DMG Manual

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The key takeaways are that the Department of Mines and Geology has over 120 years of history conducting geological surveys, mineral exploration, and groundwater investigations in Karnataka. Its scope of work has expanded over time and it now aims to regulate mining activities and conserve natural resources.

The Department of Mines and Geology was established in 1894 in Mysore to conduct geological surveys, mineral exploration, and mine inspections. Over time its scope expanded to include groundwater exploration and it helped establish mineral industries. In 1950 its geological and geophysical surveys were taken over by the Geological Survey of India.

The two primary functions are Mineral Administration, which regulates mining activities, and Ground Water Investigation, which explores groundwater sources.



(Revised Edition)

The Department of Mines and Geology has a history of nearly 120
years. It was established in the then State of Mysore in the year 1894 for
conducting Geological Survey & Mapping, Mineral Survey & Exploration and
inspection of Mines in the Kolar Gold Fields. Gradually, the scope of work of
this department was enlarged and it became one of the important technical
departments of Government. The Department did useful work in the field of
Applied Geology. This paved the way for establishment of mineral based
industries in the State.
In the earlier years, Geological Survey and Mapping formed the main
item of work in the department. Between the years 1936 and 1949, a
separate Unit for conducting Geophysical Survey was established and it was
the first of its kind in India. In the year 1950, the Geological Survey as well as
the Geophysical Survey was taken over by the Geological Survey of India
under Federal Integration Scheme.
Over several years, the Department of Mines and Geology further
widened the scope of its activity by taking within its fold the task of
exploration of ground water also. In other words, through coordinated
effort, the department helped not only in successfully tapping drinking
water sources in the dry belts of the State but also in providing permanent
minor irrigation facilities. During the years after 1998, the department took
up ground water exploration on a large scale.
As a result of establishment of good number of mineral based industries
and increase in their production capacity, demand for minerals, particularly
iron ore, increased substantially. The tremendous growth of Granite
Industry, indiscriminate exploitation of iron ore, uncontrolled extraction of
ordinary sand, overexploitation of ground water has led to destruction of
natural resources. As a consequence of these developments during the last
decade, there has been a paradigm shift in the role and functions of the
Department of Mines and Geology and it is hightime that the department is
restructured in such a manner as to be able to effectively supervise and
control the activities relating to mineral administration and ground water
development to prevent further damage and to take remedial measures.
Government of India in its recent Mineral Policy has emphasized the urgent
need of strengthening the Department to enable it to regulate mining
activities in the State in the interest of conservation and scientific
development of mineral sector.
The Manual of the Department of Mines and Geology was last compiled in
the year 1958. Thereafter, it has not been revisited for either revision or
updation nor is it being followed, owing to change in the administrative set
up of the Department from time to time and functions of the departmental
personnel. It has, therefore, become necessary to issue a new Departmental

Manual incorporating the functions of officers and staff in all branches of

work of the Department. In compiling this manual, some information
contained in the previous manual has been incorporated with certain
alterations, to the extent necessary.
Mineral Exploration & Administration and Ground Water Investigation
constitute two primary functions of the Department of Mines and Geology.
In tune with these functions, the Department has two major functional units
viz. Mineral Administration Unit and the Ground Water Investigation Unit.
The activities under each of these Units are as enumerated below: A) Activities under the Mineral Administration Unit:
i) The activities carried out in the Mineral Administration Unit include
a) Mineral survey and investigation.
b) Geological mapping.
c) Drilling and exploratory mining.
d) Administration of Major Minerals. This involves grant of
mining leases for major minerals and collection of
royalty thereof, administering mining activities etc.
e) Administration of Minor Minerals. This involves grant
of quarry leases for ornamental granite, building stone,
ordinary sand and other minor minerals and collection
of royalty thereof; administering quarrying activities
f) Furnishing geological opinion in construction activities.
g) Geological Laboratory and Museum.
h) Chemical Laboratory to analyse rocks and minerals.
i) Working of Special Schemes under the Five-Year Plans
relating to mineral development and utilisation.
j) Compilation of Mineral Statistics.
k) Publication of reports on Minerals and other special
l) Imparting training to students in Applied
m) Special Schemes of Geological and Archaeological
interest in respect of preservation of Stone
B) Activities under the Ground Water Investigation Unit:
ii) The activities carried out in the Ground Water Investigation Unit include

a) Survey and assessment of ground water potential in the State.

b) Rendering technical advice to Government, private bodies,
agriculturists and on location of sites for open well/borewell.
c) Chemical analysis of surface and ground water to determine the
quality of water for various purposes.

d) Conducting geo-physical survey to determine the depth of bedrock

and selection of borewell sites.
e) Monitoring fluctuations of ground water level, rejuvenation of
borewells, rendering advice on installation of suitable pumps etc.
f) Remote sensing applications and interpretation.
g) Rendering advice on engineering geology and other related issues.
h) Construction of artificial recharge structures, organizing seminars,
workshops and training programmes.
i) Creating infrastructure for precise recording of water level, analysis
of water samples under Hydrology Project.
C) Major regulatory functions of the Department:
The Department controls and regulates the commercial exploitation of
both major and minor Minerals in the State by enforcing the Central
enactments and the rules made thereunder as also the rules made by the State
Government. In other words, it administers major and minor minerals by
granting reconnaissance permits, prospecting licenses and mining/quarry
leases and monitors mining/quarrying activities through inspections for
effective control over such activities. Besides, the Department also does
assessment of ground water resources in the State, monitors ground water
level, conduct tests to assess ground water quality and also renders technical
advice in this regard.
D) Principal Laws and Rules enforced by the Department:
a) Central Enactments and Rules:i) Mines Act, 1952 and Mines Rules, 1955;
ii) Mines and Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act,
1957 and Mineral Concession Rules, 1960;
iii) Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988;
b) Rules made by the State Government: i) Karnataka Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1994;
ii) Granite Conservation and Development Rules, 1999;
iii) The Karnataka (Prevention of Illegal Mining, Storage and
Transportation of Minerals) Rules, 2011.


The Department of Mines and Geology comprises of a Directorate at the
apex level with headquarters at Bangalore. At the field level the Department
has 31 district level offices headed by Deputy Directors/Senior Geologists
looking after mineral administration. Besides, under the administrative
jurisdiction of each Zilla Panchayat, the Department has offices of Senior
Geologists engaged in Ground Water investigation. The offices of Senior
Geologist/Deputy Director in the districts of Bagalkot, Chamarajanagar,
Ramanagar, Bidar, Yadgir, Raichur, Koppal, Kodagu, Davangere, Gadag, Haveri
and Udupi look after both mineral administration and ground water
investigation. These apart, there are 2 Zonal Offices one at Bellary and the
other at Mysore headed by Joint Directors.
The Directorate consists of a Technical Unit and an Administration Unit.
The Technical Unit, in turn, consists of Mineral Administration Unit and Ground
Water Investigation Unit.
Under the Mineral Administration Unit are the following functional

Mineral Exploration Unit;

Publication Unit;
Mineral Conservation Unit;
Environmental Geology Unit;
Mineral Check Posts Unit;
Training & Workshop Unit;
Planning Unit;
Modernization Unit;
Museum; and

Similarly, under Ground Water Investigation Unit are the following

functional units: a)

Chemical Laboratory;
Borewell Unit;
Research & Development Unit;
Modernization Unit; and
Remote Sensing Technology Applications Study Unit.

Under Administration Unit are the following functional units: a)


Establishment Section;
Cash Section;
Bills Section;
DCB Section-1(Major Minerals);
DCB Section-2(Minor Minerals); and
Budget Section.
Internal Audit Section.

The cadre structure of the Department consisting of both Gazetted and

Non-gazetted cadres shall be as sanctioned by Government from time to time
matching with the requirements of the Department.
Besides the categories of work detailed in the Introduction to this
Manual, the Department shall undertake and execute such other items of work
as are specifically entrusted to it by Government from time to time.
The Department shall consist of the following cadres:(a)Group A Gazetted Cadres: - Besides the Director of Mines and
Geology, the other Group A Gazetted cadres are

Additional Directors;
Joint Directors;
Joint Director (Administration);
Deputy Directors;
Chief Drilling Engineer;
Chief Geophysicist;
Chief Chemist;
Deputy Chief Drilling Engineer;
Deputy Chief Geophysicist;
Senior Geologist;
Senior Geophysicist;
Senior Chemist; and
Accounts Officer.

(b)Group B Gazetted Cadres: (i) Drilling Engineer;

(ii) Hydrologist;
(iii) Geologist;
(iv) Geophysicist;
(v) Chemist;
(vi) Gazetted Manager;
(vii) Assistant Drilling Engineer; and
(viii) Assistant Engineer (Civil).
(ix) Accounts Superintendent;

(c)Group C Non- Gazetted Cadres: (i) Superintendents;

(ii) Junior Engineer;
(iii) Driller-cum-Mechanic;
(iv) Assistant Driller;
(v) Stenographer;
(vi) First Division Assistant;
(vii) Senior Typist;
(viii) Senior Driver;
(ix) Second Division Assistant;
(x) Typist;
(xi) Driver;
(d)Group D Cadres: (i) Helper-cum-Operator;
(ii) Attender; and
(iii) Dalayat.
The cadre strength under each cadre shall be determined having regard
to the need of the Department and sanctioned by Government from time to
The officers and staff of the Department belonging to different cadres
are under the overall control of the Director of Mines and Geology. In respect of
matters relating to mineral administration and ground water investigation, he is
assisted by an Additional Director for each of the above two Units and a Joint
Director in respect of matters relating to administration.
The entire office establishment including the staff under Group-D cadre
is under the direct control of the Joint Director (Administration). He is assisted
by the Gazetted Manager in the allocation and execution of work of different
branches in the office.
The Additional Directors of the respective Units namely Mineral
Administration Unit and the Ground Water Investigation Unit co-ordinate the
work of the technical officers in different Sections of their Units. All papers of
respective Units submitted to the Director will pass through them so as to
enable them to be conversant with the work carried out in the office.
The clerical staff of the different Sections of the office and those of
Group-D establishment will be responsible to the Gazetted Manager for their

work. The Gazetted Manager will in turn take instructions from the Joint
Director (Administration) in every matter concerning the work of the office.
The Joint Director (Administration) and the Gazetted Manager will be
responsible for the general efficiency in the work of the clerical staff. They must
see, among other matters, that the case workers are fully engaged in work; that
cases are punctually and properly submitted; that routine duties are carried out
regularly; that office rooms are kept neat and tidy and that the records and
papers are maintained and preserved in proper order.
Office Hours
The prescribed office hours are from 10-00 A.M. to 5-30 P.M., but any
member of the staff may be required to work overtime when the business of
the office demands it.
The attendance of every member of the office shall be recorded on the
bio-metric system while coming to the Office at 10.00 a.m. and again while
leaving the Office at 5.30 p.m. The Gazetted Manager shall be incharge of the
Attendance Monitoring System (AMS). The executive and technical staff of the
Department shall inform or furnish the tour programme in advance to the AMS
Officer as to their movement outside the office.
Special powers of the Additional Directors and/or Joint Director
The Director may, with specific sanction of Government, delegate such
other powers which are of a routine in nature, to the Joint Director
(Administration) and/or Additional Directors. This Officer/these officers shall
report to the Director all cases in which he passes/they pass orders in exercise
of powers so delegated.
Official information to be held Confidential
Information acquired by officers and officials in their capacity as
employees of the Department must be treated as confidential and should not
be divulged nor should official documents be copied for private or non-official
Except with the permission of the Director and in his absence, the
Additional Directors and/or Joint Director (Administration), no official paper
should be taken home.
Right to Information
The Right to Information Act, 2005 has enabled the citizen to ask for and
obtain information from all public authorities. Only those officers who have
been declared as Public Information Officers under the Act within such public
authorities shall receive requests and respond according to the above Act and
the rules made thereunder.

Admission to Strangers
No person other than the officer or the official of the Department
should be admitted into any Branch or Section of the office without the
permission of the Director and in his absence, the Additional Director and/or
Joint Director (Administration).
Unauthorized admission of strangers into the office will be seriously
taken note of and the Gazetted Manager of the office will be held personally
responsible to enforce this measure in the office.
The Director of Mines and Geology will interview visitors at specified
hours. The Additional Directors and/or Joint Director (Administration) will also
receive visitors and furnish them with information of a routine and nonconfidential nature.
No certificate shall be given to any member of the office except under
the signature of the Director.


