Fed. Sec. L. Rep. P 93,656 Simon v. Haberman v. John D. Murchison, 468 F.2d 1305, 2d Cir. (1972)

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468 F.

2d 1305

Fed. Sec. L. Rep. P 93,656

Simon V. HABERMAN, Plaintiff-Appellant,
John D. MURCHISON et al., Defendants-Appellees.
No. 729, Docket 72-1138.

United States Court of Appeals,

Second Circuit.
Submitted May 10, 1972.
Decided Oct. 30, 1972.

Bennett Frankel, New York City, for plaintiff-appellant.

Debevoise, Plimpton, Lyons & Gates, New York City (J. Asa Rountree,
Norman A. Senior), New York City, for defendants-appellees John D.
Murchison, Clint W. Murchison, Jr., and Murchison Brothers.
Cahill, Gordon, Sonnett, Reindel & Ohl, New York City (Paul W.
Williams, Joel C. Balsam, Michael D. Cahn), New York City, for
defendant-appellee Donald D. Harrington.
Before ANDERSON, McGOWAN * and TIMBERS, Circuit Judges.
McGOWAN, Circuit Judge:

This appeal relates to a further chapter in the extraordinarily litigious history of

Alleghany Corporation. Appellant is an Alleghany stockholder who asserts
derivatively in its right certain claims against former officers and directors for
damages payable to the corporation. Only three of the named defendants (apart
from the nominal Alleghany) were served with process, i. e., John D.
Murchison and Clint W. Murchison, Jr., individually and as a partnership, and
Donald D. Harrington. They have prevailed in the District Court, where the
merits of an amended complaint were adjudicated on cross-motions for
summary judgment. Haberman v. Murchison, 331 F.Supp. 180, aff'd on
rehearing, 335 F.Supp. 286 (S.D.N.Y.1971). The evidentiary record for this
purpose consisted, by agreement of the parties, solely of the testimony and

exhibits in a Securities and Exchange Commission proceeding. Jurisdiction in

the District Court was asserted to rest upon (1) diversity of citizenship, which
was unchallenged, and (2) federal causes of action allegedly arising under the
Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 78a et seq., a contention
which was attacked by appellees.

The core issue, to which the other claims are mainly incidental, relates to
whether appellees realized, upon the sale by them of shares of Alleghany, a
premium attributable to a transfer of management control. The SEC,
considering the control issue on the same evidence as was later before the
District Court, determined that there was no transfer of control; and that
decision was sustained upon direct review in this court. Phillips v. SEC, 388
F.2d 964 (2d Cir. 1968). Although the issue arises in this litigation in a common
law and differing statutory context, the District Court reached the same
conclusion. We find no warrant for disturbing its judgment in this or any other
of its aspects; and, for the reasons hereinafter appearing, we affirm the District
Court's dismissal of appellant's action.

* This suit has its source in a series of events following a proxy contest in 1961
in which the Murchisons and their associates successfully wrested control of
Alleghany from Allan P. Kirby. Although the Murchisons were able on that
occasion to elect a board of directors of their own choice, Kirby retained control
of the largest single block of shares in the Corporation-more than 3,300,000
shares, or 33 percent of the outstanding common stock. Kirby, moreover,
continued to exert every effort to regain control, and succeeded in largely
frustrating the Murchisons' program for Alleghany.1

Prior to the annual stockholders meeting on April 9, 1962, the management

solicited proxies for the reelection of the board of directors. Although appellee
Harrington, one of the nominees, had previously expressed to John Murchison,
who had become president of Alleghany the preceding year, his desire to retire
from the board, he consented to the placement of his name in nomination for an
additional term, and in due course was elected with the rest of the Murchison
nominees. Neither Harrington's desire to step down from the board, nor the
difficulty the Murchison group was having with Kirby, were referred to in the
proxy statement.

Following the May, 1962 break in the stock market, the value of Alleghany
common stock dropped precipitously. From a high in March of $12 1/4 the
stock fell to a low of $6 7/8 in June. Thereafter, the price fluctuated
considerably, rising gradually to $7 7/8 on August 14, to $9 3/8 on October 5,
and finally to $13 in January, 1963. In May and June, 1962 the Murchison

board of directors authorized the purchase by Alleghany of some $2,000,000 of

its own outstanding common stock and the stock of two subsidiaries, Investors
Diversified Services, Inc., and New York Central. In a letter to the stockholders
dated August 13, 1962, John Murchison characterized this purchase as an
attractive investment in light of the fact that market price was well below net
asset value.

