Gateway Electronics vs. Asianbank

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Petition denied, judgment affirmed with modifications.

Note.Writ of mandamus may be issued when

administrative body refuses to take any action on an issue
before it. (The Iloilo City Zoning Board of Adjustment and
Appeals vs. GegatoAbecia Funeral Homes, Inc., 417 SCRA
337 [2003])

G.R. No. 172041. December 18, 2008.*


NIMO B. DELOS REYES, JR., petitioners, vs.
Insolvency Law The issuance of an order declaring the
petitioner insolvent after the insolvency court finds the
corresponding petition for insolvency to be meritorious shall stay
all pending civil actions against the petitioners property.
Gateway, having been declared insolvent, argues that jurisdiction
over all claims against all of its properties and assets properly
pertains to the insolvency court. Accordingly, Gateway adds,
citing Sec. 60 of Act No. 1956, as amended, or the Insolvency Law,
any pending action against its properties and assets must be
dismissed, the claimant relegated to the insolvency proceedings
for the claimants relief. The contention, as formulated, is in a
qualified sense meritorious. Under Sec. 18 of Act No. 1956, as
couched, the issuance of an order declaring the petitioner
insolvent after the insolvency court finds the corresponding
petition for insolvency to be meritorious shall stay all pending
civil actions against the petitioners property.
Same Sec. 18 and Sec. 60 of Act No. 1956 Harmonized Once
an order of insolvency nevertheless issues, all civil proceedings
against the petitioners property are, by statutory command,
appropriately comes into play upon the granting of [the] order of
insolvency is the succeeding Sec. 60 which properly applies to the
period after the commencement of proceedings in insolvency.
The two provisions may be harmonized as follows: Upon the filing
of the petition for insolvency, pending civil actions against the

property of the petitioner are not ipso facto




stayed, but the insolvent may apply with the court in which the
actions are pending for a stay of the actions against the
insolvents property. If the court grants such application, pending
civil actions against the petitioners property shall be stayed
otherwise, they shall continue. Once an order of insolvency
nevertheless issues, all civil proceedings against the petitioners
property are, by statutory command, automatically stayed.
Same Same Same A surety of the distressed corporation can
be sued separately to enforce its liability as such, notwithstanding
a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) order declaring the
former under a state of suspension of payment.As Asianbank
aptly points out, a suit against the surety, insofar as the suretys
solidary liability is concerned, is not affected by an insolvency
proceeding instituted by or against the principal debtor. The same
principle holds true with respect to the surety of a corporation in
distress which is subject of a rehabilitation proceeding before the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). As we held in
Commercial Banking Corporation v. CA, 178 SCRA 739 (1989), a
surety of the distressed corporation can be sued separately to
enforce his liability as such, notwithstanding an SEC order
declaring the former under a state of suspension of payment.



Same Same Same Continuing Suretyship Court defined

and upheld the validity of a continuing suretyship in Fortune
Motors (Phils.) vs. Court of Appeals, 267 SCRA 653 (1997).
Geronimos thesis that the deed in question cannot be accorded
prospective application is erroneous. To be sure, the provisions of
the subject deed of suretyship indicate a continuing suretyship. In

Fortune Motors (Phils.) v. Court of Appeals, 267 SCRA 653 (1997),

the Court, citing cases, defined and upheld the validity of a
continuing suretyship in this wise: x x x Of course, a surety is not
bound under any particular principal obligation until that
principal obligation is born. But there is no theoretical or
doctrinal difficulty inherent in saying that the suretyship
agreement itself is valid and binding even before the principal
obligation intended to be secured thereby is born, any more than
there would be in saying that obligations which are subject to a
condition precedent are valid and binding before the occurrence of
the condition precedent. Comprehensive or continuing surety
agreements are in fact quite commonplace in present day
financial and commercial practice. A bank or financing
company which anticipates entering into a series of credit
transactions with a particular company, commonly
requires the projected principal debtor to execute a
continuing surety agreement along with its sureties. By
executing such an agreement, the principal places itself in
a position to enter into the projected series of transactions
with its creditor with such suretyship agreement, there
would be no need to execute a separate surety contract or
bond for each financing or credit accommodation
extended to the principal debtor.
Same Same Guaranty A continuing guaranty is one which covers
all transactions, including those arising in the future, which are
within the description or contemplation of the contract, of
guaranty, until the expiration or termination thereof.In Dio v.
Court of Appeals, 216 SCRA 9 (1992), we again had occasion to
discourse on continuing guaranty/suretyship thus: x x x A
continuing guaranty is one which is not limited to a single
transaction, but which contemplates a future course of dealing,
covering a series of transactions, generally for an indefinite time
or until revoked. It is prospective in its operation and is generally
intended to provide security with respect to future transactions
within certain limits, and contemplates a succession of liabilities,
for which, as they accrue, the guarantor becomes liable.
Otherwise stated, a continuing guaranty is one which covers all
transactions, including those arising in the future, which are
within the description or contemplation of the contract, of
guaranty, until the expiration or termination thereof. A guaranty
shall be construed as continuing when by the terms thereof it is


evident that the object is to give a standing credit to the principal

debtor to be used from time to time either indefinitely or until a

certain period x x x.
Same Same Omnibus Credit Line Words and Phrases
Omnibus credit line refers to a credit facility whence a borrower
may avail of various kinds of credit loans.Both the trial and
appellate courts found the Omnibus Credit Line referred to in the
Deed of Suretyship as covering the export packing credit loans
Asianbank extended to Gateway. We agree with this factual
determination. By the very use of the term omnibus, and in
practice, an omnibus credit line refers to a credit facility whence a
borrower may avail of various kinds of credit loans. Defined as
such, an omnibus line is broad enough to refer to or cover an
export packing credit loan.

PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and

resolution of the Court of Appeals.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Rondain and Mendiola Law Offices and Law Firm of
Anacleto M. Diaz and Associates for petitioners.
Siguion Reyna, Montecillo & Ongsiako for respondent.
This petition for review under Rule 45 seeks to nullify
and set aside the Decision1 dated October 28, 2005 of the
Court of Appeals (CA) in CAG.R. CV No. 80734 and its
Resolution2 of March 17, 2006 denying petitioners motion
for reconsideration.
The Facts
Petitioner Gateway Electronics Corporation (Gateway)
is a domestic corporation that used to be engaged in the
semiconductor business. During the period material,
petitioner Geronimo B. delos Reyes, Jr. was its president
and one Andrew delos Reyes its executive vicepresident.
1Rollo, pp. 98123. Penned by Associate Justice Remedios A. Salazar
Fernando and concurred in by Associate Justices Hakim S. Abdulwahid
and Estela M. PerlasBernabe.
2Id., at pp. 125126.



On July 23, 1996, Geronimo and Andrew executed

separate but almost identical deeds of suretyship for

Gateway in favor of respondent Asianbank Corporation
(Asianbank), pertinently providing:
I/We Geronimo B. de los Reyes, Jr. xxx warrant to the
ASIANBANK CORPORATION, x x x due and punctual
payment by the following individuals/companies/firms,
hereinafter called the DEBTOR(S), of such amounts
whether due or not, as indicated opposite their respective
names, to wit:



owing to the said ASIANBANK CORPORATION, hereafter

called the CREDITOR, as evidenced by all notes, drafts,
overdrafts and other [credit] obligations of every kind and
nature contracted/incurred by said DEBTOR(S) in favor of
In case of default by any and/or all of the DEBTOR(S) to
pay the whole part of said indebtedness herein secured at
maturity, I/WE jointly and severally agree and engage to
the CREDITOR, its successors and assigns, the prompt
payment, x x x of such notes, drafts, overdrafts and other
credit obligations on which the DEBTOR(S) may now be
indebted or may hereafter become indebted to the
CREDITOR, together with all interests, penalty and other
bank charges as may accrue thereon x x x.
I/WE further warrant the due and faithful performance
by the DEBTOR(S) of all obligations to be performed under
any contracts evidencing indebtedness/obligations and any
supplements, amendments, changes or modifications made
thereto, including but not limited to, the due and punctual
payment by the said DEBTOR(S).
MY/OUR liability on this Deed of Suretyship shall be
solidary, direct and immediate and not contingent upon the
pursuit by the CREDITOR x x x of whatever remedies it or
they may have against the DEBTOR(S) or the securities or
liens it or they may possess and I/WE hereby agree to be
and remain bound upon this suretyship, x x x and
notwithstanding also that all obligations of the
DEBTOR(S) to you outstanding and unpaid at any time
may exceed the aggregate principal sum hereinabove

3Id., at p. 133.


Later developments saw Asianbank extending to

Gateway several export packing loans in the total
aggregate amount of USD 1,700,883.48. This loan package
was later consolidated with Dollar Promissory Note (PN)
No. FCD059927494 for the amount of USD 1,700,883.48
and secured by a chattel mortgage over Gateways
equipment for USD 2 million.
Gateway initially made payments on its loan
obligations, but eventually defaulted. Upon Gateways
request, Asianbank extended the maturity dates of the loan
several times. These extensions bore the conformity of
three of Gateways officers, among them Andrew.
On July 15 and 30, 1999, Gateway issued two Philippine
Commercial International Bank checks for the amounts of
USD 40,000 and USD 20,000, respectively, as payment for
its arrearages and interests for the periods June 30 and
July 30, 1999 but both checks were dishonored for
insufficiency of funds. Asianbanks demands for payment
made upon Gateway and its sureties went unheeded. As of
November 23, 1999, Gateways obligation to Asianbank,
inclusive of principal, interest, and penalties, totaled USD
Thus, on December 15, 1999, Asianbank filed with the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) in Makati City a complaint for
a sum of money against Gateway, Geronimo, and Andrew.
The complaint, as later amended, was eventually raffled to
Branch 60 of the court and docketed as Civil Case No. 99
2102 entitled Asian Bank Corporation v. Gateway
Electronics Corporation, Geronimo B. De Los Reyes, Jr. and
Andrew S. De Los Reyes.
In its answer to the amended complaint, Gateway traced
the cause of its financial difficulties, described the steps it
had taken to address its mounting problem, and faulted
Asianbank for trying to undermine its efforts toward
Andrew also filed an answer alleging, among other
things, that the deed of suretyship he executed covering the
PhP 10 millionDomestic Bills Purchased Line and the
USD 3 millionOmnibus Credit Line did not include PN No.

FCD05992749, the payment of which was extended

several times without his consent.
4Id., at p. 132.



Geronimo, on the other hand, alleged that the subject

deed of suretyship, assuming the authenticity of his
signature on it, was signed without his wifes consent and
should, thus, be considered as a mere continuing offer. Like
Andrew, Geronimo argued that he ought to be relieved of
his liability under the surety agreement inasmuch as he
too never consented to the repeated loan maturity date
extensions given by Asianbank to Gateway.
After due hearing, the RTC rendered judgment dated
October 7, 20035 in favor of Gateway, the dispositive
portion of which states:
WHEREFORE then, in view of the foregoing, judgment is
rendered holding defendants Gateway Electronics Corporation,
Geronimo De Los Reyes and Andrew De Los Reyes jointly and
severally liable to pay the plaintiff the following:
a) The sum of $2,235,452.17 United States Currency
with interest to be added on at the prevailing market rate
over a given thirty day London Interbank Offered Rate
(LIBOR) plus a spread of 5.5358 percent or ten and
[45,455/100,000] percent per annum for the first 35 days
and every thirty days beginning November 23, 1999 until
fully paid
b) a penalty charge after November 23, 1999 of two
percent (2%) per month until fully paid
c) attorneys fees of twenty percent (20%) of the total
amount due and unpaid and
d) costs of the suit.

