United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit

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802 F.

2d 1339
7 Fed.R.Serv.3d 1402, 3 UCC Rep.Serv.2d 1545

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,

seized from the
house of Pamela and Jack Hoback, Defendants-Appellants.
UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,
seized from the
house of Pamela and Jack Hoback, Defendants-Appellants.
Cessna Finance Corporation, Intervenor-Appellant.
Nos. 85-7237, 85-7376.

United States Court of Appeals,

Eleventh Circuit.
Oct. 21, 1986.

Marvin L. Stewart, Jr., Lee R. Benton, Birmingham, Ala., for Cessna

John E. Medaris, Alabaster, Ala., Ann Robertson, Birmingham, Ala., for
Pamela & Jack Hoback.
Frank W. Donaldson, U.S. Atty., Caryl P. Privett, Asst. U.S. Atty.,
Birmingham, Ala., for plaintiff-appellee.
Appeals from the United States District Court for the Northern District of
Before RONEY, Chief Judge, CLARK, Circuit Judge, and DOYLE* ,
Senior District Judge.
CLARK, Circuit Judge:

Appellants-claimants Pamela Thompson Hoback and Cessna Finance Company

bring this appeal from the district court's judgment for the United States in this
action. The government sought forfeiture of $41,305 in currency and traveler's
checks seized from the residence of Pamela Hoback and her husband Jack.
Appellant Pamela Hoback filed a claim to the money as her personal property.
Subsequently, appellant Cessna Finance filed a motion to intervene and assert
its claim to the money under a lien obtained against Jack Hoback. The district
court, on recommendation of a magistrate, determined that Pamela Hoback had
not met her burden in proving innocent ownership of the money. The money
was declared forfeited to the government, and Cessna's motion to intervene was
denied as moot. Cessna moved for reconsideration of the court's decision but
that motion was denied. Cessna and Pamela Hoback appeal the district court's
decisions on various grounds. We reverse with respect to Cessna and affirm
with respect to Hoback.


This forfeiture proceeding2 resulted from the arrest of Jack Hoback on October
13, 1983. Hoback was arrested by state and federal officers in West Memphis,
Arkansas while attempting to sell one kilo of cocaine. On October 19, the FBI
obtained a warrant to search the Hobacks' house in Shelby County, Alabama for
"cocaine, and documents and records reflecting financial transactions regarding
illegal drugs." The Shelby County residence was owned jointly by Jack Hoback
and his wife, appellant Pamela Thompson Hoback. The warrant was based
upon information from confidential and named informants and corroborated in
part by DEA surveillance.

FBI and DEA agents executed the warrant immediately but found no drugs at
the residence. In the course of the search, however, agents found various
documents, including tax returns, and $41,305. The bulk of the money, $37,949
in cash and $1,000 in traveler's checks, was found in a West Memphis bank bag
on the sofa of an upstairs sitting room. Approximately $2,156 was found in a
"secret room"3 in the garage and about $200 was found in Jack Hoback's home
office. Pamela Hoback was questioned by FBI agents in the course of the
search, but she denied keeping large sums of cash at home. When told that
$40,000 had been found, she appeared visibly surprised.

Several days later, the FBI obtained a search warrant for Hoback's space at a
nearby "mini-warehouse." There, agents found a legal pad containing records of
various marijuana transactions. On November 8, 1983, the government filed a
complaint for forfeiture of the cash and checks seized in the search of the
Hobacks' residence. On December 15, Pamela Hoback filed a claim to the

money as her personal property derived from repayment of loans and the recent
sale of certain real property owned by her prior to her marriage to Jack Hoback.

Discovery and evidentiary proceedings were held, and on October 18, 1984, the
district court ruled that the government had established probable cause to forfeit
the money. The court, adopting the magistrate's report, relied upon the
following facts: that Jack Hoback had been convicted in state court on drug
charges, that he had pled guilty in federal court to drug charges, and that three
kilos of cocaine were found on Hoback's property in May, 1984.4

The court then ordered further evidentiary proceedings regarding Pamela

Hoback's claim of innocent ownership of the money. Several hearings were
held, and on December 21, Cessna Finance filed its motion to intervene in the
proceedings. Cessna claimed that the money belonged to Jack rather than
Pamela Hoback, and that it had a non-forfeitable interest in the money by virtue
of its personal judgment and lien against all of Jack Hoback's property in

On March 7, 1985, the district court held that the money should forfeit to the
government since Pamela Hoback had not proven innocent ownership. The
court again adopted the magistrate's report, which stated that Mrs. Hoback had
offered only "possible" innocent sources for the money rather than actual proof.
The district court then ordered forfeiture and denied as moot Cessna's motion to
intervene. Cessna moved for reconsideration but that motion was denied on
May 8. Both Hoback and Cessna then filed timely notices of appeal.