In July of 1962, the Murchisons were approached by one Bertin Gamble for the
sale of some part of their holdings in Alleghany. The idea for the purchase of
Alleghany stock was first suggested to Gamble by an investment banker,
Charles Allen, who thought that Gamble, on acquiring a significant Alleghany
interest, might, as Allen testified, "perhaps act as a balance wheel . . . thinking
that he could get along with Kirby and solve this whole situation." Allen
estimated that a fair price for the stock, based on net asset value, would be in a
range of from $10 to $12 a share.

On August 14 the parties entered into preliminary agreements calling for the
immediate sale to Gamble of 1,500,000 shares at $10 per share, a right in the
buyer to "call" (or buy) an additional 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 shares at the same
price any time before May 31, 1963, and, in the event the call was not
exercised, a right in the sellers to "put" (or sell) 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 shares
at the same price between June 1 and June 30, 1963.2 These terms were finally
agreed to and the contract executed on October 5, 1962, at which time its terms
were made known to the public. The put and call agreement was later extended,
and Gamble exercised his call for an additional 1,834,755 shares on October
31, 1963. Although this agreement was negotiated by the Murchisons alone,
thirty-seven of their associates also participated in either the initial sale or the
put and call agreement.

Several days prior to October 5, 1962, John Murchison approached Harrington

with an offer to buy 170,000 of Harrington's 186,000 shares in Alleghany.
Harrington was receptive, and the price negotiated between them was $12.19
per share, a price approximating Harrington's original investment. According to
Harrington, he was at that time ignorant of the agreement between the
Murchisons and Gamble. On October 9, having sold substantially all of his
interest, Harrington resigned from the board.

On October 9, 1962 Gamble and his attorney were elected to the board to
replace Harrington and Dan Kimball, a named but unserved defendant in this
action, who had also resigned. The remaining eight seats continued to be held
by the Murchison group until the next stockholders meeting. Because neither of
the parties had yet exercised their rights under the put and call agreement-thus

leaving uncertain the ultimate ownership of a substantial portion of the voting

stock-that meeting was postponed by the board from April to December, 1963.

In December, 1962, John Murchison resigned as president of Alleghany and

Gamble was elected to replace him.3 Later that month, an application was filed
with the SEC by Randolph Phillips, requesting a determination that the
foregoing transactions resulted in the vesting of control of Alleghany in
Gamble.4 From January to September, 1963, hearings were held before the
SEC, on the basis of which the Commission ultimately concluded that, for
purposes of Section 2(a)(9) of the Investment Company Act, 15 U.S.C. Sec.
80a-2(a)(9), control had not vested in Gamble or his associates. As noted
above, this court affirmed the Commission's determination in Phillips v. SEC,
388 F.2d 964 (2d Cir. 1968).


During this period, Gamble's efforts to mediate between Kirby and the
incumbent board, and to establish an amicable working arrangement with
Kirby, either for himself or for the Murchisons, met with failure. Finally, on
October 31, 1963, the same day that Gamble exercised his call against the
Murchisons, Gamble sold 1,600,000 shares at $10.50 a share to Kirby and two
companies allied with him. At the December, 1963, shareholders meeting,
Kirby and his associates, now firmly in control, installed a new board of
directors with Kirby as chairman.


The foregoing events form the basis of this action, which was originally filed as
a one-count complaint by a plaintiff named Smith who was not a resident of
New York. That complaint charged appellees principally with

13 receiving a premium for their sale of stock in exchange for their corporate offices
and control of the corporation;
14 withholding from other stockholders material inside information (i. e., their
agreement with Gamble);
15 using their fiduciary positions to induce Alleghany to buy its own stock and the
stock of its subsidiaries for the purpose of inflating the market and strengthening
their own bargaining position with Gamble; and
(4) issuing false and misleading proxy statements for their own advantage;

and it concluded that

"[T]he aforesaid acts operated as a fraud or deceit upon plaintiff and other

shareholders of Alleghany in violation of Sections 10(b), 13(a), 14(a), and 16(a) of

the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules and regulations thereunder, . .
. and constituted a violation of the fiduciary duties of said defendants under the
common law and General Corporation Law of Maryland."

