Jean LEVINE, On Behalf of Herself and All Others Similarly Situated v. United Healthcare Corporation (DC NJ 01-Cv-04964)

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402 F.

3d 156

Jean LEVINE, On behalf of herself and all others similarly

Noreen Bogurski
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey (DC NJ 01-cv-05339)
Benjamin Edmonson, On behalf of himself and all others similarly situated
Jersey; Horizon Healthcare Services, Inc., dba Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of
New Jersey (DC NJ 01-cv-05812)
United Healthcare Corporation Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey,
Appellants at No. 04-1224
Jean Levine, On behalf of herself and all others similarly situated
United Healthcare Corporation (DC NJ 01-cv-04964)
Noreen Bogurski
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey (DC NJ 01-cv-05339)
Jean Levine, Noreen Bogurski, * Benjamin Edmonson, Appellants at No. 04-1225.
* (Dismissed pursuant to Court's order of 11/17/04).

No. 04-1224.
No. 04-1225.
United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.
Argued December 15, 2004.
March 16, 2005.
William F. Hanrahan, (Argued), Edward A. Scallet, Jason H. Ehrenberg,
Groom Law Group Chartered, Washington, DC, for Appellants/Cross
Appellees United Healthcare Corp.
Edward S. Wardell, (Argued), Kelley Wardell & Craig, Haddonfield, NJ,

for Appellants/Cross Appellees Horizon Blue Cross, etc., et. al.

Donna S. Moffa, (Argued), Trujillo Rodriguez & Richards, Haddonfield,
NJ, for Appellees/Cross Appellants Noreen Bogurski.
Frank P. Solomon, (Argued), Weitz & Luxenberg, Cherry Hill, NJ,
Natalie Bennett, Shepherd Finkelman Miller & Shah, Washington
Professional Campus, Turnersville, NJ, for Appellees/Cross Appellants
Jean Levine, etc.
Before NYGAARD and GARTH, Circuit Judges and POLLAK,* District
NYGAARD, Circuit Judge.

These interlocutory cross-appeals require us to address two different facets of

the preemptive power of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
1974 (ERISA), 29 U.S.C. 1001, et seq., as it applies to the instant dispute
over an insurer's claimed right of subrogation from an insured's third-party tort
recovery. First, the insured ERISA plan participants, plaintiffs below, argue
that the District Court should have remanded their claims to state court for lack
of federal subject matter jurisdiction. Second, the insurance providers,
defendants below, maintain that the District Court should have dismissed the
claims entirely, as they depend on state law that is expressly preempted by
ERISA 514, 29 U.S.C. 1144. Finally, the insurance providers argue that the
District Court should have dismissed the claims because the state law decision
on which they rely, Perreira v. Rediger, 169 N.J. 399, 778 A.2d 429 (2001),
should not apply retroactively. All three questions raise issues of first
impression in this circuit. We find the insurance providers' arguments more
persuasive as to the first two issues, rendering consideration of Perreira' s
retroactivity unnecessary. Jurisdiction is proper in the District Court, but the
underlying claims are preempted by ERISA and must be dismissed.


Jean Levine, Noreen Bogurski, and Benjamin Edmondson (the "Insureds") were
injured by third-parties in separate, unrelated events and are the
Appellees/Cross-Appellants in this appeal. Their health insurance providers,
United Healthcare Corporation and Horizon Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New
Jersey,1 are the Appellants/Cross-Appellees (the "Providers"). At the time of

the injuries, the Providers fulfilled their responsibilities to the Insureds under
each health insurance policy by paying at least a portion of the Insureds'
medical expenses.

Each Insured then filed suit against the third party responsible for his or her
injury. At that time, a New Jersey Department of Insurance Regulation
permitted health insurance policies to include reimbursement and subrogation
clauses. N.J. ADMIN. CODE tit. 11, 4-42.10 (1993) (repealed August 5,
2002).2 Each of the relevant health insurance policies had such a clause.
Consequently, when the Insureds sued their respective tortfeasors, the Providers
acted within the bounds of both the health insurance policies and the
Department of Insurance regulation by seeking reimbursement from the
Insureds for benefits paid under the health insurance policies. The Insureds
then paid a portion of their tort settlement to the Providers to settle the
reimbursement claims.3

Subsequent to these settlements between the Insureds and the Providers, the
New Jersey Supreme Court announced a decision in Perreira v. Rediger, 169
N.J. 399, 778 A.2d 429 (2001), holding that the Department of Insurance
regulation conflicted with a New Jersey statute, and thus, was invalid.4 As a
result, subrogation and reimbursement provisions are no longer permitted in
New Jersey health insurance policies. Notwithstanding their earlier settlements,
the Insureds sued the Providers in New Jersey state court to recover the
amounts they paid to reimburse the Providers.
II. The District Court Proceedings

After being sued in New Jersey state court, the Providers removed the cases to
federal court claiming complete ERISA preemption under section 502(a)(1)(B)
of ERISA. The District Court denied the Insureds' motion to remand to state
court. Concluding that the question of removal was a "conceptually unclear
area of law," the District Court nonetheless determined that the Insureds sought
to "recoup a benefit due under the plan," and thus, their claim was properly
removed. The Court also denied the Insureds' request to certify the issue for
appeal at that time.

The Providers also filed a motion to dismiss the claims. First, the Providers
claimed that ERISA preempted New Jersey's statute; therefore, the statute did
not apply to ERISA-governed plans. Second, they argued that the Perreira
decision should not be applied retroactively.

