United States v. Dwayne Berman Cooper, 133 F.3d 1394, 11th Cir. (1998)

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133 F.

3d 1394
11 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. C 1014

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,

Dwayne Berman COOPER, Defendant-Appellant.
No. 96-3240.

United States Court of Appeals,

Eleventh Circuit.
Jan. 26, 1998.
Rehearing Denied April 1, 1998.

Clinton Lyle Doud, Jacksonville, FL, for Defendant-Appellant.

Charles Wilson, U.S. Atty., Tampa, FL, Kimberly Ann Selmore and Linda
McNamara, Assts. U.S. Attys., Jacksonville, FL, for Plaintiff-Appellee.
Before HATCHETT, Chief Judge, and TJOFLAT and COX, Circuit
HATCHETT, Chief Judge:

The primary issue in this case is whether appellant-driver legitimately expected

Fourth Amendment-level privacy in an overdue rental car that the rental
company had not repossessed at the time of law enforcement's warrantless
search. We (1) affirm the district court's conclusion that a law enforcement
officer permissibly stopped appellant; (2) resolve the issue of first impression
in appellant's favor, reversing the district court's conclusion that he lacked
standing to challenge the search; and (3) remand for proceedings consistent
with this opinion.


On January 6, 1996, appellant, Dwayne Cooper, rented a car from Budget

Rent-A-Car (Budget) in West Palm Beach, Florida. The contract specified
January 20 as the return due date and West Palm Beach as the return location.1

The contract also included the following terms and conditions:

3 VEHICLE RETURN: Renter is responsible for returning the Vehicle in the
same condition as when received, to the location and on the date specified, or sooner
4 REPOSSESSION OF VEHICLE: The Vehicle may be repossessed, without
notice and at Renter's expense, if it is not returned when due, is illegally parked, is
used in violation of law or of this Agreement, appears abandoned, or if Renter
provides false or misleading information at time of rental.
5 FAILURE TO RETURN VEHICLE: If the Vehicle is not returned when due or
within 24 hours after written or oral demand by Budget, Renter will be in unlawful
possession of the Vehicle, and Budget may seek the issuance of a warrant for the
arrest of anyone in possession of the Vehicle (including Renter). Written demand is
considered delivered 48 hours after Budget mails a certified letter to Renter at the
home or business address Renter provides at time of rental.

Government's Ex. Three (capital letters and bold print in original). Aside from
its warning about late fees in paragraph fifteen, the contract does not address
the renter's ability to extend the due date. Budget's established policy, however,
is that it will extend the due date if the renter makes a request over the
telephone and sufficient funds exist on his or her credit card. Through his past
course of dealings with Budget, Cooper knew of this unwritten policy. It had
also been Cooper's experience that returning a rental car after the due date was
"no problem" with Budget as long he had "room" on his credit card for the
extra days and applicable fees.

On January 24, four days after the rental contract expired, Michael King of the
Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) saw the rental car on Interstate 95 in
Jacksonville, Florida. King, traveling in the center northbound lane of Interstate
95 in a marked car, noticed Cooper in his rear-view mirror unsuccessfully
attempting to merge from the left to the center lane to continue on Interstate 95
after the highway "splits."2 Finding himself on Interstate 10 rather than
Interstate 95, Cooper accelerated past King, cut across King's lane, drove over
an apex and exited the highway. Cooper's car came too close to King's vehicle
during the lane change, causing King to apply his brakes in order to avoid an
accident. Intending to issue Cooper a citation for an improper lane change,
King signaled for Cooper to pull over into the exit's emergency lane.3

Complying with King's requests, Cooper identified himself, stepped out of the

Complying with King's requests, Cooper identified himself, stepped out of the
car and proffered his driver's license and the rental contract. King inquired
about the rental car being four days overdue, and Cooper explained that he had
extended the due date. Using his car telephone, King directed the FHP
dispatcher to contact Budget and verify this information. Budget informed the
dispatcher that Cooper had not requested an extension past January 20 and
asked that the car be towed and returned. Budget had not reported the car
stolen, sought a warrant for Cooper's arrest or otherwise notified Cooper that it
intended to repossess the car. The dispatcher relayed this information to King,
and he asked the dispatcher to contact a private towing service.

