United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit.: Nos. 605, 606, Dockets 31181, 31182

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415 F.

2d 265

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellant-Appellee,

CERTAIN LAND, together with the improvement thereon,
AT the northwest corner of IRVING PLACE AND 16TH
etc., and Benjamin Kaufman, et al., Defendants, 396 Corp.,
Jacob Freidus and the Executors of the Will of Samuel E.
Aaron, Defendants-Appellees-Appellants.
Nos. 605, 606, Dockets 31181, 31182.

United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit.

Argued May 21, 1969.
Decided Sept. 4, 1969.

Martin Paul Solomon, Asst. U.S. Atty. (Robert M. Morgenthau, U.S. Atty.
for Southern Dist. of New York, Roger P. Marquis and Edmund B. Clark,
Attys., Dept. of Justice, on the brief), for plaintiff-appellant-appellee.
Stuart A. Summit, New York City (Miller & Summit, New York City, on
the brief), for defendant-appellee-appellant Jacob Freidus.
Marshall Perlin, New York City, for defendant-appellees-appellants 396
Corp. and the Exrs. of Will of Samuel E. Aaron, Milton H. Friedman,
New York City, of counsel.
Before LUMBARD, Chief Judge, FEINBERG, Circuit Judge, and
TIMBERS, District Judge.1
LUMBARD, Chief Judge:

This appeal by the United States and cross-appeal by the defendants challenge
that portion of the condemnation award rendered by the district court which is
based on the 'risk of vacancy' created upon the subject building by the unique
short-term option aspect of the takings exercised by the government. The

United States contends that there should be no award for the risk of vacancy
factor, while defendants maintain that the award is insufficient.

We reverse, because we find that the risk of vacancy award of $555,833.33 far
exceeds the actual economic loss suffered by defendants as a result of the
options. But because the record indicates that the options did have a direct
adverse economic effect upon defendants we remand to the district court so that
it may take further evidence and arrive at a fair valuation of defendants' loss
caused directly by the options.

The subject property is the Borgfeldt Building, constructed in 1909, an eleven

story loft structure located at the northwest corner of Irving Place and East 16th
Street in Manhattan, which the government used for offices. From 1945
through 1947 the government was in possession of the premises under a
sublease, but after 1947 the possession was extended by four condemnations.
The defendants in this litigation were first the owners and later the lessees of
the building under a sale and lease-back transaction during the years covered by
this proceeding, July 1, 1960 through June 30, 1964.

The government initiated its first condemnation proceeding in 1947. This was a
taking for one year but with the added provision, as was true in the succeeding
takings, that the government could exercise options for the use and possession
of premises for each of the next four years. The only condition upon its exercise
of these options was that notice be given at least 30 days prior to the expiration
of each yearly term. A similar proceeding, once again providing for a one year
term and options to extend for a maximum of four additional years, was
initiated in 1953. The third taking, instituted in 1958, was identical to the two
previous except that the options extended only for three years past the initial
term. Finally, a fourth taking was instituted in 1962, with the options extending
for four years past the initial term. This litigation involves the last two years of
the third taking, i.e., 1960 through 1962, and the first two years of the fourth
taking, i.e., 1962 through 1964.

The parties do not object to the basic fair rental value found by the district court
for the years in question. This value was set by the court at $230,000 per
annum, after it declined to adopt the government expert's figure of $207,500,
and the defendants' expert's figure of $385,000, the latter estimate taking into
account the options. The disagreement centers on the additional awards for the
'risks of vacancies'-- i.e., the risk that the building would stand vacant if the
government did not exercise one of its short notice options and defendants were
not able to secure immediately another tenant. The government contends that
no award should have been made for this risk, since in fact the government

exercised all of its options and thus no actual vacancies occurred. The
defendants contend that the award was inadequate as it does not take into
account the risk of vacancy for each of the four years, but rather proceeds on
the assumption that there was only one risk for each of the two-year takings.

The theory behind the risk of vacancy award requires some explanation. Under
the terms of the takings the government was not required to exercise its option
for the coming year until 30 days prior to the expiration of the current yearly
term. Thus with respect to each of the four years in question it was possible for
the government to give notice thirty days prior to the expiration of the yearly
term that it would not exercise its option for the coming year. This would have
left the defendants with their building standing vacant until they were able to
secure new tenants. Due to the large size of the building this task of securing
new tenants might occupy a considerable period of time, during which the
property would be producing no income.

