The Effect of Band Engineering of Semiconductors On Photocatalyic Water Splitting

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


Lee Chung Lau1, KeatTeong Lee2
1, 2

School of Chemical Engineering, UniversitiSains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, Seri Ampangan, 14300 NibongTebal,
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, [email protected]

The direct conversion of solar energy using a photocatalyst in a water splitting reaction is a source of a sustainable and clean
hydrogen supply. In general, photocatalysts are semiconductors that possess valence and conduction bands. These energy bands
permit the absorption of photon energy to excite electrons in the outer orbitals of the photocatalysts. Photoexcited electron and hole
pairs can subsequently induce a watersplitting reaction to produce hydrogen and oxygen. Photocatalytic water splitting is affected by
the band level and crystallinity of the photocatalyst. Therefore, band engineering using chemical modifications such as cationic and
anionic modification could createa photocatalyst suitable for the large-scale production of hydrogen. In this paper, cationic and
anionic modifications of photocatalysts and the effects of these modifications onphotocatalytic water splitting are reviewed.

Keywords: Water splitting; Photocatalysis; Hydrogen

----------------------------------------------------------------------***-----------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION
The growth of energy consumption worldwide has resulted in
an intensified use of fossil fuels. The resulting pollutants
produced during fossil fuel combustion and the depletion of
fossil fuels has encouraged a search for alternative and
renewable energy sources that will enhance both energy
security and environmental protection. The direct conversion
of solar energy into usable energy has been a promising
solution to the problem. Among various solar energy
technologies, photocatalytic water splitting has been studied
rigorously, especially after the discovery of Honda and
Fujishimain 1972[1].The photocatalytic water splitting
reaction evolves hydrogen, which is a form of clean energy
that produces no pollutants during combustion. In conjunction
with the development of fuel cell technology, transformation
into a hydrogen-based economy could be realized in the near
term, if an inexpensive and carbon-neutral source of hydrogen
is developed. A photocatalyst that could induce photocatalytic
water splitting has properties similar to a semiconductor. A
photocatalyst can a form conduction band and valence band
when the electrons located in the outer orbitals are excited by
photons from light irradiation. These excited electrons will
move into the conduction band while the valence band will
contain holes where the electrons were originally located.
These electron-hole pairs can subsequently react with
surrounding substrates, such as with a water molecule in a
redox reaction. A photo excited electron will reduce a water
molecule into hydrogen whereas a hole will oxidize the water
molecule to produce oxygen. In reality, not all electron-hole
pairs can induce water splitting because of electron-hole
recombination. Hydrogen or oxygen evolution is
thermodynamically possible only if the potential of the

conduction band is more negative than 0 V at NHE and if that

of the valence band is more positive than 1.23V at NHE, as
illustrated in Fig. 1. For an overall water splitting reaction,
(i.e., hydrogen and oxygen evolve at a stoichiometric ratio),the
band gap of the photocatalyst must be at least 1.23V, which
corresponds to light irradiation of 1100nm and indicates the
possibility of using visible and UV light irradiation to induce
photocatalytic water splitting. Most photocatalysts possess a
large band gap and are therefore only responsive to UV
irradiation. Solar irradiation consists of only 4-5% energy in
the UV region but 45% in the visible region. Thus, while the
idea of developing a visible light sensitive photocatalyst to
perform water splitting is reasonable, a photocatalyst with a
band structure that can absorb visible light irradiation and
thermodynamically induce an overall water splitting reaction
is not yet readily available. Therefore, band structure
engineering has been applied to narrow the band gap of
photocatalysts to construct a band structure that could induce
the water splitting reaction.

Energy Level
Conduction Band
Valence Band
Fig.1.Energy structure of an effective photocatalyst
for the overall water splitting reaction

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

Band engineering of semiconductors has been performed by
adding a cocatalyst and dopants using various synthesis route.
In general, band engineering distorts the crystal structure and
modifies the band level of photocatalysts. A dopant that was
initially a center of recombination for electron-hole pairs can
act as an active site for water splitting reaction with
appropriate modification. Currently, cationic and anionic
modifications are the most popular methods to produce
photocatalysts for overall water splitting purposes. Cationic
additives are predominantly transition and noble metal ions
with d0or d10 electronic configurations, while an ionic
additives typically consist of nitrogen, sulfur and chlorine
compounds. The combination of both modification types is
also applicable to improve photocatalytic performance. This
paper discusses cationic and anionic modifications of
photocatalysts and their effects on band structure and
photocatalytic water splitting.

Transition metals are predominantly used to modify the band
structure of a semiconductor. Examples of cationic additives
include Bi, Mo, Au, Rh, Zr, Pt, Ru, Cr, Ni, V, Fe, La, In and
Ce. TiO2is the most popular photocatalyst and has been widely
modified by various cautions. A cocatalyst and dopants are
incorporated into TiO2 rutile and anatase phase to narrow the
TiO2 band gap, extending the absorption edge from the UV to
visible light region. The Bi-dopedTiO2studied by Naik et al. is
one example of a d10 cationic dopants for TiO2[2]. This nano
composite was synthesized using a soft chemical template free
homogeneous co-precipitation method. A mesoporous
compound formed with a significant red shift in the absorption
edge was formed, indicating its capability of absorbing more
lights with a longer wavelength. After calcination at 400C,
4.3% of the apparent quantum efficiency was achieved at198.4
mol/h of H2. TiO2 films doped with Mo were prepared by Li
et al. using the layer-by-layer method [3]. Optimum Mo
doping enhanced the transformation from the anatase to the
rutile phase and reduced the surface oxygen vacancies that
could promote recombination of the photo induced charges.
The doped TiO2 exhibited photocatalytic activity 3.3 times
higher than the bare TiO2 because the introduction of Mo6+
resulted in a red shift of the absorption edge to the visible