The claims in the original complaint founded upon the federal securities laws
were dismissed by Judge Bryan of the District Court as not having stated a
claim upon which relief could be granted. Noting that the remaining claims
under state law remained before it because of the diverse citizenship of the
parties, the court ruled that, because none of the parties were citizens of New
York and the action arose in Dallas, Texas, venue in New York was improper,
and accordingly ordered the case transferred to the United States District Court
for the Northern District of Texas. Smith v. Murchison, 310 F.Supp. 1079
(S.D.N.Y.1970). Before it was actually transferred, however, the plaintiff filed
a motion to substitute a New York plaintiff and to amend the complaint with
respect to the federal claims. This motion was granted, and the order
transferring the action vacated.


The suit under the amended complaint proceeded before Judge Gurfein. The
first count of this three-count complaint merely reiterated the original
complaint. The new second and third counts, while apparently directed to
curing the defects in the federal claims articulated by Judge Bryan, added
nothing of substance, but merely focused more sharply on the claim that
appellees issued a false proxy statement and used inside corporate information
for their own profit. Both sides moved for summary judgment, and stipulated
that the SEC hearing record might be used for all purposes in determining the
motions. This stipulation was later enlarged to include the agreement that "no
issue of credibility exists" with respect to the testimony and exhibits in that


Although appellees also submitted a motion to dismiss on the grounds that the
action was barred by the statute of limitations, the District Court declined to
reach that question and granted appellees' motion for summary judgment on the
merits. In view of our disposition, we also deem it unnecessary to consider the
limitations question.


Appellant's principal contention that he has a meritorious cause of action under

the 1934 Act appears to be that appellees, in agreeing to sell their shares to a
third party at a price above the current market price without either informing or
inviting all other shareholders to participate, withheld material inside

information in violation of Section 10(b), 15 U.S.C. Sec. 78j(b), and Rule 10b5, 17 C.F.R. Sec. 240.10b-5. However, as the District Court held, Section 10(b)
and Rule 10b-5 afford protection only to those who actually purchase or sell
securities to their loss in reliance upon the withholding or misrepresentation of
material information or other manipulative or deceptive devices. Birnbaum v.
Newport Steel Corp., 193 F.2d 461 (2d Cir.), cert. denied, 343 U.S. 956, 72
S.Ct. 1051, 96 L.Ed. 1356 (1962); Greenstein v. Paul, 400 F.2d 580 (2d Cir.
1968); Iroquois Industries, Inc. v. Syracuse China Corp., 417 F.2d 963 (2d Cir.
1969), cert. denied, 399 U.S. 909, 90 S.Ct. 2199, 26 L.Ed.2d 561 (1970);
Hoover v. Allen, 241 F.Supp. 213 (S.D.N.Y.).5 Neither appellant nor
Alleghany, on whose behalf this action was brought and for whom alone
damages are sought, falls remotely within that class. Even assuming, arguendo,
that the intention or agreement of a substantial shareholder to sell his interest is
"material inside information," that information was obviously known to the
purchaser, Gamble. Moreover, the fact that Kirby was frustrating the
Murchison program for Alleghany-also alleged to be material inside
information-was not only known by Gamble, but was, indeed, his principal
reason for buying the stock.

Appellant's reliance on SEC v. Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., 401 F.2d 833 (2nd Cir.
1968), (en banc), cert. denied, Coates v. Securities and Exchange Commission,
394 U.S. 976, 89 S.Ct. 1454, 22 L.Ed.2d 756 (1969), to support his Rule 10b-5
claim is misplaced. The liability of insiders in that case was firmly predicated
on the view that the paramount purpose of Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 was to
protect purchasers and sellers of securities from those who deal unfairly with
them. See 401 F.2d at 847-852. On appeal from the remand in that case, this
court upheld the remedy afforded by the District Court, under the terms of
which the defendants were required to make restitution of their profits by
payments into an escrow fund from from which those who were able to
demonstrate loss from the defendants' actions would be compensated. SEC v.
Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., 446 F.2d 1301 (2d Cir.), cert. denied, 404 U.S. 1005,
92 S.Ct. 561, 30 L.Ed.2d 558 (1971). While it is true that we also upheld the
provision that the undistributed balance of the fund would, after five years, be
distributed to the corporation-in effect, a conditional recovery for the
corporation-we did so principally in deference to the District Court's broad
discretion under the Act to fashion a remedy most equitable under the
circumstances. In approving that conditional remedy, we recognized, first, the
inequity of permitting the defendants to retain the proceeds of their own wrong,
and, second, that the corporation may itself have suffered injury to its integrity
and reputation by the wrongful actions of the defendants. 446 F.2d at 13071308.


