Sitologi Dan Histologi Tumbuhan

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We know plant is grouped to be plant dicotyledon and
monocotyledon. This group be subdivided according to morphologist can
showed with a seed cchip sum difference, rood/radik type, armouring type,
and segment with the branching. Besides difference according to
morphologies, we can found also difference anatomically in each plant
For that necessary presumably we study how anatomical
composition each plant organ dicotyledon and monocotyledon.


1. How does the shape and parts from tissue composers of cell onion
epidermis (Allium cepa)?
2. How does tissue composition and corn leaf/folium organ composers
tissue modification kind (Zea mays) or monocotyledon and rubber
plant leaf/folium (Ficus elastica)?
3. What is a defference between composers tissue of leaf/folium
monocotyledon and dicotyledon?
4. How does tissue composition and corn stem/caulis organ composers
tissue (Zea mays)or dicotyledone and peanut stem/caulis (Arachis
hypogea) or jarak stem (Ricinus communis) or dicotyledone?
5. What is a difference between stem/caulis composers tisuue
monocotyledon and dicotyledon?


1. To understand the shape and cell parts of epidermis tissue
composers in Allium cepa.
2. To understand various tissue and various of modification in corn
leaf/folium organ compose tissue (Zea mays) or monocotyledon and
rubber leaf/folium (Ficus elastica).
3. To understand the differences compose tissue monocotyledon
leaf/folium organ and dicotyledone.
4. To understand various compose tissue corn stem organ or
monocotyle and peanut stem ( Arachis hypogea) or jarak stem
(Ricinus comunis) or dicotyledone.
5. To understand differences compose tissue monocotyledon stem
organ and dicotyledon.


A. Leaf / folium Organ
Leaf/folium anatomy structure that watched microscopicaily in
dismemberment has crossing as follows:
1. Epidermis Tissue
Epidermis shaped one cell layer which cell wall was experiences
thickened from substance of kutin (cuticle) or sometmes from lignin.
In epidermis has found stomata (leaf/folum mouth) that flanked by
two casing cells. Stomata there located in surface on for example in
plant floating the leaf/folium (in lotus leaf/folium), there on the
surface of under and there also found at second leaf/folium surface
(on and under). Ficus plants has epidermis structured on two cell
layers. Epidermis also can correlating modification be trichome and
fan cell. Tricome come from extrusion epidermis. Trichome can
formed hair, thorn, bubble or tube. The function of trichome is
protected and bounce back sunlight radiation. ( Syamsuri I, 2003).
2. Mesophyl tissue
Mesophyl consist of cells parenchyma structured so that many
found space beetwen of cell. Inmajority plant dicotyledon mesophyl
differentiation be pole tissue (palosade) and sponge, while plant
monocotyledon not differentiation. Tissue cells palisade in
dicotyledon formed cylinder, tight compiled, and contain
chlorophyll, usually only found on the surfaceunder the epidermis
cells, but also there found at second surface and that called
isobilateral. Sponge tissue cells is compiled on cells its for both
regular, correlating branches and full chloroplast and the cell
composition rather distant. ( Maryanti S, 1997:34 )
3. Transport bundle
Transport bundle (xilem and phloem) has found at leaf/folium bone
and has composition likes the stem/caulis, although not for the
width of found on stick. Its more closer with leaf/folium bone end,
transport bundle composition more simpler. The function of
transport bundle on leaf/folium bone is was means of transport and
leaf/folium lasting. (Tim penyusun,2003)