The District Court concluded that the New Jersey statute was a statute
"regulating insurance," and thus, was "saved" from ERISA preemption. First, as
directed by the Supreme Court in Pilot Life Insurance Co. v. Dedeaux, 481 U.S.
41, 50, 107 S.Ct. 1549, 95 L.Ed.2d 39 (1987), the District Court made the
"common sense determination" that the law was specifically directed toward
the insurance industry because it was intended to directly affect and regulate
that industry. Second, the Court tested the results of its common sense
determination by examining the three factors listed in the McCarran-Ferguson
Act5 and found that these factors supported the conclusion that the law
regulated insurance. See Moran, 536 U.S. at 366, 122 S.Ct. 2151. Thus, the
District Court found that the law was "saved" from ERISA preemption.

Having determined that New Jersey's statute applied to ERISA-governed plans,

the District Court turned to the question of whether the Perreira decision
should be applied retroactively. The District Court determined that, under New
Jersey law, prospective application6 is appropriate only if: "(1) the parties and
the community justifiably relied on the prior rule, (2) the purpose of the new
rule will not be advanced by retroactive application, and (3) retroactive
application of the rule may have an adverse effect on the administration of
justice." (App. at 40 (citing Coons v. American Honda Motor Co., 96 N.J. 419,
476 A.2d 763, 767 (1984))). Here, the District Court concluded that the
Perreira decision reflected New Jersey's existing law and was not new and
unanticipated. Consequently, it held that the Perreira decision applied

Following the denial of the motion to dismiss, the District Court certified three
issues for interlocutory appeal pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1292(b):


(1) whether the antisubrogation rule contained in N.J.S.A. 2A:15-97, as

interpreted by the New Jersey Supreme Court in Perreira v. Rediger, 169 N.J.
399, 778 A.2d 429 (2001), applies to defendant health insurers because it is not
conflict preempted under ERISA section 514(a) because it is "saved" as a state
law that regulates insurance;


(2) whether Perreira v. Rediger, 169 N.J. 399, 778 A.2d 429 (2001), applies
retroactively to plaintiffs' pre-Perreira health insurance plans; and,


(3) whether plaintiffs' unjust enrichment claims for monies taken pursuant to
subrogation and reimbursement provisions in their ERISA health plans are
claims for "benefits due" within the meaning of ERISA section 502(a).7


We granted permission for the appeal (issues one and two) and cross-appeal
(issue three) on January 16, 2004 and have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

III. The Removal Claim: Preemption under Section 502(a)


We address the cross-appeal first because it requires us to examine our

jurisdiction. We exercise plenary review over challenges to our subject matter
jurisdiction. Pryzbowski v. U.S. Healthcare Inc., 245 F.3d 266, 268 (3d
Cir.2001). See also Arana v. Ochsner, 338 F.3d 433, 437 (5th Cir.2003) (en


The Insureds brought their claims in New Jersey state court as state claims for
unjust enrichment. Therefore, they claim, federal jurisdiction is inappropriate
and the cases should be remanded to state court. In general, under the wellpleaded complaint rule, it is true that the federal courts have federal question
jurisdiction only when a federal claim appears in the complaint, and not when a
federal preemption defense may eventually be raised in litigation. Pryzbowski,
245 F.3d at 271. Certain federal laws, however, including ERISA, so
sweepingly occupy a field of regulatory interest that any claim brought within
that field, however stated in the complaint, is in essence a federal claim. In such
cases, the doctrine of complete preemption provides federal jurisdiction and
allows removal to federal court. See Metro. Life Ins. Co. v. Taylor, 481 U.S. 58,
63-64, 107 S.Ct. 1542, 95 L.Ed.2d 55 (1987). State law claims seeking relief
within the scope of section 502(a) of ERISA are within this select group of
cases where Congress has completely preempted an area of law.8 Metro. Life,
481 U.S. at 62-66, 107 S.Ct. 1542; Pryzbowski, 245 F.3d at 271-72. Thus, if the
claim is one that falls within section 502(a) of ERISA, removal to federal court
is proper. Id.


Section 502(a) allows a participant in an ERISA plan to bring a civil action to

"recover benefits due to him under the terms of his plan, to enforce his rights
under the terms of the plan, or to clarify his rights to future benefits under the
terms of the plan." 29 U.S.C. 1132(a)(1)(B). The District Court found that the
Insureds' claims were actually claims for benefits due: "[e]ssentially plaintiffs
seek to regain the whole benefit provided to them by defendants, including
those amounts paid in subrogation pursuant to the terms of the plans.... [T]his
Court must determine the content of the ERISA plan and whether the New
Jersey Supreme Court case in Perreira applies to the subrogation provision in
plaintiffs' ERISA plans." (App. at 193).


In Pryzbowski, we laid out a framework for determining whether a case is


In Pryzbowski, we laid out a framework for determining whether a case is

completely preempted under section 502(a) of ERISA. In order to ensure that
Congress's intent of giving section 502(a) "extraordinary preemptive force" was
fulfilled, we utilized the two categories of ERISA cases, originally set out by
the Supreme Court in Pegram v. Herdrich, 530 U.S. 211, 120 S.Ct. 2143, 147
L.Ed.2d 164 (2000). Pryzbowski, 245 F.3d at 271. The first category involves
cases where the claim challenges the administration of, or eligibility for,
benefits. These cases fall within the scope of 502(a) and are preempted. Id. at
273. The second group of cases challenges the quality of the medical treatment
performed and is not preempted. Id. As noted by the District Court, this case
does not fall squarely within either category. Thus, we must look beyond the
framework set out in Pryzbowski to determine whether this case falls within
section 502(a).


