MDARR No 1 First Revision November 15
MDARR No 1 First Revision November 15
MDARR No 1 First Revision November 15
First Revision
Distribution is an important activity in the integrated supply-chain of medical device.
Various people and entities are generally responsible for the product sourcing,
procurement, transportation, delivery, storage, device tracking, installation,
commissioning, service and maintenance, calibration, need to be appropriately
managed and controlled to ensure the safety and performance of medical devices at the
point of use. In some cases, however, a person or entity is only involved in and
responsible for certain elements of the distribution process. The level of risks associated
with these activities may be of similar degree as those in the manufacturing environment
and the lack of control over these activities may affect safety and performance of the
devices. The Good Distribution Practice for Medical Devices (GDPMD) is developed to
elucidate the requirements for an appropriate management and control of these
GDPMD specifies the requirements for a quality management system to be established,
implemented and maintained by an establishment in carrying out activities in medical
device supply-chain to comply with Malaysian medical device regulatory requirements as
stipulated in Medical Device Act 2012 (Act 737). GDPMD requires an establishment to
demonstrate its ability to maintain quality, safety and performance of medical devices in
compliance with the Malaysian medical device regulatory requirement throughout the
supply-chain. It shall be used by both the internal and external parties to determine the
ability of an establishment to meet the requirements specified within.
The certification to GDPMD is to be conducted by the registered conformity assessment
body. The design and implementation of GDPMD by an establishment is dependent on
the types and categories and classification of medical device, size and structure of the
establishment, the processes employed it deals with. It is not the intent of the GDPMD to
imply uniformity in the structure of the quality management systems or uniformity of
Certification to GDPMD does not imply compliance to any written laws. It is the
responsibility of the establishment to ensure that they are in compliance with all
applicable laws in Malaysia. In the event of any contradiction between the requirements
of GDPMD and any written law, the latter shall take precedence.
This Regulatory Requirement is the first revision of MDA/RR No 1: July 2013 Good
Distribution Practice for Medical Devices.
Major modification done in this revision is:
This Regulatory Requirement cancels and supersedes the MDA/RR No 1: July 2013.
PART 1: PRELIMINARY............................................................................................................................. 4
Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Scope and application......................................................................................................................... 4
Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 4
PART 2: ORGANIZATION AND GDPMD REGULATORY COMPLIANCE SYSTEM ........................................ 6
Organization........................................................................................................................................ 6
GDPMD regulatory compliance system .............................................................................................. 7
General ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Documentation ............................................................................................................................... 7
Document control ........................................................................................................................... 8
PART 3: ESTABLISHMENT RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................... 8
Responsibilities and authorities.......................................................................................................... 8
Designated person .............................................................................................................................. 9
Management review........................................................................................................................... 9
Review input ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Review output................................................................................................................................... 10
PART 4: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT...................................................................................................... 10
Personnel .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Training, competency and awareness .............................................................................................. 10
Infrastructure .................................................................................................................................... 10
Work environment............................................................................................................................ 11
Cleanliness and pest control ............................................................................................................. 11
PART 5: SUPPLY-CHAIN AND DEVICE SPECIFIC ..................................................................................... 12
Authorization .................................................................................................................................... 12
Communication channels ................................................................................................................. 12
Receipt of stock ................................................................................................................................ 12
Storage and stock handling............................................................................................................... 12
Stock rotation ................................................................................................................................... 13
Delivery to customers ....................................................................................................................... 13
Control of nonconforming medical devices including returned medical devices ............................ 14
Disposal of medical devices .............................................................................................................. 14
Traceability ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Specific traceability requirements for implantable medical devices............................................ 15
Specific requirements for active medical devices ............................................................................ 16
Outsourced activities ........................................................................................................................ 17
Counterfeit adulterate, unwholesome and tampered medical services .......................................... 17
Secondary assembly including repackaging ..................................................................................... 17
General requirements................................................................................................................... 17
Assembly documents .................................................................................................................... 18
Materials control .......................................................................................................................... 18
Labeling ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Good assembly practices .............................................................................................................. 19
Quality control .............................................................................................................................. 19
PART 6: SURVEILLANCE AND VIGILANCE .............................................................................................. 20
General ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Medical device complaints ............................................................................................................... 20
Distribution records .......................................................................................................................... 20
Field corrective action (FCA) and field safety notice (FSN)............................................................... 21
Recall................................................................................................................................................. 21
1. The objective of this document is to ensure the quality, safety and performance of
medical device during all aspects of medical device supply-chain, which include, but not
limited to, product sourcing and procurement; transportation and delivery; storage;
installation, commissioning, service and maintenance, calibration and after sales service;
tracking, documentation and record-keeping practices.
