulation; Trash and Litter Management;
Grounds for Permit Revocation and the Maintenance of Vacated/Abandoned Fast Food
Facil iti es.
Specifically, the new Section 7023 (e) would prohibit new Fast Food Restaurants
from locating within 1,000 feet of an existing or approved Fast Food Restaurant.
Exceptions to the "1,000 foot rule" for Fast Food Restaurants would be the
Central District faci 1 ities located within Shopping Centers and the C-36
Boulevard Service Commercial Zone. Restaurants with drive-through facil ities
would be prohibited from locating within 500 feet of an elementary school, a
park, or a playground.
Under the proposed new Zoning provisions, vehicular access and egress points, as
well as driveway locations and widths related to fast food facilities would be
subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. Ingress and egress would
be limited to commercial arterial streets rather than adjacent residential
streets un 1ess safety or ci rcul ation concerns dictate otherwise in the judgment
of the City Traffic Engineer. In any event, no di rect access wou 1d be permitted
to adjacent streets which are less than 32 feet in pavement width.
I .
Case No.:
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sals would be appl ied through the conditional use permit process.
Under the proposed revisions to the Zoning Regulations, the project sponsor of a
proposed Fast Food Facility would be required to obtain a perfotmance bond to
cover the cost of securing and maintaining the facil ity and site if its is
abandoned or vacated within a prescribed high-risk period. The defined period
of coverage is four years, following the obtaining of an occupancy permit. The
bond may be renewed annually, and proof of renewal would be required to be
forwarded to the Director of City Planning. The bond amount would be determined
by the City's Risk Manager, and shall be adequate to defray expenses associated
with the requirements outlined below.
If a Fast Food Facility has been vacated or abandoned for more than 30 consecutive days, the project sponsor shall be required to comply with the following
(2) To post signs indicating that vehicular parking and storage are
prohibited on the site pursuan,t to the appropriate provisions of
the Oak 1 and Traffic and Ca 1 i fornia Vehicl e Codes. To al so post
signs prohibiting the unlawful ~ittering or dumping of waste on the
site pursuant to City ordinan~e. All signs would be required to
conform to the 1 imitations oni signs for the specific zone, and
would be required to be weathe~ resistant and of appropriate size
and standard design for the particul ar function as determined by
the Oi rector of C.1ty Pl anning. '
(3) Insta 11 and ma i nta in secu rity 1 i ghti ng as app rap ri ate and requ ired
by the Oak 1and Pol ice Department.
(4) To keep the site free of handbills, posters and graffiti, and clear of
1 itter and debris, pursuant to Sections 5-3.02 and and 4-5-11 of the
Oak 1and Mun icipa 1 Code.
(5) To maintain existing landscaping and to keep the site free of
Section 7090 of the Zoning Reg~lations would be amended to add subsection (r) to
al low security fences for abandoned Fast Food Restaurants up to a height of
eight feet without a conditional use permit, provided that the fence complies
with specified aesthetic considerations and with the applicable provisions of
Articl e XXI of the Oak 1and Traffic Code (Vision Obscurement at intersections).
c2 7
Case No.:
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Off-street park i ng requi rements for Fast Food Restaurants are modified under a
new SUbsection (k) of Section 7513 in the Zoning Regulations. The revised
provision would change the threshold floor area in the C-31, C-35 and 5-2 zones
(from 3,000 square feet to 2,000 square feet) for required parking, and would
eliminate existing parking requirements in zones in which the Fast Food
Restaurant activity is proposed to be prohibited (i.e, the C-5 and C-10).
To further underscore the importance of the Guidelines as a supplement to the
requirements set forth in the Zoning Regulations, the existing use permit
criteria at Section 7023 (a) would be expanded to include a new subsection 8,
requiring that proposals for new Fast Food Restaurants SUbstantially Comply with
the provisions 1 isted in the Guidel ines for Fast Food Restaurants (OCPD 100-18'.