Pamela Hoback contends that the district court erred on several grounds in
ordering forfeiture of the money. First, she argues that federal agents had no
authority to seize the money from the house, therefore, the money and its
amount were inadmissible evidence. Second, she claims that the finding of
probable cause to forfeit the money was based wholly on other inadmissible
evidence. Third, she claims that even if probable cause was established, her
evidence of innocent, independent sources for the money was sufficient to rebut
the government's case and avoid forfeiture.

Cessna Finance for its part contends that the district court erred in declaring its
motion for intervention moot. Cessna interprets the lower court's brief statement
on mootness as saying that the government's right to forfeiture is superior to
that of a judgment lienor. Cessna disputes this assertion and asks that this court

recognize its equitable right to the money.


A. The Government's Authority to Seize the Money


In addressing the merits of both appellants' contentions, we find that Mrs.

Hoback's first claim of error merits only brief consideration. As Mrs. Hoback
notes, the magistrate did find that the federal agents had no "authority" to
remove the money from the house. Putting the remark in context, however,
reveals that the magistrate only meant that the search warrant on its face did not
embrace money as an object of the search. The magistrate's report of September
18, 1984, implies quite correctly that the agents' seizure was nonetheless proper
because the money was found in plain view incident to a lawful search. The
money and its amount were therefore admissible evidence for forfeiture
purposes. Hoback's contentions that the money was "illegally seized" and that
One 1958 Plymouth Sedan v. Pennsylvania, 380 U.S. 693, 85 S.Ct. 1246, 14
L.Ed.2d 170 (1965), governs this case are meritless.


Furthermore, Mrs. Hoback cannot reasonably claim the agents lacked probable
cause to believe the money was evidence of illegal activity. At the time the
agents seized the money, they knew Jack Hoback had been arrested in the
course of a cocaine transaction, they had confidential information about the
large scale of Hoback's dealing, and they recognized that the amount of money
found corresponded roughly to the price of one kilo of cocaine. The other
possible owner of the cash, Mrs. Hoback, had denied any knowledge of large
sums of money in the house. The agents reasonably believed the money was


Mrs. Hoback argues nonetheless that two other facts upset the reasonableness
of the agents' conclusions. First, no drugs were found during the search, and
second, the agents had no information of a recent transaction in which Hoback
actually received cash.5 We find, however, that neither of these facts is
inconsistent with the agents' probable cause determination. One may expect a
drug dealer to have drugs or money or both on hand; here, agents found the
cash equivalent of one kilo of cocaine. It is of little importance that this cash
could not be tied to a specific known transaction. The agents seizing the money
had information that Hoback had had access to 50 kilos of cocaine for at least
two months previous to the search. Hoback could have received the cash by
selling some of those kilos in transactions unknown to them. For these reasons,
we find that the money was properly seized from the Hobacks' house and is
admissible as evidence in this forfeiture proceeding.

B. Probable Cause for Forfeiture


As a second ground of error, Mrs. Hoback contends that the government failed
to establish probable cause to forfeit the money.6 She argues that the
government failed to show any nexus between the money seized and a
particular drug deal. Appellant misunderstands the government's burden. The
government need not trace the cash to specific transactions, or actually prove by
a preponderance of evidence a substantial connection to drug dealing. The
government must merely furnish probable cause, i.e., reasonable grounds to
believe that a substantial connection exists between the money seized and
Hoback's drug dealing. See United States v. $364,960.00 in U.S. Currency, 661
F.2d 319, 323 (5th Cir. Unit B 1981). Furthermore, probable cause may be
based wholly on circumstantial evidence, see id., and that evidence may include
facts learned after the actual seizure of the money. See United States v.
$4,255,000, 762 F.2d 895, 902 n. 12 (11th Cir.1985).


Mrs. Hoback argues in the alternative that even if the government is not
required to prove a connection between the money and specific drug
transactions, the government has failed to show even reasonable grounds for
belief since all the evidence relied upon below was inadmissible. Specifically,
Mrs. Hoback refers to the evidence of her husband's state and federal drug
convictions in Arkansas and the three kilos of cocaine found at their Shelby
County house in May, 1984. She contends that use of this evidence was
precluded by her husband's plea agreement with the U.S. Attorneys in Arkansas
and Miami. We need not construe the scope and effect of that plea agreement in
these proceedings,7 however, as the contested evidence was not the basis of the
magistrate's final determination of probable cause.


