Botox in Dentistry

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Review Article

Applications of botulinum toxin

in dentistry: Acomprehensive
Department of Conservative Dentistry
and Endodontics, Sardar Patel Post
Graduate Institute of Dental and
Medical Sciences, Departments of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and
Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental
Sciences, King Georges Medical
University, Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh, 1Conservative Dentistry
and Endodonitcs, Clove Dental,
New Delhi, India

Address for correspondence:

Dr.Smriti Kharbanda,
C2/115(Back Side) Janakpuri,
NewDelhi110058, India.

Sanjeev Srivastava, Smriti Kharbanda1, U. S. Pal2, Vinit Shah3

The horizons of treatment options in dentistry are broadening rapidly. In this scenario,
applications of unconventional treatment options like use of botulinum toxin(BT) are
gaining momentum. The use of BT has been popularly accepted in esthetic procedures
like management of facial wrinkles; however, it has been documented to be successful
in a variety of conditions. Of particular interest to this paper are applications of BT in the
maxillofacial region, concerned to dentistry. BT offers a transient, reversible, relatively safe
treatment option to many conditions of interest to a dental practitioner. Dental surgeons by
their virtue of being extensively aware of the anatomy of faciomaxillary region are a potential
pool of operators who can use BT in their armamentarium with minor skill enhancement and
thus widen the perspective of alternative, minimally invasive options to refractory conditions
or invasive protocols.

Key words: Botulinum toxin A, bruxism, gummy smile, temporomandibular joint disorders

Botulism is a lifethreatening disease first described by
Kerner.[1] It is caused by botulinum toxin(BT) also known
as botulinum neurotoxin produced under anaerobic
conditions by Clostridium Botulinum. Botulinum is one of
the most lethal toxins known and has found applications
in bioterrorism as well.[2] However, botulinum toxin is a
doubleedged sword. Botulinum is the first toxin to be
accepted for therapeutic uses. Since the first therapeutic
use by Scott for strabismus[3] till today, the spectrum of
therapeutic applications of BTs has widened. BTs can be
differentiated into seven types from A toG. However,
commercially available variants are purified exotoxin
and only BT typeA(BTA) and BT typeB(BTB) are
marketed by various brand names.

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BTA is marketed as follows:

Botox(Allergan, Irvine, CA) in the USA
Dysport(Speywood Pharmaceuticals, Maidenhead,
UK) in Europe
Xeomin (Merz Pharmaceuticals, Germany) in Germany
Prosigne(Lanzhou Biological Products Institute,
China) in China.
BTB is marketed as follows:
Myobloc(Elan Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, CA) and
Neurobloc(Elan Pharmaceuticals, Shannon, County
Clare, Ireland).

Mechanism of Action
BT produces a transient dosedependent weakening
of muscle activity.[4] It is a neurotoxin and produces
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work noncommercially, as long as the
author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
For reprints contact: [email protected]

How to cite this article: Srivastava S, Kharbanda S, Pal US, Shah V.

Applications of botulinum toxin in dentistry: A comprehensive review. Natl
J Maxillofac Surg 2015;6:152-9.

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temporary chemical denervation of skeletal muscle

by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine from nerve
endings, which leads to flaccid paralysis. However,
the neuromuscular transmission is reestablished by
sprouting of new axonal terminals and, therefore, the
blockade is temporary. Thus, treatment with botulinum
is actually a palliative approach rather than a curative
option. The toxin has also been shown to prevent
acetylcholine release at parasympathetic nerve terminals.

Doses of BT used for the treatment of a particular
condition depend on the particular brand/preparation
as the unit of one product is not the same as the other.
Instances of botulism have been reported in patients
treated with intramuscular injections at therapeutic
doses.[5,6] However, BTA has been in clinical use since
1967 now, and its safety has been well established.
The two most commonly available types of BTA are Botox
and Dysport. About 2025 units of Botox are equipotent
to 80 units of Dysport. Botox is marketed as singleuse,
sterile 100 Units or 200 Units vacuumdried powder for
reconstitution only with sterile, preservativefree 0.9%
sodium chloride injection USP prior to injection.[7] It is
recommended that the reconstitution should be gentle as
froth arising out of vigorous shaking can lead to surface
denaturation of the toxin.
BT is stored in a frozen vial(24C) until it is ready
to use. Adding 4ml of 0.9% preservativefree normal
saline solution makes injections, and the preparation
should be used within 4h.[8] It is dispensed in small
vials containing 100 U or 500 U. The preferred syringe
is a calibrated 1.0mL tuberculin syringe with a gauge
preference of 2630.[9,10]

