United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.: Nos. 82-3069 To 82-3073

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699 F.

2d 121
12 Fed. R. Evid. Serv. 885


Antonio ROSADO, Samuel George, Dennis Blyden and Keith
Appeal of Antonio ROSADO, in 82-3069.
Appeal of Samuel GEORGE, in 82-3070.
Appeal of Dennis BLYDEN, in 82-3071.
Appeal of Keith BENJAMIN, in 82-3 072/73.
Nos. 82-3069 to 82-3073.

United States Court of Appeals,

Third Circuit.
Argued Dec. 6, 1982.
Decided Jan. 24, 1983.
Rehearing and Rehearing In Banc Denied Feb. 25, 1983.

Alexander A. Farrelly (argued), Birch, de Jongh & Farrelly, Charlotte

Amalie, St. Thomas, V.I., for Antonio Rosado.
James L. Hymes, III (argued), Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, V.I., for
Samuel George.
Joseph Bruce Wm. Arellano (argued), Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, V.I.,
for Dennis Blyden.
Lewis M. Fischer (argued), Michael A. Joseph, Crim. Div., Federal Public
Defender Dist. of the Virgin Islands, Christiansted, St. Croix, V.I., for
Keith Benjamin.
Lewis M. Fischer (argued), Terry M. Halpern (argued), Crim. Div., U.S.
Dept. of Justice, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, V.I., for Government of
the Virgin Islands.
Before SEITZ, Chief Judge, ADAMS and WEIS, Circuit Judges.


WEIS, Circuit Judge.

The defendants in this direct criminal appeal from the Virgin Islands District
Court contend that the trial judge erred in pressing passers-by into jury service
after the regularly selected list of prospective jurors was exhausted. We reject
the challenge because it was not properly presented in the district court.
Moreover, we do not accept defendants' argument that the trial court's sua
sponte admission of an exhibit used to refresh a witness' recollection was
erroneous. After considering numerous other allegations of error, we conclude
that they also have no merit. We therefore affirm the convictions.

After a jury trial, the defendants were each convicted on one count of first
degree murder, V.I.Code Ann. tit. 14, Sec. 922(a)(1) (1964), and one count of
possessing a firearm during the commission of a crime of violence, V.I.Code
Ann. tit. 14, Sec. 2253 (Supp.1981). Each was sentenced to life imprisonment
without parole on the murder count and a concurrent five year term on the
firearms count.

Antonio "Tampo" Malone was shot to death at approximately 7:00 a.m. on June
4, 1981 as he repaired a tire on his automobile parked near his apartment in the
Tutu Highrise Apartment Project in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. A witness
testified that shortly before the shooting, she heard someone say to Malone, "I
came to kill you because you are a rat." She looked out of her apartment and
saw a masked man outside a beige car parked nearby.

After emptying his weapon at Malone, the gunman went to the beige car, got a
second gun from one of the occupants, and returned to fire several more shots
into the victim. The gunman then ran back to the car which sped away.

A number of persons supplied details of the crime. The prosecution's principal

witness was Miguel Delamos. He testified that on the evening before the
shooting, he had seen defendants Antonio Rosado and Keith Benjamin in a
beige car parked near Malone's apartment building. The witness had known
both defendants for a number of years.

The next day, about a half-hour before the murder, Delamos was walking near
Malone's apartment building and saw the same beige car parked nearby.
Rosado was in the driver's seat, Benjamin was next to him in the front, and

defendant Dennis Blyden was in the back seat. The witness also observed
defendant Samuel George seated on the ground not far away.

Delamos went to his apartment but upon hearing shots several minutes later, ran
outside and up the street. He saw Blyden and Benjamin, both masked, get back
into the beige car already occupied by Rosado. The car then drove away.
Delamos also saw defendant George run up the street to his own Kharman Ghia
and drive in the same direction as the beige car.

