Jalwah Gah e Dost (English Version)

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Translation from pages number 19-24

The love of non-Muslims towards Sohna Saeen

Sohna saeen was born in village named Khanuwahan. Those met Huzoor
Sohna Saeen R.A. used to get impressed by his pious, down to earth, loving,
shariah abiding personality. This is known that on way to Mosque from his
house, he used to wrap a handkerchief around his head (which we saw his
whole life later on), kept sight down, and walked such gently just like an
Angel in the ecstasy of the love of God enlightening the hearts of the
passersby. Not only Muslims, but non-Muslims also fell in love with such
characteristics. Many Muslims followers came to see Sohna Saeen when
decided to migrate from Khanuwahan village to Deenpur, requesting Sohna
Saeen to not leave them alone, that was about the love of Muslim followers.
However followers of the Hindu religion came to see Sohna Saeen wearing
handkerchiefs (which is considered humble in cultural means) and requested
him forgiveness and asked if they have committed a wrongdoing which is
influencing you to migrate from here. They asked on the name of God to stay
there and not make them orphan (because Hindu followers also believed
Sohna Saeen as a sign of blessing for them). Sohna Saeen mentioned Hindu
followers the reasons of his migration, but even then they insisted and wept
endlessly. This is also historically known that on the day Sohna Saeen was
migrating, the inhabitants of Khanwuahan village mourned to such extent
that someone had died in their village.
From few of these incidents, once can easily conclude that life of Sohna
Saeen was spent in the love of Allah, following of the true leader sarkar-emadina Muhammad S.A.W, blessings on all the creatures of god and love
with the entire humanity. For us who believe in seeing-is-believing approach,
the only one prospect of life of Sohna Saeen seen outwardly visible was
was his extreme desire of the love of Allah and his Prophet Muhammad
S.A.W, but the reality was he himself was beloved of Allah and Prophet
Muhammad S.A.W, just as the famous Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai says in this
Tell the lover, the one you fell in love with
Transforms in a way, that the lover becomes beloved
In the quotes above, Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai R.A. unveiled a mystical secret.
He explains that the real lover is the one who one day becomes beloved

himself. This is exactly like the lover follows his love, meaning the lover of
Allah (Prophet Muhammad S.A.W) and follows same style and beliefs so one
day the lover will transform into the beloved. The second quote of the above
poetry mentions transformation of a kind which means that the lover will
only be able to become beloved only after surrendering himself and
transforming into the one he loves.
Friends this transformation is the characteristic of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
As Allah says in Al Quran, Say! That if you love Allah, then follow me, and
Allah will love you. So friends, if you are honest in your pursuance my
(Allahs) love, then there is a sole way to gain my love is to follow Prophet
Muhammad S.A.W. This is an age of egotistical and fraudsters attitudes,
humans have lost the essence of humanity, even animals do not attack other
animals of same breed, but sadly humans have today become human
hunters, just like a poet said
Aadmee akhlakh mtaai, manhroo kio
Kanree kaee subhko manhron sindo maas
Wish that humans begin understand the high status of humanity and stop
injustice on each other. Protect other peoples rights along with their own
rights. Create unity amongst other humans beyond the difference of their
tribe, nation, cast, sect and religion.
The presence of true friends of Allah in these severe environment is the
symbol of human welfare and is a savior and reason from Gods punishment
in this world. One doesnt become a true human by only being self-sustaining
himself, but it also require the following of the god as well as the guidelines
of the prophet Muhammad S.A.W, and most importantly love of the every
person - without any discrimination and difference whatsoever. Indeed, these
were all the characteristics present in my Shaikh Mehboob Sohna Saeen R.A.
Even it is difficult to find words to explain and thank Allah for his blessing by
giving us such a pious lineage, as we dont have a degree to return the
gratitude he gave us.
Hazaron saal nargis apni bay noori peh roti hai
Bari mushkil say hota hai chaman mein deedawar paida
As unique humans on which the humanity delights, lovers who become the
reason for the existence of this world, those who are spiritually transformed
in the love of Allah whose lives are a bright guidance, those whose
willingness and patience are the pride of the religion of Islam, whose

