Math in Finance MIT
Math in Finance MIT
Math in Finance MIT
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This is the second time we are having this class. We had it last year in a smaller
version. That was for six units of a credit, and we had it once a week. And mostly
practitioners from the industry, from Morgan Stanley, talking about examples how
math is applied in modern finance.
And so we got some good response last year. So, with the support of the math
department, we decided to expand this class to be 12 units of credit and have twice
a week. So, we have every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00, as
you know, in this classroom.
So last year, Dr. Vasily Strela and I-- by the way, I'm Jake Xia and that's Dr. Vasily,
and we were the main instructors last year. Now we doubled it up to four main
instructors. That's Dr. Peter Kempthorne and Dr. Choongbum Lee. The reason we
doubled up the main instructors is we have newly added math lectures, mostly
focusing from linear algebra, probability to statistics, and some stochastic calculus
to give you the foundation to understand the math will be used in those examples in
the lecture taught by the practitioners from the industry.
And the purpose of this course is really to give you a sampling menu to see how
mathematics is applied in modern finance and help you to decide if this is a field that
you would be-RECORDED VOICE: Thank you, for using WebEx. Please visit our website at
OK, you heard that. And so hopefully, this will give you enough information to decide
this is a field you would like to peruse in your future career. In fact, last year when
we finished the class, we had a few students coming to work in the industry. Some
Yes. We all have MIT emails, which are listed on the website.
And obviously, we have offices here. You can easily stop by Peter and
Choongbum's offices. And Vasily and I probably will be less often on campus, but
we'll be here quite often and definitely love to be more.
So anyway, I will start today's lecture with a story, and a quiz at the end. Don't
worry, it's not a real quiz. Just going to ask you some questions you can raise your
hand and give your answer. But let me start with my story.
This is actually my personal story. I want to tell you why I tell the story later. But the
story actually was in the mid '90s. I just left Salomon Brothers-- that was my first
financial industry job-- to go to Morgan Stanley in New York to join the options
trading desk.
So the first day, I sat down, I opened the trading book, I found something was
missing. So, I turned around, I asked my Desk Quant. I said, where is the Vega
report? So, let me show you.
So that's the story. So I'm obviously not going to tell you the story of Pi or "Life of
Pi." That's not a financial story. The rest of the story, Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma,
Theta, which you will learn from Peter and Choongbum and Vasily's classes. So I'm
going to talk about Vega. So by the way, before I tell you the story, what's unique
about Vega on this list?
It's not a Greek letter. That's right. So I turned around and asked my Desk Quant, I
said, where's the Vega report? But how many of you actually know what a Vega is?
OK, lot of people know. So anyway, I'm not going to-- just for the people who
haven't heard about it before, it's a measurement about a book or portfolio or
position's sensitivity to volativity.
So, what is volatility? Which again, you will learn more in rigorous terms what has
the question you need to ask. Also, you don't know the specifics.
And the currencies, money itself, are also traded. And that's where different
currencies issued by different countries. So, when we talk about trading stocks-there are also people trade baskets of stocks, trade groups of stocks together, and
that's stock index or indices. So, there are different types products.
How the stock get listed on the stock exchange? It goes through IPO-- Initial Public
Offering process. So, when a company changes from private to public, it goes
through this IPO process. It's called primary market, primary listing. And once the
stock is listed on the exchange and it becomes traded in the market, we call it
secondary trading. So, that's after the primary market.
And equity or stock is one form of trading or one form of financial products. What
are other forms? Loans. Actually, debt products are more generic than equity
When you started thinking about it, what is really finance is about? It's really about
someone has money, someone doesn't. Someone has money to lend out, someone
needs to borrow money. So, that's loan. Loan is really a private agreement between
two counterparties or multiple counterparties.
When you securitize them, they become bonds. And when you look at bonds, every
government will issue large sovereign debt. So, US government has large
outstanding US Treasury debt-- bonds, notes, bills. And corporates have issued a
lot of debt product, as well. They borrow money when they need to build a new
factory or expand. Universities borrow money.
When MIT needs to build a new building, some of the money will come from the
endowment support, some will come from some other form of research budget, or
some will come from debt financing. Just borrow from the public-- local
governments, states, counties, even. So, they have various forms. So, that's
Commodities, actually, you know. Metal, energy, agriculture products are traded,
mostly in the futures format and some in physical format, meaning you take
deliveries. When you actually buying and sell, you build a warehouse to take them.
