Crim Digest 4

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vs. Jaurigue [C.A. No. 384, February 21, 1946]

Inside the chapel of the 7th day Adventist Church, Amado
Capina sat beside the appellant and with the greatest of
impudence, placed his hand on the upper part of her right
thigh. On observing this highly improper and offensive
conduct, Avelina Jaurigue, conscious of her personal
dignity and honor, pulled out a fan knife and stabbed
Amado once at the base of the left side of the
neck Amado Capina died from the wound a few minutes
later. Appellant Avelina Jaurigue was subsequently tried
and convicted of the crime of Homicide.

Issue: Whether or not appellant Jaurige acted in the
legitimate defense of her honor and that she should be
completely absolved of all criminal responsibility

No. The judgment of conviction is affirmed. The attempt to
rape a woman constitutes an unlawful aggression
sufficient to put her in a state of legitimate defense
inasmuch as a woman's honor cannot but be esteemed as
a right as precious, if not more than her very existence;
and it is evident that a woman who, thus imperiled,
wounds, nay kills the offender, should be afforded
exemption from criminal liability, since such killing cannot
be considered a crime from the moment it became the
only means left for her to protect her honor from so great
an outrage (1 Viada, Codigo Penal, 5th ed., p. 301; People
vs. Luague and Alcansare, 62 Phil., 504). As long as there is
actual danger of being raped, a woman is justified in killing
her aggressor in the defense of her honor. When the
deceased sat by the side of the appellant on the same
bench, near the door of the barrio chapel and placed his
hand on the upper portion of her right thigh without her
consent, the said chapel was lighted with electric lights,
and there were already several people inside the chapel,
including her own father and the barrio lieutenant and
other dignitaries of the organization; and under the
circumstances, there was and there could be no possibility
of her being raped. And when she gave Amado Capina a
thrust at his neck, inflicting upon him a mortal wound and
causing his death a few moments later, the means
employed by her in the defense of her honor was evidently
excessive; and under the facts and circumstances of the
case, she cannot be legally declared completely exempt
from criminal liability.

People vs Mamerto Narvaez

Mamerto Narvaez has been convicted of murder (qualified
by treachery) of David Fleischer and Flaviano Rubia. On
August 22, 1968, Narvaez shot Fleischer and Rubia during
the time the two were constructing a fence that would
prevent Narvaez from getting into his house and rice mill.
The defendant was taking a nap when he heard sounds of
construction and found fence being made. He addressed
the group and asked them to stop destroying his house
and asking if they could talk things over. Fleischer
responded with No, gadamit, proceed, go ahead.
Defendant lost his equilibrium, and shot Fleisher with his
shotgun. He also shot Rubia who was running towards the
jeep where the deceaseds gun was placed. Prior to the
shooting, Fleischer and Co. (the company of Fleischers
family) was involved in a legal battle with the defendant
and other land settlers of Cotabato over certain pieces of
property. At the time of the shooting, the civil case was
still pending for annulment (settlers wanted granting of
property to Fleisher and Co. to be annulled). At time of the
shooting, defendant had leased his property from Fleisher
(though case pending and ownership uncertain) to avoid
trouble. On June 25, defendant received letter terminating
contract because he allegedly didnt pay rent. He was
given 6 months to remove his house from the land.
Shooting was barely 2 months after letter. Defendant
claims he killed in defense of his person and property. CFI
ruled that Narvaez was guilty. Aggravating circumstances
of evident premeditation offset by the mitigating
circumstance of voluntary surrender. For both murders,
CFI sentenced him to reclusion perpetua, to indemnify the
heirs, and to pay for moral damages.

1. WON CFI erred in convicting defendant-appellant
despite the fact that he acted in defense of his
2. WON the court erred in convicting defendant-
appellant although he acted in defence of his
3. WON he should be liable for subsidiary
imprisonment since he is unable to pay the civil
indemnity due to the offended party.

1. No. The courts concurred that the fencing and
chiselling of the walls of the house of the defendant


was indeed a form of aggression on the part of the

victim. However, this aggression was not done on the
person of the victim but rather on his rights to
property. On the first issue, the courts did not err.
However, in consideration of the violation of property
rights, the courts referred to Art. 30 of the civil code
recognizing the right of owners to close and fence
their land. Although is not in dispute, the victim was
not in the position to subscribe to the article because
his ownership of the land being awarded by the
government was still pending, therefore putting
ownership into question. Its accepted that victim was
the original aggressor.