Thereafter, Gateway, Geronimo, and Andrew appealed

to the CA, their recourse docketed as CAG.R. CV No.
80734. Following the filing of its and Geronimos joint
appellants brief, Gateway filed on November 10, 2004 a
petition for voluntary insolvency6 with the RTC in Imus,
Cavite, Branch 22, docketed as SEC Case No. 03704, in
which Asianbank was listed in the attached Schedule of

Obligations as one of the creditors. On March 16, 2005,

Metrobank, as successor
5Id., at pp. 141157. Penned by Judge Marissa MacaraigGuillen.
6Id., at pp. 590659.


ininterest of Asianbank, via a Notice of Creditors Claim,

prayed that it be allowed to participate in the Gatewayss
creditors meeting.
In its Decision dated October 28, 2005, the CA affirmed
the decision of the Makati City RTC. In time, Gateway and
Geronimo interposed a motion for reconsideration. This
Reconsideration dated January 20, 2006, stating that in
SEC Case No. 03704, the RTC in Imus, Cavite had issued
an Order dated December 2, 2004, declaring Gateway
insolvent and directing all its creditors to appear before the
court on a certain date for the purpose of choosing among
themselves the assignee of Gateways estate which the
courts sheriff has meanwhile placed in custodia legis.7
Gateway and Geronimo thus prayed that the assailed
decision of the Makati City RTC be set aside, the
insolvency court having acquired exclusive jurisdiction over
the properties of Gateway by virtue of Section 60 of Act No.
1956, without prejudice to Asianbank pursuing its claim in
the insolvency proceedings.
In its March 17, 2006 Resolution, however, the CA
denied the motion for reconsideration and its supplement.
Hence, Gateway and Geronimo filed this petition
anchored on the following grounds:
The [CA] erred in disregarding the established rule that an
action commenced by a creditor against a judicially declared
insolvent for the recovery of his claim should be dismissed and
referred to the insolvency court. Where, therefore, as in this case,
petitioner GEC [referring to Gateway] has been declared
insolvent x x x, respondent Asianbanks claim for the payment of
GECs loans should be ventilated before the insolvency court x x x.
The [CA] erred in admitting as evidence the Deed of Surety

purportedly signed by petitioner GBR [referring to Geronimo]

despite the unexplained failure of respondent Asianbank to
present the originals of the Deed of Surety during the trial.
7Id., at p. 235.



The [CA] erred in holding that the repeated extensions granted
by respondent Asianbank to GEC without notice to and the
express consent of petitioner GBR did not discharge petitioner
GBR from his liabilities as surety GEC in that:
A. An extension granted to the debtor by the creditor without
the consent of the guarantor extinguishes the guaranty.
B. The [CA] interpreted the supposed Deed of Surety of
petitioner GBR as too comprehensive and all encompassing as to
amount to absurdity.
C. The repeated extensions granted by Asianbank to GEC
prevented petitioner GBR from exercising his right of subrogation
under Article 2080 of the Civil Code. As such, petitioner GBR
should be released from his obligations as surety of GEC.
It is a wellsettled rule that when a bank deviates from normal
banking practice in a transaction and sustains injury as a result
thereof, the bank is deemed to have assumed the risk and no right
of payment accrues to the latter against any party to the
transaction. By repeatedly extending the period for the payment
of GECs obligations and granting GEC other loans after the
suretyship agreement despite GECs default and in failing to
foreclose the chattel mortgage constituted as security for GECs
loan contrary to normal banking practices, Asianbank failed to
exercise reasonable caution for its own protection and assumed
the risk of nonpayment through its own acts, and thus has no
right to proceed against petitioner GBR as surety for the payment
of GECs loans.
In Agcaoili v. GSIS, this Honorable Court had occasion to state
that in determining the precise relief to give, the court will
balance the equities or the respective interests of the parties
and take into account the relative hardship that one relief or
another may occasion to them. Upon a balancing of interests of
both petitioner GBR and respondent Asianbank, greater and

irreparable harm and injury would be suffered by petitioner GBR

than respondent Asianbank if the assailed Decision and
Resolution of the [CA] would be upheld x x x. This Honorable
Court x x x should thus exercise its equity jurisdiction in the
instant case to the end that it may render complete justice to both
parties and declare petitioner GBR as released and discharged
from any liability in respect of respondent Asianbanks claims.8
8Id., at pp. 5456. Original in uppercase.


The Ruling of the Court

Gateway May Be Discharged from Liability
But Not Geronimo
Gateway, having been declared insolvent, argues that
jurisdiction over all claims against all of its properties and
assets properly pertains to the insolvency court.
Accordingly, Gateway adds, citing Sec. 60 of Act No. 1956,9
as amended, or the Insolvency Law, any pending action
against its properties and assets must be dismissed, the
claimant relegated to the insolvency proceedings for the
claimants relief.
The contention, as formulated, is in a qualified sense
meritorious. Under Sec. 18 of Act No. 1956, as couched, the
issuance of an order declaring the petitioner insolvent after
the insolvency court finds the corresponding petition for
insolvency to be meritorious shall stay all pending civil
actions against the petitioners property. For reference,
said Sec. 18, setting forth the effects and contents of a
voluntary insolvency order,10 pertinently provides:
Section 18. Upon receiving and filing said petition, schedule,
and inventory, the court x x x shall make an order declaring the
petitioner insolvent, and directing the sheriff of the province or
city in which the petition is filed to take possession of, and safely
keep, until the appointment of a receiver or assignee, all the
deeds, vouchers, books of account, papers, notes, bonds, bills, and
securities of the debtor and all his real and personal property,
estate and effects x x x. Said order shall further forbid the
payment to the creditor of any debts due to him and the delivery
to the debtor, or to any person for him, of any property belonging
to him, and the transfer of any property by him, and shall further