3. In this document, unless the context otherwise requires
active medical device means any medical device as defined in First Schedule of
Medical Device Regulations 2012;
adverse effect means any debilitating, harmful or detrimental effect that the
medical device has been found to have or to be likely to have on the body or
health of humans when such a medical device is used by or administered to
adverse event means any event or other occurrence, that reveals any defect in
any medical device or that concerns any adverse effect arising from the use
MDA/RR No 1: November 2015
Authority means the Medical Device Authority established under Medical Device
Authority Act 2012 (Act 738);
customer complaint means any written, electronic or oral communication that
alleges deficiencies related to the identity, quality, durability, reliability, safety or
performance of a medical device that has been placed on the market;
distribution means the activities of pre (release), placement (delivery) and postdelivery of medical devices conducted by the establishment;
distributor means any natural or legal person in the supply-chain who, on his
own behalf, places a medical device on the market and further the availability of
the medical device to the end user including persons in the supply-chain involved
in activities such as storage and transport on behalf of the authorized
representative, importer or distributor;
field corrective action (FCA) is an action taken by a manufacturer to reduce a
risk of death or serious deterioration in the state of health associated with the use
of a medical device, which may include
building finishes;
define the organization structure with the aid of an organizational chart and
indicate the responsibility, authority and interrelationship of all key personnel;
define the duties and responsibilities with written job descriptions for every
level of the organization;
ensure managerial and technical personnel have the authority and resources
needed to carry out their duties; and
set up and maintain a GDPMD regulatory compliance system and identify and
correct deviations from the established system.
identify the processes needed for the GDPMD regulatory compliance system
and their application for all categories of medical devices, regardless of the
type or size of the organization;
determine criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and
control of these processes are effective in ensuring compliance;
(vii) implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and maintain the
effectiveness of these processes to ensure compliance;
(viii) manage the processes in accordance with the regulatory requirements; and
6. (1) The establishment shall establish and maintain a Regulatory Compliance
Manual which shall include the following information
Document control
7. (1)
(2) All documents shall be prepared, approved, signed and dated by an authorized
(3) The establishment shall give appropriate authorization on any change on
authorized person permitted to carry out the task in sub-clause (2).
(4) When a document has been revised, the control system shall prevent
unintended use of the superseded version.
no less than two years from the date that the medical device is
shipped from the establishment, whichever is the longest.
establish the interrelation between all personnel who manage, perform and
verify works that affect quality, safety and performance of medical device and
shall ensure the independence and authority to perform these tasks.
Designated person
9. The establishment shall appoint a designated person who shall have the defined
responsibility and authority that includes
Management review
10. The management shall
ensure the review includes assessment of the status of compliance and the
need for changes; and
Review input
11. The input for management review shall include
customer complaints/feedback;
changes that could affect the GDPMD regulatory compliance system; and
Review output
12. The output from the management review shall include any decisions and actions
related to
resource needs.
15. (1) The establishment shall determine, provide and maintain the infrastructure
needed to achieve conformity to specified requirements which includes, as applicable
ensure that the premises and equipment used are suitable , secure, safe
and adequate in accordance with the manufacturer and regulatory
requirements to ensure proper conservation and distribution of medical
Work environment
16. The establishment shall, as applicable
ensure that all personnel who are required to work temporarily under special
environmental conditions within the work environment are appropriately
trained or supervised by a trained person; and
establish and maintain written agreement with the relevant party pertaining to
supply of information required for regulatory matters relating to medical
devices it deals with.
