1st Grade Syllabus 2016 To 2017

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First Grade Syllabus

Triad Math and Science Academy

2016-2017 School Year
Mrs. Stephanie Ramos
[email protected]

Class Description:
Language Arts: In First grade, students are extending their understanding of the skills of
phonemic awareness and decoding and word recognition. They are also extending their
comprehension and use of conventions for written language. Students read a variety of
texts, listen to literature, and respond to books, poetry, plays, age-appropriate
expository texts, environmental print, and self-selected reading materials. They expand
their oral language skills and their knowledge about recording oral language to express
themselves clearly. As they participate in discussing texts and constructing texts, they
expand their store of words. They begin to use new vocabulary and formats for their
written products as a result of their examination of models of speaking and writing. First
grade students will: read a variety of texts in different settings, respond to texts in
different ways, use conversational and literary language to express themselves, and
begin to develop effective listening and speaking skills. Text used: Reading Wonders.
Math: Goals and major concepts/skills for the First Grade Math Curriculum: number
sense 0-200, single and double digit addition and subtraction, time, standard
measurement, fractions, collecting and displaying data, basic geometric 2D and 3D
shapes, Text used: My Math series.

Science: The focus for First Grade students is on exploring the world around them with a
use of the Scientific Method. The observations that students make, provide evidence
and data on which to base their scientific explanations and guide student learning of all
goals on the unifying concepts of evidence, explanation, and measurement. Themed
units of Weather, Solids and Liquids, Comparing and Measuring, and Organisms will be
Social Studies: Students continue to develop concepts, generalizations, and skills
introduced in kindergarten as they learn about their neighborhood and community, and

extend their knowledge of others throughout the world. They examine a variety of
neighborhoods and recognize the multiple roles of individuals and families. Students
explore characteristics of the local government while expanding their understanding of
justice, authority, and responsibility. They analyze and evaluate the effects of change
and become more aware of diversity and cultural traditions throughout communities.
Goals in First Grade focus on cultures and diversity, community and rules, geographic
relationships, economics and development, government, and citizenship.
7:15AM- Doors Open
7:45AM- Announcements & Morning Meeting
8:30AM- Literacy Block
9:20AM- Specials
Monday- PE
Tuesday- Media
Wednesday- Computers
Thursday- Art
Friday- Music
10:09AM- Literacy Block
10:57AM- Lunch
11:45AM- Math
12:39PM- Math Centers
1:27PM- Snack & Science/Social Studies

Behavior Plan
All classroom accommodations listed within the Individualized Education Plan
(IEP) for students with disabilities will be adhered to.
Student Expectations: Students will gain self-independence through being
responsible for their own behavior, completing work, and showing respect for adults and
other students with a can do attitude.
Behavior and Discipline: Our school-wide Code of Conduct is always in place (Refer to
your childs TMSA Student Handbook and my welcome packet).
Classroom Rules: We will establish, together, a short set of classroom rules to adhere
to in first grade. All rules fall under four primary expectations:



Communication: Behavior concerns will be communicated via phone calls, emails

and/or notes in the homework binder. We will also use Class Dojo.

Teacher/Parent Communication: We as teachers, at TMSA, strive to maintain an

open line of communication. Please feel free to use any/all of these listed below.

Weekly Newsletters via the teachers website; including news, important dates,
reminders, and announcements.
Daily communication: Please check your childs book bag or binder for any
papers that I may send home or notes from me.
Class Dojo notifications.
Progress Reports and Report Cards.
Emails will be replied to within 48 hours.
By phone. Calls will be returned within 48 hours.
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Two per year (One Fall and one Spring ) and others
as needed.

Homework: Homework is an important part of ensuring your child has a successful

school year. It enables your child to independently practice what was learned in school.
Parents are welcome to help guide their child in their homework. Homework will be
given on Monday and returned on Friday. Please ensure that your child keeps up with
practice of the spelling words in readiness for the spelling test on Friday. Homework will
be counted as part of your childs grade. No homework will be given on Fridays unless it
is make-up work or a family project.
Reading Log: Reading is foundational to education and especially for First Grade
students. It is important for them to practice and use the reading skills they are learning
in class. The Reading Log is essential. Students are encouraged to read every day,
including reading aloud to a parent or guardian.
Absences and Make-up Work: Upon returning to school following an excused
absence, students will receive any make-up work to be completed. I will notify you as to
when the work should be turned in.

Grading System
In Kindergarten and First Grade, we use a numerical grading system, 1-4. We do not
give letter grades.
Numerical grades are determined according to weekly and quarterly tasks and
1. Outstanding 2. Satisfactory

3. Needs Improvement.

4. Unsatisfactory.

***Please read the First Grade Syllabus, sign and return the following
contract. Thank you for your support at TMSA!

Please sign and return this form by

I read and understand Mrs. Wagners First Grade syllabus for the 2016-2017
school year at TMSA.

My child will have access to the internet in order to complete some homework


I approve of the use of photographs of my child on Mrs. Ramos teacher


Yes _____

No _____

Signature _______________________________________________
Printed Name ____________________________________________
Childs Name _____________________________________________

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