The Guidelines for the Development and Evaluation of Fast Food Restaurants would
be revised to emphasize design and landscaping standards related to the development of Fast Food Facilities/Sites. ?erfonnance standardswould be redefined:
and expanded to minimize the negative impacts associated with the operation of
Fast Food Restaurants on surrounding areas. For ease of reference, the Guidelines would also include the Planning Code requirements changes outlined in this
Case No.:
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A major addition to the Guidelines would be the new requirement for submittal of
key information to expedite project evaluation by staff. Additional application
requirements would include a Vicinity Map showi-ng the location of other Fast
Food Restaurants, and Fast Food Restaurants that are vacant or abandoned or
converted to another use; and a Traffic Map with a variety of information
inclUding data on vehicular and 'pedestrian circulation.
If the City Council approves the proposed changes to the Zoning Regulations. the
revised Guidelines will be presented to the Planning Commission for consideration in the near future.
Adopt the proposed revisions to the Oak land Pl anning Code as outl ined in
this report.
Urge the Pl anning Commission to adopt revisions to its existing Fast Food
Restaurant Guidel ines consistent with the recommendations outl ined in this
F-170 ZT88204.GAA
.a .E I
On __ ~
require a Conditional Use Permit for.sll Fast Food Restaurants and for Drive
Through Facilities in Oakland,
intended for use in conjunction with specific requirements outl ined in the
Zoning Regulations.
The Guidelines are designed to be applicable to freestanding facilities as well
as to facilities which are part of an existing structure:
however, some
Fast Food Restaurant Commercial Activities.
Activities include the retail sale of ready-to-eat cooked foods and beverages,
for on or off-premises consumption, whenever the foods and beverages are
avaflable upon a short waiting time and are priasarfly served in or on disposable
wrappers, containers. or plates.
is typically ordered and served at a service counter;. (3) food is paid for prior
to consumption; (4) the facility in which the activity/use is occurring provides
a take-out counter space and space for customer queing.
2 -]./-y'
Fast Food Restaurants are prohibited in all residential zones. in the C-5
and C-I0 neighborhood/local commercial zones. and the C-52 Old Oakland
Coamercial Zone.
cial and industrial zones. upon the granting of a conditional use permit.
pursuant to Section 9201 and Section 7023(a and e) of the Zoning Regul ations.
within the
main building of shopping center facilities. and in the C-36/S-4 Boulevard Service Conmercial Zone.
Publ jc Safety:
Bounded by the Grove/Shafter Freeway; Grand Avenue; the Embarcadero and Lake
Pol icy:
respect to loca-
throughout the parking area and eating areas for maximum customer convenience.
lar exits from the site and adjacent to exits from the building and any
outdoor seating.
Litter recepta-
z,"2/-1' Ii
6. There should be no exterior vending machines such as soft drinks dispensers, ice cube freezers, and the 1ike.
2. Materials such as wood, concrete and different types of masonry shall be
used in preference to materials such as plastic, enamelated or corrugated meta 1 s.
flashy colors which should be used only in limited amounts for accent
types which result in an inabil ity to meet setback and compatibil ity
requirements ARE PROHIBITED.
ties shall enhance the design and function of the structure, without
compromising open space and landscaping requirements.
~-U ....rl
foyr-lane street
I~ ~~
~ ~ ~ DQ ~ ~
ynimpeded streetcircYlgtiQD
~ ~l~
Traffic Engineering
Parking Depart-
D. Park i ng
1. Parking spaces shall be provided as indicated by Section 7513 Off-street
Parking - Commercial Activities.
2. Off-street parking shall be prohibited 1'n any yard with street-frontage.
3. Installation of a bicycle rack with a capacity for at least five
A landscape plan for the site, prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect
or other qualified person, must be approved by the Director of City Planning prior to issuance of a Building Permit. The landscape plan should
include but not necessarily be limited to the fol lowing:
1. A minimum of 20 percent of the total site area shall be landscaped.
requi red yards abutting streets and not used fo.r vehic.l e maneuvering
shall be landscaped.
shall be instal led along the perimeter of the site, exclUding access
2. Landscap i ng sha 11 inc 1 ude different kinds of plants, sh rubs, and trees
to provide variety in sizes, shapes and colors.
planted suitably.
