United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit

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674 F.

2d 880


Thomas P. Murphy,
Jr., Cynthia Murphy, Dale D. Stringer and Sandra
A. Stringer, Defendants-Appellants.
No. 81-5089.

United States Court of Appeals,

Eleventh Circuit.
April 30, 1982.

Roger A. Bridges, Coral Gables, Fla., Greene & Cooper, Marc Cooper,
Miami, Fla., for defendants-appellants.
Kimbrell, Hamann, Hennings, Womack, Carlson & Kriskern, Bruce
Charles King, Miami, Fla., for plaintiff-appellee.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of
Before VANCE, HATCHETT and ANDERSON, Circuit Judges.
HATCHETT, Circuit Judge:

This appeal, in a diversity action, requires application of Fla.Stat. 725.01 to an

indemnification contract which required written notice for termination. Finding
genuine issues of fact to be litigated, we reverse and remand.FACTS

Tom Murphy and Dale Stringer were equal shareholders in Tom Murphy
Construction Company, Inc. (Murphy Construction), a Florida corporation
primarily engaged in the field of municipal construction. In order to
successfully bid on public construction projects, a bid payment and
performance bond was required to be submitted along with the bid. Bonding for

Murphy Construction's bids was handled by Robert Benson, a licensed

insurance agent employed by a local agency representing many large
commercial line insurance companies, including Fidelity and Deposit Company
of Maryland (F&D). Through Benson, bonding was arranged with F&D.1

As part of the decision to provide bonding, F&D required Murphy and Stringer
and their wives to execute an indemnity agreement holding F&D harmless from
losses it might sustain should Murphy Construction default on obligations
arising out of the bonded projects. According to Edmond B. Blondell, Jr., vicepresident of F&D in charge of the Miami branch office, this was standard
industry procedure. On July 11, 1975, the Stringers and the Murphys signed an
"Agreement of Indemnity" as individual indemnitors. The agreement provided:


Nineteenth: This Agreement may be terminated by the Contractor or

Indemnitors upon twenty day's written notice sent by registered mail to the
Surety at its home office at Fidelity Building, Charles and Lexington Streets,
Baltimore, Maryland 21203, but any such notice of termination shall not
operate to modify, bar, or discharge the Contractor or the Indemnitors as to the
Bonds that may have been theretofore executed.

Twentieth: This Agreement may not be changed or modified orally. No change

or modification shall be effective unless made by written endorsement executed
to form a part hereof.

Dale Stringer claims that in August or September, 1975, he agreed to sell his
interest in the company to Murphy and that by November of 1975, he no longer
worked for Murphy Construction.2 Furthermore, Stringer insists he orally
notified Benson in October, 1975, of his leaving the company and that he and
his wife no longer wanted to be listed or relied upon by F&D as indemnitors
under the previously signed agreement. At that point, Stringer believed his
obligations with respect to Murphy Construction were ended.

In October, 1978, F&D brought suit on the indemnity agreement against

Murphy Construction, the Murphys, and the Stringers for losses F&D sustained
on three projects bonded for Murphy Construction. The projects consisted of an
addition to Coral Gables Senior High bonded on December 12, 1975, a
subregional library project bonded on March 8, 1977, and a State Department
of Transportation maintenance project bonded on March 21, 1977. The losses
on these projects totalled $341,051.17.

Through discovery, the Stringers sought to substantiate their claim that the
indemnity agreement had been terminated as to them by the oral notification to
Benson. Benson testified on deposition that he knew of Stringer's departure
from Murphy Construction as early as October 2, 1975. In a letter to Murphy
dated October 2, 1975, Benson stressed the need for a new financial statement
"particularly in light of your buying out Dale Stringer's interest in the
Corporation." Benson further testified that he informed Blondell, F&D's vicepresident in the Miami office, that Stringer was no longer with Murphy
Construction.3 Benson never stated, however, that the Stringers had requested
him, orally or otherwise, to terminate the indemnity agreement.

Blondell stated in his deposition that once an indemnitor notified F&D that he
no longer wished to be bound by an indemnity agreement, F&D would not rely
on his financial status for possible liability on bonds issued for future projects.4
He could not say for certain when he first learned of Stringer's leaving Murphy
Construction, but his recollection of conversations with Murphy and
correspondence from Benson would put the date in late 1975 or early 1976.


