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Registration No.

: 1C 339/47
Importer / Manufacturer: Sanofi Pasteur Ltd., Thailand/Sanofi Pasteur S.A., France
The active substance is rabies virus*, Wistar Rabies PM/WI38 1503-3M strain (inactivated) ( 2.5
IU**/0.5 ml)
* produced on VERO cells
** quantity measured according to the international standard and the NIH test (National Institute of
Health test)
For full list of excipients, see section 6.1

VERORAB comes in the form of a powder and solvent for suspension for injection (1 dose of powder
in a vial and 0.5 ml of solvent in a prefilled syringe. Box of 1).

4.1 Therapeutic indications
It is indicated for the prevention of rabies in children and adults. It can be used before or after
exposure, as a primary vaccination or as a booster dose.
Pre-Exposure Prevention of Rabies (Pre-Exposure Vaccination):
Pre-exposure vaccination should be offered to subjects at high risk of contamination by the rabies
virus. All those at permanent risk, such as the personnel of a diagnostic, research or production
laboratory working with the rabies virus, should be vaccinated.
A serological test is recommended every 6 months in people at permanent risk of exposure and every 2
to 3 years after each booster injection in subjects at discontinuous risk of exposure. If the antibody
level is under that considered to be protective, i.e. 0.5 IU/ml (RFFIT), a booster injection should be
administered. These serological tests are performed by verifying the complete neutralisation of a
reference virus, by the RFFIT method (Rapid Fluorescent Focus Inhibition Test) (see "Take Special
Care with VERORAB")
Pre-exposure vaccination should also be considered for subjects at frequent risk of exposure to the
rabies virus, such as:
- Veterinarians and their assistants, animal handlers.
- Those who, either by profession or leisure activity, are in contact with species such as dogs, cats,
skunks, raccoons, bats or other species likely to have rabies. Examples of such people are
gamekeepers, hunters, forestry workers, speleologists and taxidermists.
- Adults and children living or travelling in enzootic areas.

In areas where the enzootic level of rabies is low, veterinarians and assistants (including students),
animal handlers and wildlife officers (gamekeepers) are considered to be at occasional risk of exposure
and should receive a primary vaccination against rabies.
Serological tests for rabies antibodies should be performed at regular intervals in accordance with the
subjects risk exposure.
Systematic booster injections should be administered in accordance with the subjects risk exposure.
Post-Exposure Prevention of Rabies (Post-Exposure Vaccination):
At the slightest risk of contamination, post-exposure vaccination should be performed as soon as
In some countries, vaccination must be performed in a specialized rabies treatment centre.
Post-exposure treatment includes local, non-specific treatment of the injury, passive immunisation
with rabies immunoglobulins (RIGs) and vaccination, depending on the type of injury and the status of
the animal (see Tables 1 and 2).
Table 1 : Course of Action Depending on the Status of the Animal


Course of action regarding

The animal

Animal unavailable
Suspect or nonsuspect


The patient
To be taken to a rabies
treatment centre for

Treatment(b) is always completed

Treatment(b) is discontinued if the

analyses are negative or,
otherwise continued

Dead animal Suspect

or non-suspect

Send the brain to an

approved laboratory
for analysis

To be taken to a rabies
treatment centre for

Live animal Nonsuspect


Place under

Decision to delay rabies Treatment(b) is adapted according

to the results of veterinary
supervision of the animal


Place under

To be taken to a rabies
treatment centre for

Treatment(b) is discontinued if
veterinary supervision invalidates
the initial doubts, or, otherwise,

(a) In France, veterinary supervision includes 3 certificates drawn up on D0, D7, and D14
declaring the absence of signs of rabies. According to WHO recommendations, the minimum
observation period under veterinary supervision for dogs and cats is 10 days.
(b) Treatment is recommended depending on the severity of the wound : see Table below.

Table 2 : WHO Guidelines on Post-Exposure Treatment Depending on Wound Severity (5)

Category of

Type of contact with a wild(a) or domestic

animal presumed or confirmed rabid or an
animal that cannot be placed under
Touching or feeding of animals
Licks on intact skin

Recommended treatment

None, if a reliable case history can be



Nibbling of uncovered skin

Minor scratches or abrasions without bleeding
Licks on broken skin

Administer vaccine immediately (b)


Single or multiple transdermal bites or scratches

Contamination of mucous membrane with a
saliva (i.e.,licks)

Administer rabies immunoglobulins and

vaccine immediately (b)

(a) Contact with rodents, rabbits, or hares does not normally necessitate specific rabies treatment.
(b) Discontinue treatment if the animal is in good health after 10 days of observation (for cats and
dogs) or if after the animal has been euthanized, the results of the search for rabies by the
appropriate laboratory techniques are negative.