These considerations, however, should not obscure the fact that the essence of
the 10b-5 violation in Texas Gulf Sulphur was the wrong done by the
defendants to sellers on the open market not privy to the same material
information. While there may be a parallel right, under state law, in the
corporation to recover profits from insiders who use inside information to their
own advantage, see Diamond v. Oreamuno, 24 N.Y.2d 494, 301 N.Y.S.2d 78,
248 N.E.2d 910 (1969), there is no such derivative right under federal law.
Since neither the corporation nor any purchaser was injured by the use of the
alleged inside information in this case, no compelling reason has been advanced
for the recognition of such a right here.


Appellant also relies on a suggestion in Ferraioli v. Cantor, 281 F. Supp. 354

(S.D.N.Y.1967), that the failure of one group of stockholders to invite the
participation of all other stockholders in a third party's offer to buy shares at a
price above market value may in itself violate Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5.
The opinion in that case cited no authority for this proposition, which was
expressly rejected by the District Court in this case. Perhaps under some
circumstances the purchase of shares by one individual from another who has
withheld from the seller the information that the buyer has been offered a
greater price for the same shares might be a deceptive practice within the
meaning of Section 10(b). But, as a general rule, we agree with the view
expressed by Judge Pollack in Christophides v. Porco, 289 F.Supp. 403, 405
(S.D.N.Y.1968), that, "There is no obligation . . . to 'share and share alike'." In
any event, unlike the circumstances here, the plaintiff in Ferraioli specifically
alleged that he had sold shares to his loss which he would not have sold had the
information not been withheld.


Appellant's other attempts to fit the facts of this case into a Rule 10b-5 claim
are equally without merit. He first argued in the District Court that the purchase
by Alleghany of its own securities in the summer of 1962 satisfied the
purchaser-seller requirement of Birnbaum. How that purchase was induced by
appellees' withholding material information from Alleghany is not clear. In any
event, as the District Court observed, since the market price of those securities
almost doubled by January, 1963, Alleghany clearly suffered no injury as a
result of that transaction.


In his brief on appeal, appellant seems to argue that other people who bought
(or failed to sell) Alleghany during the period when appellees withheld their
"inside information" might not have bought (or might have sold) had they
known either that the Murchisons were planning to sell their entire interest or
that they were stalemated by Kirby over the management of Alleghany. Not

only is the record devoid of any evidence to support this speculation, but, in
light of the subsequent rise in Alleghany's value, any individuals in that
category obviously profited, rather than lost, from the non-disclosure.

The allegations under the Section 14(a) proxy provisions, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 78n,
suffer from much the same weaknesses, particularly when it is remembered
that it is damage to Alleghany which is recoverable. Appellant first asserts that
appellees failed to state in the March, 1962 proxy statement that (1) a
substantial amount of the Murchison stock was pledged as security for various
loans, (2) Harrington did not intend to serve a full term, and (3) difficulties
were being experienced with Kirby-all in furtherance of their scheme to sell out
their interests at a premium. Had this information not been omitted, appellant
claims, appellees would not have been able to carry out their plan.


As to the first of these alleged defects in the proxy statement, the proxy rules in
effect in 1962 contained no requirement that disclosure be made of the loan
pledges. In the case of Harrington, the record supports the finding that,
although he had indicated no great desire to continue indefinitely as a director,
before the proxy statement was sent out he had, in good faith, responded
affirmatively to the Murchisons' request that he continue. The allegation that
the failure to disclose the difficulties with Kirby was an improper concealment
was also repeated by appellant in his allegation with respect to the November,
1963 proxy statement, combined with a charge that Gamble's offer to pay a
price above the market price was inside information which should have been
made public. In March of 1962, however, the record does not show the
Murchisons as having had conversations with anyone about selling their stock,
and the fact that Gamble eventually made them an offer at a figure above the
market price had been made public long before the distribution of the 1963
proxy or the filing of the 1962 annual report.