Other witnesses testified to hearing gunshots and then seeing one or two
individuals get into a beige car that drove away. Two other witnesses testified
that sometime after 6 a.m. on the morning of the shooting they saw three
individuals in a beige car parked near Malone's apartment building.

One of these witnesses, Dion Williams, recognized two of the occupants as

George and Benjamin. Williams, however, could only identify George at trial
and that was when he was recalled to the stand.


Marvin Fahie secured the license plate number of the car he observed the
gunman enter immediately after the shooting. The number was that of a beige
car rented by a man named Swift on the preceding day. Swift testified that he
rented the car at defendant George's request and with George's money because
"George said he did not want anyone to know his business." Swift parked the
car near Blyden's house and turned the keys over to George.


About five hours after the murder, George took Swift to an area near Blyden's
house, and asked him to return the beige car parked there to the rental agency.
In response to police questioning the next day, Swift disclosed George's part in
the rental arrangements. Two days following the murder, Swift told George
about the police inquiry, and George said, "Well, be cool" and "them guys just
fishing in."


At noon on the day of the crime, a police officer confronted Benjamin at his
place of employment and swabbed his hands to procure a sample for a neutron
activation test. Later in the afternoon, another officer saw Blyden and Rosado
on the street and swabbed Rosado's hands. Having used his one kit, the
policeman asked Blyden to remain there until another kit could be secured.
Blyden testified that he waited for 15 minutes and then left. He later went to the
police station and offered to submit to the test, but it was never performed.


The samples taken from the defendants' hands were analyzed by the F.B.I. At

trial, an expert testified that the neutron activation test revealed traces of
antimony and barium on Benjamin's hands in levels indicating that he had either
fired a weapon or was very close to one that was discharged. Rosado's test was

All of the defendants presented alibi evidence. Blyden, Rosado and Benjamin
testified on their own behalf.


On appeal, the defendants raise a multitude of issues, including contentions that

the selection of the jury violated the Virgin Islands' jury selection rules, that the
trial judge's sua sponte admission of government exhibit No. 21 was erroneous,
that the evidence was insufficient to support the convictions, and that the court
should have instructed the jury on second degree, in addition to its charge on
first degree, murder. The defendants also contend that the prosecution acted
improperly in referring to another pending murder case in which two of the
defendants were indicted.1


* We consider first the challenges to the jury selection procedures used in this


The murder trial was widely publicized and the district judge anticipated that
more than the usual number of prospective jurors would have to be called.
Ninety-four persons were originally summoned, but sixteen were excused. The
court then ordered that another one hundred names be drawn from the qualified
jury wheel.


By the third day of voir dire, however, there were still not enough prospective
jurors to complete the selection process. The court then directed that the
marshal summon additional talesmen from the street. There was no objection to
this procedure by the defendants, although on the preceding day counsel for
one of the defendants said, "Judge, for the record, I wish to object to the entire
jury selection procedure." This statement was made before plans for a "street
sweep" were disclosed to counsel.


As the court explained to those jurors who had already been selected, "we still
have some more to select, and we've exhausted our panel. So, we had to resort
to the procedure of just serving persons with summons to appear in court
forthwith. We don't often do that. It's rare that it happens. * * * In our final
sweep to get in enough persons, I told the marshal service to make no inquiry,
just stop anybody, serve them and bring them in. [W]e normally take our panels
from the voting list." However, the court did not require those who were

summoned from the street to be registered voters. The defendants contend that
the district court's action was both a statutory and a constitutional violation.

Neither the Jury Selection and Service Act of 1968, 28 U.S.C. Secs. 1861-74
(1976 & Supp. V 1981), nor the Plan for Random Selection of Jurors of the
District Court of the Virgin Islands, V.I.Code Ann. tit. 5, App. V Rules 61-77
(1982), provide for the historically approved practice of resorting to highways
and byways in order to secure additional jury panel members. In case of an
unanticipated shortage of jurors drawn from a qualified jury wheel, the Act and
the Plan provide that the district court may require the marshal to summon
additional jurors drawn at random from the general register of voters.2 28
U.S.C. Sec. 1866(f); V.I.Code Ann. tit. 5, App. V Rule 76. Because the
defendants failed to follow the mandated procedure for presenting their
objections to the jury selection process, however, we need not decide if the
emergency conditions confronting the trial judge justified his use of the sweep.