8. Pl anted areas shall be bordered by concrete or masonry curbs at 1east
six inches high.
9. Raised planters or planters provided with raised landscape walls shall
be provided to screen unsightly areas or large expanses of paving.
10. Mounding of landscape areas is encouraged; berms and other similar
All signs shall be subject to the appl icab1e 1 imitations set forth in
Sections 7046 and 7023(s) of the Zoning Regulations, and the limitations on
signs for each zone, as well as to the following:
S. The combined total area of all signs on anyone site should not exceed
1.0 square foot for each one foot of abutting street line in the case of
interior lots and
line in the case of corner lots. The aggregate area shall include signs
on marquees, awnings and canopies.
double face signs but all faces of signs with more than two faces.
6. Except for di rectional
operation does not have a negative impact on the surrounding area, or on the
public safety and welfare.
A. Hoyrs.Qf OperAtion.
residential uses.
1. Noise levels measured at the property line shall not exceed the level of
2. Where any lot line of a lot containing a Fast Food Commercial Facil ity
abuts a residentially zoned or developed parcel (a) noise levels
measured at any lot line of the lot with the facility shall not exceed
60 dba,
The Plan
.. J
3. A separate trash and garbage area of at least 150 square feet shall be
provided; this area shall be totally enclosed, screened and landscaped.
4. With respect to litter control, a contractual arrangement with a private
firm to clean the premises and the surrounding one block area of litter
generated in the business may be required.
No string
The owner/manager of the activity shall be responsible for the orderly
conduct of employees, patrons and visitors towards each other to passersby.
The activity shall be operated so that there is no storage of merchandise,
cartons, cases or other materials visible from the street or abutting
A copy of these Performance Regul ations and all Conditional Use Permit
Conditions of Approval shall be posted alongside the necessary business
licenses and be visible at all times to employees and the general public.
Drive-Throygh Facilities
Because of the traffic and circulation impacts associated with the operation of
a drive-through lane, separate regulations and review criteria are proposed for
Drive-Through Facilities.
cipa1, rather than accessory activity complementary to Fast Food Activities, and
shall be permitted upon the granting of a Major Conditional Use Permit, with
requ i red findings pursuant to the Genera 1 Use Pennit Crited a and Speci a1 Use
\ iPermit Criteria for Drive-Through Facilities, at Sections 9204 and 7034 of the
persons 1.2
~ ~
~i.Y ~ 3.C.Yill.QI
th rough .t.b.
~ ~ .QI ~
~ ill.YJ.n.g
pu rchase goods
wherever permitted;
i l l .QD.1y
~ .QI ~
so situated .tMt
facil ity
.b permanently maintajned
ill Dimensions.
~ yehicl~ ~
,g drive-through window
.i.D length.
capacity .Q1
grading i l l drainage:
~l ~ ~
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the premjses.
.A maximym
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Q..Yrsyant 1.Q i l l
Condition~l ~.
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~rQposaL. in
i2l:th below;
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impair ~
s.neral1~ continuoy~
byilding facades.
trationsnQ continuity
proposed facility
reduction in 1h circylation
~ ~
snQ will
adiacent streets.
fQQg Restaurants
A vicinity map for a one-mile radius around the site, showing the location of other Fast Food Restaurants, stores sel ling readily consumable
goods, and Fast Food Facilities which are vacant, abandoned or converted
to another use.
A Traffic Map, prepared by a licensed Traffic Engineer or other qualified professional, showing major intersections, street and sidewalk
widths, crosswa"1 ks and traffic signal s, adjacent publ ic parking, the
location of driveways on adjacent properties; the location of transit
facil ities (bus stops, shelters); the presence of vertical and horizontal curbs.