Director of Lands Vs CA and Bisnar

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Director of Lands v.

Court of Appeals (178 SCRA 708)

No. 83609; October 26, 1989
On July 20,1976, Ibarra and Amelia Bisnar filed their joint application for the registration of two parcels of land,
located in the province of Capiz, in the CFI of Capiz. They claimed that they inherited those parcels of land. The
Director of Lands and Director of the Bureau of Forest Development opposed the application on the ground that said
parcels of land were part of a timberland, a public dominion, so it cannot be the subject of the registration proceedings.
After the hearing, the CFI ordered the registration of the title of the lots in the names of the applicants, herein private
respondents after finding that the applicants and their predecessors- in-interest have been in open, public, continuous,
peaceful and adverse possession of the subject parcels of land under bona fide claims of ownership for
more than 80 years. The CA affirmed the CFIs decision, holding that the classification of the lotsas timberland by the
Director of Forestry cannot prevail in the absence of proof that the said lots are indeed more valuable as forest land than
as agricultural land, citing as authority the case of Ankron vs. Government of the Philippine Islands (40
Whether or not the possession of forestlands or timberlands for 80 years can ripen to private ownership.
No. The Court ruled that possession of forestlands, however long, cannot ripe ninto private ownership. It emphasized that
a positive act of the government, particularly the Executive Department is needed to declassify land, which is classified as
forest, and to convert it into alienable or disposable land for agricultural or other purposes before registration of which may
proceed. The Court, citing various cases, stated that a parcel of forestland is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Bureau
of Forestry, an office under the Executive Department, and beyond the power and jurisdiction of the cadastral court to
register under the Torrens System.

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