Yes. However, the argument of the justifying
circumstance of self-defense is applicable only if the 3
requirements are fulfilled. Art. 11(1) RPC enumerates
these requisites:
a) Unlawful aggression. In the case at bar, there
was unlawful aggression towards appellants
property rights. Fleisher had given Narvaez 6
months and he should have left him in peace
before time was up, instead of chiseling
Narvaezs house and putting up fence. A536 of
the CC also provides that possession may not be
acquired through force or intimidation; while
Art. 539 provides that every possessor has the
right to be respected in his possession
b) Reasonable necessity of means employed to
prevent or repel attack. In case, killing was
disproportionate to attack.
c) Lack of sufficient provocation on part of person
defending himself. Here, there was no
provocation at all since he was asleep
Since not all requisites present, defendant is credited
w/ the special mitigating circumstance of incomplete
defense, pursuant to A13(6) RPC. These mitigating
circumstances are: voluntary surrender & passion &
obfuscation (read p. 405 explanation)
Crime is homicide (2 counts) not murder because
treachery is not applicable on account of provocation
by the deceased. Also, assault wasnt deliberately
chosen with view to kill since slayer acted
instantaneously. There was also no direct evidence of
planning or preparation to kill.
Art. 249 RPC: Penalty for homicide is reclusion
temporal. However, due to mitigating circumstances
and incomplete defense, it can be lowered 3 degrees
(Art. 64) to arresto mayor.


wore the night before.

No. He isnt liable to be subsidiarily imprisoned for
non-payment of civil indemnity. RA 5465 made the
provisions of A39 applicable to fines only & not to
reparation of damage caused, indemnification of
consequential damages & costs of proceedings.
Although it was enacted only after its commission,
considering that RA 5465 is favorable to the accused
who is not a habitual delinquent, it may be given
retroactive effect pursuant to RPC A22.

Judgment: Defendant guilty of homicide but w/ mitigating
circumstances and extenuating circumstance of
incomplete self defense. Penalty is 4 mos. arresto mayor &
to indemnify each group of heirs 4K w/o subsidiary
imprisonment & w/o award for moral damages. Appellant
has already been detained 14 yrs so his immediate release
is ordered.
Gutierrez, dissenting. Defense of property can only
be invoked when coupled with form of attack on person
defending property. In the case at bar, this was not so.
Appellant should then be sentenced to prision mayor.
However, since he has served more than that, he should
be released.

People vs Boholst- Caballero

Facts: Cunigunda Boholst Caballero seeks reversal of the
judgment of the CFI of Ormoc City finding her guilty of
parricideshe allegedly killed her husband, Francisco
Caballero, using a hunting knife. The couple was married in
1956 and had a daughter. They had frequent quarrels due
to the husband's gambling and drinking and there were
times when he maltreated and abused his wife. After more
than a year, Francisco abandoned his family. In 1958,
Cunigunda went caroling with her friends and when she
was on her way home she met her husband who suddenly
held her by the collar and accused her of going out for
prostitution. Then he said he would kill her, held her by
the hair, slapped her until her nose bled then pushed her
towards the ground. She fell to the ground, he knelt on her
and proceeded to choke her. Cunigunda, having earlier felt
a knife tucked in Francisco's belt line while holding unto his
waist so she wouldn't fall to the ground, grabbed the
hunting knife and thrust it into her husband's left side,
near the belt line just above the thigh. He died 2 days after
the incident due to the stab wound. Then she ran home
and threw the knife away. The next day, she surrendered
herself to the police along with the torn dress that she

Issue: WON Cunigunda, in stabbing her husband, acted in

legitimate self-defense Held: Yes, she did. Acquitted
1. Burden if proof of self-defense rests on the accused. In
this case, the location and nature of the stab
wound confirms that the said victim, the
husband, was the aggressor. With her husband
kneeling over her and choking her, accused had
no other choice but to pull the knife tucked in his
belt line and thrust it into his side. The fact that
the blow landed in the vicinity where the knife
was drawn from is a strong indication of the
truth of the testimony of the accused. Based on
the re-enactment of the incident, it was natural
for her to use her right hand to lunge the knife
into husband's left side.
2. Three requisites of legitimate self-defense are
present Unlawful aggression. The husband
resorting to pushing her to the ground then
choking her just because she was out caroling at
night constitutes unlawful aggression, There was
imminent danger of injury. Reasonable necessity
of means employed. While being choked,
Cunigunda had no other recourse but to take
hold of the knife and plunge it into husband's
side in order to protect herself. Reasonable
necessity does not depend upon the harm done
but on the imminent danger of such injury. Lack
of sufficient provocation. provocation is
sufficient when proportionate to the aggression.
In this case, there was no sufficient provocation
on the part of the accused (Cunigunda) to
warrant the attack of her husband. All that she
did to provoke an imaginary commission of a
wrong in the mind of her husband was to be out
caroling at night.
People vs Felipe Delima
Facts: Lorenzo Napoleon escaped from jail. Poiiceman
Felipe Delima found him in the house of Jorge Alegria,
armed with a pointed piece of bamboo in the shape of a
lance. Delima ordered his surrender but Napoleon

