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German Dept Plagiarism Procedure

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University of Warwick

Department of German Studies

Procedure for Investigating Suspected Cases of Plagiarism



If the member of staff marking your work suspects a case of plagiarism, the following
procedure will be adopted. The marker (if not the Module Convenor) should inform
both the Module Convenor and the Director of Undergraduate Studies that a
suspected case of collusion or plagiarism has been identified. The Module Convenor
should then contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies and provide brief details
(e.g. student ID number, module code, module title, percentage weighting of the
assessment and reason for suspecting plagiarism) along with copies of the Turnitin
report and your original submission.
A check will then be made to identify whether the case constitutes a repeat offence. If it
is not, a standard letter will be sent by the Head of Department to you, informing you
that your assessment is under investigation for possible plagiarism. You will be
informed that you may be invited to attend an interview and, if so, you will have an
opportunity at that stage to make full representations about the matter. If the case
constitutes a repeat offence the process for severe plagiarism will be followed (see
section c) below).
The Head of Department will then convene a plagiarism panel (normally consisting of
the Head of Department, the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Module

The panel will make an initial assessment of the case deciding whether the case is: a)
negligence; b) misconduct; or c) severe plagiarism.
a) Negligence
A decision of negligence will be made in cases of work deemed to have been improperly
referenced through the incompetent or careless academic practices of the student. When
considering the penalty to be imposed in such cases, an assessment should be made of the
individuals circumstances (e.g. the stage the student has reached in their studies, any
mitigating factors and the nature and extent of the unacknowledged copying)

If the case in question is deemed to be an example of poor scholarship, the Module

Convenor will be directed to reduce the mark in line with the degree of the offence.
A letter will be sent to you (copied to your personal tutor). You will be advised that your
assignment was improperly referenced due to poor scholarship, advised to meet with
your personal tutor to receive further guidance on correct referencing techniques and
warned that any future occurrences will be dealt with more severely.

b) Misconduct
A decision of misconduct will be made in cases where it is deemed that you have
deliberately cheated, either through collusion or plagiarism, and that the offence should be
pursued within the Department without recourse to a University Investigating Committee.
If the case in question is deemed to be an example of misconduct, the Module Convenor will
be directed to reduce the mark in line with the degree of the offence. In severe cases of
misconduct the Module Convenor will have the option of awarding a mark of zero for the
piece of work in which the plagiarism has occurred.
A letter will be sent to you (copied to personal tutor) inviting you to attend an interview with

the plagiarism panel. A copy of the Turnitin report will, if applicable, accompany the letter.
You will be advised that you will have an opportunity to make representations during the
course of the interview. In addition, you will be advised that you may submit written evidence
prior to the interview. Written evidence should be submitted to the Head of Department no
later than 24 hours prior to the interview. You will be given at least 3 days notice of the
Upon completion of the interview a decision will be made regarding the penalty to be
imposed and communicated by the Head of Department by letter (copied to personal tutor).
You will then be invited to either accept the penalty or to appeal, and allowed 10 days to
If you accept the penalty, a report of the circumstances and level of penalty exacted will be
lodged with the Secretary of the Board of Examiners.
If you opt to appeal, the procedure for considering severe cases of plagiarism will be invoked
and the matter referred to a University Investigating Committee (as in the University
Calendar, Regulation 11, Section B, paragraphs 59).
c) Severe Plagiarism
If the initial assessment concludes that a more severe penalty should be imposed than the
Department is allowed to levy under University regulations, the case should be referred to a
University Investigating Committee.
The following list contains examples of cases that should normally be referred:
Second offences of misconduct;
Allegations relating to a research thesis submitted for examination for a higher
degree (MPhil or PhD);
Allegations relating to an assessment that contributed to the previous approval of an
award to the student;
Allegations of a serious nature e.g. the student is suspected of having stolen work
from another student or accessed work from a commercial internet site;
Where a mark of zero would potentially result in the student being ineligible to qualify
for the award for which they are registered;
Where there are multiple allegations of cheating, affecting more than one module,
against the same student which, if proven, would result in the student being ineligible
to qualify for the award for which they are registered;
Where the case is complex, for example involving allegations of collusion against two
or more students.

The plagiarism panel, having discussed the case with the markers, concludes that
the case is a severe one and should be referred directly to the Investigating
In the event of the case being confirmed as a severe case of plagiarism you will be
notified that the case has been referred to a University Investigating Committee
(letter copied to programme manager, academic director, personal tutor and NIE).
You will then be provided with information relating to Regulation 11, Section B,
paragraphs 5 9 of the University Calendar.

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