Title 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1867(a) provides that before the voir dire in criminal cases
begins, the defendant may move to stay the proceedings against him on the
ground of substantial failure to comply with the Act.3 Subsection (d) requires
that the motion contain a sworn statement of facts which, if true, would
constitute a "substantial failure to comply" with the Act. Subsection (e) states
that the prescribed procedures, "shall be the exclusive means" for a challenge to
the jury as not being selected in accordance with the statute.


In Government of the Virgin Islands v. Navarro, 513 F.2d 11, 18 (3d Cir.), cert.
denied, 422 U.S. 1045, 95 S.Ct. 2662, 45 L.Ed.2d 698 (1975), we rejected a
challenge to the composition of a petit jury array because the defendant had
failed to follow the statutory procedure. In that case, an oral objection was
made after the prospective jurors had been summoned into court. The only
basis for the motion was counsel's unsupported statement that the array did not
adequately reflect the Spanish population of St. Croix. We held that this method
of attack was insufficient. See also United States v. Kennedy, 548 F.2d 608
(5th Cir.), cert. denied, 434 U.S. 865, 98 S.Ct. 199, 54 L.Ed.2d 140 (1977).


In the case at hand, there was not even an oral objection to the use of talesmen
selected from passers-by. No challenge was ever raised in the district court. It is
indisputable that the statutory procedure for objections was not followed and,
consequently, the defendants' contention that the Act was violated must be
dismissed. To resolve any uncertainty, we make explicit what was implicit in
Navarro: any challenge under the Virgin Islands Jury Selection Plan must
conform to the requirements of 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1867.


We need not consider here whether the statute also provides the exclusive
means for attacking a constitutional violation in jury selection. See Navarro,
513 F.2d at 18 and n. 5. The matter was not raised in the district court and no
basis for a constitutional objection was developed in the record. Consequently,
under any procedure, there is no ground for finding a constitutional
infringement here. See id. at 19.


The defendants also contend that the trial judge erred in not conducting an
individual voir dire of each juror because of the pretrial publicity about the
case. On several occasions, we have suggested that the trial judge examine
individually and outside the presence of the panel prospective jurors who have
read or heard adverse publicity. See United States v. Jackson, 649 F.2d 967,
974-76 (3d Cir.), cert. denied, 454 U.S. 871, 1034, 102 S.Ct. 341, 574, 70
L.Ed.2d 176 (1981); United States v. Dansker, 537 F.2d 40, 54-55 (3d
Cir.1976), cert. denied, 429 U.S. 1038, 97 S.Ct. 732, 50 L.Ed.2d 748 (1977).
Although that was not done in this case, we have reviewed the record of the
voir dire and find no prejudice to the defendants. After considering the
circumstances in this case and the district judge's knowledge of local
conditions, we conclude that there was no reversible error in the procedures he


Defendant Blyden argues that the trial court erred in admitting Exhibit 21 into
evidence. That exhibit was used during the cross-examination of Blyden in an
attempt to refresh his recollection and was referred to in closing argument by
both prosecution and defense. After the charge to the jury was completed, the
trial judge sua sponte admitted the exhibit and sent it out with the jury.


As part of his alibi defense, Blyden testified that he had spent the night of June
3 and part of the morning of June 4 with his girl friend, who was to graduate
from a local high school later that month. His girl friend's testimony was
corroborative on this point. When asked on direct examination why she
remembered the morning of June 4 so clearly, she replied, "[T]his was the first
day of baccalaureate practice."