Appellant's efforts to link the alleged failures to meet statutory disclosure

requirements with the alleged plan of appellees to sell their shares at an illegal
premium impress us as unavailing in either fact or law. The statutory causes of
action sounding in the 1934 Act, which appellant has alleged, are tangential at
best to his central concern, which is his assertion that in the summer and fall of
1962 appellees fell below the standard of fiduciary duty owed by them to
Alleghany. That is a cause of action arising under state law, and no amount of
forced employments and illogical invocations of the 1934 Act can make it



It is not controverted that the governing law on the nonfederal claims is the law
of Maryland, 6 and, that under that law, it is illegal to (1) sell a corporate office,
or (2) sell management control of the corporation without also selling a
controlling block of the voting stock. See, e. g., McClure v. Law, 161 N.Y. 78,
55 N.E. 388 (1899); Essex Universal Corp. v. Yates, 305 F.2d 572 (2d Cir.
1962). Any part of the price received from the sale of one's stock which is
attributable to the sale of either is recoverable by the corporation in an action at
law. This is the law as the District Court stated it, and all appellant's other
claims under state law ultimately rest on his contention that appellees sold their
offices and control of Alleghany at a premium.

1. The Alleged Premium


We note preliminarily, as did the District Court, some difficulties with

appellant's assumption that the excess over market value received by appellees
for their stock constituted the alleged premium.7 The fact that the market
quotations for Alleghany stock on August 14 and October 5, 1962 were lower
than the sale price of $10 per share does not establish that part of the purchase
price contained a premium, or that the premium was equivalent to that excess.8
Charles Allen testified to having suggested that a fair price, based on net asset
value, would be from $10 to $12 per share. Appellant argues that, had the
Murchisons attempted to sell such a large block of shares on the market, they
would probably not have received the $7 7/8 per share quoted on August 14,
much less the $10 per share they did receive. This argument proves nothing,
since it is equally likely that had Gamble attempted to buy those shares on the
market, he would have had to pay considerably more than an average of $10 per
share. As it was, in fixing a purchase price on an agreement to be executed
some months in the future, the parties were faced with a fluctuating market
which they could have reasonably believed to be unrealistically and temporarily
depressed. Under these circumstances, the District Court found that the net
asset value was a rational basis for pricing, and the price so agreed upon was
not in excess of it. That finding was certainly not clearly erroneous.


The average price of $12.19 per share received by Harrington on his sale of
170,000 shares to John Murchison presents a more difficult question, but also
fails to establish, without more, that it contained a premium for the sale of his
directorship. Harrington testified that at the time he agreed to sell these shares
he was unaware of the agreement between the Murchisons and Gamble, and
that John Murchison neither discussed with him the question of his resignation
from the Board nor made it part of the bargain between them.9 As to the
particular price agreed upon, Harrington stated only that it was a "negotiated
price," although it is represented that it approximated his initial investment in

Alleghany stock.

Despite this testimony, appellant asks us to reject the District Court's finding
that Harrington did not sell his office at a premium, primarily on two grounds:
First, considering the record as a whole -and in particular Harrington's prompt
resignation on October 9-Harrington's self-serving protestations of innocence
should be taken as incredible; and, second, that, even if Harrington were
innocent of consciously selling his office to Gamble, John Murchison was not.


The first contention must be rejected primarily on the basis of the stipulation
that "no issue of credibility exists with respect to the testimony in the SEC
proceeding." Although appellant now objects to the use of this stipulation and
maintains that credibility must be assessed on the basis of the record as a
whole, a finding in appellant's favor on the issue of Harrington's alleged sale of
office would clearly require resolving an issue of credibility against both
Harrington and John Murchison, in violation of the plain words of a stipulation
freely entered into.10 In any event, there is no evidence in the record which
would render Harrington's version of events incredible on its face, and his
subsequent resignation from the Board is as credibly explained by his conceded
and long-standing desire to sit only in order to protect his investment as by any
suggestion that it was part of the bargain in selling his shares.11 Thus, while we
cannot subscribe entirely to the District Court's observation that "(Harrington)
got substantially what the others in the Murchison group got," p. 292 of 335
F.Supp., we leave intact the finding that he did not sell his office at a