answered with a stroke of his lance. The policeman

dodged it, fired his revolver but didn't hit Napoleon. The
criminal tried to ran away, not throwing his weapon; the
policeman shot him dead. Delima was tried and convicted
for homicide; he appealed.
Held: The SC ruled that Delima must be acquitted. The
court held that the killing was done in performance of a
duty. Napoleon was under the obligation to surrender and
his disobedience with a weapon compelled Delima to kill
him. The action was justified by the circumstances.
People vs Rosalino Dungo
Facts: On March 16, 1987 between 2:00 and 3:00pm, the
accused went to Mrs. Sigua's office at the Department of
Agrarian Reform, Apalit, Pampanga. After a brief talk, the
accused drew a knife from the envelope he was carrying
and stabbed Mrs. Sigua several times. After which he
departed from the office with blood stained clothes,
carrying a bloodied bladed weapon. The autopsy report
revealed that the victim sustained 14 wounds, 5 of which
were fatal.
Rodolfo Sigua, husband of the deceased, testified that
sometime in February 1987, the accused Rosalino Dungo
inquired from him why his wife was requiring so many
documents from him. Rodolfo explained to him the
procedure at the DAR.
The accused, in defense of himself, tried to show that he
was insane at the time of the commission of the offense:
Two weeks prior to March 16, 1987, Rosalino's wife
noticed that he appears to be in deep thought always,
maltreating their children when he was not used to it
before. There were also times that her husband would
inform her that his feet and head were on fire when in
truth they were not.
On that fateful day, Rosalino complained of stomachache
but they didn't bother to buy medicine as the pain went
away immediately. Thereafter, he went back to the store.
But when Andrea followed him to the store, he was no
longer there. Worried, she looked for him. On her way
home, she heard people saying that a stabbing occurred.
She saw her husband in her parents-in-law's house with
people milling around. She asked her husband why he did

the act, to which Rosalino answered, "That's the only cure

for my ailment. I have cancer of the heart. If I don't kill the
deceased in a number of days, I would die. That same
day, the accused went to Manila. Dr. Santiago and Dr.
Echavez of the National Center for Mental Health testified
that the accused was confined in the mental hospital, as
per order of the trial court dated Aug. 17, 1987. Based on
the reports of their staff, they concluded that Rosalino was
psychotic or insane long before, during and after the
commission of the alleged crime and classified his insanity
as an organic mental disorder secondary to cerebro-
vascular accident or stroke. But Dr. Balatbat who treated
the accused for ailments secondary to stroke, and Dr. Lim
who testified that the accused suffered dorm occlusive
disease, concluded that Rosalino was somehow
rehabilitated after a series of medical treatment in their
No. For insanity to relieve the person of criminal liability, it
is necessary that there be a complete deprivation of
intelligence in committing the act, that he acts w/o the
least discernment and that there be complete absence or
deprivation of the freedom of the will.
Under Philippine jurisdiction, there's no definite test or
criterion for insanity. However, the definition of insanity
under Sec 1039* of the Revised Administrative Code can
be applied. In essence, it states that insanity is evinced by
a deranged and perverted condition of the mental
faculties, which is manifested in language or conduct. An
insane person has no full and clear understanding of the
nature and consequence of his act.
Evidence of insanity must refer to the mental condition at
the very time of doing the act. However, it is also
permissible to receive evidence of his mental condition for
a reasonable period before and after the time of the act in
question. The vagaries of the mind can only be known by
outward acts.
It is not usual for an insane person to confront a specified
person who may have wronged him. But in the case at
hand, the accused was able to Mrs. Sigua. From this, it can
be inferred that the accused was aware of his acts. This
also established that the accused has lucid intervals.

Moreover, Dr. Echavez testified to the effect that the

appellant could have been aware of the nature of his act at
the time he committed it when he shouted (during
laboratory examination) that he killed Mrs. Sigua. This
statement makes it highly doubtful that the accused was
insane when he committed the act.
The fact that the accused was carrying an envelope where
he hid the fatal weapon, that he ran away from the scene
of the incident after he stabbed the victim several times,
that he fled to Manila to evade arrest, indicate that he was
conscious and knew the consequences of his acts in
stabbing the victim. (This was taken from the TC's
Judgment: questioned decision AFFIRMED.
People vs Valentin Doquena
Facts: Between 1-2 pm of Nov. 19, 1938, Juan Ragojos and
Epifanio Rarang were playing volleyball in the yard of their
school in Sual, Pangasinan. Valentin Doquena, the accused,
intercepted the ball, and threw it a Ragojos, who was hit in
the stomach. Miffed, Ragojos chased Doquena, and upon
catching him, slapped Doquena on the nape, and punched
him in the face. After doing this, Ragojos went back to
Rarang to resume playing volleyball. Insulted, Doquena
looked for something to throw at Ragojos, finding none, he
got his cousin's (Romualdo Cocal) knife, and confronted
Ragojos. Ragojo's denied Doquena's request for a fight and
resumed playing. Doquena stabbed the unaware Ragojos
in the chest, thereby killing the latter. The court held that
in committing the act, the accused acted with discernment
and was conscious of the nature and consequences of his
acts, therefore his defense that he was a minor was
untenable (given that the Doquena was a 7th grade pupil,
one of the brightest in his class, and was an officer in the
CAT program), and thus convicted him of the crime of
homicide. The court ordered him to be sent to the Training
School for Boys until he reaches the age of majority. Thus,
the appeal by the accused, stating that to determine
whether or not there was discernment on the part of the
minor, the following must be taken into consideration:
a) The facts and circumstances which gave rise to the act
committed. b) The state of mind at the time the crime was
committed c) The time he had at his disposal d) The degree
of reasoning of the minor