4.2 Posology and method of administration

Before reconstitution, the powder has a uniform white colour.
Do not inject by the intravascular route. Ensure that the needle does not penetrate a blood vessel before
vaccine injection.
Do not administer by the subcutaneous route.
The vaccination schedule should be adapted in accordance with the circumstances of the vaccination
and the subjects rabies immune status.
Pre-Exposure Vaccination:
Three doses of VERORAB (0.5 ml) should be administered on D0, D7, and D28 or D21.
Booster Injection after Pre-Exposure Vaccination:
A booster injection of VERORAB (0.5 ml) will be administered one year after primary vaccination,
followed by a booster injection every five years.
VERORAB can be administered as a booster injection after primary vaccination with a rabies vaccine
prepared on diploid or Vero cells.
Post-Exposure Vaccination:
First Aid: Local Treatment of the Wound
All bites and scratches should be immediately flushed out and washed with soap or detergent. Doing
so can enable efficient elimination of the rabies virus at the infection site.
A 70 % alcohol solution, a tincture (or solution) of iodine, or a 0.1 % quaternary ammonium solution
can then be applied (provided that there are no remaining traces of soap, because these products
neutralize each other).
Depending on the severity of the injuries, rabies immunoglobulins (RIGs) may need to be administered
in association with the vaccine. In this case, refer to the Instructions for Use in the RIG package
If necessary, treatment can be supplemented by the administration of a tetanus prophylactic and/or a
course of antibiotics.
Fully Immunised Subjects
Two booster doses of VERORAB (0.5 ml) should be administered on D0 and D3.
Administration of rabies immunoglobulins (RIGs) is not necessary and should not be done in this case,
since booster injection is always followed by an anamnestic response.
Previously immunised subjects should be able to document the following:

Full pre- or post-exposure rabies vaccination, by a cell culture vaccine or

A documented rabies antibody titre 0.5 IU/ml
In case of doubt, if the booster injection was administered more than 5 years ago, or in the case of
incomplete vaccination, the patient should not be considered to be completely immunised, and
complete post-exposure treatment should be initiated.
Non-immunised Subjects
Five doses of VERORAB (0.5 ml) should be administered, on D0, D3, D7, D14 and D28.
Rabies immunoglobulins (RIGs) should be administered at the same time as the first injection in the
case of a severe injury (category III according to the WHO rabies risk classification). Equine and
human immunoglobulins can be used with VERORAB.
Internationally recognized RIG dosage is as follows:
Human rabies immunoglobulins: 20 IU/kg of body weight
Equine rabies immunoglobulins: 40 IU/kg of body weight
Because RIGs may partially inhibit active antibody production, no more than the recommended dose
should be administered.
The vaccine should be injected contralaterally to the RIG administration sites.
In enzootic rabies areas, the administration of two injections on D0 may be justified, e.g., in the case of
lesions that are extremely severe or located near the nervous system, or when the subject is
immunodeficient or did not come in for a medical consultation immediately after exposure.
Method of Administration:
VERORAB is administered by the intramuscular route, into the deltoid area in adults or the
anterolateral aspect of the thigh in infants and toddlers.
The intradermal (ID) injection may be used as an alternative, on upper or forearm and approved by
national health authorities in some countries such as Thailand. Please refer to the ID Route section at
the end of the leaflet.
Posoloy and method of administration for intradermal route:
Pre-Exposure Vaccination via intradermal route:
As according to WHO, VERORAB may be given intradermally (0.1 ml dose on day 0, D7 and D21 or
However, intramuscular injections are preferable if antimalarial chemoprophylaxis (e.g. chloroquine)
is being used concurrently or there is a possibility of an immune-compromised state (antibody
response may be impaired if the intradermal method is used).
Post-exposure vaccination via intradermal route:
Intradermal schedule:
This vaccine is of sufficient potency to allow its safe use in the WHO recommended intradermal postexposure regimen in countries where relevant national authorities have approved the intradermal route
for rabies post-exposure treatment.
If VERORAB is administered by the intradermal route, the following instructions and warnings must
be strictly adhered to.
One intradermal dose comprises 0.1 ml of reconstituted vaccine, i.e. 1/5 of the intramuscular dose. For
Verorab, the administration schedule recommended by WHO is:
Non-immunized individuals:
The 2-site Intradermal regimen

222011 known as original Thai Red Cross Regimen prescribes 1 injection of 0.1 ml at different
sites on D0,D3,D7 and 1 injection at one site on D28 (or D30) and D90
22202 known as updated Thai Red Cross regimen prescribes 1 injection of 0.1 mL at 2 sites on D
0, D3, D7, and D28.

Fully immunized individuals:

2 injections on D0, D3. This schedule should not apply to immunocompromised patients.

4.3 Contraindication
Do not use VERORAB:
If you have a fever or an acute illness: vaccination should be postponed.
If you are allergic to the active substance, to one of the excipients, to polymyxine B, to streptomycin or
to neomycin.
Because rabies is always fatal, there is no contraindication to post-exposure vaccination.
BEFORE YOU USE VERORAB Intradermal route
Do not use VERORAB Intradermal route (Pre-Exposure and Post-exposure vaccination):
The Intradermal route must not be used in the following instances:
- individuals receiving long term corticosteroid or other immunosuppressive therapy or anti-malarial
- immunocompromised individuals,
- individuals, particularly children, with severe wounds, especially to the head and neck or
presenting late for consultation.

