Exchange Buffet Corporation v. New York Stock Exchange and Securities and Exchange Commission, 244 F.2d 507, 2d Cir. (1957)

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244 F.

2d 507


NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE and Securities and
Exchange Commission, Respondents.
No. 380.
Docket 24374.

United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit.

Submitted April 12, 1957.
Decided May 15, 1957.

Milton S. Harrison, New York City, for petitioner.

Milbank, Tweed, Hope & Hadley, New York City (A. Donald MacKinnon
and Edward J. Reilly, Jr., New York City, of counsel), for respondent
New York Stock Exchange.
Thomas G. Meeker, Gen. Counsel, David Ferber, Asst. Gen. Counsel, and
Joseph B. Gildenhorn, Atty., Securities and Exchange Commission,
Washington, D. C., for respondent Securities and Exchange Commission.
Before MEDINA and WATERMAN, Circuit Judges, and LEIBELL,
District Judge.
MEDINA, Circuit Judge.

Petitioner, the Exchange Buffet Corporation, seeks to have us set aside an order
of the SEC, granting an application by the New York Stock Exchange, pursuant
to the provisions of Section 12 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15
U.S.C.A. 78l(d), and Rule X-12D2-1 (17 C.F.R. 240, 12d2-1), to strike
petitioner's capital stock from listing and registration on the New York Stock
Exchange. The SEC found that the rules of the New York Stock Exchange
relating to delisting had been complied with and that the application should be
granted without the imposition of any terms or conditions.

Petitioner is a New York corporation organized in 1913, engaged in the

business of operating restaurants and cigar stands. On September 30, 1955, the
capital stock consisted of 246,889 shares. As of April 30, 1955, the net tangible
assets were $266,516, and on November 14, 1955, the approximate market
value of the capital stock was $493,778. The company's earnings deficits in the
fiscal years ending April 30, 1953, 1954 and 1955 ranged from $37,000 to

When petitioner's capital stock was admitted to trading on the New York Stock
Exchange in 1922, Section 4 of Article XXXIII of the Constitution of the
Exchange in effect provided that the Governing Committee might at any time
suspend dealings and summarily remove the securities of any listed corporation
from the list.

The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 established in the public interest and for
the protection of investors, and for other cognate reasons, a pattern of control
by the SEC that required the registration of exchanges, the filing of copies of
the constitution, by-laws and rules of such exchanges and the filing with the
SEC "forthwith" of any amendments. The SEC was required to find, as a
condition to permitting an exchange to be registered, that the rules are "just and
adequate to insure fair dealing and to protect investors," but Section 6(c), 15
U.S. C.A. 78f specifies that nothing in the Act "shall be construed to prevent
any exchange from adopting and enforcing any rule not inconsistent with the
Act and the SEC's rules thereunder or with applicable state laws." The control
of the SEC over delisting is implemented by Sections 12(d) and 19(b) of the
Act, 15 U.S.C.A. 78s(b); and the decision of this case depends upon the
interpretation to be given to these two sections, as supplemented by Rule X12D2-1.

Section 12 sets forth the registration requirements for securities. The relevant
portion of subdivision (d), which concerns us here, is:

"A security registered with a national securities exchange may be withdrawn or

stricken from listing and registration in accordance with the rules of the
exchange and, upon such terms as the Commission may deem necessary to
impose for the protection of investors, upon application by the issuer or the
exchange to the Commission * * *."

Rule X-12D2-1(3) provides that suspension of trading shall not terminate the
registration of any security; and the Act contemplates that the matter be brought
before the SEC upon application of the issuer or the exchange. In connection

with the termination of registration, the specific provision of the Act is that this
shall take place only "upon such terms as the Commission may deem necessary
to impose for the protection of investors."

The following portion of Section 19(b) of the Act, which is applicable to listing
and delisting as well as numerous other matters, governs the control of the SEC
over the rules of an exchange:

"The Commission is further authorized, if after making appropriate request in

writing to a national securities exchange that such exchange effect on its own
behalf specified changes in its rules and practices, and after appropriate notice
and opportunity for hearing, the Commission determines that such exchange
has not made the changes so requested, and that such changes are necessary or
appropriate for the protection of investors or to insure fair dealing in securities
traded in upon such exchange or to insure fair administration of such exchange,
by rules or regulations or by order to alter or supplement the rules of such
exchange * * *."


