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International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power

Quality (ICREPQ09)

European Association for the

Development of Renewable Energies,
Environment and Power Quality

Valencia (Spain), 15th to 17th April, 2009

Capacitor Switching Techniques

S.J. Kulas
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Warsaw University of Technology
GG 130, Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
Phone number: (48-22) 660-5383, Fax number: (48-22) 625-7524, e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Capacitance switching applications involve

not only interrupting capacitive currents, but also the
energizing of capacitor banks, cables and overhead lines.
The interruption of a capacitive current can cause
dielectric problems for the switching device. The high
inrush currents can cause damage to the capacitors of the
capacitors bank and to weld the contacts of the switch
together. The problems of the capacitive inrush currents
and ways to reduce the magnitude of the inrush current,
have been chosen for analysis in this paper.

The questions of the capacitive inrush currents have been

chosen for analysis in this paper.

Key words

inductance in the capacitors cable LC (LS >> LC ) and the

capacitance C of the bank. This is termed single bank or
isolated bank switching.

Inrush current, capacitor bank, synchronous switching.

2. Inserting Capacitor Banks

Two cases must be considered when closing a capacitive
circuit [5], [6]. The first is illustrated in Figure 1, which
shows a single-phase representation with lumped
elements of capacitive circuit. Here the switch closes on a
single bank whose circuit elements are the inductance of
the source LS (resistance of the supply Rs 0), the local

1. Introduction
Power systems contain lumped capacitors such as
capacitor banks for voltage regulation or power factor
improvement and capacitors that are part of filter banks
to filter out higher harmonics. In addition, cable networks
on the distribution level form a mainly capacitive load for
the switching devices. Capacitive switching requires
special attention because, after current interruption, the
capacitive load contains an electrical charge and can
cause a dielectric re-ignition of the switching device.
When this process repeats, the interruption of capacitive
currents causes high over-voltages [1], [3], [7].
The interruption of a capacitive current can cause
dielectric problems for the switching device, but when a
capacitor bank is taken into service, large inrush currents
can flow through the substation and can cause problems
for the protection system. During closing a switch or
circuit breaker in a dominantly capacitive network with
capacitor banks or cable line, represented by its
capacitance, the transient voltage oscillates along the line
at a relatively low single frequency. It has an amplitude
that reaches a peak value approximately equal to twice
the value of the system voltage that was present at the
instant at which the closure of the circuit took place [2].

Fig. 1. A single capacitor bank circuit

The transient current i (t ) depends on the initial
conditions in the circuit and the circuit parameters. If
capacitor C is charged to voltage u c 0 at the time t0 ,
when the switching device closes (Fig. 2), the expression
for the current is

i = [e(t 0 ) u c 0 ]


sin 0 t


0 =



In this kind of capacitor circuit, only the local capacitor

circuits dominate the inrush current to the connecting bus
for a few milliseconds. So in Figure 3, the source voltage
and the source inductance are not shown.
If during the closing operation, a dielectric breakdown
between contacts a a ' of a switch occurs at the
amplitude u a a ' just before the contacts touch during the
closing operation, the expression for the current is
Fig. 2. Illustrating the voltage and current in the capacitor
bank circuit
The will be considerable damping in a practical capacitor
circuit, so the sinusoidal current will decay rapidly and
the circuit current will be established in the capacitor
The instantaneous voltage of the supplying source at the
instant of closing of the switching device at t 0 is equal

i2 (t ) = u aa ' (0)


02 =

sin 02 t (3)

( + )
L1 + L2 C1 C 2

u a a ' ( 0) = E m


The source voltage, the circuit inductance, the closing

angle and the capacitance determine this inrush currents
magnitude. The peak of the transient inrush current is
more than ten times the value of the peak of the state
capacitive current and a high frequency. These rather
high inrush currents can cause damage to the capacitors
of the capacitors bank. But the switching device can also
be damaged. When a dielectric breakdown occurs just
before the contacts touch during the closing operation (a
so-called prestrike), the rather large inrush current can
cause the contact material to meld. Especially in cases in
which vacuum circuit breakers are used to switch the
capacitor banks, the contacts might weld together. A
prestrike in a minimum-oil circuit breaker or in an SF6
circuit breaker can do other damages to the breaker. The
suddenly created plasma channel causes a shock wave
and can make, in the case of a minimum-oil circuit
breaker, the complete interrupter to explode or, when SF6
is the extinguishing medium, can sometimes damage the
arcing chamber or nozzle.

( L1 + L2 )( +
C1 C 2


E m , so the peak of the transient current is given by

imax = ( E m u c 0 )

1 C1 ( Ls + L1 )

Ls C

The transient inrush current can be very high, in the tens

of kiloampers range. This current now only stresses the
components in the local parallel capacitor circuit and
does not affect the rest of the system.
In both cases, the inrush current can result in minor
welding of the contact spots during the closing operation
when a prestrike arc develops between the closing
contacts and during contact bouncing once they touch.
When found that it is necessary to limit the magnitude
and frequency of the inrush current, what is
recommended is the use of:
1. closing resistor, which is inserted momentarily
during the capacitor energizing period and then
is subsequently bypassed (Fig. 4).

The second case is shown in Figure 3 for switching in

another capacitor bank to a capacitor circuit, which is
already operational. This is termed back-to-back or bankto-bank capacitor switching.

Fig. 4. Circuit breaker CB with resistor R

and auxiliary switch AS

Fig.3. A back-to-back capacitor bank circuit

By permanently placing a fixed reactance in the

capacitor circuit [6]; it is necessary to remember
that the reactance will increase energy losses in
the system and will also reduce the effectiveness
of the capacitors.


