Uop 987

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The document outlines a method for determining low levels of sulfur in liquid hydrocarbons using oxidative combustion and ultraviolet fluorescence detection. It can measure sulfur concentrations from 10 to 1500 ng/g using either a direct measurement or preconcentration technique.

The method uses a commercial instrument to directly inject samples into a combustion tube where they are converted to sulfur dioxide and measured by ultraviolet fluorescence (UVF) detection. For samples between 10-200 ng/g, the sulfur dioxide can be preconcentrated before measurement.

This method can determine sulfur concentrations ranging from 10 to 1500 ng/g. A direct measurement is used for samples above 100 ng/g, while a trap and release procedure is used for samples between 10-200 ng/g requiring higher precision.

Low Trace Sulfur in Liquid Hydrocarbons by Oxidative

Combustion with Ultraviolet Fluorescence Detection

UOP Method 987-11
This method is for determining sulfur in liquid hydrocarbons at concentrations ranging from 10 to
1500 ng/g (mass-ppb). A direct measurement procedure (Part A) is used for samples above 100 ng/g.
A trap & release procedure (Part B) is used for samples between 10 and 200 ng/g where high
precision is required. This method is also applicable to highly volatile samples, such as pentane,
through the use of a cooled sampling system.
Higher concentrations can be determined by ASTM Method D5453, Standard Test Method for
Determination of Total Sulfur in Light Hydrocarbons, Spark Ignition Engine Fuel, Diesel Engine
Fuel, and Engine Oil by Ultraviolet Fluorescence, and D7183, Standard Test Method for
Determination of Total Sulfur in Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Chemicals by Ultraviolet
Fluorescence, using the cooled sampling system described herein for highly volatile matrices.
Halogens interfere at concentrations greater than approximately 0.3%. The method has reduced
sensitivity to sulfur present as sulfate.

ASTM Method D4052, Density and Relative Density of Liquids by Digital Density Meter,
ASTM Method D5453, Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Sulfur in Light
Hydrocarbons, Spark Ignition Engine Fuel, Diesel Engine Fuel, and Engine Oil by Ultraviolet
Fluorescence www.astm.org
ASTM Method D7183, Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Sulfur in Aromatic
Hydrocarbons and Related Chemicals by Ultraviolet Fluorescence www.astm.org
UOP Method 999, Precision Statements in UOP Methods, www.astm.org

Outline of Method
A commercial instrument is set up and calibrated with liquid standards. For samples containing
volatile components such as pentane, the sample tray is cooled (see Note 1). The sample is directly
injected by autosampler into the combustion tube where it vaporizes into an argon carrier. The vapors
are mixed with oxygen at high temperature. The organic material is converted to carbon dioxide and
COPYRIGHT 2011 UOP LLC. All rights reserved.
Nonconfidential UOP Methods are available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, USA. The UOP Methods may be obtained through the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or by
contacting Customer Service at [email protected], 610.832.9555 FAX, or 610.832.9585 PHONE.

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water. The sulfur in the sample is converted to sulfur dioxide and measured by Ultraviolet
Fluorescence (UVF) as described in Part A. For samples containing sulfur between 10 and 200 ng
S/g, the SO2 produced during sample combustion is preconcentrated using a Trap & Release Unit
prior to measurement as described in Part B. Samples between 100 and 200 ng S/g can be analyzed
either directly (Part A) or by preconcentration (Part B), although Part B will yield higher precision.
The signal is proportional to the total sulfur in the sample.

