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Skyrocketing populations, vehicular traffic increasing exponentially by the day, increased fuel consumption,
are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. These have numerous side effects, one of which is the rise in the
number of road accidents.
According to the World Health Organization, road traffic injuries caused an estimated 1.24 million deaths
worldwide in the year 2010, slightly down from 1.26 million in 2000. That is one person killed every 25
But then of course we can have countless debates on the rectification of this evil that is traffic rise, and talk
about if governments have adequate laws that address all five risk factors (speed, drinkdriving, helmets,
seat-belts and child restraints).
The need of the hour is the installment of smart safety mechanisms and event data recorders that not only
help prevent accidents but also provide real time information to the driver as well as the authorities which
can help the driver be more aware and provide the authorities with exhaustive data with which to implement
their designs better.
We, as engineers, can endeavour to design such devices as can help achieve this goal.
One such device is a black box for vehicles, the terrestrial counterpart of the conventional black box event
data recorder used in airplanes. Our simple project, thus, dwells on the imitation of such a device on a
rudimentary level.

Project Report

We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. T. L. Singal (Professor) as well as to Mr. Amit Pandey
(Assistant Lecturer) for providing guidance regarding project development and completion. The feedback
and important guidelines provided by them were crucial to bringing this project work to fruition. We had the
utmost pleasure in planning for and delivering the same.

Project Report

It is certified that the work contained in this report titled Black Box Security System For Vehicles" is the
and has been carried out under the supervision of:
Amit Pandey
Asst. Lecturer
Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology
Chitkara University

Project Report

Table of Contents






Project Report

Chapter 1




Block Diagram

Chapter 2


Circuit Diagram




Water Level Detector


Temperature Sensor


Automatic Night Lights


Gas Detector


Chapter 3



Components Used



Component Details


Chapter 4






Future Scope




Chapter 1


A flight data recorder, colloquially known as a black box, is an electronic recording device placed in an
aircraft for the purpose of facilitating the investigation of aviation accidents. The flight data recorder is an
independent device that preserves the recent history of the flight through the recording of dozens of
parameters collected several times per second. Its exterior is coated with heat-resistant bright orange paint
for high visibility in wreckage, which helps in retrieving it in the case of an airplane crash.
In this project, we have attempted to emulate the functions of a flight data recorder in creating an event data
recorder for vehicles. Although similar in concept, this black box for vehicles functions on a rudimentary
level and provides the user with information regarding the state of parameters such as:
1. Fuel level of the vehicle
2. Accumulation of toxic gases in the vehicle
3. Overheating of the engine or the bottom surface of the vehicle
4. Detection of immediate surrounding environment
Our project functions more as an event detector, with the necessary sensors used to notify the user against
the parameters in question, albeit with coy references to an industry grade event data recorder, all the while
holding the potential to be upgraded to include high-end sensors and the functionality of connection to a
computer and subsequent collection and storage of data.
As opposed to a flight data recorder, which collects data and stores it in memory, our project will detect
changes in the parameters stated above and display the respective results on an LCD.
The defining elements of our project are:
1. Water Level Detector Circuit

[ depicting fuel level, using npn transistors ]

2. Temperature Sensor Circuit

[ depicting heat level, using LM35 sensor ]

3. Automatic Night Lights Circuit [ depicting vehicle headlights, using LDR ]

4. Gas Detector Circuit

Project Report

[ intended but not included, using MQ-6 sensor ]

1.2 Block Diagram

Temperature Sensor
[indicating heat levels]

Power Supply

Water Level Detector

[indicating fuel level]



Automatic Night Lights

[indicating vehicle

Gas Detector
[indicating presence or
accumulation of toxic gases]

Project Report

Chapter 2
2.1 Circuit Diagram

Project Report

Project Report

2.2 Working
2.2.1 Water Level Detector
This water level indicator circuit works on the principle that water conducts electricity. A wire connected to
VCC and three other wires are dipped in a tank [a bottle, here] at different levels namely LOW, MEDIUM
and HIGH and their outputs are taken on the pins of the microcontroller via a transistor BC547.
Initially when the tank is vacant, the LCD will show the message LOW. As the tank starts filling up, the
wires [probes] at their respective levels get positive voltage, due to the conducting nature of water. This
voltage is then fed to their corresponding pins on controller. When the water level reaches and eventually
crosses the middle probe, the LCD displays the message MEDIUM. On further rise of water level, when the
tank is fully filled, the text HIGH is displayed on the LCD.
This circuit thus can be used to provide indications of fuel levels or the levels of electrolyte used for the
battery of a vehicle.

2.2.2 Temperature Sensor

The temperature sensor circuit has been implemented by using an LM35 sensor as well as ADC0804, the
output of the former acting as the input of the latter.
The LM35 generates a 10mV variation to its output voltage for every degree Celsius change in temperature.
The output of the temperature sensor is analog in nature so an analog to digital converter has been used for
converting the analog input to its equivalent binary output. The ADC 0804 is the analog to digital converter
IC used in this project. 0804 is a single channel converter which converts the analog input up to a range of
5V to an equivalent 8-bit binary output.
The analog output voltage from the LM35 sensor received at the Vin+ pin of ADC0804 is converted to its
respective digital representation and is sent to the 8051 microcontroller which then displays the temperature
levels on the LCD connected to it.