Soon thereafter, a second FHP trooper, Michael Smith, arrived to assist King.
The troopers informed Cooper about Budget's plan to tow the car. Cooper
requested to speak with a Budget representative, but the troopers would not
permit him to use the telephone. Instead, King asked Cooper for consent to
search the car. The parties dispute, and the district court did not resolve,
whether Cooper consented. 4 In any event, King reached in through the
passenger door, turned off the ignition, "swept" under the car seats and opened
the glove compartment. Although he did not find anything under the seats, King
found a loaded firearm in the glove compartment and arrested Cooper for
concealing a firearm.


While Cooper remained in custody inside the patrol car, King and Smith
decided to proceed with a full inventory search of the rental car, a procedure
which FHP policy required. King opened the trunk and noticed garbage bags
covering two square boxes. Also, on the floor of the trunk, King saw several
plastic sandwich bags. Before the inventory proceeded any further, however, it
started to rain. King told the dispatcher to cancel the towing service so that he
and Smith would not have to search the car in the rain.


With assistance from another trooper, King and Smith drove the rental car to a
covered overpass near the FHP station. Resuming the search, they discovered
that the boxes in the trunk were actually safes, in which Cooper denied having
any ownership stake. After Smith's K-9 unit detected narcotics upon sniffing
the exterior of the safes, Smith pried them open with a crowbar and found
cocaine, cocaine base, scales and other drug paraphernalia. Eventually, after a
"thorough search," the car was towed and returned to Budget. Budget charged
Cooper's credit card for use of the car through January 25.


On February 28, a federal grand jury returned a three-count indictment against

Cooper, charging him with: (1) conspiracy to distribute cocaine base and
possess cocaine with intent to manufacture cocaine base, in violation of 21

U.S.C. 846; (2) possession with intent to distribute cocaine base, in violation
of 21 U.S.C. 841(a)(1) and 18 U.S.C. 2; and (3) possession of cocaine with
intent to manufacture cocaine base, in violation of 21 U.S.C. 841(a)(1) and 18
U.S.C. 2.5 Cooper moved to suppress the evidence found inside the rental car,
contending that King stopped him without probable cause and that the FHP's
warrantless search violated his Fourth Amendment rights. After an evidentiary
hearing, the district court denied Cooper's motion and adopted the magistrate
judge's recommended conclusions that: (1) the stop was permissible; and (2)
Cooper lacked standing to challenge the search because "[a]fter the rental
agreement expired and he failed to seek its extension, [Cooper] did not have a
legitimate expectation of privacy in the rental car."6 The jury convicted Cooper
on all three counts, and the district court sentenced him to life in prison.7

Cooper raises two issues on appeal: (1) whether the district court clearly erred
in finding that the FHP conducted a permissible traffic stop; and (2) whether
the district court erred in concluding that he lacked standing to challenge the
search of the rental car and the items therein.


As to the first issue, Cooper contends that King's testimony that he stopped
Cooper for an improper lane change was not credible. Cooper insists that he did
not violate any traffic laws and that King stopped him only to investigate for
drugs. The government points to the record, arguing that sufficient evidence
supports the district court's finding and credibility assessment.


As to the second issue, Cooper argues that he subjectively and objectively

expected privacy in the rental car, regardless of his failure to extend the due
date. In support of his subjective expectation, Cooper points to his prior course
of dealings with Budget and its leniency regarding overdue rental cars. Cooper
further contends that society is willing to accept his expectation as reasonable
because Budget had not acted upon its contractual right to repossess the vehicle
at the time of the FHP's warrantless search. The government, conversely,
maintains that the rental car's overdue status renders unreasonable any
expectation of privacy on Cooper's part. The government further contends that
Budget exercised its right to repossess through the FHP and, therefore, Cooper
was neither an authorized driver nor in possession of the rental car at the time of
the inventory search.