At the time of the District Court's ruling on the removal question, May 28,
2002, no Court of Appeals had considered whether the type of case before us
was preempted under section 502(a) of ERISA. Since the District Court's initial
ruling, however, the Fourth and Fifth Circuits have considered whether similar
cases are subject to preemption under ERISA. Arana, 338 F.3d 433; Singh v.
Prudential Health Care Plan Inc., 335 F.3d 278 (4th Cir.2003). Both Courts of
Appeal held that the federal courts are the proper forums for these disputes. In
Arana, the Fifth Circuit held that federal jurisdiction was proper in a case
strikingly similar to the one here. There, the plaintiff claimed that under
Louisiana law his health insurance company had no right to reimbursement of
health benefits after the plaintiff recovered in a tort action. The Court held that
the plaintiff's claim was properly characterized as a claim for "benefits due" or
to "enforce his rights under the plan," either of which would provide
jurisdiction. Arana, 338 F.3d at 438. It described the situation as follows:


As it stands, Arana's benefits are under something of a cloud, for OHP is

asserting a right to be reimbursed for the benefits it has paid for his account. It
could be said, then, that although the benefits have already been paid, Arana
has not fully `recovered' them because he has not obtained the benefits free and
clear of OHP's claims. Alternatively, one could say that Arana seeks to enforce
his rights under the terms of the plan, for he seeks to determine his entitlement
to retain the benefits based on the terms of the plan. Id.


In Singh, the Fourth Circuit addressed whether claims of unjust enrichment and
negligent misrepresentation relating to subrogation and reimbursement actions
of the insurer were claims for "benefits due." Like the Fifth Circuit, the Fourth
Circuit found that ERISA controlled and removal was appropriate because
subject matter jurisdiction is not affected by "the fortuity of when a plan term
was misapplied to diminish the benefit." Singh, 335 F.3d at 291 (emphasis in


Here, the Insureds claim that they were entitled to certain health benefits and
that the Providers wrongly sought the return of those benefits. Even more than
in Arana, the Insureds' claim here is for benefits due. The Insureds have
already paid back a portion of their benefits. Thus, they claim essentially that
they are entitled to have certain health insurance claims paid under their ERISA
plans. It is impossible to determine the merits of the Insureds' claims without
delving into the provisions of their ERISA-governed plans.


We agree with the reasoning of the Courts of Appeal for the Fourth and Fifth
Circuits. Where, as here, plaintiffs claim that their ERISA plan wrongfully
sought reimbursement of previously paid health benefits, the claim is for
"benefits due" and federal jurisdiction under section 502(a) of ERISA is
appropriate. Such a rule comports with our earlier jurisprudence because,
although not directly analogous, such claims are more like challenges to the
"administration of benefits" than challenges to the "quality of benefits
received." See Pryzbowski, 245 F.3d at 273.


Although the Insureds have attempted to characterize their claim as one looking
only at state law, the essence of the claim concerns an ERISA plan. Therefore,
we conclude that federal subject matter jurisdiction is appropriate.

IV. Express Preemption Under Section 514 of ERISA


Next, we turn to the District Court's denial of the Providers' motion to dismiss.
Our review of the District Court's decision is plenary. Pryzbowski, 245 F.3d at
268. We accept all factual allegations in the complaint as true and draw
reasonable inferences from those allegations. Id. The first issue is whether
ERISA preempts the New Jersey statute on which the Insureds' claims rely. If
ERISA preempts the New Jersey statute, then the reimbursement provisions in
the Insureds' health insurance policies stand, and the Insureds' claims must be
dismissed. Because we find that this is indeed the case, this issue is dispositive.


New Jersey Statute, section 2A:15-97, essentially reverses the common law
collateral source doctrine by requiring a plaintiff who receives benefits from
any source other than a joint tortfeasor to deduct that amount from his or her
recovery in any civil action.9 Thus, payments made by health care providers are
deducted from a plaintiff's tort recovery under New Jersey law.10


Generally, a state law that "relates to" an ERISA-governed plan is preempted

by ERISA. 29 U.S.C. 1144(a). ERISA's expansive express preemption rule

as distinguished from the jurisdictional question of complete preemption
discussed above is set forth in Section 514(a) of the Act, and provides that
ERISA's regulatory structure "shall supersede any and all State laws insofar as
they may now or hereafter relate to any employee benefit plan [subject to
ERISA]." 29 U.S.C. 1144(a) (emphasis added). The District Court has
determined that the state law on which the Insureds rely "relates to" the
Insureds' ERISA plans. That ruling is not before us for review. The Insureds'
claims are thus preempted unless they fall within an exception to Section

The relevant exception here is Section 514(b)(2)(A), or the "savings clause."

The savings clause provides that, apart from particular scenarios not presented
here, 11 "nothing in [ERISA's preemption provisions] shall be construed to
exempt or relieve any person from any law of any state which regulates
insurance, banking or securities." 29 U.S.C. 1144(b)(2)(A) (emphasis added).
Accordingly, the key question before us is whether the New Jersey law
underlying the Insureds' claims is a law "which regulates insurance."


The Supreme Court recently clarified the appropriate test for determining
whether a state law that relates to employee benefit plans falls within the
savings clause. In a 2003 decision, issued after the District Court had made its
preemption ruling in this case, the Court directed that for a "state law to be
deemed a `law ... which regulates insurance' under 1144(b)(2)(A), it must
satisfy two requirements." Miller, 538 U.S. at 341-42, 123 S.Ct. 1471. First, the
state law must be "specifically directed toward entities engaged in insurance."
Id. Second, the state law must "substantially affect the risk pooling arrangement
between the insurer and the insured." Id.12


The Providers argue that the New Jersey statute applies to "any civil action"
and funds from "any other source," and thus, it is not specifically directed
toward insurance. In Pilot Life Insurance Co. v. Dedeaux, 481 U.S. 41, 107
S.Ct. 1549, 95 L.Ed.2d 39 (1987), the Supreme Court addressed a similar case
where a state law had its primary effect on insurers but was not limited to
insurers. At issue in Pilot was Mississippi's law of bad faith. Even though the
Mississippi Supreme Court had identified its law of bad faith with the insurance
industry, the Supreme Court found that the law was based in general tort and
contract law, not insurance law. Id. at 49-50, 107 S.Ct. 1549. The law could
apply in any breach of contract case, not merely a breach of an insurance
contract. Id. As a result, the law did not fall within the savings clause. Id.