Office work should be conducted in such a manner that sufficient record
of every transaction is preserved and at the same time the bulk of the
documents may be kept as small as possible and arranged in the best possible
manner to facilitate reference. All correspondence should be condensed as
much as possible and repetitions and unnecessary details avoided.
Receipt of Papers, their Acknowledgement and Distribution
A paper may be a communication received by hand, through normal
postal system, Courier, fax, e-mail etc. The General Receipt and Despatch
Section is mainly concerned with the initial receipt and distribution of papers.
All official covers addressed to the Department shall be collected and
opened by the General Receipt and Despatch Section. After assigning a number
to each paper so received and recording the date of receipt thereon, the papers
have to be sent to Joint Director (Administration). The Joint Director
(Administration) shall put his initials on each letter along with date and then
send it to the General Receipt and Despatch Section through the Gazetted
Manager for further action with such instructions as may be necessary in
respect of letters requiring immediate attention specifying the number of days
within which a letter should be submitted, with references if any, for orders.
The General Receipt and Despatch Section shall in turn sort out the papers
Unitwise and distribute them to respective Sections under due
Papers addressed to the Director
All papers received from Government, papers addressed to the Director
by name and those marked Secret and Confidential will be received in the
General Receipt and Despatch Section and sent unopened to the Personal
Establishment of the Director. Communications sent by Telegram/e-mail/
facsimile (fax) addressed to the Director by name shall be treated at par with
demi-official letters addressed to him and accordingly sent to his Personal
Classification of Papers
All papers received in the office shall be classified as follows:
1. Ordinary or routine
2. Urgent
3. Important
4. Immediate
5. Confidential

Papers requiring the urgent attention of the officers to whom they are
addressed should be marked Urgent.
Papers requiring personal attention of the Director and other senior
officers of the Department should be marked Important.
Papers requiring immediate attention should be marked Immediate
and placed at once in the hands of the person to whom they are addressed
whether by night or by day.
When any paper is marked Confidential, the Director or the Joint
Director (Administration) so marking it shall indicate by whom it should be dealt
with and the official so indicated shall be responsible for the maintenance of
The entries in the office registers about the papers which are marked
confidential should be very general so as to be sufficient to trace their receipt
and such entries have to be made from slips furnished by the Joint Director
Confidential papers must be kept in the personal custody of the Joint
Director (Administration) until such time orders are obtained from the Director
for their transfer to the Record Room.
When confidential papers are sent out of office, they should be put in
double covers, the inner one being sealed and marked Confidential and
superscribed only with the name of the addressee and outer one bearing the
usual official address.
Registers to be maintained by each Branch or Section
Each Branch or Section in the office shall maintain a Register for the
letters received in the Section, a File Register containing the details about the
number of files opened and closed during the year, File Movement Register to
indicate the movement of files from one level to the other in the vertical
hierarchy and formats of the Weekly Arrears and Monthly Arrears Statements.
Every Case Worker shall maintain a Diary in the prescribed format wherein he
has to record the details of the number of papers received by him each day, the
receipt number, subject matter of each paper in brief, file references if any, and
date of submission of each paper respectively.
Besides, a Reminder Register shall also be maintained in each Section.
This Register contains the details of cases in which reminders have to be issued
periodically until such time replies are received. A case should be brought into
this Register as soon as an official letter soliciting a reply is issued from the
office. This Register is intended to help the issue of timely reminders and to

expedite the disposal of the case. Except in urgent cases, reminders should issue
once a fortnight.
On the 5th and 20th of each month, the Reminder Register should be sent
up to the concerned higher functionary showing a list of cases in which it is
proposed to issue reminders. After approval by the said higher functionary, a
reminder in the prescribed from should be issued to the concerned.
Reminders issued and replies received in respect of each case should be
entered in the Reminder Register. When a communication has been fully
answered, the entry relating to it in the Reminder Register should be scored out.
Registers to be maintained by the General Receipt and Despatch Section
The following Registers shall be maintained by the General Receipt and
Despatch Section for the registration of all papers received into and issued from
the Department:(1) Receipt Register; (2) Despatch Register; (3) Unofficial Register; (4) Tappal
(Post) Book; and (5) Local Delivery Book.
Receipt Register
The Receipt Register is a Register containing entries about
communications of every description received in the office. It shows the number
and date of the communication, the number of the file in which it is placed,
intermediate disposal, if any, with number and date, the final disposal with
number and date and remarks.
Entries in the Receipt Register should be consecutively numbered and
such numbers noted on the papers to which the entries relate. In the absence of
specific orders from the competent authority, no communication received in the
office shall be excluded from being entered in the Receipt Register.
Despatch Register
The Despatch Register is similar in form to the Receipt Register and
contains details of all communications issued from the office. Entries in the
Despatch Register should be consecutively numbered. No communication will
be sent out of the office without an entry being made in the Issue Register.
Unofficial Register
Intra-departmental transactions or cases which are unofficially referred
by or to other Department or Government shall be entered in a Register called
the Unofficial Register which should show the dates of receipt and despatch/
return of files and the subject matter of such files.

A complete list of papers of a departmental file referred unofficially to

another department should be kept with the file and a duplicate list retained in
the office.
Recorded files of other departments received on an unofficial
requisition should, when done with, be returned in the same manner to the
departments concerned and a list of shall be maintained in the Unofficial
Special Register
Special Register connotes Registers of various kinds to be maintained in
different Branches or Sections of the office and the contents of such Registers
depend upon the nature of information to be recorded therein. Details of such
registers are given separately in the chapter/s dealing with the functions under
each Branch or Section of the Office.
List of General and Special Registers to be maintained in the
Department of Mines and Geology are given in Appendix A.
Initial examination of receipts by the Case Worker
The Case Worker shall acknowledge the papers marked and handed
over to him, sort them out after due scrutiny and arrange them on the basis of
priority ratings given by higher functionaries, check whether all the enclosures
to the covering letter are intact and if not so, bring it to the notice of the
Superintendent and suggest action to get the missing enclosures. If any part of
the communication relates to other Section/(s), an extract of such part shall be
sent to that Section/(s).
Further, the Case Worker shall collect other materials like the
connected file if already exists, relevant Acts and Rules, Orders, Circulars etc.,
other related files if any etc. which are found to be necessary for processing the
paper. If the paper received is a fresh one, then he shall open a new file and
process it in the said file. While opening a new file, it shall be properly docketed
and referenced.
Noting on the File
A note, which is a record of the comments and observations on the
salient features of a proposal contained in the paper under reference, should be
concise, brief and to the point. The language of the note should be factual and
civil and must be free from sarcasms of any kind. The Case Worker must
carefully go through the letter and its enclosures, if any, and record his notes
pointing out the relevant provisions of law and /or rules as also Orders and
circular instructions, cite facts and figures and highlight precedents relevant to
the case before submitting the file to the higher functionaries. A mechanical
reproduction of the contents of an incoming paper in the body of the note
should be scrupulously avoided.

The officer having jurisdiction over the Branch or Section shall always
have an overview and personal knowledge of all matters dealt within his
jurisdiction and shall instruct the case workers and the Section incharge to
examine and put up such references on priority which require immediate action
or which are to be disposed of urgently.
There should be only one set of notes for each case. The note sheet
should be of A-4 size with a margin on both sides of the paper. Separate file
should be opened for each case and be serially numbered. The serial number of
the file should be entered at the top of the case sheet. Each paragraph of the
note should be numbered. When a note or series of notes extends beyond a
page, the pages of the note file should be numbered and at the same time all
papers on the correspondence side of the file should also be numbered from
bottom upwards. Blank parts of the papers on the correspondence side are not
to be numbered.
Notes should be written, as far as practicable, in the order of the serial
numbers of the papers on the correspondence side of the file. Any interruption
in the general serial order of notes occasioned by the submission of a new letter
on the subject independently in a separate part file should be merged with the
main file at the earliest opportunity and the general serial order restored.
Merger of Cases
Merging of cases should, as far as possible, be avoided. However, on
certain occasions when such merging becomes necessary, the cases so merged
should be consolidated into one file by an intelligent selection and arrangement
of papers.

Time for Submission of Cases

Ordinarily the maximum time allowed for submission of a paper on file
to the next higher functionary is five clear days. If for any reason, a longer
period than five days is required to get any case or classes of cases ready for
submission, prior permission of the Joint Director (Administration) must be
obtained. But simple letters which do not require much referencing and also
unofficial references from other branches/sections on which notes are already
recorded in the concerned files should be submitted on the same or next day of
receipt of such references in the office. Letters including telegrams and cases
which are marked Urgent, Top Priority, Today and Immediate and require
orders of the Director must invariably be submitted on the same day they are
received. Cases marked Early should, as far as possible, be submitted on the
date of their receipt in the office but certainly not later than one day from the
date of receiving them.

In respect of very urgent and important cases, the Joint Director

(Administration) or the Additional Directors concerned or the Deputy Director
(Mineral Administration) shall be responsible to ensure that such cases are
processed and submitted without delay at any level. In such cases, the ordinary
rules for submission of papers may be curtailed or even dispensed with if found
Notes and drafts submitted to the Director must be initialed by the
Joint Director (Administration) or Additional Director concerned or the Deputy
Director (Mineral Administration) as the case may be. He will also be
responsible to ensure that cases are properly and fully referenced and where
he does not draft or note himself, that the notes or drafts put up are correctly
and properly prepared.
Acts, Rules, Regulations etc. to Accompany the File
Whenever a file is submitted, the relevant Acts, Rules, Regulations,
Standing Orders, Circulars and Citations referenced in the note relating to the
case under submission should also be put up along with the file.
Draft Letters
A draft letter may be prepared at any stage of a case if it appears that
the consideration and the disposal of the case would be facilitated by
submitting it with a draft.
All drafts put up in a file should bear the number of the file. When two
or more letters, orders etc. are to issue from the same file on the same date,
serial numbers should also be given in addition to avoid confusion in reference.
A draft letter should show clearly the enclosures if any that are to accompany
the fair copy. A diagonal stroke should be made in the margin of the draft
where the enclosure has been referred.
Language and Construction of Drafts
A draft should precisely convey the exact intention of the orders
passed. The language used in the draft should be clear, concise, and incapable
of misconstruction or misinterpretation. Lengthy sentences, abruptness,
redundancy, circumlocution, magniloquent phrases, superlatives and
repetitions whether of words, expressions or ideas must be carefully avoided.
Communications of more than average length and complexity should general
conclude with summary. Whenever the notes and orders admit of it, they
should be incorporated verbatim in the draft. When this is not the case, the
person preparing the draft must use his discretion in condensing or expanding
the notes. No abbreviations other than those that are in common use should
be used.

It is ordinarily unnecessary to recapitulate fully the contents of a letter

under reply at the commencement of the draft. The number and date of the
letter should be quoted along with the subject in brief. Where arguments have
to be replied seriatim, a gist of the particular point raised may be written in the
draft followed by the reply therefor in the same paragraph. Where there are
several such points, it would often be better to simply refer to the paragraph of
the letter under reply which contains the points and reply furnished therefor.
The higher level functionary shall scrutinize drafts of all letters, by
whosoever drafted, with the same care and the same sense of responsibility for
their contents as if they were drafted by him. He must point out any errors or
omissions, either in substance, language, grammar or punctuation that he
notices before issue of the letter.
Typing of Letters
Fair copies of the approved draft letters, orders, etc. shall be typed
using the Desk Top Computers for which the office shall have the requisite
number of Computers and Typists. For typing fair copies, standard
formats/printed forms should be used as far as possible. If plain paper is used
for typing fair copies, the name of the issuing Department/Office should be
typed at the appropriate place.
Fair copies should generally be typed with single spacing. The Typist
who types the fair copies must type his/her initials with date at the left hand
bottom corner.
No abbreviations should be mentioned in the fair copies except where
there are specific instructions given to use them.
In case the matter is ordinary and routine in nature, fair copies of draft
letters have to be typed and sent for signature of the Director or any other
designated officer not later than the third day after the receipt of the approved
draft. Drafts of short letters and endorsements should ordinarily be fair typed
on the same day they are sent for typing. Drafts of urgent letters also have to be
fair typed on the day they are received by the Typist and then despatched on
the same day or early the next day after obtaining the signature of the
competent authority. Such letters may also be sent by facsimile (fax). Priority
communications, i.e. those letters marked Very Urgent or Immediate,
received for despatch during working hours shall be sent to the addressees at
The quality and description of the paper used for typing fair copies
should match with the importance of the communication and the grade of the
officer or position of the person to whom it is addressed.
The Typist should type his/her initials with the date at the left hand
bottom corner of the fair copy (Eg: KSS/101012)

Every fair copy sent up for signature of the Director or any other
designated officer must be carefully scrutinized by the Case Worker and the
Heads of Sections and after such scrutiny put their initials at the foot of the fair
copy. The enclosures should also bear such initials for having scrutinized the
contents thereof.
Where Circulars numbering over fifty are to be issued, Copier Machines
shall be used to get as many copies as are required.
Despatch of Letters
Papers must be despatched on the day they are signed or on the
following working day and entries to that effect be made in the Despatch
Register. Abnormal delay in the issue of letters must always be reported to the
Director. It shall be the duty of the Joint Director (Administration) to check the
Despatch Register once in a month to check any inordinate delay in the
despatch of letters and initiate disciplinary action against the person responsible
for such delay.
The Despatcher is responsible for the despatch of all letters, covers,
parcels etc. whether through Post or by Muddam. It is his responsibility to write
complete address on the envelope legibly and the reference number on the left
side top. He has to put his initials at the left side bottom of the envelope. In
respect of communications delivered by Muddam, the despatcher shall ensure
that they have been duly delivered to the addressee and acknowledgement
thereof obtained in the Delivery Book.
After issue of the fair letter, the despatcher in the General Receipt and
Despatch Section will write or stamp Issued on the approved draft or Office
Copy as the case may be, along with the date of issue and return it to the
Important documents such as Reconnaissance Permits, Prospecting
Licenses, Mining Lease Deeds, refund bills, publications and important notices
should be invariably sent by registered post with acknowledgment due. Post
office receipts covering the registration of letters and parcels should be pasted in
the Post Book. Stamps affixed for posting letters by ordinary post should be
entered then and there in the Stamp Account Book as well as in the Post Book.
Service Postal Stamps
The Superintendent incharge of the General Receipt and Despatch
Section will make an estimate of the postage requirements for a fortnight/month
and get the franking machine loaded for appropriate value in the General Post
Office or any other Post Office, as the case may be. An account of all service
postage stamps obtained from time to time and utilised in the despatch of letters
shall be maintained by the Despatcher. The Gazetted Manager will check the
Stamp Account Book and the stock of Stamps on the last day of every week and
also at the time of placing indents for the purchase of Stamps.