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

compared with the undoped CdS/SBA-15. The researchers

explained that the surface properties, rather than the electronic
structure, of their photocatalysts played an important role.
Anoptimum crystallite size is crucial in avoiding active site
blockage by metal particles. Feil et al. used a modified
classical citrate method in synthesizing a gold impregnated
TiO2photocatalyst[6]. In their study, anodic oxidation of Ti
metal in fluoride electrolytes containing gold nanoparticles
was used to grow TiO2 nano tube arrays. Using methanol as a
sacrificial reagent, the Au doped TiO2 nanotubes exhibited
higher photocatalytic hydrogen production than the Au-free
TiO2 nanotubes. Chiarello et al. prepared Au/TiO2 sample
using flame spray pyrolysis [7]. At 1% Au doping, an
additional absorption band was observed in the visible region.
The absorption band was named the plasmonic absorption
band and led to the purple color of the prepared photocatalyst.
The resulting hydrogen evolution rate from photocatalytic
water splitting was observed to be one order of magnitude
higher than that of the undoped TiO2. Rosseler et al.
synthesized a Au/TiO2photocatalystusing the sol-gel and
subsequent direct anionic exchange process with various types
of TiO2 and porogens[8]. Their study revealed that
photocatalytic water splitting is affected by the type of
metallic doping, surface properties, anatase/rutile ratio, metalsupport interaction and amount of methanol. In fact, high H2
production efficiency (120mol/min) was achieved over days
without deactivation and with a low amount of methanol.
Chen et al. prepared Au/TiO2 via the sodium citrate reduction
method to study the effect of surface plasmon resonance (SPR)
on photocatalytic water splitting using simulated solar
irradiation [9]. The effect of the Au addition on TiO2 is
illustrated in Fig.2. The Au particles act as electron traps and
active sites to improve the hydrogen evolution activity. In
addition, the intensified electric field at the interface between
the Au particle and TiO2 contributes to enhanced water
splitting activity when both UV and visible light irradiation
were used. Nevertheless, no H2 evolution was observed when
Au/TiO2 in pure water was irradiated with only visible light,
which implies that the SPR effect from the gold particles is
insufficient to produce the water splitting reaction. Comparing
discussed research works, Au/TiO2 possess greater hydrogen
evolution rate if sacrificial reagents like methanol was used.

In addition, the function of Au as a cocatalyst has been

investigated by many researchers. Lin et al. deposited gold
nanoparticles on KTiNbO5 using the deposition precipitation
method [4]. Due to effective photo excited charge separation,
the photo activity of 0.63wt% Au/KTiNbO5 with uniformly
dispersed gold nanoparticles was 47 times higher than that of
bare KTiNbO5. Lunawat et al. studied a Au-doped CdS/SBA15 photocatalyst[5]. In their study, Pt and Au dopants
produced entirely different activity in CdS/SBA-15. The Audoped CdS/SBA-15 exhibited decreased photo activity, while
the Pt-doped CdS/SBA-15 exhibited a substantial increase

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

Plasmonic absorption band

Fig. 2.Plasmonic absorption band derived from gold

modification [9].
The d6electronic structure of rhodium (Rh) has also been
studied intensively [10-17]. Detailed studies have
demonstrated that (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) is a promising visible
light active photocatalyst[10, 14-17]. When doping (Ga1xZnx)(N1-xOx) with Rh, its photocatalytic activity was observed
to increase. Nevertheless, because hydrogen and oxygen
recombination occurred as they were catalyzed by Rh, Maeda
et al. coated rhodium particled with chromium oxide,RhCr2O3via photo deposition from aqueous metal precursors. The
impregnation of chromium oxide successfully suppressed the
recombination of hydrogen and oxygen. The resulting
photocatalyst was able to produce hydrogen upon visible light
irradiation. In addition to the work of Maeda et al., Rh doping
has also been studied by Ma et al. [13] and Kumagai et al. [12].
Ma et al. studied potassium niobate nano scrolls doped with
Rh nanoparticles [13]. These researchers used rhodium
hydroxide as a precursor and prepared potassium niobate nano
scrolls using solid calcinations. Their results indicated that
0.1wt% Rh yielded optimum water splitting activity with
1340mol/h per gram of photocatalyst. In addition, protonexchange using 1M HCl and subsequent hydration has also
been performed for the Rh doped photocatalyst. This
procedure enhances the hydrogen evolution rate to
1480mol/h per gram of photocatalyst. Kumagai et al.
prepared Rh3+ doped ZnGa2O4 using a hydrothermal method

