Group Project - CSC098 20162017

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CSC098: Foundation Computing 1

Semester 1, Academic Year 2016/2017

Presentation Date: week 8/9.

Report Due Date: 1st of August (Monday)
Submit in a box in front of my room before 5pm

Title: Proposal of any interactive system that related to learning/game/simulator or etc. Get
the approval from your lecturer before you start your project.This is to avoid any duplication
on your project title. So, its a first come first serve basis!!
Content: Proposal report and demo of the system.
Participants: Each group must only consist of 5 - 6 members.

The main purpose of this project is for students to apply the knowledge and skills they have
learned specifically in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power Point. The content of the proposal
will gauge students ideas on computing application in our daily life. Computers are everywhere
and obviously being used not only in our daily life but also in work by other industries. Students
are expected to gradually acquire better understanding on the importance of the technology in
supporting other industries for better productivity and efficiency during the project
implementation. This project also aims to increase students creativity and imagination in
inventing interactive system and to prepare students in their advance topics in Foundation
Computing II.
1. Think of one problem that currently occurs in real life situation and propose any
interactive system to overcome the problem.
2. Identify the functional requirements (menu/module) for the system.
3. The system should come in the form of proposal report to be written in Microsoft Word
4. Using your creativity, design the proposed system (work in pair for each functional
requirements) by using Microsoft Power Point and present the demo/storyboard/flow of
the system to the class.

Example - Learning application : Learning Alif Ba Ta

Provides all the possible menu on the screen. Eg. Arabic letter, How to write Arabic word
When user click "Arabic letter", the screen then will list all the letters.
If user click alif, system will pronounce the letter "a-lif" (audio), maybe 3 times on each click.
And the letter will change in color, glow etc..
Project Report (softcopy and hardcopy)
The following format must be used in your proposal report:However, for other formatting or styles that are not specified, you are encourage (using your own
creativity) to apply any styles learnt in the class.

The report should have the following :o For the content use Font=Times New Roman, Font Size = 12 with 1.0 line
o Each page must be numbered
o Margins Top, Bottom, Right and Left = 2 cm
o Supported statements from other researches or resources (magazines, newspaper
etc.) must be cited
Front cover page which consists of the following:o UiTM logo
o Title of the interactive system
o Course name and code
o Prepared by: List of team members (name and student id).
o Prepared for: Lecturers name
Table of content
A page of introduction to the project/system.
A page of problem statement. Why do you choose this title? What to be solved?
At least three (3) project objectives (in point form)
At least three (3) scope of project
A page comparing your system with other similar systems.
A brief explanation on each menu/module. You should have at least 3 functional
requirements (menu/module).
The explanation of your system (The system interface, the interaction between pages in
the system) flow. Sample of your system interfaces.
A page of discussion on something you have learned from the project and the course and
how you will benefit from it.
A description of how the work being distributed among team members. (which member
doing which part)
Appendices that contains the following:o List of tables
o List of figures

A list of references. You should have at least 5 references and it should be written as:
Author name. (Year). Title of article. Placed published. Publisher.
Eg: Hanly, J. R. and Koffman, E. B.. (2010). Problem Solving and Program Design.
United States of America. Pearson Educational International.

The Proposed System

1. Design the interactive system (system prototype) using Microsoft Power Point only and
present it.
2. The design must include all the functional requirements proposed earlier.
Your slides should consist of:
Problem Statement/Problem Background
Functional Requirements
Result: Interactive system demo
Submit a softcoy (in CD) of the interactive system and proposal report.
Submit a hardcopy of project report.
Late submission will NOT be accepted.

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