*37* *The second contention also finds no conclusive support in the record. While
Murchison, in his testimony, admitted to having discussed with Gamble the
possibility of one or two board seats opening up, he specifically denied having
agreed to deliver any of the seats as a condition of the bargain. Gamble's testimony
was to the same effect. Although again, in light of the stipulation on credibility, we
think the District Court need not have gone beyond this testimony, it found on the
basis of its review of the entire record that appellant had not established his claim
against John Murchison, and attributed Murchison's purchase from Harrington to the
fact that the two had long been allies.
2. Sale of Offices and Control

We have already disposed of the claim that either Harrington or John

Murchison sold Harrington's directorship to Gamble. Of the remaining nine

Murchison directors, only one, Kimball, resigned his position following the sale
to Gamble. The other eight continued to serve actively on the Board for
fourteen months until they were replaced by the Kirby slate in December, 1963.
The evidence is that Gamble, in his negotiations with John Murchison,
suggested that he would like to have board representation in the event he
acquired a significant amount of Alleghany stock. The Murchisons had already
indicated their willingness to act upon their conviction that any large
stockholder should have board representation, by offering two seats on the
board to Kirby immediately after winning control from him. Consistent with
this position, John Murchison responded to Gamble by saying that there was a
possibility that two board seats might become vacant in the near future and that,
if so, he would recommend Gamble and his attorney for election to the board.

The record indicates that Gamble signified an interest in additional

representation, but was told by Murchison that "any further changes would
have to take place in the course of the normal corporate procedure of the
stockholders' meeting." The record further establishes that the price of $10 per
share had been fixed upon before the question of board representation came up.
Under these circumstances, we cannot fault the District Court for finding that
there was no sale of these directorships as part of the Murchison-Gamble


The only other defendant to have resigned any position with Alleghany was
John Murchison, who resigned the office of president in December, 1962. On
the basis of Gamble's testimony that his accession to that office was first
mentioned to him the day before the Board meeting on December 12, 1962several months after the stock sale agreement had been reached-and that he was
reluctant to accept this office which, so the record shows, was largely without
power or significance, and the testimony of others that this office carried with it
little power, the District Court found-properly, we think-that this transfer was
unrelated to the original agreement.


The claim that the Murchisons sold management control of Alleghany is

refuted by the simple fact that Gamble never acquired control. During the
fourteen months between the agreement and the installation of the Kirby board,
the Murchison group retained eight of the ten seats on the Board, continued to
exercise firm control, and, indeed, rejected Gamble's position on a number of
significant issues. In view of these facts, the District Court was amply justified
in disallowing appellant's claim that the Murchisons sold control to Gamble.13


Indeed, appellant seems to have abandoned on appeal the claim that control
was sold to Gamble, and relies primarily on the alternative theory argued to the

District Court, namely, that the sale to Gamble was part of a larger conspiracy
between the Murchisons, Gamble, and Kirby to retransfer control to Kirby. As
the court pointed out, however:
The difficulty with the argument is that the price to be paid to the Murchison group
was fixed long before Kirby agreed to buy Gamble's stock and option contract. 335
F.Supp. at 291.

While we might agree with appellant's broad proposition that the use of an
intermediary between two parties desiring to transfer corporate control cannot
legitimize the transaction, there is no evidence in this case that Gamble was
merely a conduit or that the Murchisons' sale to him was pursuant to a secret
agreement with Kirby to transfer ultimate control to the latter. No authority has
been cited for the broader contention that Kirby's participation vel non in the
original agreement is irrelevant to the question of the Murchisons' culpability;
and it is without merit.


The other allegations founded upon state law in the last analysis stand or fall on
appellant's ability to establish the sale of office or control at a premium. Thus,
as a parallel to his federal claim under Section 10(b), appellant claims that
appellees used material inside information to their profit in violation of the
principles established in Diamond v. Oreamuno, 24 N.Y.2d 494, 301 N.Y.S.2d
78, 248 N.E.2d 910 (1969). In that case the defendant officers and directors of a
corporation were privy to the information that corporate earnings had declined
75 per cent, and sold a large block of shares before the information became
known to the public in general and their buyers in particular. The court held
that these practices, which clearly gave rise to an action by the buyers under
federal law, also established a right to recovery of the profits by the corporation
under state law.


