July26.2016 Bspecial Protection of Children in Situations of Armed Conflict Sought

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JULY 26, 2016

NR # 4273B

Special protection of children in situations of armed conflict sought

Former House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. (4th District, Quezon City) is pushing for the
approval of a bill that would provide special protection of children in situations of armed conflict.
Belmonte said House Bill 13 declares children as zones of peace and provides them, especially
those involved affected or internally displaced by armed conflict, with special protection from all forms
of abuse, violence, neglect, discrimination and other conditions prejudicial to their development.
The bill defines armed conflict as armed confrontations occurring between governmental armed
forces and one or more armed groups, or between such groups arising in the Philippine territory. These
shall include activities which may lead to or in preparation of armed confrontation or armed violence that
put childrens lives at risk and their rights violated.
On the other hand, children involved in armed conflict refers to children who are either forcibly,
compulsorily recruited or who voluntarily joined any governmental armed forces or any armed group in
any capacity to participate directly in armed hostilities as combatants or as fighters, or take support roles
such as scouting, spying, sabotaging, acting as decoys, assisting in checkpoints, acting as couriers,
messengers, porters, cooks, and being sexually abused.
Belmonte said the country has a long history of armed conflict, and in these conflicts, children
have always been the most vulnerable.
They have been subjected to numerous human rights violations, internal displacements and even
worse, recruited by armed groups to act as messengers, spies and even as soldiers for the armed groups,
he said.
Belmonte said the Philippines is duty bound to fulfill its obligations to protect the children, the
country being a state party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol on the
Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict.
As zones of peace, children they shall be treated in accordance with the policies stipulated
under Article X, Section 22 of Republic Act No. 7610 or the Special Protection of Children Against Child
Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act.
It further states the treatment of children as zones of peace shall extend beyond territorial or
geographical boundaries and shall focus on the person of the child whose rights shall be promoted and
protected at all times, especially in situations of armed conflict or violence.
Zone of peace refers, among others, to a site with sacred, religious, historic, educational, cultural,
geographical or environmental importance, which is protected and preserved by its own community and
officially recognized by a governmental authority.
Among the rights granted under the bill to children in situations of armed conflict are the right to
special respect, and protection against any form of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violation, especially in
the context of armed conflict; the right to be considered as object of special respect and to be protected
from any form of direct or indiscriminate attacks and acts of violence; and the right not to be interned in
or confined in camp.

Likewise, they have the right to be immediately provided and have safe access to essential,
adequate and culturally appropriate food and nutrition; basic shelter and housing.
The children in situations of armed conflict also enjoy the right to be treated as victims and the
right to be protected from recruitment into governmental armed forces or armed groups and from
participation in armed conflict.
The measure provides the penalty of life imprisonment and a fine of P2 million to P5 million to
any person who is found guilty of killing of children; torture committed against children and those
enumerated in Section 4 of RA No. 9745 or the Anti-Torture Act; intentional maiming of children; and
rape of children.
The penalty of imprisonment of 14 years to 20 years and a fine of P1 million to P2 million shall
be imposed on any person who commits any of the crimes: cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or
punishment against children; abduction of children; causal maiming of children; taking children as
hostages or using them as human shield; recruitment, conscription or enlistment of children into
governmental armed forces and other armed groups; genders-based violence against children; refusal or
denial of humanitarian access and/or assistance to children; use or involvement of children involved in
armed conflict in any capacity as defined in this Act; and attack on schools, hospitals, places of worship,
evacuation centers and settlements and other public places where children can usually be found.
But if these said crimes committed resulted in the killing, torture, maiming, or rape of children,
the penalty imposed shall be life imprisonment and a fine of P2 million to P5 million.
Other unlawful acts which are penalized with imprisonment of six years to 12 years and a fine of
P500,000 and P1 million are hamleting, food blockade, intentional delayed reporting of a child in
custody; false reporting of a child in custody; and false branding of children or labeling children as
children involved in armed conflict.
The proposal imposes the penalty by imprisonment of six years to 12 years and perpetual
disqualification from public office to any public officer who shall unknowingly and maliciously prevent,
prohibit, refuse or discontinue the implementation of any provisions of this Act or any rules and
regulations promulgated in accordance thereof, or in any way violate them if such officer has the duty to
Furthermore, any such officer who shall prevent, prohibit, refuse or discontinue the
implementation of this Act or its rules and regulations, or in any other way violate them by reason of
inexcusable negligence or ignorance, shall suffer the penalty of an imprisonment of one month to six
months and temporary disqualification from public office. (30) mvip

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