The district court found that it would take 18 months for the owners of the
Borgfeldt Building to obtain and install a new tenant after receiving notice that
the building would become vacant. From this the court concluded that the fair
market value of the option was equal to the fair rental value for the eighteen
month period during which the building would remain vacant if the government
had not exercised its options. The actual risk of vacancy award was for only
seventeen months rent, since under the taking the government obligated itself to
give 30 days notice.

The situation concerning the years 1960 and 1961 is slightly different owing to
the outcome of the previous litigation affecting the government's third taking.
Judge Knox, in a ruling that was affirmed by this court, United States v. 396
Corp., 264 F.2d 704 (2d Cir.), cert. denied, 361 U.S. 817, 80 S.Ct. 60, 4
L.Ed.2d 64 (1959), modified the notice provision by requiring the government
to give six months notice of its intention to exercise or not exercise the option.
While that litigation itself concerned only 1958, the district court in the present
case found that the six months notice had been given also in 1960-61 and 196162. Thus in figuring the risk of vacancy for these two yearly periods the district
court subtracted six months from the 18 month vacancy period, and then
awarded as compensation for the option the rental value for a 12 month period.

In addition, since 1962 was to be the last year of occupancy under the third
taking, this amounted to a 12 month notice. This, when combined with the six
month notice ordered in 1961 by Judge Knox, eliminated any risk of vacancy in


The above calculations resulted in a risk of vacancy award of $230,000 for the
last two years of the third taking, i.e., 1960-62 and $325,833.33 for the first two
years of the fourth taking, i.e., 1962-64, for a total risk of vacancy award of
$555,833.33, plus interest.


We reject the government's contention that the previous consideration by Judge

Knox of the value of the options held by the government for the years 1956
through 1960 barred defendants, by virtue of collateral estoppel, from
introducing proof relating to the valuation of the options for the years 1960
through 1964 in this litigation. Judge Knox, as noted above, required the
government to give six months notice of its intent to renew or not to renew. The
government points to the language of this Court in affirming Judge Knox 'that
the landlord was awarded all that, in all conscience, it was entitled to, under the
Constitution.' United States v. 396 Corp., 264 F.2d 704, 708 (2d Cir. 1959).
Since the terms of the taking reviewed by Judge Knox and that of the takings
involved in the present litigation are identical, the government submits that
defendants are barred from relitigating the value of the options.


But neither Judge Knox nor this Court purported to set a value on the options.
Instead Judge Knox attempted to reach a result justified by the limited evidence
presented to him with respect to the options. If, in this litigation, defendants are
able to submit additional evidence which establishes some element of direct
economic loss to them as a result of the options, then we believe they are
entitled to an award increased by this amount. Because of the repeated options
taken by the government the defendants have been forced to bear the burdens
of litigation for each yearly period for which the parties have been unable to
agree on an appropriate rent. With this burden of repeated litigation should go
the benefit of being permitted to introduce new evidence for the purpose of
establishing defendants' right to a higher condemnation award.


The basic identity of factual and legal issues necessary for the invocation of the
collateral estoppel doctrine is not present here. As we discuss below, the
measure of the award which defendants may recover due to the existence of the
options is the value of what they have lost as a direct result of the options. It is
quite conceivable that the defendants might suffer no provable damage by
virtue of the options in one year, and yet sustain sizable loss in a future year
when, for example, their active attempts to secure mortgage financing are
defeated because of the option factor. This, then, is not a situation where from
year to year the impact of the options remains 'substantially static, factually and
legally,' Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Sunnen, 333 U.S. 591, 599, 68
S.Ct. 715, 92 L.Ed. 898 (1948), and therefore defendants are not estopped.


Neither do we think that defendants should be barred from attempting to prove

this element of damage because of the government's alleged reliance on the
result reached by Judge Knox with respect to the options. The government
chose to proceed with respect to this property by a short term option procedure
which has had the effect of keeping the defendants in suspense with respect to
the government's exercise of its renewal right for each future year. Since
defendants were unable to rely on the government's continued possession of the
premises beyond each current year, it is not unfair to require that the
government face some uncertainty concerning the eventual condemnation
award for each year. If certainty were its goal the government could have
condemned the property for a fixed term of several years, and thus eliminated
the options as a factor creating uncertainty for both it and the condemnees.
Once again, having chosen the benefit of retaining for itself the options the
government must accept a share of the unpredictability of the fair price to be


But while we agree with the district court that defendants were entitled to an
opportunity to establish their right to an additional award due to the options, we
find that the award of $555,833.33 far exceeds any direct economic loss
sustained by the defendants, so far as the present record discloses.