Applications of Botulinum Toxin

BT is most commonly known for its cosmetic applications.
Out of all the preparations available in the market, Botox
has received maximum approvals worldwide and is the
most commonly used. While BTB has been accepted by
US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) for cervical
dystonia and hemifacial spasm(HFS), [11] its use is
generally limited to patients developing antibodies to
BTA. BTA finds wider approved spectrum of use. The
uses of Botox as accepted by FDA are as follows:
Temporary improvement in the appearance of
glabellar lines(wrinkles)
Overactive bladder
Urinary incontinence associated with a neurologic

Prophylaxis of headaches in adult patients with

chronic migraine
Upper limb spasticity in adult patients
Cervical dystonia in adult patients(severe neck
muscle spasm)
Severe axillary hyperhidrosis(excessive axillary
Blepharospasm(spasm of the eyelids)
BT has found widespread applications even beyond the
FDA accepted uses. The basic spectrum of applications
is dependent on the mechanism of action of the
neurotoxin. Extensive reviews of the clinical applications
have outlined uses such as HFS, oromandibular
dystonia(OMD), bruxism, rhinitis, sialorrhea, crocodile
tears(lacrimation), pain(most commonly neuralgic
origin), hyperhidrosis, foot dystonia, axial dystonia,
Writers cramp(WC) and other occupational cramps,
Tardive dyskinesia, tremor, spasticity, protective ptosis,
spasmodic dysphonia, benign prostatic hyperplasia, as
well as applications in parkinsonism.[12] Of particular,
interest to this review are applications of BT in dentistry
and head and neck region.

Applications of Botulinum Toxin in

Maxillofacial Region
BT finds varied applications in head and neck region.[13,14]
The uses of BTA in maxillofacial can be broadly divided
into cosmetic and noncosmetic applications. Continuous
research has paved the way for innovative uses of BTA
in dentistry. BTA or Botox offers substantial benefits
as an adjunct to cosmetic dental procedures as well as a
minimally invasive alternative to conditions which are
refractory to routine medical management or require
extensive surgical intervention.
Cosmetic applications

Facial wrinkles
BTA has been most widely accepted for its use to
temporarily treat hyperfunctional facial lines
Forehead rhytids are managed by injecting 1020 U of
BTA injected at least 1cm above the orbital rim with
a general rule of avoiding injecting frontalis without
injecting glabella to reduce the chances of brow
ptosis. The injection site and pattern of injections
vary depending on the desired brow position. It is
preferred to inject lower doses away from the brow
so as to avoid the frozen look
Glabellar lines(frown lines) are generally managed
by 2040 U of BTA divided over five injection sites.
The five injection sites correspond to the area of the
procerus(between the eyebrows above the nasal
bridge), paired injection sites that correspond to

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the corrugator muscles(10mm above the orbital

rim on an imaginary vertical line running through
the medial canthus) and a paired injection site for
superior medial orbicularis(10mm above the orbital
rim approximately in the midpupillary line)
Lateral canthal lines known as crows feet (due to
lateral orbicularis oculi) are generally managed by
superficial injections of 816 U of BTA into the lateral
orbicularis oculi about 1015mm away from the
orbital rim so as to avoid diffusion into extraocular
Eyebrow lift by BTA injections can be managed by
either injecting the glabella alone or injecting the
vertical fibers of lateral orbicularis oculi in a dose of
2040 U or 710 U respectively
Perioral lines, wrinkles around the lips commonly
called the smokers wrinkles are injected superficially
at or above the vermillion border and sparing the
corners of the mouth so as to avoid drooping of the
corners. Aside effect of these injections is difficult
in pronouncing b and p and therefore, these
injections are avoided in public speakers and singers.
Doses are kept low so as to achieve esthetic results
while maintaining function. Typical dose ranges in
56 U; however, doses as low as 12 U per injection
point are advised
Wrinkles on neck(due to platysma muscle) can be
managed by injecting 24 U into six injection points
evenly distributed along the jawline
56 U of BTA injected into mentalis muscle area can
be used to manage cosmetic mentalis dimpling
[Figure1] shows a schematic representation of
injection points of Botox in the facial region.[1518]