On the day scheduled for a jury trial, counsel for F&D presented to the district
court a motion in limine seeking to define and limit the issues to be litigated. In
particular, this motion sought to preliminarily exclude defensive testimony
regarding the termination of the business relationship between Stringer and
Murphy, defensive testimony regarding the alleged oral termination of the
indemnity agreement by the Stringers, and the constructive notice to F&D of
the alleged oral termination and defensive testimony regarding F&D's
nonreliance on the Stringers for further indemnification. F&D argued that the
agreement of indemnity precluded termination by any means other than written
notice and evidence of an oral termination was irrelevant.


The district court granted the motion subject to the Stringer's proffer of
evidence tending to show modification of or changes made to the terms of the
indemnity agreement. If given the opportunity to do so, counsel for the
Stringers stated he would present evidence to the jury indicating that (1) the
Stringers signed the indemnity agreement shortly before Dale Stringer sold his
interest in Murphy Construction to Murphy; (2) F&D had admitted that Benson
was its agent; (3) Stringer approached Benson in the offices of Murphy
Construction in approximately October of 1975, and knowing him to be the
agent of F&D, informed him that he was leaving the company; (4) Stringer told
Benson that he would no longer be liable for performance bonds issued in the
future on Murphy Construction's behalf by F&D; (5) Benson informed Stringer
that he would take care of the situation so that there would be no liability; (6)
Stringer never received a copy of the indemnity agreement; (7) Stringer relied

upon Benson's statements to him that he would have no future liability on future
payment and performance bonds; (8) no bond written while Stringer was an
indemnitor caused a loss to F&D; (9) from the time Stringer notified Benson,
F& D did not at any time thereafter request from Stringer updated financial
statements, or institute any other action normally undertaken had F&D
considered Stringer to still be liable as an indemnitor; and (10) the bonds sued
upon were issued by F&D with full knowledge Stringer was no longer involved
with Murphy Construction and had previously given notice that he would not
be bound as an indemnitor after October of 1975.

Counsel for the Stringers also proffered that by June of 1976, F&D determined
that Murphy Construction had reached the outside limits of its bonding capacity
and only because Murphy Construction entered into a joint venture with the
E.C. Ernst Construction Company was further bonding permitted. The
testimony of Blondell was proffered to show that in the event Benson notified
him that Stringer no longer wished to be relied upon as an indemnitor, F&D
would not look to the Stringers in the future for any indemnification.


Despite this tender of proof, the district court adhered to its earlier ruling that
the indemnification agreement controlled the legal issues involved and
termination by any means other than those specified in the agreement were
prohibited. The ruling stated:


That all prior negotiations are merged into that instrument, and that the tender
of proof as to subsequent events does not produce any evidence of subsequent
events sufficient to constitute a modification of the terms of the written
indemnity agreement, and therefore that the Stringers are liable on the terms of
that agreement for the bond claims now in litigation.


Liability having been established, F&D proceeded with its case on the issue of
damages by calling the claims attorney for F&D's Miami office to testify on the
validity of the losses in question. A final judgment of $383,840.98 was entered
against the Stringers. 5 This appeal involving the Stringers and F& D followed.


As the basis for reversing the district court judgment, the Stringers assert that
timely acceptance of their offer to indemnify F&D was not demonstrated, and,
even if it were timely accepted and therefore became a binding contract, it
could be terminated at any time by an oral agreement notwithstanding the
clause in the indemnity agreement requiring notice of termination to be in

writing. Our task, then, in construing Florida law is to decide whether an

indemnification contract required to be in writing by Fla.Stat. 725.016 to be
enforceable can be terminated by an oral agreement, despite a provision in the
contract which requires written notice to the surety in order to properly
Acceptance by F&D

The Stringers initially argue that F&D is not entitled to indemnification

because no evidence as to the timely acceptance of the indemnification
agreement by F&D was presented at trial. Although the copy of the
"Agreement of Indemnity" attached to F&D's complaint and signed by the
Stringers and Murphys was not signed by a representative of F&D, the
company later filed a copy of the original agreement which contained the
signature of an F&D vice-president. The signed original was admitted into
evidence at trial as an exhibit and has been included in the record on appeal. It
is undisputed that F&D signed the agreement at some point; the question is
whether the signing occurred before or after Stringer purportedly informed
Benson of his desire to terminate the indemnification agreement.