Checks on Delay
1. Weekly Arrears Statement
The Weekly Arrears Statement is intended to give a statistical picture of
the total number of papers and cases received and dealt with by each dealing
hand during a week together with a detailed analysis of the number of papers
and cases left over with him/her and the Section as a whole.
The Weekly Arrears Statement gives an idea of the distribution of work
among the case workers and the load on each individual. This Statement also
enables the higher functionary concerned to keep a watch over the progress of
work of individual case workers and to take suitable steps to expedite action on
delayed cases and prevent the Section from running into large arrears.
2. Monthly Arrears Statement
The Monthly Arrears Statement gives the details of cases which are
pending disposal for over a month as indicated in the File Registers of Sections.
The purpose of this Statement is to apprise the higher functionaries that cases
have been pending in the Sections under their jurisdiction for over a month,
where and why such cases are pending and facilitate taking suitable steps to
expedite action on delayed cases and prevent accumulation of pending cases.
3. Pending Papers with Dealing Hands
Every dealing hand shall prepare, once a month, lists of references
pending with him/her for less than a week; for more than a week and less than a
month; for more than a month and less than two months; and for more than two
months respectively. Reasons for the delay and the fact whether extension of
time has been obtained from the higher functionary concerned should be stated
whenever necessary.
4. Arrears List
The Joint Director (Administration), with the help of the Gazetted
Manager, shall prepare a consolidated statement of cases in arrears in the entire
office at the beginning of every month and submit the same for orders of the
Director not later than the 5th of the month.
5. Inspections
The intention of conducting inspections is to verify whether the
procedure prescribed in the Manual is being observed in practice and to give
suitable guidance to the Branch or Section inspected to raise its level of
performance and to increase its efficiency. Inspection of Branches or Sections
must be conducted by the higher functionary to whom the Branch or Section is
attached once in six months. The Section/Sections dealing with Establishment

matters must be inspected by the Gazetted Manager once in three months, and
by the Joint Director (Administration), once in a year. Depending on the
situation, surprise inspections may be conducted by any higher functionary to
know the performance level of any Branch or Section and to verify the pendency
of work.
The Director may hold periodical meetings of officers to review the
performance of each Branch or Section and issue instructions to improve the
efficient and transparent functioning of the Department.
Periodical Returns and Reports
A list of periodical Reports and Returns due from the Department shall
be prepared and duly revised from time to time by drawing up a Time Table in
that regard. The Joint Director (Administration), with the assistance of Gazetted
Manager, shall ensure that all the Reports and Returns as listed in Appendix B
are forwarded punctually from the Department to the concerned authorities.
Similarly a list of periodical Reports and Returns due to the Department
shall also be prepared and duly revised from time to time by drawing up a Time
Table in that regard. The Joint Director (Administration), with the assistance of
Gazetted Manager, shall ensure that all Reports and Returns as listed in Appendix
C are obtained from the concerned agencies for reference.
Standing Orders
A complete compilation of Standing Orders of Government relating to
the work of the Department and on matters of general Government Business
applicable to all Departments alike shall be maintained and kept up-to-date with
a table of contents and an index for facility of reference.
Similarly, a complete compilation of circulars instructions issued by the
Karnataka Public Service Commission shall also be maintained to facilitate
compliance of such instructions in matters of recruitment of staff to the
Register of Papers sent to Government Press
A Press Register shall be maintained showing the details of papers sent to
Government Press for printing, the dates on which the proofs were received for
scrutiny and correction if any, the dates on which such proofs were returned
to Government Press and finally the dates on which the printed copies were
received. Periodical reminders shall be sent to the Director, Government Press
when proofs or printed copies are not received within a reasonable time. While
returning proofs to the Government Press after due correction, it should be
clearly indicated as to the number of copies to be printed for use by the
Department along with any other instructions if any.

Distribution of Departmental Publications

A Standing List for distribution of the Publications of the Department
shall be maintained in every Branch of the Office and the said list should be duly
updated from time to time with reference to the orders in pursuance of which it
is prepared.
The concerned higher functionary will be responsible to see that the
Publications of the Department are regularly and promptly distributed in
accordance with the Standing List.


Director: The Director is the Head of the Department. The administrative

control of the Department of Mines and Geology rests with the Director. He has
the overall responsibility for efficient functioning of the Department.
The important powers and functions of the Director of Mines and Geology are
as follows:i) To regulate and control the mining and quarrying activities in
the State.
ii) To ensure scientific exploration and exploitation of mineral
resources and generate revenue therefrom.
iii) To be vigilant against illegal mining/quarrying and prevent loss
of revenue to the State Exchequer.
iv) To oversee the activities of the Department relating to mineral
exploration and development, geological investigations, mineral
administration, assessment of ground water resources, ground
water quality etc.
v) Render technical advice through his technical officers for ground
water development.
vi) To co-ordinate with Revenue and Forest Departments for
smooth and faster execution of mining and quarrying leases.
vii) Being a Member Convener of the Monitoring Committee, he is
responsible to conduct e-auction of iron ore and for survey and
demarcation of boundaries of the leased areas as per the orders of
the Honble Supreme Court.
viii) He is empowered to sanction mining leases in respect of some
of the non-specified major minerals in the State.
ix) He is the Member Secretary of the Committee constituted under
rule 11 of KMMC Rules, 1994 to recommend grant of quarry leases
in the State for Ornamental Stone (Granite).
x) As Appellate Authority (Controlling Authority) in respect of nonspecified minor minerals, he exercises quasi judicial powers.
xi) He is the Appointing Authority as well as the Disciplinary
Authority in respect of the personnel of the Department up to
Group B Cadre.

At the Directorate level, the Director is assisted by Additional Director

(Minerals) as regards administration of major minerals; Additional Director
(Groundwater) in matters relating to groundwater investigation, research and
development; Joint Director (Administration) in all administrative matters;
Deputy Director (Mineral Administration) relating to administration of minor
minerals; Deputy Director (Legal) in all legal matters; Deputy Director (Plan
Monitoring) in respect of mineral investigation and planning; Accounts Officer
on all accounts matters; Chief Drilling Engineer relating to drilling activities;
Chief Chemist in respect of analysis of rocks, minerals and groundwater and
Chief Geophysicist in respect of geophysical investigations. Besides, in his
Personal Establishment, he is assisted by 1 Superintendent, 1 Stenographer, 1
Second Division Assistant, 1 Driver and 2 Attenders respectively.

Additional Director (Minerals): The Powers, duties and responsibilities of

the Additional Director (Minerals) are as enumerated below: a) Additional Director (Minerals) assists the Director of Mines and Geology in all
matters relating to administration of major minerals.
b) He renders technical advice to the Director in matters relating to scientific
exploration, conservation and exploitation of mineral resources in the State and
in this regard he is assisted by Deputy Director (Plan Monitoring).
c) All the Applications seeking grant of reconnaissance permit or prospecting
license or mining lease in respect of major minerals are processed under his
direction and supervision.
d) In regard to issues relating to mineral administration, in the absence of the
Director, he will attend meetings on his behalf in the Secretariat and other
e) He holds charge of Geological Laboratory & Museum as well as Library.
f) He attends to Parliament Questions and LA/LC matters relating to major
g) He is responsible for preparation of D.C.B. Statements regularly and collection
of arrears due from the lessees.
h) He shall furnish replies to the draft audit paragraphs relating to major
i) Any other work entrusted by the Director of Mines and Geology from time to
In the discharge of his duties, the Additional Director (Minerals) is
assisted by Deputy Director (Plan Monitoring), a Geologist, a Superintendent, a
Librarian, a First Division Assistant and 6 Second Division Assistants, a Typist and
a Dalayat respectively in the Mining Lease Section and a Superintendent & a
First Division Assistant in the D.C.B Section. Besides, in his Personal
Establishment, he is assisted by 1 Stenographer, 1 Second Division Assistant, 1
Driver and 1 Dalayat respectively.

Additional Director (Groundwater): The Powers, duties and responsibilities

of the Additional Director (Groundwater) are as enumerated below: a) The Additional Director (Ground Water) assists the Director in assessment
of ground water resources and ground water quality.
b) He renders technical advice to the Director of Mines and Geology in matters
pertaining to ground water development.
c) He is responsible for both groundwater investigation and monitoring of
ground water quality as well as quantity in the State.
d) In regard to issues relating to ground water development, in the absence of
the Director, he will attend meetings on his behalf in the Secretariat and
other offices/organisations.
e) He assists the Director in taking decisions in all matters relating to
groundwater development activities.
f) Research and Development activities connected with ground water
investigation are taken up and implemented under his supervision and
g) In regard to issues relating to ground water investigation and development,
in the absence of the Director, he will attend meetings on his behalf in the
Secretariat and other offices/organisations.
h) He attends to Parliament Questions and LA/LC matters relating to ground
water investigation and development.
i) He shall furnish replies to the draft audit paragraphs on issues pertaining to
ground water investigation and development.
j) Any other work entrusted by the Director of Mines and Geology from time
to time.
In the discharge of his duties, the Additional Director (Groundwater) is
assisted by 1 Deputy Director (GWS), 2 Deputy Directors (R&D) and 1Deputy
Director (Hydrology) who are in turn assisted by Senior Geologists and
Geologists. Besides, in his Personal Establishment, he is assisted by 1
Stenographer, 1 Second Division Assistant, 1 Driver and 1 Dalayat respectively.

Joint Director (Administration): He is responsible for all administrative

matters dealt with in the Department and assists the Director in taking decisions
in such matters. He is assisted by a Gazetted Manager on issues relating to
administration and another Gazetted Manager incharge of Stores for
procurement of articles and equipments. The following are the functions of the
Joint Director (Administration): (i) Custody of Service Registers.
(ii) Disciplinary control over the entire office establishment.
(iii) Custody of important confidential papers and circulars received from
(iv) Scrutiny of Registers which have to be maintained in the different
branches of the Directorate.
(v) Compilation of Monthly Arrears Statements with the help of the

(vi) Custody of D.O. files received from Government. After the replies
are sent to Government, the concerned papers may be handed over
to the respective branches.
(vii) In the absence of the Director, to attend meetings on administrative
matters in the Secretariat and other offices on his behalf.
(viii) Sanction of casual leave to Group A and Group B officers.
(ix) Compilation of Administration Report.
(x) Incharge of comprehensive computerized mineral administration
(xi) Overall control of the working of the Department in the various
Branches subject to approval by the Director for the measures taken.
(xii) Any other work entrusted by the Director of Mines and Geology
From time to time.
In his Personal Establishment, the Joint Director (Administration) is
assisted by a Stenographer, a Second Division Assistant, a Driver and a Dalayat.

Joint Directors (North Zone) and (South Zone): There are two posts of Joint
Directors at the zonal level -1 at the North Zone with headquarters at Bellary
and the other at the South Zone with headquarters at Mysore. The districts in
the jurisdiction of the north zonal office are Bellary, Chitradurga, Koppal,
Raichur, Gulbarga, Dharwad, Haveri, Gadag, Davangere, Uttara Kannada,
Belgaum, Bijapur, Bagalkote and Bidar respectively. Similarly, those in the
jurisdiction of south zonal office are Mysore, Mandya, Bangalore, Kolar, Hassan,
Shimoga, Tumkur, Chamarajanagar, Dakshina Kannada, Udupi and Kodagu
respectively. These officers have supervisory jurisdiction over the district offices
relating to mineral administration and groundwater investigation in their
respective zones. They also function as revision authorities in respect of leases
for some non-specified minor minerals as envisaged in Rule 53 (1) of KMMC
Rules 1994.

Chief Drilling Engineer: He has got overall jurisdiction over the drilling
activities of the Department. He oversees the activities of the Drilling Unit and
assists the Additional Director (Groundwater) in drilling of borewells and other
related drilling programmes and yield testing activities of the Department. He is
assisted by 2 Deputy Chief Drilling Engineers, 9 Drilling Engineers, 13 Assistant
Drilling Engineers, 17 Driller cum- Mechanics, 36 Assistant Drillers and 56
Helpers respectively.

Chief Chemist: Chief Chemist heads the Chemical Laboratory in the

Directorate. He has six laboratories under his jurisdiction in the State and he
oversees their activities. He is assisted by 2 Senior Chemists and 10 Chemists.
His responsibilities include
a) Analysis of ores, minerals and rocks;
b) water analysis; distribution of samples;

c) validation;
d) visit to divisional laboratories to study the progress of the work done in
those laboratories and to guide the Chemists there in case of need;
e) maintaining stock book;
f) guiding university students who come for practical training;
g) attend workshops; and
h) imparting training to Chemists on pollution related parameters.

Chief Geophysicist:

Chief Geophysicist is responsible for Geophysical

Investigations. He will assist the Director in such matters relating to minerals
and the Additional Director (Groundwater) in the said investigation and in
implementing the geophysical programmes in the State. He is assisted by 1
Deputy Chief Geophysicist, 11 Senior Geophysicists and 12 Geophysicists.

Deputy Director (Legal): He is incharge of Legal Cell at the Directorate and

renders advice to the Director in legal matters and handles litigations of the
Department. He is assisted by a Superintendent, 2 First Division Assistants, a
Typist and a Dalayat.