Temporalis and masseter muscle hypertrophy

The hypertrophy of temporalis and masseter muscles
is generally associated with clenching or other
parafunctional use of the jaws. The results of BT use in
cases with masseter and temporalis muscle hypertrophy
are very encouraging and appear to be safe and effective
in treating chronic facial pain associated with masticatory
hyperactivity.[17,1922] Injection sites identified by palpation
during clenching receive 12 U of BTA percutaneously in
the thickest part of the muscle.[23]
Dentofacial esthetics and gummy smile
Recently, BT and derma fillers have been used to provide
immediate volume to black triangles formed due to
loss or inadequate interpapillary tissue. [24,25] Derma
fillers along with BT act as volumizers injected into
the interdental papilla to offer a minimally invasive
treatment option as compared to the conventional
therapies which include aggressive gingivectomy or
orthognathic treatment approaches. [26,27] Use of BT is
particularly effective in managing cases of excessive
gingival display due to excessive contraction of upper

Figure1: Schematic representation of botulinum toxin typeA injection sites

on the face. 1Forehead lines: Frontalis muscle, 2Glabellar/frown lines:
Corrugator supercilii and procerus muscles, 3Crows feet (lateral orbital
lines): Orbicularis oculi, 4Perioral lines(smokers lines), gummy smile:
Orbicularis oris muscle, 5Marionette lines: Depressor anguli oris,
6Mentalis dysfunction: Mentalis muscle

lip muscles; primarily levator labii superioris alaeque

nasi.[27,28] A dose of 3 U is recommended at an injection
point known as Yonsei point for injection of BT.[26]

Drooping of corners of mouth

Hyperactivity of depressor anguli oris can lead to
drooping of the corner of the mouth. Injection of BTA
has shown to have positive results in such cases.[29] The
site of injection is on the trajectory of nasolabial fold to
the jaw line. Bilateral injections in doses of about 25 U
is the norm.
Therapeutic applications

Temporomandibular disorders
Temporomandibular joint disorders(TMD) is a term
suggested by Bell[30] and signifies not only disorders of
the temporomandibular joint(TMJ) but also includes a
spectrum of disturbances associated with the function
of masticatory system, which are poorly understood and
often intermingled with other chronic pain disorders.
These set of disturbances have been previously
termed as TMJ dysfunction syndrome, functional TMJ
disturbances, myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome,
and temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome.[31]
TMDs may be myofascial(those related to muscles
themselves) or arthrogenic(those related to TMJ), but
majority of TMDs include a myogenic component[10,32]
and muscular spasticity in relation to bruxism, external
stressors, OMD, and psychomotor behaviors. [33]
Conventional treatment approaches for TMDs include
physiotherapy and exercise, antiinflammatory and
analgesic drugs, muscle relaxants, oral appliances
(mostly stabilization splints), or a combination of these
modalities. Surgery is sometimes indicated but is an
expensive and invasive treatment option. BTA has been

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found to be effective in resolving pain and tenderness

in TMDs. [34,35] It has been proposed as an adjunct
in managing TMDs, particularly in cases involving
muscular hyperactivity. The diverse group of TMDs
those are likely to be benefited by injection of BT includes
the following:[21,36]
Bruxism and clenching
Myofascial Pain
Masseter and temporalis hypertrophy
Although no definite protocol has been proposed, various
case reports have recorded significantly decreased
pain and improved function and mouth opening at
doses ranging from 25 to 150 U of Botox injected
intramuscularly into temporalis and masseter muscles.[37]
Injection of BTA into lateral pterygoid muscle has been
found effective in treatment of recurrent mandibular
dislocation.[3840] Potential sites for BTA injection into TMJ
have been schematically shown in Figure2.

