Hedayat Zolfaghari, Fakr Riahi-Amini, Parviz Azmoun, Pari Azmoun, Massoud Djahanbani, Kaveh Farboud, Parvaneh Farboud, Parviz Khabir, Manijeh Khabir, Issa Malek, Amir F. Momtaz, Mohammad R. Momtaz, Shaheen Masseri, as Trustee for Nazari and Shirin Atabaki, Faradj Panahy, as Trustee for His Daughter Yasmin Panahy, Lili C. Panahy, as Trustee for Nosrat Mahmoudi Chaicar, Nini Tavallali, as Trustee for Nosrat Mahmoudi Chaicar Nini Tavallai, Jalal C. Tavallali, and Batool Tajbaksh, Feresteh Razaghitajbaksh, Manoucher Tajbaksh v. Houshang I. Sheikholeslami, Moore, Libowitz & Thomas, a Partnership of Richard W. Moore, Michael S. Libowitz and Steven A. Thomas, Howard S. Margulies, Jenkins & Block, a Partnership of Robert Jenkins and Bruce Block, Mark Greenberg, Charlotte Clott, Alisa L. Clott, 943 F.2d 451, 4th Cir. (1991)

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943 F.

2d 451
Fed. Sec. L. Rep. P 96,192, RICO Bus.Disp.Guide 7817

Hedayat ZOLFAGHARI, Fakr Riahi-Amini, Parviz Azmoun,

Azmoun, Massoud Djahanbani, Kaveh Farboud, Parvaneh
Parviz Khabir, Manijeh Khabir, Issa Malek, Amir F. Momtaz,
Mohammad R. Momtaz, Shaheen Masseri, as Trustee for
and Shirin Atabaki, Faradj Panahy, as Trustee for his
daughter Yasmin Panahy, Lili C. Panahy, as Trustee for
Nosrat Mahmoudi Chaicar, Nini Tavallali, as Trustee for
Nosrat Mahmoudi Chaicar; Nini Tavallai, Jalal C. Tavallali,
Batool Tajbaksh, Feresteh Razaghitajbaksh, Manoucher
Tajbaksh, Plaintiffs,
Houshang I. SHEIKHOLESLAMI, Moore, Libowitz &
Thomas, a
Partnership of Richard W. Moore, Michael S. Libowitz and
Steven A. Thomas, Howard S. Margulies, Jenkins & Block, a
Partnership of Robert Jenkins and Bruce Block, Mark
Greenberg, Charlotte Clott, Alisa L. Clott, DefendantsAppellees.
No. 89-2460.

United States Court of Appeals,

Fourth Circuit.
Argued Oct. 2, 1990.
Decided Aug. 22, 1991.

Jan Schneider, Robert Alan Burka, Knopf & Burka, Washington, D.C.,

argued (Morton A. Sacks, Cable, McDaniel, Bowie & Bond, Baltimore,

Md., on brief), for plaintiffs-appellants.
Robert Wilson Hawkins, Ginsburg, Feldman and Bress, Washington,
D.C., argued (John C. Grabow, Ginsburg, Feldman and Bress,
Washington, D.C., on brief for defendant-appellee Sheikholeslami;
Samuel Blibaum, Daniel W. Quasney, Wartzman, Omansky, Blibaum &
Simons, Baltimore, Md., on brief, for defendant-appellee Greenberg;
Ronald W. Fuchs, Eccleston and Wolf, Baltimore, Md., on brief, for
defendant-appellee Margulies; Paul W. Grimm, Terri Lee Reicher, Jordan,
Coyne, Savits & Lopata, Baltimore, Md., on brief, for defendant-appellee
Jenkins & Block; Kieron F. Quinn, J. Stephen Simms, Quinn, Ward and
Kershaw, P.A., Baltimore, Md., on brief, for defendant-appellee Moore,
Libowitz & Thomas; Robert B. Schulman, Schulman, Treem, Kaminkow
& Gilden, Baltimore, Md., on brief, for defendant-appellee Clott) for
Before HALL, PHILLIPS and MURNAGHAN, Circuit Judges.
MURNAGHAN, Circuit Judge:

The First American Mortgage Corporation (FAMCO) was a substantial

enterprise that engaged in multiple frauds. It was ostensibly in the business of
originating and servicing second mortgages, and of selling the mortgages and
interests in mortgage pools to investors. Often its loans were improper. It
misrepresented the nature and safety of its mortgages, and it sold the same
mortgages more than once to several different investors. Its collapse
precipitated considerable litigation from defrauded corporate investors. Michael
Clott, the mastermind of FAMCO, is currently serving a 12 year prison
sentence, and criminal charges are either pending or have led to the
incarceration of several of his top lieutenants.