In light of the disposition we make of this case, we think it unwise to answer

that question on the record before us. It is a fact issue to be determined at trial,
if presented for resolution.


In order to reach the legal issue presented, we assume that F&D did accept the
indemnification agreement at some time prior to the alleged oral termination
agreement between Benson and Stringer. We turn now to the critical aspect of
this case: The propriety of an oral agreement terminating a contract specifying

Oral Termination Agreement


Despite clear language in the indemnification agreement forbidding termination

except by written notice, the Stringers contend that the Florida Supreme Court
and the former Fifth Circuit have expressed the rule in Florida to be that oral
termination is permissible even though the written contract prohibits any
modifications except in writing. The Stringers rely primarily on Professional
Insurance Corp. v. Cahill, 90 So.2d 916 (Fla.1956). In Cahill, the plaintiff was
employed as a salesman by the defendant insurance company, the terms of the
employment evidenced by a written agreement prohibiting waiver or
modification except in writing and executed by an officer of the company.
Cahill subsequently left the company and brought suit alleging that the written

contract had been orally modified by the parties so as to provide him with extra
compensation for added services. The company's affirmative defense asserted
the alleged oral agreement was void because of the terms of the employment
contract. The Supreme Court of Florida held that this defense was insufficient
as a matter of law and stated:

The rule is well settled that an executory or parole agreement will not be
permitted to abrogate or modify a written or sealed instrument, but this rule is
not without exceptions. A written contract or agreement may be altered or
modified by an oral agreement if the latter has been accepted and acted upon by
the parties in such manner as would work a fraud on either party to refuse to
enforce it. Moses v. Wood, 1933, 109 Fla. 348, 140 So. 651, 141 So. 117, 147
So. 690.... An oral modification under these circumstances is permissible even
though there was in the written contract a provision prohibiting its alteration
except in writing. (Citations omitted.)


Cahill, 90 So.2d at 918.


The former Fifth Circuit applied the rule set out in Cahill in Canada v. Allstate
Ins. Co., 411 F.2d 517 (5th Cir. 1979), another case involving an employment
contract of an insurance agent. The contract provided that it could be terminated
by either party by making written notice to his or its last known address. Noting
Cahill 's pronouncement of Florida's general rule enforcing oral modifications
of written agreements, the court emphasized the breadth of the Florida rule by
stating that it "goes even further and allows an oral modification of a written
contract under circumstances of detrimental reliance even though the contract
contains a provision prohibiting its alteration except in writing." Canada, 411
F.2d at 519-20 (citing Cahill, 90 So.2d at 918).7 This rule applies with equal
force to the situation at bar.


F&D suggests that Cahill and Canada stand for the proposition that oral
modifications are effective despite prohibitive language in the contract only
where clear and unequivocal evidence of a mutual agreement is presented. In
addition, F&D urges that the district court was correct when it found no facts
supporting the notion of a mutual agreement in this case. We agree with F& D's
interpretation of Cahill and Canada. Whether facts of a mutual agreement exist
in this case, however, is disputed. Because the trial court's granting of the
motion in limine prevented the presentation of any evidence of the alleged
conversation between Benson and Stringer, the law in Florida as stated in Cahill
could not be applied. Stringer posits that the conversation with Benson resulted
in a clear understanding that the Stringers' obligations under the
indemnification agreement were ended. We are left then with a genuine issue as

to a fact most material to the disposition of this case. The Stringers must be
given an opportunity to establish if and when the conversation took place, and,
if it did, what exactly was agreed to.

F&D further contends the Stringers made no change of position which

manifested a detrimental reliance on the oral termination as required by the rule
of Cahill. According to F&D, the Stringers would have had to commit their
finances to a new business venture in order to show reliance, and their inactivity
cannot constitute a change in position. This contention is untenable. If the
conversation took place as alleged, the Stringers relied on the understanding
that Benson would see to it that F&D was notified. The resulting judgment of
$383,840.98 is unquestionably detrimental.