Here, the District Court found, and the Insureds argue, that the New Jersey

statute is distinguishable from Pilot because it was specifically intended to

benefit the liability insurance industry. Terming the statute an "anti-subrogation
law," the Insureds contend that the statute is the result of a conscious tort
reform effort by the legislature that shows a choice to shift the burden for tort
recovery from liability insurers to health insurers. Although the legislative
history and the Perreira decision do indicate an intent to lighten the burden on
the liability insurance industry, we cannot say that the New Jersey statute is
"specifically directed toward the insurance industry" for the purpose of the
savings clause.

Before turning to the effect the statute has on New Jersey insurance law, an
examination of the statute itself indicates that it is more than just an insurance
regulation. New Jersey did not define section 2A:15-97 as an "antisubrogation
law," nor did New Jersey place this statute among the statutes regulating
insurance. Rather, the statute is entitled, "Personal injury or wrongful death
actions; benefits from sources other than joint tortfeasor; disclosure; deduction
from plaintiff's award," and is included in the portion of New Jersey's statutes
dealing with civil actions. The plain language of the statute reveals that this
statute is not limited to regulating either health insurance or liability insurance


Additionally, examination of the driving intent behind the statute shows that
this case parallels the analysis in Pilot. As in Pilot, a state supreme court
described the law as one intended to affect the insurance industry. Perreira, 778
A.2d at 436. Despite this finding, the law here is a general law of civil
procedure. The New Jersey statute governs all civil actions, not merely those
involving insurance entities. Furthermore, even the Perreira Court recognized
that the primary purpose of the law was to disallow double recovery by tort
plaintiffs, not to regulate insurance contracts. Id.


The statute's general applicability is further exemplified by its plain language.

The statute applies in "any civil action" to benefits received from "any other
source." As in Pilot, the New Jersey law regulates non-insurance parties as well
as insurance entities. For example, a plaintiff would be required to report any
contribution, such as a private indemnity agreement, under the statute.
Consequently, in some circumstances the statute will have no effect on health
insurers at all. Furthermore, the Insureds heavily rely on the New Jersey
legislature's intent to reduce the expense of liability insurance as evidence of
the statute's specific intent to regulate the insurance industry. The statute,
however, applies in all civil actions, not merely those in which liability insurers
will pay the judgment. Thus, in some cases the statute will benefit private
tortfeasors, and not insurance entities. Accordingly, as the Court found in Pilot,

the New Jersey statute is merely one that will usually, although not exclusively,
be applied to regulate insurance entities. See Pilot, 481 U.S. at 49-50, 107 S.Ct.
1549. This is not sufficient to avoid preemption under ERISA.

The Insureds argue that because the statute is "aimed at" insurance entities, the
requirements under the savings clause are satisfied, even if in some cases the
statute regulates non-insurance entities. They direct us to several cases where
the fact that a statute is "aimed at" the insurance industry or intended to affect
that industry supports the conclusion that it is specifically directed toward the
industry. See, e.g., FMC Corp. v. Holliday, 498 U.S. 52, 61, 111 S.Ct. 403, 112
L.Ed.2d 356 (1990) ("[I]t does not merely have an impact on the insurance
industry; it is aimed at it."). Examination of these cases, however, reveals a key
difference from the case here: they explicitly regulated insurance. Miller, 538
U.S. at 331-32, 123 S.Ct. 1471 ("a health insurer shall not discriminate against
..."); Moran, 536 U.S. at 359, 122 S.Ct. 2151 (involving a section of Illinois's
HMO Act where Congress specifically determined that HMOs were insurance
entities); Holliday, 498 U.S. at 55, n. 2, 111 S.Ct. 403 (defining "coordination
of benefits" as "a policy of insurance"); Medical Mutual of Ohio v. deSoto, 245
F.3d 561, 569 (6th Cir.2001) (examining California's antisubrogation statute
that was limited to cases against a health care provider and contributions paid as
the result of "health, sickness or income-disability insurance, accident
insurance"). Although New Jersey's statute may have been "aimed at" shifting
the burden of tort expenses from the liability insurance industry to the health
insurance industry, the statute explicitly regulates both insurance and noninsurance entities. As in Pilot, we are faced with a state statute that, although
commonly identified with the insurance industry, is not "specifically directed
toward the insurance industry."


To avoid ERISA preemption a state law must be "specifically directed" toward

the insurance industry. The New Jersey statute is not. Because the New Jersey
statute could be applied to any contributor in any civil action, it is merely a
statute that has a significant impact on the insurance industry. As in Pilot, this
is not sufficient. ERISA preempts the application of New Jersey's statute;
therefore, the District Court erred in denying the Providers' motion to dismiss.


Because we conclude that ERISA preempts application of New Jersey's statute,

we need not address the retroactivity of the New Jersey Supreme Court's
decision in Perreira v. Rediger, 169 N.J. 399, 778 A.2d 429 (2001). We hold
that the Insureds' claims are for benefits due, and thus were properly removed
to federal court. We also hold, however, that ERISA preempts application of

New Jersey's statute, and thus the District Court erred in denying the Providers'
motion to dismiss. We reverse and remand with instructions for the District
Court to dismiss the cause.