This rule clearly has no application to the facts of the present case. In the first
place, we are aware of no authority for the proposition that an offer to buy
shares from a stockholder is either material inside information or a corporate
asset. Second, while facts which are likely to affect adversely the future of the
corporation (such as the Murchisons' difficulties with Kirby) may be material
information, the only circumstance in which appellees could have derived a
"profit," in the Diamond sense, from withholding that information would have
been a subsequent decline in the value of the stock they sold, which did not
happen here. Finally, the wrong which formed the basis for the corporate
recovery in Diamond was the defendants' deception of those who bought their
stock. The wrong which is alleged in this case, on the other hand, is the sale by
appellees of their offices and corporate control.


Turning to the remaining claims, it is contended that in furtherance of their

plan, appellees variously (1) committed fraud by issuing false and misleading
proxy statements and other corporate reports, (2) breached an alleged
contractual duty to serve as director for one full year, and (3) violated an
alleged obligation under state law by postponing the 1963 annual meeting from
April until December, 1963. Whether or not there is any legal or evidentiary
basis for any of these assertions, it is plain that their only supposed injurious
consequence was the facilitation or effectuation of the alleged plan to sell
offices or control. Appellant's failure to demonstrate the basic injury renders
academic the questions raised by these subsidiary claims.14


The judgment appealed from is affirmed.

Of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit,
sitting by designation

The Alleghany stock directly owned by the Murchisons in the summer of 1962
amounted to 19.5% of the total outstanding. Another 15% was in the hands of
majority-owned subsidiaries or friends and associates
Immediately after their victory in the 1961 proxy fight, the Murchisons offered
two seats on the Alleghany board to Kirby in an effort both to enlist his
cooperation in the conduct of its business and in recognition of his substantial
ownership interest. Kirby would, however, have nothing to do with the
Murchisons and launched an active campaign to bring about his return to
control of the corporation, which included sustained public and private
criticism of the Murchisons' management policies and a search for allies among
Alleghany's existing and potential shareowners.

It seems clear that Gamble initially discussed with the Murchisons a purchase
of only part of their stock, but his interest in purchasing all of it grew as he
discovered the degree of their discouragement about the Kirby situation, and
contrasted that with his own confidence that he could get along with anybody,
including Kirby. The testimony is that he was told initially that "this was not an
easy situation and unless he thought he could get along with Mr. Kirby," there
was no point in his getting involved at all. It was also pointed out to him that,
even if he acquired all of the Murchison stock, his own holdings would not in
and of themselves enable him to elect a majority of the board; and that, absent
agreement between him and Kirby, one to one and one-half million shares more
than the Murchisons could deliver would be necessary to assure him control

The testimony was that Murchison had tried to find someone independent of
any faction to serve as president and, failing that, had suggested to Gamble that
he serve. Gamble urged Murchison to continue, and very reluctantly consented
at the last moment to take the job. He told the board electing him that his
disillusionment with the Kirby situation was such that, unless the could buy out
Kirby, he would probably sell his own shares to Kirby

Phillips' purpose in seeking this determination related to the recovery of fees by

various mutual funds having contracts with Investors Diversified Services, Inc.,
an Alleghany subsidiary. Phillips describes himself as acting as "consultant" to
the plaintiff in this action

Nothing in the Supreme Court's opinion in Supt. of Insurance of New York v.

Bankers Life and Cas. Co., 404 U.S. 6, 92 S.Ct. 165, 30 L.Ed.2d 128 (1971), is
to the contrary. Although the Court there reversed this court's holding that
Section 10(b) extended only to fraudulent or manipulative sales and not to the
fraudulent appropriation of the proceeds of a sale, it in no way suggested a
rejection of the rule that a plaintiff under Section 10(b) must be a party to the
sales transaction. The Court made clear that
Manhattan [the injured party] was the seller of Treasury bonds and, it seems to
us, clearly protected by Sec. 10(b). . . . The Act protects corporations as well as
individuals who are sellers of a security. 404 U.S. at 9, 10, 92 S.Ct. at 167-168.
(Emphasis supplied)
In Drachman v. Harvey, 453 F.2d 722 (2d Cir. 1972) (en banc), this court has
recently indicated its continuing assumption of the purchaser-seller
requirement. In neither Bankers Life nor Drachman did diversity jurisdiction
exist, and each was considered on motions to dismiss for want of federal
jurisdiction. In the appeal before us, the District Court determined the merits on
a full factual record. Thus, even if appellant be thought to have stated a federal
cause of action entitling him to a determination of the merits, that determination
was made here adversely to appellant.

