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Volume 2 Issue XII, December 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)

Effect of Moisture and Confining Pressure on

Mechanical Behavior of Shiwalik Sandstone
Sana Zafar1, K. S. Rao2

Assistant Professor (Adhoc), M.M.M.U.T. Gorakhpur-273010

Professor,Civil Engg. Deptt., IIT Delhi-110016

Abstract: The study for the effect of moisture on Shiwalik Sandstone has been carried out considering the different hydroelectric
projects running in the foothills of the Himalayas. The strength of the rock depends upon its mineralogical composition,
arrangement and orientation of grains, its physical and mechanical properties. For the proper accomplishment of the objectives
different tests were conducted on the Shiwalik Sandstone sample.
Results show that the rock is a soft rock. The porosity of the rock obtained by the testing is quite high which shows that the rock
becomes weaker by the ingress of water. Voids are clearly visible through the scanning electron microscopy. And so the fatigue
behavior of rock is affected by the varying confining pressure.
Key words: Porosity, Moisture, Shiwalik Sandstone, Diffractogram, Cyclic load test, confining pressure


The rocks are subjected to adverse climatic conditions. In order to estimate the long-term stability of the structures the effect of
moisture is to be studied. This paper deals with the study of effect of moisture on the mechanical properties of Shiwalik Sandstone.
Shiwalik Sandstone is a soft rock with high porosity and so the mechanical properties are highly effected by the moisture content
and confining pressure because it is known for example that the strength and deformation characteristics of soft rocks show strong
non- linearity [1]. Rock masses in different engineering applications are in a stressed state and are subjected to confining pressure.
So it is necessary to study the effect of varying confining pressure on the dynamic properties of rock [6] .In the present study the
fatigue life of rock is predicted under varying confining pressure. Cyclic load test was conducted at 5 and 7 MPa confining pressure
[1]-[4]. After the experimentation the effect of varying confining pressure on the rock was analyzed and finally was compared to
Berea Sandstone [4]
Shiwalik Sandstone samples have been collected from the powerhouse location of UJH Multipurpose Project, Jammu and Kashmir.
Different test were conducted on the Shiwalik sandstone so as to categorize the rock because fatigue of rock depends on the rock
type and its mineralogical composition. For the accomplishment of the experimental program, NX size that is 54 mm diameter
cylindrical cores of Shiwalik sandstone were obtained from the sample collected from the site. After coring the samples were
properly cut and lapped so as to satisfy the tolerance limit suggested by ISRM. According to the requirement of the testing different
length to diameter ratio (L/D) specimen were prepared. In order to get the mineralogical composition and the grain size of the
sample X-Ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy test were conducted [13].

Fig. 1: Location of samples collection (at Powerhouse, UJH Multipurpose Project, J&K)

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved

Volume 2 Issue XII, December 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)
The X-Ray diffractogram for Shiwalik Sandstone is shown (fig.2). The peaks obtained in the diffractogram were compared by the
literature [9] and minerals were specified. The sample on reaction with dilute HCl gave effervescence which shows the presence of
carbonate. The results obtained from X-Ray diffraction shows the presence of Quartz, Felspar, Chlorite and clayey minerals like
kaolinite; illite etc. Especially the percentage of quartz is high in the rock sample.

Fig. 2: X-Ray Diffractogram for Shiwalik Sandstone

SEM analysis has been carried out to study the morphology of the grains, grain size and the mutual contact between the grains. The
samples used were fresh samples. As the rock is soft and highly porous so SEM analysis was highly required to get an idea of the
voids or cracks present in the structure [8].

Fig.3: Shows the well sorted grains of quartz and flaky clay minerals

Fig.4: Hexagonal 2D grains of Kaolinite and voids present in the structure

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved

Volume 2 Issue XII, December 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)