Honorable Louis H. Pollak, District Judge for the United States District Court
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting by designation

Horizon Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Jersey was the health insurance
provider for both Bogurski and Edmonson. With respect to Edmonson, they
were Horizon Healthcare Services, Inc., doing business as, Horizon Blue Cross
and Blue Shield

The relevant regulation that provided for reimbursement and subrogation was
repealed on August 5, 2002 and replaced with a "Prohibition on
subrogation/third party liability provisions." The Regulation, prior to its repeal,
was as follows:
11:4-42.10 Provisions for subrogation and repayment of benefits
(a) Group policies and certificates providing health insurance may contain
subrogation provisions that require the return to the insurer by a covered person
of benefits paid for illness or injury up to the amount a covered person received
from a third party through settlement, a satisfied judgement or other means, as
compensation for the medical costs of such illness or injury, subject to the

Repayment of benefits shall be required only where the amount received for the
third party through settlement, judgment or other means are specifically
identified as amounts paid for health benefits which have been paid by the
insurer under the group policy or certificate

The repayment shall not exceed the amount of benefits paid by the insurer
under the group policy or certificate for the particular illness or injury

The group policy and certificate shall allow the covered person to deduct from
the repayment to the insurer the reasonable pro-rata expenses incurred in
effecting the third party payment

(b) Group policies and certificates providing health insurance may exclude or
reduce the health benefits payable to or on behalf of a covered person to the
extent that the covered person has already received payment from a third party
for past or future health care costs for an illness or injury resulting from the
negligence or intentional act of such third party.
(c) Except as set forth in (b) above, no policy or certificate providing group
health insurance shall limit or exclude health benefits as the result of the
covered person's sustaining a loss attributable to the actions of a third party.
(d) Notwithstanding (a) or (b) above, disability income, long term care and
accidental loss benefits and blanket insurance shall not be subject to
subrogation or repayment of benefits received.
(e) Subrogation shall only be applicable when third party liability benefits may
exist, subject to the restrictions set forth above.

Levine paid $11,000 to settle her reimbursement claim, Bogurski placed

$11,000 in escrow to settle her reimbursement claim, and Edmondson paid
$1,383.43 to settle his claim

ThePerreira decision held that the Department of Insurance Regulation, N.J.

ADMIN. CODE tit. 11 4-42.10 (the "regulation"), directly conflicted with the
statute regulating deductions from plaintiff's awards in personal injury and
wrongful death actions, N.J. STAT. ANN. 2A:15-97 (2000) (the "statute").

The three McCarran-Ferguson factors are (1) whether the practice has the
effect of transferring or spreading a policyholder's risk; (2) whether the practice
is an integral part of the policy relationship between the insurer and the insured;
and, (3) whether the practice is limited to entities within the insurance
industrySee Rush Prudential HMO, Inc. v. Moran, 536 U.S. 355, 366, 122 S.Ct.
2151, 153 L.Ed.2d 375 (2002). These factors are no longer used in determining
whether a law is saved from ERISA preemption. Kentucky Assoc. of Health
Plans Inc. v. Miller, 538 U.S. 329, 341-42, 123 S.Ct. 1471, 155 L.Ed.2d 468

Under New Jersey law, all opinions are applied retroactively unless prospective
application is deemed appropriateSee, e.g., Henderson v. Camden County Mun.
Util. Auth., 176 N.J. 554, 826 A.2d 615, 620 (2003). Thus, absent a specific
finding that the Perreira opinion should be limited to prospective application,
the opinion would be applied retroactively.

Although the District Court cited to the New Jersey Reports, we cite to the

Atlantic Reporter for thePerreira decision throughout this opinion. It should

also be noted that the correct citation to the New Jersey Reports for the
Perreira decision is 169 N.J. 399, 778 A.2d 429.

When addressing preemption under section 502(a) we are dealing with

"complete preemption," as opposed to "express preemption" which arises under
section 514 of ERISAPryzbowski, 245 F.3d at 270. Compete preemption is a
jurisdictional concept, and is distinguishable from questions which arise under
section 514. Id. See also, Barber v. UNUM Life Ins. Co., 383 F.3d 134, 141 (3d
Cir.2004) (explaining express preemption under ERISA 514(a)).

The New Jersey Statute, N.J. STAT. ANN. 2A: 15-97, reads:
In any civil action brought for personal injury or death, except actions brought
pursuant to the provisions of P.L.1972, c.70 (C.39:6A-1 et seq.), if a plaintiff
receives or is entitled to receive benefits for the injuries allegedly incurred from
any other source other than a joint tortfeasor, the benefits, other than workers'
compensation benefits or the proceeds from a life insurance policy, shall be
disclosed to the court and the amount thereof which duplicates any benefit
contained in the award shall be deducted from any award recovered by the
plaintiff, less any premium paid to an insurer directly by the plaintiff, or any
member of the plaintiff's family on behalf of the plaintiff for the policy period
during which the benefits are payable. Any party to the action shall be
permitted to introduce evidence regarding any of the matters described in this


The Insureds failed to plead in their complaint whether such amounts were
withheld from their settlements. Because all of the Insureds settled their tort
actions, we assume that such deductions would have been made if they had
proceeded to trial


These excluded scenarios are set forth in the "deemer" clause, and exempt
certain self-funded ERISA plans from the reach of state laws otherwise saved
from preemption under the savings clause. The deemer clause is not at issue
hereSee 29 U.S.C. 1154(b)(2)(B).


This second factor, of course, marks a departure from the Court's earlier
jurisprudence concerning the three McCarran-Ferguson factors, on which the
District Court's decision was based


GARTH, Circuit Judge, dissenting.


