Foot and Ankle Clinics Volume A Refined Classification System

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Foot Ankle Clin N Am

12 (2007) 233249

Posterior Tibial Tendon Rupture:

A Rened Classication System
Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhDa,*, Craig I. Title, MDb,
Mark S. Myerson, MDc

Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgery, Madigan Army Medical Center,

9040 Fitzsimmons Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98431, USA
435 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021, USA
Institute for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction, Mercy Medical Center, 301 St. Paul Place,
Baltimore, MD 21202, USA

Posterior tibial tendon rupture (PTTR) is commonly implicated in the

adult acquired atfoot deformity [1]. Johnson and Strom [2] described three
stages of PTT dysfunction in 1989. The diagnosis and treatment of PTTR
has been organized around this staging scheme [3]. In stage I disease, patients have tenderness, fullness, and paratenonitis (with or without tendinosis) of the PTT without deformity. Treatment is typically conservative but
may include debridement, tenosynovectomy, and possibly calcaneal osteotomy. In stage II disease, patients have a dynamic, or exible, atfoot deformity with a attened arch, forefoot abduction, and hindfoot valgus
malalignment. Surgical treatment usually involves some form of reconstruction of the PTT, commonly using the exor digitorum longus (FDL) tendon,
combined with an osteotomy, such as a lateral column lengthening or medial displacement calcaneal osteotomy. Resulting forefoot varus and loss
of dorsiexion may be corrected with medial cuneiform osteotomy and
tendo Achilles lengthening (TAL), respectively. Additional procedures,
such as spring ligament reconstruction with peroneus longus tendon [4]
and augmentation of the FDL transfer with peroneus brevis tendon [5],
have also been described. Stage III disease is characterized by xed hindfoot
valgus deformity, often accompanied by xed compensatory forefoot varus.
Because the hindfoot is typically irreducible in stage III disease, surgical treatment generally consists of a triple arthrodesis. Myerson [3] has described

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.M. Bluman).
1083-7515/07/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Table 1
Classication of posterior tibial tendon rupture

Normal anatomy
Tenderness along PTT


Normal anatomy
Tenderness along PTT
Slight HF valgus
Tenderness along PTT



Slight HF valgus


Supple HF valgus
Flexible forefoot varus
Possible pain along PTT

HF valgus
Mearys line disruption
Loss of calcaneal pitch


Supple HF valgus
Fixed forefoot varus
Possible pain along PTT
Supple HF valgus
Forefoot abduction

HF valgus
Mearys line disruption
Loss of calcaneal pitch
HF valgus
Talonavicular uncovering
Forefoot abduction

Immobilization NSAIDs Cryotherapy Orthoses
 Systemic disease-specic pharmacotherapy
Immobilization NSAIDs Cryotherapy Orthoses
Immobilization NSAIDs Cryotherapy Orthoses
Med. displ. calc. osteot.
TAL or Strayer and FDL transf. if deformity
corrects only with ankle plantarexion
Med. displ. calc. osteot. and FDL transf.
Cotton osteoectomy
Med. displ. calc. osteot. and FDL transf.
Lateral column lengthening

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Most characteristic
radiographic ndings



Most characteristic
clinical ndings



Supple HF valgus
Fixed forefoot varus
Medial column instability
First ray dorsiexion with
HF correction
Sinus tarsi pain

HF valgus
First TMT plantar gapping

Med. displ. calc. osteot. and FDL transf.

Cotton osteot. or medial column fusion

Rigid HF valgus
Pain in sinus tarsi

Custom bracing if not surgical candidate

Triple arthrodesis

Rigid HF valgus
Forefoot abduction
Pain in sinus tarsi

Subtalar joint space loss

HF valgus
Angle of Gissane sclerosis
Subtalar joint space loss
HF valgus
Angle of Gissane sclerosis
Forefoot abduction

Supple tibiotalar valgus

Rigid tibiotalar valgus

Tibiotalar valgus
HF valgus
Tibiotalar valgus
HF valgus

Custom bracing if not surgical candidate

Triple arthrodesis  lateral column lengthening

Surgery for HF valgus and associated deformity

Deltoid reconstruction
TTC fusion or pantalar fusion

Abbreviations: HF, hind foot; FDL transf., exor digitorum longus transfer; med. displ. calc. osteot., medial displacement calcaneal osteotomy; NSAID,
nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs; PTT, posterior tibial tendon; TAL, tendo Achilles lengthening; TMT, tarsometatarsal joint; TTC, tibiotalocalcaneal.






