Jataka Chandrika 1

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1st Review

Jataka Chandrika
First 10 shlokas of Jataka Chandrika:

Shloka 1:.......................................................................................................................... 2
Shloka 2:.......................................................................................................................... 2
Shloka 3:.......................................................................................................................... 2
Shloka 4:.......................................................................................................................... 2
Shloka 5:.......................................................................................................................... 3
Shloka 6:.......................................................................................................................... 4
Shloka 7:.......................................................................................................................... 5
Shloka 8:.......................................................................................................................... 6
Shloka 9:.......................................................................................................................... 7
Shloka 10: ....................................................................................................................... 8

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Deepak Kumar Singh

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Jataka Chandrika

1st Review

Shloka 1:
I invoke the help of the Glorious light, which represents the sum total of
the knowledge of Brahma Upanishad or in other words Goddess
Saraswati (who has red lips, is the spouse of Lord Brahma, had flute and
is very beautiful and almost perfect in everything).

Shloka 2:
{This Shloka is missing from the manuscripts}. Some quote that Brihat
Parashara Hora Shastra is the most reliable source of Jyotisha.

Shloka 3:
The author further says that he will explain the utility of Nakshatra dasa as
accurate as possible. He also thanks Parashara Muni and says that he
writes this work without any conflict with his works.
Note: Here Nakshatra Dasa, Nakshatra means constellation and dasa
means planetary periods.

Shloka 4:
The author further explains that the students can learn the details of
Dwadas Bhavas. He further says that he will explain here special
principles of Astrology, which would help all the students in their progress.
Notes: By this the author means the basics of the signs, houses,
weekdays, karakatatwas, sexes, exaltation and debilitation, retrograde
motion, etc.

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Jataka Chandrika

1st Review

Shloka 5:
The 7 th house is aspected by all the planets. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars
have special aspect besides having the 7 th aspect. Saturn aspects the 3rd
and the 10th house; Mars aspects the 4 th and the 8 th; Jupiter aspects the
5th and the 9 th.
Notes: Lets take an example:

Figure 1
{Bold: Indicate the Rasi}
This is a South Indian representation of the horoscope where the counting
is done in clockwise direction starting from the Ascendant. Here Rasis
(Signs) are fixed as shown above.
In this horoscope,
Taking Ascendant as the first house as it always is,
Ascendant is Libra and the first house.
Sun is in Cancer Rasi and the 10th house.
Mars is in 11th house and Leo Rasi.
Here all the planets aspects the 7 th house from itself.
Sun aspects Capricorn Rasi or the 4 th house.
Moon aspects Sagittarius or the 3 rd house.
In the same way, all the planets aspects the 7 th house from itself.
Now, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter have special aspect besides the 7 th

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Jataka Chandrika

1st Review

Mars aspects Scorpio (2nd house), Aquarius (5th house) and Pisces
(6th house).
Jupiter aspects Gemini (9th house), Leo (11th house) and Libra
(Ascendant or the 1 st house).
Saturn aspects Leo (11th house), Sagittarius (3rd house) and Pisces
(6th house).

Shloka 6:
Lords of the Trikonas give good results, while the lords of the 3 rd, 6th and
11th produce evil.
Trikonas are the Lagna, 5 th and the 9 th house in any horoscope.
And Kendras are Lagna, 4 th, 7 th and 10th house in any horoscope.
In the Figure 1 ,
Trikonas are Libra (Ascendant), Aquarius (5th house) and Gemini (9th
Kendras are Libra (Ascendant), Capricorn (4th house), Aries (7th house)
and Cancer (10th house).
Ownership of planets:
Zodiac Sign













Figure 1a

From the Figure 1 ,

We say that Saturn (Lord of the 5 th), Mercury (Lord of 9 th) and Venus (Lord
of the Ascendant) are benefic or good planets for an individual.
Lord of the 3 rd house (Jupiter), 6 th house (Mars) and 11th house (Sun)
produce evil results.
We have to then analyze the cumulative aspects of the planets and then
decide if the house will give good result or the bad result.
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1st Review

Jataka Chandrika

Shloka 7:
If the Benefic own the Quadrants (Kendras) they produce evil. When
malefic own Kendras they produce good. The planets become powerful
as they are the lords of 1st, 4th, 7th or the 10th house; 5th and
the 9th house; 3,6 and 11th house respectively.
1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house are the Kendras in the horoscope.
5th, 9th, 1st are the trines.
3,6 and 11th house are called Upchaya houses.
So what are Evil or Malefic planets?
Sun, Saturn, Mars and weak Moon (Moon is weak when waning or its
a "Krishna Paksha") are malefic.
And Benefic?
Jupiter, Venus, well associated Mercury and Strong Moon (Shulka
Paksha) are benefic.