This appeal, consisting of three consolidated actions, principally concerns two

separate preemption issues: express preemption under 514(a) of the

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29 U.S.C. 1144(a)
("ERISA"), and complete preemption under 502(a) of ERISA, 29 U.S.C.
1132. While I join Part III of the majority opinion because I agree that 502(a)
complete preemption exists, thereby establishing federal subject-matter
jurisdiction,13 I must respectfully dissent from Parts IV and V of the majority
opinion because, in my view, the New Jersey collateral source statute, N.J.S.A.
2A:15-97,14 is saved from express preemption under 514(a) of ERISA as a
state regulation of insurance.

Three provisions of ERISA 514 speak directly to the question of express

preemption,15 the mechanics of which have been neatly summarized by the
Supreme Court:


If a state law "relate[s] to ... employee benefit plan[s]," it is pre-empted.

514(a). The saving clause excepts from the pre-emption clause laws that
"regulat[e] insurance." 514(b)(2)(A). The deemer clause makes clear that a
state law that "purport[s] to regulate insurance" cannot deem an employee
benefit plan to be an insurance company. 514(b)(2)(B).


Pilot Life Ins. Co. v. Dedeaux, 481 U.S. 41, 45, 107 S.Ct. 1549, 95 L.Ed.2d 39
(1987). Although the express preemption analysis normally requires the
application of the three relevant provisions of 514, the sole issue in this
appeal is whether the District Court erred as to the second step in the analysis
in finding that N.J.S.A. 2A:15-97 is "saved" from preemption as a state statute
that regulates insurance under 514(b)(2)(A).16 Accordingly, I confine my
discussion to that narrow issue.


In Kentucky Ass'n of Health Plans, Inc. v. Miller, 538 U.S. 329, 341-42, 123
S.Ct. 1471, 155 L.Ed.2d 468 (2003), the Supreme Court rejected the previous
use of the McCarran-Ferguson factors, and instead enunciated two requirements
for a state law to be deemed a "law ... which regulates insurance" under
514(b)(2)(A). First, the state law must "be specifically directed toward entities
engaged in insurance." Id. at 342, 123 S.Ct. 1471 (citing Pilot Life, 481 U.S. at
50, 107 S.Ct. 1549; UNUM Life Ins. Co. of Am. v. Ward, 526 U.S. 358, 368,
119 S.Ct. 1380, 143 L.Ed.2d 462 (1999); Rush Prudential HMO, Inc. v. Moran,
536 U.S. 355, 366, 122 S.Ct. 2151, 153 L.Ed.2d 375 (2002)). Second, the state
law must "substantially affect the risk pooling arrangement between the insurer

and the insured." Id.


Here, there is no serious dispute that state antisubrogation laws spread

policyholder risk and therefore satisfy the second Miller requirement.17 See
Singh, 335 F.3d at 286 (noting that "it is difficult to imagine an antisubrogation
law ... as anything other than an insurance regulation, as it addresses who pays
in a given set of circumstances and is therefore directed at spreading
policyholder risk"); Med. Mut. of Ohio v. deSoto, 245 F.3d 561, 574 (6th
Cir.2001) ("The logical effect of [antisubrogation laws] ... is to decrease the
premiums of health care providers' insurance and increase the premiums of
health insurance i.e., spread risks."). What concerns us in this appeal, then,
is whether the New Jersey collateral source statute satisfies the first Miller
requirement, i.e., that it is specifically directed towards the insurance industry.


Focusing solely upon the statutory language, the majority concludes that the
New Jersey collateral source statute is not specifically directed to the insurance
industry because its definitions sweep too broadly and thereby encompass
organizations or entities that do not provide insurance. To be sure, the collateral
source statute does not specifically refer to health insurance or to subrogation
and reimbursement clauses. It is contained in Title 2A of the New Jersey
Statutes, which regulates the administration of civil and criminal justice.
Moreover, the statute applies to plaintiffs "in any civil action" who receive
benefits for their injuries from "any other source other than a joint tortfeasor."
N.J.S.A. 2A:15-97. As the majority opinion notes, the term "benefits received"
thus encompasses more than just insurance proceeds.


On the surface, therefore, this case would appear to present a paradigmatic

example of a law of general application that has some bearing on insurers. Such
laws do not qualify under the "saving" clause jurisprudence. See Miller, 538
U.S. at 334, 123 S.Ct. 1471. However, the inquiry does not end here, for the
New Jersey Supreme Court has spoken in a rather definitive way as to the
legislative purpose of the collateral source statute. See Perreira v. Rediger, 169
N.J. 399, 778 A.2d 429 (2001).


While recognizing that "[o]n its face, N.J.S.A. 2A:15-97 ... is silent regarding
any right to subrogation or reimbursement on the part of health insurers," id. at
409, 778 A.2d 429, the Supreme Court in Perreira determined that the statute
had more than one purpose: "To be sure, its primary purpose was to disallow
double recovery to plaintiffs, but a secondary goal was clearly the containment
of spiraling insurance costs." Id. at 410, 778 A.2d 429 (emphasis added). In
enacting N.J.S.A. 2A:15-97, the Court noted that the legislature made a
"separate legislative decision" as to which "segment of the insurance industry"

would be the beneficiary of the double recovery disallowance. Id. As the

legislative history reveals, the Court noted, the choice was made to favor
liability carriers.18 Id. at 411, 778 A.2d 429 (citing cases agreeing that purpose
of statute was to shift burden from casualty and liability insurance industry).