On cross-examination, Blyden testified that his girl friend did not have
baccalaureate practice on June 3. In an effort to refresh his recollection, the
prosecutor showed Blyden Exhibit 21, an information sheet for prospective
graduates prepared by the high school. After looking at it, Blyden said, "Well,
as far as I read on this paper, it says so. It says Wednesday, June 3, 1981, ninethirty a.m. at Williams School, uniform requested." Defense counsel did not

move to strike this nonresponsive answer.


During his summation to the jury, the prosecutor, in describing the testimony of
Blyden's girl friend, said that Exhibit 21 showed that "there were baccalaureate
practices on June 3, not June 4 and 5." Consequently, he suggested that the jury
find that the witness had lied.


In his summation, Blyden's counsel also referred to Exhibit 21, stating, "I
believe the sheet indicated there was baccalaureate practice on the 3d....
[T]here is no testimony that she was there.... So the first day she went to
baccalaureate practice was on the 5th." Actually, the record shows that
Blyden's girl friend testified that she went to baccalaureate practice on June 4
and said that was the first day of practice. She also maintained she had been
sick on the morning of June 3.


When the court and counsel were discussing the exhibits to be sent out with the
jury, Blyden's lawyer said, "I just wanted to make sure that Exhibit 21 isn't sent
[out]." The trial judge, observing that the exhibit had not been admitted into
evidence, proposed to allow its admission because he believed the jury should
have it in light of the closing arguments. The judge disagreed with the
government's argument that "there was no baccalaureate practice on the 4th at
all." He decided to send the document out with the jury because "there has been
sufficient argument about it."


In the circumstances of this case, we conclude that the district court did not
commit reversible error when it admitted this document sua sponte. Exhibit 21
was not in the record when the prosecutor closed to the jury. Therefore, it was
the witness' testimony and not the document that was evidence in the case. The
prosecutor should not have commented on anything in the schedule that had not
been mentioned by Blyden in open court. See United States v. LeFevre, 483
F.2d 477, 479 (3d Cir.1973). Nevertheless, defense counsel did not object to the
prosecutor's comments. Instead, he chose to give his version of Exhibit 21 and
its effect on the alibi testimony. Because the contents of the document were
fully aired to the jury by both parties, we cannot say that the trial judge
committed reversible error in admitting the exhibit to clarify the matter for the


The defendants strongly maintain that the evidence was insufficient to convict
them. They point to their alibis, corroborated by a number of persons, and

attack the testimony of the prosecution's principal witness, Miguel Delamos.

After a review of the entire trial record in the light most favorable to the
government, as we are required to do in the posture of this case, Glasser v.
United States, 315 U.S. 60, 80, 62 S.Ct. 457, 469, 86 L.Ed. 680 (1942), we
determine that the verdict has ample support. It was the function of the jury to
assess the credibility of the defendants' alibi witnesses and those persons called
by the prosecution. The jury made its determination adversely to the

The defendants direct our attention to evidence that Delamos received $100
from a policeman after giving a statement, and that after trial the government
was to give him a one-way plane ticket from the Virgin Islands along with
some spending money. Delamos explained that he had signed a receipt for the
money at the request of the police. The witness said that he had been given the
money by an officer who knew him, but not in exchange for testimony or a


The government's agreement to give the witness a plane ticket to leave the
Virgin Islands was made at the request of the witness' mother. Moreover,
Delamos testified that two months before the trial Blyden told him to "be cool."
Delamos also stated that Benjamin said that "he heard that I [Delamos] was
speaking about them, ratting about them, so he tell them the word is out on me;
if I rat, I'll die." The jury was free to find that the promise of the plane ticket
was prompted by these threats.


The fact that the witness received money and the promise of a plane ticket from
the government was properly brought to light at the trial. This revelation does
not make the witness' testimony incredible. All the information was given to
the jury for its appraisal and despite any potential adverse implications, it
chose, as is its right, to credit Delamos.