Issue: WON the accused acted with discernment

Held: Decision affirmed. Yes, the accused acted with
discernment. Accused mistakes the discernment for
premeditation, or at least for lack of intention, as a
mitigating circumstance. However, the DISCERNMENT that
constitutes an exception to the exemption from criminal
liability of a minor under 15 years but over nine, who
commits an act prohibited by law, is his MENTAL CAPACITY
to understand the difference between right and wrong,
and such capacity may be known and should be
determined by taking into consideration all the facts and
circumstances afforded by the records in each case, the
very appearance, the very attitude, the very comportment
and behavior of said minor, not only before and during the
commission of the act, but also after and even during the
People vs Abelardo Formigones
Facts: In the month of Nov. 1946, Abelardo was living on
his farm in Camarines Sur w/ his wife, Julia Agricola & their
5 children. From there they transferred in the house of his
half- brother, Zacarias Formigones in the same
municipality to find employment as harvesters of palay.
After a month, Julia was sitting at the head of the stairs of
the house when Abelardo, w/o previous quarrel or
provocation whatsoever, took his bolo from the wall of the
house & stabbed his wife Julia, in the back, the blade
penetrating the right lung & causing a severe hemorrhage
resulting in her death. Abelardo then took his dead wife &
laid her on the floor of the living room & then lay down
beside her. In this position, he was found by the people
who came in response to the shouts made by his eldest
daughter, Irene Formigones.
The motive was admittedly that of jealousy because
according to his statement, he used to have quarrels with
his wife for reason that he often saw her in the company
of his brother, Zacarias; that he suspected the 2 were
maintaining illicit relations because he noticed that his
wife had become indifferent to him. During the
preliminary investigation, the accused pleaded guilty. At
the case in the CFI, he also pleaded guilty but didnt testify.
His counsel presented the testimony of 2 guards of the
provincial jail where Abelardo was confined to the effect
that his conduct was rather strange & that he behaved like
an insane person, at times he would remain silent, walk

around stark naked, refuse to take a bath & wash his

clothes etc... The appeal is based merely on the theory
that the appellant is an IMBECILE & therefore exempt from
criminal liability under RPC A12.
Issue: WON Abelardo is an imbecile at the time of the
commission of the crime, thus exempted from criminal
Held: No. He is not an imbecile. According Dr. Francisco
Gomes, although he was feebleminded, he is not an
imbecile as he could still distinguish between right &
wrong & even feel remorse. In order that a person could
be regarded as an imbecile w/in the meaning of RPC A12
so as to be exempt from criminal liability, he must be
deprived completely of reason or discernment & freedom
of will at the time of committing the crime. (Note that
definition is same as insanity)
As to the strange behavior of the accused during his
confinement, assuming it was not feigned to stimulate
insanity, it may be attributed either to his being
feebleminded or eccentric, or to a morbid mental
condition produced by remorse at having killed his wife. A
man who could feel the pangs of jealousy & take violent
measures to the extent of killing his wife who he suspected
of being unfaithful to him, in the belief that in doing so, he
was vindicating his honor, could hardly be regarded as an
imbecile. WON the suspicions were justified, is of little or
no importance. The fact is that he believed her faithless.
Furthermore, in his written statement, he readily admitted
that he killed his wife, & at the trial he made no effort to
deny of repudiate said written statements, thus saving the
government all the trouble & expense of catching him &
securing his conviction.
But 2 mitigating circumstances are present: passion or
obfuscation (having killed his wife in a jealous rage) &
feeblemindedness. Judgment: In conclusion, appellant is
found guilty of parricide & the lower courts judgment is
hereby affirmed w/ the modification that appellant will be
credited with half of any preventive imprisonment he has
undergone (because of the 2 mitigating circumstances)
People v. Genosa

Marivic Genosa was convicted of Parricide for killing his

legitimate husband Ben Genosa and with the aggravating

circumstance of treachery, she was meted the penalty of
death. The case was elevated to the SC for automatic
review. Appellant subsequently filed an Urgent Omnibus
Motion praying for her examination by expert
psychologists and psychiatrist and the reception of latter's
reports to prove her claim of self-defense on the theory of
battered woman syndrome. The SC remanded the case to
the trial court for the reception of expert
psychological/psychiatric opinion on the plea of battered
woman syndrome. Marivic Genosa was examined by Dra.
Natividad A. Dayan, a clinical psychologist, who testified
that Marivic "fits the profile of a battered woman" and by
Dr. Alfredo Parajillo, a psychiatrist, who "explained that
with 'neurotic anxiety', the victim relieves the beating or
trauma as if it were real, although she is not actually
beaten at that time" and that at the time Marivic killed her
husband, her "mental condition was that she was "re-
experiencing the trauma.' That the "re-experiencing of the
trauma is not controlled by Marivic. It will just come in
flashes x x x."


1) Whether or not appelant acted in self-defense.
2) Whether or not treachery attended the killing.

1) The SC held that the defense failed to establish all the
elements of self-defense arising from battered woman
syndrome, to wit:
a) Each of the phases of the cycle of violence
must be proven to have characterized at least
two battering episodes between the appellant
and her intimate partner.
b) The final acute battering episode preceding
the killing of the batterer must have produced in
the battered person's mind an actual fear of an
imminent harm from her batterer and an honest
belief that she needed to use force in order to
save her life.
c) At the time of the killing, the batterer must
have posed probable--not necessarily immediate
and actual--grave harm to the accused, based on
the history of violence perpetrated by the former
against the latter.