We review the district court's findings of fact, including the permissibility of a

stop, for clear error. See United States v. Smith, 39 F.3d 1143, 1144 (11th
Cir.1994). We review the district court's application of law to facts, including
the legitimacy of a driver's expectation of privacy, de novo. See United States
v. Thompson, 928 F.2d 1060, 1063 (11th Cir.), cert. denied, 502 U.S. 897, 112
S.Ct. 270, 116 L.Ed.2d 222 (1991).
A. The Stop


As the district court correctly stated, law enforcement "may stop a vehicle
when there is probable cause to believe that the driver is violating any one of
the multitude of applicable traffic and equipment regulations relating to the
operation of motor vehicles." United States v. Strickland, 902 F.2d 937, 940
(11th Cir.1990) (internal quotation marks, citations and ellipses omitted). In
Florida, a driver may change lanes only "with safety and without interfering
with the safe operation of any vehicle approaching from the same direction."
Fla. Stat. 316.085(2) (1995). Upon due consideration of the record, we
conclude that the district court did not clearly err in finding that King had
probable cause to believe that Cooper violated section 316.085(2). King
testified that Cooper merged into his lane without a safe amount of distance
between their cars, causing King to apply his brakes to avoid an accident. The
district court found this testimony more credible than Cooper's testimony that
King intentionally accelerated to prevent him from exiting the highway. We
find no basis to second-guess the district court's credibility assessment. See
Thompson, 928 F.2d at 1063. Accordingly, we affirm the district court's
conclusion that the stop was permissible and not pretextual.
B. Standing


The Fourth Amendment prohibits law enforcement from conducting

"unreasonable searches and seizures." U.S. Const. amend. IV. To have standing
to challenge a search, one must manifest a subjective expectation of privacy in
the invaded area that "society is prepared to recognize as reasonable." Rakas v.
Illinois, 439 U.S. 128, 143 & n. 12, 99 S.Ct. 421, 430 & n. 12, 58 L.Ed.2d 387
(1978). "[T]he individual's expectation, viewed objectively, [must be]
justifiable under the circumstances." Smith v. Maryland, 442 U.S. 735, 740-41,
99 S.Ct. 2577, 2580-81, 61 L.Ed.2d 220 (1979). The individual challenging the
search bears the burdens of proof and persuasion. See United States v. Eyster,
948 F.2d 1196, 1209 (11th Cir.1991).


The government does not seriously dispute Cooper's subjective expectation of

privacy in the rental car, even after the rental contract expired. Cooper testified
that, based on his prior course of dealings with Budget, returning a rental car
after the due date is "no problem" as long as he has ample funds on his credit
card to pay for it. Cooper's awareness that Budget could exercise its contractual
right to repossess the rental car anytime after the due date does not alter the
sincerity of his belief that he retained privacy in the car as long as he possessed
and payed for it. Nor does his acknowledgment that he should have contacted
Budget to extend the due date. Consequently, we move to the second part of the
analysis, the objective reasonableness of Cooper's expectation of privacy.

Although fact-specific, case law has established some general boundaries as to

what society will accept as reasonable regarding privacy in a motor vehicle. A
passenger usually lacks a privacy interest in a vehicle that the passenger neither
owns nor rents, regardless of whether the driver owns or rents it. See, e.g.,
Rakas, 439 U.S. at 130, 140, 148-49, 99 S.Ct. at 423, 428-29, 432-33; United
States v. Eylicio-Montoya, 70 F.3d 1158, 1162 (10th Cir.1995). On the other
hand, a driver using a vehicle with the permission of an absent owner has been
found to possess a reasonable expectation of privacy therein. See United States
v. Garcia, 897 F.2d 1413, 1416-18 (7th Cir.1990).8 At least one court has
extended this privacy right to a driver who had the absent renter's permission.
See United States v. Kye Soo Lee, 898 F.2d 1034, 1038 (5th Cir.1990).9