sacrifices are even shed light by Al Quran, those who created a life for
themselves, which is of life of forever glory, which is immortality until the
day of judgment.
Marna aghi jee miaa, see mare thia na maat
Honda see hayat, jenra aghi jee jiaa
Materialistically hidden from our sight, far from us in this finite world,
woefully parting from us, is now enjoying the gloriously gathering with the
great creator of all. But even today, the river of the bliss flows interruptedly
at the Darbar of my Shaikh Sohna Saeen. Today, the spirit and livelihood is
not only present at his spiritual center at Allahabad Shareef, Sindh, but its
affection and fondness is increasing with every passing day. People hungry
for divine love visit his spiritual center from all across the world and return
after being enlightened. There is an increasing trend of visitors at the
spiritual center of my Shaikh every passing day and they belong to different
nations, different countries, and different religions and from a variety of
different walks of life.

A few advices concerning this book

On the insistence of my friends, a few advices are presented for the
honourable guests who visit the place of my sheikh and for the students of
the path, with the hope that they will read it themselves, read it to their
family and children and advise them to read these too.
But for this they need to make a friendly environment at home, and take
special care in the upbringing and education of their children especially their
daughters. These should be read before or after, in friendly gatherings, zikr
gatherings and other gatherings of fuqaras.
Those who are stepping into the path of spirituality (sulook) should definitely
benefit from and listen to this, it should be born in mind that besides duties,
obligations and offering of prayers, one should take complete care of the
rights of people, and there should not be any mistakes in the performance of
it. This will only become easy, when like your Saints you will love Allahs
creation without any differences.
This hadith should always be kept in mind that (please insert Arabic).Allahs
creation includes people from different religions. The way you love your own
family, the same way Allah loves his creation (kunba), good and bad all are

His. By adopting this kind of though and behaviour you will be able to easily
practice beautiful manners (husn-e-salook).
In the end it is important to explain, that this has been a small attempt to
present these advices, which have been chosen from valuable and authentic
books from various Saints.
We are hopeful that if we understand these blessed teachings of our Saints
and if we act upon these, there will definitely be a day when we will be
blessed with the sight of our friend (Real Friend Allah swt) and our heart will
become the observant place of the friend.
We pray to Allah (swt) that with the blessings of our Saints, especially His
beloved Prophet (pbuh), may He accept this small effort, forgive the
mistakes, and with His blessings give benefit to the creation.

Translation from pages number 44-48

Method of Remembering Allah

Method of remembering Allah is: Human beings have the heart on the upper left side of the
chest; personal name of God, Allah should be remembered in this heart. When we feel thirsty,
we find ourselves focused towards quenching our thirst, however we do not repeat and say
water, water with our tongue, but our attention remains towards water! Just as a thirsty
person has all its attentions towards water, our heart should also focus in the same way towards
the name of Allah and repeat the name, Allah, Allah. While doing this one should remain

silent, without any movement of the tongue, rather it should rest at the palate (upper part inside
the mouth). This method should be adopted all the time. There is no condition of being in the
state of ablution, neither the cleanliness of body nor dress is required; one does not need to be
alone; does not matter if you are busy in daily chores all day long, 24 hours; busy in your
business, traveling or resting, while in the markets or at home just make sure that this thing is in
your heart that it (heart) is repeating the name Allah, Allah. Ignore other thoughts that might
arise during this process. Because Allah Almighty Himself says in Quran in Surah An-Noor (The
Light) [24:37]