2) The SC ruled out treachery as an aggravating
circumstance because the quarrel or argument that

preceded the killing must have forewarned the victim of

the assailant's aggression.

People vs Spo1 Ulep
-On Dec 22 1995, Buenaventura Wapili appeared to have
gone crazy and kept on running without any particular
-SPO1 Ulep, together with Espadera and Pillo, arrived at
the scene armed with M-16 rifles and saw the naked
Wapili approaching them.
-The police claimed that Wapili was armed with a bolo and
a rattan stool, while Wapilis relatives and neighbours said
he had no bolo, but only a rattan stool.
-SPO1 Ulep fired a warning shot in the air and told Wapili
to put down his weapons ar they would shoot him.
-When Wapili was only about 2-3 meters away from them,
SPO1 Ulep shot the victim with his M-16 rifle, hitting him
in various parts of his body. As the victim slumped to the
ground, SPO1 Ulep came closer and pumped another
bullet into his head and literally blew his brains out.

Issue: w/n accussed should be acquitted on the basis of his
claim that the killing of the victim was in the course of the
performance of his official duty as a police officer, and in

Held: It cannot be said that the fatal wound in the head of
the victim was a necessary consequence of accused-
appellants due performance of a duty or the lawful
exercise of a right or office.
The evidence does not favour his claim of self-defense.
Accused-appelant SPO1 ERNESTO ULEP is found guilty of
Homicide, instead of murder.

-The accused must prove the presence of 2 requisites: (1)
that he acted in the performance of a duty or in the lawful
exercise of a right or an office, and (2) the injury caused or
the offense committed be the necessary consequence of
the due performance of the duty or the lawful exercise of
such right or office.
There were two stages of the incident:
1. The victim threatened the safety of the police officers by
menacingly advancing towards them. Up to that point, his
decision to respond with a barrage of gunfire to halt the
victims further advance was justified under the
2.When he fatally shot the victim in the head, perhaps in

his desire to take no chances, even after the latter

slumped to the ground due t multiple gunshot wounds
sustained while charging at the police officers. He cannot
be exonerated from overdoing his duty.
-The aggression that was initially begun by the victim
already ceased when accused-appellant attacked him.
From that moment, there was no longer any danger to his
-No treachery, thus the offense is only murder. Victim was
given more than sufficient warning before he was shot.
-Art. 69 of RPC is applicable. (tignan nyo na lang) :)
Incomplete justification is a special or privileged mitigating
circumstance, which, not only cannot be offset by
aggravating circumstances but also reduces the penalty by
one or two degrees than that prescribed by law.
The instant case would have fallen under Art. 11, par 5 had
the two conditions therefore concurred.

unsworn statement of another is not the best method of

serving this purpose. In other words, the great possibility
of the fabrication of falsehoods, and the inability to prove
their untruth, requires that the doors be closed to such
evidence. So long therefore as a declarant is available as a
witness, his extrajudicial statement should not be heard.
Where, however, the declarant is dead or has disappeared,
his previous statements, out of court, if not inadmissible
on other grounds, are the best evidence. But they are not
rendered inadmissible by the mere fact that the declarant
is unavailable, something else is necessary. One fact
which will satisfy this necessity is that the declaration is or
was against the declarant's interest, and this is because no
sane person will be presumed to tell a falsehood to his
own detriment.

Madali vs People

People vs Toledo

Petitioners inflicted physical injuries to the victim
which caused the latters death. At the time of the crime,
Raymund and Rodel were minors 14 years old and 16
years old respectively. The lower court found them guilty
of homicide. Petitioners elevated the case to the CA and
during the pendency of the appeal, RA 9344 took effect.


This is a case of homicide against Toledo. Morales and
Holgado agreed to a bolo duel over a parcel of land.Toledo
allegedly intervened in the duel that dealt a mortal blow to
Morales. Holgado executed a written testimony that
during the duel there is no one present but him and the

Whether or not the statement executed by Holgado (a
statement of fact against penal interest) be admitted as

Any man outside of a court and unhampered by the
pressure of technical procedure, unreasoned rules of
evidence, and cumulative authority, would say that if a
man deliberately acknowledged himself to be the
perpetrator of a crime and exonerated the person charged
with the crime, and there was other evidence indicative of
the truthfulness of the statement, the accused man should
not be permitted to go to prison or to the electric chair to
expiate a crime he never committed.

The purpose of all evidence is to get at the truth. The
reason for the hearsay rule is that the extrajudicial and



Whether petitioners should be exempted from
criminal liability.