The legitimacy of a driver's expectation of privacy in an overdue rental car,

however, is apparently an issue of first impression in this and other circuits.
Nevertheless, we find several indications that under the circumstances of this
case, Cooper's expectation of privacy is a reasonable one. First, a prior panel of
this court has indicated in dicta a willingness to legitimize such an expectation
of privacy. In United States v. Miller, 821 F.2d 546, 548 (11th Cir.1987), the
court held that a driver possessed a legitimate expectation of privacy in a
borrowed car. The Miller court stated that the "nearly identical" case of United
States v. Smith, 799 F.2d 704 (11th Cir.1986), "supported" its holding. 821
F.2d at 546, 548-49. The Miller court explained that, in Smith, "there [was] no
suggestion that the defendant lacked the requisite standing to challenge the
search," even though he "was driving a rented car and could only produce a
rental contract that had expired three weeks earlier." 821 F.2d at 548-49
(emphasis added).10


In addition to recognizing this dicta in Miller, we note that Smith originated in

the very same federal district as this case. Contrary to its present dispute
regarding Cooper's privacy rights in a four-day overdue rental car, the United
States Attorney's Office apparently did not contest the Smith driver's privacy
right in a three-week overdue rental car. See 799 F.2d at 706 n. 1. Perhaps that

arm of the government, at least at one time, was willing to accept the
reasonableness of a driver's expectation of privacy in an overdue rental car
under similar circumstances. The same could arguably be said of the FHP, in
that King initially asked Cooper for permission to search the car, even though
King knew that the rental contract had expired.

We find additional indicia of reasonableness from a district court opinion,

United States v. Kelly, 414 F.Supp. 1131 (W.D.Mo.1976), rev'd on other
grounds, 547 F.2d 82 (8th Cir.1977). In that case, Kelly rented a car and
promised to return it to the rental company no later than December 2. 414
F.Supp. at 1144. More than one month after the rental contract had expired, law
enforcement officers arrested Kelly in a motel room on an unrelated matter. 414
F.Supp. at 1143. During the arrest, law enforcement officers seized car keys
found on Kelly's person and conducted an initial search of the overdue rental
car. 414 F.Supp. at 1143, 547 F.2d at 84. Pursuant to its policy, the law
enforcement officers directed a private company to tow the car. 414 F.Supp. at
1144. The next day, the law enforcement officers asked the rental company for
consent to search its car. Consenting to the search, the rental company stated
that it wanted to repossess the car because Kelly's lease was overdue and he
had a large outstanding bill. 414 F.Supp. at 1144. During the second
warrantless search, the law enforcement officers found incriminating evidence
in the glove compartment, which led to the discovery of other incriminating
evidence. 547 F.2d at 85, 414 F.Supp. at 1131.


Kelly moved to suppress the evidence seized from the glove compartment and
all derivative evidence. Kelly, 547 F.2d at 85. The district court granted the
motion to suppress as to the items found in the glove compartment, but denied
it as to the derivative evidence. 414 F.Supp. 1146, 547 F.2d at 85. The district
court held that "the automobile had not been repossessed by the rental agency at
the time of [Kelly's] arrest, and therefore [Kelly] had a reasonable expectation
of privacy with respect to [its] interior." 414 F.Supp. at 1146. The district court
then reached the merits of Kelly's challenge and found no applicable exceptions
to the warrant requirement to justify the search. 414 F.Supp. at 1146.11


Cooper's expectation of privacy was vastly more reasonable than Kelly's.12

First, Cooper's rental contract expired four days prior to the search; Kelly's
rental contract expired more than one month prior to the search. Second, at the
time of their initial contact with law enforcement officers, Cooper was in actual
possession of the rental car, while Kelly was merely in constructive possession.
Third, Cooper paid Budget in full; Kelly had a large unpaid bill. Finally, neither
rental company took any affirmative steps to repossess the car prior to law
enforcement officers' inquiries.