In setting a condemnation award 'the question is, What has the owner lost? not,
What has the taker gained?' Boston Chamber of Commerce v. City of Boston,
217 U.S. 189, 195, 30 S.Ct. 459, 460, 54 L.Ed. 725 (1910); United States v.
John J. Felin & Co., 334 U.S. 624, 630, 68 S.Ct. 1238, 92 L.Ed. 1614 (1948).
Usually the award is premised on a finding, however derived, of the fair market
value of the property interest taken. In this case a comparison with transactions
in the free private market is not possible, for the evidence established that shortterm options of the type taken by the government in this instance would never
be given by an owner of a building like the Borgfeldt Building unless there
were no rental market for the building. In light of this fact we must look to all
the surrounding circumstances to determine the value of what the defendants
actually lost by virtue of the short-term options held by the government during
the four years in question.


It cannot be said that the defendants lost eighteen months rent, or any lesser
period of rental income, because of the options. It is true that the options
created a risk of such a loss, but it was a risk of vacancy which did not
materialize. In each of the four years the government in fact did exercise its
option to renew, and thus the defendants received the full fair rental income
from the building, as set by the district court, during this period. Since the
defendants lost no rental income, they are not entitled to a condemnation award

simply because from year to year it was possible that they would not receive
this income. An award for the risk of vacancy such as the district court ordered
would result in double compensation; the defendants would obtain not only the
rental income paid by the government, but also an award for the risk that they
might not have received it.

The defendants contend that we should close our eyes to the events occurring
subsequent to the government's taking, namely the exercise of the options by
the government, and instead place a value on the existence of the options as of
the initiation of each taking. Viewed from this point in time the risk of vacancy
is still impending, and requires, defendants claim, some compensation.


We see no reason for ignoring the eventual exercise of the options in reviewing
a condemnation award which is based upon their existence. A similar situation
was presented to the Supreme Court in United States v. Westinghouse Electric
Mfg. Co., 339 U.S. 261, 70 S.Ct. 644, 94 L.Ed. 816 (1950). In 1943 the
government had condemned property for a one year term, but with the right to
renew for additional yearly periods during the existing war emergency. Part of
the property was leased by the defendant Westinghouse Company, under a
lease that expired in 1944. Ultimately the government did exercise the right to
renew, and occupied the property until 1945, beyond the termination date of the
defendant's leasehold. The issue was whether Westinghouse's moving
expenses, which it incurred in 1943 as a result of the government
condemnation, but which as events transpired it would have incurred anyway in
1944 upon the expiration of its lease, should be included in the condemnation
award. The Court, using hindsight, concluded that in actuality the government
had taken the whole of Westinghouse's lease as the result of its renewals, and
that therefore moving expenses were not recoverable in light of United States v.
Petty Motor Co., 327 U.S. 372, 66 S.Ct. 596, 90 L.Ed. 729 (1946).


The Court's observations in Westinghouse with respect to the use of hindsight

are directly relevant to our case:


'The usual rule for ascertaining value at the time of taking is not disrespected if
one item is made a function of the future because only then can it be known
whether that item forms a part of what has been 'taken.' The alternative is to
require a forecast of the possibility that the tenant will have to move back into
the premises. The factors on which such a forecast must be based are too
contingent, too unique for guidance by experience, to permit rational
assessment. This is a situation where the law should express 'a judgment from
experience as against a judgment from speculation". 339 U.S. at 267, 70 S.Ct. at


Here, also, any attempt to place a value on the possibility that the government
would not exercise its options, thereby changing the risk of vacancy into the
fact of vacancy, would flounder on the uniqueness of these options and the
contingencies surrounding their possible exercise. An alternative would be to
adopt the district court's approach in effect of treating the risk of vacancy as if it
represented a certainty of vacancy, and rendering an award equal to the full
rental income of the probable period of vacancy. This course, as we have
concluded above, would result in an impermissible windfall unrelated to the
actual loss suffered by defendants. This, then, is a case where the courts must
look to past events in order to render a rational condemnation award based on
the loss to the condemnees. See United States v. Brooklyn Union Gas Co., 168
F.2d 391, 397-398 (2d Cir. 1948).