On July 21, 1955, the Board of Governors of the New York Stock Exchange
amended its rule, which spelled out specific standards as guides for continued
listing of securities, so as to provide that delisting would be considered where:


* * * the size of a company whose common stock is listed has been reduced, as
a result of liquidation or otherwise, to below $2,000,000 in net tangible assets
or aggregate market value of the common stock, and the average net earnings
after taxes for the last three years is below $200,000.


Notice of this change in policy was sent to all listed companies in the form of a
supplement to the Exchange's Company Manual. As petitioner failed to meet
the revised standards, a public hearing of which petitioner had timely notice,
was held on November 15, 1955, to consider whether the stock of petitioner be
delisted, and on December 15, 1955, a resolution was adopted by the Board of
Governors for the delisting of the stock which directed that an application to
delist be filed with the SEC. Trading in the stock was suspended on December
27, 1955, the application was filed with the SEC on January 17, 1956, the
matter took its regular course before the SEC, which on September 4, 1956,
issued its Findings, Opinion and Order, granting the Exchange's application to
delist the stock without the imposition of any terms or conditions.


We hold these successive steps and proceedings to be a precise and in all

respects proper compliance with the expressed intent and purpose of Section

12(d). We hold further that Rule X-12D2-1, promulgated by the SEC in its
General Rules and Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and
published as 17 C.F.R. 240, 12d2-1, is a proper and lawful exercise of the
powers granted by the Congress to the SEC, and that, where the SEC has
permitted an amended rule to become effective without requesting changes or
instituting a proceeding under Section 19(b), it is not authorized to deny an
application to delist a security under Section 12(d) where there has been
compliance with the amended rule of the Exchange.

There is nothing whatever in petitioner's contentions that there is essential

unfairness in the application of what petitioner insists is "a test having
retroactive application," a species of ex post facto ruling, and that the SEC has
abdicated its powers in ruling that in its disposition of the Section 12(d)
proceeding it could do no more than impose "such terms as the Commission
may deem necessary to impose for the protection of investors."


There is no basis for the claim of unfairness. All companies whose stock is
listed are informed that the New York Stock Exchange Rules are subject to
constant revision in the light of the changing economy and that their stock may
be delisted if they do not meet standards established or revised subsequent to
the original listing of the stock. The reference to "the average net earnings after
taxes for the last three years," as well as to the size of the company and the
value of its net tangible assets or the "aggregate value of the common stock" is
in all respects reasonable. One of the main purposes of the Act was the
protection of investors and prospective investors. Future purchasers of
securities are those peculiarly in need of the sort of protection which is afforded
by delisting. If new standards could be made effective only after a lapse of
years or even months, such protection might turn out to be illusory and of the
too-late variety. As the Commission pointed out in its opinion in the case at bar,
the possible adverse effects upon current security holders "inherent in any
delisting * * * must be weighed against the protection afforded future
purchasers by removing from exchange trading securities found unsuitable for
that market."


The so-called abdication of power by the SEC comes to no more than this:
when the amended rule was promulgated the SEC allowed it to become
effective and decided not to challenge its propriety or reasonableness in a
Section 19(b) proceeding. This is the exercise rather than the abdication of
power. Moreover, after the commencement of the Section 12(d) proceeding, it
was still not too late for the SEC to hold the delisting proceeding in abeyance
until it had taken such action as it thought proper pursuant to the provisions of
Section 19(b).


Petitioner has, we think, entirely misconceived the mechanics of the Act in this
matter of delisting. "Although a wide measure of initiative and responsibility is
left with the exchanges, reserved control is in the Commission if the exchanges
do not meet their responsibility." H.R.Rep. No. 1383, 73d Cong., 2d Sess.
(1934), p. 15. Accordingly, it is within the power of the exchange to alter its
delisting rules at any time and to suspend trading in any particular stock. The
SEC then may exercise its control in either of the two ways prescribed in
Sections 12(d) and 19(b). If in the exercise of its supervisory powers the SEC
decides to let the delisting rule of the exchange remain unchallenged and acts
only on application of the issuer or the exchange in a Section 12 (d) proceeding,
the legislative pattern contemplates that the power of the SEC in that
proceeding be limited to the imposition of "such terms as the Commission may
deem necessary to impose for the protection of investors." That the SEC found
it unnecessary to impose any terms in the Section 12(d) proceeding in this case
was a proper exercise of its functions and we shall not disturb the finding.


Petition denied.

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