Moreover, Delamos' account of the murder was corroborated in several

respects. One witness testified that he saw George and Benjamin at the scene of
the crime on the morning of June 4 and identified George at trial. George was
also placed at the scene of the crime by another witness.


The car rented on George's behalf was linked to the crime by the testimony of
Fahie as to the license plate number as well as through other witnesses by its
color. Also supporting Delamos' testimony was the result of the neutron
activation test which was consistent with Benjamin having been close to a gun
when it was discharged.


Thus, although Delamos was the principal witness against the defendants, he
was not the only one, and he was corroborated in important aspects of his
testimony. The case was clearly one for the jury and we may not disturb its


In advance of trial, the defendants persuaded the district court that the
prosecution should not be allowed to produce evidence that Malone was to be a
government witness against defendants Blyden and Benjamin in another
pending murder case. That case involved the death of "Kojak" Williams. The
court concluded that the evidence was so prejudicial as to outweigh its
probative value in the case at hand. It may be that the court erred in excluding
this evidence because it supplied a motive for Benjamin and Blyden to execute
Malone--the fact that he was "ratting on them." Nevertheless, the ruling favored
the defendants and is not at issue now.


The defendants assert that the testimony that Malone was killed because he was
"a rat" would lead the jury to associate the two cases. On a similar ground, the
defendants also attack the statements in summation by one of the prosecutors
explaining gaps in the evidence. The prosecutor had remarked that the case was
not like "Kojak" on television, "where we find the physical evidence always in
the car." We find no merit to the defendants' contentions. No reference was
made to the Williams' case. The connection that the defendants seek to make
between the Williams' case and the statements at issue is far too attenuated to
have validity.


The district judge refused to charge on second degree murder because there was
no conflict of evidence as to the existence of the elements of deliberateness and
premeditation.4 As he explained to counsel, "[I]f the jury believes that
someone, with a man on the ground shot, fired some shots into his body and
into his head, if they believe that is how he died, it is very difficult for me to
say that any reasonable person can say there was not wilfulness, not
deliberation and premeditation."


We agree with the trial judge's appraisal of the record. To paraphrase our
earlier decision in Government of Virgin Islands v. Carmona, 422 F.2d 95, 100
(3d Cir.1970), the jury in this case could not have harbored a reasonable doubt
as to intent which would have precluded a conviction of first degree murder,
and at the same time find that the defendants had acted with malice

aforethought. There was no evidence in the case justifying submission to the

jury on any degree of murder other than first degree.

After careful review of the entire record, we find no reversible error.

Accordingly, the judgment of the district court will be affirmed.

46 Benjamin's motion for a new trial should have been granted because the
admission of witness Fahie's identification of Benjamin's photograph from a photo
array was prejudicial error.
47 The penalty statute for first degree murder, precluding the possibility of parole,
is unconstitutional in that it violates the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against
cruel and unusual punishment.
48 Benjamin was denied due process of law when the trial court admitted
identification testimony that was suggestive and unreliable.
49 Benjamin was denied due process of law when the trial court admitted out of
court identifications that were "suggestive and conducive to irreparable mistaken
50 Benjamin's Sixth Amendment rights were violated "through the out-of-court
confrontation on identification" when Benjamin "was in custody at the time of the
confrontation so as to render the identification a critical stage of the proceedings"
entitling defendant to the assistance of counsel.
51 Benjamin was denied due process of law and a fair trial by the prosecutor's
failure to carry out a court order that a witness be shown a profile photograph of the
52 Benjamin was denied due process of law and a fair trial "through the failure [of a
witness] to identify [the defendant] at the first time he confronted him despite a
suggestive line-up."
53 Benjamin's Sixth Amendment rights were violated and he was denied due
process of the law and a fair trial through a confrontation between a witness and a