Yes. At the time of the commission of the crime,
petitioners were minors. By provisions of RA 9344, they
are exempted from liability but not from criminal liability.
Their exemption however differs. In the case of Raymund,
the case is dismissed as to him since he was below 15
years old. He is to be released and custody is given to the
parents by virtue of RA 9344 Secs. 6 and 20 setting the
minimum age of criminal responsibility and who will have
custody respectively. In the case of Rodel, who was 16
years old at that time, It is necessary to determine
whether he acted with discernment or not. Sec 6 provides
that children above 15 but below 18 will be exempt from
criminal liability unless he acted with discernment. He,
however, should be subjected to an intervention program.
Sec 38 provides for the automatic suspension of sentence.
People vs Rafanan

The 14 year old wictim was hired by the mother of the
appellant as a house helper. One evening, she was forced
by the appellant to have sexual intercourse using a bolo on
her neck as a threat if she does not cooperate. After the
abuse, he also threatened to kill her if she reports what
happened to anyone. After a few days, the victim finally
told her mother about what happened leading to the
arrest and conviction of the appellant of the crime of rape.
The appellant did not seriously dispute the commission of
the crime. But the principal submission of appellant was
that he was suffering from a mental aberration
characterized as schizophrenia when he inflicted his
violent intentions upon the victim. The trial court
suspended the trial and ordered that the appellant be
confined at the National Mental Hospital in Mandaluyong
for observation and treatment. In the meantime, the case
was archived. Appellant was admitted into the hospital on
December 29, 1976 and stayed there until June 26, 1978.
The appellant was diagnosed to be indeed suffering from
schizophrenia by his attending physician but was deemed
fit to stand trial upon almost 1 years of treatment.

Issue: W/N the appellant should be exempted from liability
for the crime on the grounds of insanity

The court rejected the insanity defense of appellant and
affirmed the lower courts decision convicting the
appellant of the crime of rape. For the defense of insanity
to be sustained it is critical that there is complete loss of
intelligence at the time of the commission of the crime.
The fact that appellant threatened the victim with death
should she reveal she had been sexually assaulted by him,
indicates, to the mind of the Court, that the appellant was
aware of the reprehensible moral quality of his assault.
The law presumes every man to be sane. A person accused
of a crime has the burden of proving his affirmative
allegation of insanity. In this case the appellant failed to
present clear and convincing evidence regarding his state
of mind immediately before and during the sexual assault
on the victim. Schizophrenia formerly called dementia
praecox, is a chronic mental disorder characterized by
inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, and
often accompanied by hallucinations and delusions. In
People vs Formigones, the Court elaborated on the
required standards of legal insanity and established two
distinguishable test:


THE TEST OF COGNITION complete deprivation

of intelligence in committing the criminal act,
THE TEST OF VOLITION- or that there be a total
deprivation of freedom of the will.

People vs Agliday

Reckless imprudence consists of voluntarily doing or failing
to do, without malice, an act from which material damage
results by reason of an inexcusable lack of precaution on
the part of the person performing or failing to perform
such act. Once malice is proven, recklessness disappears.
On Feb. 25, 1999 in the evening Agliday shot his son
Richard Agliday with an unlicensed shotgun, causing his
death. Prosecution witness Conchita Agliday, wife of
appellant testified that while she was washing the dishes
in the kitchen when her husband shot her son; shortly
after appellant ran away while she brought her son first to
the Sto. Nio Hospital, then to the San Carlos Hospital,
then finally to the Region I General Hospital where he
died. Before shooting, she and appellant quarreled over
her being a laundry woman. Richard was only 19 years old
and in 4th year college. Another witness Rey Agliday,
brother of Richard said that he was in the house resting on
a wooden bed when he saw appellant shoot his brother.
He said that while his parents were quarrelling he did not
interfere, but his brother did that is why he was shot by
appellant. Appellant claims, on the other hand that he was
in the house cleaning a homemade gun to be used for
evening patrol (he was a barangay tanod) when the gun
accidentally went off, fatally hitting his son (in the gluteus
maximus!!!) after which he went to his son and embraced
him. Afterwards he surrendered. The ruling of trial court
gave credence to prosecution witnesses; disbelieved that
appellants shooting was an accident.

1) WON witnesses are credible
2) WON appellants shooting was an accident which may
be used as an exempting circumstance

1. Conchita and Rey Agliday are credible witnesses.
Appellant claims court should have believed him since
he does not have any reason to kill his son who has a
bright future, and that his witnesses (Jose Matabang
and SPO1 Opina) are more credible. Court disagrees.

When the issue is one of credibility, an appellate

court will normally not disturb the findings of the trial
court. Matabangs testimony was basically what
appellant told him biased and limited; while Opinas
claim that Conchita told him that shooting was
accidental is not accurate, since she was still in a state
of shock.
2. No, it cannot. Apellant contends that since his gun
accidentally went off while he was cleaning it, he
should be acquitted on the basis of the exempting
circumstance of accident under RPC A12(4). The court
is not persuaded. In A12(4), criminal liability does not
arise in a case where a crime is committed by any
person who, while performing a lawful act with due
care, causes an injury by mere accident without fault
or intention of causing it. Exemption is based on the
lack of criminal intent. Declarations of innocence of
appellant contradicted by testimonies of wife &
surviving son. Before accused can be exempted from
criminal liability under A12 (4), there should be:
a) A person performing a lawful act
b) Due care
c) Causes an injury to another by mere accident
d) Without any fault and intention of causing it
Act of firing a shotgun (& an unlicensed one at that) is not
lawful. Accident is an occurrence that happens outside
the sway of our will, & although it comes about through
some act of our will, lies beyond the bounds of humanly
foreseeable consequences connotes absence of criminal
intent. Firearm was a shotgun that needs to be cocked first
before it can be fired. Appellant contends that he is only
guilty of reckless imprudence. But the court disagrees.
Reckless imprudence consists of voluntarily doing or failing
to do, without malice, an act from which material damage
results by reason of an inexcusable lack of precaution on
the part of the person performing or failing to perform
such act. Intent is not lacking in the instant case.
Appellants external acts prove malice or criminal intent.
Judgment: Appeal denied

