Ask Questions About The Underlined Words

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Ask questions about the underlined words

1. Im going to the theatre.

2. He is playing tennis on Monday afternoon.
3. Im working tomorrow morning.
4. Im reading an interesting book at the moment.
5. Maria is studying English at a language school.
6. He is building his own house.
7. Tom isnt paying football this season.
8. Alex drives a bus.
9. Nurses take care of patients in hospitals.
10. I work in a bank.
11. Barry works in a department store.
12. I get up at 8:00 every morning.
13. I go to the dentist once a month.
14. In the summer, Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.
15. My parents live in Boston.
16. My parents have lived in Boston for 20 years.
17. He is having dinner with Ann on Friday at 10.15.
18. Ann is coming tomorrow.
19. Alex is getting married next month.
20.The movie begins at 9.30.
21. The train leaves Boston at 7.25 a.m .
22.The football game starts at 2.00.
23.Im meeting Ann at 8.00 a.m
24.I will be in Japan, next year.
25.I will find out my exam results next week.
26.I will go to Europe this summer.
27.John will help you.
28.I will be watching the game on TV.
29.She will be wearing a yellow hat.
30.At 10 oclock yesterday, he was working.
31. Im going to down town later.
32.I will be using your bicycle this evening.
33.I enjoyed the party.
34.Mr. Brown died ten years ago.
35. I worked in a bank, when I lived in Athens.
36.We invited them to the party.
37.The police stopped me on my way home last night.
38.She passed her exam because she studied hard.
39.We all left the party at11.00
40.Last month, I went to Rome to see a friend of mine.
41. This house cost $75.000 in 1980.
42.I went to the cinema last night.

43.Mrs. Johnson died yesterday.

44.We didnt invite her to the party.
45.They werent able to come because they were very busy.
46.They were playing tennis at 10.30.
47.Dan was cooking dinner.
48.He has lost his key.
49.Jim has gone to Canada.
50.I have mailed the letter.
51. She has gone to Italy.
52.I have visited China twice.
53.Carlos has lived in Argentina all his life.
54.I have been studying English for 2 years.
55.They have been waiting here for over an hour.
56.She has been playing Tennis since she was eight.
57.She has painted the ceiling.
58.Tom has fixed the car.
59.Ann has written ten letters today.
60.Ann has been writing letters all day.
61. Tim has played tennis three times this week.
62.Bob and Alice have been married for three years.
63.I have been studying English for a long time.
64.Liz has been driving for ten years.
65.It started raining at 10 oclock.
66.Joe and Carol first met when they were in college.
67.It has been raining since one oclock.
68.She has been working here since April.
69.She has been working here for six months.
70.I have smoked 20 cigarettes today.
71. The children are watching TV.
72.He is writing a postcard.
73.She is cooking dinner.
74.Most shops open at 8.30 a.m.
75.They close at 6.00 p.m.
76.Liz plays the violin brilliantly.
77.I leave work at 5.30 most days.
78.Each July we go to Turkey for a holiday.
79.We usually watch the news on TV at 9.00.
80.She teaches Math in a school in Bonn.
81. Philip speaks six languages fluently.
82. I have washed my hands so that I can help you with the cooking.
83.They have been to Chile three times.
84.She arrived at Kennedy Airport at 2 oclock this morning.
85.The pharaohs ruled Egypt for thousands of years.
86.I stayed with my grandparents for six months.

87.I threw away most of my old books when I moved.

88.Chinese craftsmen invented both paper and printing.
89.Timpson has made 13 films.
90.Yesterday, Astronomers in Australia discovered a planet in a galaxy close to our own.
91. Teddy drove to Glasgow last week to visit his father.
92.I was working during the summer of 1967.
93.We visited Spain three times last year.
94.I have been playing a lot of squash to lose weight.
95. Im doing my homework.
96.Somebody is knocking at the door.
97.In 1969 the first men landed on the moon.
98.Someone hit me.
99.Someone has stolen my bike.
100. Police have recaptured two escaped prisoners.
101. I have worked in this department for the past six months.
102. I have worked here since 2002.
103. I have lived here for ten years.
104. I have been waiting here for half an hour.
105. They are collecting the rubbish.
106. The police have arrested both of the suspects.
107. The chef cooked the fish perfectly.
108. He had taken the money.
109. There will be a meeting tomorrow.
110. Ann had a lesson yesterday.
111. John and Ann are in America.
112. I was late because my watch was broken.
113. I was in Brazil.
114. The children sat quietly.
115. They did the work quickly.
116. They stayed in a hotel.
117. I bought these shoes in the market.
118. They arrived this morning.
119. I saw Steve last night.
120. We stayed in a beautiful beach villa.
121. She waited anxiously at the airport for five hours.
122. I go swimming twice a week.
123. I get up at Seven oclock every morning.
124. I have been working hard in my office all morning.
125. I weigh 60 kilos
126. She was studying law.
127. We were living in Bristol.
128. I was watching television.
129. I read a book about astrology last night.
130. Emma gave Rachel a CD.


