Garden SKB Tulsi Growing and Care

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How to Grow Tulsi Plant | Care and Growing Holy Basil

Learn how to grow tulsi plant, its care and growing requirements are simple and easy.
Tulsi or holy basil is an incredible herb revered in Indian mythology in Hinduism for its
medicinal and spiritual characteristics.

Tulsi, a medicinal herb is native to India, its spicy and refreshing fragrance and tiny colorful
flowers makes this a useful houseplant. Tulsi grows as a perennial plant in areas with mild
winter and as an annual in cold and temperate climates.
Other Names Ajaka, Albahaca Santa, Bai Gkaprow, Baranda, Basilic Indien, Basilic
Sacr, Basilic Sacr Pourpre, Basilic Saint, Brinda, Green Holy Basil, Hot Basil, Indian
Basil, Kala Tulsi, Kemangen, Krishna Tulasi, Tulsa, Manjari, Ocimum sanctum, Ocimum
tenuiflorum, Parnasa, Patrapuspha, Red Holy Basil, Sacred Basil, Sacred Purple Basil,
Shyama Tulsi, Sri Tulasi, Suvasa Tulasi and Tulsi Patra.

There are more than 100 different varieties but the most known and used are three:
Rama Tulsi
Rama Tulsi or Bright tulsi is a broader leaf variety and can be found in parts of China,
Nepal, India and southern South America. It is used to promote healthy digestion and has a
milder flavor than other tulsis but more stronger scent when the leaves are crushed.
Krishna Tulsi
Krishna Tulsi or purple leaf Tulsi grows in many parts of India, but this dark purple variety is
harder to find than the greener. It is especially useful for curing respiratory infections, ear
infections and skin problems. It grows slower than other varieties, which may contribute to
its spicy, pungent flavor and odor. Purple leaf basil is also less bitter and astringent than
other tulsis.
Vana Tulsi
Vana Tulsi Tulsi or Wild forest holy basil is the most difficult variety to find, it grows around
the foothills of the Himalayas. It is the tastiest and beneficial in all the tulsis. It has light
green upper leaves and dark green lower leaves.
Propagation and Planting
Sow seeds outdoors in late spring or early summer, when the temperature range around
70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). For an earlier start in spring, sow the seeds
indoors in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill.
Place the tulsi seeds on top of the soil and stamp them for good soil to seed contact, cover
the seeds with 1/4 inch layer of compost or soil. Water the seeds with sprayer and place
them where they receive part morning sun. Keep the soil constantly moist until the
germination, which will take around 1-2 weeks.
When the seedlings have grown two or three sets of true leaves carefully transplant them in
individual containers or outdoors, taking care not to disturb the roots.
*As tulsi is a tropical plant you can grow it anytime in tropics.

Requirements for Growing Tulsi

Requirements of growing tulsi is similar to common basil
Tulsi grows well in loamy and fertile soil with good drainage, pH level around 6 to 7.5 is
Holy basil thrives in full sun but grows in partial shade too, at least four hours of sunlight a
day is required.
Water the plant when top one inch of soil is dry. Do not water during rain. Reduce watering
by the winter to prevent diseases.
Tulsi Plant Care
It is important to pinch tops of Tulasi plant when they are forming four or six pairs of leaves,
this will make the plant grow bushier. Even the flower buds need to be removed when they
appear. It grows more lush and full when seed production is prevented.
It is also important to remove the faded, wilted or discolored leaves to encourage the growth
of new foliage. Regular removal of old leaves and flower buds keep the plant healthy.
Apply balanced liquid fertilizer once in every couple of weeks. Replacing top two inch layer
of soil with compost every year or in six months is also beneficial.
Prune Tulsi as needed throughout the year to control its size and promote bushier and more
compact growth. Remove no more than half of the growth of stem while pruning.

Move Tulsi plant indoors in the winter if you live below USDA zone 10, place the plant near
a bright sunny window, where the temperature is kept above 50 F (10 C). Move the plant
again outside after all the dangers of frost are passed.
Pests and Diseases
It is generally pests and diseases free. However, when grown in poor conditions it might be
attacked by some common pests like mealy bugs, aphids, spider mites and sometimes
whiteflies. For treating pests use organic pesticide or insecticidal soap.
How to Harvest Tulsi
Reap the aromatic leaves of your Tulsi plant throughout the growing season. Once your
plant reaches 12 inches in height, take a pair of scissors and depending on your needs, cut
large single leaf or cut whole branch.
Use fresh leaves on the same day you harvest because they fade quickly.
Store your Tulsi harvest for future use by drying out the leaves. Collect branches in a basket
and place them on a dry place away from sunlight and toss the stem 2-3 times every day
until leaves becomes crispy and collapses when you crush.
Tulsi (Holy basil) Benefits
Tulsi has antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, immune-stimulating and adaptogenic (stress
removal) properties. It supports bodys natural defenses against germs, stress and
disorders of various

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