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

[12]. All the metal precursors were firstly mixed in a nitric

acid solution, and the resulting mixture was then combined
with ammonia to reach pH 9. After stirring for two hours, the
mixture was autoclaved at 80C for 24 hours. After
centrifugation and filtration, the resulting yellowish
precipitates were washed with distilled water several times.
Upon drying, Rh2O3was added using RhCl3.3H2O as the
precursor via the impregnation method. Finally, calcination at
500C for 1 hour was performed to obtain the photocatalyst.
Rh doping shifted the absorption edge of ZnGa2O4 into the
visible light region. H2 evolution in the presence of a
sacrificial reagent under visible light irradiation (>500nm)
confirmed the function of Rh2O3 as the active site for H2
The use of ZrO2 doping to enhance the photocatalytic activity
of TaON has also been investigated [18-21]. TaOH has a
suitable band potential and is stable under photo corrosion to
act as a promising visible light driven photocatalyst. In these
studies, TaON was prepared via nitridation of Ta2O5 under a
NH3 flow at 1123K for 15 hours. Nevertheless, a high density
of surface defects on TaON resulted in low activity of the
photocatalyst. The surface defects acted as recombination
centers for the photo generated electron-hole pairs. By
incorporating ZrO2into the nitridation of Ta2O5, a highly
crystalline ZrO2-TaON resulted and surface defect formation
was suppressed. In addition, ZrO2suppressesthe aggregation of
particulate during nitridation, and aggregation causes a
reduction in photocatalytic activity. Under the reducing
atmosphere of NH3, reduced tantalum species formation (Ta3+)
can be restrained by ZrO2, thereby causing it to become more
cationic, and increasing the visible light absorption of the
Pt has been applied to many types of catalytic reactions and
appears to be a noble metal dopant that always enhances
photocatalytic activity. Lin et al. employed the evaporation
induced self assembly (EISA) method to prepare mesoporous
Nb2O5[22]. Pt was then photo deposited as a cocatalyst into
the framework of Nb2O5.The Pt/Nb2O5was reported to produce
a high hydrogen evolution rate of 4647mol/g.h in UV light
irradiated water splitting with methanol as the sacrificial
reagent; this rate is much higher than that other metal doped
Nb2O5. Well-dispersed Pt nanoparticles contributed to the
efficient charge separation in the photocatalyst. Pt doping on
TiO2wasalso intensively studied [23-27].Ikuma et al. produced
Pt on TiO2 via hydrogen reduction, photocatalytic and
formaldehyde reduction methods to decompose the precursor
H2PtCl6into Pt particles[24]. Different levels of photocatalytic
water splitting activity were observed for different deposition
methods. The formaldehyde reduction method where a TiO2
powder and H2PtCl6 mixture was placed in a formaldehyde
atmosphere at 400C, was observed to yield the highest H2
evolution rate. Pt particles were not detected by Transmission
Electron Microscopy (TEM) for the formaldehyde reduced

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

Pt/TiO2, indicating that a fine or thin layer of Pt particles was
deposited. The Pt particles could be detected if heated at
800C because agglomeration occurs. A Ce3+/Ce4+ shuttle
charge UV-irradiated photocatalytic water splitting system
using Pt/TiO2was studied by Kozlova et al.[26]. A
Pt/TiO2photocatalystwas prepared using a soft chemical
method with sodium borohydride reducing H2PtCl6. In a
shuttle charge system, the hydrogen and oxygen evolution
reactions occur at different photocatalyst particles, implying
that hydrogen evolution and Ce3+ oxidation occur at same
particle and oxygen evolution and Ce4+ reduction occur at
another particle. This process reduces hydrogen and oxygen
recombination and is capable of producing hydrogen of high
purity, if the half reactions are performed separately in batches.
Photocatalytic water splitting from visible light irradiation
using Pt/TiO2was also studied using TiO2 nanotube[23]and
thin films[25].Pt was incorporated into the TiO2 nanotube
matrix using an ion exchange method, and the highly
dispersed Pt particles reduced the band gap of a bare TiO2
nanotube from 3.1 to 2.48 eV. If the Pt was aggregately
impregnated, the band gap reduction was not observed. The
Pt/TiO2 nanotube was visible light active and yielded
hydrogen evolution rates of 2.3 and 14.6 mol/h using pure
water and methanol as sacrificial reagents, respectively. The
Pt/TiO2 thin film was however, prepared using the radiofrequency magnetron sputtering deposition (RF-MS) method
and its absorption band was shifted into the visible range.
Pt/TiO2 thin films are applicable for photocatalytic water
splitting with sacrificial reagent such as methanol and AgNO3
solution using visible light with wavelengths longer than
RuO2 doped photocatalysts have been studied by Inoue et
al.[28-34]. In their report, RuO2and divalent ion (Zn2+, Mg2+)
doped GaN were observed to be highly reactive and stable
photocatalyst for overall water splitting under UV
irradiation[28]. These photocatalysts were prepared by
nitridation of sulfide precursors and impregnation of the
resulting compounds with a Ru precursor, followed by
calcinations. The undoped GaN produced little hydrogen with
no oxygen; however, the doped GaN increased the hydrogen
and oxygen evolution in a stoichiometric ratio. This study also
revealed that RuO2 with tetravalent ion (Si4+, Ge4+) doped
GaN is not active for photocatalytic water splitting because
tetravalent ions distort the crystal structure differently than
divalent ions. The use of RuO2 doped -Ge3N4 for overall
water splitting has also been demonstrated[3]. In this study,
sulfuric acid was observed to enhance the photocatalytic
activity because the basic condition tends to hydrolyze the
photocatalyst. Hydrolysis of the photocatalyst was observed to
collapse the catalyst surface and loosen the interfacial contact
between -Ge3N4and RuO2, thus reducing the rate of H2 and
O2 evolution as the reaction progressed. This study also
demonstrated that regeneration of the photocatalyst can be
achieved through calcinations and RuO2 reloading to obtain 80%