Fig.5: Rounded and subrounded grains of quartz

The size of the quartz grains are 0.18 mm.The flaky minerals present were of illite and kaolinite The size of the clay particles
surrounding the grains are of 0.002 mm.Grains are well sorted and rounded in shape which shows long distance transport.The
cementation is poor which makes the rock porous with high porosity.The subrounded shape of the coarser grains shows that the
cement material will not have firm grip.
A. Physical Properties
The physical properties like density, void ratio, porosity and specific gravity for the shiwalik sandstone [ Results of all test has been
presented in the Table I
Table 1 Results of physical property test on Shiwalik Sandstone
Physical Properties
Observed Value
Dry density (gm/cc )
Saturated density (gm/cc )
Porosity (% )
Void ratio (% )
Specific gravity
B. Static Strength Properties
Point load strength index test, Brazilian tensile strength test, Uniaxial and Triaxial Compression test were performed on the
Shiwalik Sandstone sample and axial strains were measured [11]-[17].
Table 2 Average value of Strength Properties for Shiwalik Sandstone
Strength Properties
Observed value
Point load strength index Is(50)(MPa)
3.87 (axial)
1.79 (diametral)
Brazilian Tensile Strength tb (MPa)
UCS c (MPa)
45.57 (dry)
UCS c (MPa)
24.94 (saturated)
Elastic Modulus (GPa)
6.5 (dry)
Elastic Modulus (GPa)
3.2 (saturated)
Cohesion ( MPa)
Friction angle ()


The testing facility was based on the principle of Closed Loop Servo Control. The system can be operated in load or displacement

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved

Volume 2 Issue XII, December 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)
control mode. It Consists of three parts i.e. Compression Loading Frame (1000 KN), Power Pack Unit, Control system and Control

Fig 5: Cyclic Triaxial Testing Facility

Fig.7: High Pressure Triaxial Cell

The HPT cell can withstand confining pressure upto 140MPa (fig 7).It is basically designed for NX size sample. There is a hydraulic
jack for the lifting of the cell so that samples can be easily placed and a valve which is released for the lowering of the cell.

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved

Volume 2 Issue XII, December 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)


Cyclic triaxial test was performed on Shiwalik Sandstone samples under two confining pressure of 5 MPa and 7 MPa [1]-[4]. The
parameters of cyclic loading are as follows [5]-[6].
Waveform Sinusoidal [2]-[3]
Frequency 1 Hz
Uniaxial Compressive Strength in Static condition = 46 MPa [1]
Valley stress= 50% of UCS
Peak stress= 90% to 60% of UCS


The trend of the curve shows that the fatigue life of the rock increases as the confinement increases.As the confinement increases
the stiffness of the rock increases and so the strength also increases.

Maximum Axial Stress (Mpa)

Sigma 3= 0.2MPa
Sigma 3=1.37 Mpa
(Burdine, 1963)
Sigma 3=5.17MPa
(Burdine, 1963)
Sigma 3 =0 Mpa
(Siwalik S.St.)
Sigma 3= 5MPa
(Siwalik S.St.)
Sigma 3=7 MPa
(Siwalik S.ST.)






No. of Cycles at Failure (N)

Fig.8: Comparison of S-N curve of Shiwalik Sandstone with Berea Sandstone (Burdine , 1963)
It is clearly visible from Fig.4 that the pattern of S-N curve for Shiwalik Sandstone follows the pattern of Berea Sandstone [4]. The
porosity of Shiwalik Sandstone is high as that of Berea Sandstone and as the confinement increases the void ratio is reduced.This
makes the material strong and stiff and so the fatigue stress increases.Thus as the confining pressure increases the number of cycles
at failure increases.As the confining pressure increases from 5MPa to 7MPa the endurance limit increases from 70% to 75% of the
maximum axial stress value at static triaxial test.


The rock has been classified as low strength-low modulus ratio rock on the basis of Deere- Miller classification [10].The strength
values obtained in saturated condition are much lesser than the those in dry condition this shows the presence of some clay mineral

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved

Volume 2 Issue XII, December 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)
in the rock which becomes soluble in saturated conditions.Cyclic behaviour of Shiwalik Sandstone was studied and fatigue limit was
obtained under varying confining pressure.S-N curve was plotted. By comparing the S-N curve at confining pressures of 0, 5 and 7
MPa it was observed that as the confinement increases the fatigue life increases.


The authors would like to express their deep gratitude towards Prof. K.G.Sharma, Civil Engineering Department, Indian Institute
of Technology Delhi for his valuable guidance.They would also like to thanks the technicians of the Rock Mechanics
Laboratory,IIT Delhi for their co-operation.
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IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved

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