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a fourth stage that involves valgus tilting of the ankle joint within the mortise and associated deltoid ligament insuciency with or without lateral
tibiotalar arthritis. Treatment for stage IV disease is determined by the
presence of ankle arthritis and the ability to reduce the deformity. Treatment of stage IV generally consists of arthrodesis [1,6,7] or a foot realignment with deltoid reconstruction [810].
Since Johnson and Stroms initial 1989 classication, an increasingly
complex array of deformities of the foot has been recognized in association
with PTTR. This wide spectrum of deformity is not completely addressed
by the current classication system. Further, the existing system does not
leave sucient room for variation within a given treatment stage. For example, there are a myriad of treatment options for stage II disease. This reects the wide variation in medial ray hypermobility, forefoot abduction,
and forefoot varus seen in patients grouped together as having a exible
We believe that a more comprehensive classication system that
addresses the diversity of the adult acquired atfoot deformity is necessary.
This scheme should take into account ankle and hindfoot valgus, forefoot
supination, forefoot abduction, and medial column instability. Accordingly,
we now present and discuss a new classication for PTTR based on the clinical experiences of the senior author (MSM). It is not the authors intention
to propose the ideal surgical correction for each deformity encountered. It is
our hope, however, that this revised classication assists the foot and ankle
surgeon in planning treatment for the varied, complex problem of adult acquired atfoot deformity. Although we suggest treatment alternatives based
on these stages and its subcategories, a range of surgical alternatives given
the exact stage of deformity is available, many of which we have limited
experience with and we therefore do not discuss. We maintain the existing
Myerson modication to the Johnston and Strom scheme and use it as a general outline into which we have subdivided a more descriptive and comprehensive system. Table 1 summarizes the rened classication, including
pertinent ndings and suggestions for treatment for each of the described

Rened classication and treatment recommendations

Stage I: tenosynovitis without deformity
In stage I disease, the paratenon is inamed or the tendon partially ruptured. This may or may not be accompanied by systemic inammatory disease. In either case, there is no (or minimal) deformity, and the overall
continuity of the tendon is maintained. Tendon continuity is conrmed on
physical examination by direct palpation with the foot in plantarexion
and inversion [11] and by an intact single leg heel rise and good resisted



foot inversion strength with the foot plantarexed. Stage I is subdivided into
three categories:
A. Inammatory disease. PTT inammation or rupture secondary to systemic disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis and the other inammatory
arthritides, is recognized as a separate entity [12]. In stage I-A, hindfoot
anatomy is maintained and the foot alignment is normal. Treatment
consists of conservative nonoperative care [13] or tenosynovectomy [14].
B. Partial PTT tear with normal hindfoot anatomy. Although the etiology is
separate from stage I-A, similar treatment with conservative nonoperative care or tenosynovectomy is recommended.
C. Partial PTT tear with minor hindfoot valgus. There is slight (5 or less)
hindfoot valgus deformity to distinguish this from stage II disease.
Although the authors still begin with conservative treatment of antiinammatory medications and immobilization in a cast, walking boot,
or custom brace, stage I-C may represent incipient rupture and should
be monitored closely. If surgery is performed, in addition to a tenosynovectomy a medial translational osteotomy of the calcaneus should be
considered [15].
Stage II: ruptured posterior tibial tendon, exible atfoot
The presence of stage II disease implies signicant PTT attenuation or
frank rupture as evidenced on physical examination by a clinically apparent
atfoot deformity, inversion weakness of the plantarexed foot, and inability to perform a single or repetitive heel rise. Stage II disease is subdivided
into three categories (with the rst further subdivided into two subcategories), depending on the most salient feature present. Because some patients exhibit several of the following features, some degree of overlap
may exist.
A. Hindfoot valgus. In stage II-A, the salient feature is valgus deformity of the
hindfoot (Fig. 1A, B). Once the heel is reduced from valgus to neutral,
there are varying degrees of residual forefoot supination. This supination
is caused by accommodative changes that allow the medial and lateral columns of the forefoot to remain in contact with the ground in the setting of
hindfoot valgus. The forefoot supination may be minimal or reducible
(stage II-A-1) or xed (stage II-A-2). Nonoperative treatment typically involves an inverted, medially posted foot orthosis or a custom brace [13,16].
The authors preferred operative treatment for stage II-A consists of a medial displacement calcaneal osteotomy and FDL tendon transfer to the navicular (Fig. 1C, D) [17,18]. As an alternative to calcaneus osteotomy an
arthroereisis may be considered. Treatment does not end here, however;
the deformity may have pulled the forefoot into varus, and this needs to
be assessed and dealt with as follows:
1. Flexible forefoot varus. In stage II-A-1, reducing the hindfoot from
valgus to neutral results in forefoot varus (Fig. 2). The forefoot