References to catalog numbers and suppliers are included as a convenience to the method user.
Other suppliers may be used.
Balance, analytical, readable to 0.0001 g
Flasks, volumetric, Class A, borosilicate glass, 100- and 250-mL, Fisher Scientific, Cat. Nos. 10210-8C and -8E, respectively
Pipet, volumetric, Class A, 1-, 2-, 5-, 10- and 15-mL, Fisher Scientific, Cat. No. 13-650-2B, -2C, 2F, -2L and -2M, respectively
Pipet filler, VWR, Cat. No. 53497-055
Refrigerator, flammable storage or explosion proof, Fisher Scientific, Cat. No. 55703-190
Regulator, argon, single-stage, with stainless steel diaphragm, delivery pressure range 30-700 kPa
(4-100 psi), Matheson Tri-Gas, Cat. No. 3231, with connection fittings appropriate to the
installation. This regulator is installed downstream of the two-stage regulator to provide better
flow control.
Regulator, argon, two-stage, with stainless steel diaphragm, delivery pressure range 30-700 kPa (4100 psi), Matheson Tri-Gas, Cat. No. 3122-580
Regulator, oxygen, single-stage, with stainless steel diaphragm, delivery pressure range 30-700 kPa
(4-100 psi), Matheson Tri-Gas, Cat. No. 3231, with connection fittings appropriate to the
installation. This regulator is installed downstream of the two-stage regulator to provide better
flow control.
Regulator, oxygen, two-stage, with stainless steel diaphragm, delivery pressure range 30-700 kPa
(4-100 psi), Matheson Tri-Gas, Cat. No. 3122-540
Sulfur analyzer, with attached furnace, autosampler, controls and computer, Model TS-100V, with
SD-100 Sulfur Detector, TRU-100 Trap & Release Unit and STC-210 Sample Temperature
Controller, Mitsubishi Chemical Analytech, available from COSA Instrument. This method was
developed and validated using the Mitsubishi analyzer. The procedure for analysis may be
different for other instruments and other instruments need to be validated before using for this
method. Not all combustion/UV fluorescence instruments are capable of running this analysis.
The Mitsubishi analyzer must be equipped with the following accessories:
Autosampler, Mitsubishi ASC-150L, Cosa Instruments
Autosampler syringes, gas tight, 100-L, Mitsubishi, Cat. No. MSSG10, Cosa Instruments (for
Part A)
Autosampler syringes, gas tight, 250-L, Mitsubishi, Cat. No. MSSGGQ, Cosa Instruments (for
Part B)
Autosampler bottles, rinse, pre-fill, and waste, Mitsubishi, Cat. No. TX3LSW, Cosa
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Membrane drier, Perma Pure MD-110-24F-4 or Tube Dryer, Mitsubishi, Cat. No. TN6RPC,
Cosa Instruments (see Note 2)
Sample Temperature Controller, Mitsubishi STC-210, Cosa Instruments
Trap & Release Unit, Mitsubishi TRU-100, Cosa Instruments

Reagents and Materials

References to catalog numbers and suppliers are included as a convenience to the method user.
Other suppliers may be used.
The following items are required to perform the analysis. Additional reagents and materials may be
required depending on the specific instrument.
Air, compressed, dry, oil-free, for membrane drier (if instrument does not purge the drier with
argon), local supply
Alumina balls, Mitsubishi, Cat. No. TS3CAT, Cosa Instruments
Argon, compressed gas, 99.99% minimum purity. UHP, Matheson Tri-Gas or local supply
Autosampler vials, 15x45-mm, Grace Davison Discovery Sciences, Cat. No. 98008
Dibenzothiophene, 98%, VWR, Cat. No. AAA12288-14, optional (see Procedure, Preparation of
Isooctane, should be as low in residual sulfur as possible to minimize the blank value, B&J Brand,
Burdick & Jackson, VWR, Cat. No. BJ362-1
Oxygen, compressed gas, 99.98% minimum purity, UHP, Matheson Tri-Gas or local suply
Pipet, transfer, disposable plastic, 152-mm length, Fisher Scientific, Cat. No. 13-711-SA
Quartz wool, Mitsubishi, Cat. No. TNQWL, Cosa Instruments
Sulfur standard, commercial certified, Accustandard or VHG, optional (see Procedure, Preparation
of Standards). Purchase the lowest sulfur concentrations available, generally about 5 mg/kg.
Toluene, B&J Brand, Burdick & Jackson, VWR Cat. No. BJ347-4

The analyst is expected to be familiar with general laboratory techniques, sulfur analysis, and the
equipment being used.
Preparation of Standards
Calibration standards can be prepared as serial dilutions from a prepared volumetric standard
solution or by diluting a commercial certified standard on a mass/volume basis. Suitable commercial
standards are available, prepared in isooctane/toluene or diesel matrices, and sold by vendors such as
AccuStandard and VHG. Prepare volumetric standard solutions as follows:
Dibenzothiophene stock solution, 1000-g S/mL
1. Tare a clean, dry, 100-mL volumetric flask. Dispense 0.575 g of dibenzothiophene and record
the mass to the nearest 0.0001 g.
2. Dilute to the mark with toluene. Cap and mix well.
3. Calculate the actual concentration of the stock solution using Equation 1:
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S, g / mL =

A (0.1740 ) 10 6


0.1740 =
32.066 =
184.26 =
100 =
106 =

mass of dibenzothiophene, g
S mass-fraction of dibenzothiophene (32.066/184.26)
molecular mass of sulfur, g/mol
molecular mass of dibenzothiophene, g/mol
dilution volume, mL
factor to convert g to g

Dibenzothiophene stock solution, 10-g S/mL

1. Dispense 1.0 mL of the 1000-g/mL S stock solution using a volumetric pipet into a clean, dry,
100-mL volumetric flask.
2. Dilute to the mark with low S isooctane. Cap and mix well.