In his report of January 18, 1985, the magistrate opined that some of the
evidence previously relied upon, including the federal plea and the three kilos
of cocaine, was introduced in violation of a use immunity agreement between
Jack Hoback and the U.S. Attorney. The magistrate eliminated that evidence
from consideration and then cited at least eight other facts and circumstances
suggesting that the money seized was drug related.8 All of this evidence was
admissible and appellant has not suggested that it is insufficient to establish
probable cause.9 Indeed, the evidence is more than sufficient, for as we pointed
out in United States v. $364,960.00, supra, conclusive proof that the money
was connected to a drug offense is not necessary. The government's task is to
present only enough evidence to shift the burden of proof to the claimant.
Appellant's argument to the contrary has no substance.
C. Claimant's Proof of Innocent Ownership


Finally, Mrs. Hoback argues that the district court erred in rejecting her claim
of innocent ownership of the money. Mrs. Hoback asserted below that the
money found was in fact hers and not her husband's, and that she had gathered
it in order to post bond for his release in Arkansas. Appellant offered evidence
of three legitimate sources for the money.


Twelve hundred dollars was found in an envelope marked "Kay & Tom loan."
Appellant claims that this sum represents partial repayment of a $2,500 loan
made to her sister and brother-in-law in October, 1981. Appellant also claims
that another $4,750 was obtained by negotiating a check for that amount on
October 18, 1983, the day before the search and seizure. Appellant received the
check as payment for charter of an airplane on October 17, 1983. The balance
of the money seized, some $35,355, is attributed to the sale of some of Mrs.
Hoback's real estate in July, 1983.10 At that time, appellant received a check for
$74,527, and she negotiated it immediately.


The district court, on recommendation of the magistrate, found that this

evidence showed only a "possible" independent source rather than a direct
connection between the innocent transactions and the money seized. Mrs.
Hoback contends that proof of a direct connection is both legally unnecessary
and factually impossible due to the fungible nature of money. In support,
appellant cites United States v. $131,602 in U.S. Currency, 563 F.Supp. 921
(S.D.N.Y.1982), which holds that a claimant meets her burden of proof simply
by showing that at some time she had received from an innocent source an
amount of money equal to that at issue in the forfeiture action. The Southern
District of New York adopted this approach because a fungible good such as
cash is difficult to trace.


We too recognize that currency is fungible but we do not believe this fact
necessitates as low a burden of proof as that imposed by the Southern District
of New York. Appellant concedes that once probable cause is established, one
claiming the money must show by a preponderance of the evidence an alternate
source for the funds. Where the government has presented evidence of an
illegal source, the claimant must do more than show the existence of possible
legitimate sources of cash.


The evidence presented in this case, however, has not demonstrated more than
such a possibility. During the course of the search appellant disclaimed any
knowledge of large sums of cash in the house. Additionally, Mrs. Hoback has
not shown that she customarily kept large sums of cash or that she had a safety
deposit box where cash could be kept as in the case of United States v.
$131,602.00, supra. Appellant claims that the money was gathered to bail out

her husband, but in fact almost half was withdrawn from several banks before
her husband was arrested. The largest claimed source of the cash was the
$74,527 which she received in July, as previously recounted. Mrs. Hoback has
not offered her bank records in connection with this transaction. The $74,527
was received in the form of a check and evidence was not offered as to the
handling of that check, that is whether it was negotiated and left on deposit or
cash paid immediately in exchange for it. Given the legal requirement that she
had to come forth with the evidence, Mrs. Hoback had of necessity to establish
her financial transactions since the receipt of that check. Mrs. Hoback has
presented only the possibility of an innocent source, and as the Sixth Circuit has
observed, such a possibility cannot vitiate the government's showing of a strong
probability that the source of the money is in fact illegal activity. See United
States v. $83,320 in U.S. Currency, 682 F.2d 573 (6th Cir.1982). More
importantly, such a possibility does not constitute a preponderance of evidence
defeating forfeiture. The judgment of the district court with respect to Mrs.
Hoback's claim is affirmed.
D. Cessna's Right to Intervene

Having determined that the present claimant has no right to prevent forfeiture,
we turn to the appeal of potential claimant-intervenor Cessna Financial. Cessna
contends that the district court erred in dismissing as moot its petition to
intervene. Cessna claims intervention by right under Fed.R.Civ.P. 24(a), which
imposes four prerequisites:


(1) the applicant must have an interest in the property at issue;


(2) the case must pose the risk that disposition without intervention would, as a
practical matter, impair or impede applicant's ability to protect its interest,


(3) the applicant's interest must be inadequately represented by the other

parties; and


(4) the motion for intervention must be timely.