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Fig. 1. Radiographic stage II-A, or exible atfoot with hindfoot valgus. Preoperative lateral
(A) and AP (B) views. Lateral (C) and AP (D) views of the same patient after medial displacement calcaneal osteotomy and exor digitorum longus to navicular transfer.

deformity is exible, however; if the ankle is plantarexed to relax the

gastrocnemius and remove the hindfoot valgus, the forefoot varus is
corrected. After medial calcaneal slide and FDL transfer, the forefoot
typically moves into a varus position; intraoperative assessment is
made as to whether this varus corrects to neutral. If the deformity
corrects without plantarexion, no further operative treatment is
required. If the forefoot varus corrects only with ankle plantarexion,
a gastrocnemius recession or a percutaneous Achilles tendon lengthening is added.
2. Fixed forefoot varus. In stage II-A-2 adaptive changes occur in the frontal plane of the forefoot because of the longstanding hindfoot valgus.
Although the hindfoot deformity is supple and reducible to neutral,
the forefoot deformity thus remains xed in varus, even with the ankle
plantarexed to relax the gastrocnemius. After the medial calcaneal
slide and FDL transfer, a dorsal opening wedge medial cuneiform
osteotomy in the manner of Cotton [19] is then performed. This latter
procedure plantarexes the medial column to correct the forefoot



Fig. 2. Forefoot varus associated with acquired atfoot deformity. (A) Appearance of forefoot
with uncorrected hindfoot deformity. (B) Manual correction of the hindfoot valgus reveals residual forefoot varus. This forefoot deformity may be exible or rigid.

supination deformity. Typically this is performed with corticocancellous allograft, and internal xation for this stable osteotomy is rarely
B. Forefoot abduction. Abduction of the forefoot (stage II-B) is commonly
observed in conjunction with the hindfoot valgus that characterizes stage
II-A deformity (Fig. 3A, B). The forefoot abduction may occur at the
transverse tarsal joint (most commonly) or at the rst tarsometatarsal
(TMT) joint, and occasionally at both complexes. First TMT joint instability can be a primary deformity or secondary to TMT joint arthritis.
The simplest way to determine this distinction is examination of the lateral foot radiograph for the presence of a gap at the plantar joint surface;
this gap may be associated with primary deformity of the rst TMT
joint, which may then result in secondary hindfoot deformity, including
rupture of the PTT. Forefoot abduction occurring through the transverse tarsal joint is easily evaluated by way of an anteroposterior (AP)
foot radiograph. Abduction through this joint manifests as talar head
uncovering (Fig. 3B) and can be quantied with the anteroposterior talar
head uncoverage angle or by percent of the talar head uncovered [20].
Talar head uncovering of greater than 40% warrants consideration for
performance of a lateral column lengthening procedure.
Surgical treatment of stage II-B deformity consists of an FDL transfer
plus the addition of a lateral column lengthening to correct the forefoot abduction (Fig. 3C, D). It is recommended that the lateral column lengthening
be incorporated into the surgical plan if talar head uncovering is greater
than 40%. Uncoverage of lesser magnitude is corrected adequately with
a medializing calcaneal osteotomy and tendon transfer. A lateral opening
wedge osteotomy in the calcaneus is created 1.5 cm posterior to the calcaneocuboid joint, held open with corticocancellous allograft, and stabilized
with a single 5.0-mm screw from anterior to posterior. A medializing