People vs Rudy Fronda

Brothers, Edwin & Esminio Balaan were taken by 7 armed
men in fatigue uniforms with long firearms, suspected to
be NPA members, accompanied by the accused Rudy
Fronda and Roderick Padua from the house of Ferminio
Balaan. The armed men tied the hands of the deceased at
their back lying down face downward, in front of the

house of Ferminio. They all proceeded towards Sitio

Tulong passing through the rice fields. Three years later,
the bodies or remains of the Balaan brothers were
exhumed. Afterwhich, the remains, were brought to the
house of Freddie Arevalo, a reltive of the deceased where
they were laid in state for the wake. The RTC declared
Fronda guilty as a principal by indispensable cooperation.
The appellant says he was only taken by the armed men as
a pointer & interposes the exempting circumstance under
RPC A12(6) claiming that all his acts were performed under
the impulse of uncontrollable fear and to save his life.

Issue: WON Fronda can claim the exempting circumstance
of uncontrollable fear.

No. Fear in order to be valid should be based on a real,
imminent or reasonable fear for ones life or limb. (People
vs. Abanes) In the case at bar, the records indicate that
appellant was seen being handed by and receiving from
one of the armed men a hunting knife. Also, as aforesaid,
appellant was not able to explain his failure to report the
incident to the authorities for more than three years.
These circumstances, among others, establish the fact that
the appellant consciously concurred with the acts of the
assailants. In order that the circumstance of uncontrollable
fear may apply, it is necessary that the compulsion be of
such a character as to leave no opportunity to escape or
self-defense in equal combat. (People v. Loreno) Appellant
had the opportunity to escape when he was ordered by
the armed men to go home after bringing the victims to
the mountains. He did not. Instead he joined the armed
men when required to bring a spade with which he was
ordered to dig the grave. Appellant also chose to remain
silent for more than three years before reporting the
killing to the authorities. Based on these circumstances,
We hold that the contemporaneous and subsequent acts
of appellant cannot be regarded as having been done
under the impulse of uncontrollable fear.

Vicky Ty vs People

Facts: Edgardo Reyes, private respondent, married to Anna
Maria Villanueva both in a civil and church ceremony
respectively. However, the Juvenile and Domestic
Relations Court of Quezon City declared their marriage null
and void ab initio for lack of marriage of license. Before
the decree of was issued in nullifying the marriage of said
spouses, private respondent wed Ofelia Ty, petitioner, in

the City Court of Pasay and thereafter in a church wedding

in Makati. Out of their union bore two daughters. Until
private respondent petition that their marriage be
declared null and void for lack of marriage of license and
that at the time they got married, he was still married to
Anna Maria. He stated that at the time he married
petitioner the decree of nullity of his marriage to Anna
Maria had not been issued. Ofelia defended that lack of
marriage license in their marriage is untrue. She submitted
the marriage license in court and private respondent did
not question the evidence. However, RTC and CA affirmed
their decision in favor of private respondent.

Issue: Whether or not petitioner may claim damages for
failure to comply with marital obligations of the

Ruling: There can be no action for damages merely
because of a breach of marital obligation. Supreme Court
also viewed that no damages should be awarded in the
present case, but for another reason. Petitioner wants her
marriage to private respondent held valid and subsisting.
She is suing to maintain her status as legitimate wife. In
the same breath, she asks for damages from her husband
for filing a baseless complaint for annulment of their
marriage which caused her mental anguish, anxiety,
besmirched reputation, social humiliation and alienation
from her parents. Should they grant her prayer, they
would have a situation where the husband pays the wife
damages from conjugal or common funds. To do so, would
make the application of the law absurd. Logic, if not
common sense, militates against such incongruity.

US vs Elicanal

Eduardo Elicanal, a 22-year old uneducated and somewhat
physically weak man, was a member of the Iorcha Cataluna
cruising the Philippine waters of lloilo under the captaincy
of Juan Nomo. The first mate was Guillermo Guiloresa. On
December 11, 1914, Guiloresa tells Elicanal that he was
going to kill the captain because he was very angry with
him. Elicanal mistook the statement as a joke, as Guiloresa
was a great joker and was smiling at that time. Nobody
paid attention for no one had any resentment against the
captain and they did not know of any plan directed against
him. The following morning, finding the captain in his
cabin, Guiloresa assaulted him & attempted to seize &
hold his hands. At the same time, he was calling the crew