Deputy Director (Mineral Administration): The Powers, duties and

responsibilities of the Deputy Director (Mineral Administration) are as
enumerated below: a) He assists the Director of Mines and Geology in all matters relating to
both specified and non-specified minor minerals.
b) All the Applications seeking grant of quarry lease in respect of
specified minor mineral viz. Ornamental Stone are processed under his
direction and supervision.
c) He assists the Director in preparing the details about the number of
applications received seeking grant/renewal of quarry leases for
Ornamental Stone along with other necessary details for placing them
before the Committee constituted under rule 11 of KMMC Rules, 1994.
d) He prepares documents for execution of quarry leases for
Ornamental Stone after notifications are issued by the Government
granting quarry leases.
e) He is empowered to approve the quarry plans in respect of specified
minor minerals.
f) In regard to issues relating to specified minor minerals, in the absence
of the Director, he will attend meetings on his behalf in the Secretariat
and other offices/organisations.

g) He attends the hearings relating to revision applications filed

before Government by the quarry lease holders.
h) He is responsible for preparation of D.C.B. Statements regularly and
collection of arrears due from the lessees in respect of quarry leases.
i) He prepares agenda for monthly meetings of field officers at the
j) He shall furnish replies to the draft audit paragraphs on issues
pertaining to both specified and non-specified minor minerals.

k) He attends to Parliament Questions and LA/LC matters relating to

minor minerals.
l) Any other work entrusted by the Director of Mines and Geology from
time to time.
He is assisted by a Superintendent and a Second Division Assistant in the
D.C.B Section and a Superintendent, 4 Second Division Assistants, a Typist and a
Dalayat in the Quarry Lease Section.

Deputy Director (Plan Monitoring): The duties and responsibilities of the

Deputy Director (Plan Monitoring) are as enumerated below: a) The Deputy Director (Plan Monitoring) assists the Director in seeking budgetary
allocation for investigation, exploration, conservation and development of
mineral resources in the State.
b) He is responsible for publication of the details of the mineral investigation
activities taken up by the Department.
c) He is responsible for proper maintenance and upkeep of the Geological
Museum in the Directorate.
d) He shall procure newly found rocks and minerals for display in the Museum.
e) He shall arrange for display of the minerals and geological maps in various
geological exhibitions, seminars, conferences etc.
f) In the absence of the Director, he will participate on his behalf, in the meetings
held at the Secretariat for discussing allocations to the Department under Plan.
g) He assists the Director in periodically convening the meetings of the State
Geological Programming Board.
h) He provides the required material to the Director when he participates in the
meetings of the Central Geological Programming Board.
i) In pursuance of the decisions taken in these meetings, he chalks out the field
programmes for mineral exploration and carries out the exploration work with
the help of junior officers and the field staff.
j) He is responsible for identification of diamond drilling bore holes as and when
specific areas are chosen for such exploration.
k) He attends to Parliament Questions and LA/LC matters relating to Mineral
exploration and conservation.
l) He shall furnish replies to the draft audit paragraphs on issues pertaining to
exploration and conservation of minerals.
He is assisted by 6 Senior Geologists, 6 Geologists, an Assistant
Engineer, a Superintendent, a Second Division Assistant, a Typist and a Dalayat.

Deputy Director (GWS), Deputy Director (R&D) and Deputy Director

(Hydrology): There are 4 Deputy Directors at the Directorate who are assisting
the Additional Director (Groundwater) in implementing R & D programmes and
other groundwater investigations of the Department. They are responsible for
validation of groundwater related data, processing of groundwater data,
assessment of groundwater quality and quantity, finalization and publication of
groundwater related reports. These Deputy Directors in turn are assisted by 3
Senior Geologists, 3 Geologists, 2 Assistant Engineers, a Superintendent, a First

Division Assistant, a Second Division Assistant, a Typist and a Dalayat

respectively. Besides, the responsibilities of these Deputy Directors shall include
the following: a) Collection and compilation of technical data from the district
offices relating to groundwater resources and utilization.
b) Coordinating with officers of Central Ground Water Board for
assessment of groundwater resources, its utilization and
c) Compilation, scrutiny and publication of technical reports.
d) Compilation of technical papers/data for meetings, preparation
of notes on files.
e) To attend important meetings in Minor irrigation department;
MPR/MMR meetings at Government level; World Bank/
NABARD meetings; meetings in Water Resources Development
Organisation under Irrigation Department; and departmental
meetings respectively.
f) Scrutiny of proposals relating to annual programmes, technical
reports submitted by district officers and publication of those
g) Inspections of works related to World Bank assisted Hydrology
Project executed by district officers and giving them guidance as
and when required.
h) Attending to Parliament questions, LA/LC matters, RTI matters,
information sought by other departments of government and
the general public.
i) Coordinating
j) Participation in workshops and training programmes.

Deputy Director/Senior Geologist (Mineral Administration) at the

District Level: - He is responsible for mineral administration in his jurisdiction.
He functions as Drawing and Disbursing Officer for payment of salary to the
officers and staff in his Office.
His main duties and responsibilities include



collection of royalty/dead rent, signing of railway rake

permits, sanction of quarry leases for non-specified minor
minerals, checking of illegal quarrying / mining and illegal
transport of minerals etc.;
preparation and issue of audit reports for both major and
minor minerals;
cancellation of idle quarry leases in respect of non-specified
minor minerals and sending recommendation for notifying
such areas as also areas where the periods of quarry leases
have expired under rule 8A of KMMC Rules, 1994;
Based on Bulk Permits/Rake Permits, checking and verifying
permits/trip sheets;


assisting the district administration in granting licenses to

Stone Crushers;
identifying the sand blocks for quarrying; and
to recommend issue of RRC to the Deputy Commissioner for
recovery of arrears of royalty on minor minerals.

He is assisted by one or two Geologists and an Assistant Engineer or

Junior Engineer in addition to the ministerial staff.

Senior Geologist(Groundwater Development) at the District Level: The Offices of the Senior Geologists of the Department of Mines and
Geology concerned with Groundwater Development are in the administrative
jurisdiction of the Zilla Panchayats. These offices are headed each by a Senior
Geologist who in turn is assisted by two or three Geologists and a Junior
Engineer in addition to ministerial staff. The programmes of these offices are
approved by the Directorate of Mines and Geology and technical guidance is
also given by this Department. Each of these offices is responsible for
groundwater level monitoring, groundwater sample collection, groundwater
investigation in their respective jurisdiction, assessment of groundwater
resources, analysis of data and preparation of reports. They render technical
assistance for selection of sites for digging wells / bore wells and construction of
artificial recharge structures (ARS) in their jurisdiction.

Accounts Officer: Accounts Officer is responsible for all matters relating to

financial administration in the Department. He functions as financial advisor to
the Director.
Powers, duties and responsibilities entrusted to him are as follows: a) To discharge all the duties and responsibilities as Drawing and Disbursing Officer
of the Department.
b) To advise on financial matters and service matters having financial implications
referred to him by other Branches/ Sections of the Department on file.
c) To prepare Budget Estimates for the Department each year both under
Revenue as well as under Expenditure Heads and also Appendix-B thereof after
obtaining and consolidating the necessary details from various branches of the
Directorate as well as from the zonal & district offices and forward the same to
Government after due approval by the Director.
d) Draw the money from the Treasury under the relevant Head of Account as
provided for in the Budget for disbursement to the concerned Unit as per its
requirement after due approval by the Director under the delegated financial
powers or as sanctioned by Government through issue of a Government Order
and obtain Utilisation Certificate/s therefor.
e) To conduct Internal Audit of all the Units in the Directorate and the
departmental offices at the zonal as well as the district levels and submit reports
in that regard to the Director.
f) To assist the Director during Plan discussions at Government level for allocation
of funds as well as to fix targets both under Revenue and Expenditure Heads.

g) In the absence of the Director, to attend meetings in the Secretariat and other
offices/organisations on his behalf in respect of financial matters.
h) To check cash and vouchers every day.
i) To consolidate the replies received from various Branches/Sections in respect of
audit paragraphs and forward the same to Government/ the Principal
Accountant General after due approval by the Director of Mines and Geology.
j) To discharge any other work entrusted to him by the Director of Mines and
Geology from time to time.
The Accounts Officer has the Cash Section, Bills and Budget Section and
the Internal Audit Section respectively under his control. In the discharge of his
duties, he is assisted by 4 Accounts Superintendents, 10 First Division
Assistants/First Division Accounts Assistants, 4 Second Division
Assistants/Second Division Accounts Assistants, 3 Typists and 3 Dalayats

Geologist:- Geologist is the entry level technical officer of the Department.

His duties and responsibilities relating to mineral administration and
groundwater development are listed hereunder:
i) Mineral Wing:1. To inspect the mineral bearing areas and to give a technical report in that regard
in respect of applications made seeking grant of Mining/Quarry leases.
2. He is responsible to inspect the major/minor mineral stock in any lease, issue
permits for despatch of minerals and collection of royalty thereof.
3. He shall accompany the Surveyor/Engineer for the survey and demarcation of
the leased area.
4. He is empowered to randomly inspect mining leases to act against illegal mining
and/or illegal transportation of minerals, to penalize the offenders and file cases
against them as per law.
5. He is required to perform duties when called upon to do so by his official
supervisors in times of emergency.
6. Any other work entrusted to him by the Deputy Director/Senior Geologist.
ii) Ground Water and R&D:1. To monitor the peizometric levels in the observation wells of the department
and to collect the base and trend samples.
2. To tender technical advice site selection for digging bore wells either for general
public or for Government.
3. To give technical advice for site selection in connection with construction of
Artificial Recharge Structures.
4. To conduct comprehensive survey of the selected micro water shed annually for
ground water evaluation.
5. To accompany the official superiors in creating awareness among the masses on
ground water by organizing programs and workshops.
6. Once in every five years, he conducts village wise surveys in his jurisdiction to
collect the comprehensive data for groundwater evaluation as per GEC-97

iii) Plan Scheme:1. Take up survey, exploration and investigation of mineral deposits in various
parts of the State as decided in the State Geological Programming Board.

Gazetted Manager (Administration): Gazetted Manager (Administration)

assists the Joint Director (Administration) in the general administration of the
department. His powers, duties and responsibilities include




To check urgent tappals and papers, stamp account and other routine work in
the General Receipt and Despatch Section everyday.
Consolidation of reports relating to pendency of papers received from zonal
level and district level offices for review and to prepare Monthly Pendency
Reports both in respect of zonal level as well as district level offices and also
that of the Directorate for onward transmission to Government.
Compilation of data relating to use of Kannada language in administration in the
Department and consolidation of reports received from zonal level and district
level offices for sending monthly reports to Government.
To oversee the work of photo copying unit and keep account of stationery items
used therein.
To sign all office orders, memos and letters approved by the Director or the
Joint Director (Administration) as the case may be relating to establishment
matters for Director or the Joint Director (Administration).
To attest all entries in the Service Registers.
To sign fair copies of routine communications to subordinate offices relating to
establishment matters.
To function as Public Relations Officer of the Directorate.
To receive public grievance representations, forward them to the officers
concerned and to take follow-up action on such representations.
To attend to any other work entrusted to him from time to time by the Director
or the Joint Director (Administration).
To sanction casual leave to the Group C and Group D staff in the Directorate.
The Gazetted Manager (Administration) has Personnel A and Personnel B
Sections under his administrative control. In the discharge of his duties, he is
assisted by 2 Superintendents, 5 First Division Assistants, 4 Second Division
Assistants, 2 Typists and 2 Dalayats respectively.

Gazetted Manager (Stores): He assists the Joint Director (Administration) in

connection with procurement, safe custody and distribution of all articles and
equipments and to keep proper accounts thereof. His duties and responsibilities
a) Procurement of electrical and electronic equipments/ peripherals, furniture,
chemicals, glassware, survey equipments, special security permit papers, spare
parts of diamond drilling machinery after ascertaining their quality etc. as per
the provisions of Manual of Contingent Expenditure (MCE), Karnataka
Transparency in Public Procurement Act (KTPP Act) and other related orders and
guidelines, taking them to stock, distributing them to various units under dated

b) Placing orders to the Government Press twice a year for supply of various
stationery items for use by the department such as Note Sheets & White Sheets,
various Forms, Registers, Log Books, Form No. 31 of KFC, Attendance Registers,
Measurement Books and other articles, their procurement, taking them to
stock, their distribution and keeping record of these transactions.
In the discharge of his duties, he is assisted by a Superintendent, a Second
Division Assistant, a Typist and a Dalayat respectively.

Accounts Superintendent (Internal Audit)/Superintendents,

Management, Bills and Budget Sections:


The duties and responsibilities of the Accounts Superintendent (Internal

Audit) /Superintendents, Cash Management, Bills and Budget Sections are listed
below: a) They are responsible for getting the assigned work done in time by
the dealing hands working under them.
b) The Superintendent, Cash Section shall oversee preparation of A.C.
Bills, Pay Bills, Travelling Allowance Bills, Medical Bills etc. pertaining to
the Directorate by the dealing hands, scrutinize those bills with
reference to the provisions of KCSRs, KFC, etc. and authenticate as to
their correctness before submission to the Accounts Officer.
c) The Superintendents of Cash Section and Bills Section and the
Internal Audit Section shall ensure that statutory deductions are made
periodically as per the guidelines issued in that regard and Returns are
filed within the stipulated time limit.
d) These Superintendents shall attend to important communications
from the State Government and from the Office of the Principal
Accountant General which require immediate attention and submit the
connected files to the Accounts Officer on the same day or early the
next day.
e) The Accounts Superintendent (Internal Audit) shall regularly coordinate with other Branches/Sections of the Directorate for obtaining
replies to the draft audit paragraphs and help the Accounts Officer in
consolidating the replies so obtained for onward transmission to
Government/Principal Accountant General after due approval by the
f) The Superintendent, Budget Section is responsible for preparation of
Budget Estimates for the Department both under Revenue Head and
the Expenditure Head. Besides, he shall also prepare Appendix-B in
respect of the officers and staff of the department for the purpose of
allocation of funds towards the salary component.
g) The Superintendents of all the Sections in the Accounts Branch shall
provide the relevant rules, regulations, circulars, orders, guidelines etc.
required by the Accounts Officer for recording his opinion in the files
referred to him by other Branches/Sections on service matters having
financial implications and those relating to release of funds from out of
the provisions made in the Budget.

h) The Accounts Superintendent (Internal Audit) shall conduct internal

audit of various Branches/Sections of the Directorate as well as the
offices at the zonal and district levels periodically and submit a report
thereof to the Accounts Officer. The Accounts Officer shall in turn
conduct review of the internal audit so done by the Internal Audit team.
i) These apart, the Superintendents of all the Sections in the Accounts
Branch shall discharge other duties and responsibilities entrusted to
them by the controlling authority from time to time.