The plaintiffs in this action, who have advanced securities act and Racketeer
Influenced Corrupt Organization (RICO) act claims, are not among the class of
sophisticated institutional investors. They are a group of Iranian immigrants,
many of whom do not even speak English. Some of them may have been
dispossessed of their life savings by the FAMCO enterprise. As the district
court has recognized, common law fraud may well have existed. Yet, of course,
when assessing whether there has been a breach of the federal Racketeer
Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act, 18 U.S.C. 1961, et seq., that is not

enough. The defendants against whom RICO charges have been leveled are
natural persons who were associated with FAMCO in various capacities. At the
summary judgment stage, we take it that any of the defendants could have been
in a position to stop FAMCO in its tracks and that each of them was in a
position to blow the whistle. The defendants variously contend that they were
ignorant of FAMCO's wrongdoing, that they believed Michael Clott's
protestations of rectitude, that they thought discovered irregularities were
isolated, and, moreover, that they owed no duty to the plaintiffs and the public.

As frequently in the case of fraud, there is no direct evidence that the

defendants intended to commit fraud. The district court found that a "fair
minded" jury could not find criminal intent, and so granted defendants' motion
for summary judgment as to the RICO counts.

The plaintiffs, to establish a RICO claim, chose between two courses of

proceeding. They sought to prove, but failed to do so sufficiently to withstand
summary judgment, that there was a criminal association-in-fact separate from
FAMCO. They did not pursue, but might have succeeded in showing, enough
disputed facts to survive summary judgment, proceeding on a theory that
FAMCO's affairs, affecting interstate commerce, had been conducted directly
by the defendants or some or one of them through a pattern of racketeering

Having earlier held that FAMCO investment instruments were not "securities,"
there being no further federal claims or diversity jurisdiction, the district court
dismissed the suit. The instant appeal was then filed.


The plaintiffs attacked on the basis of 18 U.S.C. 1962(c) which states that:

7 shall be unlawful for any person employed by or associated with any enterprise
engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate ... commerce, to conduct or
participate, directly or indirectly, in the conduct of such enterprise's affairs through a
pattern of racketeering activity....

There are two manners of doing so. The plaintiffs could have sought to prove
that FAMCO was an interstate enterprise infiltrated by one or more of the
defendants to conduct its affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity. Or
the plaintiffs could have endeavored to show the defendants had participated in
an ongoing criminal organization amounting to an enterprise of individuals and
entities associated in fact to engage in fraudulent acts. United States v. Griffin,

660 F.2d 996, 999 (4th Cir.), cert. denied, 454 U.S. 1156, 102 S.Ct. 1029, 71
L.Ed.2d 313 (1982).

Although the reach of RICO has been extended to include wholly illegal
organizations, United States v. Turkette, 452 U.S. 576, 101 S.Ct. 2524, 69
L.Ed.2d 246 (1981), the original core purpose of the Act was to prevent and
remedy the criminal misuse of legitimate businesses. See D. Smith & T. Reed,
Civil RICO, p 3.01 (1990). So legality or illegality of FAMCO, on which the
efforts of the plaintiffs were focused, under 1962(c), was not an essential
question requiring decision. Nevertheless, in pleading and pursuing their case,
the plaintiffs have sought to prove that there was in being a criminal
association-in-fact separate from FAMCO-as the "association in fact". United
States v. Griffin.1


The plaintiffs, in short, did not choose to pursue a supportable route to avoid
summary judgment against them, and we should not replead their case for
them.2 Rather, they have pled and structured their case as alleging that the
defendants' enterprise was an associated-in-fact illegal enterprise.


The district court granted summary judgment as to the claims for the
defendants because it believed that "the facts of record here 'taken as a whole
could not lead a rational trier of fact to find for the non-moving party.' "
(quoting Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. v. Zenith, 475 U.S. 574, 587, 106
S.Ct. 1348, 1356, 89 L.Ed.2d 538 (1986)). Although the district court accepted
that there was evidence that the defendants' acts may have constituted common
law fraud, it determined that there was not more than a "scintilla" of evidence
that the defendants acted with the specific intent to participate in the overall
RICO criminal enterprise.



In dismissing the plaintiffs' claims under federal securities laws, the district
court relied on cases holding that "FAMCO-originated mortgage loans are not
'securities' as defined by both federal and state law." E.g., First Financial
Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n v. E.F. Hutton Mortgage Corp., 652 F.Supp.
471 (W.D.Ark.1987), aff'd, 834 F.2d 685 (8th Cir.1987). It was understandable
that the district court did so. In their complaint, the plaintiffs referred to their
understanding that they were buying "notes secured by first mortgages."
However, on close perusal, it would not appear proper to dispose of the case on
the basis of that understanding alone, since other factual allegations clearly
before us on the defendants' motion for summary judgment point in another
direction. The evidence, though factually disputed, would support, if accepted

by the jury, a conclusion that we deal not simply with FAMCO-originated

mortgage loans. We may be faced with combined mortgages operating as
security for a mutual fund investment.