Communication channels
19. The establishment shall
Receipt of stock
20. The establishment shall
(2) Where quarantine status is ensured by storage in separate areas, these areas
must be clearly marked and access restricted to authorized personnel.
(4) Medical device presenting special risks of abuse, fire or explosion (such as
combustible/flammable liquids and solids and pressurized gases) should be stored in a
dedicated area(s) that is subject to appropriate additional safety and security measures.
(5) Broken or damaged medical device should be identified and withdrawn from
usable stock and stored separately.
Stock rotation
22. The establishment shall
separate medical devices beyond their expiry date or shelf life from usable
stock and clearly labeled ; and
Delivery to customers
23. The establishment shall
ensure that the medical device bears a type, batch or lot number, model and
serial number or other elements of identification as well as name, trade name
and address of the manufacturer and/or distributor organization;
ensure the designated medical devices should only be sold and/or distributed
to persons or entities that are entitled to acquire such medical devices as
specified by the regulatory requirements by obtaining the proof of such
authority prior to the distribution of medical devices to such person;
(vii) ensure the delivery of medical devices adhere to the conditions specified by
the manufacturer;
(viii) establish adequate and specialized methods of delivery to achieve safe and
secure delivery of medical device from the point of collection to the point of
delivery; and
ensure the delivery of medical devices which present special risks of abuse,
fire or explosion are stored in safe, dedicated and secure areas, and
transported in safe, dedicated and secure containers and vehicles, and shall
comply with the applicable regulatory and/or statutory requirements.
ensure that medical device which does not conform to essential principles of
safety and performance as stipulated in Act 737 and its subsidiary legislations,
is identified and controlled to prevent its unintended delivery and use;
define the controls and related responsibilities and authorities for dealing with
nonconforming medical device in a documented procedure;
(vii) maintain records of the nature of nonconformities and any subsequent actions
taken, including concessions obtained from the manufacturer and the
Authority; and
(viii) take action appropriate to the effects, or potential effects, of the
nonconformity, when nonconforming product is detected after delivery.
ensure, if the medical device have not been immediately sent for disposal, they
shall be kept in a clearly segregated, safe and secured area and identified in
accordance with regulatory requirements and any other applicable statutory
requirement; and
26. (1)
no less than two years from the date that the medical device is
shipped from the establishment, whichever is the longest;
(2) Records including expiry dates and batch records shall be part of a secure
distribution documentation enabling traceability.
Specific traceability requirements for implantable medical devices
27. (1) The establishment shall establish a tracking record for all implants especially
the following high-risk medical devices down to patient level
(2) If tracking is not possible for any individual medical devices (e.g. the tracking
does not have the patients consent), the tracking system is still required as follows
the date of the medical device was put into service or implanted into
a patient, and
the date the device permanently retired from use or for an implanted
medical device, the date it was explanted.
(3) The establishment shall submit surveillance reports to the Authority at least
once a year for all the above stated medical devices.