Superintendent: Superintendent is in-charge of a Section. He is primarily

responsible for the general efficiency of the Section in his charge and is directly
responsible to the officer/s under whom he works for the efficient and
expeditious disposal of files/papers. He has overall responsibility for all files and
papers relating to subjects allotted to the Section and maintained by the First
Division Assistants/Second Division Assistants working under him. He must
keep a check on prompt action on all papers; communications and files received
and ensure that urgent and immediate cases are dealt with in accordance with
the assigned priorities. He will ensure that the notes and drafts originating from
his Section are accurate. He will guide them and own the ultimate responsibility.
He will ensure that files submitted by the dealing hands are strictly in
accordance with the provisions of the Manual and exercise a close scrutiny in
the matter of submission of files to higher officers. He shall check the inbox and
take prompt action on the incoming mail.
Apart from being responsible for the general supervision of work of the
staff in his Section, a Superintendent should also personally handle important
and intricate cases where he should, if required, summarize facts of the case
and record the appropriate noting, etc., himself. His duties and responsibilities
are enumerated below: 1) To maintain neat and clean work environment in the Section for
proper and efficient disposal of work;
2) to maintain order and discipline in the Section;
3) to control the movement of officials in the Section;
4) to prevent admission of unauthorized persons to the Section and
divulgence of official information to outsiders;
5) to ensure that all files/papers sent to the Branch Officer are properly
accounted for;
6) to arrange for proper distribution of work among the dealing hands;
7) to ensure that the files put up by the dealing hands are complete in
every respect particularly in regard to arrangement of papers in the file,
numbering the paragraphs of the note portion, numbering the pages of
correspondence side, referencing, writing of subject matter on the note
sheets, priority marking, use of docket sheets, etc.;
8)to scrutinize the notes put up by Case Workers, modify, add or revise
wherever necessary for accuracy in all respects and to submit them to
higher officers in a proper and complete form;

9) to see that the draft is put up after the files are returned and issue
fair copies without any delay;
10) to keep track of important cases and take necessary action for their
expeditious disposal;
11) to ensure weekly and monthly arrears lists are reviewed and
submitted regularly;
12) to inspect the table and racks of First Division Assistants/Second
Division Assistants every month for verification of pending papers/cases
and prevention of accumulation of papers/files;
13) to take prompt action on observation in the inspection reports of
higher officers;
14) to maintain Standing Guard File, Section Note Book, Reference
Books for all the subjects dealt in the Section;
15) to see that all registers, periodicals, diaries and file registers are
maintained properly in his Section;
16) to see that all files are recorded promptly and properly by weeding
out unnecessary papers with necessary index slips;
17) to classify correctly the recorded files;
18) to review the classification of all time barred files before
19) to see that the economy in the stationery articles and papers is
strictly adhered to; and
20) to maintain Circular and Guard file on a ready for reference basis.

First Division Assistant/Second Division Assistant: A First Division

Assistant/Second Division Assistant works under the Superintendent and is
responsible for the work entrusted to him. Each First Division Assistant/Second
Division Assistant in a Section is allotted a certain number of subject headings.
His duties mainly are:
(i) To acknowledge the papers/files received by him;
(ii) to segregate receipts according to their priority marking;
(iii) where receipts have been disposed of without the need for opening
a new file, to update register/diary accordingly;
(iv) to examine and put up suitable notes and drafts on cases promptly
and submit them to the Superintendent after properly referencing and paging
(v) to ensure that the notes are submitted on files in such manner that
they do not end at the bottom of the note sheet, but are appropriately spilled
over on the next page, so as to enable the officers to give their orders below the
note and in continuation thereof;
(vi) to ensure that the instructions contained in the Manual are followed
strictly in the matter of noting and drafting;

(viii) to properly maintain relevant books of Acts & Rules with upto-date
amendments, various standing orders, precedents, etc. connected with his
(ix) to maintain properly the standing guard files and other necessary
(x) to keep papers and files in tidy condition;
(xi) to ensure that Sus files are properly maintained and retrieved on
the appropriate future date for issue of reminders or review etc.
(xii) to ensure that reports/returns if any, are received/submitted at the
appropriate time;
(xiii) to maintain date on all files created and monitor their disposal;
(xv) to generally assist the Superintendent in whatever manner he may
desire in the proper functioning of the Section.
It is the responsibility of First Division Assistants/Second Division
Assistants to immediately deal with papers/files marked urgent/immediate etc.
All other papers/ files should be dealt with in the order in which they are
received. They must ensure that papers/ files do not pile up on their desks and
to the extent possible the papers/files are disposed of on day to day basis.

Stenographer/Personal Assistant: A Stenographer is generally employed on

stenographic work. However he may be called upon whenever necessary to
assist in word processing and comparing work. He will also be responsible for
accuracy and tidiness of documents. A Stenographer attached to an Officer may
also be required to act as a Personal Assistant. The principal duties and
responsibilities of a Stenographer/Personal Assistant are enumerated below: a) Develop the knowledge of Shorthand to the highest level of efficiency.
b) While taking dictation, the outlines should be legible and neatly readable when
called upon to do so.
c) Development necessary skill, competence and expertise required for
verbatim reporting.
d) To help the Officer in proper maintenance of papers, arranging meetings
and conferences, in taking follow up action on various matters dealt with by
the Officer.
e) To properly plan the work and give an agenda to the Officer for the day
which covers urgent matters and routine appointments.
f) Obtain instructions on matters to be delegated to other officers/officials.
g) To cultivate proper public relations and be courteous to the visitors.
h) To attend to all telephone calls promptly and pleasantly.
i) Keep a Special Index of telephone numbers most frequently required.
j) Keep a record of the Officers whereabouts when he is away from the office
for quick contact whenever necessary.

k) Make a regular check to see that prompt action is taken by the office,
especially on important matters and inform the progress to the Officer.
l) Ensure that the files received by the Officer are promptly entered in the
Movement Register and sent up to the higher authorities after they are
attended to by the Officer or down the line after orders are passed thereon.
m) Compose letters accepting or rejecting invitations after consultation with
the Officer and the tenor of such letters should be in tune with the nature of
the communication received.
n) Keep on hand up-to-date reference books, telephone directories, statutes,
codes and regulations, railway, plane and bus schedules.
o) Make travel arrangement for the visit of the Officer outside the
headquarters after consulting him.
p) Maintain calendar of forthcoming meetings and conferences.
q) Maintain security of information and exercise discretion in giving out
information and take instructions from the Officer while doing so.

Typist: Typist shall attend to all the data entry work in the Section. He must
have knowledge of categorization of documents, saving those documents and
their retrieval for future use. He shall be also responsible for typing the drafts
of letters, orders, circulars, etc. using document management Software. He shall
also ensure that once the final order is signed in ink and issued, the same is
scanned whenever required using the said Software to put the said order on the
departments website.

Group D employees: The duties and responsibilities of group D employees

working in the Department of Mines and Geology as Attenders, Dalayats, Cycle
Orderlies, Despatch Riders, Watch and Ward, Sweepers and Scavengers are
enumerated below: a) Carrying files within the Department from one Branch/Section to
b) Stitching closed files.
c) Arranging files within the Section.
d) Keeping Sections neat and tidy, sweeping the floor, dusting furniture,
e) Carrying and distributing stationery.
f) Making envelopes when necessary.
g) Any other duty connected with the office work which may be
entrusted to them.
2. Must attend the office in uniform.
3. Must attend the office half an hour before the prescribed hour for the
commencement of the office and get the rooms of Sections opened by the
watchmen in their presence. In the evening they should leave the office only
after the rooms are locked by the Watchmen.
4. Must work over time when the business of office requires it.

5. Shall not abstain from duty without pervious sanction except on medical or
on other justifiable grounds.
6. Those entrusted with the work of operating the duplicating machines must
attend to that work as though it is part of their normal and regular duty.
7. Must work in the Branch/Section to which posted.
8. Must attend to duties entrusted by officers/officials of the Branch or Section.
10. Must take due care of property of the Department.
11. Behave properly with other government servants and the general public.
12. Must carry records, etc. to the Record Room and bring from there,
collections, spare copies, etc., required by the Sections/ Officers.
13. Must assist the Superintendent of the General Receipt and Despatch Section
to bring stationery and other articles from the Government Press and help in
distributing them to the Sections.
14. Must do any other work connected with the office entrusted to them by the
officers or officials under whom they are normally working in the interest of
smooth running of official business.
15.Cycle Orderlies and Despatch Riders in the General Receipt and Despatch
Section must attend to the work of bringing tappals, etc., meant for the
Department of Mines and Geology from the General Post Office, etc. every day
before 10.30 A.M. in the Tappal bags provided to them. The Despatch Riders, in
particular, shall attend to the work of carrying tappals or any other articles from
the Department to the G.P.O., C.T.O., Railway Station, K.S.R.T.C., Indian Airlines
etc. or to any other Department/Organization within the limits of Bangalore
16. Sweepers must clearly and properly sweep or wipe with wet cloth or jute
cloth the room and verandahs, steps, stair-cases, Chejjas, etc., allotted to them
well before the office starts functioning. Whenever necessary, they shall sweep
or clean the rooms, verandah, etc., even during office hours. The swept papers
must be carried for burning outside the office everyday by 11-00 A.M. under the
supervision of the Duty Officer and it must be ensured that the swept papers
are burnt fully to ashes. They shall also do any other work such as shifting and
arranging of furniture and other articles in the office.
Scavengers must attend to the work of washing and keeping clean the
latrines, urinals, bathrooms or toilets, water closet, wash basin in the
Community bathrooms and anti-chambers of Officers in the allotted area using
deodorants without causing any damage to the fittings or any articles, well
before the office starts functioning.
They must also attend to any other
work entrusted to them in the exigencies.

Watch and Ward (Security): The duties and responsibilities of Security

Personnel are as follows: a) Must open the doors of the office on a working day at 8-30 a.m. and close
them in the evening in the presence of Attenders/Dalayats concerned or
such officer/official who leaves the room in the end after the office hours.

Must also take care to see that the lights and fans are put off, other doors if
any, are closed, the window shutters and water taps, if any are properly

c) Must keep a close watch on the sweepers and scavengers are duly
authorized to perform their duties in the premises of the Office.
d) When on duty, they must be vigilant, attentive and be on their allotted duty
spot throughout taking rounds and enquiring about any unauthorized
persons. If they want to leave their duty spot during their allotted duty
period, they shall keep the other watchman on duty informed as also the
Duty Officer.
e) Must ensure that articles belonging to the Directorate are not taken out of
the office premises without proper authority.

It shall be their duty to see that the vehicles of the department kept in the
premises of the office are taken proper care of and not meddled with by
unauthorized persons.

g) In case any officer or official of the department wants to work on Sundays

or other general holidays, the security person on duty shall open the door of
the particular room or hall only with the knowledge of the Duty Officer.
When such officer/official leaves the office, the doors should be locked
again after taking necessary precautions such as putting of lights, closing the
window shutters etc.
h) In the exigencies of departments work, they must attend to any other work
entrusted by the Duty Officer or any other higher authority.
The Watch and Ward, Sweepers, and Scavengers, must deposit the articles
whether personal or of the department, if any, inadvertently left by government
servants while leaving the office either on the tables or in the room/s or hall/s
with the Duty Officer who will inform the concerned about it on the next
working day.


Mining Lease Section
This Section deals with grant of Reconnaissance Permit, Prospecting
License and Mining Lease respectively.
Applications made seeking grant of reconnaissance permits, prospecting
licenses and mining leases by the interested public are received at the
Directorate. A Standard Register for registering the applications for each of the
above shall be separately maintained and these Registers should be in the
custody of the head of the Section i.e. the Superintendent. This Section will
examine each of these applications as per the provisions of the Mines and
Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 and the Mineral Concession
Rules, 1960 issued thereunder.
After examining the availability of the area for grant in the Drawing
Branch of the Directorate, the opinion/views of Revenue or Forest Department
as the case may be depending on who the land applied for belongs, will be
obtained. Thereafter technical report from the jurisdictional office i.e. the
Office of the Deputy Director/ Senior Geologist as to the availability of mineral
in the applied area will also be obtained. With these details, the connected file
will be submitted to the higher authorities for a decision to either grant or reject
the application.
For grant of Reconnaissance Permit/Prospecting License/Mining Lease
in respect of specified major minerals, prior approval of the Central Government
is required to be obtained through the State Government. Thereafter, the State
Government will issue a Notification granting Reconnaissance Permit or
Prospecting License or Mining Lease as the case may be. After issue of the
Notification, before executing the Prospecting License/Mining Lease, survey and
demarcation of the area granted will be carried out by the jurisdictional officer
viz. Deputy Director/Senior Geologist of the concerned district after receiving
the prescribed fee therefor from the grantee. After the grantee obtains the
approved mining plan from the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), clearances from
the State Pollution Control Board and the Ministry of Forest and Environment,
Government of India, the Prospecting License /Mining Lease will be executed by
the Director.
As regards grant of Prospecting License/Mining Lease in respect of
non-specified major minerals, prior approval of the Central Government is not
required. Therefore, after following the procedure explained above, the
Director of Mines and Geology or the State Government will execute the
Prospecting License/Mining Lease.