Since there is no precedent in Maryland law precisely on point, the task of the
District Court was to predict what the law of Maryland would be. However, the
principles governing the issue here have been fairly well established and
generally accepted

The question of the amount of the premium, of course, goes only to the issue of
remedy. If it is clearly established that a promised transfer of office or control
was an inducement to the buyer to purchase the seller's shares, it follows that
some part of the price is necessarily attributable to the illegal consideration, and
it would be a question of fact as to how much the office or control was worth to

the buyer. Since market price is not always an ascertainable or invariably

reliable yardstick, this question is often difficult. In a case, however, where the
price received is not much different from either that generally available to the
public or that which a reasonable buyer would pay without the alleged illegal
consideration, those facts may not only reduce the recovery to insignificance,
but also operate to cast doubt on the basic allegation that the transfer of office
or control was in fact consideration for the sale. See Benson v. Braun, 8
Misc.2d 67, 155 N.Y.S. 2d 622 (Sup.Ct.Nassau Co., 1956)

The relevant inquiry is what a reasonable buyer would have paid for the shares
without the accompanying transfer of office or control-something which current
market quotations often may not accurately reflect. See Benson v. Braun, supra,
note 7; Perlman v. Feldmann, 154 F. Supp. 436 (D.Conn.1957) (premium
calculated on the basis of "enterprise value.")

John Murchison later testified that Harrington was aware of the MurchisonGamble agreement when he agreed to sell his shares. However, on the critical
issue of whether Harrington's resignation was discussed or made part of the
bargain, both men were emphatic in their denials


In its supplemental opinion, 335 F. Supp. 286, 292-293, the District Court gave
appellant the benefit of the doubt on this issue and ruled in appellees' favor on
the basis of the record as a whole. Even if the stipulation be disregarded, we
cannot say that that finding is clearly erroneous


The District Court found that "[Harrington] had decided to resign as a director
earlier . . . . When he sold out he naturally carried out his original inclination
and resigned." 331 F.Supp. at 185. The transcript of Harrington's testimony on
which this finding was based reads as follows:
Q. As I understand your testimony, Mr. Harrington, the Murchisons indicated
to you that they would like you to stay on the Board until the time they could
arrange to take you out as a stockholder, is that correct?
A. As a director, you mean? No, it wasn't tied together. The principal thing that
I knew to do was to get rid of my stock, and also not to be a director, because I
don't like to be a director of something I don't have a substantial interest in.
Q. While you were talking to Mr. John Murchison was a mention made of the
fact that he thought the time had come where it would be appropriate for you to
resign as a director of Alleghany Corporation?
A. No, sir. He did not suggest it at all. That was my idea.


We do note in this regard that the negotiated price of $12.19 per share was not
significantly distant from Mr. Allen's upper range of net asset value, i. e., $12


The District Court's conclusion, based on its independent review of the record,
was the same as that drawn by the SEC on a virtually identical issue, i. e.,
control within the meaning of Sec. 2(a)(9). In the District Court, appellant
relied on various statements by Gamble to Kirby and his representative that he,
Gamble, was "in" and the Murchisons were "out". The SEC dismissed these as
merely "overstatements made for bargaining purposes," and not significant in
light of the fact that Gamble never did obtain control. This court affirmed that
conclusion. Phillips v. SEC, 388 F.2d 964 (2d Cir. 1968). On its own
assessment of the record, the District Court agreed with the SEC that Gamble
"was aware of his tenuous status in the affairs of Alleghany," and rejected the
claim that these statements demonstrated a change of control


The same is true of the fiduciary default alleged to reside in Alleghany's

purchase of its own stock and shares of IDS and New York Central in the early
part of 1962. This action was characterized by appellant as a device to further
the plan to sell the Murchison holdings at a premium. It is not claimed that,
apart from such a purpose, the transaction was either ill conceived or actually
harmful to Alleghany

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