appoint a time and place for a meeting of the creditors to choose

an assignee of the estate. Said order shall [be published] x x x.
Upon the granting of said order, all civil proceedings
pending against the said insolvent shall be stayed. When a
receiver is appointed, or an assignee chosen, as provided in this
Act, the sheriff shall
9 An Act Providing for the Suspension of Payments, the Relief of Insolvent
Debtors, the Protection of Creditors, and the Punishment of Fraudulent Debtors.
10The effect of an order or decision of insolvency, be it voluntary under Sec. 18
of Act No. 1956 or involuntary under Sec. 24, is the same. 2 Agbayani, Commercial
Laws of the Philippines 641.



thereupon deliver to such receiver or assignee, as the case may be

all the property, assets, and belongings of the insolvent which
have come into his possession xxx. (Emphasis supplied.)

Complementing Sec. 18 which appropriately comes into

play upon the granting of [the] order of insolvency is the
succeeding Sec. 60 which properly applies to the period
after the commencement of proceedings in insolvency.
The two provisions may be harmonized as follows: Upon
the filing of the petition for insolvency, pending civil
actions against the property of the petitioner are not ipso
facto stayed, but the insolvent may apply with the court in
which the actions are pending for a stay of the actions
against the insolvents property. If the court grants such
application, pending civil actions against the petitioners
property shall be stayed otherwise, they shall continue.
Once an order of insolvency nevertheless issues, all civil
proceedings against the petitioners property are, by
statutory command, automatically stayed. Sec. 60 is
reproduced below:
SECTION 60. Creditors proving claims cannot sue Stay of
action.No creditor, proving his debt or claim, shall be allowed to
maintain any suit therefor against the debtor, but shall be
deemed to have waived all right of action and suit against him,
and all proceedings already commenced, or any unsatisfied
judgment already obtained thereon, shall be deemed to be
discharged and surrendered thereby and after the debtors
discharge, upon proper application and proof to the court having

jurisdiction, all such proceedings shall be, dismissed, and such

unsatisfied judgments satisfied of record: Provided, x x x. A
creditor proving his debt or claim shall not be held to have waived
his right of action or suit against the debtor when a discharge has
have been refused or the proceedings have been determined to the
without a discharge. No creditor whose debt is provable
under this Act shall be allowed, after the commencement
of proceedings in insolvency, to prosecute to final
judgment any action therefor against the debtor until the
question of the debtors discharge shall have been
determined, and any such suit proceeding shall, upon the
application of the debtor or of any creditor, or the
assignee, be stayed to await the determination of the court
on the question of discharge: Provided, That if the amount
due the creditor is in dispute, the suit, by leave of the
court in insolvency, may proceed to judgment for purpose
of ascertaining the amount due, which amount, when


may be allowed in the insolvency proceedings, but execution

shall be stayed aforesaid. (Emphasis supplied.)

Applying the aforequoted provisions, it can rightfully be

said that the issuance of the insolvency order of December
2, 2004 had the effect of automatically staying the civil
action for a sum of money filed by Asianbank against
Gateway. In net effect, the proceedings before the CA in
CAG.R. CV No. 80734, but only insofar as the claim
against Gateway was concerned, was, or ought to have
been, suspended after December 2, 2004, Asianbank having
been duly notified of and in fact was a participant in the
insolvency proceedings. The Court of course takes stock of
the proviso in Sec. 60 of Act No. 1956 which in a way
provided the CA with a justifying tool to continue and to
proceed to judgment in CAG.R. CV No. 80734, but only for
the purpose of ascertaining the amount due from Gateway.
At any event, on the postulate that jurisdiction over the
properties of the insolventdeclared Gateway lies with the
insolvency court, execution of the CA insolvency judgment
against Gateway can only be pursued before the insolvency
court. Asianbank, no less, tends to agree to this conclusion
when it stated: [E]ven it if is assumed that the declaration
of insolvency of petitioner Gateway can be taken
cognizance of, such fact does relieve petitioner Geronimo

and/or Andrew delos Reyes from performing their

obligations based on the Deeds of Suretyship x x x.11
Geronimo, however, is a different story.
Asianbank argues that the stay of the collection suit
against Gateway is without bearing on the liability of
Geronimo as a surety, adding that claims against a surety
may proceed independently from that against the principal
debtor. Pursuing the point, Asianbank avers that Geronimo
may not invoke the insolvency of Gateway as a defense to
evade liability.
Geronimo counters with the argument that his liability
as a surety cannot be separated from Gateways liability.
As surety, he continues, he is entitled to avail himself of all
the defenses pertaining to Gateway, including its
insolvency, suggesting that if Gateway is eventu
11Rollo, p. 902, Memorandum (For Respondent).



ally released from what it owes Asianbank, he, too, should

also be so relieved.
Geronimos above contention is untenable.
Suretyship is covered by Article 2047 of the Civil Code,
which states:
By guaranty a person, called the guarantor, binds himself to
the creditor to fulfill the obligation of the principal debtor in case
the latter should fail to do so.
If a person binds himself solidarily with the principal debtor,
the provisions of Section 4, Chapter 3, Title I of this Book shall be
observed. In such case the contract is called a suretyship.