This Section shall adhere to the time limit specified in the Calendar at
Appendix-D in the matter of processing of applications made to the
Department seeking grant of Reconnaissance Permit or Prospecting License or
Mining Lease as the case may be. In no case this time limit shall be exceeded
except with the specific sanction of the Director or Additional Director
A monthly Statement of mineral concessions granted, applications
received and pending in different stages must be compiled and submitted to the
Director within the 5th of the following month.
This is an important Section dealing with the mining public and the delay
in the working of and disposal of applications should be avoided.
Quarry Lease Section
This Section deals with grant of Quarry Leases in respect of specified
Minor Mineral viz. Ornamental Stone. Applications made seeking grant of
Quarry Lease for specified minor mineral viz. Ornamental Stone shall also be
received at the Directorate. A Standard Register for registering the applications
shall be maintained in the Section and this Register should be in the custody of
the head of the Section i.e. the Superintendent. This Section will examine each
of these applications as per the provisions of Karnataka Minor Mineral
Concession Rules, 1994.
After verifying the availability of the area in the Drawing Branch of the
Directorate, the opinion/views of Revenue or Forest Department as the case
may be depending on who the land applied for belongs, shall be obtained. Then
the applications received for grant of quarry lease for Ornamental Stone
(Granite) will be placed before the Committee constituted under Rule 11 of
KMMC Rules, 1994 and chaired by the Principal Secretary / Secretary to
Government, Commerce and Industries Department, by the Director of Mines
and Geology with all the necessary details required by the Committee for taking
a decision in respect of each of the applications. With the recommendations of
the above Committee to either grant or reject the application, necessary
proposals have to be sent to Government by the Director. The State
Government will issue a notification either according sanction for grant of
Quarry Lease for Ornamental Stone or rejecting the application. Where
Government has accorded sanction for grant of quarry lease, in respect of those
applications, the applied areas will be surveyed and demarcated by the
jurisdictional Deputy Director or Senior Geologist after collecting the prescribed
fee therefor from the grantee. After approval of quarry plan and payment of
necessary fees by the lessee, the quarry lease will be executed by the Director
of Mines and Geology.
Applications for non-specified minor minerals shall be received by the
jurisdictional Deputy Director or Senior Geologist. After getting the opinion of
the Tahsildar and conducting survey and demarcation of the area, the
jurisdictional Deputy Director or Senior Geologist will execute the quarry lease.
Any person aggrieved by the orders of the jurisdictional Deputy Director or
Senior Geologist may file a revision application before the Director of Mines and

Geology within a period of three months from the date of the order. The
Director, after affording an opportunity of being heard to the revision petitioner
will pass final orders on the said revision petition.
This is an important Section dealing with the public engaged in quarrying
activities of Ornamental Stone and there shall not be any delay in the processing
and disposal of applications seeking grant of quarry leases.
Demand, Collection and Balance (D.C.B.) Section
This Section provides the details of expected revenue in the form of
royalty, dead rent, interest, penalty etc. for the ensuing year to the Budget
Section to facilitate the latter to prepare the Revenue Budget Estimates. Based
on these figures and having regard to the target fixed by Government for a
particular year, individual targets are fixed by this Section for each district office
dealing with mineral administration. District-office-wise/ lessee-wise particulars
are maintained in the D.C.B. Registers which contain the details of the quantity
of the minerals produced and despatched from individual mines/quarries, the
amounts due thereof towards royalty etc. and the amounts outstanding from
the concerned lessee. The reports sent by the district officers after annual
inspection of the leases in their jurisdiction are examined by this Section to
verify the correctness of the amounts due from individual lessees towards
royalty, interest, penalty, dead rent etc. Where amounts are outstanding from
the individual lessees, notices will be issued from this Section to such lessees
calling upon them to pay the arrears due from them failing which their leases
would be determined after the due date prescribed for clearing such dues. Even
thereafter, if the lessee fails to clear the arrears, his mining lease/quarry lease
will be determined and the amount due will be recovered as arrears of land
revenue through the concerned Deputy Commissioner of the District.
Where any lessee makes an application seeking renewal of
mining/quarry lease, such files are referred to the D.C.B. Section by the
concerned Sections. If arrears are due from such lessees, the same will be
recorded in the relevant file and returned to the concerned Section/s.
Monthly Progress Reports sent by the district officers as to the
collection of revenue by way of royalty, dead rent, interest, penalty, etc. are
consolidated in this Section and sent to Government for information and record
after due approval by the Director.
This Section will also monitor the royalty etc. collected on minor
minerals like building stone, sand etc. by other departments viz. Public Works
Department, Irrigation Department, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj
Department and certain other autonomous organisations.
Cash Section, Internal Audit Section and Bills & Budget Section
These Sections constitute the Accounts Branch of the Directorate. Files
relating to release of funds from out of the provision made in the Budget under
the relevant Head of Account are handled in the Budget Section. Each such file
will be examined with reference to the provisions of KFC, MCE, as also the
orders relating to general delegation of financial powers to the Heads of
Department and opinion of the Accounts Officer recorded therein. Thereafter,

the file is returned to the concerned Section or Branch to take further necessary
action to issue the office order etc. Based on the order so issued, appropriate
bills will be preferred by the Bills Section and money is drawn from the Treasury
through Cheque. The Cheque so obtained will be handed over to the concerned
Branch/Section, which after utilizing the amount so released will furnish
Utilisation Certificate to the Accounts Branch. Where the amount sought to be
released is more than the limit specified in the order relating to delegation of
financial powers, such cases are referred to Government by the concerned
Section/Branch for issue of necessary orders releasing the said amount after
obtaining the opinion/remarks of the Accounts Officer and approval of the
Director thereafter.
Budget Estimates for the Department both under Revenue Head and
the Expenditure Head are prepared by the Budget Section. This Section also
prepares Appendix-B in respect of the officers and staff of the department for
the purpose of allocation of funds towards the salary component after collecting
the necessary particulars from the concerned Branches/Sections in the
Directorate as also from the zonal and district level offices of the Department.
Reconciliation of figures both under Revenue Head and the Expenditure
Head is done by Bills Section on monthly basis. This Section also deals with
refund of Security Deposits made at the time of making the applications for
grant of quarry lease.
Cash Section is responsible for handling cash, Demand Drafts, Cheques and
other monitory negotiable instruments in the Directorate. Cash Book, Receipts
Books, Remittance Registers and other important Registers relating to financial
transactions are maintained in this Section. The Superintendent shall ensure
that these Registers are maintained properly and entries made from time to
time by the dealing hands as per KFC. This Section is concerned with remittance
of all receipts to appropriate Head of Account in the Treasury Bank. Cash Book
and other Registers mentioned above will be submitted to the Accounts Officer
through the Superintendent at the end of each day for final verification and
authentication of the transactions pertaining to that day.
A.C. Bills, Pay Bills, Travelling Allowance Bills, Medical Bills etc.
pertaining to the Directorate are prepared in the Cash Section by the dealing
hands and scrutinized by the Superintendent with reference to the provisions of
KCSRs, KFC etc. and authenticated as to their correctness before submission to
the Accounts Officer. After due approval by the Accounts Officer (and the
Director wherever necessary), those Bills will be presented to the Treasury and
Cheques obtained thereof. A.C. Bill, Travelling Allowance Bill, Festival Advance
Bill, Supplementary Salary Bill, Medical Bill etc. are encashed and disbursed to
the concerned by this Section.
Further, the Cash Section is also concerned with reconciling the
transactions during the month with the Treasury records in the first week of the
month that follows to ensure correctness of the transactions made during the

previous month and record the same in the relevant Registers for cross
As per Rules 27 and 45 of the Finance and Accounts Rules, the Accounts
Officer of the Department shall periodically arrange for the internal audit of all
the Branches/Sections in the Directorate as also in the zonal and district offices.
The Internal Audit Section in the Accounts Branch is concerned with
verifying the correctness, accuracy and authenticity of the financial accounting
and statistical records in the Department of Mines and Geology. The objective
of internal audit is to have a deterrent and reforming effect in the direction of
prevention of mistakes. This Section plays an important role in the Department
by pointing out mistakes and ensuring remedies without loss of time through
administrative, financial and performance audits.
Internal audit facilitates functional diagnosis of the Department and
helps in making the internal system more effective by suggesting ways and
means for improvement.
Internal Audit Section will conduct a detailed check of accounts for any
particular month in a financial year by randomly selecting any month at the
instance of the Accounts Officer. This Section also checks the functioning of the
Directorate as well as zonal and district level offices of the department to
ascertain how far the provisions of the relevant Acts, rules and regulations are
adhered to, systems and procedures are followed in administration, accounting
and financial management. This Section shall ensure that the mistakes, errors,
lapses, discrepancies and other deficiencies noticed during the internal audit in
any Branch/Section of the Directorate or in the zonal/district office are rectified
within the time limit specified. If the said time limit is not adhered to by the
concerned, then such lapse on their part shall entail disciplinary action against
Groundwater Investigation and Administration Unit
The Groundwater Unit of the Department will carry out activities such
as monitoring of groundwater levels in the State and monitoring of groundwater
quality as well as quantity. It will also conduct assessment of groundwater
resources once in five years as per the guidelines issued by the Ministry of
Water Resources, Government of India. The Senior Geologists incharge of
groundwater investigation at the district level function under the administrative
control of the respective Zilla Panchayats and technical guidance is provided to
them by the Directorate.
The Senior Geologists at the district level will carry out micro watershed
studies, analyse specific groundwater problems and advise on remedial
measures. They will also carry out construction of artificial recharge structures
in their jurisdiction. They render technical advice for sinking of wells / bore
wells and also for rain water harvesting. The district level officers also do
Groundwater resources estimation, Groundwater level monitoring and select
sites for drilling bore wells for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes.

The main activities of this Unit under Groundwater Investigation include

Assessment of groundwater resources in all the taluks of the State; Periodic
monitoring of groundwater level in the State; Monitoring of groundwater
quality for various purposes; Determination of aquifer characteristics and
selection of sites and construction of artificial recharge structures.
Similarly, under Groundwater Administration, the main activities of this
Unit include selection of suitable sites for drilling borewells; issue feasibility
reports/certificates; and regulate development of groundwater resources in a
systematic and scientific manner.
Geophysical Section
Geophysical Section conducts geophysical investigations through
vertical depth probes and profiling, geophysical surveys to pin-point sites for
drilling bore wells and to understand subsurface in homogeneities. Hydrogeologists of the department are assisted by Drilling Section in drilling
experimental bore wells and determining yield in the bore wells. Groundwater
Drilling Section takes up cleaning of bore wells and retrieving pumps from bore
wells; analyse groundwater/surface water samples in the Chemical laboratory at
the Directorate and also in the divisional laboratories at Mysore, Chitradurga,
Dharwad, Belgaum, Bellary and Gulbarga.

Chemical Laboratory
There are six chemical laboratories of Level- II Grade situated in the
districts of Bellary, Mysore, Belgaum, Chitradurga and Dharwad. The Chemical
Laboratory at the Directorate is of Level II+ Grade. The Chief Chemist is the head
of all the laboratories. These laboratories are functioning under the technical
guidance of the Chief Chemist. He is assisted by Senior Chemists and Chemists.
Work in the Level-II laboratories are looked after by the Senior
Chemists/Chemists. The Chemical Laboratory at the Directorate is a fullfledged laboratory wherein analysis of ores, minerals, rocks and water- both
surface water and ground water - are carried out. Apart from the departmental
samples, the samples from the public and other agencies are also analysed.
The quality parameters considered are physical, chemical and
bacteriological. The physical parameters include colour, odour, taste, turbidity
and temperature. The chemical parameters refer to presence of Calcium,
Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Total Iron, Chloride, Nitrate, Sulphate, Fluoride
and Total Dissolved solids as also to Alkalinity (Bicarbonate), Alkalinity
(Carbonate), , specific electrical conductance, total hardness pH value. The
laboratory is adopting the 'AMERICAN STANDARD METHODS' for analysis
purposes. These constitute the major cations and anions found invariably in the
ground water. The bacteriological parameters indicate the presence of disease
causing bacteria. A broad attempt is made to compare the results obtained from
the chemical analysis with that of the Indian Standard Drinking Water
Specification as per IS: 1 0500: 1991 to evaluate the quality of water for drinking

The objective of chemical laboratory is to develop comprehensive,

reliable, accurate user friendly database.
Chemical laboratory is equipped with sophisticated equipments to carry
out analysis with reference to chemical parameters, pollution parameters,
heavy metals and pesticides. Samples from 1859 Observation Wells will be
collected for the whole year during the pre-monsoon period and treated as base
samples for the purpose of analysis. The samples which are not potable are
considered as trend samples and are collected and analysed four times in a year.
This Unit shall also take up special investigations which are scientific in
nature and of economic value. It will submit weekly progress reports to the
Director and keep him informed of the special investigations. A programme of
special work this Unit proposes to undertake shall be drawn up and the
approval of the Director obtained in that regard. Proper care should be taken in
the use of chemicals, instruments and appliances. Officers of the Chemical
Laboratories will be personally responsible for their proper maintenance and
A Stock Book of chemicals and appliances shall be maintained. The issue
of chemicals and glassware shall also be noted in a separate Register.

