Attendance Management System: (Android App Development)

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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014)

Attendance Management system

(Android App Development)
Sanjay. T

B.Tech IT (4 year), PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India

The application is free to download once released into
Android market. The users should be able to connect to
internet through mobile phone and this would be the only
cost incurred on the project.

AbstractThis electronic document is all about to

generate an android application to calculate the attendance
of the students in colleges and updating the result directly
into the college server. The data will be stored in the smart
phone if the internet connection is unavailable at that time.
When the internet connection is available, then the faculty
can login into their college account and update the
attendance result.

Technical Feasibility
To develop this application, a high speed internet
connection, a database server, a web server and IDE
(such as Eclipse) are required. The current project is
technically feasible as the application was successfully
deployed on android emulator.

Index Terms Feasibility, System design, System

requirements, Features, Screenshots.


Social Feasibility
The application is socially feasible since it requires no
technical guidance, all the modules are user friendly and
execute in a manner they were designed to.

Android has a bad reputation among those who follow

smart phones, for having too many version of OS floating
around. The existing versions of android have bug fixes,
advancements, and more programs. These timely releases
provide better experience to the user, but it is a hassle for
who cant afford to keep updating their phone with newer
versions. It is necessary to reboot the phone and there are
chances that the devices wont work properly after update
because android releases OS specific and device specific


A. Hardware Requirements
Space on disk:


Pentium 4
256 MB

B. Software Requirements
Operating system: Windows XP / Mac OS 10.5.8
: Android SDK Framework
: Eclipse (Juno)
: SDK Version 2.2 or Higher
: Java, Xml
Front End
: Eclipse
Back End
: SQLite

The application created for android OS is user friendly.

This allows faster access of data and also less memory
storage capacity. The applications does not need any
guidance for nave user to use it.
The main purpose of feasibility study is to consider
each and every possible factor associated with the project
and determine whether the investment of time and other
resources yield desired results. It also includes
determining the investments, manpower and costs
incurred on this project. The following feasibility has used
in this project.


Economic feasibility
Technical feasibility
Social feasibility

To generate an application to calculate the

attendance percent of the students in faster time and
updating into the server.
To check and uncheck the attendance of all
Faculties neednt bring their attendance notebook.
The attendance format will be present in our

Economic Feasibility
Economic analysis is the most frequently used method
for evaluating the effectiveness of a new system. The
project is economically feasible as it only requires a
mobile phone with Android operating system.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014)
Can be stored in their account if there is network
problem at that time.
All colleges can be benefited from this.
This application is only for educational purpose.


A. From User point of View

They need to sign up their account. Each faculty
can have an account and register their subject of the
respective colleges. Security and privacy is
They need to enter all names of the students.
It needs a network support when they need to
update into college servers.
The faculties dont need to rely on college campus
as they can update the attendance from their home
Fake account can be generated but they cant
update the attendance into the college server as they
dont know the username and password of their
faculty account of their respective colleges.

Fig 2 Login page

Fig 2 shows the home screen of the application with login

button for registered faculty members with user name and
password and signup for unregistered faculty members.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014)
Fig 4 shows attendance entry page where the faculty
enter the attendance for student. The application allows
the faculty members to calculate the attendance
percentage of the students in faster time and a report is
generated. The teacher can check and uncheck the
attendance entry made for every student. Faculty member
need not maintain an attendance notebook. The
attendance format is available in the application
developed. Report generation of every student is done
and displayed in the staff login.
It is an efficient method to store the attendance in the
smart phone rather than wasting the paper. It also updates
the students report directly on the server reducing the
facultys time on logging from the computer.
I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. R.
Rudramoorthy, Principal, PSG College of Technology,
for providing me an opportunity to do my paper with
excellent facilities and infrastructure, without which this
paper would not have been successful.
I extend my sincere thanks to Dr. V. Mahesh,
Professor and Head of the Department of Information
Technology, PSG College of Technology, for his
unfailing support throughout this project.
I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our
guide, Ms. A. Megala, Assistant Professor, Department
of Information Technology, who was there always to
help me and played a major role in the completion of the
project and I wish to thank her for her enduring guidance
and priceless advice throughout this project.

Fig 3. Admin page

Fig 3 shows login page for faculty members to sign in their

account with name and password.


Fig 4 Attendance entry page


Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike, and Masumi

Nakamura, Programming Android, Second Edition 2009.
Diego Torres Milano , Android Application Testing Guide,
Packt Publishing, 2011
Wallace Jackson, Learn Android App development, Third
Edition, 2010.
DonnFelker, Android Tablet Application Development For
Dummies, john Wiley and Sons,2012

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