A. Stem Organ
Stem/ caulis anatomy structure not differ far with root/radix. The
structure difference in root/radix found endodermis in stem/caulis
and while not found in endodermis. Stem/caulis composers layer
from outside into shall be as follows:
1. Epidermis
Tissue epidemis compiled by single layer cell, tight compiled,
without space between of cell, the cell wall outside has found
cuticule that functioned to protect a stem/caulis from lose of water
too much. In old wood plant that found cork cambium that replace
primary tissue function. Cork cambium activities split up at outside
from phelem and up at in from pheloderm. Phelem will form lenticel
that functioned for gas transfer.(Tim penyusun, 2003)
2. Cortex
Cortex compiled by several cell layers parenchya, which both
regular and has a thin wall, many spaces between cell found a
collenchyma and schlerenchim with that functioned as contributor
and body lasting, cortex cell half in that contain amilum that called
phloeterma (flour cover).
3. Stele (Central cylinder)
Stele in part of inmost from stick. At the outside layer from of
cylinder center is limitted by pericycle or parenchyma. The stele is
composed by xylem, phloem,vascular cambium,pith. In plant
dicotyledon side part stele limited by Meristem tissue, that is
cambium, in monootyledon not found cambium. Cambium lay
between transport bundle with parenchyma called vascular
cambium., while the cambium lay between transport bundle is
called cambium intravascular. Transport bundle monocotyledon the
location widespread not regular. Each transport bundle in
monocotyledon repasked transport bundle cover. Hile transport
bundle structure dicotyledon equal to rood/radix monocotyledon
that still young, that is from regular circle.(D.A Pratiwi,1997:3


1. Cells be composed epdermis tissue Allium cepa has shape like a
beam and that parts will consist of cell wall, cytoplasm and nucleus.
2. Various tissue and various of modification in orn leaf/folium organ
compose tissue (Zea mays) or monocotyledon and rubber
leaf/folium (Ficus elastica) are epidermis tissue, mesophyl tissue
and transport bundle.
3. The difference compses tissue monocotyledon leaf/folium organ and
dicotyledon are in majority plant dicotyledon mesophyl
differentiaton be pole tissue (palisade) and sponge, while plant
monocotyledon not differentiation.
4. Various compose tissue corn stem organ or monocotyle and panut
stem (Arachis hypogea) or jarak stem (Ricins comunis) or
dicotyledon are epidermis, corex, stele (central cylinder).
5. Differences
compose tissue monocotyledon stem organ and
dicotyledon are in plant dicotyledon side part stele limited by
meristem tissue, that is cambium, in monocotyledon not found


Tools and materials

a. Microscope and tools
b. Razor
c. Object glass and cover glass
d. Tweezers

1. Leaf/folium and stem/caulis of peanut or jarak
2. Plant rubber leaf/folium or banyan (Ficus elastica)

3. Onion tuber (Allium cepa)

4. Potato or Carrot

VII. Working Procedure

1. Epidermis preparate of Allium Cepa
a. Break the tuber of Allium cepaake a depth part of membrane
b. Put above mentioned membrane object (dont until bound)
c. Drip 1 water drop with pipette and close with cover glass (dont
until happen water bubble)
d. Observe object with weak magnification microscope (magnification
10 x 12,5, then when less clear wear strong magnification with
shifted the objective lens (magnification 40 x 10)
e. Make a picture from your observation result and give explanation in
part of that picture.

2. Cross profile preparate of Ficus elastic leaf/folium organ and leaf/folium

of corn plant (Zea mays)
a. Take a leaffolium of Ficus elastica or another leaf/folium and cut of
the size 2cm X 2 cm.
b. Make potato slice or carrot of the size 3 cm X 3 cm X 4 cm and then
incise one part of the side in 1,5 cm.
c. Insert the icus Elastica leaf/folium or another leaf/foum in toes
potato notch or carrot, cut the leaf/folium so that flat with potato
surface carrot.
d. Make leaf/folium cross section as thin as may be by using razor
blade (to get thin result instructs dismemberment to you your body)
e. Put thin leaf/folium cros section in object glass and drip the water
and closed with cover glass.

Perceive with microscope with weak magnification and when less

clear use strong magnification.

g. When does its definited observation result mean cut still less thin,
so necessary done dismemberment has repeated.

h. When does microscope observation result its clear, so can make

the picture with given explanation in each the composers tissue.

3. Lengthwise profile preparate of corn leaf/folium (Zea mays)

a. Take a leaf/folium of Zea mays and bandage at one of your finger.
b. Cut a slice of surface part on leaf/folium as thin as.
c. Put above mantioned slice on object glass and drip water driblet
and close with cover glass.
d. Perceive with microscope with a weak magnification then it was
with strong magnification.