The Courts disquisition in Palmares v. Court of Appeals

on suretyship is instructive, thus:
A surety is an insurer of the debt, whereas a guarantor is an
insurer of the solvency of the debtor. A suretyship is an
undertaking that the debt shall be paid x x x. Stated differently, a
surety promises to pay the principals debt if the principal will not
pay, while a guarantor agrees that the creditor, after proceeding
against the principal, may proceed against the guarantor if the
principal is unable to pay. A surety binds himself to perform if the
principal does not, without regard to his ability to do so. x x x In

other words, a surety undertakes directly for the payment

and is so responsible at once if the principal debtor makes
default x x x.
A creditors right to proceed against the surety exists
independently of his right to proceed against the
principal. Under Article 1216 of the Civil Code, the creditor may
proceed against any one of the solidary debtors or some or all of
them simultaneously. The rule, therefore, is that if the
obligation is joint and several, the creditor has the right to
proceed even against the surety alone. Since, generally, it is
not necessary for the creditor to proceed against a principal in
order to hold the surety liable, where, by the terms of the
contract, the obligation of the surety is the same as that of the
principal, then soon as the principal is in default, the surety is
likewise in default, and may be sued immediately and before any
proceedings are had against the principal. Perforce, x x x a surety
is primarily liable, and with the rule that his proper remedy is to
pay the debt and pursue the principal for reimbursement, the
surety cannot at law, unless permitted by statute and in the
absence of any agreement limiting the appli


cation of the security, require the creditor or obligee, before

proceeding against the surety, to resort to and exhaust his
remedies against the principal, particularly where both principal
and surety are equally bound.12

Clearly, Asianbanks right to collect payment for the full

amount from Geronimo, as surety, exists independently of
its right against Gateway as principal debtor13 it could
thus proceed against one of them or file separate actions
against them to recover the principal debt covered by the
deed on suretyship, subject to the rule prohibiting double
recovery from the same cause.14 This legal postulate
becomes all the more cogent in case of an insolvency
situation where, as here, the insolvency court is bereft of
jurisdiction over the sureties of the principal debtor. As
Asianbank aptly points out, a suit against the surety,
insofar as the suretys solidary liability is concerned, is not
affected by an insolvency proceeding instituted by or
against the principal debtor. The same principle holds true
with respect to the surety of a corporation in distress which
is subject of a rehabilitation proceeding before the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). As we held in

Commercial Banking Corporation v. CA, a surety of the

distressed corporation can be sued separately to enforce his
liability as such, notwithstanding an SEC order declaring
the former under a state of suspension of payment.15
Geronimo also states that, as things stand, his liability,
as compared to that of Gateway, is contextually more
onerous and burdensome, precluded as he is from seeking
recourse against the insolvent corporation. From this
premise, Geronimo claims that since Gateway cannot,
owing to the order of insolvency, be made to pay its
obligation, he, too, being just a surety, cannot also be made
to pay, obviously having in mind Art. 2054 of the Civil
Code, as follows:
12 G.R. No. 126490, March 31, 1998, 288 SCRA 422, 435436, 440441.
13 Ong v. Philippine Commercial International Bank, G.R. No. 160466,
January 17, 2005, 448 SCRA 705, 709.
14Philippine Bank of Communications v. Lim, G.R. No. 158138, April
12, 2005, 455 SCRA 714, 724 citing Civil Code, Arts. 1216, 2047, 1217 &
15G.R. No. 85396, October 27, 1989, 178 SCRA 739, 743745.



A guarantor may bind himself for less, but not for more than
the principal debtor, both as regards the amount and the onerous
nature of the conditions.
Should he have bound himself for more, his obligations shall be
reduced to the limits of that of the debtor.

The Court is not convinced. The above article enunciates

the rule that the obligation of a guarantor may be less, but
cannot be more than the obligation of the principal debtor.
The rule, however, cannot plausibly be stretched to mean
that a guarantor or surety is freed from liability as such
guarantor or surety in the event the principal debtor
becomes insolvent or is unable to pay the obligation. This
interpretation would defeat the very essence of a
suretyship contract which, by definition, refers to an
agreement whereunder one person, the surety, engages to
be answerable for the debt, default, or miscarriage of
another known as the principal.16 Geronimos position that

a surety cannot be made to pay when the principal is

unable to pay is clearly specious and must be rejected.
The CA Did Not Err in Admitting
the Deed of Suretyship as Evidence
Going to the next ground, Geronimo maintains that the
CA erred in admitting the Deed of Suretyship purportedly
signed by him, given that Asianbank failed to present its
original copy.
This contention is bereft of merit.
As may be noted, paragraph 6 of Asianbanks complaint
alleged the following:
6. The loan was secured by the Deeds of Suretyship dated
July 23, 1996 that were executed by defendants Geronimo B. De
Los Reyes, Jr. and Andrew S. De Los Reyes. Attached as Annexes
B and C, respectively, are photocopies of the Deeds of
Suretyship executed by defendants Geronimo B. De Los Reyes, Jr.
and Andrew S. De Los Reyes. Subsequently, a chattel mortgage
over defendant Gateways equipment for $2 million, United States
currency, was executed.17
16 Security Pacific Assurance Corporation v. TriaInfante, G.R. No.
144740, August 31, 2005, 468 SCRA 526, 537.
17Rollo, p. 189.