In case of evil planets they become stronger by owning the later

Kendras and is the strongest when Lord of the 10th.
So in case of Malefic Lord of the 10th it should produce good results
than the lords of 7th, 4 th and 1st.
Also, Its like the Lagna lord is not so bad as the 4th lord if benefic.
4th is not as bad as 7th; 7th is not bad as the 10th;
So in case of Benefic Lord of the 10th it should produce worst
results than the lords of 7th, 4th and 1st.
This is also called as Kendradhipati Dosha.
In this Dosha all the benefic owning the Kendra becomes Malefic.
And all the Malefic owning the Kendra produce Good result.
The Good and Evil planets in the similar ways are stronger in the
9th than in the 5th.
Also, 3rd is less stronger than 6th, 6th less is stronger than 11th.
A student should carefully judge the results for prediction.
For Ownership and occupancy is always good for that house.

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Jataka Chandrika

1st Review

Shloka 8:
The lords of 2 nd and the 12th house give result according to the nature of
the house they occupy or as the nature of the lords of other houses they
are in conjunction with.
The 2 nd house and 12th house are peculiar in a way that they give good or
bad result depending on the association they have or the position they
So the influencing factors are:
v Planets in association with.
v The house they occupy.
v Positions of the house lords they occupy.
v Also, the planets aspecting them.
In other words these are two houses, which are neither good nor bad
based on their ownership like other houses.
Consider Aries Ascendant as shown in Figure 2,

Figure 2
Venus is the lord of 2 nd and Jupiter is the lord of the 12th. So these two
planets are neither good nor bad. Their influence will depend on their
position, aspect, conjunction (P.A.C.) and house they are posited in and
also on the position of the lord of the houses they occupy.
Also, here Mercury being the lord of 3 rd and 6 th is bad.
Moon and Sun being the Lord of the 4 th and 5 th is good.
Mars, the 8 th lord is bad.
Saturn lord of the 10th is good but being the lord of the 11th is bad.

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Jataka Chandrika

1st Review

Shloka 9:
Lord of the 8 th will produce evil results because he is 12th from the 9 th
house and 9 th house is the house of Luck (Bhagya). If the 8 th lord is also
the lord of the Ascendant or if he combines with the benefic he produces
good results.
The 9 th house is the house of peace, happiness, luck and wealth. And the
12th house is the house of loss. So since the 8 th house is the 12th house
from the 9 th, it causes loss of the 9 th house.
No special reason has been given here to say that always the 12th house
gives bad results. Like 4 th house is 12th house from the 5 th and is not bad.
But it has been seen that 8 th house does give bad result for the 9 th house
in general.
When the 8 th lord becomes the lord of the Ascendant like in the case of
Aries born. In this case Mars doesnt produce bad result.
Similarly, for Libra Ascendant, Venus is the lord of the 8 th house and it is
also the Ascendant lord and so it produces good results.
This type of situation doesnt come for other Ascendants and so the 8 th
lord gives bad result. Say for example Virgo Ascendant, which has Mars
the 3 rd and the 8 th lord and thus it gives bad results.

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Jataka Chandrika

1st Review

Shloka 10:
Jupiter and Venus when owns a Kendra becomes very inauspicious.
Also, when they occupy the 2 nd or the 7 th house with such ownership, they
become powerful to cause death to the native (the one whose horoscope
is being studied).
According to Shloka 7 , when natural benefic owns a Kendra they produce
evil results. And since Jupiter and Venus are the benefic planets they
will produce evil results when in Kendra.
Now if besides owning a Kendra (or having Kendradhipati dosha) they are
placed in the 2 nd or the 7 th house they may inflict death.
For Example,
Look at the Figure 3,

Figure 3
Here Gemini is the Ascendant and Jupiter being the lord of the 7 th and 10th
is suffering from Kendradhipati dosha. Also, since Jupiter is a natural
benefic it will produce evil results.
In this type of situation if Jupiter is posited in the 2 nd house (Cancer) or in
the 7 th house (Sagittarius) it produces death-inflicting result (which means
it may cause serious health problems).
Jupiter and Venus can cause this mischief and much more when both of
them are in maraka sthana (houses, which can cause death).
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