Transformer Logistics Monitoring - Shock and Impact Recorder - LogicLadder

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Submitted by Nikita on Fri, 06/24/2011 - 17:03

This paper has been written with a purpose to assist manufacturers,
transporters and all those who are concerned with the transportation of
Transformers. The paper will help one to understand the problems faced
during Transformer logistics, their outcomes and the reason for their
occurrences. The various solutions to reduce transit risk have also been
This paper briefly provides you an idea about the level of shocks a transformer
shipment experiences in different modes of transportation, recording them
using a shock recorder and analysis of shock data.
Transformer Transportation Issues
Power Transformers are usually very reliable, but when faults occur, they can
be affected catastrophically. During transportation if a Transformer
experiences a mechanical shock more than the suggested g levels the
following damage may occur:
Windings/core may get displaced or distorted.
Due to active part movement, the insulation between the turns can be
abraded, causing a short circuit and damage to the windings later during
Mechanical vibrations may cause the windings to loose their clamping
pressure, eventually leading to collapse of the windings during electric
The safe clearance between the tank and the active part may be
We can sum up all these key issues as:
Visible Damage: Leading to on site or factory repairs
Concealed Damage: Causing out of warranty failure

During Loading, Unloading and Rigging: Generally low occurrence but with
potential of high magnitude impact (like lifting gear failure, dropped
Transformer). Shock events from 2.5 to 10.0 g in 2-20 Hz band are
Impacts Onboard a Trailer: Transformers are subjected to impacts in
longitudinal axis during braking operations and vertical and lateral shocks due
to road conditions. Normally acceleration from 0.5 to 1.0 g in 3-350 Hz band is
Impacts Onboard a Ship: Rolling, Pitching and Yawing; low frequency vibrations
repeating at regular periods. Normally acceleration from 0.3 to 0.8 g in 2-30 Hz
band is experienced.
Impacts onboard Rail: Transformers are subjected to impacts in longitudinal
axis during shunting operations and vertical shocks due to rail joints. Normally
acceleration from 0.5 to 1.0 g in 2-500 Hz band is experienced, but during
shunting operation acceleration up to 4.0g in 2-20 Hz band can be
Tests Suggested to Check Against Damages

Standard Tests Performed Upon Arrival

1. Visual Inspection for external damages, positive nitrogen pressure and
dew point check.
2. Shock recorder data analysis to ascertain concealed damage:
o Amplitude of shock
o Frequency analysis of shock as per DIN EN 13011 to estimate
the damage potential of shock
3. Magnetic Balance Test
4. Earth to Winding Capacitance Test
5. Core Ground (Meggar)

6. Bushing Capacitance and Power Factor

7. SFRA (Sweep Frequency Response Analysis)
Tests listed from 3 to 7 are useful only when compared with factory tests
carried out before dispatch of Transformers.

Standard Tests Prior Energizing the Transformer

The tests to be performed prior to energizing are:
1. Test fiber optic temperature probe before oil filling.
2. Tests after Oil Filling:
a. Power Factor & Capacitance
b. Meggar (including core ground)
c. FRA
d. TTR
e. Fiber Optic Temperature Probes
f. 10kV Excitation Test
3. Final Checks:
g. Full oil screen meets C57.106
h. Total dissolved gas < 0.50%
i. System protection verifications
Mechanical Shock and Damages
An event which damages the Transformers due to excessive and sudden
acceleration shall be called mechanical shock or impact. A shock is
characterized by the maximum value of the occurring acceleration or
deceleration and by duration. This can best be seen in Figure 1 of acceleration
plotted over time t, the acceleration scale is in units of g where g=9.8m/s2.

During the impact, acceleration increases, reaches a maximum value and then
decreases again. If an elastic body such as a Transformer hits a hard surface
with a certain initial impact velocity, its motion will not come to a sudden
standstill owing to the elastic properties of the Transformers but continue for
some milliseconds. As the Transformer is slowed down over an extended time
interval, shock pulse dampens. The damage is caused by the half sine portion
of the shock pulse that has maximum amplitude (Marked as a dotted line in

Figure 1).
If, however, a small hard steel ball hits the same wall at the same initial impact
velocity, the impact duration will be considerably shorter, but maximum
acceleration will also be greater (Green curve in Figure 1). This means that for
the same impact energy a smaller mass produces higher amplitude
acceleration and shorter time period or higher frequency (f=1/T). This is why
large power transformers (>100T) get damaged between the 2.5 to 5.0 g (2-20
HZ) band, while a small equipment like a laptop gets damaged between 37 to
50 g (2-250Hz) band.