In United Housing Foundation, Inc. v. Forman, 421 U.S. 837, 853, 95 S.Ct.
2051, 2061, 44 L.Ed.2d 621 (1974), the Supreme Court set out the "touchstone"
test for whether an investment constitutes a "security":an investment in a
common venture premised on a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived
from the entrepreneurial or managerial efforts of others. By profits [we mean to
include] participation in earnings resulting from the use of investors' funds....


Id. at 853, 95 S.Ct. at 2061. A note secured by a mortgage on a single home is

typically not a security because the return on investment therefrom is not
derived from the entrepreneurial or managerial efforts of others. Reves v. Ernst
& Young, 494 U.S. 56, ----, 110 S.Ct. 945, 951, 108 L.Ed.2d 47 (1990).3
However, participation interests in a managed pool of mortgage notes are
securities, see, e.g., 12 U.S.C. 1719(d) (1990) (authorizing the Government
National Mortgage Association to sell mortgage-backed securities). Such
interests in amalgamated mortgage notes are securities because any profits
realized are derived from the managerial efforts of those who run the pool and
make such decisions as determining which mortgages shall be in the pool, how
the individual notes will be serviced and managed, and other fund decisions.
Thus, a commercial mortgage-maker like FAMCO may sell two different kinds
of investment products to the public: 1) individual notes, which are not
securities; and 2) interests in a managed pool of notes, which are securities.


Thus, reliance upon First Financial may be inappropriate here. In First

Financial, a savings and loan company purchased specific FAMCO mortgages
on designated properties from a third party, E.F. Hutton, who had previously
purchased them from FAMCO. The contract between First Financial and E.F.
Hutton provided that:


Purchaser understands that the mortgage loans have been purchased by Seller in
the secondary market and that Seller is selling the mortgage loans "as is" and is
making no representations and warranties with respect to the mortgage loans
but will assign to Purchaser those representations and warranties which it has
received from the Originator and all of its rights under the Servicing


652 F.Supp. at 473. In addition, First Financial retained "the right to review all
mortgage files and to make on site inspections of the properties securing any

mortgage loan and reject any mortgage loan that does not meet the terms and
conditions of this Agreement...." Id. at 473. What First Financial bought, and, in
point of fact, received, were specific, individual mortgages, evidenced by the
fact that purchasers were expected by the contract to assess the soundness of
the individual loans purchased. The circumstances of the instant case may be
substantially different.

The evidence permits a finding that the plaintiffs here did not purchase
individual loans, but rather, purchased participation interests in a mortgage
backed mutual fund pool run by FAMCO, and as such the plaintiffs were
relying upon FAMCO's "entrepreneurial and managerial efforts" for their profit.
It may be that no one, neither plaintiffs nor defendants, expected the individual
investors to manage the loan portfolios. Perhaps all thought the success of the
investments depended upon FAMCO's skill in managing mortgage based


For example, Sheikholeslami's misrepresentational solicitation letter--upon

which several plaintiffs relied in their decision to invest--has all of the
hallmarks of a mortgage-backed mutual fund security, and the solicitation does
not mention individual notes at all. First of all, the letter speaks of money
"invested with our company," not "through our company." Thus, investors were
solicited to invest in FAMCO, not in individual mortgages. Second, the letter
claims that the investments were guaranteed. Given the nature of the supposed
underlying notes, such a guarantee, to be significant, would have to come from
the efforts of FAMCO, and not from the obligation itself. Finally, the letter
states that "[i]nterest is paid to the depositor at the current bank rate on all
deposits, in addition to the percentage points which are paid to you at the time
of deposit.... You may receive the interest on your investments monthly or have
it compounded on your account." Monthly payments on an individual mortgage
note cannot, of course, be "compounded" on an "account" without managerial
efforts. The jury might find that this was a solicitation for a FAMCO managed
mutual fund--a security--rather than a solicitation for individual notes.


Michael Clott's deposition was not before the district court. It, therefore, plays
no part in our decision here. Since we are remanding for further factual
development, quite possibly by trial, however, the introduction of the
deposition would not be barred.


Thus, viewed at the time the investments were sold, what was involved may
well have been a pooled loan portfolio, not individual mortgages. The facts are
there to support a finding that FAMCO was seeking money from individual
investors for the general use of FAMCO. To be sure, FAMCO's internal

paperwork was structured so as to appear to regulators that individual loans

were "sold" to plaintiffs, but the misleading paperwork apparently was done
only to avoid reporting requirements. It appears that neither the purchasers nor
the sellers may have believed that the transactions were for individual notes.
Moreover, there is a factual basis for a finding that such "loans" were in fact
repeat sold, with the actual notes going to financial institutions (as was the case
in First Financial ) and thus never did belong to plaintiffs. Any notes extant
appear actually to have belonged to the institutional investors. The plaintiffs
here do not appear ever to have owned any notes.