You ship a tank to store above the ocean.
And the real estate, you're buying and sell houses. 2008 financial crisis, if you read
about it, this has a lot to do with the real estate market, the mortgages, and assetbacked securities. So, I'm not trying to give you all the definition, dumping the
information on you. But I like you at least hearing it once today, and then you have
more interest, you can read on the side.
So asset-backed securities is when you have an asset, you basically issue a debt
with the asset backing it. And how do you rate the asset's risk level and what's the
income stream, cash flow? And before 2008 financial crisis, as you heard, large
amount of CMBS-- basically, it's a commercial real estate backed securities,
mortgage securities, and the residential, as well.
And further of all of these, you heard probably a lot about the derivative products.
So, that started with swaps, options. And the structure of the products, it become
more tailor-made for either investors or borrowers to structure the products in a way
to suit their needs. And some of the complexity of those structured products
become quite high, and the mathematics involved in pricing them and the risk
management become rather challenging.
So coming back to the players in the market, one large type of player is really bank.
Essentially, after 1933 Glass-Steagall legislation, there were two main types of
banks. One is called commercial bank, the other is investment bank. Commercial
bank is supposedly, you're taking deposits and lend out the money, and doing more
commercial services. Investment bank supposed to focus on the capital markets,
raising capital, trading, and asset management.
But obviously, after 1999, the Glass-Steagall was repealed. There's no longer that.
Some people blame that, and probably for a very good reason, for the cause of
2008 financial crisis. But I want to tell you how currently investment banks are
Vasily just mentioned he works in the fixed income. So banks typically organized by
institutional business and asset management. So, within the institutional client
business, it has typically three main parts. Fixed income, which trade the debt and
the derivative products. Equity, trade stocks and the derivative products. And IBD,
stands for Investment Banking Division, which really covers corporate finance,
raising capital, listing a stock IPO, and merger and acquisition, and advisory.
So that's how banks are organized. Outside banks, other players, basically, the
asset managers, are obviously a very big force in the financial markets.
So the question a lot of people ask is, is this a zero sum game? I'm sure you've
heard this many times. So, in the financial markets, some people win, some people
lose. A lot of times, it depends on the specific products you trade, the market you're
in. It is, lot of times, pretty net zero. But why do we need financial markets?
This comes back to what I described before. Because something existed-- actually,
there's a need for it. It's really the need to bridge between the lenders and the
borrowers. That's really coming down to the essential relationship. So, investors
who have money need to have better yield or better return, better interest.
In the current environment, when you have a savings account, you don't really earn
much at all. And so you would have to take more risk to generate more return, or
you have longer horizon CDs, other type of products, or trade the stocks. So, when
somebody has money, when you trade stocks, you're essentially-- you're buying a
stock, you give the money somewhere. Supposedly, it will go to the company.
Company use the money to generate a better return.
And for the borrowers, whoever needs money, they need to have access to the
capital. So obviously, different borrowers have different risks. Some people borrow
money, never return. So, never generate any returns, or never even return the
principal. And so the trade between lenders and the borrowers, is again, essentially
the main driver of the financial markets.
So, a few more words about the market participants. So, banks and so-called
dealers play the role of market making. What is market making? So, when you or
some end user go to the market, wants to buy or sell, typically, if there's no market,
you don't really find the match. And some of the products you want to buy or sell
may not necessarily be liquid.
So, the dealers step in the middle, make you a price. Say, OK, you want to buy or
sell. I can tell you the stock. I make you price. $0.99, and that's my bid. $0.95, that's
my offer. So, that's the price I'm willing to buy or sell.
But what the result of the trade-- the dealer actually takes the other side of your
trade. So, they take principal risk, in this case. So, that's the difference between
dealers and the brokers. So, brokers don't really take principal risks. If you want to
buy something or sell something, if I'm a broker, I don't make you a price. I go to the
market makers. I actually put two people together, matchmaking, make that trade
happen. So, I earn the commission. So, that's a broker's role.
So obviously, there are individual investors, retail investors, same meaning. Mutual
funds, who actually manage public investors' money, typically in the long only
format. Long means you buy something. So, you don't really short sell a particular
Insurance companies has large asset. They need to generate a return, generate
cash flow to meet their liability needs. So, they need to invest. And the pension
funds, same thing. As inflation goes higher, they need to pay out more to the
retirees, so where do you get the return? Sovereign wealth fund, similarly,
endowment funds-- they all have this same situation, have capital and needs to
deploy and to make better return.
