Frames of Reference: Ion Propulsion

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Ion Propulsion

Frames of Reference

Our goal is to develop an understanding of how an ion propulsion engine propels a spacecraft through
outer space to a distant target such as an asteroid. In order to reach this goal we must have a firm
understanding of the subtle nature of motion. So follow along as we journey from some basic
experiences involving motion to the application of Newtons third law to motion within the ion propulsion
engine of the Dawn spacecraft.
Have you ever experienced the sensation of not knowing whether or you are moving or stationary while
seated in a vehicle such as a train or airplane? Almost everyone has had this kind of an experience
when the view to the outside world is restricted in such a way that visual background clues are
minimized. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable while looking through small porthole style
airplane windows that provide a very restricted view of the outside world. If one observes an adjacent
plane moving it sometimes is difficult to determine whether that plane is actually moving or whether
the plane you are seated in is moving. In this case, you need a stationary object (such as the terminal
building) against which to make a visual assessment of movement.
The point is that motion is relative and the entire concept of motion is very subtle
because it depends on the chosen frame of reference. It is useful to pursue this
a bit more with some additional examples. Lets assume you are in a lifeboat with
no oars and no engine in the middle of an ocean (a terrible predicament for sure)
and another boat comes into view. Without any navigation aids, how do you
determine your motion relative to the other boat? Is your boat stationary? Is the
other boat is moving? Or is the other boat stationary and your boat moving? Or
are both boats moving simultaneously? If you define yourself as the observer, you
might decide that you are motionless and the other boat is moving as it comes
into view. On the other hand, if the people on the other boat are the observers, they might decide that
they are motionless and your boat is moving toward them. Motion is relative and it is necessary to
define relative to what. Lets consider one more example. Assume you are in the batters box and a
pitcher throws a 90 mph fastball in your direction. As the batter, you decide that the ball is clearly in
motion relative to your position at the plate. But what would happen if the baseball were the observer?
Wouldnt the baseball regard itself as stationary and decide that you and the bat were hurtling toward it
at 90 mph? It all depends on the frame of reference.
This brings us to Newtons laws, which describe and predict the way in which an object moves but
moves with reference to what? Lets say we want to analyze the motion of a ball dropped inside an
airplane traveling at 300 miles per hour. Should we carry out the analysis with respect to the interior of
the airplane or with respect to the surface of the Earth? Does it make a difference which choice we
make? Surely you would think it might be easier to do the calculations with respect to the airplane. If
you make this choice, your frame of reference would be the interior of the airplane. Now lets put this in
a celestial context. On Earth we generally have a fixed background against which we assess
movement. A car passes us by and we define the car as moving because we view it with respect to the