2.2.3 Automatic Night Lights

This circuit uses a light dependent resistor [LDR] to switch on the LEDs [depicting the headlights of a
vehicle] when it gets dark and a 555 timer to do the switching.

Project Report

IC 555 is connected as comparator with pin 6 connected to VCC. The output goes high [1] when the voltage
at its trigger pin 2 is lower than 1/3rd of the supply voltage. Conversely, the output goes low [0] when it is
above 1/3rd of the supply voltage level. So a small change in the voltage of pin 2 is enough to change the
level of output [pin 3] from high to low and vice versa. The output has only two states: high and low; and
cannot remain in any intermediate stage. Pin 4, 6 and 8 is connected to the positive supply and pin 1 is
LDR is a special type of resistor. Its resistance decreases with increasing intensity of the light falling on it.
In dark, the resistance of an LDR is of the order of Mega-ohms. So, when bright light falls on it, its
resistance decreases and hence conductance increases. We know that voltage is directly proportional to
conductance, so we get more voltage in an illuminated environment than a darker one. This voltage is given
to pin 2 of IC 555. As soon as it gets dark, the voltage of pin 2 drops below 1/3rd of the supply voltage and
the timer [acting as a comparator] is triggered and the LEDs connected to the output pin glow.

2.2.4 Gas Detector

For this circuit, an MQ 6 gas sensor module can be coupled with an ADC0804 IC, since the output of this
module too, like LM35, is analog. This circuit detects the presence of toxic gases. Although the MQ 6 is a
simple-to-use liquefied petroleum gas [LPG] sensor, suitable for sensing LPG (composed of mostly propane
and butane) concentrations in the air, it can however analogously be used to depict a warning mechanism
against the accumulation of toxic gases emitted by a vehicle in the cockpit of that vehicle. This sensor
module has not been included in our project circuit due to a lack in the availability of pins on the
microcontroller used. However, with improvisation, this addition can no doubt be implemented.
The outputs provided by these detector circuits are provided to the 8051 microcontroller which in turn gives
the corresponding commands to the LCD for effectively displaying the results to the user.

Project Report


Chapter 3
3.1 Components Used
S. No.

8051/52 Microcontroller IC [AT89C51/52]
16x2 Alphanumeric LCD
555 Timer IC [NE555]
ADC0804 IC
LM35 Temperature Sensor
npn Transistor
Light Dependent Resistor [LDR]
Resistors [1K, 10K, 470]
Capacitors [30 pF, 150 pF, 10 uF]
Potentiometers [10K, 50K]

Project Report



3.2 Component Details

1. 8051/52 Microcontroller IC [AT89C51/52]
AT89C51 is an 8-bit microcontroller and belongs to Atmel's 8051 family. ATMEL 89C51 has 4KB
of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory and 128 bytes of RAM. It can be erased and
program to a maximum of 1000 times.

2. 16x2 Alphanumeric LCD

A 16x2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In this LCD each
character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has two registers, namely, Command and Data.

Project Report


3. 555 Timer IC [NE555]

The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, pulse generation,
and oscillator applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as
a flip-flop element. It is an 8 pin IC.

4. ADC0804 IC
ADC0804 is a very commonly used 8-bit analog to digital convertor. It is a single channel IC, i.e., it
can take only one analog signal as input. The digital outputs vary from 0 to a maximum of 255. It is
a 20 pin IC.
Project Report


5. LM35 Temperature Sensor

LM35 is a precision IC temperature sensor with its output proportional to the temperature (in oC).
The sensor circuitry is sealed and therefore it is not subjected to oxidation and other processes. It is a
3 pin sensor.

Project Report


6. Light Dependent Resistor [LDR]

A light-dependent resistor, alternatively called an LDR, photoresistor, photoconductor, or photocell,
is a variable resistor whose value decreases with increasing incident light intensity. An LDR is made
of a high-resistance semiconductor.

Project Report


Chapter 4
4.1 Conclusion
Thus, we conclude our report with the assertion that this piece of work is capable of detecting the states of
the aforementioned parameters and intimating the user about the same through the display of the results on
LCD. It provides a simple, primitive interface to the user for sensing the immediate environment variables
and timely action against any discrepancies.
This project is also useful from an educational point of view as it encompasses three of the most widely
used modules in the embedded systems curriculum and practical usage.

4.2 Future Scope

If and when implemented on a large scale with industry grade equipment and components as well as added
interfaces and sensors, such a system can prove immensely beneficial when it comes to vehicular safety.
The different sensors can keep the driver updated on key vehicle parameters in real time.
Another socially worthwhile application can be crime fighting, which can be achieved by installing
appropriate sensors and safety mechanisms as well as on-the-go connectivity so that perpetrators of crimes
who make use of vehicles for the gratification of their indecent intentions can be prevented from doing so,
or in the case of the occurrence of a crime, can be swiftly brought to justice.

Project Report


1. Kumar, N. Senthil, Saravanan, M. and Jeevananthan, S. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers. 1st
ed. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Project Report


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