By synchronizing the closing of the circuit

breaker; the closing of the contacts is
synchronized so that it takes place at or very
near the zero voltage thus effectively reducing
the inrush current [2]. A comparison of the
voltage transient for a non-synchronous
operation and a synchronized closing is shown
in Figure 5a,b.


gap voltage withstand capability. Furthermore, and in

relation to the operating times, the effects of control
voltage fluctuations, ambient temperature, tolerances of
the mechanisms stored energy and operating wear must
also be considered [3]. Of all the parameters that have
been mentioned above the ones that have the greatest
influence in the consistent timing of a circuit breaker are
the ambient temperature, the level of energy stored in
the operating mechanism and the control voltage level.
The break down of the contact gap occurs at the
moment of equalising of contact gap dielectric strength
up (ts, t) with the momentary value of the voltage u(t)
applied to the gap (Fig. 6). This is illustrated in the
figure where the absolute value of a sinusoidal voltage
has been plotted against the slope of an assumed gap
voltage withstand characteristic. As it can be seen in the
figure the point where the flashover takes place
corresponds to the intersection of two curves.


Fig. 6. Relation between system voltage and interrupter

gap withstand capability

Fig. 5. Voltage corresponding to: a) no-synchronous,

b) synchronous, closing into a capacitor bank
As it can be seen in the illustrations the higher frequency
component of the voltage is practically eliminated when
the contacts are closed at a nominal voltage zero

3. Synchronous Switching
In order to completely eliminate the overvoltages and the
inrush current produced by the closure of a circuit
breaker onto a capacitor bank it is required that there be a
zero voltage difference across the contacts of the circuit
breaker at the time where the contacts meet. Naturally
this is not always possible simply because some deviation
from the optimum operating conditions has to be
expected [1]-[4].
Consistency in the making times of the circuit breaker is
absolutely essential for successful implementation of all
types of synchronous switching. However, considering
the fact that a circuit breaker is a mechanical device and
even though modern designs highly reliable, further
improvement still is necessary. It is indispensable to
closely analyze the mechanical and electrical properties
of the design including contact velocity, contact opening
time, contact closing time, minimum arcing time for
different interrupting duties and current levels and cold

Assuming that the breakdown voltage is proportional to

the distance between the contacts, and that it is not
polarity-dependent, it is possible to determine the time tp
when the breakdown occurs during current switching on
from the relation:

U m sin t = E k v s (t s t p ) = E k v s t a


Ek critical value of electric field strength,
tp moment of break down of contact gap,
ts moment of contact closing,
vs closing velocity of the contact gap.
The arcing time ta depends on the value of the contact
gap withstand and on the value of closing velocity vs of
contact. In the given conditions, this time will be the
shorter, the closer to zero value crossing point is the
voltage phase.
For the sake of switching the current on in an electric
circuit at the exact moment of voltage crossing the zero
point in order to avoid flashover the contact gap in the
process of switching on, two practical conditions must
be fulfiled [4]:
1. The dynamic contact gap withstand during switch
contact closing should be higher than the momentary
value of the supply voltage;
2. The scatter making time (ts - tp ) of electric should be
possibly lowest; for making switches and synchronous
switching the scatter making time value should be
considered satisfactory if:

(t s t p ) 5 0 el


Switching current on is hence possible at any voltage

phase angle (Fig. 6) including the phase angle
corresponding to the moment of voltage passing the zero
value, provided that the condition k, is met.


Ek vs
U m


Minimum value of the velocity of contacts at the moment

of their mechanical impact, at which the contact gap will
not be breakdown during electric circuit switching on,
may hence be determined from the relationship:


U m



The selection of a determined phase of switching current

on requires hence, the application of an electronic
system to control the process of the switches, e. g.
making switch or synchronous switch.

4. Conclusion
The magnitude and frequency of the inrush current
resulting from energezing capacitor bank is a function of:
- the point on the wave of the applied voltage
where the contacts were closed,
- the capacitance and inductance of the circuit,
- the charge on the capacitor at closing time
- any damping resistance contained in the circuit,
Synchronous switching, both opening and closing, of
short circuit currents is a desirable feature from the point
of view of reducing contact erosion. The reduction of the
contact wear directly translates into an extension of the
usable operating life of the circuit breaker.
For capacitance switching, failures are often reported
which are the direct result of inrush currents and
overvoltages that have propagated themselves into lower
voltage networks causing damage especially to electronic
equipment connected to the circuit.

The authors acknowledge to Polish State Committee for
Scientific Research the contribution of this work financed
as granted research project No. N510 005 32/0359.

[1] Z. Ciok, Non-Simultaneous short-circuits in three
phase networks with special consideration to the
effect upon the operation of circuit-breakers, CIGRE
Session 1962, report 120.
[2] R.D. Garzon, High voltage circuit breakers, Marcel
Dekker, Inc., New York Basel, 2002.
[3] A. Khan, D.S. Johnson, J.R. Meyer, K.B. Hapke,
Development of new synchronous closing circuit
breaker for shunt capacitor bank energization, SixtyFirst Annual International Conference of Doble
Clients, Berlin, Paper 5E, 1994.
[4] S.J. Kulas, The influence of contact closing velocity
on arc duration, Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference SAP
2005 on, Switching Arc
Phenomena, pp. 106-110, d, Poland, 2005.
[5] J. Maksymiuk, Electrical Apparatuses, WNT Warsaw,
Poland (in polish).
[6] P.G. Slade, The vacuum interrupter, CRC Press, New
York 2008.
[7] Ware B., Reckleff. J., Mauthe G., Schett G.,
Synchronous Switching of Power Systems, CIGRE
Session 1990, Report No. 13-205.

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