So this other type of players, hedge funds. So, how many of you have heard hedge
funds? OK, good. Almost everyone. And Peter mentioned that he used to work at a
hedge fund. And so, there are different types of strategies, which I will dive into a bit
more, but hedge fund play the role in the market-- they basically find opportunities
to profit from inefficient market positioning or pricing, so they have different
And the private equity is different type of funds. They basically look to invest in
companies and either take them private or investing the private equity form to
hopefully improve the company's profitability, and then catch up. And governments
obviously have a huge impact on the market.
So, we know in the financial crisis, government intervened. And not only that, at the
normal market condition, government always have a very large impact on the
market, because they are the policymakers. They decide the interest rate and
interest rate curve. And the different policies they push out, obviously, will generate
different outlook for the future markets, therefore, profitability. Then the corporate
hedges and the liabilities. When corporates borrow money, they create some risk,
so they need to be sensitive to the market, it changes.
So, to summarize the types of trading. The first type is really just hedging. That
means you're not proactively adding risk to what you have. You already have some
exposure. Just give you an example.
Let's say you borrow money, you bought a house, so you have mortgage. So, let's
say it's a floating rate mortgage payments. And you're worried about interest rates
going higher, so you can lock that rate in into the fixed rate format. Or you can find
ways to hedge your exposure.
Or your corporate has a large income coming from Europe. So, you have euros
coming in, but you're not sure if euro would trade stronger to the US dollar in the
future, or trade weaker. If you think it will be stronger, you just leave it. But if you
think it will trade weaker, so you may want to hedge it, meaning you want to sell
euro and buy US dollars. And so that's the hedging type.
The second type, as I mentioned, is a market maker. So, market maker also takes
principal risk, but the main source of profit is really to earn the bid offer. I gave you
the example $0.90 bid, $0.95 offer. So, that's what the market maker is trying to
profit from. But obviously, they have residual risks sitting on the book. Not every
trade is matched.
So, how to optimize those group of trades, that's what market maker is doing. Most
of the bank's dealers are market makers. In the new regulation, obviously,
proprietary trading is [INAUDIBLE], right?
And so the third type is really the proprietary trader, the risk taker. So, these are the
hedge funds or some portfolio managers. They need to focus on generating return
and control the risk. So, that's where the beta and alpha, the concept comes in. So,
if you're a portfolio manager, some people say, don't worry. Don't go pick any
stocks. Just buy S&P 500 index fund. Very cheap. You can pay very little cost to do
it. That's true.
But if you want to beat the S&P 500 index-- let's assume we call S&P 500 index fund
is asset B. So, the return of that, R of the b. That's a return of that index. Now, you
have a portfolio A. Your time series of return of your asset A, obviously, you can do
linear regression. Lot of you are math major here, and you can find a correlation
between those two time series. So, how the two returns are related in a simplified
So you can say, this actually-- somehow it came out. It's supposed to be alpha and
a beta, but it turned out to be the letters. So, in a short description, beta is really-just think as a correlated move with the other asset. Alpha is really the difference in
the return. It's a format. You want to beat S&P 500, so you want to basically have
certain tracking of this index, but you want to return more on top of that.
So let me just go in bit of details of how each type of trade actually occurs. So, when
we talk about hedging, I mentioned the currency example. Let me give you another
example. There are a lot of people issue bonds, or issue a debt.
So this example I'm going to give you is, let's think about Australian corporate.
Because interest rate in Australia is higher than in Japan, so typically, people like to
borrow money in Japan, because you pay smaller interest. And they invest it in
Australia. You earn higher interest rate.
So let me ask you a question. Who can tell me, why don't people just do that all day
long, just borrow from Japan and invest it in Australia? Then that interest rate, I'm
giving you example of a difference is about 3 1/2% for the roughly 10 year swap
rates. Yeah, go ahead.
Right. Because you invest in the Australia Ozzie, Australian dollar. The Australian
dollar may become weaker to the yen. You may lose all your profit, or even more.
And further, if everybody plays the same game, then when you try to exit, you have
the adverse impact of your trade. So, let's say you think that's the right time to do it,
but then at one time, you wake up, you said, huh, I think too many people are doing
this. I want to hedge myself. So, what do you do?
