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Pal and Bandyopadhyay, J Gen Pract 2013, 1:4

General Practice


Bladder Injury during Cesarean Section

Manidip Pal1* and Soma Bandyopadhyay2

Associate Professor, OBGYN, College of Medicine & JNM Hospital, WBUHS, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India
Associate Professor, OBGYN, Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences, Porompat, Imphal, Manipur, India

Bladder injury during cesarean section is associated with significant morbidity. It can lead to prolonged operative
time, urinary tract infection and formation of vesico-uterine or vesico-vaginal fistula. Post cesarean pregnancy,
presence of abdominal and or bladder adhesions, emergency cesarean section, placenta previa and/or accrete/
increta/percreta, all are significant risk factors for bladder injury during cesarean section. Immediate repair of the
bladder injury always yield better result. But the availability of an urologist is not always certain. The obstetrician
should better be well conversant with the bladder repair, which is relatively simple technique and can manage the
situation effectively.

Keywords: Urinary bladder; Cesarean; Injury; Intra-operative

According to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
(RCOG), caesarean sections carry a risk of bladder injury 1 in 1000
cases [1]. In Saudi Arabia it is 0.44% [2], Karachi 0.46% [3], 0.67%
Mumbai [4].
Conditions prone for intra-operative bladder injury
1. Prolonged labor with distended bladder.
2. Obstructed labor.
3. Post cesarean pregnancy.
4. Post myomectomy pregnancy.
5. Post laparotomy pregnancy.
6. C
ases with possibility of altered anatomy, fibrosis or direct
extension of disease process as in cases of chronic pelvic
inflammatory disease, endometriosis, and large fibroids
especially in the broad ligament, previous pelvic surgery,
malignancy, previous irradiation and congenital abnormalities
of urogenital system [4].
7. Past history of uterine perforation, septic abortion.
These 3,4,5,6,7 conditions can have dense adhesion between the
bladder and lower uterine segment with superior advancement of the
bladder over the uterus.
8. In presence of labor, station of the presenting fetal part deeper
than or equal to +1, and a large baby were independent risks for
a bladder injury during caesarean section [5].
9. Well effacement and dilatation of cervix (uterine incision
may fall over vagina and dissection of bladder from vagina is
difficult in compare to lower uterine segment).
10. Preterm cesarean section where lower segment is not well
11. During cesarean hysterectomy.
Rupture uterus may also be combined with bladder injuries.
Placenta percreta may penetrate the bladder and cause injuries while
pushing down utero-vesical fold of peritoneum.
J Gen Pract
ISSN: 2329-9126 JGPR, an open access journal

How the injuries occur

1. M
any times bladder injury occurs while entering the peritoneal
cavity due to pulling up and adhesion of the bladder
2. I n prolonged labor and obstructed labor as the bladder is
sometimes become hugely distended accidentally uterine
incision may fall on the bladder
3. C
esarean hysterectomy usually is a supra-cervical hysterectomy,
but if the surgeon attempts further it may lead to bladder
injury. This is especially true for rupture uterus hysterectomy
where local anatomy gets distorted
4. Release of bladder adhesion by blunt technique may lead to
bladder injury; it is preferable to do sharp dissection [6] to push
down the bladder whenever bladder adhesion encountered
5. In cord prolapse if the full bladder technique has been used
to elevate the presenting part, then Foleys catheter must be
opened just before starting cesarean section, otherwise hurried
starting may cause bladder injury.

1. For post cesarean pregnancy chance of injuries increases
3-fold. (0.6% vs 0.19%; repeat cesarean vs primary cesarean)
[7]. In another study repeat cesarean associated with bladder
injury in 0.81% cases in compare to primary cesarean 0.27% [2].
2. Risk increases to 1.5% after 4 or more previous uterine incision [8].
3. For patient in labor 24% vs 16% in elective cesarean (RCOG) [1].
4. Dilatation of cervix 9-10 cm dilatation 33% vs 0-1 cm
dilatation 17% (RCOG) [1].
5. During cesarean hysterectomy - (1-4) % [6].
*Corresponding author: Manidip Pal, Associate Professor, OBGYN, College of
Medicine & JNM Hospital, WBUHS, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India, E-mail:
[email protected]
Received Jun 03, 2013; Accepted September 19, 2013; Published September
24, 2013
Citation: Pal M, Bandyopadhyay S (2013) Bladder Injury during Cesarean Section.
J Gen Pract 1: 125. doi: 10.4172/2329-9126.1000125
Copyright: 2013 Pal M, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.