By men whom neither traffic nor merchandise can divert from the Remembrance of Allah, nor
from regular Prayer, nor from the practice of regular Charity: Their (only) fear is for the Day
when hearts and eyes will be transformed (in a world wholly new).
Allahs slaves are the ones who do not get distracted from remembrance of Allah because of the
worldly chores and business. Practicing the remembrance of Allahs name this way in your heart
for few a days makes heart alive and it starts doing this itself. Due to this practice heart gets
purified and attention and fear towards Allah Almighty is remains in the heart; due to which it
gets easier to act upon the orders of Allah Almighty that were taught to us by His last Prophet
Muhammad (may peace be upon him) .
Hazrat Khawja Ahmad Saed Naqshbandi quds saarahu writes that the remembrance of
personal name of Allah Almighty Allah should be done in following way:
Disciple or the spiritual student should rest the tongue at palate and completely free the
heart from all thoughts.
Next consider the Spiritual guide or Sheikh, from whom he learnt this method of
remembrance, in front of oneself.
Repeat the name Allah, Allah with tongue of ones heart i.e. keep attention towards
the meaning of the word Allah in the heart.
Next concentrate that I believe in my Lord, Allah Almighty, Who has all the best
characteristics and is free of all lower characteristics.
Be regular in this practice of remembering Allah until the heart gets alive and gets used to this
(starts doing this automatically!).
Hazrat Imam Rabbani Reviver and Blessed (Mujaddad and Munawwar) quds saara hu says:
In the start of spiritual journey, student has no other way except remembering Allah. He should
be attentive towards his heart that this piece of flesh is like a resting place for the real heart. Pass
the blessed highest name of Allah through the same heart and while doing this do not

intentionally move any other body part rather be fully attentive to your heart, not towards its
shape; absorb and observe the meaning of blessed and highest name Allah by believing in its
uniqueness and singularity. But still do not ponder over any of His attributes. (Letter number
190, Volume 1, Part 3).

Remembering Allah in the Heart (Zikr e Qalbi)

(Repetitively saying ALLAH ALLAH in the heart, silently, without any movement of tongue)
Remembering Allah (doing zikr) whether it is done in heart (silently) or verbally, individually or
in groups, its merits and importance are well known. But from the Holy Quran and Hadith we
find out that the merits of doing it silently in heart are many times more than doing it verbally.
However if Allah Almighty specially bless someone and choose him as his lucky slave and bless
him so that the person simultaneously practice verbal remembrance (dhikr) and his heart also
practices in the same way; and he is promoted from verbal remembrance to heartily
remembrance (zikr-e-qalbi); to such an extent that even if he is silent, tongue is quite, still his
heart will not remain silent! This is called abundant remembrance, an ample rich remembrance
Hadhrat Mulla Ali Qari Rahmatulla Alleyhey who holds international fame and is a researcher
and hadith master (muhaddith), has quoted the following hadith to show the high status of
Abu'd-Darda' reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said, "Shall I
inform you of the best of your actions and the purest of your property and the highest of your
degrees and what is better for you than spending gold and silver and better for you than
encountering the enemy and striking their necks and their striking your necks?" They said, "Yes,
indeed!" He said, "Remembrance of Allah Almighty." Muadh ibn Jabal said, "There is nothing
which saves from the punishment of Allah more than remembrance of Allah."
[Mishkawt ul Massabih Page 198, Ahmad, Ibn Abi'd-Dunya, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah]
Commenting on this blessed hadith, the same great hadith master Hadhrat Mulla Ali Qari
Rahmatulla Alleyhey says:
This remembrance (zikr) means remembrance in ones heart. This is the same remembrance
which has greater virtues than sacrificing lives and wealth. Because this is a veiled and hidden
action of heart which is harder to perform by the self (nafs / ones lowly desire). This is the
greater struggle (Jihad-e-Akbar)! (Mirqat al-Mafatih, Page 22 Volume 3)

Virtues to remember Allah in ones heart are 70 times

Great hadith master, Hadhrat Mulla Ali Qari quds sarrahu has quoted hadith in this compiled
book of Prophets sayings Ahadith-e-Mubarika Mirqat al-Mafatih commentary on Mishkat ul
Masabeeh, volume 1, page number 342, narrated by Hazrat Ayesha, mother of believers (May
Allah be Pleased with her) :

Hazrat Ayesha, mother of believers (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that Messenger of
Allah (may peace be upon him) said the zikr (remembering Allah) which cannot be known to the
Kiram an-Katibin, is seventy times superior to other types of zikr that they can listen i.e. verbal
remembrance. On the Day of Judgment, mankind will be called to reckoning by Him and the
Kiram an-Katibin directed to produce the Register of Conduct of every person. Angels will
present everything that they remembered or have written. These Angels will be commanded to
re-examine the records to see if any of their deeds remained unrecorded. They would submit that
everything what we know or remembered had been duly put down. On this Allah Almighty Shall
then inform the person that I have one good deed that these angels do not recognize and I Will
Give you reward for this and this good deed is the secret (hidden or veiled) remembrance (zikr-ekhaffi).