In an effort to surmount the predictable outcome in light of Cahill and Canada,

F&D submits the argument that the Florida Statute of Frauds would be
frustrated if the Stringers were allowed to circumvent the provisions of the
indemnification agreement. Under Fla.Stat. 725.01, contracts of indemnity
containing promises to answer for the debt or default of another, such as the
one here, come within the realm of the statute. F&D would have us adopt the
general rule as stated in treatises to the effect that an oral agreement is
insufficient to rescind or abrogate a contract required by the statute of frauds to
be in writing. The Stringers are of the opinion that the statute of frauds is
inapplicable because it only prevents the maintenance of an action to enforce
oral contracts within its terms and the alleged oral termination agreement in
question is not a promise to answer for the debt or default of another.


We are unpersuaded by F&D's contention that Benson and Stringer could not
enter into a subsequent oral agreement nullifying the terms of the writing. This
contention misses the mark. The moment after the agreement of indemnity was
accepted by F&D, nothing in the termination clause of paragraph nineteen
prevented the parties from immediately thereafter entering into a new
agreement which would terminate the indemnification contract in a manner
other than in writing. It is with the legality of this alleged oral agreement that
we are predominately concerned, not the terms of the written contract which by
its very nature is required by section 725.01 to be in writing to be enforceable.


The purpose of the statute of frauds is to establish a recording of an

extraordinary undertaking: the promise to answer for the debt or default of
another. The law is reasonable in requiring promises of this type to be in
writing. An oral agreement to terminate an indemnification relationship is not
such an extraordinary undertaking that the law requires written evidence of the
event. Accordingly, general principles of contract law should govern the

validity of such agreements.8 As Cahill and Canada indicate, the rule in Florida
regarding the general law of contracts on this subject is well settled. The
indemnification agreement signed by the Stringers and Murphys and accepted
by F&D could be terminated by an oral agreement between Stringer and the
agent, Benson.

Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the district court's granting of F& D's
motion in limine effectively precluded the resolution of factual matters
dispositive of the outcome of this litigation. We therefore reverse the district
court judgment and remand the case for a new trial because of the existence of
genuine issues of fact, namely, whether the Benson-Stringer conversation and
resultant understanding ever occurred. If the alleged agreement were
consummated, the rule as expressed in Cahill and repeated herein governs the
legal consequences of the oral agreement.



In his deposition, Benson stated that he first contacted Murphy Construction in

1974, and on its behalf, procured bonds from United States Fidelity & Guaranty
Company, and later from the Insurance Corporation of North America.
Business was subsequently transferred to F&D in order to obtain larger bonding
capacities. Benson Dep. at 12-13

The parties disagree as to the exact date the sale of Stringer's interest was
finalized. Stringer claims the sellout was formally completed by November,
1975. Because the written agreement between Stringer and Murphy provides
Stringer with additional payouts and compensation in the form of consultant
reimbursements through the year 2004, F&D maintains that until that time,
Stringer would not be totally divested of all his interest in Murphy Construction

At his deposition, Benson testified:

Q: (By Stringer's counsel) Now, with whom did you communicate with F&D as
to changes in the company? I believe you told us that you talked to them quite
often by telephone. To whom did you talk for the most part?
A: Mr. E. B. Blondell, Jr.
Q: Now, he is local, is he not?

A: Yes.
Q: Can you recall today who you told back in October of '75 that Dale Stringer
was no longer with Tom Murphy Construction Company?
(Counsel for F&D): Objection, I'm not sure he told anybody that.
(Counsel for Stringer): Go ahead.
Benson: I feel quite confident that I indicated to Mr. Blondell that Dale Stringer
no longer had an interest.
Q: (By Stringer's counsel) Was that part of your responsibility as an agent for
F&D, to report to the company the various changes that had any affect upon the
company's ability to be bondable?
A: Yes.