Figure 1: Mechanical Shock Pulse

Damage caused by mechanical shock:
Mechanical damage concealed or visible
Geometrical distortion of winding/core
Loss of coil clamping pressure
Loss of Nitrogen gas pressure due to leaks
Damage to accessories like radiators, bushing etc
Vibrations and Damages

Vibrations are periodical oscillatory movements initiated by the most diverse

causes. In transport practice there are no vibrations that consist only of a
single frequency. The complex transportation environment always results in a
frequency composition (frequency spectrum) with individual frequencies
having different amplitudes. In road transport the frequencies that occur are
between 3 and 350 Hz, on ships, however, they are only between 2 and 33 Hz.
Vibrations are capable of exciting resonance vibrations or co-vibrations in
other potentially vibrating bodies like Transformers. Resonance vibrations are
generated if the natural frequency of a body (e.g. a Transformer) coincides
with a frequency of the inducing vibration and this induced vibration has
sufficiently large amplitude. The bodys natural frequency depends on its
material properties such as mass and modulus of elasticity. The resonance
frequency can be excited to such an extent that destruction of the system
ensues (resonance catastrophe).


Figure 2: Vibration Pulse
Vibration can cause following damages:
Loose Components
Hardening of Metals
Micro Cracks

Basics of Mechanical Shock Pulses

Mechanical shock pulses are sinusoidal waves. The damage potential of the
shock pulse depends upon its:

Peak Amplitude
The peak amplitude in measures in units of g where g= 9.8m/s2.
The waveform is described in three ways; any one can be adopted for
Velocity Change (V)
Frequency describes the time as compared to cycles per second and the unit of
measure is called Hertz (Hz). Duration describes the time as compared to
seconds and the usual unit of measure is milliseconds (ms). The mathematical
expressions related to these two terms are:
Duration = (1 / Frequency) / 2
Frequency = (1 / Duration) / 2
The Figure 3 shows the shock wave or an impact wave in time domain. The
wave is a sine curve with acceleration in g (g=9.8m/s) along the y axis and time
in ms along the x axis.

Figure 3: Shock pulse compared

There are two parts of a shock which can cause damage, the acceleration
amplitude and the velocity change (V). The velocity change, or the area under
the acceleration time history of the shock, can be thought of as the energy

contained in a shock. The higher the velocity changes the higher the energy
content. There is a minimum velocity change which must be achieved before
damage to the Transformer can occur. This level is called the critical velocity

change. Below the critical velocity change, no damage occurs regardless of the
input acceleration level. In essence, there is not enough energy in the shock to
cause harm to the Transformer. Exceeding the critical velocity change,
however, does not necessarily imply that damage results. If the change in
velocity occurs in a manner which administers acceptable doses of
acceleration to the product, the velocity change can be very large with out
causing damage. However, if the critical velocity and the critical acceleration

are both exceeded, damage occurs.

In Figure 3, Normal railway vibration blue wave of 2000g @0.1ms
(amplitude=2000g & Duration=0.1 ms Frequency: 500Hz) is not at all damaging
since the critical V is not reached, whereas as a drop from few inches
(Depending on the transformer weight, volume and nature of impact surface)
may produce a shock of 7g@50ms red wave (amplitude=7g & Duration=50ms
Frequency: 10Hz) and will damage the Transformer. So amplitude is not the
only determining factor for damage but also the duration or frequency of the
pulse. These two when together specified as the damage limit for a product is
called NOSS (Non Operating Shock Specification). The fragility or NOSS of the
Transformers should be specified in either of the formats:
1. In terms of critical amplitude and duration (Eg. 7g@50ms)
2. In terms of critical amplitude and frequency (Eg. 7g@10Hz)
3. In terms of critical amplitude and critical velocity change (V) (Eg. 7g
@2.18 m/s) *
The damage potential of the shock can also be analyzed using the following
frequency transformation of the shock wave:

FFT: Fast Fourier Transformation

PSD: Power Spectral Density

Estimation of Transformer Fragility

The Transformer fragility is dependent on its material properties, mass,
volume and design. Due to Transformer size and monetary value it is
impossible to establish their fragility using standard drop or shock table tests.
The fragility can be theoretically calculated by Shock Response Spectrum (SRS)
analysis using analysis software or in even more detail using FEA analysis. The
best practical way to estimate Transformer fragility is maintaining a database
of your shock recorder data and using empirical methods to determine the
average fragility of a certain Transformer design.
Impact or Shock Recorders
Impact recorders are equipments that log shock value and the time it
occurred. Impact recorders are used to monitor shipments where concealed
damage is a key concern like Transformers. The purpose of using Impact
Recorders for monitoring Transformers is:
1. Determine any shock that may have caused a concealed damage.
2. Use the data to substantiate any insurance claims, as these recorders log
the time of any impact that might have caused damage. The most modern
loggers also allow location and data monitoring remotely.
3. To reduce warranty claims that may occur later during operation due to
shock damage during Transportation. Usually this occurs due to concealed
damage going unnoticed. Though this should be covered under transit
insurance the cost is born by the Transformer manufacturer under warranty
due to lack of proper use of impact recorders.
4. The data collected over time can be used to empirically calculate
Transformer fragility or improve Transformer designs.

5. To form the first line of test to decide on whether more expensive tests
like FRA should be done at site or not.
There are two types of Impact Recorders:
Electromechanical Impact Recorders
Electronic Impact Recorders, which are further categorized as:
1. Peak Acceleration Impact Recorders
2. Waveform Impact Recorders

Electromechanical Impact Recorders

These are the earliest shock recorders that were used by the Transformer
industry. They consist of a sensor attached to a mechanical recording arm
which registers the shock event on a moving paper chart.
Have been used for a long time
Widely understood
Paper jam or running out of paper
Long length of paper to inspect and possible human error while
interpreting data
The data can be tampered with easily
Difficulty in determining the date/time when impact occurred
The data cannot be used for detailed frequency analysis to determine if
damage has occurred or not.

Electronic Impact Recorders

Electronic Impact Recorders

The electronic impact recorders are of two types:
Peak Acceleration Recorders
Waveform Recorders

The peak acceleration recorders only record the amplitude of the shock and
not the waveform. Though they are less costly as compared to waveform
recorders, the data captured by these recorders cannot be used for further
frequency analysis to determine Transformer damage.

The waveform recorders record impacts above the threshold defined by the
user (usually the transformer critical acceleration) in form of digital graphs.
These graphs can be further analyzed in time or frequency domain to
determine the potential of the shock to damage the Transformer.

The following points should be taken care of when choosing the shock
recorders for Transformers; if these are not followed the use of recorders
becomes a useless effort and does not provide sufficient data to estimate the
Transformer damage:
1. The recorder should be a waveform recorder so that the data can be used
to estimate both amplitude and frequency of the shock.
2. The recorder software should analyze the shock data in frequency domain
as per DIN EN 13011.
3. The battery life should be minimum 3 months so that the recording can be
done during the complete shipment duration

4. The recorder should provide an up gradable option to attach external

GPS/GPRS device for tracking of transformers and remote monitoring of shock
data. This acts like a physiological deterrent against mishandling.
Impact data stored electronically in memory
No moving parts to break or fail
Date and Time stamps for each major event
Improved accuracy, usually within +/- 2%
Instant verification if recorder is working and if it has exceeded preset
Record multiple distinct events that occur consecutively and the exact
Detailed event data which is very easy to understand and can be further
analyzed for damage potential.
Long life, give a good ROI
Additional device like GPS can be integrate for tracking
Require training to properly set-up device
Potential loss of complete data on electronic failure

Impact Recorder Data Analysis

Data analysis can be done in two ways
Time Domain Analysis
Frequency Domain Analysis

Time Domain Analysis

1. Analyzing shock amplitude and duration/frequency:

Figure 4: Impact recorded by an electronic impact recorder

Amplitude (a) = 8g
Duration (t) = 18ms or .018s
Frequency (1/2t) = 1/ (2 * 0.018) = 28 Hz
Shock of: 8g@18ms or 8g@28Hz
For the shock to damage a transformer the following should be simultaneously
The peak acceleration should exceed the critical acceleration.
The duration of the peak half sine curve should exceed the critical shock
duration OR the frequency should be lower than the critical frequency.
Example: Lets take a hypothetical case of a transformer for which the fragility
or NOSS is estimated as 7g@50ms or 7g@10HZ. The impact recorder attached
to this transformer recorded a shock as shown in figure 4. As we can see in the
analysis done earlier the shock has a peak acceleration of 8g and a
corresponding duration of 18ms or frequency 28Hz. The peak acceleration 8g
is higher than the transformer critical acceleration of 7g. The duration of the
peak acceleration is less than critical duration of 50ms. If we analyze in terms
of frequency the shock frequency of 28HZ is more than the critical frequency
of 10HZ. Since both the condition of critical acceleration and
duration/frequency was not been violated simultaneously the shock will not
damage the transformer, even though when the peak acceleration is more that
the critical acceleration.