The actual concentration is 1/100 the concentration of the stock solution above.

Calibration standard solution, 1500-ng S/mL

1. Dispense 15.0 mL of the 10-g/mL S stock solution using a volumetric pipet into a clean, dry,
100-mL volumetric flask.
2. Dilute to the mark with low S isooctane. Cap and mix well.


The actual concentration is 15/100 the concentration of the nominal 10-g S/mL stock solution

Calibration standard solution, 1000-ng S/mL

1. Dispense 10.0 mL of the 10-g/mL S stock solution using a volumetric pipet into a clean, dry,
100-mL volumetric flask.
2. Dilute to the mark with low S isooctane. Cap and mix well.

The actual concentration is 1/10



the concentration of the nominal 10-g S/mL stock solution

Calibration standard solution, 500-ng S/mL

1. Dispense 5.0 mL of the 10-g/mL S stock solution using a volumetric pipet into a clean, dry,
100-mL volumetric flask.
2. Dilute to the mark with low S isooctane. Cap and mix well.

The actual concentration is 1/20



the concentration of the nominal 10-g S/mL stock solution

Calibration standard solution, 200-ng S/mL

1. Dispense 2.0 mL of the 10-g/mL S stock solution using a volumetric pipet into a clean, dry,
100-mL volumetric flask.
2. Dilute to the mark with low S isooctane. Cap and mix well.

The actual concentration is 1/50



the concentration of the nominal 10-g S/mL stock solution

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Calibration standard solution, 100-ng S/mL

1. Dispense 1.0 mL of the 10-g/mL S stock solution using a volumetric pipet into a clean, dry,
100-mL volumetric flask.
2. Dilute to the mark with low S isooctane. Cap and mix well.

The actual concentration is 1/100



the concentration of the nominal 10-g S/mL stock solution

Calibration standard solution, 50-ng S/mL

1. Dispense 10.0 mL of the 500-ng/mL S calibration standard solution using a volumetric pipet
into a clean, dry, 100-mL volumetric flask.
2. Dilute to the mark with low S isooctane. Cap and mix well.

The actual concentration is 1/10

standard solution above.


the concentration of the nominal 500-ng S/mL calibration

Calibration standard solution, 20-ng S/mL

1. Dispense 10.0 mL of the 200-ng/mL S calibration standard solution using a volumetric pipet
into a clean, dry, 100-mL volumetric flask.
2. Dilute to the mark with low S isooctane. Cap and mix well.

The actual concentration is 1/10

standard solution above.


the concentration of the nominal 200-ng S/mL calibration

The stock solutions can be retained, if refrigerated, for up to six months. The calibration standard
solutions of 100-ng S/mL and higher can be retained, if refrigerated, for up to one month. The 20and 50-ng S/mL standard solutions should be made fresh daily.
Part A Samples between 100- and 1500-ng/g Sulfur
Preparation of Apparatus

1. Set up the instrument according to the manufacturer's instructions. Connect the membrane drier
in series between the combustion tube and the detector. Allow the instrument to warm up and
the baseline to stabilize before injecting samples. Suggested Operating Conditions for the
Mitsubishi TS-100V analyzer are listed in Table 1.
2. Set the STC-210 temperature controller set points to 15C (see Note 1) for both the sample tray
and the syringe. Allow at least 30 minutes for the temperature to stabilize before injecting

For samples that do not contain volatiles, the temperature of the sample tray may be set at 20C.
For heavier samples, such as n-paraffins in the C16 to C18 range which may solidify upon cooling,
maintain the sample tray above temperature (see Note 1).

3. Fill the rinse and pre-fill bottles with low sulfur isooctane. Empty the waste bottle.

Dispose of all materials in an environmentally safe manner according to local regulations.

4. Before starting to measure either calibration standards or samples, run an instrument program
with 3 (or more) injections of isooctane to condition the instrument. The response should be
stable before proceeding.