Thus, we have dicta from a prior panel of this court, past inaction from the
government, the FHP's inquiry of Cooper and a district court opinion indicating
the reasonableness of Cooper's expectation of privacy. None of the cases upon
which the government relies militate against such a finding. First, we find no
support for the government's view that Cooper's rights were functionally
equivalent to those of an unauthorized driver at the time of the search. The only
"car" case that the government advances is United States v. Wellons, 32 F.3d
117 (4th Cir.1994), cert. denied, 513 U.S. 1157, 115 S.Ct. 1115, 130 L.Ed.2d
1079 (1995), upon which the district court also relied. In that case, Wellons's
co-defendant rented a car from Hertz Corporation and listed himself as the sole
authorized driver. With the co-defendant's permission but in his absence,
Wellons drove the car. 32 F.3d at 118. When law enforcement officers stopped
Wellons for speeding, the K-9 unit indicated the presence of drugs in the car.
32 F.3d at 118-19. Law enforcement officers searched the car without a warrant
and found cocaine and heroin in Wellons's luggage. 32 F.3d at 119. Hertz later
instructed the officers to impound the car since Wellons did not have its
permission to drive the vehicle. 32 F.3d at 118-19 & n. 2.


The district court denied Wellons's motion to suppress the drugs. See 32 F.3d at
118. On appeal, the Fourth Circuit addressed whether the officers' warrantless
search of the car violated Wellons's Fourth Amendment rights. 32 F.3d at 119.
The court held that Wellons, as "an unauthorized driver of the rental car, had no
legitimate privacy interest in the car." 32 F.3d at 119.13


Unlike Wellons, Cooper was listed on the rental contract as an authorized

driver. Cooper and Budget, in contrast to Wellons and Hertz, were in privity of
contract (albeit in breach) at the time of the search. As such, Cooper's
expectation of privacy was materially different from that of Wellons.14


Recognizing the reasonableness of Cooper's expectation of privacy also

reconciles with the hotel/motel/locker cases upon which the government relies
to support its argument that one loses a legitimate expectation of privacy in
rented property the moment the rental contract expires. In United States v.
Allen, 106 F.3d 695, 697 (6th Cir.), cert. denied, --- U.S. ----, 117 S.Ct. 2467,
138 L.Ed.2d 223 (1997), Allen rented a motel room for two nights. After
checkout time on the second day, the motel manager went to Allen's room to
ask him whether he wanted to extend his stay. In the room, the manager could
not find Allen but did find his marijuana. Before contacting law enforcement,
the manager changed the lock so that Allen could not reenter. Law enforcement
officers arrested Allen upon his return, obtained a warrant and seized the
marijuana. 106 F.3d at 697. The Sixth Circuit affirmed the district court's denial
of Allen's motion to suppress, holding that "[o]nce the manager, through private

action, took possession of the motel room, Allen could no longer assert a
legitimate privacy interest in its contents." 106 F.3d at 699 (internal footnote

Budget, unlike the motel manager in Allen, had not repossessed the rented
property prior to the challenged search. Further, the government's argument that
the law enforcement officers acted as Budget's repossession agent lacks merit
because, unlike the motel manager's changing the lock on the door to Allen's
room, the FHP's assertion of control over Cooper's rental car was not "private
action." 106 F.3d at 699.


Just as distinguishable as Allen are United States v. Huffhines, 967 F.2d 314
(9th Cir.1992); United States v. Reyes, 908 F.2d 281 (8th Cir.1990), cert.
denied, 499 U.S. 908, 111 S.Ct. 1111, 113 L.Ed.2d 220 (1991); and United
States v. Ramirez, 810 F.2d 1338 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 481 U.S. 1072, 107
S.Ct. 2469, 95 L.Ed.2d 877 (1987). In Huffhines, the Ninth Circuit held that
law enforcement's warrantless search of Huffhines's motel room did not violate
the Fourth Amendment because the motel assistant manager consented "after
he repossessed the room for nonpayment of rent." 967 F.2d at 318.15 In Reyes,
the Eighth Circuit held that law enforcement's warrantless search of Reyes's
storage locker did not violate the Fourth Amendment because his rental
contract had expired eleven days prior to it and, therefore, Reyes "could not
have had a legitimate expectation of privacy at the time of the search." 908 F.2d
at 286. The Reyes court emphasized the fact that the landlord had obstructed
the lock on account of Reyes's nonpayment. 908 F.2d at 286. Finally, in
Ramirez, the Fifth Circuit held that a hotel manager's search of a room after
check-out time did not violate the Fourth Amendment because the defendants
had "abandoned" the room and, therefore, "forfeited their reasonable
expectation of privacy in it." 810 F.2d at 1341.16