Metallurgical Laboratory
A Metallurgist is incharge of this Laboratory. He is responsible
for all the investigations conducted in this Laboratory. At the beginning of the
year itself, the Metallurgist must draw up the programme of work and get the
approval of the Director for the same.
Fortnightly reports of the progress of the work done in this Laboratory
shall be submitted to the Director. Reports of investigations completed
shall also be submitted to the Director as soon as the work is completed.
The Metallurgist shall be personally responsible for the proper working
and the safety of the machinery and appliances of the Metallurgical
Laboratory. He shall maintain a Stock Book of the articles, machinery and
plant and show their use/ disposal.
Stores Section
Gazetted Manager (Stores) is in charge of Stores. He will report to the
Joint Director (Administration). He is assisted by a Superintendent, a Second
Division Assistant, a Typist and a Dalayat respectively. Tools and plant, tents and
other articles of stores will be separately classified and the stock entered and
maintained in separate registers. Indents for purchase of stores articles will be
prepared in conformity with the rules of purchase in force. Electrical and
electronic equipments/ peripherals, furniture, chemicals, glassware, survey
equipments, special security permit papers, spare parts of diamond drilling
machinery after ascertaining their quality etc. are procured as per the provisions

of Manual of Contingent Expenditure (MCE), Karnataka Transparency in Public

Procurement Act (KTPP Act) and other related orders and guidelines. They are
taken to stock after duly classifying them and making necessary entries in the
relevant Stock Register.
As soon as the articles are received they will be checked and taken to
stock. The Stores Superintendent shall see that the tools, machinery and plant,
tents and other articles are stocked neatly in the Godowns so as to be amenable
for scrutiny and check at any moment.
The issue of articles shall be on indents from the officers or the officials
and entries shall be made in the Issue Register. It shall be the duty of the
indenting Officer to see that at the time of the return of the articles to the
Stores, the entries in the Issue Register are scored out or cancelled.
The Gazetted Manager (Stores) shall check the stocks once a month and
attest the concerned Registers maintained therefor.
The Stores Superintendent shall be in charge of all the records of the
Stores and shall be responsible for the proper classification and maintenance of
the same. He shall also be in charge of the departmental publications for which
separate Registers for receipt and issue will be maintained.
A Librarian or a departmental officer/official possessing a
Degree/Diploma in Library Science will be in charge of the Library. He will be
assisted by a Second Division Assistant, one or two Library Assistants. All books,
periodicals received for the Library shall be first entered in the Library Accession
Register and finally in the Catalogue after due classification. Joint Director
(Administration) will arrange to bring out an up-to-date Catalogue of the Library
with the help of the technical officers.
The following Rules shall be observed for the use of the Library: (i) Without' the knowledge of the Librarian or an
officer/official incharge of the Library no book can be
removed from or restored to the Library.
(ii) Without a written request in the prescribed form from
persons authorized to use the Library, no book can be issued
outside the Library.
(iii)No book may be permanently removed from the Library
or sent out of the office without the knowledge of the Joint
Director (Administration) to whom requisitions for either of
these purposes should be made.
(iv) No books shall be lent to strangers without the
permission of the Director.

(v) A receipt shall be taken from the borrower of each book

lent from the Library and the said receipt shall be cancelled
and returned to the borrower when he returns the book.
Duties of the Librarian are as follows: i) To take charge of all books and periodicals made over to
ii) to maintain the Library Catalogue up-to- date by entering
therein all receipts immediately;
iii) to correctly label all receipts and deposit them in their
appropriate places;
iv)to keep series of several publications in the same file till
they are complete for being bound and to take orders for
binding the collection;
v)to insert correction slips in individual volumes
enactments, rules, etc.;
vi)to report loss or damage to books and to promptly obtain
orders about replacement or repair;
vii)to maintain Registers of books and periodicals received
and of books lent and received back.
A list of periodicals subscribed or received in exchange shall be
maintained and steps taken to renew the subscription or arrange to get them in
time. Indents for books to be purchased shall be sought from the Joint Director
(Administration)/Additional Director (Minerals). The technical officers shall also
be consulted and their suggestions taken in the purchase of books for the

A Geologist attached to the Plan Monitoring Unit of the Directorate will
be incharge of the Geological Museum. He is assisted by a First Division
Assistant or a Second Division Assistant for maintenance of records of the
Museum and for custody of the materials handed over to him.
With the help of the technical officers, a Catalogue of specimens of
minerals displayed in the Showcases shall be prepared and additions thereto
shall also be promptly entered. Similarly, Registers shall be maintained in
respect of collections of the technical officers of the Department. Entries in
these registers will be made by the officers concerned. The primary
responsibility of correct classification of the specimens and their storage shall be
on the technical officer concerned.
A Register shall be maintained to record the details about display of
various specimens of minerals available in the State and preserved in the

Museum in Geological Exhibitions, Seminars, and Conferences and in

educational institutions. A similar account shall be maintained to record the
mineral specimens presented to the Department for display in the Museum.
As the work in this Unit is mostly of a technical nature, the Deputy
Director (Plan Monitoring) and other technical officers of the Department shall
co-ordinate in such a manner that this important Unit functions in an effective

Drawing Branch
A Hydrologist will be in charge of the Drawing Branch. He is assisted by 3
Assistant Engineers and 3 Junior Engineers.
The functions of the Drawing Branch are as shown below: a) Custody of all Maps, Plans and Sections, Drawing and Survey
Instruments and Stationery.
b) Preparation of Plans and Sections for publication with the reports of
the technical officers.
c) Preparation of Plans and Sketches to be issued with Prospecting
Licenses, Mining Leases, and Quarrying Leases.
d) Maintenance of Maps, marking thereon blocks applied for or covered
under mineral concessions and submissions of notes on the applications
referred to the Section within a prescribed time.
e) Submission of indents for the purchase of Maps, Drawing Instruments
and Stationery.
This Branch is also responsible for field survey and demarcation of the
areas granted under mineral concessions; preparation and printing of the maps;
and plans to be issued with deeds of Licenses and Leases.
Strict secrecy shall be maintained in the Drawing Branch and the
examination of the maps - particularly showing the markings of the areas
covered or applied for under licenses and leases shall only be permitted with
specific approval in writing from the Additional Director (Minerals).
Issue of maps for reference shall be made on indents from the officers
and staff. These Maps should be returned to the Drawing Branch after done
Use of Chemical and Metallurgical Laboratory by the Technical Officers
The Chemical and Metallurgical Laboratories shall be available for use
by the technical officers when they wish to carry on special investigations
relating to their field work. These technical officers while working in the
Laboratories shall carry on with their special investigation work without causing
any inconvenience to the officers of these Laboratories.

Diamond Drilling Unit

The Chief Drilling Engineer has controlling jurisdiction over this Unit. He
is assisted by Deputy Chief Drilling Engineer and Drilling Engineer. Drilling
Engineer will be in charge of this Unit. Work in this Unit will be carried out in
accordance with the programme of work chalked out in the beginning of the
Weekly and monthly reports of work done in this Unit shall be
submitted to the Director. The cores taken out from .the bore holes shall be
properly preserved in boxes and made available for study by the
Geologists/Senior Geologists.
The Drilling Engineer shall maintain a Stock Book of the machinery and
other appliances of this Unit. He shall be personally responsible for the working
and safety of the machinery of the Drilling Unit.

E-Governance Unit
With a view to provide genuine e-services to the mining leaseholders
and other stakeholders of mining in Karnataka, a new system called
Comprehensive Computerized Mineral Administration (CCOMA) System has
been introduced in the Department of Mines and Geology as part of the eGovernance initiative of the State Government by effectively using the
Information & Communication Technology (ICT). This system, which has
tremendous potential, has been designed to provide real time services to
leaseholders and other stakeholders in the mining industry in Karnataka. It
consists of a centralized database containing information related to
leaseholders, end-users, payment transactions, updated mineral rates, issuance
of e-permits and m-permits, demand register information, weighbridges, etc.
The new system provides seamless service capturing data related to
production at individual mines, e-auction transactions, payments from buyers
for the Mineral/s e-auctioned and also transport of minerals up to the
destination. The portal has also started e-services for lease owner registration,
permit system (major / minor minerals), monthly / annual returns, rake permit
system for rail transportation, online lease application and demand & collection
Some of the salient features of sale of iron ore through e-auction and
transportation thereof as also issue of issue of permits electronically both for
major minerals and specified minor minerals are enumerated hereunder: i.

Sale of iron ore through e-auction:

a. Details get published on the web-site for bidders and bidders can select
the ore from the mine they are interested in, conduct inspections of
material at site and draw samples.
b. Buyers can bid on real-time basis in the given time slot.
c. Ease of payment through RTGS.

d. Double Accounting System.

e. User-friendly Tally software for accounting purpose.
ii. Mineral transport:
a. E-Permit for major minerals and specified minor minerals: Upload production details to update available stock at the mine
Apply bulk permits online against each stock for desired destination
and route codes.
Payment of royalty online.
Approval by DMG officials online.
Print permits at the mine head at the time of despatch.
b. m-Permits for non-specified minor mineral leases which have limited
c. Railway rake permits: Reconciliation and mapping of material
transported against permits to generate railway rake permit online.
d. Special Security Permit Paper: A special paper has been developed to
make the system foolproof against misuse. The features of the paper
that make it foolproof are:
Embedded hologram.
Photocopy proof.
Non-imitable features like:
Four colours logo printing;
Micro line printing;
Void pantograph printing;
Rainbow accuracy features;
Personalized embedded hologram;
Barcode with variable numbering;
Penetrating static numbering on front;
Scratchable logo at the back.
e. Mobile verification: This is a very handy and powerful tool for the
officer conducting surprise checks. An officer of the checking squad can
check any permit on the road. By sending an SMS with the trip sheet
number, the officer can obtain all the details, i.e.; mine from where
mineral loaded, destination, date and time of loading, time of passing
through check-post, quantity of mineral, etc.
iii. Integrated Lease Management System: The ILMS is being designed as
One-Window database / portal for the lessee and buyer. In addition to the
administration of mineral mentioned above, it will also take care from the
time of lease application itself. The key features in addition to the features
mentioned above are:
a. Lessees can apply for RP / PL / ML online and track the status of their
applications through the portal
b. Lessees can pay the requisite fees, etc. online.
c. Registrations (trader, end-users, etc.) can be applied online.

iv. Filing of Statutory Returns:

a. Generate monthly returns from data available on the Server; no need
for manual reconciliation.
b. Same to be used for audit.
c. DCB is prepared electronically.
v. In the pipe-line:
a. Mapping of mineralised zones.
b. All lease related data on cadastral maps and toposheets.

c. Lease processing online.

Special Schemes
The Department of Mines and Geology shall also undertake
implementation of certain special schemes entrusted to it by Government or
any other Agency with the approval of Government. In taking up investigations
under such special schemes, the Director shall ensure that the routine work of
the Department is not hampered. He shall arrange for implementation of the
schemes and formulate rules and procedure for the discharge of work under
them to secure best results contemplated for achievement in the Special


The records of various Branches/Sections of the Department must be
preserved in the Record Room in separate groups as noted below: a) Group I- Records of the General Branch.
b) Group II- Records of Reconnaissance Permits, Prospecting
Licences and Mining Leases.
c) Group III- Records of Special Schemes.
Separate almirahs shall be set apart for the records of each group.
The records of the Department consist of
(i) Files of correspondence.
(ii) Registers and Returns.
(iii) Spare copies of Printed Proceedings.
(iv) Monthly Volumes of the Proceedings.
(v) Spare copies of Printed Compilations.
(vi) Printed copies of Departmental Rules.
(vii) Printed copies of Departmental Publications.
Papers shall be arranged subject-wise and a file opened for each
subject. A File Number must be given to each file opened. A Register of files
opened during each calendar year shall be maintained and the file numbers
entered therein must run in annual series. The letters on the correspondence
side of each file should be numbered consecutively in the order of their receipt
or issue.
Index Register of Files
The subject of each file opened must be indexed alphabetically. For
this purpose, the First Division Assistant incharge of Records will maintain an
"Index Register of Files". The alphabetical index must be prepared everyday as
and when the files are opened. The index should clearly and accurately indicate
the subject matter of the file. A facing sheet of contents of a file must be placed
in each file when it is opened and each paper added on to the file from time to
time must be entered in the facing sheet.
Registers, Returns, etc.
Accounts Registers, Periodical returns, Gazettes and similar records must be
kept in separate shelves. These records may be sent to the Record Room when
they are no longer required for current use.

Numbering of Almirahs
All the almirahs in the Record Room must be numbered serially and at
the same time the Group number as to the nature of the records kept therein
must also be indicated alongside.
Requisition Slip
When the Files/Papers are required to be obtained from the Record
Room for reference, a Requisition Slip or Voucher signed by the officer making
the request must be sent to the First Division Assistant incharge of the Record
Room setting forth, as far as possible, the purpose for which the Files/Papers are
required. These Requisition Slips must be kept in the place from where the
File/Paper is removed and delivered. A similar trace must also be left in respect
of papers removed from one file to be placed in another.
The First Division Assistant incharge of the Record Room shall not
entertain any request made for files/papers unless such a request is made using
the prescribed Requisition Slip or Voucher duly signed and stamped by the
concerned. A Record Issue Register shall be kept by the Record Assistant
containing entries relating to the records sent out of the Record Room. Similarly,
necessary entries should invariably be made in the Record Issue Register of all
the records returned by the Sections/Branches. The person receiving the files/
papers from the Record Room and also the officer signing the Requisition Slip
must be held responsible for their return after done with. When the files/papers
are returned to the Record Room, the Requisition Slips or Vouchers received
therefor must be returned to the respective Branch/Section. Files/Papers
returned to the Record Room must be restored to their places at the earliest.
The Record Assistant must ensure that the Records are properly dusted
and kept clean and tidy and that they are duly protected from damp, insects, etc.
Soiled or torn Labels and File Boards must be promptly replaced by fresh ones. It
shall be the duty of the Record Assistant to promptly attend to the requests for
files/papers from the Record Room.