Calibrate the instrument weekly when in use. Check the calibration daily when in use, by analyzing
one of the calibration standards or a reference material.
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1. Fill autosampler vials, one each, with the solvent used to make the standard solutions (solvent
blank) and the 100-, 200-, 500-, and 1000-ng S/mL calibration standards. Rinse the
autosampler vial with approximately 1 mL of the material, empty, and then fill with the

The 1500-ng/mL standard is optional if calibration above 1 mass-ppm is desired. If used, omit the
solvent blank and 100-ng S/mL standard.

2. Cycle the instrument (Step 4 in Preparation of Apparatus) while the temperature of the
standard solutions equilibrates to 15C.

Approximately 10 minutes is required for temperature equilibration of the standards, much less than
that required by the instrument cycling and analyses of the blank.

3. Run a calibration program with multiple 80-L injections of the solvent blank and each
standard. It is recommended to inject each standard or blank at least 4 times. The injections
contain approximately 0, 8, 16, 40, and 80 ng of added sulfur.

The average of the replicate injections is calculated by the instrument software.

Relative standard deviation (RSD), as calculated by the instrument for the blank, should be within
25%. The RSD for the standards should be within 10%. If greater deviations occur, make certain
that there are no problems with the equipment or the procedure, and then make additional runs
until the expected repeatability is obtained.

4. Create a regression line using the instrument software using the blank and the four standards.
Set the regression line to the y=bx+c option for this calibration.
Table 1
Operating Conditions for Mitsubishi TS-100V/SD-100
Upper temperaturea
Lower temperatureb
Argon main
250 mL/min
Oxygen main
150 mL/min
Argon auxiliary
50 mL/min
Oxygen auxiliary
400 mL/min
Normal end
Timer start
3 sec
Timer end
400 sec
Minimum area
Base line
Syringe pre-fill
10 L
Sample volume
80 L
Injection rate
1.2 L/sec

Combustion tube, upper portion

Combustion tube, lower portion

Sample Analysis

1. Rinse the autosampler vial with approximately 1 mL of the sample, empty and then fill the
autosampler vial with the sample. Place the vial onto the autosampler rack and repeat for all
remaining samples.

Approximately 10 minutes is required for temperature equilibration of the samples.

2. Fill the rinse and pre-fill vials with isooctane, if not already full.

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3. Enter the sample parameters into the software to create a sample method. Set injection volume
to 80 L. Each sample should be injected at least three times.

The 80-L injection volume is necessary for the required sensitivity. Do not inject less than 80 L
for samples containing less than 200-ng S/g.

4. Combust and analyze at least 3 injections of isooctane to condition the instrument before
starting the samples.
5. Inject and analyze the samples using 80-L injections.

If the detector becomes contaminated (trace off scale), continue to analyze isooctane blanks until
the response stabilizes. Then, confirm that the sensitivity has not changed by analyzing a
calibration standard or a control standard.

Integration and calculations are done automatically. The average of the replicate injections is
calculated by the instrument software.

Multiple injections of the same sample are averaged by the instrument software. The values from
each of the replicate runs should not deviate from the average by more than 0.02 mg/kg. If greater
deviations occur, make certain that there are no problems with the equipment or the procedure,
and then make additional runs until the expected repeatability is obtained.

Part B Samples between 10- and 200-ng/g Sulfur, using the Trap and Release Unit
Preparation of Apparatus

1. Set up the instrument according to the manufacturer's instructions. Connect the membrane drier
in series between the combustion tube and the detector. Note that the detector flow is reversed
when using the TRU-100 Trap and Release Unit. A 250-L syringe must be installed.

The set up is shown in the instrument manual, and is demonstrated during initial instrument

2. Allow the instrument to warm up and the baseline to stabilize before injecting samples.
Suggested Operating Conditions for the Mitsubishi TS-100V analyzer are listed in Table 2.
Table 2
Operating Conditions for Mitsubishi TS-100V/SD-100/TRU-100
Upper temperaturea
Lower temperatureb
Argon main
170 mL/min
Oxygen main
150 mL/min
Argon auxiliary
50 mL/min
Oxygen auxiliary
400 mL/min
Normal end
Trap time
400 sec
Timer start
400 sec
Timer end
760 sec
Minimum area
Base line
Sample volume
240 L
Injection rate
1.2 L/sec

Combustion tube, upper portion

Combustion tube, lower portion

3. Set the STC-210 temperature set points to 15C (see Note 1) for both the sample tray and the
syringe. Allow at least 30 minutes for the temperature to stabilize before injecting samples.
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For samples that do not contain volatiles, the temperature of the sample tray may be set at 20C.
For heavier samples, such as n-paraffins in the C16 to C18 range which may solidify upon cooling,
maintain the sample tray above temperature (see Note 1).