Thus, from a point of view determined as of the time of sale, the investment
instruments in question here may, indeed, have been securities. Although, as a
part of the overall scheme, there did exist some mortgage backed notes that
were not securities, those notes do not appear to have been what the plaintiffs as
investors received. The part of the scheme that did utilize notes was the fraud,
not involving securities, on institutional investors like First Financial. The fraud
on the individual plaintiff investors, however, did not appear to have utilized
notes. Rather, what was sold to the plaintiffs may well have been a
participation interest in a mortgage backed mutual fund type pool investment.
At the least, a jury conclusion to that effect would be sustainable.


While we affirm the summary judgment for the defendants on the RICO claim,
we conclude that summary judgment for the defendants on the securities fraud
claim was not warranted.


Accordingly the judgment is AFFIRMED IN PART AND REVERSED IN



K.K. HALL, Circuit Judge, concurring in part and dissenting in part:


I concur in the majority's affirmance of the dismissal of appellants' RICO

claims. However, I agree with the district court that appellants did not state
cognizable claims for securities fraud; I therefore dissent from the majority's
reversal of the dismissal of those claims.


A note secured by a residential mortgage is not a "security." Reves v. Ernst &

Young, 494 U.S. 56, 110 S.Ct. 945, 951, 108 L.Ed.2d 47 (1990). It is not
magically transformed into a security when it is fraudulently sold. Which
comes first, the security or the fraud? The majority seems to hold that it does

not matter, but it must. Tafflin v. Levitt, 865 F.2d 595, 599 (4th Cir.1989) (the
character of an instrument is determined when it is issued). Though it seems
self-evident, the securities laws protect persons who intend to purchase
securities. If a seller promises to deliver a security to a buyer, but delivers a
widget, he has committed securities fraud. If, on the other hand, the seller
promises a widget but delivers a security, he has committed widget fraud. I just
cannot see how a person who has no intention of buying a security, and is not
promised a security, can be the victim of securities fraud.

I would hold the plaintiffs to the fatal admissions in their complaint. No less
than three times, in paragraphs 17, 27, and 28, the plaintiffs assert that they
thought they were buying mortgage notes. The majority holds that,
notwithstanding these assertions, evidence in the record shows that the
plaintiffs might be able to prove otherwise; consequently, there is a sufficient
issue of material fact to preclude summary judgment. This holding ignores
Barwick v. Celotex Corp., 736 F.2d 946 (4th Cir.1984), in which this court held
that a party cannot create a genuine issue of material fact by contradicting itself.
Moreover, the complaint's allegations are not inadvertent errors; FAMCO's
representation that investors were purchasing mortgage notes is the cornerstone
of the fraud.


Except as noted above, I respectfully dissent.

As we explained in Griffin, in contrast with cases involving wholly criminal

"associations in fact," cases involving legitimate business require only
proof simply of the "legal" existence of the corporation, partnership, or other
legal form of the organization charged. Neither the actual nor ostensible
purpose of such an enterprise would seem directly relevant to proof of a RICO
violation, just so long at it was shown that a defendant was associated with or
employed by the legal entity and that the actual "affairs" of the enterprise were
being conducted by the requisite pattern of racketeering activity.
Id. at 999. A showing of that nature, however, has not been made here. Instead
energy was directed at proving an illegal association-in-fact. It is useless to
speculate that the other alternative might have been pursued, perhaps
successfully. The fact is that it was not.

For an error not raised at the time when the district judge finally rules, at trial
or on summary judgment, to be considered on appeal there must have been very
limited circumstances amounting to plain error and refusal to consider must

result in the denial of fundamental justice. Hutchinson v. Fidelity Inv. Ass'n,

106 F.2d 431, 436 (4th Cir.1939). See Stewart v. Hall, 770 F.2d 1267, 1271
(4th Cir.1985). In other words, there must have been some basis for charging
the district judge with knowledge which the party seeking to raise the point had
failed to communicate to the district judge. United States v. Barge Shamrock,
635 F.2d 1108, 1111-12 (4th Cir.1980), cert. denied sub nom. Shell Oil Co. v.
United States, 454 U.S. 830, 102 S.Ct. 125, 70 L.Ed.2d 107 (1981) (error is
"plain" when significant issue "should have been obvious to the parties and to
the trial court"). Judge Harvey was vouchsafed no such knowledge

Reves points out that "a note is presumed to be a 'security.' " 110 S.Ct. at 952. It
also equates "investment" with "security." The role of the plaintiffs has
fundamentally been that of investors. That presumption can be rebutted in case
of a note secured by a mortgage on a home, as distinguished from a mortgage
pool, where, as here, no notes were issued to the plaintiffs

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