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Fig. 3. Pre- and postoperative roentgenogram views of stage II-B disease corrected with a lateral
column lengthening and an opening wedge medial cuneiform osteotomy. (A) Preoperative lateral view demonstrating loss of medial arch height. Note the minimal hindfoot valgus. (B) Preoperative AP view of the same patient shows talar head uncovering of approximately 40%. (C)
Postoperative lateral view shows restoration of the medial column height. Bone blocks are used
to hold the lateral column and medial cuneiform osteotomies open. A fully threaded position
screw gives xation and aids in the maintenance of the lateral column lengthening. Fixation
of the medial cuneiform osteotomy is usually not needed. (D) Correction of the talonavicular
uncovering is evident in the postoperative anteroposterior view of the foot. In (C) and (D)
the arrowhead demonstrates the medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy bone block, and
the arrow points to the bone block in the anterior process of the calcaneus.

calcaneal osteotomy is added to this if there is residual hindfoot valgus after

completion of the FDL transfer and lateral column lengthening. Arthrodesis
of the calcaneocuboid joint with lengthening is an alternative preferred by
some surgeons to correct this deformity [21].
As an alternative to a double calcaneal osteotomy [22] a lateral column
lengthening and arthroreisis may be performed. Arthroreisis may be a surgical option in Stage II-B when the hindfoot valgus is not corrected by FDL
transfer and lateral column lengthening alone [23]. Typically a lateral column
lengthening does not correct hindfoot valgus well [24].



C. Medial ray instability. The most salient component in stage II-C disease
is medial ray instability. As with the stage II-A-2 foot (xed forefoot
supination), the stage II-C foot tends to retain forefoot varus even
with reduction of the heel from valgus to neutral, and even then with ankle plantarexion. This is caused by medial column instability (Fig. 4A,
B). It may arise from any component: the talonavicular, naviculocuneiform, medial cuneiform-rst metatarsal joint (rst TMT), or any combination thereof. After correcting the heel to neutral, the unstable medial
ray tends to dorsiex, causing the foot to pronate with weight bearing,
and leads to painful subtalar impingement. Additional treatment consisting of arthrodesis of the pathologic component of the medial column
may be warranted (Fig. 4C, D) provided that the rst TMT joint is
unstable. A medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy (as described
under stage II-A-2) also corrects medial column instability. The decision

Fig. 4. Stage II-C, or exible atfoot with medial column instability. (A) Preoperative lateral
view. Gap at plantar aspect of rst tarsometatarsal joint is shown by arrowhead. (B) Preoperative AP roentgenogram demonstrating forefoot abduction with talar head uncovering. (C)
Postoperative lateral view showing restoration of arch height and TMT fusion to correct gapping and instability of joint. (D) Postoperative anteroposterior view showing correction of talar
rst metatarsal angle, rst TMT fusion, and lateral column lengthening.



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as to whether a rst TMT fusion or osteotomy of the medial cuneiform is