4. Fill the rinse and pre-fill bottles with low sulfur isooctane. Empty the waste bottle.

Dispose of all materials in an environmentally safe manner according to local regulations.

5. Before starting to measure either calibration standards or samples, run an instrument program
with 3 (or more) injections of isooctane to condition the instrument. The response should be
stable before proceeding.

Calibrate weekly when in use.

1. Fill autosampler vials, one each, with the 20-, 50-, 100-, and 200-ng S/mL calibration
standards. Rinse the autosampler vial with approximately 1 mL of the material, empty, and then
fill with the material. Place an empty vial in the first position.

The empty vial serves as an instrument blank for the calibration.

2. Cycle the instrument (Step 4 in Preparation of Apparatus) while the temperature of the
standard solutions equilibrates to 15C.

Approximately 10 minutes is required for temperature equilibration of the standards, much less than
that required by the instrument cycling and analyses of the blank.

3. Run a calibration program with multiple 240-L injections of the solvent blank and each
standard. It is recommended to inject each standard or blank at least 4 times. The injections
contain approximately 0, 4.8, 12, 24, and 48 ng of added sulfur.

The average of the replicate injections is calculated by the instrument software.

Relative standard deviation (RSD), as calculated by the instrument for the blank, should be within
25%. The RSD for the standards should be within 10%. If greater deviations occur, make certain
that there are no problems with the equipment or the procedure, and then make additional runs
until the expected repeatability is obtained.

4. Create a regression line using the instrument software using the blank and the four standards.
Set the regression line to the y=bx+c option for this calibration.
Sample Analysis

1. Rinse the autosampler vial with approximately 1 mL of the sample, empty and then fill the
autosampler vial with the sample. Place the vial onto the autosampler rack and repeat for all
remaining samples.

Approximately 10 minutes is required for temperature equilibration of the samples.

2. Fill the rinse and pre-fill vials with isooctane, if not already full.
3. Enter the sample parameters into the software to create a sample method. Set injection volume
to 240 L. Each sample should be injected at least four times.

The amount of sulfur injected should not exceed 50 ng per measurement.

4. Combust and analyze at least 3 injections of isooctane to condition the instrument before
starting the samples.
5. Inject and analyze the samples using 240-L injections.

If the detector becomes contaminated (trace off scale), continue to analyze isooctane blanks until
the response stabilizes. Then, confirm that the sensitivity has not changed by analyzing a
calibration standard or a control standard.

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Integration and calculations are done automatically. The average of the replicate injections is
calculated by the instrument software.

Multiple injections of the same sample are averaged by the instrument software. The values from
each of the replicate runs should not deviate from the average by more than 3 ng/g (Part B). If
greater deviations occur, make certain that there are no problems with the equipment or the
procedure, and then make additional runs until the expected repeatability is obtained.

All calculations are performed by the software, and results are displayed and printed in mass-ppm
(mg/kg) or mass-ppb (ng/g). The density of the sample is input during sample data entry and is used
by the instrument to convert results from mass/volume to mass/mass. If the density of the sample is
unknown, it can be determined by ASTM D4052, Density and Relative Density of Liquids by
Digital Density Meter.

For Part A, report mg/kg (mass-ppm) results to two decimal places. For Part B, report ng/g (massppb) to the nearest whole number.

Notes and Precautions

1. Highly volatile samples (e.g. pentane, hexane) are cooled to 15C. Other sample matrices (e.g.
light aromatics, naphtha) should be held at 15 or 20C, since the temperature control improves
measurement precision. Heavy samples, such as n-paraffins in the C16 to C18 range which may
solidify on cooling, may need to be heated to approximately 27C to prevent solidification.
2. The membrane drier is used to remove the water produced during combustion. If not removed,
the water vapor would enter the detector and result in a reduction of the chemiluminescence
intensity. The membrane drier consists of a thin walled Nafion tube within a larger plastic
tube. The combustion product gas flows through the Nafion tube. Dry air or other dry gas flows
counter-current through the outer plastic tube. The Nafion membrane allows water to pass
through and be carried away by the air stream on the other side.
3. Since this method is for use with very low levels of sulfur, care must be taken to prevent
contamination of the sample. The containers used for the samples and standards must not
contaminate the solutions. The autosampler vial septum could also be a source of sulfur
contamination. Fill an autosampler vial with isooctane and cap. Analyze immediately from this
container, and again several hours later. Any increase in sulfur level is an indication of
contamination from the container. Autosampler bottles, such as the recommended part from
Grace, do not contribute S to the samples. The samples should not be left uncovered any longer
than necessary. This prevents loss of volatile components and/or entry of contaminants.
4. With direct injection instruments, it is recommended that the same injection volume be used for
both the standards and the samples.