I am persuaded that the foregoing statutory interpretation, coming, as it does,

from the State's highest tribunal, compels the conclusion that the New Jersey
collateral source statute is "specifically directed" towards the insurance
industry. In my view, the majority opinion accords too little weight to such
statements from the New Jersey Supreme Court, focusing instead on the
admittedly broad statutory language. Our difference, then, is mostly an
hermeneutical one, centering on the interpretive import of Perreira in
ascertaining the aim of the statute.


In assigning minimal value to Perreira, the majority opinion states that the
mere fact that the New Jersey statute has an impact on insurance, as settled in
Perreira, is not enough to satisfy the "specifically directed" requirement of the
saving clause. Even if, the majority argues, the New Jersey Supreme Court has
identified N.J.S.A. 2A:15-97 with the insurance industry, that does not change
the actual terms of the statute. See Pilot Life, 481 U.S. at 50, 107 S.Ct. 1549
(holding common law of bad faith not saved from preemption "[e]ven though
the Mississippi Supreme Court has identified its law of bad faith with the
insurance industry"). According to the majority opinion, the collateral source
statute thus resembles the Mississippi law at issue in Pilot Life. This analogy,
however, misses the critical distinction between the two provisions.


Under the relevant state law in Pilot Life, punitive damages could be sought for
"bad faith" in denying claims without any reasonably arguable basis for the
refusal to pay. 481 U.S. at 50, 107 S.Ct. 1549. The Supreme Court determined
that although Mississippi had "identified its law of bad faith with the insurance
industry, the roots of this law are firmly planted in the general principles of
Mississippi tort and contract law." Id."Any breach of contract," the Court
observed, "and not merely breach of an insurance contract, may lead to liability
for punitive damages under [the Mississippi common law of bad faith]." Id.
Accordingly, the Court concluded that the Mississippi law did not "regulat[e]
insurance" within the meaning of ERISA's saving clause. Id.


The holding in Pilot Life was premised upon the finding that "the roots of [the
common law of bad faith were] firmly planted in the general principles of ... tort
and contract law." Id. at 50. Pilot Life, contrary to the majority's reading, did

not involve a situation where "a state supreme court described the law as one
intended to affect the insurance industry." Majority Op. at 165. The Mississippi
Supreme Court never stated that its common law of bad faith was specifically
directed towards the insurance industry; it merely applied that longstanding law
to the insurance context. Pilot Life, 481 U.S. at 49-50, 107 S.Ct. 1549. Under
these circumstances, the Supreme Court quite properly held that "a commonsense understanding of the phrase `regulates insurance' does not support the
argument that the Mississippi law of bad faith falls under the saving clause." Id.
at 50, 107 S.Ct. 1549.

Common sense dictates otherwise here. This case involves a statutory

enactment, which, according to the New Jersey Supreme Court, was clearly
rooted in legislative concerns about spiraling insurance costs. The New Jersey
Supreme Court was emphatic in emphasizing insurance in its opinion:


The effectuation of no-double-recovery [by N.J.S.A. 2A:15-97] therefore

required a separate legislative decision regarding which segment of the
insurance industry would be the beneficiary of that disallowance. The
Legislature had two choices: to benefit health insurers by allowing repayment
of costs expended on a tort plaintiff, or to benefit liability carriers by reducing
the tort judgment by the amount of health care benefits received. As the
legislative history reveals, the choice was made to favor liability carriers. See
Kiss v. Jacob, 138 N.J. 278, 282 [650 A.2d 336] (1994) (stating that intent of
the legislature was to control spiraling automobile-insurance costs); Fayer v.
Keene Corp., 311 N.J.Super. 200, 208, 709 A.2d 808 (App.Div.1998) (agreeing
that purpose of statute is to shift burden to health industry); Parker v. Esposito,
291 N.J.Super. 560, 565, 677 A.2d 1159 (1996) (stating that purpose of
collateral source statute is to prevent double recovery thereby giving relief from
increasing costs of liability insurance); Lusby v. Hitchner, 273 N.J.Super. 578,
591, 642 A.2d 1055 (App.Div.1994) (stating that legislative determination "was
apparently not only to prevent plaintiffs from obtaining a double recovery but
also, except where PIP payments are involved, to shift the burden, at least to
some extent, from the liability and casualty insurance industry to health and
disability third-party payers").


Perreira, 169 N.J. at 410-11, 778 A.2d 429.


While the Supreme Court has held that "laws of general application that have
some bearing on insurers do not qualify," Miller, 538 U.S. at 334, 123 S.Ct.
1471, the New Jersey collateral source statute presents the inverse propositionit is a law specifically directed towards the insurance industry that has some
bearing on non-insurers. As such, it "homes [sic] in on the insurance industry

and does `not just have an impact on [that] industry'." Ward, 526 U.S. at 368,
119 S.Ct. 1380 (quoting Pilot Life, 481 U.S. at 50, 107 S.Ct. 1549). Because the
New Jersey statute had its genesis in specific legislative action, as opposed to
general principles of tort or contract law, the majority opinion's reliance on
Pilot Life is entirely misplaced.

For these reasons, I believe that this case more closely resembles FMC Corp. v.
Holliday, 498 U.S. 52, 111 S.Ct. 403, 112 L.Ed.2d 356 (1990), where the
Supreme Court dealt precisely with the question of whether a state
antisubrogation law 19 was saved from preemption under 514(b)(2)(A). There,
the Court held that:


There is no dispute that the Pennsylvania [antisubrogation] law falls within

ERISA's insurance saving clause ... [The antisubrogation law] directly controls
the terms of insurance contracts by invalidating any subrogation provisions that
they contain. It does not merely have an impact on the insurance industry; it is
aimed at it. This returns the matter of subrogation to state law. Unless the
statute is excluded from the reach of the saving clause by virtue of the deemer
clause, therefore, it is not pre-empted.


