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"When one looks in nature of every character, the first law is harmony , and is of divine origin, even as life , and when same is not in accord WITH that of the Creative Energy , or  God  , discord   is the result.
We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as  sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes , and they come back to us as effects. 
MIND is the Builder; and as it is lifted up so does it awaken thy fellow man, so does thy service and thy activities become more and more of that at-
, that atonement, that consciousness  of being one with Him.
"Understand this, the
Mind of God 
 is infinite and there is no description to it. Any description that is attempted to even be placed upon it must of necessity form a limitation of it. This is not possible. The universes that are created by the Son of God  who does not recognize himself as being a part of the
Mind of God 
 , can take whatever shape and form that  Son of God  desires. Do not allow yourself to believe that because you only see yourself in the moment  as being a small, incapable being , that this in any way limits the power of your  mind .  "There is no time and there is no space and I have no choice except to be with you because we are inseparable One. There is no special  dimension which you at this moment are capable of conceiving. It is not vast, it is not small; it is. It cannot be known as a dimension because that would place a limitation  upon it. It cannot be known as being so vast that you cannot conceive of yourself filling it up... these are games that will only entertain your  mind . I suggest that you simply accept what I have said: there is no time , there is no space , there is no way for us to be apart because the Mind of God  is whole and within that wholeness lies the Mind  of His Son Cosmic Consciousness ) and neither are separate from each other or from any infinite aspect of Itself as It is expressed. Do not attempt to cenceptualize this in terms that your would relate to physical boundaries - it cannot be done. For the moment, allow yourself just the awareness of this." It is your perception of needing to identify, of needing to see things separate, that you currently see and experience the universe as being a disjoined series of planets and stars and suns. When you experience yourself as being the Christ  , you will not have the need to see anything as being separate from or having an identificaion which is different than that which God  has given it.
 It is only your   perception of how far away from your  Self   you are in any given moment, and at any given moment should you so choose to completely abandon your sense of isolation and totally embrace your   sense of being an extension of your   Father  , then it will be so and it will be  so instantaneously
To the degree that you desire the light of  illumination is to the degree you may express that power in your own creations and in your very being. This is the spiritual light of  mind which the "profane", may in no way approach or enter into. Be pure of  heart. Seek, and you will find.
WE came for the  purpose, then, of making more manifest in the experiences, in the lives, in the hearts of those that are weak and distressed and stumbling as in the dark, seeking the light, those
 beauties that manifest themselves in music as of the spheres, in the art as of the enlightenment  that enraptures the soul into becoming one with that in nature, in love, in harmony, in grace, in hope, in faith, which lifts up the INNER man to the more perfect at-
 with Him who gave
So it is with music that I desire to establish the link between man and the infinite.  Music is what appeals to the latent  and the creative force within the entity. For  music alone may span the  sphere from the sublime to the ridiculous - from the  finite to the infinite - from the spheres of activity to realms of the divine.  Music is like color  , like tone , in that it is a destructive or a creative force - depending upon that to which it appeals, in its influence upon individuals." 
 Cayce (622-2)

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