STUDENT READING: Frames of Reference


fixed background of trees and so on. We conclude that we are stationary,

but the car is moving. But are we really stationary? What would an
observer on the Sun conclude about our motion? That observer would see
us as moving (as well as the car) because of the motion of the Earth
relative to the Sun. Well, what about the Sun? Is it stationary? Not really,
because the solar system is moving within our galaxy. Is our galaxy
stationary? Of course it is not.
Now consider analyzing the motion of a ball dropped within the interior of an orbiting spacecraft. Should
the motion of the ball be calculated with respect to the spacecraft interior, or relative to the Earth, or
relative to the Sun, or relative to the galaxy? Each choice would be regarded as a frame of reference. It
should be clear that the concept of motion must be handled with care.
Physicists know that among all options, the frame of the stars is the proper choice for the application
of Newtons equations. Clearly, this is not the most convenient frame for someone sitting on the surface
of the Earth or, for that matter, in an orbiting spacecraft. It is much easier to analyze motion and apply
Newtons laws relative to immediate surroundings.
To handle the application of Newtons laws physicists often (but not necessarily) choose a local frame
that, relative to the rest of the universe, moves in a straight line with a constant velocity (note that
standing still is moving with a constant velocity of zero meters per second). Such a frame is said to be
an Inertial Frame of Reference. An inertial frame of reference can then be defined as a coordinate
system that is not accelerating.
This leads to the Dawn spacecraft. Can its overall motion be analyzed with an inertial frame of
reference? Strictly speaking, the answer is no, because it is accelerating and it is not traveling in a
straight line. Its motion must be analyzed in an accelerated frame of reference and this is far beyond
what we want to consider here.
Having said all of this, we are left with the proposition of understanding how the Dawn spacecraft is
propelled on its journey to Ceres and Vesta. To gain this understanding we will define a local frame of
reference that is very much like defining the interior of an airplane as a frame of reference for analyzing
the motion of a falling ball. We will choose the interior of the spacecraft as a frame of reference and
assume that at any moment it is traveling at constant velocity and in a straight line. These are not bad
assumptions since the acceleration is very small and the curvilinear distances involved are very large.
Within the frame of reference so defined, we can apply Newtons laws and understand how an
accelerated plasma can be used to propel the spacecraft toward its destination. (If you have not done
so by now, read the handout called Pushing with Plasma before proceeding)
Lets remind ourselves specifically of Newtons third lawfor every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction. Within the spacecraft, plasma is created inside of a chamber. Situated at one end of
the spacecraft are charged screens through which xenon ions can pass. Now lets imagine applying a
potential to the screens such that the xenon ions in the plasma are accelerated through the screens
and are directed away from the spacecraft. We see that we would have a mass of xenon ions
accelerated in one direction. Within the frame of reference defined as the interior of the spacecraft,
Newtons law requires that there be an equal and opposite reaction. That is to say, the spacecraft itself
accelerates in a direction opposite to the acceleration of the xenon ions. This action/reaction couple is
the mechanisman ion propulsion engine by which Dawn will be accelerated toward its destination.
Note that in principle even one xenon ion would provide acceleration of the spacecraft (albeit
vanishingly small!). The more xenon ions that are accelerated the higher the acceleration of the
STUDENT READING: Frames of Reference


spacecraft. Now this leads to the beauty of an ion propulsion system. Even a
small amount of fuel (xenon) provides acceleration. If the spacecraft is in deep
space and is not in the grip of a strong gravitational force, very little
acceleration is required to keep it moving toward its destination. In fact, the
force by which the spacecraft is propelled is about the same as the force you
feel when a sheet of paper rests on your hand. It is not much, but it is enough.
And very little xenon fuel is required, especially when compared to the fuel
required by a chemical rocket. For very long space flights, ion engines are an
ideal means of propulsion.
Write complete sentences on a separate sheet to explain your answer.

Dawn Spacecraft Assembly


1. Consider the following situation. You are riding on a school bus and are juggling three oranges.
Ultimately, you wish to analyze the motion of the oranges by applying Newtons laws.
a. Give two conditions that must be met for the interior of the bus to be used as an inertial
frame of reference.
b. If the windows of the bus were covered and the road was perfectly smooth, would you be
able to determine whether or not the bus was moving?
c. If you analyzed the motion of the oranges while the bus is traveling at 60 miles per hour
and again while it is standing still, would you arrive at the same answers?
d. Could you get any clues from the motion of the oranges as to whether or not the bus was
e. If the bus driver suddenly slammed on the brakes, slowing the bus from 60 miles per hour
to a stop in a few seconds, would you be able to continue to juggle the oranges during the
deceleration of the bus?
f. During the deceleration of the bus, would it still qualify as an inertial frame of reference?
2. Consider juggling a set of three oranges while seated on a merry-go-round. Would it be possible
to analyze the motion of the oranges within the context of an inertial frame of reference?
3. Consider standing on the surface of the Earth and juggling three oranges. Since the Earth is
rotating and orbiting the Sun, is it possible to analyze the motion of the oranges within the
context of an inertial frame of reference?

STUDENT READING: Frames of Reference


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