498 U.S. at 60-61, 111 S.Ct. 403 (citations omitted).


Likewise, the Sixth and Fourth Circuits reached the same conclusion in
considering whether similar state antisubrogation laws regulated insurance. See
Singh, 335 F.3d at 286 (holding that subrogation prohibition of the Maryland
HMO Act is a state-law regulation of insurance); deSoto, 245 F.3d at 573
(holding that California's antisubrogation statute regulated insurance); see also
Hampton Indus., Inc. v. Sparrow, 981 F.2d 726, 729-30 (4th Cir.1992) (noting
that "limits on subrogation recoveries appear to be aimed at the insurance
industry, and therefore would also appear to come within the scope of the
saving clause").


Contrary to the majority, I conclude that our understanding of the New Jersey
collateral source statute must be informed by the New Jersey Supreme Court's
interpretation. In the interpretive light cast by the Supreme Court in Perreira,
the New Jersey collateral source statute is, in all essential respects, similar to
those statutes already held to regulate insurance by the United States Supreme
Court (FMC Corp.) and our two sister courts of appeals (Singh and de Soto).


Accordingly, I conclude that the New Jersey collateral source statute is saved
from ERISA preemption.20


Because I would affirm the District Court's holding that 514 of ERISA does
not preempt N.J.S.A. 2A:15-97, I respectfully dissent from Part IV of the
majority opinion, and from Part V of the majority opinion, which directs the
District Court to dismiss the Insureds' claims.


See generally Arana v. Ochsner Health Plan, 338 F.3d 433 (5th Cir.2003);
Singh v. Prudential Health Care Plan, Inc., 335 F.3d 278 (4th Cir.2003).


The statute provides:

In any civil action brought for personal injury or death, except actions brought
pursuant to the provisions of P.L.1972, c. 70 (C. 39:6A-1 et seq.), if a plaintiff
receives or is entitled to receive benefits for the injuries allegedly incurred from
any other source other than a joint tortfeasor, the benefits, other than workers'
compensation benefits or the proceeds from a life insurance policy, shall be
disclosed to the court and the amount thereof which duplicates any benefit
contained in the award shall be deducted from any award recovered by the
plaintiff, less any premium paid to an insurer directly by the plaintiff or by any
member of the plaintiff's family on behalf of the plaintiff for the policy period
during which the benefits are payable. Any party to the action shall be
permitted to introduce evidence regarding any of the matters described in this
N.J.S.A. 2A:15-97.


Of the three provisions of 514, which are set forth below, the first and third
are not involved in this appeal. It is the second provision, 514(b)(2)(A),
which concerns the regulation of insurance, that this appeal focuses upon
"Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section [the saving clause], the
provisions of this subchapter and subchapter III of this chapter shall supersede
any and all State laws insofar as they may now or hereafter relate to any
employee benefit plan...." 514(a), as set forth in 29 U.S.C. 1144(a) (preemption clause).
"Except as provided in subparagraph (B) [the deemer clause], nothing in this
subchapter shall be construed to exempt or relieve any person from any law of
any State which regulates insurance, banking, or securities." 514(b)(2)(A), as

set forth in 29 U.S.C. 1144(b)(2)(A) (saving clause).

"Neither an employee benefit plan ... nor any trust established under such a
plan, shall be deemed to be an insurance company or other insurer, bank, trust
company, or investment company or to be engaged in the business of insurance
or banking for purposes of any law of any State purporting to regulate insurance
companies, insurance contracts, banks, trust companies, or investment
companies." 514(b)(2)(B), 29 U.S.C. 1144(b)(2)(B) (deemer clause).

The two other clauses of 514-the "preemption clause" and the "deemer
clause" are not the subject of the certified questions in this appealSee supra note


Indeed, United and Horizon do not attempt such an argument


In reviewing the legislative history, the Court placed particular emphasis on the
Passed Bill Memo prepared by Governor's counsel:
This bill attempts to reduce the cost of liability insurance by reducing the
likelihood of a `double recovery' in a liability award for items which were
already compensated by insurance or by other `collateral' sources other than a
Id. at 410, 778 A.2d 429 (quoting Passed Bill Memo to Governor Thomas H.
Kean (Dec. 7, 1987)).


The relevant statute Section 1720 of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle

Financial Responsibility Law "prohibits insurance providers from obtaining
reimbursement payments from recoveries an insured receives from third parties
in a motor vehicle accident."Bill Gray Enters., Inc. Employee Health & Welfare
Plan v. Gourley, 248 F.3d 206, 213 n. 4 (3d Cir.2001).


Because I would hold that the New Jersey collateral source statute is saved
from ERISA preemption, I would be obliged to reach the third certified
question for interlocutory appeal. That question concerns whetherPerreira,
which held that the statutory collateral source rule prohibits health insurers
from filing reimbursement or subrogation liens against individual settlements or
recoveries from third-party tortfeasors, applies retroactively to the health
insurance plans at issue in this appeal.
This is a difficult issue, and more than that, the resolution of it could be
outcome determinative in this appeal. As a result, I believe that the proper

course for this Court to take would be to certify the issue of retroactivity to the
New Jersey Supreme Court. Under New Jersey Court Rule 2:12A-1., the New
Jersey Supreme Court may answer such a question if "there is no controlling
appellate decision, constitutional provision or statute in this State." N.J. Ct. R.
2:12A-1. The use of certification "rests in the sound discretion of the federal
courts." Lehman Bros. v. Schein, 416 U.S. 386, 391, 94 S.Ct. 1741, 40 L.Ed.2d
215 (1974). Such discretion, in my judgment, would be warranted here.

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