At Blondell's deposition, the following exchange occurred:

Q: (By Stringer's counsel) Let me ask you this: Is it not true that if at any time
F&D is notified by an indemnitor they are no longer part of the company and
no longer wish to indemnify the companies-in this case it was Tom Murphy
Construction Company-that in the future, their indemnity will be relieved. Is
that correct?
A: Correct, for future liability.
Q: Of any future bond?
A: Correct.
Q: Let me ask you this question: If the Stringers had notified Benson that they
were no longer to be associated with the company and wanted to be relieved of
liability in the future, then would F&D have attempted to hold them liable for
3/8/77 and 3/30/77 (two of the three bonds where losses occurred)?
(Counsel for F&D): Again, we are talking about a legal conclusion here,
whether they would be held responsible or looked to for responsibility.
(Counsel for Stringer): I am asking F&D's opinion of it, not a legal opinion.
Blondell: Do you want me to respond?
(Counsel for F&D): If you have an answer, sure.

Blondell: Would you repeat it?

(Question referred to was read by reporter as recorded.)
Blondell: If we were officially notified, I would say that we were not looking to
them for indemnity.
Q: Benson could officially notify you, sir, could he not, of acting as an agent
for F&D?
A: Yes.

The district court awarded F&D $383,840.98 in damages and also granted the
Stringers' cross-claim against Thomas P. Murphy, Jr., for the amount of the
judgment. A default judgment had previously been entered against Tom
Murphy Construction Company, Inc
This case was not disposed of in the district court on a motion for summary
judgment. Because of the limited nature of the trial, however, we treat the
disposition as though it were handled in summary judgment fashion.

Fla.Stat. 725.01 provides, in pertinent part:

No action shall be brought ... upon any special promise to answer for the debt,
default or miscarriage of another person ... unless the agreement or promise
upon which such action shall be brought, or some note or memorandum thereof
shall be in writing and signed by the party to be charged therewith....

See also Merchants & Bankers Guar. Co. v. Downs, 128 Fla. 767, 175 So. 704
(1937) (insurance policies may be cancelled by mutual consent notwithstanding
policy provision specifying method of cancellation). Accord, Midstate Hauling
Co. v. Reliable Ins. Co., 437 F.2d 616 (5th Cir. 1971)

No Florida case has directly addressed the question of whether an agreement

required to be in writing by Fla.Stat. 725.01 to be enforceable can be
terminated by a subsequent oral agreement. The trend in other jurisdictions
appears to recognize the permissibility of oral termination agreements. See,
e.g., Consolidated Elec. Distribs., Inc. v. Gier, 24 Wash.App. 671, 602 P.2d
1206 (1979) (summary judgment inappropriate where disputed question of fact
exists as to mutuality of oral termination of guaranty relationship); Dicker v.
Lomas & Nettleton Fin. Corp., 576 S.W.2d 672 (Tex.Civ.App.1978) (affidavit
for summary judgment purposes raises fact question whether parties' oral
agreement and subsequent conduct was sufficient to prevent operation of
statute); ABC Outdoor Advertising, Inc. v. Dolhun's Marine, Inc., 38 Wis.2d

457, 157 N.W.2d 680 (1968) (contract within statute could be cancelled orally
despite contrary provision in contract); West River Equip. Co. v. Holzworth
Const. Co., 134 Mont. 582, 335 P.2d 298 (1959) (statute of frauds does not
preclude oral rescission of written contract within statute); Watkins v. Simplex
Time Recorder Co., 316 Mass. 217, 55 N.E.2d 203 (1944) (contract within
statute may be orally rescinded except where recission involves subject matter
required by statute to be written)
Essentially, F&D is attempting to assert the statute of frauds as a defense to the
alleged oral termination agreement. This question was undecided in a case
involving the statute as it relates to employment contracts not performable
within the space of one year. In Grossman v. Levy's, 81 So.2d 752 (Fla.1955),
the employee sought to enforce a contract which renewed a prior, oral
employment agreement. The employer defended on the ground that because the
initial agreement was oral and therefore unenforceable, the renewal contract
"was fatally infected with the same malady." 81 So.2d at 753. The court
rejected this reasoning and held that because the employee was not seeking to
enforce the original employment contract, proof of the oral agreement could be
used for evidentiary purposes. The court did not intimate whether the statute
could be used as a defense.

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