Geronimo traversed in his answer the foregoing

allegation in the following wise: 2.5. Paragraph 6 is
denied, subject to the special and affirmative defenses and
allegations hereinafter set forth.
The ensuing special and affirmative defenses were
raised in Gateways answer:
15. Granting even that [Geronimo] signed the Deed of
Suretyship, his wife x x x had not given her consent thereto.
Accordingly, the security created by the suretyship shall be
construed only as a continuing offer on the part of [Geronimo] and
plaintiff and may only be perfected as a binding contract upon
acceptance by Mrs. Delos Reyes. x x x
17. Moreover, assuming, gratia argumenti, that [Geronimo]
may be bound by the suretyship agreement, there is no showing
that he has consented to the repeated extensions made by
plaintiff in favor of GEC or to a waiver of notice of such

extensions. It should be pointed out that Mr. Geronimo delos

Reyes executed the suretyship agreement in his personal capacity
and not in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of GEC. His
consent, insofar as the continuing application of the suretyship
agreement to GECs obligations in view of the repeated extension
extended by plaintiff [is concerned], is therefore necessary.
Obviously, plaintiff cannot now hold him liable as a surety to
GECs obligations.18

The Rules of Court prescribes, under its Secs. 7 and 8,

Rule 8, the procedure should a suit or defense is predicated
on a written document, thus:
Sec. 7. Action or defense based on document.Whenever an
action or defense is based upon a written instrument or document,
the substance of such instrument or document shall be set forth in
the pleading, and the original or a copy thereof shall be
attached to the pleading as an exhibit, which shall be deemed
to be a part of the pleading, or said copy may with like effect be
set forth in the pleading.
Sec. 8. How to contest such documents.When an action or
defense is founded upon a written instrument, copied in or
attached to the corresponding pleading as provided in the
preceding section, the genuineness and due execution of the
instrument shall be deemed admitted unless the adverse
party, under oath, specifically denies them, and sets forth
18Id., at pp. 6263.



what he claims to be the facts but the requirement of an oath

does not apply when the adverse party does not appear to be a
party to the instrument or when compliance with an order for an
inspection of the original instrument is refused. (Emphasis

Given the above perspective, Asianbank, by attaching a

photocopy of the Deed of Suretyship to its underlying
complaint, hewed to the requirements of the above twin
provisions. Asianbank, thus, effectively alleged the due
execution and genuineness of the said deed. From that
point, Geronimo, if he intended to contest the surety deed,
should have specifically denied the due execution and
genuineness of the deed in the manner provided by Sec. 10,

Rule 8 of the Rules of Court, thus:

Sec. 10. Specific denial.A defendant must specify each
material allegation of fact the truth of which he does not
admit and, whenever practicable, shall set forth the
substance of the matters upon which he relies to support
his denial. Where a defendant desires to deny only a part of an
averment, he shall specify so much of it as is true and material
and shall deny only the remainder. Where a defendant is without
knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
of a material averment made in the complaint, he shall so state,
and this shall have the effect of a denial. (Emphasis supplied.)

In the instant case, Geronimo should have categorically

stated that he did not execute the Deed of Suretyship and
that the signature appearing on it was not his or was
falsified. His Answer does not, however, contain any such
statement. Necessarily then, Geronimo had not specifically
denied, and, thus, is deemed to have admitted, the
genuineness and due execution of the deed in question. In
this regard, Sec. 11, Rule 8 of the Rules of Court states:
Sec. 11. Allegations not specifically denied deemed admitted.
Material averment in the complaint, other than those as to the
amount of unliquidated damages, shall be deemed admitted when
not specifically denied. x x x

Owing to Geronimos virtual admission of the

genuineness and due execution of the deed of suretyship,
Asianbank, contrary to the view of Gateway and Geronimo,
need not present the original of the deed during the
hearings of the case. Sec. 4, Rule 129 of the Rules says so:


Sec. 4. Judicial admissions.An admission, verbal or

written, made by the party in the course of the
proceedings in the same case, does not require proof. The
admission may be contradicted only by showing that it was made
through palpable mistake or that no such admission was made.
(Emphasis supplied.)

Geronimo Is Liable for PN No. FCD05992749

under His Deed of Suretyship
This brings us to the third ground which involves the

issue of the coverage of the suretyship. Preliminarily, an

overview on the process of taking out loans should first be
made. Generally, especially for large loans, banks first
approve a line or facility out of which a client may avail
itself of loans in the form of promissory notes without need
of further processing and/or approval every time a draw
down is made. In the instant case, Asianbank approved in
favor of Gateway the PhP 10 millionDomestic Bills
Purchased Line and the USD 3 millionOmnibus Credit
Line. Asianbank approved these credit lines which were
covered by a chattel mortgage as well as the deeds of
suretyship, such that loans extended from these lines
would already be secured and preapproved. In other
words, these facilities are not financial obligations yet.
Asianbank did not yet lend out any money to Gateway with
the approval of these lines. The loan transaction occurred
or the principal obligation, as secured by a surety
agreement, was born after the execution of loan documents,
such as PN No. FCD05992749.
Geronimo now excepts from the ruling that the deed of
suretyship he executed covered PN No. FCD05992749
which embodied several export packing loans issued by
Asianbank to Gateway. He claims that the deed only
secured the PhP 10 millionDomestic Bills Purchased Line
and the USD 3 millionOmnibus Credit Line. Geronimo
describes as absurd the notion that a deed of suretyship
would secure a loan obligation contracted three (3) years
after the execution of the surety deed.
Geronimos thesis that the deed in question cannot be
accorded prospective application is erroneous. To be sure,
the provisions of the subject deed of suretyship indicate a
continuing suretyship. In For



tune Motors (Phils.) v. Court of Appeals,19 the Court, citing

cases, defined and upheld the validity of a continuing
suretyship in this wise:
x x x Of course, a surety is not bound under any
particular principal obligation until that principal
obligation is born. But there is no theoretical or doctrinal
difficulty inherent in saying that the suretyship agreement
itself is valid and binding even before the principal
obligation intended to be secured thereby is born, any more