Like Allen, Huffhines, Reyes and Ramirez involved repossession prior to the
presence of law enforcement. Unlike Budget, the lessors in Huffhines, Reyes
and Ramirez took affirmative steps to regain control of the rented property. In
Huffhines and Reyes, the lessors changed or obstructed the locks. Huffhines,
967 F.2d at 316; Reyes, 908 F.2d at 284. In Ramirez, the lessor entered the
room and prepared it for new occupants. 810 F.2d at 1340. Budget, on the other
hand, did not report the car stolen, seek an arrest warrant, issue notice of its
intent to repossess or otherwise attempt to enforce any of its contractual or legal
rights against Cooper at any time prior to the FHP's phone call on January 24.17


If we were to accept the government's position, a driver could not expect

privacy in a rental car even one minute after the rental contract expired. In other

words, the rental company's dormant right of repossession would govern the
scope of the driver's Fourth Amendment protections. The Supreme Court,
however, highly disfavors such hard-and-fast rules. See Rakas, 439 U.S. at 143,
99 S.Ct. at 430 (stating that "arcane distinctions developed in property and tort
law ... ought not ... control" the reasonableness of an expectation of privacy)
(citing Jones v. United States, 362 U.S. 257, 266, 80 S.Ct. 725, 733, 4 L.Ed.2d
697 (1960)).18 Declining to adopt this interpretation of the Fourth Amendment
is especially appropriate where, as here, a simple phone call could have
extended the rental contract past the date of the warrantless search. Cooper's
failure to call Budget to extend the due date four days may have subjected him
to civil liability, but it should not foreclose his ability to raise a Fourth
Amendment challenge to the FHP's search of the rental car in a criminal
proceeding. In our view, Cooper retained a sufficient amount of control and
possession over the rental car for it to fall within the zone of constitutional

Accordingly, and upon careful consideration of the circumstances of this case,

we hold that society is prepared to accept as reasonable Cooper's expectation of
privacy in the overdue rental car and, therefore, he has standing to challenge
law enforcement's search of the glove compartment, the trunk and the items


For the foregoing reasons, we (1) affirm the district court's finding that the FHP
validly stopped Cooper; (2) reverse the district court's conclusion that Cooper
lacked standing to challenge the warrantless search of the rental car and the
items therein; and (3) remand this case to the district court with instructions to
address the merits of Cooper's motion to suppress and for further proceedings
consistent with this opinion.19



All dates correspond with 1996 unless otherwise stated

Irving Higgs accompanied Cooper as a passenger

Florida law prohibits an improper lane change:

No vehicle shall be driven from a direct course in any lane on any highway
until the driver has determined that the vehicle is not being approached or

passed by any other vehicle in the lane or on the side to which the driver desires
to move and that the move can be completely made with safety and without
interfering with the safe operation of any vehicle approaching from the same
Fla. Stat. 316.085(2) (1995).