4. Cross profile preparate of corn stem/caulis plant (Zea mays) and

peanut stem/caulis plant (Arachis hypogea) or stic jarak plant (Ricinus
a. Take a corn or stem/caulis peanut and make cross section as thin
b. Put above mentioned stem/caulis slice on object glass and drip the
water driblet by using pipette at cover with cover glass.
c. Perceive with microscope with a weak magnification then it was
with strong magnification.
d. Make a picture from your observation result and give explanation in
part of that picture.


Obervation Result


1. Preparat epidermis Alium cepa
Setalah diamati, pada bagian epidermis Allium cepa terdapat
bagian-bagian yang mampunyai fungsi masing-masing. Bagiabbagian tersebut akan di jelaskan di bawah ini beserta fungsi dan
a. Dinding sel
Berfungsi sebagai pelindung sel atau pembatas sel. Selain itu
juga sebagai tempat pertukaran zat (osmosis, difusi) reseptor
dari rangsangan luar.
b. Sitoplasma
Fungsi utama dari sitiplasma adalah sebagai pengatur
kekentalan, pembentukan barang spindel, mikrotubulus, miofibril
dan keratin. Sitoplasma ini tersusun atas beberapa unsur
penyususn yaitu: nutrien, ion,enzim,garam,air dan mol organik.
Wujud dari sitoplasma ada yag lembek dan ada yang cair.
c. Inti sel (nukleus)
Inti sel adalag bagian yang paling penting pada suatu sel, karena
ia mempunyai fungsi yang sangat penting pula, yaitu sebagai
pembawa DNA dan RNA.
d. Ruang Antar Sel
Dalam epidermis Allium cepa ada ruang atau rongga antar sel
yang disebut ruang antar sel.

Dari pengamatan
epidermis Allium cepa yang dilakukan menggunakan
mikroskop dan membandingkan dengan gambar dari internet, dapat diketahui
bahwa bentuk dari sel-sel epidermis Allium cepa adalah berbentuk balok-balok
tersusun seperti batu bata.

2. Preparat Penampang melintang Ficus elastica

Setelah diamati, bagian-bagian dari penampang melintang Ficus
elastica adalah:

a. Kutikula
Lapisan lilin yang melapisi epidermis.
b. Epidermis
Dalam penampangmelintang daun Ficus elastica terdapat dua
lapisan jaringan epidermis. Yaitu epidermis atas dan epidermis
bawah. Jaringan epidermis pada daun Ficus Elastica termodifikasi
menjadi beberapa bagaian, yaitu kutikula yang menyebabakan
permukaan daun Ficus Elastica menjadi keras dan Stomata atau
mulut daun yang berfungsi untuk fotosintesis.
c. Jaringan Mesofil
Jaringan dasar daun Ficus elastica tersusun oleh sel-sel parenkim
yang terdefensiasi menjadi:
Memngandung banyak kloroplas.




Spons: terdapat berkas pengankut, pada spons terdapat

kloroplas namun tidak terlalu banyak. Jaringan ini juga disebut
jaringan bunga karang.
d. Berkas pengankut
Terletak antara jaringan spons, terdiri dari floem dan xilem yang

3. Preparat Penampang Melintang Daun Zea Mays

Secara garis besar daun selalu terdiri dari jaringan
epidermis, daging daun (mesofil) dan berkas pengangkut. Epidermis
daun memiliki banyak variasi bentuk dan derivatnya. Pada
kenampakan melintang, sel epidermis daun yang terletak paling
luar dilapisi oleh selapis kutikula. Mesofil daun yang terdiri dari selsel parenkim, pada tumbuhan monokotil tidak dijumpai adanya
differensiasi spons parenkim dan parenkim palisade seperti halnya
pada daun tumbuhan dikotil. Pada parenkim mesofil banyak
ditemukan variasi sel parenkim seperti misalnya: sel minyak dan sel
lendir, demikian pula banyak ditemukan ergastik sel. Pada
kebanyakan ibu tulang daun, berkas pengangkut masih mengikuti
tipe berkas pengangkut batangnya.Xilem dan floem terdapat pada
tulang daun.
a. Trikoma