Volume 1 Issue 4 1000125

Citation: Pal M, Bandyopadhyay S (2013) Bladder Injury during Cesarean Section. J Gen Pract 1: 125. doi: 10.4172/2329-9126.1000125

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1. Urine dribbles out in the operative field.
2. Hematuria; 95% of bladder injury have gross hematuria [9].
Thats why; it is always advisable to ask the ancillary staff in
the OT to check the urine color whenever there is doubt about
bladder injury, even if there is no spill of urine in the operative
3. If anytime there is any doubt about the bladder injury it can be
confirmed by instillation of methylene blue, indigo carmine or
sterile milk, 300-400 ml into the bladder.

Type of bladder rupture

1. Intra-peritoneal (20%) when there is surgical trauma or
trauma on a distended bladder.
2. Extra-peritoneal (80%) Trauma either penetrating or blunt
injury with fracture of pubis or surgical damage.
Intra-operative bladder injury usually leads to intra-peritoneal

Bladder injury also to be categorised according to the area of

1. Dome of the bladder (usually this variety occurs).
2. Trigonal injury (Figure 1).
Trigone is the area bounded by the 3 openings 1) 2 ureteric
orifices in the upper part and 2) 1 internal urethral opening at lower
part. Ureteric openings look like fish mouth. Mild elevation in between
the 2 ureteric opening is known as inter ureteric bridge.

When to do the repair

Immediately; even for caesarean hysterectomy it is been said that
once the bladder injury is diagnosed it should be repaired immediately
before completing the rest of the hysterectomy [10]. Exception to the
immediate repair - some cases of placenta percreta, with intractable
hemorrhage, are repaired in stages with the bladder left open until the
second surgery (usually within 24-48 hours).

Who can do the repair

If the injury does not involve the trigonal area, then the operating
obstetrician herself/himself can do the repair. Once the trigone involve
then it would be better to take the help of urologist or urogynecologist
who are conversant with the ureteric evaluation and trigonal repair.

Technique of bladder repair

1. R
epair of the bladder can be done simply by 2 layers closure
2. It is 2 layers continuous running sutures [6,8].
3. Though some advocates single layer closure [12].
4. S uture materials could be vicryl [6,11] could be other absorbable
suture [8,12], needle should be small in size.
5. Size of the suture should be 2-0, 3-0 [6,8,12].
6. Th
e authors had applied 2-0 chromic catgut with a small needle
(no 4242) which was readily available in their OT setup.

Figure 1: Urinary bladder and urethra (Coronal section).

7. F
or rupture uterus with bladder injury, the rent margins are
trimmed and repaired [12].
8. Th
e first bite can incorporate all layers including bladder
mucosa, although many surgeons attempt to omit the bladder
mucosa and include only the submucosa and muscularis layers
9. Th
e second imbricating layer may be either a parallel Lembert
or a perpendicular Connell stitch [8].
10. Authors had applied both the technique either inclusion of
whole layer in first layer of stitch or include whole layer only in
both angles and omit the mucosa in rest of the first layer. Both
the repairs healed well, without any subsequent complication.
First layer was continuous simple stitch and second layer was
continuous interlocking stitch.
11. Injuries involving ureteric orifices and trigonal area may
require ureteric stenting, ureteroneocystostomy etc.

Figure 2: Lembert suture.