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

of the initial activity. Subsequent studies of Inoue et al. have

also been reported [31-32]. From Kadowaki et al. [31],
inactive CeO2 with an f0d0 electronic configuration has been
successful activated by doping RuO2 with Sr2+. The formation
of Ce3+, which was the main reason for CeO2 inactivity, was
suppressed by the dopants by promotion of the formation of
Ce4+. This study is the first example of lanthanide metal
oxides as photocatalysts for an overall water splitting reaction.
Another photocatalyst, RuO2-PbWO4 was studied by
Kadowaki et al. [32]. PbWO4 was prepared via a solid state
reaction from oxide precursors and subsequently impregnated
with a Ru precursor, followed by calcinations. This
photocatalyst with a combination d10s2 (Pb2+)d0 (W)
electronic configuration was more active towards UV
irradiation compared with inactive WO3. The enhancement of
the orbital dispersion by Pb2+was determined to be a crucial
reason for the photo activity of this photocatalyst. A review of
RuO2 doped metal oxides and nitrides with d0 and d10
electronic configuration by Inoue et al. [30] has further
clarified the role of dopants in Photocatalysis. It was
concluded that distortion and unsymmetrical metal-oxygen
octahedral/tetrahedral coordination increase the photocatalytic
activity of d0 and d10 metal oxides. Further enhancement of
photocatalytic activity can be achieved if divalent metal ions
are incorporated in the electronic structure of the photocatalyst.
This phenomenon occurs because divalent metal ions will
contribute to a largely dispersed band and enhance the
mobility of the photo excited electrons. In addition to the work
by Inoue et al., the use of Ru as a cocatalyst has been reported
by Navarro et al. [35]. A CdSCdOZnO photocatalyst was
prepared from sequential precipitation and Ru particles were
photo deposited under visible light irradiation. The addition of
Ru significantly increased the photo activity of CdSCdO
ZnO. The interaction between RuO2 and CdS reduces
electron-hole recombination and subsequently enhances water
splitting activity.
Maeda et al. have studied photocatalytic water splitting from
solid solution (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) using Rh/Cr2O3core/shell
nanoparticles as cocatalyst[14-15, 17, 36].Rh doped on (Ga1xZnx)(N1-xOx)did not promote photocatalytic water splitting
because of the recombination of hydrogen and oxygen on the
Rh particles. Coating Rh with Cr2O3suppressed the H2/O2
recombination, subsequently enhancing the overall water
splitting activity Rh and Cr2O3werephotodeposited in
sequence on (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) solid solutions using
Na3RhCl6.2H2O and K2CrO4 as precursors. This study also
revealed that the core/shell structure of Rh/Cr has higher water
splitting activity than Rh-Cr mixed oxides used as cocatalyst.
Maeda et al. suggested that the core/shell structure yields more
efficient electron transfer from the conduction band of (Ga1xZnx)(N1-xOx) to the Rh particle. This photocatalyst was
observed to be stable at pH 4.5. A reactant pH study indicated
that this photocatalyst would be corroded and hydrolyzed at
pH 3.0 and 6.2. IN addition to Maeda et al., the use of Cr in

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

photocatalyst preparation has also been demonstrated [37-39].
Liu et al. [39] prepared Cr/SrTiO3 using a solvothermal
method. Compared with bare SrTiO3, Cr/SrTiO3 has greater
UV irradiated photocatalytic activity. Cr/SrTiO3was also
observed to be visible light responsive, which was attributed
to the band transition from the Cr 3d to the Cr 3d+Ti 3d hybrid
orbital. In addition, Cr-doping is also the main reason for the
visible light sensitive Cr-doped Bi4Ti3O12prepared via the solgel route, as described in the work of Zhang et al. [38].
Cr2O3has also been used in the work of Zhang et al. to dope
TiO2 nanotubes[37]. The absorption spectrum is observed to
extend into the visible light region, making the photocatalyst
visible light active. Cr3+predominantly contributed to visible
light water splitting activity by forming another valence band
to reduce the band gap from 3.3 (TiO2 nanotube) to 2.3 eV
(Cr2O3/TiO2 nanotube).
Nickel oxide is extensively doped with a perovskite type oxide
to improve its photocatalytic water splitting activity by visible
light irradiation. Jeong et al. synthesized NiO/Sr3Ti2O7 from a
solid state reaction method (SSRM) and a polymerized
complex method (PCM) [40]. Impregnation of NiO has
increased the photocatalytic activity of Sr3Ti2O7 significantly.
By comparison, PCM appears to be a better method to produce
NiO/Sr3Ti2O7because of the resulting higher photo activity
and stability towards prolonged irradiation. Visible light
irradiation using NiO/K4Nb6O17prepared by Lin et al.via a two
step solid state reaction was observed to exhibit higher
photocatalytic water splitting compared with the unloaded
K4Nb6O17 catalyst and the NiO/K4Nb6O17 prepared using a
conventional impregnation method [41]. The researchers
reported that NiO is well dispersed in the bulk structure
ofK4Nb6O17instead of the surface. Therefore, the shadowing
effect caused by NiO is minimized, allowing more light
absorption by the K4Nb6O17. In addition, photo generated
electron transfer to NiO becomes more efficient. NiO was also
doped into InTaO4 by Chiou et al. [42]. In their study,
InTaO4was prepared from a sol-gel method, instead of through
a conventional solid state reaction method, such that a thin
film of InTaO4was formed. InTaO4 is a visible light sensitive
material capable of splitting water under irradiation.
Impregnating NiO increases the initial hydrogen evolution rate
of InTaO4 because Ni/NiO core/shell nanoparticles efficiently
increase charge transfer and enhance the reduction of H+ to
hydrogen. Deactivation of NiO/InTaO4can occur when
Ni(OH)2 is formed. A similar indium photocatalyst, InVO4
doped with NiO, was also synthesized by Lin et al. [43].
Highly crystallized InVO4was active in producing H2from
visible light irradiation Subsequent impregnation with NiO
followed by reduction in H2 and oxidation in O2produced
NiO/InVO4with an ultra thin NiO layer and a metallic Ni core.
Distribution of the photo generated electrons by the ultra thin
structure contributed to a 40% increase in the photocatalytic
activity. NiO impregnation via a reduction-oxidation process
was also performed by Tang et al. to synthesize