2. Analyzing shock amplitude and velocity change:

The data can also be analyzed in terms of peak acceleration and critical velocity
change. The method is the most accurate but is a little difficult to use as
compared to the earlier method and requires software tools to analyze raw
data accurately. For the shock to damage a transformer the following should
be simultaneously reached:
The peak acceleration should exceed the critical acceleration.
The velocity change corresponding to the peak acceleration should
exceed critical velocity change for the Transformer
In the Figure 4 the progression of a mechanical shock wave is represented in
time domain. The energy transferred to the Transformer during the impact can
be calculated using the formulae:


m: Mass of the Transformer

?v: Velocity Change (Area under the peak acceleration half sine curve)
The energy in the Transformer is converted to ductility and heat. In practice
mixed forms consisting of elastic and inelastic impacts arise. In these cases the
progression in time of the acceleration can often be described approximately
with the first half cycle of a sinusoidal oscillation. Consequently


t: Duration of shock wave

a: Peak acceleration

This applies for the impact velocity, i.e. the decisive energy for the destruction
by shock is proportional to the square of the product of the maximum
acceleration a and shock time t. This product ta with the dimension of
"velocity" is also known as the shock force.
The maximum acting force is, on the other hand, in accordance with Newton's
Law equal to the product of the maximum acceleration and mass.


m: Transformer mass
a: Peak acceleration
This force can be used to calculate dynamic loading on different components
during design phase.
Limitations of Time Domain Analysis
Noise data cant be easily distinguished from actual data.
Aliased shock waves cant be distinguished aliasingrefers to an effect that
causes different continuous signals to become indistinguishable
(oraliasesof one another) when sampled. It also refers
todistortionorartifactsthat result when a signal is sampled and
reconstructed as an alias of the original signal. So in this case the
distorted data recorded by the recorder when analyzed may lead to false
estimation of potential damage.

Frequency Domain Analysis

The raw vibration data recorded by the impact recorder can also be evaluated
for damage potential in the frequency domain. The two methods used are:
Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)
Power Spectral Density (PSD)

Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) analysis: This mathematical method is used

to analyze the raw data, i.e. the given frequency spectrum for its frequency
composition. The transformation visualizes the frequencies that occur in the
course of acceleration over time. Physically speaking, this means that the data
are transformed from time space into frequency space. The acceleration g
levels in the relevant frequency space can be compared with Transformer
NOSS. E.g. If the Transformer NOSS was 5g@20HZ we should compared it with
the amplitude of shock in frequency band of 0-20 HZ in the FFT curve (Curve:
Amplitude Vs Frequency).
The fast Fourier transform (FFT) is a discrete Fourier transform algorithm
which reduces the number of computations needed for N points from 2N2 to
2N lg N, wherelgis the base-2logarithm. If the function to be transformed is
not harmonically related to the sampling frequency, the response of an FFT
looks like asinc function(although the integratedpoweris still
correct).Aliasing(leakage) can be reduced byapodizationusing atapering
function. However,aliasingreduction is at the expense of broadening the
spectral response. The output of FFT transformation on an amplitude versus

time curve (Figure 5) is an amplitude versus frequency curve (Figure 6). The
frequency analysis is best performed using the recorder software.
The power spectral density (PSD), describes how thepower(or variance) of a
time series is distributed with frequency. Mathematically, it is defined as
theFourier Transformof the autocorrelation sequence of the time series. An
equivalent definition of PSD is the squared modulus of the Fourier transform
of the time series, scaled by a proper constant term.
Being power per unit of frequency, the dimensions are those of a power
divided by Hertz.