See Howse v. S/V "Canada Goose I", 641 F.2d 317, 320 (5th Cir. Unit B 1981).
The requirement most difficult to establish in this case is the first, the
sufficiency of Cessna's interest in the money at issue. Cessna must have "a
direct, substantial, legally protectible interest" in order to intervene.11 See id.


Cessna claims such an interest on two theories. First, Cessna argues that it has a


Cessna claims such an interest on two theories. First, Cessna argues that it has a
perfected security interest in the money by virtue of a 1974 security agreement
between Cessna and Southland Aviation, a corporation partly owned by Jack
Hoback. The agreement granted Cessna a secured interest in a particular
airplane and its proceeds, but the plane was sold out of trust later in 1974.
Cessna contends that the money at issue constitutes proceeds from that sale
which have been retained by Jack Hoback or fraudulently conveyed to his wife.
Second, Cessna argues that its interest in this action rests on its status as a
judgment lienholder. In 1975, Cessna obtained a personal judgment in Kansas
against Hoback for the value of the airplane sold out of trust. The judgment was
domesticated and recorded in Shelby County, Alabama on March 26, 1984.
Cessna contends that this judgment gives it a lien against all of Hoback's
property in Shelby County, including the money at issue.12


We find that Cessna has a sufficient interest to intervene. To the extent Cessna
can prove that it has a valid perfected security interest dating from 1974, it may
have a legally protectible interest in the res of this action. See Howse, supra at
321. We doubt that Cessna can premise intervention on its judgment lien,
however, as that may have arisen after Hoback's illegal use of the money.
Illegal use immediately vests title to the property in the sovereign, and cuts off
the rights of third parties to obtain legally protectible interests in the property.
See United States v. One Piece of Real Estate, 571 F.Supp. 723, 725
(W.D.Tex.1983) (citing United States v. One 1967 Chris Craft 27 Foot
Fiberglass Boat, 423 F.2d 1293 (5th Cir.1970)).


The remaining prerequisites to intervention are also present in this case. As a

practical matter, Cessna's ability to protect its interest would clearly be impeded
or impaired if intervention were denied. The only action in which Cessna can
contest the government's seizure and assert its superior right to the money is
this forfeiture proceeding. No administrative remedies are available. See United
States v. One Piece of Real Estate, supra at 724-25.13 Furthermore, neither the
government nor Mrs. Hoback can adequately represent Cessna's interest, and
Cessna's motion to intervene was not untimely. See Stallworth v. Monsanto,
558 F.2d 257 (5th Cir.1977). Although there was some delay by Cessna in
domesticating its judgment and filing its motion to intervene, neither of the
original parties has asserted any prejudice from this delay. To deny intervention
on the basis of the delay would, however, significantly prejudice Cessna.
Therefore, we find that Cessna's motion to intervene was timely and sufficient
in all other respects under Fed.R.Civ.P. 24(a). The district court erred in
denying the motion on grounds of mootness. We emphasize that the district
court's error relates only to its holding that Cessna had no right to intervene.
Our reversal of the district court on this issue intimates no view respecting the
validity of Cessna's claim based upon its 1974 security instrument or its 1984


In summary then, and for the reasons set forth above, we affirm the district
court's denial of appellant Pamela Hoback's claim and we reverse the district
court's denial of Cessna Financial's motion to intervene. Pursuant to that
reversal, the district court shall vacate its order of forfeiture in favor of appellee
United States and hold an evidentiary hearing for the purpose of determining
whether Cessna can prove its claim to the fund.


AFFIRMED in part, REVERSED in part and VACATED.

Honorable James E. Doyle, Senior U.S. District Judge for the Western District
of Wisconsin, sitting by designation

The facts discussed in this opinion are taken from those included in the
magistrate's orders filed February 18, 1984, and January 18, 1985, both of
which were adopted by the district court. We have reviewed the entire
transcript and find none of the facts clearly erroneous. In some instances, we
have added facts found in the record from our own review for the purpose of
explaining the context of the opinion

Section 881(a)(6) of Title 21, U.S.C., provides:

(a) The following shall be subject to forfeiture to the United States and no
property right shall exist in them:
(6) All moneys, negotiable instruments, securities, or other things of value
furnished or intended to be furnished by any person in exchange for a controlled
substance in violation of this subchapter, all proceeds traceable to such an
exchange, and all moneys, negotiable instruments, and securities used or
intended to be used to facilitate any violation of this subchapter, except that no
property shall be forfeited under this paragraph, to the extent of the interest of
an owner, by reason of any act or omission established by that owner to have
been committed or omitted without the knowledge or consent of that owner.