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

NiOx/Sm2InTaO7[44]. This pyrochlore-type photocatalyst

could produce H2 from pure water under visible light
irradiation. NiO loading distorted the lattice and formed a
highly dispersed conduction band from a hybridized In 5s5p
orbital. Band structure changes caused by the NiO loading
were determined to be responsible for the high water splitting
activity. Anon noble metal photocatalyst doped with NiO was
presented by Wang et al. [45].NiO/Ca2Fe2O5synthesized via
the sol-gel and impregnation method was observed to be
active in producing hydrogen from pure water, even though
Ca2Fe2O5 is not an active photocatalyst. By adding CO2 and
NaHCO3 in the water splitting reaction, the hydrogen
evolution rate further increased because hole scavenging was
promoted and reduced charge recombination.
V doped K2La2Ti3O10was synthesized by Yang et al. via the
sol gel method [46]. At an optimum V doping of 1.5%,
increased photocatalytic hydrogen production was achieved
under both UV and visible light radiation. Vanadium doping
was observed to change the lattice parameter of K2La2Ti3O10,
but the crystal structure remained unchanged. In addition,
DRS demonstrated that visible light absorptive properties are
improved and favorable for photocatalytic activity.
Hybridization of the V3d electron orbit with the O2p electron
orbit forms a new localized energy level that allow the
photocatalyst to be excited at lower energy.
The performance of iron-doped Pt-TiO2 nanotubes prepared
via the sol gel method was analyzed by Eder et al. [47].
Improved photocatalytic activity by up to two orders of
magnitude was observed for the prepared photocatalyst when
compared with commercial TiO2.The authors claimed that the
absorption edge of the photocatalyst shifted considerably into
the visible light region and that this red shift resulted from the
excitation of Fe3+ 3d electrons into the conduction band of
TiO2.Sasaki et al. loaded Fe2O3 onto SrTiO3:Rh in a Z-scheme
Photocatalysis system via the impregnation method [48].
However, in their work, the Fe2O3 doped photocatalyst did not
gain significant attention because the Ru doped photocatalyst
exhibited superior activity.
Li et al. synthesized La-doped Bi2AlNbO7via a solid state
reaction [49]. Their study revealed that lanthanum doping
increased the band gap of Bi2AlNbO7. The conduction band
defined by La 5d, Bi 6p and Nb 4d is observed to be more
positive than that of undoped Bi2AlNbO7. The water splitting
activity of Bi1.8La0.2AlNbO7was observed to be two times
higher, which was attributed to the change in the band
structure and La3+ on the photocatalyst surface. However, Yan
et al. studied the photocatalytic water splitting activity of Ladoped NaTaO3 prepared via microwave heating [50]. At 2%
doping, La0.02Na0.98TaO3 with good crystallinity and a high
surface area was formed and possessed improved
photocatalytic water splitting activity.

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

Hu et al. demonstrated In3+ incorporation into GaON via a
hydrothermal and nitridation reaction [51]. GaON is visible
light sensitive photocatalyst; however the introduction of
In3+further dispersed the hybridized orbitals, causing a red
shift of the DRS absorption edge, in which the photocatalytic
activity is improved. Wei et al. studied the photocatalytic
activity of In-doped H2LaNb2O7 prepared via a solid state
reaction [52]. Their study indicated that an optimum amount
of In doping exists such that the thickness of the space charge
layer is equal to the light penetration depth. This photocatalyst
was sensitive to visible light and capable of producing
hydrogen with sacrificial reagent.
Cerium doped zeolites were studied by Krishna et al. [53].
Zeolites alone are not active photocatalyst. By doping them
with low amount of cerium, the interaction between Ce3+ and
the support is responsive to irradiation to generate
photoelectrons and water molecules could be split to produce