Severe clenching or grinding of teeth is called bruxism
and is often associated with generalized attrition, TMJ
symptoms, headache, and muscular pain. BTA has
been successfully used in cases of bruxism.[41] Injection
of BTA bilaterally into masseter muscles(in a dose
range of 25100 MU per side) has been documented
to significantly reduce the severity of symptoms for
678weeks(mean 1917weeks).[41] In comparison with
oral splint, BTs are equally effective on bruxism and
injections at a dosage of<100 U are safe for otherwise
healthy patients.[42] Use of BTA in sleep bruxism is also
encouraging,[43] and a single injection has been shown to
be effective for at least a month.[44]

Sialorrhea and salivary secretory disorders

Sialorrhea(excessive salivation/drooling) is a common
problem caused by poor oral and facial muscle control.
Treatment options may range from a conservative
medical line to a more aggressive surgical approach.
Effects of BTA on salivary glands have been studied.[45,46]
The injection of BTA into the parotid and submandibular
glands is effective in controlling drooling.[4749] Botox is
administered in a dose range of 3070 U into parotid
gland with a significant reduction in salivary flow
observed in 4weeks. However, the effects fade in about
3months, and repeat injections are often necessary.[48,50,51]
BTA injections have also been shown to be effective in
managing gustatory sweating(Freys syndrome).[46,52]
Repeated treatment improves on the results of primary
Facial nerve palsy
BTA injection treatment was effective in reducing
facial synkinesis, thus improving facial expression
symmetry both at rest and in voluntary movements[54]
One of the complications of facial nerve palsy is
hyperlacrimation(crocodile tears) associated with
salivation due to the aberrant connection between
secretomotor fibers of salivary gland to lacrimal gland.
Injection of BT into lacrimal gland has been successful
in managing this condition.[55]
Facial pain and trigeminal neuralgia
BT has been found to be safe and effective in the
management of pains in maxillofacial region, especially
cervical dystonia and chronic facial pain associated with
masticatory hyperactivity.[22] BTA has been found to be
effective in case of trigeminal neuralgia without major
adverse effects.[56,57] BT is fast becoming a minimally
invasive method of choice in treating trigeminal neuralgia
over other invasive therapies.[58]
BT has been postulated to be therapeutically beneficial
by allowing unimpeded osseointegration of implants.
Stress due to any excessive functional force or any
parafunctional habit may cause implant failure. Thus,
injecting BTA relaxes the masticatory muscles, sparing
the implant leading to unimpeded osseointegration.[59,60]
However, the body of literature supporting the use of BT
in implantology is scarce and warrants further research.[22]

Figure2: Schematic representation of sites for botulinum toxin type A injection

in temporomandibular joint

Oral and maxillofacial trauma

The use of BT in treating injuries affecting the bones in the
maxillofacial region including maxilla, mandible, zygoma,
nasal bone, and orbital bone has shown astonishing results.
In a study done by Kayikioglu et al., temporary paralysis of
masseter muscles allowed for fewer mini plates/microplates

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in the treatment of zygomatic fractures.[61] Use of BTA in

the management of condylar fracture has been strongly
recommended in various reports.[62,63] Higher doses of BTA
may potentially be used as a pharmaceutical splint during
management of fractured facial bone. BTA injections in
anterior belly digastric have been used successfully in
the correction of posttraumatic anterior open bite.[64] BTA
has also been proposed in the management of ranula as a
minimally invasive therapy.[65]

Cancer and palliative care

The application of BTA can improve movement disorders
like synkinesis following reconstructive surgery in
patients with cancers of the parotid gland and as
antispasticity agent in palliative care for severe pain[66,67]
The application of BTA is a minimally invasive treatment
option in various functional disorders, thus improving
the quality of life in patients with head and neck cancers
of different etiologies with minimal side effects.[68]
Denture wearers
Jaw muscles are able to adapt themselves to the changing
functional demands by altering their size, crosssectional
areas, and properties.[69] BTA can be used in such patients
struggling in getting used to a new set of dentures due to
irregular and uncoordinated muscle activity, especially
who have been edentulous for a long period of time by
providing muscle relaxation.[69,70]
Adjunct to orthodontic treatment and to prevent relapse
In some cases, relapse following an orthodontic correction
may occur in patients with strong muscle activity such
as that of mentalis muscle. BTA can be used during
treatment to reduce the intensity of muscle contractions
and muscles can be slowly and gradually trained
posttreatment to a more physiologic movement.[9,71,27]
Diagnostic application
In patients with chronic intermittent toothache, BTA
can be used to verify the origin of pain(muscular or
pulpal), for example in cases with referred pain from
anterior temporalis. Thus, BTA in such cases can be used
prophylactic as well as diagnostic.

General Guidelines
Preparation has to be used within 4 h
The area of the injection has to be covered with a
topical anesthetic cream or can be anesthetized using
Start with a lower dose
Muscles should not be paralyzed completely
Males generally require higher dose due to larger
muscle masses.