The so-called "secret room" was located behind a sliding wall in the basement
of the Hoback's three story garage. The room had a floorsafe, special air
conditioning and dehumidifying equipment, and a wine rack covering one wall.
Entrance to the room was monitored by a security alarm system. Mrs. Hoback

contends that the room was never used for drugs, rather it was a wine cellar

On May 19, 1984, approximately seven months after his arrest, Jack Hoback
told an Assistant U.S. Attorney that three kilos of cocaine remained buried
under the lawn of his Shelby County home. The AUSA so informed federal
agents in Alabama and they dug up the cocaine. Subsequent to the district court
opinion of October 18, 1984, the magistrate learned that Hoback's admission
regarding the cocaine was made pursuant to a use immunity agreement with the
U.S. Attorney's Offices of Arkansas and South Florida. The magistrate then
noted in his report of January 18, 1985 that probable cause could not rest on the
evidence of cocaine buried on the property. Instead, the magistrate relied upon
the facts set forth infra at note 6

The agents knew that before his arrest, Hoback had sold two kilos of cocaine.
The first was sold on "consignment" and the second was sold immediately prior
to arrest. Therefore, no cash was transferred for either kilo

In a forfeiture action, the government bears the initial burden of proving

probable cause to forfeit the property at issue. See United States v. One 1975
Ford F-100 Pickup Truck, 558 F.2d 755 (5th Cir.1977). Once the government
makes this showing, the burden of proof shifts to the claimant to prove by a
preponderance of the evidence that the property has an independent innocent
source and has not been used illegally. See id. If the claimant fails to meet her
burden, the property is forfeited

Indeed, it is not clear that Mrs. Hoback even has standing to assert an objection
based upon the plea agreement. That agreement concerns only her husband, and
he is not a claimant in this action

The magistrate relied upon the following:

. (1) Hoback had a reputation among law enforcement authorities as a dealer in
. (2) Hoback had delivered a kilo of cocaine to an individual in Arkansas and
had arranged for a subsequent delivery;
. (3) Hoback stated to this individual that the cocaine which he delivered was
part of a larger shipment;
. (4) The initial delivery of cocaine by Hoback to the individual in Arkansas
was on consignment;
. (5) On the occasion of Hoback's arrest, he was scheduled to contact the

individual in Arkansas and receive payment for the cocaine previously

. (6) Instead, Hoback had in his possession a second kilo of cocaine at the time
of his arrest;
. (7) Hoback was subsequently prosecuted in Arkansas and received a life
sentence; and
. (8) Hoback was subsequently indicted in federal court in Arkansas and in
Miami for offenses regarding controlled substances.

To the extent appellant objects to use of Hoback's Arkansas state conviction

and sentence, we note that this particular fact is not essential to the finding of
probable cause. The remaining facts set out in note 6 supra are sufficient to
establish probable cause


The property was acquired by appellant prior to her marriage to Jack Hoback
and was owned solely by her until the time of sale


Contrary to the government's assertions, standing to intervene is not

synonymous with standing to contest forfeiture. The latter is an element of a
claimant's case to prevent forfeiture and it need not be proven on a motion to


Under Alabama law, a judgment lien may be created by filing or registering a

certificate of judgment in probate court. Levy of property is unnecessary. See
Johnson v. Haleyville Mobile Home Supply, 477 So.2d 328 (Ala.1985)
(construing Ala.Code Sec. 6-9-211)


Prior to 1978, a claimant of funds seized or forfeited could petition the

Attorney General for remission or mitigation of forfeiture. Such relief
constituted an act of executive clemency and was not subject to judicial review.
See One Piece of Real Estate, supra. A 1978 amendment to the forfeiture
statute, 21 U.S.C. Sec. 881(a)(6), now provides that innocent owners or
lienholders of seized funds may participate in judicial forfeiture proceedings.
See id. In light of this amendment, the Attorney General now rejects petitions
for remission under Sec. 881(a)(6) as filed improvidently. See id. Thus,
Cessna's only forum for relief is the present action

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