In general, oxide photocatalysts possess a large band gap that
is unresponsive to visible light irradiation. (Oxy)nitride
photocatalysts, however, have a narrower band gap and are
responsive to visible light irradiation. The valence band of an
(oxy)nitride photocatalyst consists of a N2p orbital that has a
lower potential than the valence band of the oxide
photocatalyst that is normally formed by the O2p orbital [54].
An (oxy) nitride photocatalyst, therefore has a broader
absorption band in the visible region. Nevertheless, compared
with an oxide photocatalyst, an (oxy)nitride photocatalyst is
typically not thermally stable and undergoes photo corrosion.
Several types of (oxy)nitride photocatalyst that have been
under extensive research recently include GaN, GeN,
perovskiteoxynitride, N-TiO2 and TaON, and these are
discussed in the following section.
Arai et al. demonstrated the preparation of GaN from Ga2S2
using nitridation in a NH3 flow at 1273K for 15 hours [55].
The GaN formed was only active in the UV region. However,
doping divalent ions such as Zn2+, Mg2+ and
Be2+couldtransformGaNinto a visible light responsive material
with high photocatalytic water splitting activity, and further
enhancement could be achieved if RuO2was present as a cocatalyst. Doping with a divalent ion was observed to increase
the concentration and mobility of the holes. An N-doped GaO
and ZnO solid solution was also studied by Parida et al.[56].
Prepared from a solid state reaction, the GaO-ZnO was added
to different nitrogen precursors such as urea, glycine,
hexamine and pyridine. N-doping reduced the band gap from
4.1 to 2.6 eV and extended the absorption band further into the
visible light region. An apparent quantum efficiency of 5.1%
by visible light irradiation was achieved using glycine as the
N-precursor. Kamata et al. added Into the oxynitride
photocatalyst to form Ga-Zn-In oxynitride[57]. The absorption

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

edge of the photocatalyst reached 600 nm and the water

molecules were photo catalytically split with suitable electron
donors and acceptors. Although the photocatalyst was
observed to be unstable in water oxidation reaction,
modification with cobalt oxide stabilizes the system as an
oxygen evolution promoter
Similarly to GaN, Ge has also used in the formation of (oxy)
nitride photo catalyst. The synthesis of a photocatalyst from a
solid solution of ZnO and GeN was performed by Takanabe et
al., Wang et al. and Lee et al.[58-60]. They shared similar
findings indicating that the absorption band in the visible light
region was attributed to the valence band that consisted of
hybridized Zn3d and N2p orbitals. The overall water splitting
activity could be enhanced by doping metal ions such as Cu
and Rh-Cr2O3. The enhancement in activity was largely
contributed to the high crystallinity because metal doping
suppresses defect formation. A low defect concentration,
which is also achievable through post calcinations after the
nitridation process, is important in reducing the charge
recombination. Nitridation of perovskite type materials has
also been performed to synthesize visible light responsive
photocatalysts. Hagiwara et al. synthesize N-doped
Pt/KTa0.92Zr0.08O3via NH3nitridation[61]. The visible light
inactive Pt/KTa0.92Zr0.08O3wasobserved to split water
molecules under visible light irradiation after nitrogen doping
The absorption edge of the photocatalyst extended from 350 to
600 nm upon nitrogen doping, which was attributed to the
formation of Ta3N5. Perovskite niobium (oxy)nitrides were
produced by Siritanaratkul et al. [62]. The photocatalytic
water splitting of different types of perovskite type niobium
oxynitrides such as CaNbO2N, SrNbO2N, BaNbO2N and
LaNbON2were examined. Prepared via a polymerized
complex method and ammonia nitridation, these
photocatalysts exhibited a wide absorption band at high
wavelengths (600-750 nm). The nitridation temperature
appeared to be the dominant factor in producing
photocatalysts with high water splitting activity. At lower
temperature, the oxynitride phase was not properly formed,
whereas at high temperature, reduced niobium species (Nb 3+,
Nb4+) that can act as charge recombination sites formed and
caused lower activity.
TiO2 is only sensitive to UV irradiation. However, several
studies have demonstrated that through nitrogen doping, the
absorption band of N-TiO2 is extended deep into the visible
light region. Yuan et al. prepared N-TiO2 using urea as the
nitrogen precursor [63].They observed that the absorption
edge was shifted up to 600 nm in the visible light region.
Through XPS analysis, nitrogen was observed to present as
chemisorbed N2 and substituted N. The substituted N was
responsible for the visible light photocatalytic water splitting.
Transformation from the anatase to the rutile phase was also
observed to contribute to the activity. Sreethawong et al.
studied the effect of the mesoporous structure of N-TiO2on the