Yep. So, you try to lock in, right? So basically, you sell the Australian dollars, buy the
Japanese yen. Or on the interest rate terms, you say you'll basically pay the
Australian dollar in the swap leg, and the receive yen.
This involves foreign exchange trade, interest rate swap, and the cross-currency
swap. So, your answer about currency forward is roughly right, but obviously
involves a bit more in actual execution.
So that's just to give you example. Even if you are not a finance guy, you work in the
corporate, you just do you import, export, or building a factory, you have to know,
actually, what the exposure is. So, risk management, nowadays, becomes pretty
widespread responsibility. It's not just the corporate treasury's responsibility. So,
that's on the hedging side.
Obviously, if you are Intel, for example, you sell a lot of chips overseas. And your
income-- actually, Intel does have lot of overseas income sitting outside the states.
So, the exposure to them is if the exchange rate fluctuates, dollar becomes a lot
stronger, they actually lose money. So, they need to think about how to hedge the
revenue produced overseas.
And obviously, for import exporters, that's even more apparent. And if you're
entering in a merger deal, and one company is buying another, you need to hedge
your potential currency exposure and your interest rate exposure. And whatever is
on the assets, or the liability, or the balance sheet, you need to hedge your
So we talked about hedging activity. Let's talk about market making. So if it's a
simple transparent product, everybody pretty much knows where the price. So, if
you buy Apple stock, I think a lot of people know pretty much where it is. You may
even have it on your cellphone, know where that stock is.
But if it's not transparent, so what do you do? So, if instead of asking you where
Apple is, probably you're going to tell me $495 today.
OK. But if I asked you instead, what is the core option on Apple stock in two month's
time? I'll give you a strike, let's say, 500. So you're probably less transparent.
So that market maker comes in to provide that liquidity, and then takes the risk.
They manage the book by balancing those Greeks, which I mentioned earlier. Delta,
which describes the [INAUDIBLE] relationship of this whole book to the underlying
stock, or underlying whatever currency. That's called a Delta.
Gamma is really the change of the portfolio. Take the derivative to the delta, or to
the underlying spot. So, that's second order derivative. Delta is the first order. So
Gamma, now you have curvature or convexity coming in.
And Theta is really-- nothing changes in the market. Nothing changes in your
position. How your trading book is carrying or bleeding away money. And we talk
about the volatility exposure was Vega.
And on top of that, what are the tail risks? What are the events can actually get you
into big trouble? So people use value at risk. So you will hear this "var" concept in
some of the lectures, which is also, obviously, a very important concept. I think
there are many examples mathematical relationship which gives you the arbitrage
The other type is called a value trader, or relative value strategies. Think there's a
deterministic, temporary mathematical relationship. You look at the longer term in
horizon, trying to determine what is really the underlying value of a particular
instrument, then trade on the relative value. Obviously, there are successful value
investors out there.
And the systematic trader builds computer models. One example is trend following,
so just follow the price trend. That used to be an effective strategy for some time,
but when lot of people doing the same thing, that becomes much less effective. Or
momentum, same thing. Stat op, finding statistical relationship among large number
of stocks, then trade at the higher frequency.
And fundamental analysis, you're really trying to understand what's going on in the
world. What is the trade balance? What is the earning potential of a company?
What's the trade balance of a country? What is a policy change? What does it mean
when Federal Reserve announce they're going to taper the quantitative easing?
The wide stock market is sold off in the last couple months, especially wide stocks in
India, Brazil, Indonesia, sold out more. Why is that?
So it goes through those fundamental analysis. And there are special situations.
Some companies are going through particular difficulties, assets are priced very
cheaply. So, there are firms out there-- you probably heard Bain Capital and many
others-- where they focus on these private equity and special situation
So what have all of these to do with mathematics? Where does math come in? How
do you use math? So, I want to give you some aspects of that.
So from my personal experience, I joined the market, really start to working on
pricing models. So, that's the first area. So, math is very effective, because when
you, your bank, your corporate, you want to buy some financial instruments, you
have to know where is the price. It's easy to observe a stock in the market, but
when it comes to more complex products, they just take one step forward on the
complexity, which is the option. You have to know how to price an option. So, that's
where the math comes in.