Translation from pages number 74-78


My beloved one is away from my worldly eyes, but day and night he is in my
heart. Apparently he is away however he in reality is present.

The word rabta is derived from rabt, which means to bind something
strongly. This is why in Arabic a bunch of flowers or a packet is called rabt.
In spirituality, Sufism, tasawuf and tareeqt, connection with the sheikh
means that the disciple should bind himself with his sheikh very strongly,
and to acquire the same manners and actions as his sheikh, one should get
into the company of his sheikh.
And when the sheikh is present among themselves, then with respect and

love, he or she should look between the eyebrows of sheikh, and they should
not concentrate towards anything else,
And when the sheikh is not present, then the disciple should visualise him,
similarly as when one is outside ones home, knowingly he or she can
visualise the things happening at his home, in the same way one should
visualise his sheikh in the mosque, in some gathering or busy in the worship
of Allah swt.
Because the actions of friends of Allah i.e. Auliya Allah are according to the
orders of Allah swt, that is why the one who is connected to his sheikh very
strongly, tries to perform the deeds in the same manner as of his sheikh.
As said:

A lover is obedient to the one he loves.

Proof of imaging or visualising ones sheikh from the Holy Quran,
Allah swt Says in Surah yusuf

[12:24] And indeed the woman desired him; and he too would have desired her were he not
to witness the sign of his Lord*;

Scholars who have explained this part of verse,

Burhan means that it his father Hazrat Yaqoob,e saw his father and he even
spoke to him. Even though that father and son were at a great distances,
however the connection between the hearts was very strong hence they
could see and hear each other.
There are other places in the Quran where Allah has mentioned other
prophets and auliya kiram and Allah swt has asked human beings to do
brainstorming on the quranic verses. See Surah Al Baqarah Verse 24:

(ARABIC verse in Arabic font instead of

following verse image)

[2:24] Indeed Allah does not, for the sake of explanation, shy to illustrate an example of
anything, whether it is of a gnat or something further (inferior) than it; so the believers know
it is the Truth from their Lord; as for the disbelievers, they say, What does Allah intend by
such an example? He misleads many thereby, and He guides many thereby; and with it He
misleads only those who are rebellious.

Surah Ghashia Verse 17:

[88:17] so do they not see the camel how it has been created?
and Surah Nahal Verse 8:


And horses, and mules, and donkeys so that you may ride them, and for
adornment; and He will create what you do not know*. (* All modern means of transport by
air, sea, land and even in space evidence this.)

When one will recite these verses and one will ponder on the meaning of
these verses, then the people and things mentioned in the quran will come
to the mind of the reciter, and that would result in the addition of his belief,
and these verses will become advises for him. Similarly when one imagines
his sheikh then sufiya kiram auliya karim, they call it rabita ( connection) this
becomes the reason of the guidance and reformation of the disciple.
Proof of connection of sheikh from Hadith.
Hazrat maulana abdul Hayee (ra) copies words of Hazrat Abdullah ibn
Masood ra in the book Hulya tul Awliya:

By god at the time of War of tabooq I was looking at the holy prophet
The Scholar after mentioning this hadith, explains:

(Haday tul Insaan Page 102)

That in this hadith and the similar ahadith mentioned in Sahih bukhari, /sahi
muslim etc, Sufiya kiram, the friends of Auliya have declared the
visualisation (imagination) of the sheikh lawful and this is a fact as well..
However the people who negatively criticise can never understand this.
The great sheikh of Naqshbandi sililsa. In one of his letters says:

that regarding the visualisation of the sheikh, the nearest way for a disciple,
for someone who is struggling in the path of rabita e sheikh, path of
connecting to sheikh, one should know that if one gets connection to sheikh
without any hard work, then that means that the disciple and the Sheikh
have complete similarity, and this is the way of getting benefit, and this is
the way of transmitting benefit, and one who gets this is very lucky.
On the same topic, famous saint Arif bil Allah Hazrat Sheikh Sharaf ud din
Ahmad Bin Yahya Muniri ra states:

That the disciple should establish a connection of heart between his sheikh
and himself, connection between the Sheikh means the disciple should
understand and believe that it is only my sheikh who will connect me to Allah
swt, and no one else can do this. Sheikhs give advantages and they transmit
blessing to the disciples in the same way as prophets used to do towards
their ummah (nation). The disciple should act upon the advised given by his

sheikh, he should not exceed those advices, and of there are thousands of
other better sheikh or pious people, disciple should not they are better than
my sheikh, if one does think like this, it means he has not fulfilled his
discipleship, and thinking this he would not get the full benefits.,
(Lataif ul Ma3aani, Malfoozat Hazrat Sheikh Sharaf ud din Ahmad Bin Yahya
Muniri ra Page 4)

Translation from pages number 187-190


Some specific Khatams

1. The disciples and devotees of my master and shaykh, sultn al-rifeen

hazrat alhaaj Allah Bakhsh alias Sohn Saeen, may Allah enlighten his grave,
should hold the halq of zikr and meditation daily, and before the meditation
they should recite this noble Khatam collectively:
One hundred times durood (salawt), five hundred times this yah

then one hundred times durood should be recited by all together. Then each
of the participants should individually recite Ftih once, surh Quraish (Lilf) eleven times, and finally they should gift (the recitations) to the holy
souls of huzoor Sohna Saeen, may Allah enlighten his grave, and all his
shaykhs, may Allah sanctify their souls.
2. Khatam of khwja-e-khwjgn Hazrat Muhammad Abdul Ghaffr alias Pr
Mith, Allah's mercy be upon him. As mentioned earlier, one hundred times
durood before and after, and in the mid this yah:

3. Khatam of Hazrat Khwj Pr Fazal Al Quresh, Allah's mercy be upon him.
One hundred times durood before and after, five hundred times:

4. Khatam of Khwj Muhammad Sirjuddin, Allah's mercy be upon him.
One hundred times durood before and after, five hundred times:

5. Khatam of Hazrat Khwj Muhammad Usmn Dmn, Allah's mercy be
upon him. One hundred times durood before and after, five hundred times:

6. Khatam of Hazrat Khwj Hj Dost Muhammad Qandahr, Allah's mercy
be upon him. One hundred times durood before and after, five hundred

7. Khatam of Hazrat Shh Ahmad Saeed, Allah's mercy be upon him. One
hundred times durood before and after, five hundred times:

8. Khatam of Hazrat Shh Ghulm Al Dehlav, Allah's mercy be upon him.
One hundred times durood before as well as after, five hundred times:

And after completion of each hundred, these words (should be added once):

9. Khatam of Hazrat Mirz Mazhar Jn-e Jnn, Allah's mercy be upon him.
One hundred times durood before and after, five hundred times:

After completion of each hundred, these words should be added once:

10. Khatam of Hazrat Khwj Muhammad M'soom Sirhind, Allah's mercy
be upon him. One hundred times durood before and after, five hundred

And after completion of each hundred, these words should be added once:

11. Khatam of Hazrat Imm Rabbn Mujaddid Alf-e Sn Ahmad Frq
Sirhind, may his soul be sanctified. One hundred times durood before and
after, five hundred times:

12. Khatam of Hazrat Bq Billh Dehlav, Allah's mercy be upon him. Five
hundred times:

At completion of each hundred, these words should be added once:

13. Khatam of Hazrat Khwja-e-Khwjgn Shh Bah'uddn Naqshband

Bukhr, may his soul be sanctified. One hundred times durood before and
after, five hundred times:

14. Khatam of Hazrat Mahboob-e Subhani, Ghaus al-Azam, Shaykh Abdul
Qdir Jln, may his soul be sanctified. One hundred times durood, then five
hundred times:

At the completion of each hundred:

Then one hundred times durood.

Gift of salawt and salm in the court of the best of creations, lord of the
first and the last, our lord and our master Muhammad the Messenger of
Allah, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Three hundred and
thirteen (313) times:

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