police officer, during a recess in the trial and with respect to the identification of
(7) Benjamin was denied due process of law and a fair trial through the perjured
testimony of two witnesses and the prosecutor's failure to prevent such testimony.
55 Benjamin was denied due process of law and a fair trial by the prosecutor's
suppression of favorable evidence.
56 Benjamin was denied due process of law "through the failure of the prosecutor's
case to convince a rational trier of the fact[s] beyond a reasonable doubt" of
defendant's guilt.
57 The trial court denied Benjamin his right to effective assistance of counsel by
failing "to grant a motion for continuance to enable counsel to prepare a defense for
his client."
58 Benjamin was denied due process of law and a fair trial through the admission
of inconsistent statements in violation of Fed.R.Evid. 613(b).
59 Benjamin was denied due process of law and a fair trial by the admission of the
neutron activation analysis test which was irrelevant and inadmissible under
Fed.R.Evid. 402.
60 The trial court erred in allowing the prosecution to improperly refresh witness
Haynes' recollection.
61 The trial court erred in permitting evidence of Rosado's prior conviction without
first determining that its probative value outweighed its prejudicial effect.
62 The trial court erred in denying the motion for acquittal based on the
Government's failure to establish an element of the offense of possessing a firearm
during the commission of a crime of violence.
63 The trial court erred in instructing the jury on the consideration that may be
given to an exculpatory statement later shown to be false.
64 The trial court erred in refusing to suppress the extra-judicial photographic
identification of witness Eloi.
(3) The defendant was denied a fair trial by prosecutorial misconduct in the

Government's injection of inadmissible evidence into the trial record, its failure to
correct false testimony, and its improper comments about defense testimony.
66 The trial court erred in not granting George's motion to sever.
67 The trial court erred in not allowing George an additional peremptory challenge
following the excusal of a juror.
68 The imposition of life imprisonment without parole is inconsistent with the
Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution and Section
Three of the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands.
69 The trial court abused its discretion in failing to give the defense an additional
peremptory challenge after it excused a previously seated juror.

In addition to these contentions, Blyden and Rosado adopted arguments of

other defendants. Pursuant to Fed.R.App.P. 28(i),(a) Blyden's brief addressed
the contentions of Blyden and Rosado. It also adopted the brief of Rosado, the
argument of Benjamin relating to "preventing or dissuading witnesses from
attending trial," and George's arguments numbered (4), (5) and (6).

71 Rosado adopted Blyden's brief, the argument of Benjamin noted in (a) and
George's argument numbered (6).

We have listed the additional contentions filed by the defendants in the

appendix to this opinion. We do not consider it necessary to elaborate on them
because after a careful review of the record we are convinced they have no
We do not address Benjamin's contentions that his counsel was incompetent but
follow our usual procedure in holding that such matters must be resolved in a
collateral proceeding brought under 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2255. See United States v.
Frankenberry, 696 F.2d 239, 241-242 (3d Cir.1982); United States v. Rad-OLite of Philadelphia, Inc., 612 F.2d 740, 744 (3d Cir.1979).

The Jury Selection and Service Act provides that summoned jurors may be
selected from the voter registration lists, lists of actual voters, or other lists
specified in the plan. The Virgin Islands Plan adopted in conformance with the
Act provides only for the selection of jurors from "the general register of

28 U.S.C. Sec. 1867(a) reads: "In criminal cases, before the voir dire
examination begins, or within seven days after the defendant discovered or
could have discovered by the exercise of diligence, the grounds therefor,
whichever is earlier, the defendant may move to dismiss the indictment or stay
the proceedings against him on the ground of substantial failure to comply with
the provisions of this title in selecting the grand or petit jury

Under the law of the Virgin Islands, murder is "the unlawful killing of a human
being with malice aforethought." V.I.Code Ann. tit. 14, Sec. 921 (1964). A
"willful, deliberate and premeditated killing" is first degree murder, as is a
"murder" committed in the perpetration of certain felonies. Id. Sec. 922(a). "All
other kinds of murder are murder in the second degree." Id. Sec. 922(b)

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