You actually have to be able to solve differential equations to get a model price,
then you obviously adjust to your assumptions to fit into the market. So, pricing
model, which Vasily and many of his colleagues can tell you more-- which is very
much a very interesting and challenging area. How do you price all these
And when I say pricing, it's not in the narrow definition of just coming up with the
price. When you build a pricing model, you also generate the risk parameters of
these instruments, and how do you risk manage them. So, that comes to the
second part.
So math is very useful in risk management, which I will give you some not a quiz
questions after this slide. You can see that risk management itself is very
challenging. It's not a purely mathematical question, but yet, math plays a very
important role to quantify how much exposure you have.
Then, the third is trading strategies. Again, I think a lot of people with math
background, or in general, people are looking for the so-called holy grail trading
strategies. It's almost like perpetual motion machines, people looking for 100 years
ago. You just turn and on. It makes money by itself. You go to sleep, you go on
vacation, you come back, you'll have more in your bank account. Obviously, that's
not going to happen.
The robotrader, a robotic trader, is a dream. It has its place or its use, but it's a fast
evolving market. You have to constantly either upgrade your research and adjust
your strategies. There's no such thing you can build and leave it alone, it runs for
itself forever. But I just want to mention that because maybe towards the end of the
term you will feel, hmm, I came up with this brilliant trading strategy. I think it's going
to make money forever. Please let me know first.
And me second.
So, I want to leave some time to Vasily. Actually, he can give you some examples of
projects of last year's students who actually came to this class and did some real
application at Morgan Stanley. But before I hand it over to Vasily, let me ask you
some questions. I just want to-- not really to quiz you, just give you the sense how
math and intuition and judgment can come into the same place.
So, let me first give you an example I call risk aversion. So, you are facing two
choices, choice A and a choice B. Choice A being you have 80 chance to lose $500.
You have 20% chance to win $500. That's pretty clear, right? That's choice A. Or
choice B, you basically just lock in you have 100% chance to lose $280.
Let me ask you, for whoever likes to choose choice A, please raise your hand. One,
two, three, four. About six out of say, let's call it 50. So, can I ask you why you think
choice A makes sense?
So, I know it's a lower expected value, but I enjoy gambling and I would rather take
the chance of--
Right, because you don't want to lock in that $280 loss, right? That, or you still have
20% chance to win. For the ones raised their hand for choice A, are there any other
reasons? Same reason.
I assume the rest of you would choose choice B, unless you neither. how? Many of
you chose choice B? Choice B. And are there anybody think neither is right? You
have to choose. No, you have to choose. So, either choice A or choice B.
So, let me just talk a little bit about this. Again, I'm not trying to tell you which one is
right, but I just share my thoughts how we look at these. Why it called risk aversion?
So, this is very common human behavior.
When you go to the market, you buy a stock. When the stock goes up, makes bit of
money, the natural tendency for especially someone is new to the market is to let's
take profit. Let's sell. Oh, I made $1000. I made $500. Let's go have a nice meal or
whatever. Buy an iPad.
But when the stock loses money, what's the natural tendency?
I think natural tendency, lot of people will keep it. I think if you have the discipline to
get out, that's great. Trading is really all about how do you risk manage, have a
discipline, and how to manage your losses. The natural tendency of a lot of people
is, well, I think there's a 20% chance to come back, and I'm going to make $500
more. Why do I want to lock in to stop myself out at 280?
So even though the expected value-- I think lot of people said, you lose expected
value, which is $300 in choice A, but you would still not to choose choice B, because
you don't want to lock in the $280 loss. Again, I'm not trying to inject the idea to you
of which one is right or wrong, but think about it. So, that's really the common
behavior, which mathematically may not make sense, but lot of people still would
like to do.
And also, really, when you think about it, depends on your situation. And let's say,
you think the market-- I'm giving you the stock example again. If you're not purely
following the discipline of stop loss, but you just think the fundamental picture has
changed. You really don't think the stock should go up anymore. Obviously, at
whatever level you should get out, regardless how much loss you lock in.
But if you think the fundamental story is still very sound, you should think about as if
you don't have a position what you want to do next. But anyway, mathematically, I
just want to see-- I guess this is MIT, so many people think mathematically where
you would actually choose choice B, because that's low expectation, which makes
sense. But I think if you ask a larger audience, I think a lot of people don't really
want to choose choice B, because they don't want to lock in the loss.