performed is based on the degree of instability and presence of arthritis
of the rst TMT joint.
Stage III: rigid hindfoot valgus
Stage III disease is generally associated with a more advanced course of
tendon rupture and deformity and typically is characterized by rigid hindfoot
valgus. There may also be forefoot deformity, usually consisting of rigid abduction. There is less of a role for conservative management of patients who
have this stage of disease, although custom bracing may be helpful.
A. Hindfoot valgus. The consensus to date has typically been to treat rigid
hindfoot valgus, especially in cases with subtalar and talonavicular joint
arthritis, with triple arthrodesis, and the authors adhere to this recommendation (Fig. 5) [25].
B. Forefoot abduction. Treatment also consists of triple arthrodesis, but if
the abduction is severe it may also require lateral column lengthening
with a bone block arthrodesis to lengthen the calcaneocuboid joint.
This serves to swing the forefoot more fully out of abduction and back
to neutral [26]. Additional procedures, such as Achilles tendon lengthening, gastrocnemius recession, medial cuneiform osteotomy, rst TMT
fusion, and lengthening of the peroneals or anterior tibial tendon, are
performed as necessary.
Stage IV: ankle valgus
Stage IV disease occurs in the setting of longstanding PTT rupture and is
associated with deltoid ligament insuciency and medial ankle instability,
leading to ankle (tibiotalar) joint valgus deformity. It often occurs in the setting of previous triple arthrodesis (Fig. 6). Malalignment of triple arthrodeses with residual hindfoot valgus may predispose to stage IV disease [27].
The authors have seen several variants of this condition; it may be associated with or without lateral ankle instability and arthritis and a exible or
a rigid hindfoot.
A. Hindfoot valgus and exible ankle valgus without signicant tibiotalar
arthritis. In this setting it is appropriate to realign the ankle joint using
medial-sided ankle procedures to reconstruct the deltoid ligament [8,9]
after arthrodeses or osteotomies have been performed as required to
re-establish a plantigrade foot as required (Fig. 7).
B. Hindfoot valgus with rigid ankle valgus or exible deformity with significant tibiotalar arthritis. In stage IV-B, the ankle valgus deformity is
rigid and essentially irreducible. Nonoperative treatment consisting of
a custom ankle orthosis should be considered only if the condition needs
to be temporized before surgical reconstruction or if the patient is physiologically not able to tolerate surgery. Operative treatment must include
an arthrodesis of some sort, determined by the deformity, whether it be



Fig. 5. Pre- and postoperative roentgenograms of severe stage III PTTR. (A) Lateral view
shows severe hindfoot valgus, talonavicular subluxation, and loss of medial arch. (B) AP
view of the same patient demonstrating greater than 50% uncovering of talar head. (C) AP
weightbearing view of the ankle demonstrates that despite severe hindfoot valgus there is no
tibiotalar joint deformity. (D) Lateral view after triple arthrodesis shows correction of talar declination angle and restoration of medial arch height. (E) Postoperative AP view of the foot
shows correction of talonavicular coverage angle.

isolated tibiotalar arthrodesis (in the setting of prior triple arthrodesis),

pantalar arthrodesis, or tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis (Fig. 8). Occasionally the correction is performed with appropriate hindfoot realignment
(typically an arthrodesis) in conjunction with a total ankle replacement



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Fig. 6. Stage IV-A hindfoot valgus secondary to under-corrected triple arthrodesis with exible
tibiotalar valgus tilting. Preoperative lateral foot Roentgenogram of the foot (A) demonstrates
under-corrected medial longitudinal arch from a prior triple arthrodesis. An AP view of the
ankle (B) shows severe tibiotalar valgus tilting without substantial erosive changes of the joint.
A revision triple arthrodesis was performed with reconstruction of the ruptured deltoid
ligament. Postoperative lateral (C) Roentgenogram of the foot demonstrates restoration of
the arch. Tibiotalar joint correction is shown in (D). Although the use of soft tissue anchors
to aid in reconstruction of the deltoid is shown the authors have found the use of allograft
for such reconstructions to be more durable.

This article has taken the original Johnson and Strom [2] classication for
PTT rupture and revised it into a more comprehensive and discriminating
system encompassing the various presentations seen within each stage.
The purpose is ultimately to make treatment decisions more rational and individualized to each patients particular anatomic pathology. The clinical
applicability of any classication system depends to a large extent on its usefulness in planning treatment, and it is with this goal in mind that the authors have proposed this system.
The most obvious expansion is with stage II disease. From the standpoint
of foot morphology seen, this has typically been the most heterogeneous
group of patients, with surgical decision making being made more dicult.
It has been the authors experience that a exible atfoot (stage II) typically
has a combination of one or more of the following features: hindfoot valgus,
forefoot abduction, forefoot varus, or medial column instability. Depending
on which is the most salient feature, there may be some variability in the
optimal treatment choice.