Sel-sel epidermis yang berbentuk berupa rambut yang menonjol

ke arah luar. Berperan dalam penyerapan air dan garam mineral.
b. Sel kipas
Merupakan alat tambahan pada epidermis bagian atas yang
berfungsi sebagai penyimapan air. Bila terjadi penguapan yang
relatif besar, sel kipas akan mengempis sehingga daun akan
menggulung untuk mengurai penguapan lebih lanjut.
c. Epidermis
Bagian epidermis pada daun Zea Mays terdapat dua, yaitu
epidermis atas dan epidermis bawah. Pada epidermis yang
terdapat trikoma adalah bagian epidermis atas, sedangkan
epidermis yang terdapat sel kipas adalah epidermis bawah.
d. Jaringan mesofil
Pada tumbuhan monokotil ini jaringan mesofilnya tidak
terdeferensial. Hanya terdiri dari jaringan spons yang berbentuk
melingkar dan mengandung kloroplas untuk fotosintesis.
e. Berkas pengangkut
Terdapat pada bagian jaringan mesofil yang terdiri dari floem
dan xilem yang melingkar.

Lubang atau tempat keluar masuknya gas-gas dalam tumbuhan.

4. Preparat Penampang Bujur daun Zea Mays

Dilakukan pengamatan daun Zea mays secara membujur untuk
mengamati stomata.
a. Dinding Sel
Berfungsi untuk melindungi sel-sel.
b. Sel Penutup
Disebut juga sebagai sel penjaga. Sel ini berisikan kloroplas yang
berfungsi untuk fotosintesis.
c. Celah Stomata
Terletak diantara sel penjaga.

5. Preparat Penampang melintang batang Zea Mays

a. Epidermis
Pada batang tumbuhan monokitil lebih tebal dari dikotil.
Terdapat penyimpan berupa tidak terlibatnya stomata dan bulu
halus pada epidermis.
b. Berkas pengankut
Berupa xilem dan floem yang meligkar.

6. Preparat penampang melintang batang Arachis hypogea

a. Epidermis
Pada tumbuhan dikotil ini batangnya terdiri dari selapis tipis sel
pipih yang tersusun rapat. Epidermis berfungsi melindungi
jaringan yang ada di dalam batang.
b. Korteks
Terletak pad abawah epidermis, yang terdiri dari:
Klorenkim: satu sel parenkim yang berkelompok dan menjadi
pemisah stele dengan korteks.
Hipodermis: berada di bagian bawah epidermis.
c. Stele
Terdapat pada bagian paling dalam (endodermis). Karena
tumbuhan ini merupakan tumbuhan dikotil, maka seharusnya
berkas pengangkutnay tersusun melingkar empulur. Pada
tumbuhan ini ditemukan berkas pengangkut berupa xilem,
floem, jari-jari empulur.

Pada saat melakukan percobaan ini. Terdapat beberapa masalah yang menjadi
kendala, yaitu sulitnya memotong preparat denag tipis atau pemotongan kurang
sempurna. Sehingga, objek pun susah untuk diamati.


1. Cells be composed epdermis tissue Allium cepa has shape like a
beam and that parts will consist of cell wall, cytoplasm, nucleus and
space between cell.
2. Various tissue and various of modification in orn leaf/folium organ
compose tissue (Zea mays) or monocotyledon and rubber
leaf/folium (Ficus elastica) are epidermis tissue, mesophyl tissue
and transport bundle.
3. The difference compses tissue monocotyledon leaf/folium organ and
dicotyledon are in majority plant dicotyledon mesophyl
differentiaton be pole tissue (palisade) and sponge, while plant
monocotyledon not differentiation.
4. Various compose tissue corn stem organ or monocotyle and panut
stem (Arachis hypogea) or jarak stem (Ricins comunis) or
dicotyledon are epidermis, cortex, stele (central cylinder).
5. Differences
compose tissue monocotyledon stem organ and
dicotyledon are in plant dicotyledon side part stele limited by
meristem tissue, that is cambium, in monocotyledon not found



Susilowarno, R. Gunawan. DKK. 2007. Biologi SMA Untuk SMA/MA

kelas XI. Grasindo.Jakarta.

Guru Pembimbing




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