Now, let me change the question a little bit. So, choice A becomes instead of the
80% chance to lose, now you have 80% chance to win $500 and 20% chance to
lose $500. Choice B, you have 100% chance to win $280.
Who would choose choice A? Again, minority of this audience. Let's say less than
10%. Who would choose choice B? The rest of you. All right.
Can someone choose choice A give me an argument why would you?
How I shop? Mm-hm. Yup. Well, let me just leave it here. Again, I think we can talk a
bit more along in the class. I mean, the last day of the class, hopefully we'll have
much deeper discussion on this. It's not unique.
The answer, I think it can go you either way, as you said. If your bank account
balance is-- let's say you are a freshman student. Your bank account is $800. Your
choice will be very different from someone has $100,000 in his bank account. And
also, your risk tolerance, how much you can tolerate.
I'm not going to give you say, this is right or wrong. But with that, let me move on
and give you some homework. So, before I give you the homework, I want to make
a few more comments. Do people always learn from their experiences? In science,
we collect evidence, we build models. We first understand the physics. We build
mathematical models, then we verify in physics, doing experiments.
But is that the same investigation process in finance? Market cycles are typically
very long, but people tend to have short memories. So, how do people really learn
from their experiences? A very interesting question.
Yeah, OK.
VASILY STRELA: [INAUDIBLE] mentioned that, Apple trades, that now it's
[INAUDIBLE]. Yeah, just a couple of [INAUDIBLE]. Well, first of all, no offense to
people who were [INAUDIBLE], but I just wanted to give an example of
VASILY STRELA: --because he was working in our group, and it just will give you a little bit of an idea
what we will be talking about and what actually we do in the daily life, or what an
intern or somebody who comes to work in this industry could do.
And one project is [INAUDIBLE] I worked was on estimating the noisy derivative.
Derivative is called delta. Delta is usually the first derivative to a function. And as we
will see in the class, quite often, to obtain a price, you do it through Monte Carlo,
meaning running a lot of paths and then averaging along them. So, it's a statistical
methods. So obviously, there is a noise to your answer every time.
So, if you want to differentiate this functions and get a derivative, then this derivative
will be quite noisy. And so, instead of getting the true derivative, you might obtain
something quite different from two derivative just because there is a confidence
interval around any point. And obviously, there is a trade off here, as well, because
you can run more paths, throw more computational power, which will reduce your
confidence interval. You will know better where you are, more precise.
Or the other solution could be, if you know that your function is not too concave and
reasonably flat, you might do the numerical differentiation on wider interval.
Basically, reducing the significance of the error, and you will hope to arrive to a
better approximation. So obviously, there is somewhere balance, and the question
was, is there an optimal shift size to get the derivative? And that's what-- uh oh, the
slide got corrupted.
So, there was quite a bit of mathematics involved and minimization and
optimization. There was an answer. And that's actually what we finally arrived at.
And that's some toy example, but still, it shows you that if you use constant size and
not optimal size, that would be your numerical derivative of this blue function.
While if you use an optimal shift size, which [INAUDIBLE] computed, it would be
much smoother and much better. So, that's one of example, and that's what he did.
And we actually are implementing it in our systems and plan to use it in practice.
Another project was actually quite different. And it was about electronic trading and
basically how to better predict prices of currencies and exchange rate. And funny
enough, it was on ruble US dollar, because it was actually aimed for our Moscow
And basically, what we had, we had the noisy observation of broker data and it was
coming out at different non-uniform times. Basically, at random times. So, we
decided to use Kalman filter and to study how it can predict. And that's one of the
nice graphs [INAUDIBLE] produced, which again, we will use this strategy and the
Kalman filters which he constructed in our e-trading platform in Moscow.
So, that's just a couple of examples, which I wanted to give you as a preview of
what we will be talking in the class. Just to remind, the website is fully functional. We
put syllables there, a short list of literature. We will be posting a lot of materials
there. Probably most lecturers will be published there. Jake's slides are there
So, any questions?
Please hand back the sign up sheets. We like to get your emails so we can put you
on the website for further announcements, but you can also add yourselves.
[INAUDIBLE]. But it's probably easier if you put your email on the sign up sheet, so
we can [INAUDIBLE].
VASILY STRELA: Yeah, but please visit and sign up here, because there will be
announcements to the class. Thank you very much.