But while we do not believe that the district court's risk of vacancy award can
be sustained, this does not mean that the defendants must receive no
compensation at all for the options held by the government during the four
years at issue. The government must pay just compensation for every property
interest it takes insofar as the taking results in a direct loss to the condemnee.
See United States v. Miller, 317 U.S. 369, 373-375, 63 S.Ct. 276, 87 L.Ed. 336
(1943); United States v. General Motors Corp., 323 U.S. 373, 377-380, 65 S.Ct.
357, 89 L.Ed. 311 (1945). The options held by the government did represent a
property interest, and the question remaining is whether there is sufficient
evidence indicating that the defendants have suffered some damage, so as to
warrant a remand to the district court for the purpose of proper valuation. We
hold that a remand is appropriate on the record before us.


While defendants did not suffer any actual loss of rental income the uncertainty
created by the options, before their exercise, seems to have resulted in other
losses to the defendants. There was testimony indicating that Benjamin
Kaufman, who became the owner of the Borgfeldt Building in 1961 as the
result of a sale and lease-back transaction with defendants Freidus and Aaron,
was hampered in his attempts to refinance a mortgage on the building by the
uncertainty surrounding the government's future possible occupancy. Transcript
98-102. The danger that the government would not exercise its option, thereby
leaving the building with no capacity to produce income until a new tenant
could be found, apparently reduced the building's attractiveness to potential
mortgagees. The prospect of difficulties of this nature may have had the result
that the defendants obtained less favorable terms under the sale and lease-back
transaction than they would have received had the government's options not
been in existence. See Transcript 43-44. If the defendants could show that the
government's options resulted in less favorable sale and lease-back terms, then
this would be one element of loss which should be taken into account in a

condemnation award.

We do not believe that the evidence introduced by defendants established such

an element of loss, but we remand in the belief that they are entitled to another
opportunity to do so. The record indicates a high likelihood that the option
aspect of the government's two takings damaged defendants to such a degree
that the fair annual rental value set by the district court does not achieve just
compensation for the takings. We hold that the district court should adjust this
figure upwards if the defendants upon remand are able to demonstrate that they
sustained economic loss because of the options, whether the loss be in respect
to the terms of their transaction with Kaufman or in some other direct manner.


The district court, after hearing such further relevant evidence as all parties are
able to present, should be able to assess the quantum of defendants' economic
loss directly attributable to the options. But even with such evidence we
acknowledge that the district court's valuation may lack precision, because of
the unusual nature of the government's takings and the resulting absence of
ready standards of comparison with similar transactions in the private real estate
market. Where precision cannot be achieved, but it is clear that some economic
loss has been sustained, the courts must look to all the surrounding
circumstances in order to arrive at a valuation which, although perhaps not
exact, represents a fair adjustment of the controversy. See Kimball Laundry Co.
v. United States, 338 U.S. 1, 6, 69 S.Ct. 1434, 93 L.Ed. 1765 (1949); United
States v. Commodities Trading Corp., 339 U.S. 121, 123, 70 S.Ct. 547, 94
L.Ed. 707 (1950).


In the normal case the condemnees, having failed once to introduce evidence
sufficient to justify an award above a certain amount in their favor, would not
be entitled to a second chance upon remand. This is a case, however, where the
condemnees should be afforded another opportunity to try their claim, for the
manner in which the government chose to exercise its condemnation power was
unusually burdensome, and rendered the defendants' task of establishing the
value of their property interest taken unusually difficult. Cf. United States v.
70.39 Acres, 164 F.Supp. 451, 464-465 (S.D.Calif.1958). In such circumstances
the courts must be alert to apply the generalizations prevalent in the field of
eminent domain in a manner which achieves substantial justice in the particular
case. See, e.g., United States v. General Motors Corp., 323 U.S. 373, 381-382,
65 S.Ct. 357, 89 L.Ed. 311 (1945); Kimball Laundry Co. v. United States, 338
U.S. 1, 14-15, 69 S.Ct. 1434, 93 L.Ed. 1765 (1949).


One of the burdens imposed upon defendants by the form of the government's
takings has been the necessity of litigating the proper condemnation award for

each year where the parties have been unable to stipulate the fair value of the
interest taken. We do not think the costs of these repeated litigations can be
included in the condemnation award, for they are an indirect, consequential
result of the takings, rather than an element of loss inhering in the property
interest of the defendants. United States v. General Motors Corp., 323 U.S. 373,
379, 65 S.Ct. 357, 89 L.Ed. 311 (1945). But we do think that these burdens of
relitigation make appropriate an award to defendants of their costs on this
appeal, and we so order.

The case is remanded to the district court for proceedings not inconsistent with
this opinion.

Sitting by designation

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