Figure 5 shows the raw data collected by the shock recorder on a Transformer
shipment. It shows the acceleration amplitude over time. Figure 6 visualizes
the frequency spectrum obtained from the data by using FFT. To be able to
make good use of these data for damage potential, the FFT data are used to

generate a PSD spectrum as shown in Figure 7. It can be clearly seen that the
analyzed vibration has frequency components between 10 and 20 Hz that have
a high power density and therefore a great potential for damage.

Figure 5: Raw time domain data Recorded

Figure 6: FFT- Fast Fourier Transformation

Figure 7: PSD- Power Spectral Density

Shipping Care

Shipping Care
1. Manufacture Transformers to withstand reasonable shipping forces
expected for shipment.
2. FOB site or foundation should be clear in supply contract. Most accidents
occur during shifting of Transformer to its foundation.
3. Find suitable impact recorders, ones that give waveform data and have
frequency analysis as per DIN EN 13011 are the ones to be used for power
Transformers. Set them appropriately as per Transformer NOSS; and mount
them as low as possible on a rigid location. IEEE guidelines PC57.150
recommend using two recorders per Transformer to eliminate chances of loss
of data due to impact recorder failure. Such recorders should be mounted on
diagonally opposite positions for best results.
4. For further consideration and in their own interest:
The Transformer manufacturer to do capacitance measurements, FRA on
HV side, Earth to Winding Capacitance tests so as to compare with the test
done at site.
Loss measurements on each tap to ensure the tap connections are made
up properly or not
5. Increased internal bracing between the tank and active part frame.
6. Additional support for the core from the frame.
7. Desiccant should be there inside tank as to maintain the state of dryness.
8. Adding to the shipping systems
Use of special damping dunnage between Transformer and bracing

Use of proper lashing, refer to the IMO lashing code or AAR lashing guidelines.
The following diagram shows a good cross lashing arrangement:

9. At least one dry air bottle must be there with the shipment
Ask your Logistics Company or rigger to take care of the following
transportation restrictions:
1. Proper consideration of SRT (Static Roll Threshold) reduces the risk of
overturning. Refer to local guidelines on SRT. Special consideration should be
given to SRT when shipping to New Zealand.
2. Axle load distribution.
3. Brake force distribution between tractor and trailer should be as per
trailer manufacturer guidelines.
4. Maintain proper ratio between the gross mass of the trailer and tractor.
5. The vehicle must adhere to the designated route and not travel on a road
if fog, heavy rain, hail or any other such factor restricts ambient visibility to less
than 500 m.
6. Local transportation regulations should be adhered to and large power
Transformers should use hydraulic trailers.
7. Actual survey of the planned route should be carried out.

8. Permissions must be there to travel on particular road or highway.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Indian Transformer
Industry for contribution on this document.
1. Heavy hauling, transportation and rigging guidelines for power
Transformers, WG for transportation issues guide (IEEE PC57.150)
2. Transportation Issues of Power Transformers - Willy Hoffmann, Tom
Lundquist, Ewald Schweiger and Manuel Silvestre, IEEE
3. An Assessment of the Common Carrier Shipping Environment - Forest
Products Laboratory Technical Report FPL22
4. Swedish, Finnish, New Zealand and Norwegian national road regulations
5. IMO: International Maritime Organization
6. American Rail Road Regulations
7. DIN 30787 Part 5
8. MIL-STD 810 F, April 1997
9. DIN 55439 Part 2 Page 3 July 1981
10. DIN 55439 Part 2 Page 6 July 1981
11. ASTM D3332
12. DIN EN 13011

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5 Comments LogicLadder
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Rafael Zamora
a year ago

Hi. I need your help! Could you please call me? im in Mexico city, my cell phone is 55 45 37 41 42. I
work in a Logistic company ( freight forwarder ) and we will transport high value equipment from
Europe to Mexico and i think one of your products could work for us...


Natasha Roy
3 years ago

Vivek, you can send your questions to us on [email protected] and we shall be glad to revert on
the same.


3 years ago

this paper is really helpful in understanding of the consequences of impacts.

But i want a detailed discussion, please do me a favor and contact me [email protected]. I
need help.VIVEK PANDEY


Costica Petrescu
3 years ago

We need 6 mechanical impact recorders and 6 electronic impact recorders for transportation of big

We need 6 mechanical impact recorders and 6 electronic impact recorders for transportation of big
transformers (X xY x Z). We need your quotations
[email protected]


Gregory Anderson

4 years ago

Great paper. We need your help!

Gregory Anderson
IEEE C57.150 Working Group



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