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

visible light water splitting activity [64]. These researchers
determined that the photocatalyst prepared from mesoporous
TiO2had higher activity compared with non-mesoporous TiO2.
Subsequently, Pt/N-TiO2was prepared to obtain higher
photocatalytic activity[27]. Platinum doping remarkably
increased the photo activity with an optimum loading of 1.3
wt%. In this photocatalytic system, good dispersion of
platinum particles was significant to enhancing the water
splitting activity. A d0-d10 complex photocatalyst, ZnxTiOyNz
was synthesized by Hisatomi et al. via the polymerized
complex method [65]. The absorption band edge of this
spinel-type oxynitride photo catalyst was extended to 550 nm,
and water splitting occurred under visible light irradiation in a
sacrificial reagent such as methanol and silver nitrate.
TaON has been studied considerably as a visible light
photocatalyst. TaON can be produced from the nitridation of
Ta2O5. However, due to its band position, TaON is only
capable of producing hydrogen instead of the overall water
splitting reaction, with low hydrogen evolution activity.
Defects in the bulk and on the surface of TaON(reduced
tantalum species) can act as electron-hole recombination
centers that decrease photo activity. Post calcinations after
nitridation is one approach to reduce the defects, but this
approach is less appropriate because TaON is not thermally
stable. Maeda et al. added ZrO2 to reduce the defects in the
TaON structure via a solid state reaction [19-20]. The addition
of monoclinic ZrO2 suppressed the reduction of the Ta species
during nitridation at high temperature. Therefore, the
hydrogen evolution reaction under visible light irradiation
with sacrificial reagent was enhanced. Although TaON alone
cannot perform overall water splitting, it can be coupled with a
Z-scheme water splitting system with a shuttle redox mediator
to perform the overall water splitting reaction. Higashi et al.
utilized Pt-TaON (hydrogen evolution photocatalyst) and
RuO2-TaON (oxygen evolution photocatalyst) to produce the
overall water splitting reaction with an I-/IO3-shuttle redox
mediator [66]. Although the activity was low with 0.1-0.2%
apparent quantum efficiency, the photo catalyst was the first
example of a d0oxynitridephotocatalyst. Another type of
oxygen evolution photocatalyst, Pt-WO3,was used with PtTaON by Abe et al. in a similar system [67]. Better selectivity
of water oxidation to O2 and reduction of IO3- to I-was
achieved even if the solution contained a high amount of I-. In
addition, the photocatalytic system yielded a steady water
splitting reaction under weak acid or neutral conditions even
under prolonged irradiation.
In addition to nitride photocatalyst, sulfide photocatalysts such
as CdS and ZnSare another type of anionic doped
photocatalysts that have gained significant attention in this
research area. As demonstrated by Sathish et al. [68], CdS can
be prepared by precipitation from Na2S and Cd(NO3)2,
followed by calcination. An activity of 450 mol/g.h was
reported for the CdS prepared. Mesoporous CdS was also

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

prepared via ultrasonic mediated precipitation at room

temperature to form a particle size 4-6 nm using zeolite as the
template for precipitation [69]. These three methods form CdS
particles with different particle sizes and surface areas. CdS
prepared via the ultrasonic method yielded the highest UV
irradiated water splitting activity. This result indicates that the
water splitting activity can be correlated with particle size and
surface area. CdS supported on MgO and Al2O3was also
synthesized to study the effect of the support onphotocatalytic
water splitting. Depending on the CdS loading and template
that formed the CdS, the hydrogen evolution was higher than
for the unsupported CdS. In general, the MgO supported CdS
exhibited higher photoactivity compared with the Al2O3
supported CdS because of the basic nature of MgO. In
addition, noble metal doping such as with Pt further enhances
the hydrogen evolution rate to 14.15 mmol/g.h. CdS
undergoes photocorrosion and therefore is not stable under
prolonged light irradiation. By loading CdS on an appropriate
support, the photocatalytic water splitting initiated by CdS can
be enhanced without eluting S2- into the reaction medium.
Loading CdS on ZTP (zirconium titanium phosphate) was
performed by Parida et al. to synthesize a visible light
photocatalyst[70]. CdS-ZTP was synthesized via ion exchange
and subsequent sulfurization with sodium sulfide, and 15wt%
CdS-ZTP was observed to yield the highest hydrogen
evolution rate with an apparent quantum efficiency of 5.84%
using a sulfide solution as the sacrificial reagent. Choi et al.
synthesize a Ni/NiO/KNbO3/CdS nanocomposite for visible
light hydrogen evolution in the presence of isopropanol [71].
At an appropriate amount of CdS and other components,
enhanced hydrogen evolution was observed because charge
recombination was suppressed in the reaction. CdS
nanoparticles dispersed in SBA-15 observed by Lunawat et al.
enhanced the photoactivity compared with bulk CdS[5]. SBA15 was added to cadmium acetate in H2S flow to form a
CdS/SBA-15 photocatalyst. A subsequent study indicated that
by doping CdS/SBA-15 with noble metals such as Pt, the
hydrogen evolution reaction rate could be greatly enhanced to
800 mol/g.h. Shemesh et al. synthesize CdS-PdO and CdSPd4S via the aqueous condensation of Pd2+ onto CdS nanorods
and high-temperature organic-phase synthesis, respectively
[72]. Due to efficient charge separation, the hydrogen
evolution rate of these photo catalysts was higher than that of
bulk CdS with 3.25% apparent quantum efficiency being
achieved. In addition, CdS has also been dispersed on a
hydrophobic polymer sheet, as described in the work of
Lunawat et al. [73]. Good adhesion of CdS nanoparticles on
the polymer enabled the photocatalyst to perform long life
photocatalytic water splitting. Separation of the photocatalyst
and the reaction medium was much easier compared with the
use of a powder photocatalyst. A polymer supported
nanocomposite of CdS-ZnS was also studied by Deshpande et
al. [74]. Good dispersion of nano-sized CdS particles in the
range of 1-3 nm was achieved when ZnS was present to assist
coating on polymer strip. Therefore, the water splitting