Rules for the Destruction of Obsolete and Useless Records
Obsolete and useless records must be weeded out and destroyed in
accordance with the Schedule in Appendix E" hereto. Records meant to be
destroyed must, before destruction, be examined, segregated and sent for
inspection by the Joint Director (Administration) and his approval obtained
therefor. Records, books, papers and registers chosen for destruction should be
burnt in the presence of the Joint Director (Administration) or the Gazetted
Records must be destroyed once a year only in the month of December. The
destruction of records made in any year shall comprise files/papers/registers
which have passed their time limit calculated from the year of their disposal.
A Register shall be kept of all the records destroyed, giving briefly the
substance of the records, their dates, and noting the last To" and From"
number, if any.
However, Records enumerated in Appendix F" must be permanently

Department of Mines & Geology


List of General and Special Registers to be maintained in the Department of Mines and
1. Section dealing with the grant of Mineral Concessions:
Sl. No.

Type of Register
Register of Applications for grant of Reconnaissance Permits.
Register of Applications for grant of Prospecting Licenses.
Register of Applications for grant of Mining Leases.
Register of Applications for grant of Assignments.
Standard Register of Prospecting Licenses.
Standard Register of Mining Leases.
Register of Monthly Abstracts of Mineral Concessions
sanctioned by Government and issued to the Grantees.


Compilation of Mineral Statistics and Collection of Revenue from mining:

Sl. No.
Type of Register
Mineral Output Register.
Register containing details of production and export of major
Register containing details of production and export of major
Register containing details of Demand, Collection and Balance.
Register containing details of the Permits Issued.
Monthly Statement containing details of Mineral Production.


Stores and Records Branch:

Sl. No.
Type of Register
Stock Register of Tools and Plants.
Issue Register of Tools and Plans.
Stock Register of Machinery.
Issue Registers of Machinery.
Index Register of Files.
Record Issue Register.


Accounts and Cash Branch:

Sl. No.
Type of Register
Cash Book.
General Ledger or Classified Abstracts.
Book of Receipts issued for Money Received.
Cash Remittance Register.
Contingent Register.
Order Book of Contingent Charges.
Copies of Travelling Allowance Bills.
Office Order Book.
Furniture Register.
Service Registers of the Establishment.
Book or Register of Standing Orders.
Book or Register of Circular Instructions issued by Government
& the Accountant General.
Appointments and Vacancy Register.
Book or Register of Schedule of Establishment.


Library and Museum:

Sl. No.
Type of Register
Register of Books received.
Catalogue of Books in the Library.
Issue Register of Books from the Library.
Register of Periodicals.
Register of Specimens in the Museum.
Register of Specimens presented to outside Institutions.
Register of Specimens presented to the Museum.
Stock Register of Instruments and Appliances.
Stock Register of miscellaneous Articles.
Issue Register of Instruments and Appliances.
Issue Register of miscellaneous Articles.


Drawing Branch:
Sl. No.
Type of Register
Stock Book of Survey of India Maps.
Stock Book of Revenue Survey Maps (Taluk and Village).
Stock Book of Instruments and Stationery.
Stock Book of Maps and Sections of Departmental
Register of Maps which are of miscellaneous nature.


a) Chemical Laboratory:
Sl. No.
Type of Register
Stock Book of Chemicals, Glassware, Instruments and
Issue Register of Chemicals, Glassware, Instruments and
Breakage Register.
Analysis Register.
Personal Registers of Senior Chemists and Chemists recording
the details of observations, calculations and other data.
b) Metallurgical Laboratory:
Sl. No.
Type of Register
Stock Register of Machinery and Plants.
Register of Results of Investigation.
Personal Register of the Metallurgist recording the data of
experimental work.


General Section:
Sl. No.
Type of Register
FROM Register and TO Register.
Unofficial Register.
Tappal Book.
Personal Delivery Book (Four at a time).
Register of Distribution of Papers in the Office.
Stationery Stock Register.
Stationery Issue Register.
Forms Stock Register.
Forms Issue Register.
Stamp Account Book

Department of Mines & Geology

List of Periodical Reports and Returns due from the Department


Whom to send


Budget Estimates.

Reports of Group A
Indent for stationery.

Indent for Forms.

List of references pending

with Government.

Statement of anticipated
savings under Budget
Heads in a financial year.

Returns to the Office of

Reconciliation of Monthly
Reconciliation of Monthly

Secretary to Government
(Mines, SSI & Textiles),
Secretary to Government
(Mines, SSI & Textiles),
Department and Secretary to
Government (Budget and
Secretary to Government
(Mines, SSI & Textiles),
Director, Printing, Stationery
and Publications.
Director, Printing, Stationery
and Publications.
Secretary to Government
(Mines, SSI & Textiles),
Secretary to Government
(Mines, SSI & Textiles),
Department and Secretary to
Government (Budget and
Secretary, Karnataka Public




Date on which
is to be
18 June of
each year.

On the date


20 June of
each year.

30 January of
each year.
30 April of
each year.
10 of every

30 January of
calendar year.


May of
each year.

of the
of the

Department of Mines & Geology

List of Periodical Reports and Returns due to the Department
Sl. No.

Details of Reports/Returns



(g) Report on the discovery of new minerals.


(h) Plans of the mine working.







Quarterly production of the minor minerals in the

From the technical officers of the Department:
a) Weekly progress reports form Camps.


(e) Special Reports.

(f) Report of Accidents.


Date on which due

From the holders of Mineral Concessions:

(a) Monthly Return of production, despatch and
railment of minerals from each of the blocks.
(b) Quarterly return of production, despatch and
railment of minerals from each of the blocks.
(c) Annual return of production, despatch and
railment of minerals from each of the blocks.
(d) Annual Report on the working of the mines.

Brief report of the work done during the year
Detailed report of the work done during the
Reports for publications.

From the Accounts Sections:

a) Statement of monthly receipts against
Budget Heads.
b) Statement of monthly expenditure against
Budget Heads.



10 of


7 of every month.

of April, July,
October and January.
15 January of each
Calendar Year.
ii) 15th April of Financial
As and when necessary.
On the very day the
accident takes place.
Within 15 days of the
January for the
previous year.
a)PL:Before the date of
b)ML: One year before
the date of expiry.
January, April, July and


Weekly-the following
Weekly-the following
15 April of each year.
30 April of each year.


30 June of each year.


10 of every month.


10 of every month.





Department of Mines & Geology

Grant of Mineral Concessions to the Public
The following Calendar shall be adhered to in the matter of processing
the Applications made to the Department seeking grant of mineral concessions: 1

(a) Applications for grant of Reconnaissance

i) Reference to the Deputy Commissioner
and District Magistrate to furnish the
solvency and other certificates.
ii) Calling for additional information in
cases where the details furnished in the
application are incomplete.
iii) Recommendation to Government after
receipt of all the information required
from the Deputy Commissioner and other

iv) Intimation to be sent to the parties

after the orders of Government
sanctioning the grant is received.
(b) Applications for grant of Reconnaissance
i) Notices to be issued to the holders for
getting their Certificates renewed.
ii) Recommendation for the sanction of
renewal of the Reconnaissance Permits.

Please Note: a) As there is time for

renewal of Reconnaissance Permit till end of March
of the year that follows, the last and the final list
shall be submitted within 10 April.
Reconnaissance Permit received after 31 March
shall be deemed as applications for fresh grant.
Applications for grant of Prospecting Licenses and
Mining Leases: a) Entry into the Application Register.
b) Examination of the Application, scrutiny of
information furnished before sending the
Application with the sketch to the Drawing Branch
to note the availability or otherwise of the area for
c) Verification and scrutiny of the sketch of the area

Within 5 days from the

receipt of the Application.
Within 5 days from the
receipt of the Application.
Within 5 days after the
therewith are complete in all
7 days after the receipt of the
Orders of the Governments.


Between 1 and 10
December of each year.



In batches of 50 Applications
once in 5 days to be
completed within January of
the year that follows.

On the day of receipt.

3 days.

3 days.

applied for by the Drawing Branch and recording

the views/opinion thereof.
d) Forwarding the sketch to the Revenue and Forest
Departments to furnish their opinion regarding the
grant of the license.
e) Noting by the office after the receipt of all the
reports and relevant certificates for submission of
the papers to the Director for orders.
f) Recommendation to Government for grant or
rejection after orders are passed on the file.
g) Communication of the grant to the applicant
after orders of Government sanctioning the license
are received.
h) Placing the demand for payment of Prospecting
Fee or preliminary charges and the security deposit
by the applicant.

i) Time allowed for the payment of amounts under

3 days.

3 days.

5 days.
5 days.

5 days.

(h) - Survey and demarcation.

1 month.

j) Submission of the file to the Director for orders

to draw up the License Deed after the amounts
under (h) are paid within the time fixed under (i).

5 days.

k) Drawing up the Deed of Agreement and

intimation to the party for affixing his signature.

5 days.

l) Forwardal of the Deed to Government in

3 days.

Commerce and Industries Department for affixing

the signature of the Secretary to Government
(Mines, SSI & Textiles) and return.
m) Return of the Deed to the party after receipt
form Government and noting the same in the
Standard Register of Prospecting Licenses / Mining

3 days.

n) Forwardal of the extract of the Standard

Register to Government in Commerce and
Industries Department for entry of the details in
the Main Register maintained in the Secretariat.

10 days.

Please Note: i) Applications for the renewal of

Prospecting Licenses / Mining Leases Before the
date of expiry in case of Prospecting Licenses and
12 months before the date of expiry in case of
Mining Leases.
ii) Inspection of the area by an officer of the
Department - Within 15 days, in case of
Prospecting License, from the date of receipt of
Application for renewal and 2 (two) months in case
of Mining Leases.
o) Processing of Application in the office for
renewal of Prospecting License and to placing the
demand for payment of Prospecting Fee or
preliminary charges and the security deposit by the

5 days.

p) Submission of papers to the Director for orders

regarding reference to Government for sanction or
rejection of the Application seeking renewal.
q) Forwardal of the recommendation to
Government in the final form.
r) Communication to the party of the orders of
s) Time allowed to the party to forward the original
Prospecting License Covenant for endorsement.
t) Forwardal of the Prospecting License Covenant to
Government in Commerce and Industries
Department for affixing the signature of the
Secretary (Mines, SSI & Textiles) on the said
Covenant and return.
u) Return of the Deed to the party after receipt
form Government and noting the same in the
Standard Register of Prospecting Licenses / Mining

5 days.

v) Forwardal of the extract of the Standard

10 days.

5 days.
5 days.
10 days.
5 days.

5 days.

Register to Government in Commerce and

Industries Department for entry of the details in
the Main Register maintained in the Secretariat.
Please Note: Refund of Application Fee or the
Security Deposit Within 1 (one) month from the
date of receipt of the orders of Government and
date of report by the Inspecting Officer
recommending the refund.

Late Applications for grant/renewal of Prospecting Licenses/Mining Leases shall be treated as

fresh applications.

Department of Mines & Geology

List of Records to be destroyed after the expiry of the period prescribed
in every case
Sl. No.

Type of Record
Proofs of printed papers.
Peons Delivery Book.
Post Book.
Arrears Lists.
Contingent Register.
Acquittance Rolls.
Stationery Issue and Receipt Registers.
Stationery Indents.
Statistical Returns from the Districts.
Statistical Returns from Lessees and Licensees.
Records connected with the subjects dealt with at the
time of Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council
(Please Note: Important ones have to be preserved

1 year
2 years
3 years
1 year
3 years
35 years
3 years
5 years
3 years
3 years
3 years






Office copies of periodical Returns submitted (when

unimportant )
Proofs of Departmental Reports, Records Memoirs,
Bulletins, etc., and correspondence with the Government
Press relating to their printing.
Monthly Returns of output from mines and from
Licensees and Lessees.
To and From Registers.
Quarterly Statements showing realization of Royalty, etc.,
received from the Office of the Accountant General,
Karnataka, Bengaluru.
Monthly Statements of credits to Treasuries and Banks in
the Departmental receipts received from the Office of the
Accountant General, Karnataka, Bengaluru.
Counterfoils of Receipts issued for moneys received in the
Papers not falling within any of the above categories.
Copies of Returns submitted to the Office of the Public
Service Commission, Bengaluru.
Copies of Reconciliation Statements submitted to the
Office of the Accountant General, Karnataka, Bengaluru.
Quarterly Returns of Minor Minerals.
Indent for Forms.
Indent for Stationery.
Annual Performance Reports of Group B Gazetted

3 years
3 years

3 years
3 years
3 years

3 years

20 years
3 years
5 years
5 years
5 years
5 years
30 years

Department of Mines & Geology

List of Records to be permanently preserved
Sl. No.

Type of Record
Monthly Proceedings Volumes.
File Register and its Index.
Files on subjects of importance.
Register of Prospecting Licenses.
Register of Mining Leases.
Mining Leases.
Deeds of Transfer of Mining Leases.
Printed publications of the Department which are of
permanent value.
Cash Receipt Register.
Cash Remittance Register.
Register of Assignments of Mining Leases.
Original manuscripts of Departmental Reports, Records,
Memoirs, Bulletins, etc., and Photo Blocks.
Receipt Registers.
Standard Register.
Schedule of Establishments.
Gradation Lists of Officers and Officials.
Stock Register of Stores and Furniture.

Department of Mines & Geology


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