Fig. 7. Stage IV-A rigid hindfoot valgus with exible tibiotalar valgus tilting. (A) Preoperative
lateral. (B) Preoperative AP. (C) Preoperative AP ankle. (D) Preoperative uoroscopy showing
passive correction of valgus tibiotalar tilt. (E) Postoperative lateral foot. (F) Postoperative AP
foot. (G) Postoperative AP ankle. Allograft tendon with soft tissue interference screws was used
for deltoid reconstruction in this patient.



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Fig. 8. Stage IV-B rigid hindfoot valgus with rigid tibiotalar valgus tilting. Preoperative lateral
(A) and AP (B) roentgenograms show severe hindfoot valgus and loss of arch height. Preoperative AP ankle view (C) shows severe rigid tibiotalar valgus deformity with substantial arthritis.
Postoperative lateral (D) and AP ankle view (E) shows correction obtained with tibiocalcaneal
fusion with retrograde intramedullary xation.

Stage IV in particular is an interesting problem in its etiology. Some patients who have stage IV disease have had a previous triple arthrodesis. Fitzgibbons addressed the question of whether the ankle deformity is secondary
to increased valgus moment produced by the triple arthrodesis or to natural
progression of disease [30]. At least two groups have performed experiments
demonstrating increased strain in the deltoid ligament complex of posterior
tibial tendon decient cadavers that had undergone triple arthrodesis [5,31].
Although some investigators have reported that the rigid tibiotalar valgus
of stage IV is more frequently encountered than the correctable form, the
incidences of these two substages may depend on the timing of patient
presentation and referral patterns to the foot and ankle surgeon. Tibiotalar



valgus arising from conditions other than those directly attributable to

posterior tibial tendon pathology does occur. Conditions that fall into this
category should be neither classied nor treated according to any PTTR
grading scheme [5].
Pell and colleagues [25] reported on 111 patients who underwent 132
triple arthrodeses with a mean 5.7-year follow-up. The diagnosis in most patients was PTTR. Although the investigators noted a signicant increase in
the severity of ankle arthritis (from 7% to 60%), there was no correlation
between patient satisfaction and the presence or absence of ankle arthritis.
The proper treatment of stage IV is also a matter of some discussion.
With the exible IV-A patient, it may be appropriate to perform deltoid reconstruction and triple arthrodesis. There is scant information available on
deltoid reconstruction in the setting of stage IV posterior tibial tendon deformity. Kelly and Nunley [7] mention reconstruction of the deltoid complex
in patients who have stage IV disease, but they do not provide details on
how to accomplish this or provide any clinical examples of reconstructions.
Bohay and Anderson [6] suggest autograft exor hallucis longus (FHL) for
correction of tibiotalar valgus tilting of stage IV disease. Kitaoka and colleagues [32] have reported using a cadaver atfoot model that deltoid reconstruction was superior to FDL reconstruction in restoring arch height,
metatarsaltalar position, talocalcaneal position, and tibiotalar position.
Their reconstruction was specically done to restore arch height, however,
not to address tibiotalar deformity. Bluman and colleagues have reported
a minimally invasive allograft method for anatomic reconstruction of the
deltoid ligament [8,9]. Early results have been promising in using this technique for tibiotalar joint-sparing reconstruction of stage IV-A deformity.
With the rigid IV-B patient, pantalar or tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis is
recommended. Papa and Myerson [33] described the results of 21 patients
who had a mean age of 45 years undergoing unilateral pantalar (8 patients)
or tibiotalocalcaneal (13 patients) arthrodesis. Although the indications
were for post-traumatic arthritis and not stage IV posterior tibial tendon rupture, the study does shed light on the long-term results of hindfoot arthrodesis.
At a mean follow-up of 32 months, there were three nonunions, two wound
complications, and an 81% satisfaction rate. Compared with patients undergoing pantalar arthrodesis, those undergoing tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis
had higher mobility and function. Many if not all patients who have stage
IV-B disease who undergo such fusion procedures have increased function
and decreased pain compared with those who are treated nonoperatively.

With time we have become aware of a greater variety of presentations of
PTT pathology and thus have recognized the deciencies associated with the
initial generic three-stage PTTR classication. This newly proposed



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classication system should not only improve the clinicians awareness and
discrimination of the spectrum of disorders associated with PTT rupture,
but also help in planning the proper treatment.

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