4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use

Take Special Care with VERORAB:
As is the case with all injectable vaccines, it is recommended to have appropriate medical treatment
readily available in case of anaphylactic reaction immediately after vaccination, particularly a postexposure vaccination in subjects with a known hypersensitivity to polymyxine B, to streptomycin, or
to neomycin.
Do not inject into the gluteal area, because weaker levels of neutralising antibodies have been observed
when this area is used.
Regular serological tests are necessary for people at permanent or discontinuous risk of exposure (See
4.1. Therapeutic indications Pre-exposure prevention of rabies)
When the vaccine is administered to subjects with a known immunodeficiency due to an
immunosuppressive illness or a concomitant immunosuppressive treatment (such as corticosteroids), a
serological test of their antibody level should be done 2 to 4 weeks after vaccination. If the antibody
level is lower than that considered to be protective, i.e., 0.5 IU/ml (RFFIT), an additional injection
should be administered.


It is essential that intradermal administration of VERORAB be carried out only by medical staff
trained in this technique in order to ensure that the vaccine is delivered intradermally and not
subcutaneously. For the intradermal route a sterile syringe with fixed needle (insulin type) is preferred.
Correct intradermal injection should result in a raised papule with an "orange peel" (peau d'orange)

If the vaccine is injected too deeply into the skin, and a papule is not seen, the needle should be
withdrawn and reinserted nearby. If there is a complete failure to inject intradermally at more than half
of the multiple injection sites, an extra intradermal dose should be given in the opposite site.

4.5 Interaction with other medical products and forms of interaction

Corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive treatments can interfere with the production of
antibodies and lead to the failure of the vaccination.
Immunoglobulins must be administered at a different site from that of the vaccine (the contralateral

4.6 Pregnancy and lactation

Because of the severity of the disease, the vaccination schedule must not be modified as a result of
pregnancy. If you discover that you are pregnant during a vaccination series, quickly consult your
doctor: only your doctor can adapt the vaccination program to your situation.
This vaccine may be used during breast feeding.

4.7 Effects on the ability to drive and use machines

Post-vaccination dizziness has been frequently reported. This can temporarily affect ability to drive
and use machines.

4.8 Undesirable effects

Like all medicines, VERORAB may have side effects.
Minor local reactions: injection-site pain, injection-site erythema, injection-site oedema, injection-site
pruritus and injectionsite induration.
General reactions: moderate fever, shivering, malaise, asthenia, headaches, dizziness, arthralgia,
myalgia, gastro-intestinal disorders. (Nausea, abdominal pain).
Exceptional cases of anaphylactoid reaction, urticaria, rash.
In babies born very prematurely (at or before 28 weeks of gestation) longer gaps than normal between
breaths may occur for 2 -3 days after vaccinations.
If you notice side effects not mentioned in this package leaflet, inform your doctor or pharmacist.

4.9 Overdose
5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties
5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties
5.3 Preclinical safety data
6.1 List of excipients

Powder: maltose and human albumin.

Solvent: sodium chloride and water for injections

6.2 Incompatibilities
6.3 Shelf life
3 years

6.4 Special precautions for storage

Store in the refrigerator (+2C to +8C). Do not freeze.
After reconstitution, the vaccine should be preferably used immediately.
Do not use after the expiry date on the box.
VERORAB does not contain a preservative; therefore, great care must be taken to avoid contamination
of reconstituted vaccine. Vaccine may be used up to 8 hours after reconstitution provided it is
maintained at +2C to +8C. Unused vaccine must be discarded after 8 hours. Using aseptic technique,
a dose of vaccine may be withdrawn from a vial and the remainder used for another patient provided
that the vial is stored in a refrigerator between + 2C and + 8C. A new sterile needle and syringe
must be used to withdraw and administer each dose of vaccine for each patient to avoid cross infection.

6.5 Nature and contents of container

1 dose of lyophilized vaccine in vial (glass) with 0.5 ml of solution in syringe (glass)-box of
1 vial and 1 syringe

6.6 Special precautions for disposal and other handling

To reconstitute the vaccine:
- Take the cap off the vaccine vial.
- Inject the solvent from the prefilled syringe into the vial of powder.
- Shake gently to obtain a homogeneous suspension of the vaccine. The reconstituted vaccine
appears as a limpid liquid.
- Immediately withdraw 0.5 ml of suspension for an IM administration.
- Inject.
Vaccine may used up to 8 hours after reconstitution provided it is maintained at 2C to 8C. Unused
vaccine must be discarded after 8 hours.
Any unused product or waste should be disposed of in accordance with the regulations in effect.


Sanofi Pasteur Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand


1C 339/47


18 November 2004


April 2009
Date of approval: 23 February 2010
(The above information is based on the currently approved leaflet)

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