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

activity was increased because the hydrogen evolution rate
was observed to be inversely proportional to the CdS particle
size. CdS was also synthesized with ZnO and ZnS to form a
hetero structure photocatalyst that was highly active in visible
light driven hydrogen evolution. The photocatalyst(ZnO)2(ZnS)1-(CdS)1, as reported by Wang et al. [75], yields a
hydrogen evolution rate up to 2790 mol/g.husingSO32- and
S2- ions as sacrificial reagents. Photoexcited electrons in this
photocatalyst were also observed to have long lifetime (>225
ns), which contribute to the production of hydrogen. Another
study reported by Navarro et al. using a CdS-ZnO-CdO
photocatalyst developed from sequential precipitation and
thermal annealing investigated the photocatalytic hydrogen
evolution [35]. Thermal treatment significantly affected the
crystallinity and visible light absorption of the photocatalyst.
Appropriate thermal treatment improved the physical charge
separation and allowed more visible light of different
wavelengthsto be absorbed. The addition of cocatalysts such
as Ru and Pt enhanced the hydrogen evolution. Ru appeared to
be a better candidate for the cocatalyst because RuO2 particles
have better interaction with CdS particles, which reduces
charge recombination.
In addition to the combination with CdS to form a
photocatalyst, ZnS with a band gap of 3.6 eVis also a type of
sulfide photocatalyst. Jang et al. synthesize mesoporous ZnS
nano plates via a solvo thermal method using ethylenediamine
and calcination [76]. In their study, the calcination
temperature affected the hydrogen production but did not
appear to be correlated with surface area. The rate of hydrogen
evolution was observed to be highest for the mesoporous ZnS
calcined at 500C. Using ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (USP),
Bang et al. developed ZnS: Ni2+ hollow microspheres and
nanoparticles [77]. Ni2+ formed a new energy level in the ZnS
band structure that was capable of absorbing visible light to
550 nm. Nanoparticle ZnS: Ni2+had higher hydrogen evolution
activity than hollow microspheres regardless of the larger
surface area, most likely due to charge recombination at their
surface defects. Nevertheless, the researchers suggested that a
balance between optimal crystallinity and surface area is
necessary for photo excited electrons to induce photo
oxidation at the photocatalyst surface. In addition, Wu et al.
prepared(AgIn)xZn2(1x)S2 solid solutions via a complete
aqueous route [78]. A band gap between 2.11-2.45 eV and a
broad absorption band in the visible region were reported.
Hydrogen evolution in sacrificial reagents yielded a rate of680
mol/g.h and the photoactivity was sustained for at least 100
hours. Highly visible light active porous ZnS-In2S3CuSnanosphereswere produced by Li et al. via a facile one-pot
solvothermal method[79]. Without adding a cocatalyst,
ZnIn0.25Cu0.02S1.395was prepared at180C for 18 hto achieve a
360 mmol/g.h hydrogen evolution rate and a 22.6% apparent
quantum yield at 420nm. Such excellent hydrogen evolution
performance was attributed to the high surface area that could
accommodate more active sites at the surface, a porous

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

structure that enhanced photo oxidation and photo reduction,

and efficient charge separation. Cu also plays an important
role because of its higher light absorption rate.


Significant research has been performed to improve
photocatalytic water splitting to produce hydrogen. However,
the water splitting efficiency is not high enough for the
emergence of a hydrogen economy via clean hydrogen
production. The research concentrated on finding visible light
responsive photocatalyst should be continued because of the
higher solar energy content in the visible light region. The
synthesis of inexpensive and efficient photocatalysts is crucial,
and the photocatalyst must be produced in abundance to
produce enough hydrogen to replace fossil fuels. Silicon
appears to be the most abundant material with properties of a
semiconductor and could provide direction in the search for
usable photo catalysts. Limited research has been conducted
on silicon based photocatalysts [80-82]. Nevertheless, great
potential in silicon-based photocatalysts is foreseen to harvest
solar energy, and more research should be performed. In
addition, anionic modification appears to be a promising band
engineering technology to harvest visible light from solar
energy. Sulfide and oxy(nitride) photocatalysts should be
further improved to achieve higher quantum efficiencies.
Furthermore, various strategies such as the combination of
anioniccationic modification in photocatalyst synthesis and
the application of a Z-scheme system for water splitting
reactions could be used in creating the ultimate photocatalyst.

Cationic and anionic modification of semiconductors is
successfully employed in band engineering using different
types of preparation methods such as hydrothermal, solid state
reactions and polymerized complex methods for the purpose
of improving the photocatalytic water splitting reaction.
Enhanced hydrogen evolution has been achieved by
broadening absorption of the light wavelength, efficient
charge separation and the formation of a new band level to
facilitate the mechanism of the water splitting reaction. This
review also indicates the trend of utilizing visible light
irradiation in the water splitting reaction. Although the
hydrogen rate is not yet comparable to that of UV light
irradiation, visible light sensitive photocatalysts have greater
potential because solar irradiation mostly consists of the
visible spectrum. Further research should be performed
concerning various strategies to enable a hydrogen economy
to be realized as soon as possible before irreversible damage
done onto environment by a fossil fuel based economy.

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

The authors wish to express appreciation to theMyBrain
15Programme, USM Short Term Grant (Grant No. 60311051)
for the financial support provided.

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