to come forward & help him. At Guiloresas request, the

rest of the crew w/ the exception of the accused seized the
captain & tied him w/ rope. After he had been rendered
helpless, Guiloresa struck him in the neck w/ an iron bar,
delivering the weapon to Elicanal, ordered him to come
forward & assist in disposing of the captain. Elicanal seized
the bar & while the captain was still struggling, struck him
a blow on the head w/c caused his death. Elicanals
defense during the trial was that he was acting under the
impulse of an uncontrollable fear of a greater injury
induced by the threat of Guiloresa. He was absolutely
overwhelmed that in striking the blow which killed the
captain, he acted without his own volition & was reduced
to a mere instrument in the hands of the chief mate. The
trial court refused to accept his defense holding that
Guiloresa did not exercise such influence over him that
amounted to an uncontrollable fear or a deprivation of his
volition. Elicanal and others were convicted of murder and
sentenced to death

1. WON there was a threat directed to the accused that
would deprive him of his own volition and make him a
mere instrument of the person who threatened him.
2. WON the court erred in ruling that the crime
committed was murder instead of homicide.
3. WON the court erred in refusing to apply Article 11 of
the Penal Code in favor of the accused.

1. None. The evidence presented failed to establish a
threat so bad that it deprived the accused of his
volition. Neither were they able to establish a threat
that was made under such circumstances that the
accused could reasonably have expected that he
would suffer material injury if he refused to comply.
2. No. It appears undisputed that, at the time the
accused struck the deceased with iron bar and
thereby caused his death, the latter was bound hand
and foot and was helpless and defenseless. While it is
quite true that there was no treachery at the
beginning of the struggle terminating in the death of
the captain, this does not necessarily dispose the
question of treachery. Even though the beginning of
an attack resulting in the death of the deceased is
free from treachery of any sort, nevertheless it will be
found present if, at the time the fatal blow is struck,
the deceased is helpless and unable to defend
himself. The crime was committed with treachery


and that it was properly denominated murder instead

of homicide.
No. The personal qualities and characteristics of the
accused are matters particularly cognizable by the TC,
& the application of this section is peculiarly w/in the
jurisdiction of that court.

Decision: There being neither aggravating nor extenuating
circumstances, judgment appealed from is REVERSED and
the accused is hereby sentenced to cadena perpetua.

People vs Cresencio Tabugoca

Nature: Automatic review of a March 15, 1996 joint
decision Ilagan, Isabela decision which found Tabugoca in
two criminal cases guilty of 2 counts of rape committed
against his own daughters sentenced him to reclusion
perpetue for the first & death for the second.

Jacqueline & her 3 younger sisters Janet, Jinky & jewel
lived under the sole care of their father after their mother
died. At around 10pm, Jacqueline (12yrs 3mos at the time)
Tabugoca woke up Jacqueline to scratch his back.
Tabugoca removed her shorts and underwear and made
her lie beside him, then inserted his penis in her vagina.
Tabugoca told her not to tell anyone if she did not want to
be harmed.
Jinky (12yrs 9mos at the time) was cleaning some articles
in their house when Tabugoca aproached her and took off
his clothes. Tabugoca ordered her to lie down and
removed her shorts and underwear then inserted his penis
into her vagina. Jinky cried out & complained to Tabugoca
that she was in pain. Tabugoca explained that it is ordinary
to feel pain because it was her first time to do it. After a
while, he did not continue, and told Jinky that they would
continue the following day. Tabugoca made another
attempt to molest Jinky. Jinky resisted, causing Tabugoca
to just lie down & leave her alone. Later on Jacqueline and
Jinky were watching TV in their grandmothers (Perlita
Alejandro). Jinky told their lola about the sexual abuses of
their father. This prompted Jacqueline to reveal her similar
experience 2 yrs past. Their grandmother brought them to
the Municipal Health Officer of Naguilian for physical
examination. The findings suggested that in Jacquelines
case, she was forcibly abused & the incident, the first 1
happened long ago, based on the healed scars of the
hymen, & in Jinkys case that full penetration was
unsuccessful although attempts were done based on the
swollen vulva of the victim.
Tabugoca tried to claim exemption from criminal liability
on both Jacqueline and Jinkys rape on the ground of
insanity brought about by intoxication
Tabugoca claimed that he started drinking after his wife
died, resorting to drink when he remembered his wife and
that before her death, he did not drink. He also claims that
his children filed the complaints in revenge for his
castigating or whipping them whenever they committed


At around 9:00 oclock in the evening of September 16,
1997, Herberto (or Gerberto) Rafol was conversing with
Perla Perez in the street fronting the house of Anda
Romano in barangay Taclobo, San Fernando, Romblon,
when the accused Alexander P. Rugas, suddenly stabbed
him at his left thigh. He faced him to know who stabbed
him but the accused stabbed him on his stomach. He ran
and shouted for help. Somebody helped him in boarding
him to a tricycle and he was brought to the hospital where
he was treated. His medical certificate showed that he had
a stab wound which was fatal on the right upper quadrant
of the abdomen. Rafol could have died of severe
hemorrhage if no surgical operation was done. He also had
a second stab wound at the uppermost part of the left
lateral thigh but it was not fatal. He spent a total of
P25,390.00 as a result of these injuries he sustained.


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