Consent is one of many factual issues that the district court did not resolve. Our
recitation of the facts derives from the few findings of fact that the district court
actually rendered and undisputed portions of the record

The indictment also charged Higgs, the passenger, with these same counts, but
the district court granted the government's motion to dismiss him from the case

The district court partially granted Cooper's motion to suppress with respect to
all statements that Cooper made after his invocation of the right to remain
silent. This portion of the order, however, is not at issue

Because of Cooper's two prior felony drug convictions, the federal "threestrikes" law mandated the life imprisonment sentence. See 21 U.S.C. 841(b)

Accord United States v. Hargrove, 647 F.2d 411, 413 (4th Cir.1981) (driver
lacks a reasonable expectation of privacy in a vehicle that he or she stole)

The Kye Soo Lee court also recognized the passenger's privacy right. 898 F.2d
at 1038. In doing so, the Fifth Circuit did not discuss whether the rental
company approved of this arrangement. See 898 F.2d at 1035-38. The Fifth
Circuit later distinguished Kye Soo Lee and denied standing to a driver using a
rental car with only the passenger's permission and not that of the renter or
rental company. See United States v. Riazco, 91 F.3d 752, 753-55 (5th Cir.),
cert. denied, --- U.S. ----, 117 S.Ct. 497, 136 L.Ed.2d 389 (1996)


In Smith, the court held that law enforcement officers' stop of the rental car
based on the defendants fitting a drug courier profile was unreasonable under
the Fourth Amendment. 799 F.2d at 712. We stress that our reference to the
facts of Smith and the attendant dicta in Miller are merely for indicia purposes,
i.e., we do not hold that a driver possesses a reasonable expectation of privacy
in a rental car that is three-weeks overdue


The district court rejected as irrelevant the rental company's consent to search
the car, in light of its conclusion that the defendant retained privacy rights in it.
See Kelly, 414 F.Supp. at 1146 (the defendant's legitimate expectation of
privacy "cannot be vitiated by the consent to the search by the rental agency").

The government did not appeal the district court's suppression of the evidence
seized from the glove compartment. See 547 F.2d at 83. Kelly, however,
successfully sought reversal of the district court's failure to suppress the
derivative evidence. 547 F.2d at 86. The Eighth Circuit held that "the
government clearly failed to establish that the [derivative] evidence would have
inevitably been gained without the illegal search [of the glove compartment]."
547 F.2d at 86 (emphasis added)

Like our reference to Smith and Miller, our reference to Kelly does not mean
that we endorse its holding


But cf. United States v. Muhammad, 58 F.3d 353, 354-55 (8th Cir.1995)
(holding that the driver lacked standing to challenge search of a rental car
because he failed to present "at least some evidence of consent or permission"
from either the rental company or "the only person authorized under the lease
agreement to drive the vehicle") (per curiam )


The actions of the rental companies reflect the difference between these
relationships. Hertz instructed the police to "impound" the car, whereas Budget
wanted to merely "tow" it. See Wellons, 32 F.3d at 119


The district court cited Huffhines as the only support for its conclusion that "
[a]fter the rental agreement expired and he failed to seek its extension, [Cooper]
did not have a legitimate expectation of privacy in the rental car."


The Ramirez court also concluded that the hotel manager's repossession and
search did not constitute state action since he acted without direction from law
enforcement. See 810 F.2d at 1341-42


Cf. Hughes v. State, 897 S.W.2d 285, 305 (Tex.Cr.App.1994) (holding that the
defendant lacked standing to challenge the search of rental car because the
rental company signed a warrant for the defendant's arrest nearly two months
after the rental contract expired), cert. denied, 514 U.S. 1112, 115 S.Ct. 1967,
131 L.Ed.2d 857 (1995)


See also Kelly, 414 F.Supp. at 1146 ("The fact that the rental agency may have
had a legal right to repossess the automobile does not strip defendant of Fourth
Amendment protection."). See generally Blumel v. Mylander, 954 F.Supp.
1547, 1556 (M.D.Fla.1997) ("Constitutional duties trump contractual


Because we leave it to the district court to address the constitutionality of the

search, we do not vacate Cooper's conviction and sentence. Cf. Miller, 821 F.2d
at 546, 549-51 (addressing the merits of the driver's motion to suppress, even

though the district court did not, apparently because the parties fully briefed the
issues and the facts surrounding the stop and search mirrored those of the
"nearly identical" case of Smith)

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