than there would be in saying that obligations which are

subject to a condition precedent are valid and binding before
the occurrence of the condition precedent.
Comprehensive or continuing surety agreements
are in fact quite commonplace in present day
financial and commercial practice. A bank or
financing company which anticipates entering into a
series of credit transactions with a particular
company, commonly requires the projected principal
debtor to execute a continuing surety agreement
along with its sureties. By executing such an
agreement, the principal places itself in a position to
enter into the projected series of transactions with
its creditor with such suretyship agreement, there
would be no need to execute a separate surety
contract or bond for each financing or credit
accommodation extended to the principal debtor.20
In Dio vs. Court of Appeals,21 we again had occasion to
discourse on continuing guaranty/suretyship thus:
x x x A continuing guaranty is one which is not limited
to a single transaction, but which contemplates a future
course of dealing, covering a series of transactions,
generally for an indefinite time or until revoked. It is
prospective in its operation and is generally intended to
provide security with respect to future transactions within
certain limits, and contemplates a succession of liabilities,
for which, as they accrue, the guarantor becomes liable.
Otherwise stated, a continuing guaranty is one which
covers all transactions, including those arising in the
future, which are within the description or contemplation of
19G.R. No. 112191, February 7, 1997, 267 SCRA 653, 665666.
20Atok Finance Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 80078, May
18, 1993, 222 SCRA 232, 244245.
21G.R. No. 89775, November 26, 1992, 216 SCRA 9, 1718.


contract, of guaranty, until the expiration or termination

thereof. A guaranty shall be construed as continuing when

by the terms thereof it is evident that the object is to give a

standing credit to the principal debtor to be used from time
to time either indefinitely or until a certain period x x x.
In other jurisdictions, it has been held that the use of
particular words and expressions such as payment of any
debt, any indebtedness, any deficiency, or any sum, or
the guaranty of any transaction or money to be furnished
the principal debtor at any time, or on such time that the
principal debtor may require, have been construed to
indicate a continuing guaranty. (Emphasis supplied.)

By its nature, a continuing suretyship covers current

and future loans, provided that, with respect to future loan
transactions, they are, to borrow from Dio, as cited above,
within the description or contemplation of the contract of
guaranty. The Deed of Suretyship Geronimo signed
envisaged a continuing suretyship when, by the express
terms of the deed, he warranted payment of the PhP 10
millionDomestic Bills Purchased Line and the USD 3
millionOmnibus Credit Line, as evidenced by:
x x x notes, drafts, overdrafts and other credit obligations on
which the DEBTOR(S) may now be indebted or may hereafter
become indebted to the CREDITOR, together with all interests,
penalty and other bank charges as may accrue thereon and all
expenses which may be incurred by the latter in collecting any or
all such instruments.22

Evidently, under the deed of suretyship, Geronimo

undertook to secure all obligations obtained under the
Domestic Bills Purchased Line and Omnibus Credit Line,
without any specification as to the period of the loan.
Geronimos application of Garcia v. Court of Appeals, a
case covering two separate loans, denominated as SWAP
Loan and Export Loan, is quite misplaced. There, the Court
ruled that the continuing suretyship only covered the
SWAP Loan as it was only this loan that was referred to in
the continuing suretyship. The Court wrote in Garcia:
22Rollo, p. 133.



Particular attention must be paid to the statement appearing on
the face of the Indemnity [Suretyship] Agreement x x x
evidenced by those certain loan documents dated April
20, 1982 x x x. From this statement, it is clear that the
Indemnity Agreement refers only to the loan document of April
20, 1982 which is the SWAP loan. It did not include the EXPORT
loan. Hence, petitioner cannot be held answerable for the
EXPORT loan.23 (Emphasis supplied.)

The Indemnity Agreement in Garcia specifically

identified loan documents evidencing obligations of the
debtor that the agreement was intended to secure. In the
present case, however, the suretyship Geronimo assumed
did not limit itself to a specific loan document to the
exclusion of another. The suretyship document merely
mentioned the Domestic Bills Purchased Line and
Omnibus Credit Line as evidenced by all notes, drafts x x
x contracted/incurred by [Gateway] in favor of
[Asianbank].24 As explained earlier, such credit facilities
are not loans by themselves. Thus, the Deed of Suretyship
was intended to secure future loans for which these
facilities were opened in the first place.
Lest it be overlooked, both the trial and appellate courts
found the Omnibus Credit Line referred to in the Deed of
Suretyship as covering the export packing credit loans
Asianbank extended to Gateway We agree with this factual
determination. By the very use of the term omnibus, and
in practice, an omnibus credit line refers to a credit facility
whence a borrower may avail of various kinds of credit
loans. Defined as such, an omnibus line is broad enough to
refer to or cover an export packing credit loan.
Geronimos allegation that an export packing credit loan
is separate and distinct from an omnibus credit line is but
a bare and selfserving assertion bereft of any factual or
legal basis. One who alleges something must prove it: a
mere allegation is not evidence.25
23G.R. No. 119845, July 5, 1996, 258 SCRA 446, 453.
24Supra note 3.
25 Salvador v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 124899, March 30, 2004, 426
SCRA 433, 446 Pimentel v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 117422, May 12,
1999, 307 SCRA 38, 46 Hernandez v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 104874,
December 14, 1993, 228 SCRA 429, 437.


Geronimo has not discharged his burden of proof. His

contention cannot be given any weight.
As a final and major ground for his release as surety,
Geronimo alleges that Asianbank repeatedly extended the
maturity dates of the obligations of Gateway without his
knowledge and consent. Pressing this point, he avers that,
contrary to the findings of the CA, he did not waive his
right to notice of extensions of Gateways obligations.
Such contention is unacceptable as it glosses over the
fact that the waiver to be notified of extensions is
embedded in surety document itself, built in the ensuing
In case of default by any and/or all of the DEBTOR(S) to pay
the whole part of said indebtedness herein secured at maturity,
I/WE jointly and severally, agree and engage to the CREDITOR,
its successors and assigns, the prompt payment, without
demand or notice from said CREDITOR of such notes,
drafts, overdrafts and other credit obligations on which
the DEBTOR(S) may now be indebted or may hereafter
become indebted to the CREDITOR, together with all
interests, penalty and other bank charges as may accrue thereon
and all expenses which may be incurred by the latter in collecting
any or all such instruments.26 (Emphasis supplied.)