Outsourced activities
29. The establishment shall
ensure control over outsourced process within the scope of the GDPMD;
ensure the type and extent of control applied to the supplier are dependent on
the impact on meeting the requirements of GDPMD;
clearly label any counterfeit, adulterate, and tampered medical devices found
in the distribution network as Not for Sale or other similar phrases/words;
the implementation of release of medical devices, their delivery and postdelivery activities; and
establish and maintain a record for each batch of medical devices that
provides traceability and identifies the amount assembled and the
amount approved for distribution; and
Assembly documents
32. The establishment shall ensure
batch assembly record is kept for each batch or part batch assembled which
carries the batch number and the quantity of bulk medical devices to be
the assembly shall be made or completed at time each action is taken to trace
all significant activities concerning the assembly of medical device; and
Materials control
33. The establishment shall ensure
for each delivery, the incoming medical devices are checked for integrity of
package and seal, for correspondence between delivery note and the suppliers
labels, and for compliance with quality specification;
medical devices with breached primary package are not used for secondary
bulk containers from which quantities of the medical devices have been drawn
are clearly identified;
medical devices requiring special storage conditions are placed in areas which
are designed and equipped to provide the desired conditions;
(vii) the storage and conditions are continuously monitored and recorded;
(viii) the actual storage temperature are expressed quantitatively;
MDA/RR No 1: November 2015
the purchase, handling and control of all packaging materials are accorded
attention similar to that given to starting materials;
(xii) different medical devices shall not be packaged in close proximity unless there
is physical segregation.
34. The establishment shall ensure the repackaged medical devices bear all original
labeling (including instruction for use, label and any other information sheet or leaflet,
etc) and all labeling information, except for quantity and the distributor identity.
Good assembly practices
35. The establishment shall ensure
all medical devices and materials used for assembly are checked before use by
a designated person for quantity, identity and conformity with the packaging
(vii) the parts of assembly equipment/apparatus that come into contact with the
medical devices do not affect the quality of the medical devices and present
any hazard; and
(viii) control equipment shall be calibrated and checked at defined intervals and
adequate records of the calibration shall be maintained.
Quality control
36. The establishment shall ensure
the process of secondary assembly shall not compromise the conformity of the
medical device to essential principles of safety and performance, as stipulated
in Act 737 and its subsidiary legislations.
(2) The establishment should put in place a system by which the complaints, the
response received from the medical device manufacturer, or the results of the
investigation of the complaint, are shared with all the relevant parties.
Distribution records
39. The establishment shall
the name of the device, its class and its identifier, including the identifier of
any medical device that is part of a system, test kit, medical device group,
medical device family or medical device group family.
establish documented procedures for handling of FCA and field safety notice
inform all customers to whom the medical device was distributed with the
appropriate degree of urgency;
inform overseas counterparts on the FCA and FSN if the medical devices are
(vii) request that the affected medical devices be removed immediately from usable
stock and stored separately in a secure area until they are disposed of in
accordance with manufacturers instructions; and
(viii) maintain records of all actions taken in connection with the FCA and FSN and
their approval by the manufacturer and the Authority.
41. The establishment shall
the progress of a recall process should be recorded and a final report issued,
which includes a reconciliation between delivered and recovered quantities of
the investigation;
(2) Each incident report shall lead to a final report where corrective actions are
Internal audits
43. The establishment shall
a documented procedure, defining the responsibilities and
requirements for planning and conducting audits and reporting of the results
and maintenance of the audit records;
plan an audit program, taking into consideration the status and importance of
the processes and areas to be audited, as well as the results of previous
Corrective action
44. The establishment shall
evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur;
reviewing the corrective action taken and its compliance with GDPMD and
regulatory requirements.
Preventive action
45. The establishment shall
MDA/RR No 1: November 2015
Scope of GDPMD Certification
(1) The GDPMD certification shall specify the following
scope of activities performed by the establishment and medical devices dealt with
by the establishment;
any special storage and handling conditions, such as chill room or cold room for
cold chain management; and
applicable sections of the Medical Device Act 2012 (Act 737) and its subsidiary
information on all premises (which include name, address and contact information
of all the premises), if applicable, which are involved in performing any outsourced
activities within the scope of GDPMD certification of the establishment and the
activities they perform.
(3) The certificate issued by the conformity assessment body (CAB) shall bear the following
particulars of CAB issuing the certificate which include the name and address,
company logo, registration number and the name and signature of the certification
manager of the CAB; and
particulars of the certificate issued to the establishment which include the number,
validity and expiry date of the certificate.
(4) Scope of activities for establishment (including those activities that are outsourced) to be
certified include anyone or combination of the following activities
secondary assembly;