The treatment with BT is based on palliative rather than

curative approach as the blockade is temporary. Blockade
lasts for three to 4 months after which there is sprouting of
new axon terminals resulting in return of neuromuscular
function.[72] The general latency for BTA is 1week, and it
is recommended that injection is done no more than once
every 12weeks to avoid development of antibodies against
the toxin. Following application, the clinical effect occurs
within approximately 37days, followed by 12weeks
of maximum effect, which then levels off to a moderate
plateau until full nerve recovery within 36months.[73]
Depending on the target muscle, injection dose is 1050 U
of Botox per site(total of 200 U in the masticatory system).
Maximum of 400 U can be used if other sites in the head
and neck are included in the protocol.

Adverse Effects
In general, adverse reactions are uncommon and
localized. The results from a systematic review with
metaanalysis have concluded that BTXA has favorable
safety across wide spectrum of therapeutic uses. [74]
Botox is administered by injection and dosing depends
on the condition that it is used for. Side effects of Botox
include allergic reactions, rash, itching, headache, neck
or back pain, muscle stiffness, difficulty in swallowing,
and shortness of breath. This can also be accompanied by
nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, injection
site reactions, sore throat, runny nose, ringing in ears, and
increased sweating in areas other than the underarms.[75,76]
The two most common medicationrelated side effects
from BT orofacial injections are alterations in salivary
consistency and inadvertent weakness of the swallowing,
speech, and facial muscles. These complications are
injection sitespecific(e.g.,more common with lateral
pterygoid injections and palatal and tongue muscle
injections) and dosedependent problems.
In some cases, BT effects may be observed at sites beyond
the site of local application, known as the Spread of
toxin effect. The symptoms of such a presentation are
consistent with the actions of BT and include generalized
muscle weakness manifesting as diplopia, dysphagia,
dysphonia, ptosis, and urinary incontinence or even
breathing difficulties. The probability of this spread of
toxin effect is even more in the face as well as head and
neck region due to facial planes and spaces.
BT is classified as category C for use in pregnancy, and its
use is warranted only if the potential benefit outweighs
the potential risk to the fetus. Similarly, use in nursing
mothers is also not recommended routinely. Use of BT
in pediatric age groups should also be restrained, and
FDA guidelines for its use were followed.

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The lethal dose of Botox in humans is not known.

Although it has been estimated to be about 3000 U.[77] The
maximum dose recommended for dental applications
at an injection session is about 80100 U. It means that
30 vials of Botox injected would have a potentially
lethal outcome.

treatment is within his/her scope of practice and has

appropriate training not just to administer but also to
deal with its potential adverse effects.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.

In any known hypersensitive reaction to any of the
botulinum preparations
Allergy to any of the constituents of BTXA or BTXB[9]
Presence of active infection at the proposed injection
Pregnancy and lactation[77]
Patients receiving treatment with aminoglycosides,
anticholinergic drugs or other agents interfering with
neuromuscular transmission or muscle relaxants
should be observed closely because the effect of
Botox may be potentiated
Patients suffering from peripheral motor neuropathic
diseases, sclerosis, or any neuromuscular junction
disorders like myasthenia gravis are at increased risk
for clinically significant adverse reactions and should
be closely monitored
Psychologically unstable patients.[9]





Future Perspective
Although plenty of reports on the use of botulinum in
maxillofacial region are published, quality literature
is scarce.[22,7981] Most of the published reports are case
reports of series and actual randomized control trials
are lacking. While dental surgeons are well placed by
their virtue of knowledge of facial anatomy, further
skill enhancement training is warranted to prepare
them to administer botulinum toxin for therapeutic
uses. Many regulatory bodies in the United States have
already started additional licensure procedures for
practicing Botox in dentistry. The interest among dental
practitioners to practice botulinum is growing, mostly
for esthetic dental reason; however, a majority still reject
the idea due to lack of knowledge and experience.[82]






The journey of BT from a deadly poison to a remarkably

resourceful therapeutic agent has broadened the horizon
of dentistry. BT has certainly been demonstrated to
have significant value in the management of cases
where the patient is unresponsive to less invasive
treatment modalities or in conjunction with them. It
offers a minimally invasive approach to manage and treat
selected suitable cases with minimum complications.
However, the practicing dentist must ensure that the




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