J Gen Pract
ISSN: 2329-9126 JGPR, an open access journal

Lembert suture All bite partial thickness bite First bite is taken
a little away from the margin and needle is directed towards the margin
needle came out nearer to the margin but through the intact superior
surface, not through the cut area now suture crossed to other side

Volume 1 Issue 4 1000125

Citation: Pal M, Bandyopadhyay S (2013) Bladder Injury during Cesarean Section. J Gen Pract 1: 125. doi: 10.4172/2329-9126.1000125

Page 3 of 4
bite is taken nearer to the margin through the intact superior surface,
not through the cut area and came out little away from the margin
return to the opposite site same procedure repeated (Figure 2).
Connell stitch All full thickness bite first one simple knot one
side now take bite from outside to inside next bite on the same
side 3 mm from previous bite, inside to outside cross to the other
side now take bite outside to inside again pierce same side 3 mm
from the just previous bite, inside to outside continue like this. Start
suturing from each angle separately and then unite the two ends at the
middle, outside (Figure 3).
Before starting repair it is advisable to become ensured that ureteric
orifices and other parts of trigone are not involved. This we may come
across in tear of posterior wall adherent to post cesarean scar.
If there is any doubt about the integrity of the ureters, cystoscopy
should be performed postoperatively, preferably having given
intravenous indigo carmine 10-15 minutes before to highlight the efflux
of dye-stained urine from the ureters. If no cystoscope is available, a
diagnostic hysteroscope can be used [6].
In placenta previa percreta with invasion of bladder wall
depending on the area of bladder involvement it can be opened and
an ellipse of the posterior bladder wall containing the percreta can
be excised and bladder sutured. Other alternative is to retain that
portion of the uterine wall that is adherent to the bladder and perform
hysterectomy, leaving that area with over-sewing on the uterine side
to achieve hemostasis of the remnant of uterine wall. Cases of percreta
with bladder involvement are among the most suitable one in which to
consider conservative management [13].

Post operative management

Continuous bladder drainage: Urologist prefers to keep both
the suprapubic catheter and urethral catheter, whereas gynecologist
prefers to keep only urethral catheter. So long bladder is remaining
continuously compressed post operatively, both the methods are
correct. Authors has applied only urethral catheter and there was no
problem till now regarding continuous bladder drainage. Size of the
catheter - suprapubic catheter (28 -24) Fr and Foleys catheter (16-18)
Fr. Another dictum can be followed - for large ruptures, after repair, a
suprapubic tube recommended, but a large urethral catheter would be
sufficient for smaller injuries [14].

How long indwelling catheter is to be kept

1. S afe practice is to keep an indwelling urethral catheter for 10
days 2 weeks to keep the bladder compressed [11].
2. I f suprapubic catheter is also inserted, then one safe guideline
could be to start clamping of the suprapubic catheter on 10th
day and remove it on 12th day. Urethral Foleys catheter is to
be removed on 14th day.
3. S ome people said to keep the suprapubic and urethral catheter
are for 7 days [12].
It is advisable to send urine for culture & sensitivity every 3rd day
during the catheter days.

Medico-legal aspect
From a medico-legal point of view, it is wise to include a description
of the identification of the bladder and ureters in the operation record [6].
1. I f the bladder injury sustained during dissection of adhesion it
may be defensible.
2. I f the bladder is in an abnormal position for example, high
up over the uterus then injury is much more likely to occur.
In such cases, the damage caused to the bladder would not be
negligent [1].
3. I f there is no abnormal anatomy but the bladder is still injured
- it may invite penalty.
4. I f the intra-operative injury is not recognized during operation
it may invite penalty.
Hence, to avoid these medico-legal problems it is wise to discuss
about these bladder injury problems during the counseling while
preparing for cesarean section of those predisposing patients and keep
a written evidence of it.
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Figure 3: Connell stitch.

J Gen Pract
ISSN: 2329-9126 JGPR, an open access journal

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Volume 1 Issue 4 1000125

Citation: Pal M, Bandyopadhyay S (2013) Bladder Injury during Cesarean Section. J Gen Pract 1: 125. doi: 10.4172/2329-9126.1000125

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Citation: Pal M, Bandyopadhyay S (2013) Bladder Injury during Cesarean

Section. J Gen Pract 1: 125. doi: 10.4172/2329-9126.1000125

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