I will send my cousin a postcard.

We bought all the children an ice-cream.
I bought a hat yesterday.
The cook burnt the dinner.
He read the note quickly.
We ate our meal silently.
The passport examiner examined the passport.
The shop assistant is wrapping the parcel.
The visitors have seen the new buildings.
My sister didnt wash the dishes.
The goalkeeper will catch the ball.
The guest has enjoyed the meal.
John cant play the game.
The children slept till 11 oclock this morning.
Mrs. Jones hides her money under the bed.
I left some money on this shelf this morning.
The phone woke me up in the middle of the night.
My term begins in October.
I read your article quickly last night.
I parked my car in the center of the village.
I saw an old man near the bus stop.
Our school was closed five years ago.
I drive a car.
My dead reads two books every week.
The prime minister travels abroad in his own private plane.
The European commission meets in Brussels.
My favorite TV programme starts at half past an hour.
The teachers at our school give us lots of home work.
We like swimming because it is fun and god exercise.
We dont want to see the film because it is very boring.
His mum drives a fast car.
The plane leaves in an half an hour.
My friend loves science fiction films.
I dont dance because I look very stupid.
My new computer does a lot of things.
Fire needs oxygen to burn.
Aztec civilization developed in the Valley of Mexico.
The Aztecs left their own land of Aztlan at some time during the 12th or 13th

169. The Aztecs built their capital city, Tenochtitlan.
170. The Aztecs planted trees on the island to make the land better.
171. A team of scientists are visiting the volcano.
172. They are wearing special clothes.
173. Banks lend money to make a profit.

174. I enjoy travelling.

175. We can't go ahead with the meeting, because very few people have shown any
176. Science has made many major advances this century,
177. Mario worked in a restaurant while he lived in London.
178. I was working in a car factory during the summer of 1976
179. The new computer will arrive next week.
180. They destroyed the building.
181. She handed me the plate.
182. People are destroying large areas of forest every day.
183. Somebody has bought the land next to our house.
184. Somebody had already reported the accident before I phoned.
185. People were using the tennis court.
186. I know your sister.
187. Fresh fruit contains a range of vitamins.
188. Somebody is knocking at the door.
189. Jack is reading the paper in the kitchen.
190. Every year thousands of children go to the doctor because of back pain.
191. We abbreviated some of the longer words to save space.
192. The school presented an abbreviated version of A Midsummer Night's Dream.
193. She abdicated the throne to marry a commoner.
Sarah was decorating the bedrooms.
We were watching a film.
Someone has stolen my bike.
She abandoned cigarettes after the doctor's warning.
An abandoned infant was found on the church steps.
She abdicated the throne to marry a commoner.
200. My bank manager gave me an abrupt reply when I asked for an increased
Maria was watching an absorbing thriller on television.
202. The abundant rainfall fills the reservoirs every day.
203. The politicians exercised abusive power over the townspeople.
204. The police arrested the safe-cracker and three accomplices within hours of

The accords will be signed at the summit meeting in May.
The queen greeted them in order, according to rank.
The treasurer has been able to account for every penny of expense
The defendant gave a credible account of his whereabouts at the time of


The politician denied the accusation of having accepted a bribe.
She couldn't write to me because she didn't have my address.
She was addressing strangers in the street to ask their views on women's



We have bought the adjoining house

She adjusted the children's coats.
A group of adolescents volunteered to work at the home for the elderly.
The minister signed an advantageous treaty of commerce with Russia.
I lost a fortune in some of his financial adventures.
The company has placed advertisements in all major media.
The police have advised the defendants of their rights.
The Weather Office has issued a storm advisory for the weekend.
The advocate for the opposition is in court.
Daphne always does such aesthetic flower arrangements.

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