Precision Part A
Precision statements were determined using UOP Method 999, Precision Statements in UOP
Methods, from precision data obtained using an autosampler. As described in the Procedure and
Calculations, four replicate injections were averaged for each analysis.
Repeatability and Site Precision

A nested design was carried out for determining impurities in five samples of isooctane by one
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analyst on two separate days, performing two analyses each day, for a total of 16 analyses. A second
series of analyses were performed on one sample so that site precision could be calculated. Using a
stepwise analysis of variance procedure, the within-day estimated standard deviations (esd) were
calculated at the concentration means listed in Table 3. Two analyses performed in one laboratory by
the same analyst on the same day should not differ by more than the repeatability allowable
differences shown in Table 3 with 95% confidence. Two analyses performed in one laboratory by
different analysts on different days should not differ by more than the site precision allowable
differences shown in Table 3 with 95% confidence.
Table 3
Repeatability and Site Precision for Procedure Part A, ng/g

Site Precision


WithinDay esd


WithinLab esd







The data in Table 3 represent short-term estimates of the repeatability of the method. When the test
is run routinely, use of a control standard and a control chart is recommended to generate an estimate
of long-term repeatability.

There is insufficient data to calculate the reproducibility of the test at this time.

Precision Part B
Precision statements were determined using UOP Method 999, Precision Statements in UOP
Methods, from precision data obtained using an autosampler. As described in the Procedure and
Calculations, four replicate injections were averaged for each analysis.
Repeatability and Site Precision

A nested design was carried out for determining impurities in four samples of isooctane by one
analyst on two separate days, performing two analyses each day, for a total of 16 analyses. A second
series of analyses were performed on one sample so that site precision could be calculated. Using a
stepwise analysis of variance procedure, the within-day estimated standard deviations (esd) were
calculated at the concentration means listed in Table 4. Two analyses performed in one laboratory by
the same analyst on the same day should not differ by more than the repeatability allowable
differences shown in Table 4 with 95% confidence. Two analyses performed in one laboratory by
different analysts on different days should not differ by more than the site precision allowable
differences shown in Table 4 with 95% confidence.
The data in Table 4 represent short-term estimates of the repeatability of the method. When the test
is run routinely, use of a control standard and a control chart is recommended to generate an estimate
of long-term repeatability.

There is insufficient data to calculate the reproducibility of the test at this time.
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Table 4
Repeatability and Site Precision for Procedure Part B, ng/g

Site Precision

WithinDay esd


WithinLab esd





Time for Analysis

The elapsed time and labor requirement for one analysis, including calibration are identical, 2
hours. Each succeeding analysis requires 0.5 hour.

Suggested Suppliers
AccuStandard, 125 Market St., New Haven, CT 06513, USA (203-786-5290) AccuStandard.com
Burdick & Jackson, 1953 S. Harvey St., Muskegon, MI 49442, USA (973-455-5268)
COSA Instrument Corp., 55 Oak St., Norwood, NJ 07648, USA (201-767-6600), distributor for
Mitsubishi Chemical Analytech, 370 Enzo, Chigasaki, Kanagawa Pref., 253-0084, Japan (+81467-86-3864) www.cosainstrument.com
Fisher Scientific, 711 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15219, USA (412-562-8300) www.fishersci.com
Grace Davison Discovery Sciences, 2051 Waukegan Rd., Deerfield, IL 60015, USA (847-9488600) www.discoverysciences.com
Matheson Tri-Gas, 166 Keystone Dr., Montgomeryville, PA 18936, USA (215-641-2700)
Perma Pure Inc., 8 Executive Dr., Toms River, NJ 08754, USA (732-244-0010)
Sigma-Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA (414-438-3850) www.sigma-aldrich.com
VHG Labs, 276 Abby Rd., Manchester, NH 03103, USA (603-622-7660) www.vhglabs.com
VWR International, 1310 Goshen Pkwy., West Chester, PA 19380, USA (610-431-1700)

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UOP LLC pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

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