In light of the above provision, Geronimo verily waived

his right to notice of the maturity of notes, drafts,
overdraft, and other credit obligations for which Gateway
shall become indebted. This waiver necessarily includes
new agreements resulting from the novation of previous
agreements due to changes in their maturity dates.
Additionally, Geronimos lament about losing his right
to subrogation is erroneous. He argues that by virtue of the
order of insolvency issued by the insolvency court, title and
right to possession to all the properties and assets of
Gateway were vested upon Gateways assignee in
accordance with Sec. 32 of the Insolvency Law.
The transfer of Gateways property to the insolvency
assignee, if this be the case, does not negate Geronimos
right of subrogation, for such right may be had or exercised
in the insolvency proceedings. The possibility that he may
only recover a portion of the amount he is
26Rollo, p. 133.




liable to pay is the risk he assumed as a surety of Gateway.

Such loss does not, however, render ineffectual, let alone
invalidate, his suretyship.
Geronimos other arguments to escape liability are
puerile and really partake more of a plea for liberality.
They need not detain us long. In gist, Geronimo argues:
first, that he is a gratuitous surety of Gateway second,
Asianbank deviated from normal banking practice, such as
when it extended the period for payment of Gateways
obligation and when it opted not to foreclose the chattel
mortgage constituted as guarantee of Gateways loan
obligation and third, implementing the appealed CAs
decision would cause him great harm and injury.
Anent the first argument, suffice it to state that
Geronimo was then the president of Gateway and, as such,
was benefited, albeit perhaps indirectly, by the loan thus
granted by Asianbank. And as we said in Security Pacific
Assurance Corporation, the surety is liable for the debt of
another although the surety possesses no direct or personal
interest over the obligation nor does the surety receive any
benefit from it.27
Whether or not Asianbank really deviated from normal
banking practice by extending the period for Gateway to
comply with its loan obligation or by not going after the
chattel mortgage adverted to is really of no moment. Banks
are primarily in the business of extending loans and earn
income from their lending operations by way of service and
interest charges. This is why Asianbank opted to give
Gateway ample opportunity to pay its obligations instead of
foreclosing the chattel mortgage and in the process holding
on to assets of which the bank has really no direct use.
The following excerpts from Palmares are in point:
We agree with respondent corporation that its mere failure to
immediately sue petitioner on her obligation does not release her
from liability. Where a creditor refrains from proceeding against
the principal, the surety is not exonerated. In other words, mere
want of diligence or forbearance does
27Supra note 16.


not affect the creditors rights visvis the surety, unless the
surety requires him by appropriate notice to sue on the obligation.
Such gratuitous indulgence of the principal does not discharge the
surety whether given at the principals request or without it, and
whether it is yielded by the creditor through sympathy or from an
inclination to favor the principal x x x. The neglect of the creditor
to sue the principal at the time the debt falls due does not
discharge the surety, even if such delay continues until the
principal becomes insolvent. And, in the absence of proof of
resultant injury, a surety is not discharged by the creditors mere
statement that the creditor will not look to the surety, or that he
need not trouble himself. The consequences of the delay, such as
the subsequent insolvency of the principal, or the fact that the
remedies against the principal may be lost by lapse of time, are

The Courts Equity Jurisdiction

Finds No Application to the Instant Case
Geronimo urges the Court to release and discharge him
from any liability arising from Asianbanks claims if what
he terms as complete justice is to be served. He cites, as
supporting reference, Agcaoili v. GSIS,29 presenting in the
same breath the following arguments: first, the Deed of
Suretyship is a gratuitous contract from which he did not
benefit second, Asianbank assured him that the deed
would not be enforced against him third, the enforcement
of the judgment of the CA would reduce Geronimo and his
family to a life of penury and fourth, Geronimo would be
unable to exercise his right of subrogation, Gateway having
already been declared as insolvent.
The first and last arguments have already been
addressed and found to be without merit. The second
argument is a matter of defense which has remained
unproved and even belied by Asianbank by its filing of the
complaint. We see no need to further belabor any of them.
As regards the third allegation, suffice it to state that
the predicament Geronimo finds himself in is his very own
doing. His misfortune is but the result of the
implementation of a bona fide contract he freely executed,
the terms of which he is presumed to have thoroughly
28Supra note 12, at p. 441.
29No. L30056, August 30, 1988, 165 SCRA 1.




examined. He was not at all compelled to act as surety he

had a choice. It may be more offensive to public policy or
good customs if he be allowed to go back on his undertaking
under the surety contract. The Court cannot be a party to
the contracts impairment and relieve a surety from the
effects of an unwise but nonetheless a valid surety contract.
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby DENIED.
The appealed Decision dated October 28, 2005 of the CA
and its March 17, 2006 Resolution in CAG.R. CV No.
80734 are hereby AFFIRMED with the modification that
any claim of Asianbank or its successorininterest against
Gateway, if any, arising from the judgment in this suit
shall be pursued before the RTC, Branch 22 in Imus,
Cavite as the insolvency court.
Costs against petitioners.
Quisumbing (Chairperson), AustriaMartinez,** Carpio
Morales and Tinga, JJ., concur.
Petition denied, judgment and resolution affirmed with
Note.Court has already resolved the issue of Chings
separate liability as a surety despite the rehabilitation
proceedings before the SEC. (Philippine Blooming Mills,
Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 413 SCRA 445 [2003])
** Additional member as per November 14, 2008 raffle.


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